; j 'iiiii, ' it lor advertisers. VOL. XXIV. GRAHAM, NtC, -THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1899. NO. 02. low ' . aT r T rmij-w. farysa tr TWm W W JUST . It Mf Efflll Men's .heavy,, solid, - winter tan, Goodyear welt Bals; -English or Bull Dog Toe, $3.00 and $3.50. Ladies' Dongofi Extension Soles, Button and Lace, at - $1.50, $2.00, 2.50 and $3 QQ. ' Q If yon are looking for the best in quality, style and finish, o we can interest you. BIG SHOE STORE, DAVIS & DAVIS, FrVrs, BURLINGTON, N. C. Sk sdy V 'V 1bW , '"yum f 1 Hi it Am thtt Wh!t4 uuwm steel uea In either 54, 46, 4 or - j6io.width. Lenfth 73 Inches. Ithuooe A mch nHlaraatwt If in filler. GueraDCeedtbe -etronsest bed mrfe, A Ortr treet i6o-mM eateloffoe telb of thou. X amw of br(rains in Furniture, Clothing, Bed dn, Crockery, Silverware, Sewing Machines, Clw -ki, Upholstery Goods, Baby Carriages, X Ken aerators. Pictures. Mlrrora. Tin Ware. 1 Stores, etc.. and In buvinsr frnsn tr. maw on m . iron 40 10 00 pT cent en ererruuna uwt ' forget thia .r .:.,.. . r ,, , .... ,- We publish a lithographed catalogue of Car . pets, Rugs. Art Squares, Portieres end Lace painted colors selections can be ntadeas satis- W , tact only as though you wen here at the milL A . ..... w 11 ere s tne celebrated Hides Sewinsr Machine f none better made. Gtau- anteedforao years, Caem ir ite tens you an about it. t rnte (3 Drawer Style), 513.25 Whr h.v. wm I iiili.iMia . In ererv nan oi um Vak tod Sum, I. Canada, t I'orto Rico, aa etrea at - ) far Auxralijt nd Souk We OlIKVlM T Send for wu-r. 0 Jtatnn. , C'ifHM.Iaey wmiaUyeB.Adarejtnbwir A Jclic3 Iltnes fit Don, f 1 BALTSrSHE. BD. ' DDL 809. V ;- tn mr a.; . WOMAN'S WEAPON. "What la woman'! weapon V I anted a charming girl. . ; j Bba aropped bar iagu taylj , And atroked a vagrant eorL Then ronacloiulr she marmaredfr 'inn rtMeona aewij oat - -. ' H hava a atrong anaplolon Bar waapoa la a ponW'Trr- "17bat nj a woman'a weapon r" 1 asKea a lorer irue. . , Bo turned him to a maiden With oyea ol baavoulx bine. - Her velvet lipa ware parted, All Innooeni of anile. r . And eagerly. he anaweredV 1 . "Har weapon la a entile." . len J - s' S v "What la a woman'a weapoaf" " I aikcd a poet then. .. . , With mdden inspiration 1 Be aaiaed upon bla pen. ' - I rxraid name a thotuarjd. Be cried In aeoenta clear. 'But woman'a anreat weapon,, v 1 grant you, ia a tear." ' . . LSt- Ixmla BepnbUs, SECRET OF A STILL. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SJACOBA. LONG, Attorney-at-Law, GRAIiAM. ; - - - N. C -'HmnMona In the Btata and Federal oourta. OiHoe over white, Moore a; Co. 'a atore. Main Htrnxt. 'fnone Mo. k. i - ....... ItHK GBAT BT1WM-. w. , f. Bthukt, Ju. BYNVM & BYNTJ3T, . A'ttorueya and Coanselorei At lu-nr - " GREBN8BOEO, X. 0. Practice reciilarly In the conrta of Ala- m tnce eouDiT. - - " f DR. J, I?. STOCK ArD . t Dentist;: . - GRAHAM, V. C. ; OfBoe at realdenec, iwpttei i;nur'n oppoalte .' R wnrli .fcrfMLWinahljt arinfa. . In nMoe Jioodayi asd Batur. daya. SMothei-s! TBSdiaeom fort and danger of child-birth can be aimoat en- ( tlrely avoided. WmeofCardnl' relieTe ttectant moth era. It giTt rmta thftn in condition to do tbdr rjerfectlr. , That tnakea pregnancy- leas painful, .abortena ' ' labor and haatenarecorery after child-birth. It help a woman -bear 'Strong health children. ! na atao tnrragnt happioeat to tiiouaanda of home Darren for Tears. A few doses often brings J 7 to loving b carta that long f.ir a darling baby. No woman iioold neglect to try it for this trouble. It cure nine caeca out of tea. All druggist sell Wins ''ofCardni. $1.00 per bottler 1 V work etrecltona, adi t " Lidtaa' .1' erftoe aimiiaaiia. ory Dapaitrfl.nl. be, i a fasrea.tasajsi affMlntriaiafCarM w im aaea atarrM (area years, kut ..... t an nave any ahiiarMi. I n t um 1 1U4 a An (in eaby. HZ l!4tt rT aad Oark ' -It l so ' vrn.. r fort oomparative vi t ia poo i try keepings bsooaMdls--edwltbib breed of pool try on id, do matter bow good tb fowl may . If, after a winter of beavy grala ' p and careiaas sitantloa, ll is it d Chat a neighbor bas bad twice i number of" egga from a flock the a aiaa that rccetvM a lea eoatly ra . tb tendcocy i to blame tb bread rt tb next tee eon 'a sitting! from . ,Lbor. Tb troobl may b tb I, bal It is mors likely to resajl i improper feeding or bad manage (. Jt is not aa saay matter to maka ions SFiortina t tb start, and ' Captain James Petara, riding borne from a raid into the moonshine oonnties, stopped at Jared's store and asked for a drink.' A jag was taken from the fhelt and a finger's lepgtb of clear, yellow whisky was pound oat. : ' i '' "No moonebine ip this sto', yon see, esptaio," remarked Mr. Jared. "Hnmph!" And tbe captain's 'keen eyes glanced toward thi loanger in and about tbe store. ' "Beckon if I took a notion I oonld nneartb some mooosbin an spot some moonshiners not for oif." "Captain, yon mustn't be so suspi cions. " ; Captain Peters only laugbed. Be was very good bnmored, this mountain ter ror, except when; as they would say, bis blood was up. Then it was as safe to meet a starring tiger. . "Seems to me's it- yon bad sometbln on your mind," remarked Mrs. Peters tbat same evening. ; TP -;t . "Ve-es," said the captain, "I'm plagned about them Jared boys. I can't ketch 'em nohow." A knock at the door, and a young fel low came' In and shook bands eagerly with tbe captain. His name was Mad dox. Captain Peters bad picked bim up in Nashville -and employed bim Von trial'; jiff Ht. ' .y "I was jest -speabln o tbe Jared s," lie eaid. "I'm pretty snre they're got a still somewhar. Tbey look me in tbe eye too powerful innocent to b all right. , Now I're jost got a notion in jny bead, if I only bad anybody I oonld trust" Mandox drew nlmeeir up alert. watchful as listening sentinel. ".What oan'l be done one way mast be dona an other," said Captain Peters slowly, and be and ifaddox fasd a long, whispered conference. A few days later a peddler stopped at Bleylock's snd asked for a drink of wa ter. Old Mother Bleylock sent Eliza to tbe spring for at fresh bucketful, and the peddles, after refreshing, himself, opened bis paok. - ' s Fears ' if w oughtn't ter trouble yon," she mid, " 'cause we can't bay pin's wnth.'' --r . k Jess lor the pleasure, id am, " said tb gallant peddler, Tbe paok was opened, snd three pain of eye grew big with delight V you'll wait till pa comes borne, I'll make bin buy ms tbat collar, "sstd Janay, tbayonngerof the Bleylock girls. P'raps Dick Oscsr'd buy yoo a pres ent f be was ben, '.' snggested Ell: "If 'tain't makln too free, I'd liks to say I admire Piok Oscar's taste," said tb peddle with an admiring glanos. Janey responded with, "Ob, you boab I" and a lost of bee bead, and old Mother Bleylock mid, "Tb boys most generally always paid Janey a good deal o attention. 8b posaeaeod a bold prMtlnea, this mountain pink. Brown skinned, black eyed, red lipped and way of dropping bat bead on ber swelling neck and look. Ing mntiny from andar ber heavy brows. tUisa was thin slip of a girt witb a demur but vacant look in br bio eyes, and sby, nervoo manner. "I'll toll yon tb truth, ma'am." r- wrksd tb peddler to tbe mother, "yoa could take tbaee girls or yosni lo Nash ville, an peopl In tbe atreets would fol- tbem for their stood that's heaven's own troth, ill yo'Cans- "Lor do; I've got tore boy a" ' 'All at boat farmin. I pestfM -Teas." ' . "Now. Twot tbasa goods o" min," mid th peddler. "If yoa coald pat m ap for a few day, w might maka a trad. I'm ' tired ' a btm bona, aa woalda't want natbla better's to res rigblber." "I'd liks antbia beUer'a to tab yoa. Bat tb' aia't do ass aayla a word till pa giu bom. H aia't ao band for atnoesra. Well, I wont bs a straDgar lcgrsj easj asip. ssid tb sgrvasbls aeddlar. yond a star and a sfTehf nodlooi'littJe notice of tbe peddler. Be was a tall man, thin, taciturn and yellow, and with a neck so small that his bead pre- tented tbe appearanoe of being stack with pin.' . - I,:.:!!-:--. Be lighted bis pipe, and after a sooth. Ing interval of smoking, "Peddler 'd like to stopover a period; " mid his wlfa i . Puff, pn(t. "Don't see no objection. Puff, puff .: Mr.: Pond, as be bad promised, soon eeased to be a stranger. , Tbe old man discoursed on tbe grievances of taxes. ind tbe old womsn, after the mannor ef mother, talked about ber daughter. "My t gel is eddicated," she would say "been over to Cookvilla months an months s scboolln. But lor, tbar's some folk you can't weed the badness out'n, an Janey 'a : spitfire, she is. Beem's if Dick Oscar wants to bare ber, but be acts kinder carious about It- blow hot,- blow cold. , Danno. Now, Lizy Is difforent Can't tell why, leas'n 'tis tbat I went to camp meetin an profemed s while befo the. was bom Somehow she's always been delicater an quieter like'n any of my obildren." -Tbe Bleylock boys, easy, rollioking fellows, treated the peddler wery bsuchj as II be bad been a b armless though un necessary cat about the bouse and mere surprised when Dick Osoar, dronplng in one evening, Informed them tbartbe wets all a pack of fools for "takln in. a stranger so free and easy.''- ' "Wby. I ain't paid no more attention to the man 'n If he'd 'a' been a preaob er," said Bain Bleylock. ' "Seems's if tbar ain't no harm to btm. A "Be't a very God fearin man," said Kliia softly, ,J,an a powerful reader o' tbe Bible." ... .; - " 'F you'll take my say so, you'll git quit o' him," ssid Dlok Osoar. "He's got auob beautiful taste," said Mother Bleylock. "It's as good's join to tbe city to look at bis things." ..' . -. "I see he's a-dressin yon np," ssid Oscar, with a sneer at tbe new ribbon th girls won round their neok. Janey sprang up. Her face red In an Instant sbe'bad torn off the rib bon and stamped ber foot an It. "That' bow muoh I can for bim an bis rib boos I" she cried. ' "Don't fly quite off the handle," mid Mr. Oscar coolly, . . .Poor Janey.. She bad hoped to please ber lover by ber scorn of tbe peddler's gift, bat sbe was coming to tbe conclu sion tbat ha was a bard man to please. Sbe was a passionate young animal, and. she bad thrown herself into bis arms witb a readiness tbat robbed her self of ber graoes. Be liked to sting and stroke ber alternately. and was about as unsatisfactory a lover - a Janey could bare found on tbe Cumberland. Bat tbe liked bim, saw witb . bit eyes, thought witb his thoughts. Natnnlly sbe turned against tbe peddler, and from this time set herself to watoh bim. ' Tbat btrmleBt young man in tbe meantime wat doing what be could. He wandered about the- country, .selling snob little things as tbe people . could buy, "pumping" tbe Bleylock boys and making love to the Bleylock girls. Ths pumping process wsa rewarded with about as muoh success is would attend fishing for soul through tbe eys of skeleton. In the lovemtklng there was more bope. '"v."---- v .. Janey was accessible to flattery and encouraged bim wiib little looks of fire. " But then was something in ber eye be did not trust, snd be was a wary man,- tbe peddler. Besides, tbe slapped bis. face when b tried to kits ber. . Bot be soon gnw to believe tbat Elira simple, vnsospiclout, serious1 would be as clay in bis bands. Cbsnos favored Mia Jsney. Sbe was bathing one warm day in tb creek tbat nn out from tb spring wben ths saw Elixa and the peddler coming, liks Jack and Jill, to fetch a pail of water.-: Be ing naked, Janey could not get away, but Abe slid along to a cool inlet over hung witb tree branches and so bidden waited for them to do tbelr errand. Of poor tbey stopped to talk. , ; ... , ;? "Tbat' plus, ribbon become your black hair mightily," said tbe peddler. Ellaa blasbed. "We're Just country girls, yoo know, Mr. Pond. We don't bare many pretty things. Seems as if tb boys don't bav any money left after. buylD tb sugar an flour, an molasses an things.". Meet, I s'pote," mid tb practical ptddler. . - "No; w rales our own meat. Pa hat a powerful lot o' bogs." "But I expect yon don't tak mock Interest in country life, Mr. Pond?" " '"Wbv. m dear" and Mr. Pond slipped bis arm around Elixa "I'd Ilk tb beat in tbe world to et tie down In country jost lik this, A fallow git tired txampin around. But I'd want two thing to maka m happy." jut looaea at sua. wna nappy on- ndsrjo. .if.;--..- . , First, a little wifs that was gent! in ber ways, an a good religious girl. sa on witb blsck hair to set off tbe pink ribblns I'd bay for ber, an s fleet foot an a red mouth." ' . ' Her Mr. Pond cam to a foil stop Witb s kiss. - .. th other tbingr wkb a bright Tb ptddler gnw practical again. Wail, it's antbin Don's some) way to maka s Mvin. Now, say 1 married s sweet girl up tb Oumbarlasd aa mad a littl crop. It' too fir to git If to market. I might torn It Into Whisky. btn) lately gcVments toned meddler. i a-bnakia still right aa left through tb sounsry. " , "Tbey oo bid 'ens scesetiisea,"' said EUsa la a faalf whisper, "so t a bioodboasd oold hardly soeet 'ot. Aa vary good baaisee it is, aa tb bogs Uv oa tb ABash." Oo yoa know sny secb sUU, my littl darlinr Bat tb drew baekalilll. "Xfloo fcaow o' aay,Nb mid, "Iv proalaed not to tall o W "Not to tb asaa a togma to s yoaar heafcaindr Not to bin aatil b it sty ba blaabing, bat naolsto, EUsa SIM ber paU aad (Urted for tb tbey next met. Before she could ap proaob tb subject of wbicb she wat fail stinging wards bad psssed between them, .. , , : "Dick," mid Janey hoarsely, "d'you mean tbat yon'n goin beck from your word ; tbat yon ain't a-goin to marry me?" . . "Marry h II" laid Mr. Osoar, and be walked off. ; "I want to tpeak (o yoa," said Janey that night to ' tbe peddler. "Can yoa git op in tbe mornla befo' tbe folks it stirriDf" " "Of course I can, when it'ttomeet a gal like you.", . Privately be wondered at ber pallor and lurid eyes.. . -(, i . .Morning cam. A tba stars wan drowsily getting out of tbe sun's way,. Janey and the peddler met by the spring. . T:z , .- "You needn't lie to me." Mid tb harshly. .".I've fonnd yon oak You're op tbe Cumberland spyin for wildcat stills. I'll tske yoo to on,"- "Bot, my dear, it this a trapf I'm notbln bat a poor, barm loss peddler.'1 . "Come, then, my harmless peddler," said tbs girl, with a sneer, "an I'll show yon sometbln to make your mouth water.'!, r,-,;-, u Sbe ' struck through : tbe woods, and be followed, alternately, blessing and Wondering at bis look. What thread led bar be knew not Fallen log lay in tbe way, tblckets opposed, dens foliage bid ll signs of paths, bot on sbe went, aboveHBTound, amid, athwart obstacles oi every aina. Ana nnsiiy, girdled ana guarded , by trees and rocks, was tbs bidden still, wbera tba corn was obang. sd into to flowing moonshine tbat maketh glad the bear! of man. Tbe peddler oonld hardly keep back a shoot Hs bad won bis spurs. It wat a much larger concern than ba bad ex. pected. Some bogs wen rooting about tbe sodden earth. The monotonous drip ping of water mingled witb tbe grnntt of tbese poetio animals. Janey leaned against a rock breathing peddler thought h wonli about as toon louoh a Wildcat a speak to ber. Nevertheless he did. -"B'long t' your folksf" be mid. "'T b'longt to Dick Oscar,, an yoo know It, " mid tb girl fiercely. "Now I'm goiu back home." "Yo don't know of any mora tucb," mid the Insatiate peddler, "lyln round loose up bere?" "I've done enough. . An look here. Keep your tongue between your teeth.. Tell tbat I fecqbed yon here, an yoa won't see m anymore aan ap witb them spyin eyes." v'.-. i-,. " Mr, Pond Wat a tolerable woodsman, and be led Captain Peters and scouts to tbe moon tain still without trouble Tbey wen all there tbe Bleylock boys, tbe father and yoang Oaoar. Tbey wen hard at work - snd, surprised, 1 wen nandouffed without tba firing of a gun. Who to crestfallen as tba toiling, moiling, moonshiners? Who so jubilant aa tb long whiskered captain? . He would bav sang a paean bad be known bow. As it was, bs obewed a great deal of tobacco and unbuttoned bis flannel ablrt for sxpnnsioo. - ' , ... Tbe prisoners wen bsltd t tb Bley lock cabin for baggage and goodbye. Tbey were id go to tb penitentiary. - Mrs. Bleylock and EUsa wept and moaned tbelr fate; bnl Janey wat still, ber brown lidt veiling tba doll fin of ber eyes. . " Janey, my girl," said Oaoar, draw ing ber spars, "I spoke bp rough to yoa t'other day. Bat don't yoa mind it 'Twsrn't nntbln bal jealoasy." Her eyes softened. - Mountain pinks, at well a som fine ladles, oonsidsr jealoasy a tribute to their charms. "Perhaps I'll never eoma back, " said be. .v- Sbe Mixed bim by tbe arm. , "Dick, wbal can tbey do to yoa?" "Danno. Most likely I'll kill some body tryin to git away aa b strong." Janey bnrst into tear. "Shouldn't wonder If yoo married one o tb Jareds," b mid, piling on tb gloom. .. , "Dlok OsoarvI promised to marry yoo, an I don't go btok from my word." "No, an I don't, " cried Dick. "There aia't at pretty a shaped girl as ton on tba Cumberland, an If aver I do git oacf" H whispered tbe rest in Janey 's ear, and tbs clung to bim, blushing a deep, oeep rot. . , " '8 jest oo thing I want to know," mid old Bleylock ss tbey tramped to Nashville. "How'd yoo find oaf" ; Tbs captain laugbed. "Been antertotnin a peddler, haven's you? wbicb on o' year gsls 'd bs maks op lof - Father and brother swore. av A te. ' SJ L , iLid x? n Manes the food more delicious and wholesome 7 aovat SAMMe nwova oo.. aew vowc "Yoo 'ooghi lo be whipped Ilk i bigger," mid 8am Bleylockv. "What 'd yon tell tbat peddler 'boat Oscar's still for? 'Might 'a' known bs was foolin yoo.'. ;- - : "I didn't tell wbera tb still was." 'Hob, yoa lie too." And ber father, passing by, atruok ber witb tbe bsok of bit band.. . ' : ,..:. 'Shame on yon, pappy I" and Janey rani to hor slater, over whose lips the blood Was pouring. Her Kjinsband drew Janey away. "Don't touoh her," be mid, with-a look of disgust -"She ain't fit " A wild, terrified look swept over Janey 's. foot. Should tbe gnsp at tbe wind blowing in tbe treetops above her? BtHuoaoght Dick Oscar's arm, holding It fiercely. Here was something to clasp, to cling to. Her soul shriveled in her ardent body. : Afterward Eliza , Bleylock teemed to wither away. Bba repeated bet denial of .having been a traitor, but no one ever believed ber. Sbe worked bard, and was nsed roughly. ' She bad never been strong.-' Sometimes sbe stole away and nursed Janey 't baby, wbo seemed to love ber. But never when Dlok Os car was at bome. Oos day, sitting by the spring alone, .too weak since a long time to work, tbe leaned ber bead against a tree and witb one moan, too faint to startle tbe ting. ing birds, sbe died. Her mother and Janey dressed ber cleanly and tied around ber neck a pink ribbon tbat tbey fonnd in her Bible. And ibe was burled, witb very little nid about It in the valley. Sherwood Bonner in Argonaut. - ' A Fortataat Reply. Tbe Duke of Otsuna, wbo daring bit long career as viceroy of Naples was distinguished as much -for bit sound good sense In small matters at in those larger qnestionsof statesmanship which made bim one of tbe foremost men of Europe, onoe paid a visit to tbs Ctpe galley at Barcelona. . At be pasted in and out among tbe orew of slaves be questioned several of tbem regarding tbelr Offenses for whloh they wen so laboriously paying tbe penalties. Each bad plenty of exonses. One mid be bad been sent tbere from spite l another as serted that tbe Judge who sentenced bim bad been bribed ; still another de clared tbat bit being tbere wat all a mistake. At last tbe dnka came to a stout littl black fellow of whom be askedt Ana what an yoa ben tor, my My Iwrd," replied tbe slave, "I not deny tbat I. am Justly pat in here, for ! wanted money, and to took a pars near Tarragona to keep me from itarvlna;. ". Upon bearing tblt tbe dnka gave bim two or tbne bloWt across tbs sboulders with bis stick, saying as fas did tot zoo rogue, wbal an yoo doing among so many honest innocent men? Get yoo oat of tbelr company." Tba thief, wbo was so surprised tbst be scarcely comprehended Wbal was go ing on, 'was tben set at liberty, while tb rest wen left to labor at tbe oar. Harper's Round Table. THE IDAHO PEA. of It teed Are Said to Peaaaaa Blah tti " .Ipl.ev;.. ::!!, i ' The Idaho pea is being talked of lately as a new forage plant, and it cultivation has been highly recommend ed in the- west on account of the value of Its seeds for hone feed and aa a tub ttitute fore coffee. From tbe forage plant investigations of tbe department of agriculture it ia learned tbat- gram,: Idaho pea or chick pea (Cioer-arieti-nnm) hat been in cultivation in eastern conn trie longer than any other legn- minona crop. It ia estimated that there Qreensborb Tobacco ' ROR HIGH PRICES. Sold over 5,000,000 pound last year for an average This la the highest average made by any market in i i Carolina.' Over tlGO.OO paid out daily to farmers for tobacco tin. , year. , . , It is the best market in tbe State for the firmer. Our Warehouses are lartre. commodious, and MTV-ffk Hnf. wit, etors stand without a peer as slesmen of the weed. " Jivery large firm in the United States and a number of fort represented by our buyers. t -- Tobacco centre, manufkcturinir educational centre. .' Our own manufacturers Jiave s large capacity and are i 1 1 i trade daily snd must have tohnenn. We have the strongest corps of buyers la the world for C , Ws want more tobacco and must have it if high avern s v : Try us with your next load and be convinced of our merit. Greensboro Tobacco Associal ! : ISL -3 .1 ncfl. Dick Os ear nodded to bis discernment with bo man triampb. ' A few days later a young girl walked Into Nashville wbo bad never been In a city before. 8b asked bot on question tb way to tbs governors' boose. Tbat acomslbl mansion was readily Tonnd; doors wen twang open, and, an Dounoed by a sleepy darky, Jsney Bleylock stood In tb governor pra- sam'l Pond Uirana " - - oe!d be takes ia doing It There j Naaarvill boy, bot a sollia stooe, yoa a fit varioa purpose, and oo ( w. . V psaalas ttooks ass saw log I , . u,e wtai to dcaind of toe osx!bioa aa aoaad a lot of trap ! t stocking ap, and after bav- j giBaarslly. 'Food of travel, yoa me, bat -I'd brd il to poor policy to ' etoady aa old time. Never drink to t -me o'hmt wtrkout ri'ing tb I whan I travel. Premised my mother I r (. ot rg ftwa on Woul-iVt" - r .rr'.i f-Iftrj " Ts a good tbldg.,,mt4 Mother t; c; . ... y..,ted ' rT-i-jlork, with eo-rry. -I do o-,j t ta r nl d tiaf actio j fuddled aua. Wilaty aia't it a t" saal.y a lewing invoat- rr asinta bat to raitea bogs oav - 1 iraw. father Ble7lkCMtJ)-jr! CsKJer tb water Janey eUaobad ber bsteda. "Dkkwa right" thoagbt sa I at hi gam. - Ha a a spy. aa Rita's a foot.' Eb knew that aba bad beard earaexh te justify ber lover la his avapicioo. sooogb to pot then all aa their goard. A pearl coal snrultetioa trad bar blood a ah thought of tb asrrto bboold rasoW Dick Oeaav, hi prais. tb re ward of bi rrad kiase. 1 Bot ala for Jane I aVnethiBe- haA I 1j: I OLed be wve'beert't temper wbca - With a fin and coor toons manner tbat gentlemau listened, struck by ber fiaure, ber foil voio aad paaalos ye. He promised to aw bi ioflsaoo witb tb president to prooon a pardoa for Dick Omar and tb Bleylock, aad Janey was allowed to go to tb prima with tb cbcaring nwa. . Tb mountain girl was beard of la blgb circle. Hearts boat warmly la lovely sootbsra bosoms, aad tbey made a heroine of Janey. " Wny ooo'l yoa marry ber?" mid a laaotlfal anteasUat wbo bad sailed lo as Janay, aad ktostd her bee as b knew a well bow to love. "Marry ber aod I'll giv yoa a wedding dreea." "8o ws will, "mid Dick Osoar. wben ba was oat of prison. - Aad Jsatsy went bora a wife, a if tba stars bad beea diamond aad straag Ilk a tBrkspor abaia for bar aanfc U Ibat. brotavars, bBabaod, sbeitering ber bs their love. Mrs, Bleylock and Ellas ran to aaeet than. EUsa tboogbt perbeps srasa ao la wuild cotaM witb tbem. Had aof ber lover left bev with bis aad a peoeaies to eona back? Tb fdak ribbon was roaad bar seek. Ber lips war parted ia a happy, vacant anile. Tb eld father was fa advaao. B tbrast oot bis arm a EJlxa draw a. "Dob 'I yoa speak to mar "Pappyr D a year tsUlbs toegaer! Kasp sway from my beads I" Tb mil bad goat. Tb vacant look spraad over tb fee that toned balp laaaly te be brothers. Bays aad Doll boyi of tea become clever and tncoessfol men, bot tbi is simply on account, of tbe fact tbat doll boys an only tlow boys, and it takes more time for their bralnt to grow than tbe others. Il It steady work, ceaseless endeavor. tbat tell. Tben, again, wa forget tbst a bright boy may bs handicapped by other qualities. Hs may not bav tb physical strength or snergy of tbs other, while the' dull boy is carried forward by navar failing energy and strength. for il is often bis. dullness at school wbicb makes tba doll boy's subsequent success to oonspioooaA How many doll boys bar bsoom still duller men I dike th old reproach about ministers' sons, on bright boy tbat torn out ill is msd to stsnd for tb whole class, and on dull boy tbat turns oot wsll glorifies bis wbols class. Notwithstanding all oor inventions, all our prog rasa. still holds good tbat men nap what tbey sow and cannot gather grape of thistle nor flgs of thorns. It can bs set down, therefore, as an established ml tbat bright boy generally do turn oot to b bright man, and doll boys general ly do torn out to be doll men. Uood Housekeeping. - - : . J Mr. ORAM OB IDAHO PSA. are now in India . 8,000,000 acres de voted to it cultivation either alone or at a by crop with wheat i Next to the cereals gram' forma tbe largest part of the food need In India and in portions of northern Africa,' 'Spain an4 other countries bordering on the Mediter ranean, .5'i:V,.-' -I."; ',. -V ",..:,v ,; .. This plant ia a branching annual witb many upright stems from the tame root The leaves resemble those of the vetoh, having seven pairs of small leaflets. These are oblong, soft hairy all over, one-half Inch long or lass, and sharply toothed on tbe margins. Ths flowers are borne singly in the axils of tbe leaves on ahort stalks about one half inch long. The pods an bladdery, inflated, from one-half Jo three-fourths of an inch long and finely pubescent with glandular hairs. Each pod con tains one, or very rarely two, large seeds, which are wrinkled and bear a fanciful resemblance to a rara't born, whence tbe Latin namearietindm. Tbe seed) are alittle larger than those of the common garden pea, to which tbey an quite similar, Tb Idaho pea wat cultivated in 18BS and 1806 at the Colorado xperiment station.- Professor Cooke states tbst it 'baa demonstrated it ability to maks a large growth with plenty of water and a fair growth with a very limited supply. It belong to tb pea family, and ia grown in rows 80 inches apart and the plant SO to 13 inches apart in th rows. It growth indicates that it can be ratped for about t cent a pound. About so to 00 pounds of ssed an nsed per acre, depending upon whether it is sown in drill or broadcast. . All authorities agree tbat it is better salted to arid and semiarid ragiont than to humid on os, tb crop apparently re quiring a great many sonny daya dar ing its season of growth. Better result an obtained in growing it with irrii Uon than without although it makes a rair yield on comparatively dry soil. If continued experiment with this plant in tb west prov that it average ., I wish to call the attention of insurers in Alamance cmir, to the fact that the Burlington Insurance Agency, esfallithe J i 1893 by the late firm of Tate A Albright, is still in the rin0r. , ' There is no insurance agency in North Carolina with L ;' -i facilities. for placing large lines of insurance, that can give 1 j . : er rates or better indemnifo.Onlyrat.lfliw ymponips, in ev r branch oi the business, find a lodgement in my office. V.'i ' a practical experience of more than ten years, " I feel warm ' in soliciting a share of the local patronage. .. I guarantee f . satisfaction in every instance, i Correspondence solicited u; : all matters pertaining to insurance. ' ' I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will ui::! it to the interest of all who desire protection for their Cnrtii. or their estates, who wish to make absolutely safe and t n able investment, to confer with ms before giving thir n; ; i tions to other agents. . . -r : : ::: ' C " - Very respectfully, ; T JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, ... r BURLINGTON, N. C. )iKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCC ' SUBSCRIBE FOIl TIIE GLEANI Ut $ 1 .OO per Year In Advance. -" faisrrsrsBSt swarlsl,'' 'I 8b could not see bis fie as ba knelt and asked ber to b bla. t Sbe was glad of tbat, for sb did not wish to know bow muoh suffering ber refusal caused mm. : .i - - Sb told bim a gently as sb sou Id tbat their live could not b llnkad to gether; that sltbbngb sbs admired bjm and esteemed fains b fall tbst il would b risking his future as wall a bar own to consent to a anion wben the wat son no affinity ilsted. It was a toocblng speech, and sb Ihraw so moob beerl Into it tbat tb did not observe tbat b wat taking notes In shorthand. When tb bad concluded, b rom nd pot bat notebook in bi pocket blending bis bsnd, b remarked geotollyi - . f "I'm rve and aver so much obliged to yoo. r .... .. i ; - "fW-f-ff-rl" ; --r-.F--v- I .. . : . ua iwpusr, k eh st V jcvt. THE oo did It ever to nicely, and I'm I der a t boo sand obligation. I'm writ- Ing a novel, and I bav a seen la wbicb a girl refoa to marry a man. 1 was anxious to avoid' tbs. stereotyped ttyl of depicting such incidents and make it ung aw oor inventions, au xM I. hit. ... t -l.i i i. " " """I1" "T tbe old Boriptur doc trio 1 1,7A,ZZZl.Z.,7.Zrr'. , propoted to, and vry one of tb others od-tb.l men nan what :Z""Z7u"JZ. '".'"" aeoeptsd ma. If yoa bad mid'! "V. I. . 'T-V ..1Jrs v " I tbluk I should bavs mum w aoiiiiajM. avyiuua. : laBtrUseae mt aealaw. Dr. Jobnaoa once celled opoo Garrick in London and wat tbowa Into bis study. . Cafortaaataly, a deer being open, a strayed iotoa adjoining totsn wbicb contained tb novels and lighter works which bad been presented a tribute to tb blgbly admired actor. Jobnaoa first read a bit from on aad m another, sod tbnw Ibsm dowa. strewing lb floor witb tb sxpeoajvs vol me. Uarrlck was an try at flodiaa Johnson tben tad nid: "Tblt it a pri vate oablMi and ao company la admit ted ber." Bet" said Jobaeoo, Witb Imperil. peat cootdeas, "I was determlnd ton. aminyoor valoablea, wbicb I find aoa- tot of three sot to eta ff, traah aad noa. Tb gram plant ia very sensitive to cold. The seed should be sown not ear lier than May IS, or, at th higher alti tude, about tba 1st of Jane, and if tome of the abort season "Varieties are procured tilers will bev,, lee danger of their being cangbt by early frost. Oram istown la India as a winter crop. It is said to be adapted to almost sny soil from ligbrtaady to beavy day or toom, apparently preferring tba latter. It might prov of som value in part of tb sootnern states aa a winter crop ana sou cover on Unas which sr on soiled to tb vetches asd th crirasoa clover. It require only moderate amooats of moist ur and is mid to b in jared by prolonged cloudy weather er abundant rains, which cause it to flow- prwmatorely and thru materially af fect tb yield of discouraged.": re,' I pletoly Standard. - TT SeearifSJ owsaevwlleav- Wler Ab, Horse, how vow dot w sere is yavr iauterT Tooag Boa (of literary alebrityV ha'i ia ID library pall UC off a soaaat Chicago Triaaoa, ' A Side Hill Pee It rr Bleeave. If tba land slope to tb feat, dig in to tb bank to at to make a level floor. Dig a trench and fill with loose stones for a foosdatioa. Oa this build a os- it wall of rough ttotae a ahowa. Owe of that moat OMrtra inr aistrta is to eee schitd aimoet choking wilb th drvatdful whorrrtnr-eoae-n. Giro tb) child Dr. John W. rU'aCoagh Bjnm, relief will h obtained at one aad tba em!.-rer will eoovi b cared. ' tTIT COUCH CYRUP Cures VS'hooping-Coojh quictfy " IWi er awraO a4 pliaaat te tmkr. Ftt.-1 : H...1I a. rrweajeia. aUeaaWtyaat. A ABM rOtLTST BOCS8. Tbea esmaat tbs floor. This wiQ giv ta xcediaglr warm pea. Tb cot shows a asetioa of tb earth, tb straight dotted Ma iadicatiag tb poai- ttoa of tb oscaeated fioot aad tb oth er dotted linea the stoat foundation and tb casEtesited stceaework. ' Tb opea scratching abed to ooming to be gieatly prised by pooltry ran, aar Tb Farm JooraaL ia giving this plaa. DsWItt'a Witch Haxel Salva Other SIS mt th Ileal Baeiaieae. t Won Id It not be well lo speak of "tb other eld" of pooltry keeping? Article after artici appears week after week, all telling of tba profitableness of tb business, and, I Ininkv too often tby eanet aa amalatrr to think all b ba to do is to gat a large flock of bens, ray 500, aad tbey will support him. At least font of my friend bavs goo Into aod oot of tb pooltry basins, having mad a bad failure oot of It oa of. tbem losing all be bad beeides getting baaiy ia debt Thirty years ago, wben I waa I years old, having a leva fri pooltry, I bought SO beos. and from then notil now I bav continued In ta bruin; keeping from SO op to 100 fowls. I bav aow over 400 bees, ret- ly White lisgborns. Il is quit aatorrd, If We hava an nasally good annnssa. to report It for poblieatioa. Bow aboat tb ala Haws wUda'taesd? After 10 yea re" xperfeoo I think I begtn to aadsrstand to botast, and although I have aot ceeeded sa well at soot yal I feop ta tb futon la do batter aad shall aoatiaa at It I pot asost of my capital wbea starting into a boilding. and It was alaaoat tbrowa awsy, or par bap won thaa that for tb bolldiag waaall wrong. If I war to start again. i tnina i would go and work for at waa ba tocsssdtd, aad at toara tb sara a boy leara tbe til baeiaam or a trad, for il to eertais tbal aa araatar caaoot begia a mrgei an or fowl an aaareeO. It eaa only b by bearlsBlng witb a trw aad lee ra lag slowly by experieoce. raul Perry, of Columbus, Gs suflered agony tor thirty years, and tben cured hi Piles by using Do tVitt't Witch HsreJ Salve. . It beau injuries snd skin diseases lite magic.' J. C 8immon Ihe.drug-gi.-. . --t--- Wheeler d Ml iSewlng Hz:: ' ' ,' ".' WTTH Rtarjr1ttlasndr i I EasyRtt22lrrC ' : 4a2il aDr.,. Purchasers says' "It runs as light as a f ' Great Improvement over u " It turns drudgery Into a f "The magic Silent Sewer. " All sizes snd styles f f f chines for Cloth and Lc gsv"The beet riinc Lire on see it before you buy. ONEIDA ti TO III." J. M. Hates, Accnt. r. co. 'TYL151I. KLLIALLi:: ' ARTISTIC.- 64 fcy VenUr I jkrn. ab St, mi, il 1 .1. I ;No.t:bi.itLAAi A i W ! Ta wattoTa r 4 . - .j ! ra-w est y artei an t e I . - I II tWM aatf tVM lao k"u l . E 4rwt b wa, r,f . av tf.i THE MeCAaCv". PA-NY. ; ISS b) 14 m. I4tk ttrMl. k. 1 aajiwra or-. r tt Fwta Ave., i . ... aet aiarkeS M.. t. . -.- k'dAV . bfatii 3 inaira, ftiwv z. t. i: - . Pr . I: CW and TV.: '