J HE' GLEAHEIt. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. ' G " AIIAM, N. ; C, Apr. 20, 1899. SUBSCIPTION, CASH IN ADVANCE s One year 11.00. -; J. D. KOtNODLE, Editor. WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER From Our Begular Oorrawondent. - Washington, D. C, April 14, '99, It is regrettable that Congress is not invasion, so that the democrats coup inject sufficient ginger into Mr.lfcKinley to make him call t7Tiie editor win not b responiibi ror I Germany down as they made him he vlowsexpreserf by correspondent coll ain Aavn . vftftr nff0; The advehtisino ratbs J peopie- are surrea io ; deepest in one square a in.) i time tun r. r eaoh tub- dignation by the news that Ger- equent insertion 60 cents. For more space Aearriortr in finmno haa bwn and longtime. nte furni.hed on DDiu- man winery ia &amoa nas neen lton. Loeai notice 10 eta. line for flntl responsible for the ambushing of a .!!S!2E25T2 i! waall detachment of American and aiwimvui wviwavuivHw wum wv aaaw-a w 1 - ... lnadTsnos. : . v-v iiwusn marines Dy wo natives ana the killing of two lieutenants, one American and one English, one American Ensign, and four marines, and the administration is doing just U1. Julian b. Van comes ttf the I as it was doing a year ago waiting. front again with a most generous of- Germany has deserved a sharp call Confederate Veterans' union. Re fer to old Confederate veterans ol the - counties of Orange, ; Durham, Person, Granville, Chatham and Alamance who wish to attend the United Federation of Confederate Veterans at Charleston, 8. , C, on down from this government four or five times since the war with Spain began, bt in every instance the ad ministration has allowed itself to be placated with a little soft soap from the German Ambassador. . This 10 to 13th of May, He otters to Samoan business has aroused the pay one-half the railroad fere, $5.50 people, and action is demanded. to6.00. ine conditions are mat Senator Stewart voiced lublic senti they report at Durham on the after- ment when he said : "Does Ger many want to fight ? I If so, she may be accommodated. We are a peaceful people, but we do not permit others to go around with chips on their noon of May 8th at 3 o'clock, wear ing the regulation gray coat and hat of R. P, Webb Camp No. 818, also leggins, and that as many as 100 go jna body ana as members or tne shoulders." And Representative said Camp. This is an exceptional- Hull, of Iowa, a republican, said : .ly generous offer by a big hearted In my section the feeling has been Carolinian, and will be good oppor- 8lrong " Bgains. Germany for six tunityosee the grand old City. of months. The people telievo that CharlestoVere the first gun of 8he was hostile to us in the war with , the war was fired, and old Fort spain. The people are in such eumpter and f ort fliouitne. write toR. L. Lindsay, Sec'y, Durham, of the Senate Committee on Foreign I Relations. Explanation . ' of Coiutltatlonal Amendment. . Davis, of Minn., who is chairman I the best in the State in the Legirf- Dr. Lewis Says a Word A boat small lature, and every one of them voted pox' for the amendment, and ; by ' that In the March number of the Bui vote expressed their opinion under tetin of the North Carolina Board of oath that it is constitutional ; for a Health, Secretary Dr. It. H. Lewis member of the Legislature is under says, in speaking of this scouragd in .r .. . 1.1 I 1 ! ... . I 0 . I . . .1 1 XV . ..L I ! . 1. Question. If the amendment lne ogauon oi an cam not io vine iiunn ayoiina w . mm . I i im a is adoUel will the net ro be allow- ,or "JWing tie beiieves to De un- "smallpox is one ofctne most con .. . I . . . - ' I . .. - I ... .i . . . i .i. constitutional. tagious ana one oi mo most loam 14. Q. Who says the act was some of all diseases, unconstitutional? - I "It is now widely scattered over A. Well, Hon. Jeter Pritchard the United States, and is prevailing says so ; but be said there was no at ZO points m our own state to There is danger of a wide- cd to vote ? ' . Answer. Only such negroes .will be allowed to vote as can read and write, or such as are descended from those neoroea whn crmld 'vote nrior I to the Constitution of 1835, or who neSro domination in Wilmington day. nave come irom states where ne groes could vote before 1867. 2. Q. ' Will the amendment dis franchise the uneducated whites? A. Certainly not. Under it, any white man who could vole at any time before 1867, or whose an cestors (that is, his father, grand before the election i and before the (spread epidemic among our people. resolution hurled them from power "Under these circumstances every and drove their white allies into en- eruption appearing after two or three forced exile. . - 7 days of headache backache and 15. Q. If Mr Pritchard and the! fever, or even after merely general Republicans think the amendment bad feeling, especially if most prom is unconstitutional, why do they inent on the face and hands, should trouble themselves about it, for bo regarded as smallpox, and the father, etO could yote at any time everybody knows an unconsfitu- proper precautions taken promptly before 1867 can rerister whether tiol law hi no law at all, and can and continued until the patient is he can read and " write or not an v neither hurt or help anyone ? , seen by a reliable physician. , time before 1908. and will always mey are merely playing "lie not deceived by lalse pro- thereafter be entitled to vote. This Puua- "yn9P by misrepro- pbets who seek popularity by pro- sentation to fool the people and get phesying smooth things and call it back into power. They have not I chicken pox. - According to one of yet learned that they can not fool the highest authorities, wilh a ' Very all the people all the time. I few exceptions chickenpnx is con 16. Q. Will the amendment be I fined exclusively to childhood up to adopted? ' - the age of 12, and is rare after 10. A. " cs. ; . By an overwhelming So, if the patient is past childhood, majority. The while people ; are it is .almost : surely smallpox, al lets in every white man and Crotan, however lacking in education, who has not been convicted of an infit mous crime. - 3. Q. Why this difference be tween the white man and the ne gro? A. Wby bless your soul, it is a matter of natural understanding determined to .muke. white" "suprema- - - . " I 1 T.l r ! 1 capacity. -The-white man has more c peruiuneni, in norm v,aronna.- sense and capacity than the negro, Exchange. . . and inherently understands the Booker Waabinsu Taika sense, duties and responsibilities of suffrage Tiukegee, Ark, Dispatch, iotu. .. .1 ... I .. .1 ... -r ' - ana ciuzensnip oetter man tne ne- Professor Booker T. Washington, gro ; anu tne weraocratic rany answering the reo neat of a nrom- holds that the uneducated white , . UVI1V WlVi VU 1IUU All J.Vlbtl V-tl ' I though it may be a inild attack But mild cases can cause the sever est form in the unvaccinated." N. C. The war in the Philippines still -t -goes on and it looks like the stnig- temper that they will not permit any trifling or hedging on the part of this government." The time has come when the mind of the Ger man Emperor must be cleared in an BfWiv manner nf thn Idea hn man who can be trusted ta cast a more intelligent vote than an edu cated negro. This is what white Democrats believe, whether white Republicans believe it or not. 4. Q. Will white men who are Una as to what should be done to allay the present conflict , between the races, says : . - "I have been asking myself late ly some rather serious questions,! "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise should be) sufficient, but you ask, who are the wise? those who know. I he of repeated experience of trustworthy persons mav be taken lor knowl' edge. , Me. V. M. Terry says Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives bet ter satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in" the drug business nt JUkton, Ky., for twelve gle will be prolonged far beyond the this country is afraid of him. '" expectations of the American people War Department officials are at generally. In the beginning the last convinced that peace in the . cost was not reckoned, but it will be I Philippines is still a long ways off, and I want to but one or two of vears: has sold hundreds nf bottles TegisTeredSefbTe 1908 have to be them to vou. Is there anv reason oHhis remedy and nearly-all other 1 . - .... . 1 - I .L J ... . . f a a auie to reau ana wnte to vote alter -hv the neirro in the South ihonld W'UK1' meuicines manuiacturea, . ... ' '' I; - I htll DhAnrU . MUintnnll.Alfl wiub uuiv I . , v lnntmi1A TA nnnnaa. inn 1 RinthAin I . ..... - avast sum, far exceeding all ex . pectations, creating a debt that fu ture generations will have to settle. Recently Mr. W, A. Erwin, secre tary and treasurer, of the Erwin Cot ton Mills, Durham, was elected president of the Durham Cotton ManTg Co., and Mr. J. II. Erwin; sec'y and treaa. of the last named mill. These gentlemen formerly lived in Alamance, and ore . well equipped mill men. The former has recently started an educational reform at the former mill that is most praise-worthy and commend able. , His example is worthy to be followed. The cruiser Raleigh, named for the capital of our State, arrived at New York Sunday and received a royal welcome, ; On May-day, al most a year ago, she played a prom inent part in Commodore Dewey's fleet in sinking the Spanish fleet at Manilla, and is the first of that squadron to return to American waters, A few years ago it was launched at Norfolk and christened by Mrs. Daisy Haywood, daughter and the administration is beginning (0 realize that the islands were not a bargain at $20,000,000, and that we will pay the money a long time before we get possession of the property, such as it is. When Aguinaldo's capital was taken it was announced by administration officials that the fighting was all over, yet during the present week there has been almost continuous fighting over there, and our troops didn't have to do all the attacking, either. Speaking to sev eral army officiers, Gen. 8hafter said : "Gen. Lawton and his men are achieving much success so far as they go. The fighting against the Filipinos, however,' is like the brushing away of Mies ; the moment the brushing is stopped they come back. The Filipinos are bound to give in eventually, but I believe it is a much more serious task to sub due them than most people think. Another army officer said,, after noting the resemblance of Gen. Lawton's campaign to those against the Apache Indians : . "The Fili pinos will get tired of the chase sooner than the American Indians did, and after a few years of at tempting to keep up a fight against the authority of the U. 8. the in- , ' ,a 1 .t I " V1 i UiJVifV V1I1JVA40I1 Vrl I . lliat a 'i V 1 , . .1 I VyllMlJlUtSI llllll H IH IJIH IIHIHfi KII l.lHlILf a. xmo. Jwerywmte man wno vh.tA man ' nnrl - im ' rintitina 9 fa I .1 I i .1. t . . . - ji 't. I, i . .' i""'-" I wrjr hi wo jwupie, una w tne uest. uuuw giauuiumcr not tftI8 lne source of nearlv a 1 our 'or sale bv all drnsa sts. ... . . . - I f ' cwuse oi me amendment beiore tmuh ea? Vnonwinnv -a m iuvo,. wui do piacea on tne "per- to have gotten the idea into our blood nnd bones that we are on ly acting in a manly way when we oppose Southern white men with our votes. "In some way, by some method, manent roll," and will forever there"- after be entitled to vote, although he may never know a letter in the books. ; -:::v; " 5. Ct. Has this amendment been adopted and tried anywhere else? , A. Yes. . It is a law of the State of Louisiana to-day. 6. Q. How has the law worked William Hall, aged 21, was hung at - Crossville, -, Tenn., Thursday Hall confessed having killed his wife and thrown her in a well. : - white supremacy in Louisiana ? I A. Splendidly. The white peo ple there are delighted with i;. It nroblema. hflB OllrAfl fha nnrrM AMUam fViAMil.i . ... n .....v.6. uiuc mousanas ot white femocntts Mid established permanently. ' 7. Q. Has anv election been held under it in Louisiana ? ' ; A. -Yes. The loot State and Na tional election in that State was held under it. " .;. 8. Q. Did the negroes in Louis iana register under it ? A. Not many. 0. Q. Did the uneducated whites register under it? . . . Yes. But the educated and Richmond,- Va.. June 10. 1898. . ,, , li. . . . we must bring the race to the point J8e iTrease Liniment Co.; where it will cease to feel that the nr only way for it to succeed is to op- 8ent me one dozen botUes ot Goose iOse everything suggested or put Grease Liniment to be used in our forth by the Southern white men. stable amongst our horses, and we This I conai.lr on nf nnr ril eg o state mai we nave used this The point is carried ns to tin status of the North Carolina guard men now in the volunteer army. They willei all the piacea in the guard which they left when they volunteered. Such is the decision of the military authorities'. . Bishop .0: P. Fitzgerald will preach the annual sermon at the ap proaching commencement f Little ton Female College. Rev. Dr. T. N Jvey will deliver the literary ad dress, and Rev. J. S. Williams will preach'the sermon before the Young Ladies' Missionary Society. v To Cor a Cold In On Dny Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the mon. ey if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet w p. It Foyer end el! f ',.-'.11. '" a. 1 J i en.J Does Kot Contain Quinine Kor Oihor Poition. Docs Nut liijui-B tue Stomaoh Kor T..... ;rt tlie llearina;. W. A. McLarty Son, Dime Box, Tex., snv: "Hnmnn's Ppunin Chill Tonio ia the test wa have ver condicd. mon prt.Hw:rhM.rs itin his jMh. 'ic.e.nrid hi.vb it it theonlv CbiU Tonio whica a chiM rn taite wilh.ut luiii' y to wie aujmaoli. Price 60c bitOWN ili"U. CO.. Prop'rs, lin-mivii :u. 'ii.i The Wilmington Star says that heavy frost Wednesday morning week damaged the trucking interests in that section anywhere from 5 and 10 to 2oper cent., Ihe strawberry crop most seriously. ' r vGeorcre W. Duncan, who was killed bv a train on the Western road near Conover some time ago, left a wjdow in peorgia who will bring suit ngamst the railroad for damages at the next term of Qa tawba court.'- Whi will von hnvblt.tflr niuisitlnv font when O rove' Taatelcaa Chlu Tonle ia aj plcaaant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every oae where it falls to cure, mco, cu cent, jure l..:..1 i ix .j T l.1:v that thami W. """f"?'' w8 " "no m. v..v, a-. an1111. 1 Ofn t A Imnblir nA U - ..... . - . - .. Better Than Show.9 , The wealth of the maM- ' millionaires' is not equal to good health. IRiches ivtthout health are a curse, and yet the richtUhe middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as- ststant in getting and mam' taining perfect health, 'It never disapppints. BCTOTUla - "Three years ago oar aon. now eleven, had a serious case of scrofula andjerjrslpelas with dreadful sores, discharg ing and Itching constantly. He could not walk. Several Dhvsieians did not beln for sixteen months. Three months' treatment with Hood's Sarsaparllla made him per fectly well. We are glad to tell others of It" Mas. David Laibd, Ottawa, Kansas, v , ; Nausea -"Vomiting BDells. dlzzlnesa and prostration troubled me for vir Had neuralgia, grew weak and could not sleen. My age was aeainst me. but Hnort'a Sarsaparllla .cured me thoroughly. My weight Increased from 125 to 143 pounds. I am the mother of nine children. Meyer felt so weu and strong since I was married as I do now." Mas. M. A. Watees, 1829 33d 8t Eczema-" We had to tie the hands of our two year old son on account of eczema fa -' - faiilifii Spring anc Summe r mm-' j . Millinery i We have our store brimfull of pretty hats this season. We carry nothing but the newest goods and you cannot fail to find what you need. Before buying till and get our lowest prices. C rect styles i and lirga av Bortinent U-Next door to ecolt ci Co. s Graham, N. C. hmm GREENSBORO, N. C. " I never had anything that gave US as Ion face and limbs. No medicine even North Carolina who are fifty per I good satisfaction. We have used it cent better friends to ' the neirrb on Cuts, Bruises, ; Sore ; Necks! than Governor RusselL and I see no S"1 n nearly every disease -x.. . a norse can have and it has worked neceasuy in continuing w ioiiow charros. We need more at once. Please tjcovernor; Uussell, who has no let me know if you have it put up in power, to protect, nf, if he has the any larger bottles or any larger power, does not exercise it, rather PttCKilges man tne ones sent us and than these other white men, 1 win yivuxi, uu n we cease to con-1 . ;; - ' by I. C. West iiiiuniiy anu lorever oppose- mem." i helped until we used Hood's SarsaDarilla. which soon cured." Mrs. A. Vah Wvck, 123 aioniRomery oireet, i'aterson, K. J. SoUapmil llooj'ft mis earn llyer Ilia; nnn-lrrltntlng and . only catlmrtlc to Uka with H.iod'a Sr-raaparllla. Publication of Summons, i A Word of Information for the Readers of . This Paper : , , Every farmer who will brincr his tobacco to the Farmers' Ware house, Greensboro, shall have the very highest market price for each and every pile on the floor of bur house. , Wc thank all custbmers for past favors and patronage and will appreciate any trade they may favor us with in the future.' We also promise that we will not ncerlect an vthinu that will en- able us in getting the highest prices at each and xevery sale: We expect to buy tobacco more" largely this year than ever" 'e1 ex pect our purchases to reach nearly one half million pounds, so if you sell with us you get the benefit of one more straight out buyer as w shall confine our purchases entirely to our own floor.i We- invite every farmer.who visits our market to attend our sales and they' will be convinced of the above' statements, and we believe af ter seeing for themselves by attending our sales from day to day when on our market, they will favor us with their trade. To those who have never sold with usr we will say : If you will bring us or ship us some of your crop this season, we will prove to you that it will be to your interest to patronize ns in-the future as our efforts to obtain for you the very highest prices shall not be surpassed by any one on this or any other market. . ' v Again thanking all for past favors, hoping in the future wc may be favored with your custom and support, we remain, Truly vour friends, - " " .r. II. WHITT & COi Burglars entered the postoffico at Waverly, Sussex county, Va., i uesuay mgnt a wees:, blew open of then Gov. Thos. M. Holt. On Tuesday presentation of. silver surgenta will disappear or surrend cupsbyMrs. Hrywood was made, er." That's a nice thing to con AssisUnt Attorney General ; James template isn't it? " Pay 120,000,000 E. Boyd making the presentation and thousands pf good American speech in & few, well chosen and lives for Wanda which we will got appropriate sentences. ;i he Raleigh complete possession of in a few will go to Wilmington in a few days years, and will not have any use for to presentto the State some trophies after we get them, of war, and then tor Charleston to . Gen. Shafter has bad critics in the Confederate Reunion. t ,!, - . ,5nAa ,k- ... ' late Literary News, President Harper, of the Univer- uneducated whites registered under sitjr of Chicago, makes this month's the grandfather clause, and were contributions to the discussion of I lhe ftrd secured over $400 in placed on the permanent roll, the educational question which The ioney and stamps. and will not have to register aeain CoamoiKilitan maeazino has been in order to vnta I cnnrlurtinir Hnrinor tha no of in-nl ' If VOU have a COUeh. throat ir- 10. a Did the Republicans of years. The Cosmopolitan's ' title lt!!i0"?:ulUnE?iain in the Iiouuiana claim the law was stitutional? Alamance County In the Superior Court,. Summons for Belief. MaryBamm ;, . MltoheUBamm.'. fUte of North Carolina, to the Sheriff of Al- I nuuiue county, ureeting: Grand Ciearailce Sale ? In order to make room for our sorine stock we have cut orices deep on several lines of goods, and we are in. a position to offer you many rare bargains. We have a edod and well selected stock Ton are herebyoommanded to summon the OI OOOtg, tsCOeS,- ilatS, V.ap3, Clothing, DreSS Goods, Notions, etc.," in yourcountv, to be and appear before the i iXKrST Remember, these goods must leave our shelves to make room for ?hXy6 the elegant line of Spring, Goods which - will arrive in due time. , - - -"" chert, difficult breathing, croup or inoffie neither do we. propose to MUnl.l. n- rin make it I" "'. hi uv .uruauenir aw nu tjougn van. Always reliable that if he fan toanswer said ooni- to your advantage to trade withus.1 , GEO. II. ROYSTER, Greensboro, N. C. Mr. R. B. Raney has given i eon tmct for building the Oliria'Raney fiee library hall at Ralegh, to cost t23,0OO. Mr. Raney builds it as a memorial' to his deceased wife, taugmer or rwaskt twper, or IM made and never fully disproven that he had "flunked" in the Santiago tmpaign and that he would have made a mess of the whole busineas if Gen. Joe Wheeler and others had not prevented, but his testimony re garding the canned "roast" beef A. Yes. They tried to fool and Most Liberal Sense' of the Term f scare the people there, just as they is not used as President Harper' are doing here, by telling them be-1 memo. ' He confines himself rather fore the election that the amend-( t the consideration of the relations mcnt was unconstitutional, and! which .universities bear to our re threatened the people with the Un-1 publics and to tho people. President ited States Court, but the people Harper is one of the men who eem paid no attention to them as thev to desire to take broad and liberal will not here and when tho amend ment was adopted there, nothing more was heard of the cry about the amendment's being Unconstitutional- U. Q. You say that an election has been held in Louisiana under Con- views of the subject of education: The first chapters of Count Tol stoy;s great novel appear in the April Cosmopolitan. Publication 'is diking place stimultaneously in the United States, England, France, Germany, Austria and Russia. The novel has been carefully edited for court of appeals at :ray. r. reiver. brought more harsh criticism than Judge Purnell, decided at Greens- ny thing he had previously said or thia amn,1mntv 1oro Thursday in favor of the hold- dona. In the face of the evidence &t Yes. Both State and V ' ""T w""7 Lwnu"- V r V J .7.T gressional elecUona. . , The Cosmopolitan. No part of Uie An appeal was Ulren and the caw -ho have toufiedth. the rtuff was 12. q. And the Republican, did story has been lost, though, per wid next come Ud in the c rcu t unfit to eat, Shafter said It was eood 1. .L . . L:. .L , - 7 . f . r ! ... , ..iit.it . u j i - uoiasn iuto me ooarur naps, uie reaoer is aepnvoa oisome i'n" ",""uuu i 77 7 'mV A- Why der Tliey of the picturesqueness which appear Kerr fraiir mrm mnnn l I loved 1L Either, ha nt-arrl if t.li . ... ..7. "I .. r . , l r - - -"-Knew me uv waaall rioht and that el in the onmnal Kusaian i, n in i.i. i;. i. - i. . . . o - o " it had been investigate.1 by the furnWie, w.th adifferent ,rt of lawyer4 of nnedW' beeffron, that fur- pronounced Lnd and good. Why nisliedtherest of the aimy. How fhe Louisiana amendnHlwhicJ urri - r-Ucally the aam. a, ours-was T" "","' - jug ,nra prepared under the direction At Eayetteville Thursday a wwk a colored man, resembling a Rolc s n county Croatan, gve trouble iu a Cmg store. City Marshal Flowers v J3 requested to remove him, and I'lcel Lis hand on the rowdy'a s' oulJer, when the rottdy drew a ' wie knife and stabbed the marshal ! l i'.e arm. The marshal retreat f FwJrg the rowdy, who kept ' J until hot down by n J. II. Eenton, thus sav- -, !' ' '..a Flowers' life. t; '-1 from Elizabeth City ( '.jiiii Cl.iyton writes the "' I !.:! f,h ioarJ" r Liilie has captured 1 "!. Thrywillbe ! 1 ' 1 r r -f j Kice next J. Sheer, SedaKa, Mo,, conductnr on electric street car line, writes that hia Mile daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all nhvsicianii tnoA nlv rv nainn une Alinute Couch Cure. J. C uhto umi ne was me guest of pi,. .j c. : V1". v hoirtir at a dinner rn r,, Mr fc ,n oi siramooa, me aruggisL L-:l. t-r t. i.i . . I- e, " ""'I mi Ullnj It.l t. -...1 I t .V I , .u .,, n UUIO DUUlll. I cnjm.uig WC1WUJO :1a iv i , ' I 1 IlM constitutionality home the members of company K, wo additional major generab that of the amendment been thoroughly first regiment, wilh a big barbecue he army will be entitled to under investigated by our North Carolin Brunswick stew. ni" biuij raiSuiiauon met. lhwrTa l II IT! , . ... ... !"JtHI ...r.wtivinieys selection of Mr. a. Yea. nnM,H. t.c.c-.od.. B&rtIeU Trirp, of S. Dak, who axhauaUril. Tt .i imLiT: .T,ke Brono Qnine Tab- tfc. I.; ).,' , , " loU- All drupgiiits refund the mon- the Legislature to a .elect commit- ey if it fails to cure. 2oc The tee oi me aMest lawyer in that genuine has L. R. Q. on each tablet body, r the new ' r 1 1 1 fcr " . A f r was minister U Austria under the Cleveland adminitralion, to repre sent Uie U. S. on the International CoramkMon that will endeavor to straighten out the Samoan tangle, wag di.-appointirg to a number of rt uliicans who would like to have fcurc-J the plum. Mr. McKinlcr j li no novK-e la the pime of politics, jl'-j ft tl-" 1 . ly the support, '7 t r i:. r j cf poH demo-: i i-e is i , i-r i.-. e same '. . .r. inpji Some of these lawyers had oecn studying it for weeks and months before the lep.Jituw met. They had examined all the authori ties and read all the books, and tbey agreed it was constitutionally ound. It was finally prepared under, their direction hr nm. nountrte r."cTiiie,l by tlie bar and tenth of the whole Ftate as one of thesoimJc-Ft and grctotr Jjirycrs 1 j " dx-at an a..ect4.-n cf t tuhwi i.irh may c"-v ' Orii ..immaiionff ;.. t wait i I nt cm I r. J Cot- i ; --rt' n I r f r ' r 1 or. t . 1 a and safe, druggist. J. C. Simmons," the ptaintwithin the term the plaintiff will y to we oourt for the re ief damaniiiMi e comDlalnt. th&t she he ritvimwl uunm r. 1 Hop rt o. It from defendant whose wife she now u. AJ- - wm "t- The Atlantio Hotel Co. has been incorjiorated, with a capital stock of S4o,000. R B. Barbee is president and John Gatling secretary and treasurer. ', ' - Herpof full ruil anil nt this ttummn.,. due return. Given under my hand and seal of said oourt. m.w lira uui u ui April, iron. J. V. fUSUNUiiLDj C. 8, C. Leader in Low Prices. No CareNo Pay, trtll drninrlirU sell OROVBX That Is thews1 TASTKLHm CHILL ToMO for Chills and aumnm. iiuaimniT iron and Oulnlne la a tastelew form. Children kw-e It Adultepre- rt . m iue executive tKXira or the pen- itentirtry authorites State Treasurer i Orth tO ISSUe bonds for 1110.000 ''bry. WW. and answer the oomulalnl . , t i. , , I woiea wiii oe aenneired In the office of the iw i.r ilia iiiueuieuiiesS OI tnei"31" " superior coari or penitentiary. -, Publication of. Summons, i Alamance county In the Superior Court . Summons far Relief. Lert Charts va Nauey Cbavis. State of Kortb rbtmlin. ts, Rt,.ff n. I aiiuiuuw wuuiy, ureeEing; Ton are hereby commanded to summon rrancis chavts, the defendant aboni named, If she be found within vour oountT. to t .h spixw before the J urine of our Hnn.rir court, at s court to be held for the county of I the nfteentb Monday after the first Monday t QErJD OT! IT DOLL A 17 RWAs-'m -..n. yon by frlgh a O. D. .ut iect to examination, job aui rnmZHHLrii'!. HIC!)-( i01 TOP fcUOOV turnstiles m.iib or, rjuo SPFCIal flCCCB DoirLVJ7at'!l"'u1 "iiieaiTS rr the tsllroaa mstnl ctiat vrrtn PHICE t55.0Q and tr..ht charr-, im u in sn 1 1 ' bum Doittx aaut wlLbordea. aoor lrom tb. b. m. " 7 -" TO $90.00 BUGGIES AND SURREYS. within the first three, days of the term, and let the said defendant take notice that if she fail to answer said oomplaint within Ihe the re be abeol whose hu Hrrein due ret Olven court. Z . " I - .) 1 - i M m n ,t . , , . . , . wail la op UnKrflas Mada by ACME QUEEN. r nil n nwHu... aVaiuii.uu . . . nn.rt, . . ' t uukilmi n,,.. Iiinir dni.r.. .1 Ilia tn Tn.rS.iilT? T fi..ri U th. moat vviin u Ta. S. r. r ' " 1 KI rsica atsa S.ST li.lt,t CIS aa i ii t. Wa m. Inula a story biiBirr fcury for tna tola . fM.V.- i. C !1 r snrss event HIS WS CIS I ll , ... a. bats avs aery Bu We Ouaranteast H!S v,ar" anl I"" biH out waarFita Ordinary Factory K a. tw iMTrmi i.i ni "i teat sicti I Hn Iku Am.i. 1 1 . . I .... .... buwrr. Wa aat a s to cu.hioa alota, aoaia aa w crns; wa am, a ai .wu mnna. aoma oaalSMOt; wa IM IS am miliar, iua c,,,, .uai at St eolornd..r, ,, n . nc., ,Bd .at. w !. . V '"l ' '"!'" ', tba prira taoal aiabart , i- awi Silt an. - O-ir waaala, gaaraaS The State medical society will hold its annual meeting in Ashe ville. May 30th, and will be in. ses sion about lour days, There wUl te 250 or 310 member present SrMi.rlri 'r'r Trustee's Sale 1 - - - a. w. maa VHJ V 25lh. About 100 applicants for license will be examined. tJI.OOBAtFLVCOVttt lnT . .1 ,r..:,-"' ' ' - "-- tail an .i.c m,h,h,u wiut i nr io tne court for atwrbuniliii873busiei i idol 7J..77.rr;.J.. """'" iMim.1 aYnt imadnabla. Ilf dl'manded In tl,,vm, .l.lni n,. k. l.Mriami.iM.' v eO""' onrbtury f torT .r. . --Tu, anCTtaia oi utely divorced, from the oefendaut H'!tJr'b'S)t r Buoor Bis, if f ii fii . asetstyaawia ISliand he now la L-iai MJ5.f,r, t abnlldla nuroaorwU. tract Ta.-.h W lll.rlm.t . j fau not and of thia ammmons m.v ..V"l"-Ji - tpnaa. 1. b., iw , H .77 !5 urn- . , . .r7 d.u-al. lirif, mi.iria wna il.ttl I ni L J .. b'" " ' ra wll 1 under tny hand and seil of aalrf awl rt.ni. r i. i."'1 - a anumtiara this 12th day nf April, 1HBS. Utar.,.fcr IVO SJ-OO, too aw 77ii 4UU LT at iiTro.. ":'; . Iba Maat i. IX KHUSUDI.TL fl . r . E 1 flirtHI? flAI I r wiik r.o, onuw.au .... . 1. ' 7 DOMTBUTAC i! W!' ,.r.,2'"'i-"ii..i.. ,i,,al - ' I aae C.Ul' ,. Hn.M l J ... . , - " - . ..w-l.T .i',ll I. .:, I. f.in.n IU.IM Fh5 Farm ! w--B.FiP""I"iJ -woor.Aaaiaci and HAKta civaLOcua. It I IT TH ' WW ar-a WW a- M am, m. . . "'S-wwrii.., nc.?t CrilCACO, ILL. fir virtue Of the nrrar.ra thII ln . I -" " ' -in li vh rircair nv imm a I -... i and wlfeea the lxth of lebruarr. lai and I wbli-h Is rF-tetvd in Hoot Kr f. T 1 Set. h and in the oiht of the Hpyister of " "'""'""a ct-lDiy, 1 will aril the I tract olnd tberrin ainwjwJ, at the court I ... ' . . -w wMr, v. i a. a, va auautf, HAT J, IWB, Ta la trx-t Is stnate1 on rt.'k. a.ljolnins ih. laihla.. E ; r.lKi t J t ii i .. . ...""".I'"" n""11' aoout si uu.iuio miicuy iut ail juntr, luroftl I r , v "'- na uounot rtiertr.e . A. lurtis Hied at th. As the season of the year when pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, notning "is a hne substi tute," will "answer the purpose.' or is 'ust as good" as One Minute touch Cure. That is the one in His- AiamarKw I . H. 1HIOIL w. or bronchial troubles Insist uupit upon iiaving ii n --aomeinine .1 'l l. r l ... v ei3 ia tu.crtM jou.- 4. K. JMiu- mons, the drupgi(.U Mayor FowtU has appoinletl 175 li.zns of Rjileigh dchgates to Nei lots, to aid in eScomin: the rulet-r r.ei)i. Gen. Hole will ad the delfrUion. ume of bis if-ta. 1 tie trsiH arih be off.rtwl tnt il.iM,,.,k. rlrm ol dnaw of U.e .,. oi ir,,nre A ( urus. Ooeaai-d, and if tne I rai-t brlna th dent and It. ureal and .... ....... , .... de,-d It will tw a. .1,1 o tno h . .1 t to the dwr n.,t nl Im I,.. . i. lurua. If It ahs.i not bruin a aum .H.,i..' to l.n ran i rt. r.t ittirt ....t .. . . 1 i.l lflfn'.i.a:. ; r. rt the aam. Mm. . r!a.r-. a-ii lne a. IrK't n.,w.umi ... r of tue wkIjw, to uie a. U- SUCSCKIBE TOR THE GLEANmi, 01.00 per Ycair in Adva ncc. M of n.. .e r et r f-- rn.h. 1eiird. Tb it is a Terr fine f. houaea an4 la a rery Owiirni,,. -b. , m . hut'. O W- "aj ' vj' v i ', TM" " 'iiiiiiiiwi t : m ,,f :, rimllr- there .'' ' t f "y l,i n vi t tr ,- , f i. i i