: n GLEANER. ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY.- WEEKLY WASIIINGTOiN LETTER Prom Our Secular Correspondent, . : ." W'ASHINQXOK, D.C., April 21, '99. ceeded, and Reed hag accepted an GRAHAM, N. C, Apr. 27, 1899. SUBSCIPTION. CASH IN ADVANCE I One year 91.00. ' J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. vrThe ditor win not te retpoiisibi lor oner to join ft new x one law nrm. he views expressed by oorrespondenu. . - jf,ig meana a new deal all around ."""Xdvbiitmino batks . in the House and a general shaking one square o in.) l um tuj :. r each sub-1 up al the desirable chairmanships, sequent insertion waJ?lf many of which were held in the last iton. Local notioes io eta. une for first House by men who were no more insertion ; subsequent insertion eubnervien. to the administration Transient advertisements must be paid lor , inadvanoa. ' : ' than Keed himself was. All this will be chanced if the organization Raleigh had a sensation Tura'dayTjcan be carried out. and no man can At first the fusion Board of Agri- get anything desirable in the way of I culture recognized the democratic the present House, if present plans Board . But they haye "faced 0f the administration can be carried about" and now refuse to- recognize 0ut, and no man will get anything them. When a fusionist gets his desirable in the wy of a chairman claws on a piece of pio he won't ship who does not wear the McKin turn loose till it thunders. ley; collar. There' are about a dozen republicans who consider thetn- As the news comes in day by day selves candidates for Speaker of the the American soldiewia tha Philip--1 House ; but they, are wasting their ' pines are Continually suffering in time. ; The Speaker and all the im : killed and wounded. A different portant chairmanships of coram it- method of warfare will have to be tees will be selected by Boss Han- ' pursued or the Filipinos will exter- na and Mr. McKinley and all the minate the American army already republican caucus will have to do there before the country is sub- will be to ratify the selections. jected. There miMPt course, be republican . i v, objection to this programme, but A recent Wathington dispatch without a stronger leadership than says that Mr. Merriam, Director of " likely t0 have, it will not be ; the Censushas determined that the ao,e to change it. A friend of Mr, mgton when Admiral lewey re ported that Lieut , Gilraore and 14 of the crew of the Yorktown had been, while away from the ohip on a launch, either killed or .captured 1 he McKinleyitea are jubilant be- by : the Filipinos. Washington; is cause their bluff intended to drive Lt, Gilmore's home. Czar Reed out of Congress has suc- Ho, . W. J. Ilrjran at the On Dollar . JefTersonian Dinner. . Tlw Delineator f May, The May Number of The Delinea tor is called the Commencement Number, and in addition to afford' ing a clear prospect of the whole field of Fashion, treats very fully with illustration and description of; appropriate gowning for Commence ment and r Graduation wear. The Literary features are thoroughly en tile Hoasehold and An Kntcrpiisfng Drucslst. ihere are lew men more wide awake and enterpriniiig than T. A. Albright & Co., who spare no pains to secure the best of, everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cokla This is the, wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It Absolutely cures Asthma. From the Associated Press Report -. "Let me recall some of throw joyable, and I .mm.'' . I ll I '.' tl 11114 planks. ' We advocated the arbitra- Soclal discussiona ensp and piquant nroncnius, uoarseness ana an anec; WVs UIHIUHUV BIWI J va iivian Tln-St haat .. m.xA nf Aur-. J A stronir. drama ictorv of woman' Vl .... vi v.u vu.v.0 wiii.- b , JiUngs. ChU at above drug ; store tion engaged in inter-Ktate com- "" -. w. iwivrr -j-igm-uj riai bottle free or a re- - - 1 t r t a ii i .. i i .-ail . . merce and their employes. Tne mttrJ . nweii amerwooa, a wief gUir size for 50 cents and. $1.00. doctrine of arbitration is stronger reminiscent , of the early daj-a of G uaranteed to cure or price refund HAW Ih.n , r tm-na , n lUIIJI IT...... I 1UU1 UIU1I1BI11. . I1B IU41 limLlllIIH. HlVI,!--. wwn JV I, VhO 411 XUfU, UtCIT I .' 1 4 4 great strike which brings loss to the 8nd burdens of the Indian woman employer destroys the laborer and find plaintive expression in Priini. inconveniences business, and brings tIve,1)'Pei bv iwaine Goodalp xast- Secretary Alger says that some of the volunteers in the Philippines will sail for San Francisco on trans ports now at Manila. It -was lso said all the volunteer would be home or on the way by July 1. Whether more troops will be sent to the Philippines has not yet been de termine J."" T"- T .. . Ilov to Look Good, us one step nearer to arbitration as man- In the series of the Develop- a means of settling; thosedifferences. mcnt ot the Boy Mrs. Alice Meynell The Chicago platform favored arbi- discusses the consequences of a too tration. Democrats that stood up- ,ree l'mt 01 oamei. in the paper on it then favor it now . The ulnt- n "e Cultivation of the Voice form declared against ' government Eleanor 'Georgen adds a scholarly by injunction and since the election I anay8'8 01 tne cause9 or 8na reme we have had object lessons which diea for tn0 Drawl. Notable College we did -not have before. Thomas inumege en, uy taroJyn . GooA Ukg are really . more than Jefferson believed in trial by jury. Halstcd, will prove interesting '. to 8yn deep, depending entirely on a and government bv ininnnd'nn 5h student and alumna. " A lively en- healthy condition of all the vital or- merelv a. d sffiifsed ' method bv tenainment is outlined in Ansnu s""- "wr Hiiwcure, yuu whichYman Wrged witlf Buuii oeaenieainengnioiwiat'pyir-"-"-- -r r " look J if your kidneys are inactive, jury. (Loud cheers and applause). rwu 1UI .WJ,,UI V vDpring-ume you have a pinched look, secure That plank Is stronger than it was puncheon ; lhe f ossibiatics pr a good health, and you will surely kr fvum ni.s iir. j.. I Can of Salmon. The Etionetto of have cood looks. "lUectnc Bitters" lCtVIQ) JlliP VIllWtKU uiaiiif(iu uo- I . - A " I . lit. clared in favor of the income tax. blowers is discussed in fcjocial Ob iii ... departments ana Democrats shall be liberally recog nized in the appointment of censup supervisors. He says that it was the purpose of Congress in passing the law "to provide for a strictly ac curate and non-partisan census, Reed says that he intends as a fare well shot at tho administration to take a hand in the election of his successor. If he only would, there would be a lively scrap, but as his law firm is to make a speciality of and that he will carry out the spirit corporation practice his partners as well as the letter of the law. Southern Republicans will not ap preciate the jibe made aftheif inao - curate and partisan methods, but Mri-Merriam is now at tho throttle and will handle the machine. - The Director has gone further and noti fied Southern Republican organiza tions that they need not expect to name all : the supervisors. The course of the Director will raise a j howl in Republican wigwams where pie plates were being matured, but such is politics. and an income tax is stronger now than it was before. When I dis cuss the income tax decision, -I always resort to quotations, because I have a reputation for conservatism which I must protect, ' (Laughter). When I want to be severe I quote, and when I want to criticism a Su preme Court, I quote from a mem ber of the court, and I am so cau tions that I even prefer to quote from a Republican member who cannot possibly be an anarchist, be cause be is a Republican. - Justice Brown, in his dissenting opinion, used these words : "I fear that in - Sunday afternoon near Newman, Oa terrible retribution came to a ne gro named Sam Hoeo. About a week before he had killed, near Palmetto, a respectable farmer named Cran ford in. the presence of his wife and his little children and then ravished the mother whom he had made a widow. ; This is horrible and hell- will doubtless be able to. convince him that bj cannot afford to offend such an influential corporation magnate as Mark Hanna. : The talk about deposing C1 man Jones of the Democratic Na tional Committee because of his ex treme silver views is tommyrot of the worst kind. Chairman Jones has represented a majority of the committee, and still does; but his health is in such a condition Tie is now at Atlantic City, slowly re covering from his recent serious ill ness that his physicians have told him that it will be risking death for him to attempt to do the amount of urT ' ? FT , 7 workhehadLn doing up to thth,T,,B,?fc" time he was taken sick. , This be ing the situation, Senator Jones' re tirement from the'position of chair man of the committee was easy to predict, but it was very small bus- servancea. Fancy-Work pages are full of agree able : information Fancy ,h Stitches and Embroidery, The. Dressmaker, The Milliner, i The Latest Books, etc., etc. - Published by The But- terick Publishing Co.r 7 to 17 West Ihirteenth btreet. New York, at $1.00 a Year, 'or 15 Cefits per Copy. is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomachJiver and kidneys purifies the blood,-; cures pimples, . blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Hvery bottle guaranteed. Sold at 1. A Albright & Co.'s. 50 cents per bot tle. - According to statistics ' gathered regarding the bulKinic pJagaeit is estimated that there have been 250, OOO deatbs recorded in India since its" beginning. These figures, how ever, are undoubtedly fur below the actual total, as the native are known to have conceded quite a number of deaths". "A wnr1 to the wise is sufficient" nd a word from the wise should be snffiniont kill, vnil ItKlC." WOO STO tne OUii4VlVI s . vwv J - T II'IOU ? Thnaa who knnw The ol repeated experience of truslivSrlhy persons mav lie -taken wr nnoi edge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Cham Cxmeh Remedy gives bet ir 8iifiKlinn than anv other in tb market. He has been in the dru Klktmir lCv.for twelve years ; has sold hundreds 'of bottles of this remedy and nearly an cough . medieines : manufactured, which ' shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfac tory to the people, and is tho best. For sale by all druggists. - I V) ft. 99; -Pepsin' i la Tastie oad GuarasitoesS .ta I j.s t I Fever and all EalarJal JtsnClm. i - -l.J a end Daes Kot Contaia QifflurTt'e Stomacli Nor 1 T. t fie Konrlug. m : - 'Vljl'mi'i nlmeBox.Toi., say: Bamon'f Pepsin obiHTonle u the W. A. cum "Y-L 5," a on oreaoritK-a it In HI3 urwaiuii.uuu Buys ll u best we H3reoypi - ,,.! t-,,, wiih,ui injury to Hie stomuuii. .i.,m,riLi u u'. i in. , mill rn. ui u' w DUU " " " - the onW' MIC Cliicaeo is to be the centre "oTa erent unian of organizitions, com posed of German-Americans, who are antagonistic to "the plans "that would bring about any alliance be 'tween the United States and a for- n -nower, notably . the proposed Anglo-American alliance. , To Cnre Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AH druueiats refund the mon ev if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet New Stories of Washington. Paul Leicester Ford, the historian Richmond, Va.. June 10. 1898. Uoose Urease Liniment Co., ' - Greensboro, N. C. Uear bir: some .time ago you sent me one dozen bottles of Goose Grease Liniment to bo used in our stable amongst our horses, and we A guaranteed income of $50,000 a year as senior member of a great law firm in New York is tendered Thomas B. Reed, speake of the last house of representatives. If he ac cept8 it he will not be speaker any more. ; . " The Pennsylvania legislature ad and novelist, has gathered together heg to state that we have used thisjourned Thursday wifhout electing from various sources a number of "wfT7 since receiving u, ana . Iwoillil RtatA fianklv that : w h.ivc I1CW OWJIIOJ 111' IT nOlllUKWtl, . BIIU - l.J tt,! t, ., , , , ; , . . I never had anything that gave us as published them in the May Ladies' good satisfaction. We have used it some hour of national peril this de- Home Journal as "The Anecdotal on Cuts, Bruises, Sore Necks, cision will rise up to paralyze the Side of George Washington." All Scratches and nearly every disease arm of the government." ' . We saw the stories are capitally told, and to- the danger in 1896, but many peo-1 gether they reveal the characteristics pie were so blind that they could of the great American in a most in not see it, but the hour of peril teresting and impressive manner. come. The war came on. Wei Here are two of them could not tax incomes, because the! "Washington's steward once pur- decision rose up to paralyze the arm chased the first shad of the season a horse Can have and it has Worked charms. We need more at once. Please let me know if you have it put up in any larger bottles or any larger ! packages than the ones sent us and also prices. ' Yours truly, v ' STANDARD Oil. CoMAPAKY, by I. C. West, a senator, tne tyuay anu aim Quay fight will be carried into every county in the state and waged , in cesantly ' until final supremacy of one or the other side is assured. Whrnrill win tintrhlttar nuisatlnir font when O rove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo is aj pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Yonr druggist 18 authorized to refund the money In every cae where lt falls to eure. i'rice, uu cenia. jaao for the President's table, as he knew his master to be extravagantly fond of fish. He 'placed it before u,8, Bt u h an agreeauie anJ 66g 8oldier8 hoIdinK Kovern I a,M..MnA 'I I.. . : i iOUll'IIQC ,1110 1 ICBIUClIb llllUlieil The total number of Cuban sold iers to be paid is 39,821. Ninety- nine generals, 5,020 other oflicerf iness 10 try to make it appear !,. U 1. K. j a 1 1 si.. 1.- . . j-. h8 WM no t and is cal- ,n iha r.frn. Rnt th l,th Culted to CaU8 ma" Uk 8"" which the madened mob .ubiccted JonMto tok ",elbit,4I" his Mt.h' ... K..K.,. hnnA " "o iiooitu or lao or- Vnn.n i ,- dora of the doctors, and retain the ment offices are excluded. One hun dred and nine officers who are dis abled will probably be paid at Go 5 8 request. - A- committee hai been" appointed to make the pay ment, the beast anything benighted. He was stripped, chairmanship until the democratic, chained toa tree, his enra, finger. ' P"dont, in accord " , piled around him, oil poured over all and set on fire. Before he died he implicated a negro preacher named Strickland, who, he said, hired him to kill Cranford. Strick land was lynched Monday night It's all too horrible and blood curdling to relate. . suc cessor. Should Senator Jones die under the strain, those who orig inated the stories mentioned would be as surely murderers as though they had administered poison to him. ' ,. Hon. Barlett Tripp, the American member of the Samoan Commis sion, which will leave San Francisco The French ambassador, M. Cam-next week on the auxiliary cruiser bon, ; called on Secretary Hsyl Badger, doesn't regard the trip as Monday a week and officially ad-1 anything more than a pleasant sum vised him, in behalf of Spain, thatjmer excursion. He said before the Duku d' Arcos had been chosen leaving Washington : "I do not aa Spanish minister at Washington. I believe it will take any extended The ambassador also made known I period for the representatives of the that the 8panish ' government, three governments interested 7 to through the minister ot foreign af-j agree on some policy that will be fairs, had informed him that Mr. I satisfactory to all. There are no Bellamy Storer would be persona insurmountable, difficulties in the grata as United States minister to j way of an understanding that will i-iaunu. ine secretary ana tne pnneci cveryDoay. it isn t as ambassador felicitated each other! though the mastery of a continent "n the agreeable diplomatic rcla-jwns involved; the' comparative ons which would be re-established smallnesa of the interests at Apia is the United States and I a pretty aura guaranty acainst t rouble of a serious sort" There is l elween C" Probably the most important cap ture in the history of the secret ser vice was made Tuesday a week in Philadelphia by Chief John E. Vrilkieand his agents when they ar r. -red Arthur Taylor and Baldwin S. Ilredell, the makers of the fa r . us counterfeit "Monroe head" 1 CO silver certificate. Thrse ar- r 'a were followed Wednesday by more interest in the result of the Commission's investigation of the charge that German treachery was ponsible for the ambuscading of American and English marines than else it has to do. Nobody seems to rare a continental what the Com mission docs about the government of the Samoan Islands. A vharp reprimand to the military . . Mhinlll Manila waa I.l. . L - i e capture in Lancaster, Pa., of " " - 11 T A a 1 11 ar icpnruneni, Decause He allow-, ed tha remarks of Gen. Lawlon alout 100,000 men being needed in the Philippines to be cabled to this country ; it is said that Gen. Shafler also got a hint from the aims source that he was doing too much talking about his belief that it would be necessary to kill off half of the Filipinos before we could keep peace on the islands. Mr. McKinley has decided that it would be bad politics to call for more volunteers to be seat to the Philippines, aud has ordered that the volunteers now over there shall be sent home as fust as vessels to bring them are available. Regulars will l-o sent to take their places, as it is not confidered safe to reduce the number of men under command of Osis, even during the rainy sea sen, i-'-wmi to I ',. j Tl w.,j 0 a i-'-.k k in WVh- 7, iiliam M. Jacobs aud William I ircn.l'g, two prominent cigar manu ' : irera, and James Burns, who i In Jacobs' employ. There were ' captured the original plate from "1 the silver certificates were !, a new $100 counterfeit . 1 a new $300 plate, ar.d ? f 'i of plates for printing ' t revenue stamps, rolls, ; !.ernalla, and about five r and a large amount of ; "'T'l. '1 scraUhi and y rfu!t in blond r ! "!'l them qui k- Wilch llarel r--ti-twr-tic sp ! of al ays - CM . J. C. re sort to stamp taxes. . We had to hunt up any old thing to put a stamp tax on. (Laughter and leud applause). ' One . of the , ' things stamped is a telegram. Whenever how much he paid for the shad you want to tend a telegram, you 'Three dollars, ' was the reply goto the telegraph office ond you 'Take it away,' commanded Wash find that the ltepublican party has mgton rather sharply. 'I will not so made the law that the telegraph encourage such extravagance in my company can transfer . the burden house." I. - . i f t . I . . Iltlll. M . .1. . . '. , irom its snouiaers to yours. iinno vne? uriuan occupiea ToCar.aCoidjm oneDay "The Republican party in all of I Philadelphia and the American Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- its plans is outtlnf tho dollar above force lay in winter Quarters at Val- leta- Al1 druggists refund the mon Ihn man anil thai. i. iWorlln., ft., Ipw Vnran nn aa Va.htno4An 7 " ' t0 C"1. 25c. The fc-jli--fii--i- i..a.!-ja-- Lii - "U genuine has I.B. Q. on each tablet. u uwvuire vi umwtUf ia auuiiucr. j nun oiuu tio uuuu line for in 1859 he said the Republican hunting dog, which was evideutly The Cuban provinces have been party believes in both the man and lost, came to seek something to eat. reduced from seven. to five in num- the dollar, but in cases of conflict On its collar was the name, 'Gen-1 ber. The Pinar del Rio depart .a a . a . mm a . I the man berore the dollar. . The Re- tu' Howe.' Washington idered publican party is putting the dollar that the dog should be fed, and above the man in all of its legisla-1 then he sent it to Philadelphia un tion and nowhere is it more ap- der a flag of truce, with a h tter parent than in taxation. Tho Re- reading : 'General Washington's ment, isassiVned to the command publican party is not trying to complimenta to General Howe. He Uf the two departments thus coin- restore justice iu taxation. The does nimselt the pleasure to return bined war has shown that when this gov- to him a dog which accidentally fell eminent deals with an inuividual its I i"to his hands, and, by the inferip-1 If you suffer from tenderness or power is Unlimited, but when it I tion on the collar, appears to belong fullness on the right side, pains' un ment is consolidated . with the de partment of the province of Hav ana, and Brigadier General Lee, now commanding the latter depart- deals with property its power is to General Howe.' The British limited. It can draft the citizen, I commander, in reply, sent a cordial but it cannot touch the dollar. In letter conveying his warm thanks the hour of peril the nation can take the son from his mother and the husband from his wife, and stand them up in front of an enemy's guns, but it dare not lay its finger upon the wealth of the rich and make them contribute their share. (Tremendous cheering,). V The income tax is stronger than it was, and it is placed upon the shoulders of the poor, who have to carry the bunion, but in the Demo cratic party you may say there is one man who is willing to pay Ids share. (Loud N applause). My friends, why. should not people be willing to bear their share of the burdens of government ? If in time of war your country needs you, you are willing to give your life's blood. why deny the nation its just duo in time of peace? It has been the history of the world that thoae who can make much have been unwilling to bear their share of the burdens of government and have sought to use the instruments of government for private gain, to take from those who make less than they can. The Democratic party is a protector of the rich and (he poor, and that party which makes the rich bear their share of the burden is a better friend of the rich man than the party that take his money and sells ex emptions. (Applause.. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Skit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 crnta per box. For pale by T. A. AU'rtJ.t & Co.. for this enemy. act of courtesy of his The formal transfer of the Liggett & Myers Tobacco company, of St Louis, has beeen made to tho tru8tJ.1KJGuoD.PII-L9' President M. C. Wetmore, of the company, comes out flat-footed and I acknowledges that the sale has been closed; that he has resigned his po sition and sold his stock: and that the newcomers will elect a new boardof directors. He states that fie.. ii still unalterably opposed to trustx, but that he was single handed and forced to yield. The ostensible purchaser was the Union Tobacco company, but the plant will be transferred to the American, which was represented by W. W. FulTer, of New York. ' The consid eration is 112,500,000. John Beard, sheriff of Amhert county, Va,, and John II. Parr, chairman of the board of supervis ors, had a street duel in" Amherst Tuesday a week. The men had a fight early in lhe day, and Parr, the smaller man, was worsted, but he expressed a determination not to let the matter rot . The two men met later, armed with pistols. Seven shots were fired. Beard was shot in the side and Parr was shot through the lungs and leg, and perha fa ally wou r.dcd. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Une this remedy in time and save a doc-tor's bill or the under taker's. J. C Simmons, the druggist Oaflk.ra'; Fftrt t.V --f 'ortiA, f f " der . shoulder-blade, constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, and ibel dull, heavy and sleepy yourJiver is torpid and congesteoVDeWitt's Little Early RiserswiTl cure "you promptly, pleasantly and iwr- manenlly by removing the conges tion and Causing the bile ducts to opeiK and now naturally. 1 nrv J. V. binimons, the druggist, . . - aWty it-Wit The first step in Spring should be to cleanse Nature's house from Winter's accumu lations. Hood's Sarsaparilla does this work easily. It is America, s Greatest " Spring Medictne. It purifies the blood, as millons of people say. It makes the weak strong, as nervous men and women . gladly, testify. ' It cures all blood diseases, as thousands of cured voluntarily write. It is just the medicine for you, as you will gladly say after yon baye given it a fair trial. Bad BlOOd-" Although past 70 years of ags I am thoroughly well. It was three bottles -of Hood's Sarsaparilla that mado me so after siiendlns over sao In mi attendance. My trouble was a raw sore on my ankle." Mas. Louisa Uasoh, Court Running 8 ores-" After umin, tmr months I save niv children Hood'. Ha.... parllla and It cured thenj of running sores. Hood's Pills cured me of lvnni constipation." Mas. Kiti E. Thomas. 81 uorernor St., Annapolis, Md. Consumptive Cough - "Five years ago I had a eonaumutive ronnh rhih re duced ma to s skeleton.- Was advised to tako Hood's BarsaDarllla whlrh I aa .t,a jTswrerea normal neaitn. 1 have ham wail rer since." matilda Ijbidoewatkr. Cor. Poarl and Chestnut 8tsH JeOersonville, Ind. V,ux Motiful . ' i 7 Spring anc :V Summer nrettv. hats thid season-. .We carrv We have our store brimfull of nothinirbut the newest good and you cannot .fail to find what you need. nT ln.vin call and ant our loww. prices: Girreot jatylua and l irge a. Before buying call ann bev MISSES FREELAND, . jjNext door to cow u. Grahnin. N. CU Farmers waiiioiiee! GllEENSBOKO, N. C. J. E, ill! ! CO.. Owners aaa Frap'rs. This Payer : ; - ; Every farmer who will bring his tobacco to the Farmers', Ware- ? house, Greensboro, shall have the verv highest: market -price lor each and every pile on the floor of pur, house. , We thank all customers for past-favors and patronage and will appreciate any trade they may favor us with in the future We also promise that we will not neglect anything that will en able us in getting the highest prices at each and every sale.' . We expect to buy tobacco more largely this year than eyer. - We ex pect our purchases to reach nearly one lialf million pounds, so if you sell with us you get the benefit ot one more straight out buyer as we shall confine our purchases entirely to our own floor. We invite every farmer who visits our market to attend our-sales and they will be convinced of the above statements, and we believe af ter seeing (or themselves by attending our sales from rlay to day when on our market, they will favor us with their trade. -To those who have never sold with us, we will say 4 If you will ftvinn tta aTiin ,,o f "v t-, , n nf tsi... li t. caoe... ...a nv.a t- you that it will be to your interest to" patronize us in the future as our etiorts to obiain tor you the very highest prices shall not be surpassed by any one on this or any other market. Again thanking all for past favors, hoping in the future" wc may . be favored with your custom and support, we remain, truly your friends, v. J . II WHITT. & CO. JfocdS St . V00'' K" "ir Mr lll, ths aon-lrrlLHoir sua oniy cinrne to Ul; with HooJI Sriciiui;i. TRY THE JE17II0ME Grand Clearance SaleM ! ! In order toitfake room for our sorins' stock we have cut orices deep oneveral lines of goods, and we are in a position to offer youpany rare bargains. We have a good and well selected .stock ojBoots, Skoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, etc., which MUST GO AT ONCB. . - ' . - : , . , ' - Remember, these good3 must leave our shelves tA make room for the elegant line of Spring Goods which will arrive in due time. We do not expect to eive them awav. neither do wi nrnnnw tr sejl below cost, but will offer them at such prices'as will make it to your advantage to trade with us. ' 6 GEO. II. ROY3TER, Greensboro, N. C. " 118 S. Elm. St. - . - Leader in Low Prices, SEND ONE DOLLAF? Rft.n!US7Kft?:,!5JJSSi ion bTfr.lght 0. O. D. subject t?iS5iln.Uon. louTT; f , rPP TOP faUCCV la IC)l'l TO 1I SIUO.SO IU1- StUti, TmT.Zrl. VlJ . ,".". '! ' rW fr.lfh depot nd If juii lli.rt it irk sum or ntiuu or. mm enmi.i .;jrTr'"",,"iM l't ..KUll IOU HITS Another Bryan dinner, this under the auspices of the workingmen, waii held in New York Wednesday I night, at which 1,500 were present. Bryan wasrecoired with great afj- plause and hia speech aroused im mense enthusiasm. No CureNo Pay, That U thews r all dninrHts sell OHOVB TAKTKLfcM CHI Li. T..MU for ChllM sod I Malaria. It Is siiniiiy iron an4 uuinine id tasteleaaTonn. Children rove It. AOullspre-l (er It to bitter nauseating tonuls, xTK.-e Wu It is reported from Vienna that Ilarr Pollack, a well known elec trician, has ducorered meana oi teltraphing 60,000 worda per hour over a single wire. Is My Mead rwf T HITS FC3 CHICIIIES "VS aavlDC slarhfnea wa tnaaafactara and Uwar pneas Datora 70a parcaaaa aoy otaar. TNI NCW Moats; frwi MACNIHt CO. This is a question of vast iinpor-1 te-'-vwr. . t. . i . t ,11 1 sance to ail wno wian to o wen. If your Hood is impure you cannot expect good health, unless you be gin taking Hood s fcarapanlla at once. This great medicine makes the blood pure and puis the syctcm in good health, cure) epring hu mors, aud that tired feeling. m. Cat It LartlBa, Dissolution ! Hood's rills cure nausea, sick headache, biliousness and all liver ilia. Trice 2 cents. " Itca oa karaaa.'kaD( ea aorea. docs arxl all stock, enrrd Id po aiinatea by Wooifon) HaDltary lxitloa. This Ber-rr falls. HoM try T. A. AJbrtsht, dnurstat, Ormham. H. C Dnopo. Ciriwiii, tm 4J U i '' r l'v..'H.,nd ra The partnership heretofore exist ing lx-tween !. Banks Holt and Al. It, , barton, Jr., under the firm name of Holt -fc Wharton, doing bu.-inesj as the Oneida Store Co., in lhe town of Graham. Alamance county, North Carolina, haa been dirsdved by mutual consent U lank3 Holt will pay all claims gainst the said late - firm and all drl.tg due it will be paid to him, as he wi.l wind up and fettle lhe partner ship burinesi. I- liAXKS HOLT, M. IS. WHARTON. Jr.- Apii 4, lK".i.-ft BrtS RRRS OR MljlRU or. lay th nllroul acnt tie.ao TO OO.OO BUGGIE8 AND SURREYS. uun ai-tuinL UrrtH PRICE S55.00 nd frvirht ctaarfrea. Ion tte vu asuitar mdi wiui ordr. otU4W HatUtra a( 2l.aff. YJ-Duegy that M told b w-hv awiu avrw oeinir vl ACM ft QUEEN (OUR OWN MAKE. rWawlNtJDil bsmI tW BaT4al 4 Lmhhi rati lis ey can bur. Winl in U how, Top Bi$gtm9 mmO hi 28.75 and tl, mXMJ lOld UT nia.chlurw HmI.t . l ail', rwt wiaa aa nrs bust si uui ih.t ui bs si ii.t. w. n.m.'i.iu ? . " . . DiurnT rnctorr ror tii. ..i ' fcuii ui.i.Dd i.iting . dnirn m..i;f CVSTOBimS BASuriCTLRiR'S rsofrir Kvery Bugwr Wa Make la Oi,ern(.d Vaarsj and They Will out wear fa Ordinary Factors Rise, TM MATEIIAl ts lam n gni (cut onrf jaw an un. SaiM. Itmt In lit. onltnarl lilwr Sti('r. W. a o en.liloa clou,, ioi... ui K cat 1 1 n. .Jo UJ llli,K. Kim , ,.,,. oaSSMat leattiar, ofn uas Scent; W0111W w. no) fiTALSlllil DOUfcl.B tlx price ni.l n'.i.r" Sl.ssrswiTSua." W. k"w S70 dl7j?nViL,n'?b'ur,rT '"tory ar. wminr to . .4, 1 ... . 'i ImllrorwrV'lolwViS & itZl'J - -.OiwtrtrrmM. md hnM .wrmim, wilal SSOAru atlfl- mA raar . - " '1 T"-.'M l.U xtr. liim.,.. ..." " T IMl ahafta. lSt. laa-kiTSaal' ttiirwvallM, tt.Ol MQ SEND ONE poi lap urr A -aarfaa. otherwlaa . saii,, TTTT . ar. m, iwb t unT a rtivin m. a . r .ta'T: "..SUITH I BEST I t. 1.1 4A aall. a. bl. i , i roar onUr, i'Ahaa ri tw ta hff! raw-tory. pavy th ruiraaut a. m to J r aTiB r, a rnt i ,.L AR8, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). CHICACO, I LL. Trustees Sale I Fins Farm !. : BT Tlrtoeor tha nan V . the de-d , trxut -i'hV Oe? A CurtH "hich Is rriti in iw.1, : iJ ua MAT I, 1Mb, TVta trs.t Is sltaatml on HI- illammnr C. turn, and oihara.BiKleor.uin, irj! o H ,mi, w ,he o-d Btova tonw. Ti KJ'of'isrttis'i Cunu u - r1"ti( of flow fr rf wiow CrVeA drt.t and l.iK rpst and cla .rr , . aill be ald to ik h,Vhst t,Klr n lhe ixjwrr rfjht of M,a. Lurr 1) If It shall not hrm a sum suAiclai :t "1 d-t.t, tntvt aud t. in f,, Publicaticn cf Sinncis. it VAirtia, lUpAVMl r.)-VJ. 11 , .1. 'V m urn nri Zl"..r, , a rvt rwrcirr.trr t.w r k of 4.,wr of Ln. atia, s . v 7 rtiifimm rwry tin. Krm -vu-ct mini is vry na-rwii,. I'D. !. 1. " 'l-A-LJ-s. Tru,;r. Alamaooe County-In the Superior Court. Summons for Relief. Mary Banna vs. . - Mitchell Bamm. StetaofrTorth Oamllna, to toe Sheriff of Al "atnee eouaty, Ureeung: Too in hfrrhTComimn-lnl to summon t) defendant shove runnel, li ha t f," i .1 In jrourei-jnir. to t and at w ar ., , Juice of our fcii pennr c m ru t aci i i i Jf4 rort.eoot,.,t..rf A.. '- r,. ...,, .. t aouiw la (.lUmn on tne t v , - ter the flmt K.n.,H, ,.f . K j snswpr tha eompianit wh..-n ... :'!. ..... . ..0; "f "" '"' 1 " Court of aaul rv,!,,v. aarsof tne farm, ai.,1 iat t..h h. take noli, e tjiat ll ha (., I t,..-.- !"'hi wiitin iw t,.rm (.ie t . .. . . v P'J lothe curl f.,r l mo r- f .' Uie erni'iinl, that t .. ., r,,. .. ly f mra d-. ',,Ihtu a r,,., a .e .: Hara, fml oot sod ol f .... . i due return. (IVn Under RlC fcar-.a , .. . ,.. f . ' Pi Bat 1-U.K. C. I . c. ' f t A a. , i