Tl." . "Keeping Eve:....... ' j , success." - rati3Fit,:;:;::dc:; Job Printing. All kinds Commercial 1; ing, Pamphlets, rosters, c, neatly and promptly execu U .i . z lowest prices. at' tt' . ; ":r In lis Ccuatjc ' C . 'jlinhed ln18T6. " '. $1X0 v-'V Year In Advance. Large and increasing circula ton in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertisers. BAN VOL. .XXV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1899. NO. 24. The EM. '.-' '-' .1 ' :. ' .- . ............ i ., r r t ' .- . '..- .: -"V i .1 2 u. 7 - -' .. Some people imagino n price will sell a shoe the . . .don't worry-nboutthe she; lusted the nrien a lrn enoughs A funcname .shouldn't : influence vou -i 1 ! I,.... -..!.- 1 .. t .1. . ' J - ' ; yvut trnuea on iur, iook aeeper- than the sur- face, You want shoes that will wear, take the brunt r (V everyday service arvl that will give you more than - ' the worth of your money. j-We have bought more shoes for- fall than over before. Heavy Shoes, Good Shoes, Shoes that will., wear, ' If you need a ' heavy pair . of shoes, or a '- , - , - light pair of shoes, everyday , on 'Sunday , shoes, wo ' can furnish you. - Oxfords as low ns the lowest. ? . A. I DAVIS, Manager. PROFESSIONAL CAUDS-, JACOB A. LONG, - Attorney-at-Law .; GRAHAM, s- - - - N. c - Practices In the State and Fodoral courts.' ' Ottlee over Whim, Moore & Oo.'i store. Main St rant. "Phono No. iL ,.. ;.. .. . - IOH OBA BYHUJt.. . ..W. . BTAUaVfa.- BNUJI & BYXTJSI, 'Attorneys and Counselors) at Lmw OUKENSIJOIIO, N. C, ' "i'i i Practice rcsfnlarly, lo nance county. j - tho eonrta of Ala .Aug.,94ly dk; j. i; stock aid Ierjtist, - - GRAHAM, N. C. Offloe at resldenoo, s opposite nuptial i.nuren. H st work at reasonable prloes, In olltoo Moodaya awl Batur '. day. . ;- . .--.-:. - What snaring from fallln womb, white, pamfti MniM, orany'dtaeaaec womb, white, painful or Trrcrnlar umh otthadietiseuy femiiuneorpansta. Atoaamay aymrav thlie or pay but ha oaa not know the ajrmlra aho goee through the terrible auiUrlnqr, ao patiently borne, which voba kar of beauty, bona and hoppu Vat - Una aofiaruut . raallv M r:car.zE'S Via bnnlah it Tbto tnedfeilM cores all " famaJo dtfcaa '' quict )j and permanently. : It doeaaway with humiliation phyakai zacM aatlooa. Tha treitmeut tnaj' b token at home.. 1 her htmat coo tfnual epena and troubta.1 The offerer is cured and itaf tttrvdt Win? pf Cari iiiabecoirilng-tliCi leading remedy io alt troubtcs ca this cluaa, lliAbiLLiitjBiaj drutmisti " . , ) f or. advice- Vasna nqtMbg apecial dirw-tipns, addresftvth .'' Ladja Advuiory DrnaaUqcati'.' The Cbattanorva,.vl(t".Cix;,. Chattanooga, 1 1. 4- J" t . O. J. Wtkt,- !TaernATait. wriUu 1' Thi wtjoderlul nudkwoaclit lox in Hy bouaa when thaaan awa - Of Interest to Inyentora. C. A.1 Snow A Co., one' of' the oldest and most successful firing of patent lawyers, whoee oflicea are op-. posite the United States Patent. Ot fico in Washington, D. C, and who have procured patents for more than 17,000 inventors, say that, owing to the improved conditionU in the .Un ited States Patent office, patents may now be more promptly pro cured than at any previous time in their experience of twenty-five years.;: ,.. - Senora Kay Cnfrtillo, who is Mexican woman, ia.'iiow. a "widow for the seventh time in fifteen years. Her firsi husUnd died from a till from a carri;i :a, tbe second took poison by accident, the third was the was iiieti 111 a fs.H fourth (,!i t Lin lrillitl !,;.. . hig death Ly . , fold ihe was 1 . eventh itasdr re- some mo.i 1 dfi the iJu time. ' in .accident, If, the fifth lug, the sixth ir- from a met scaf- ringed) and the !. I!ut aa there , fo hpea to weeJ4 is due J. D.rri.v torof the I v H,snri: " out Oiif ::: boy, ' . , - old. It I ' croup I , term t'.-; , r nnd proprie I. ..vster, N. I i.. t be with h Cure fir my v ..'.i a cough or t rrme.y for ." J. C. Siro- tt, " ;v 'j$4r! It is n r-nt in krr, t-i ( b- t Alcr ha m war Bccre- " months s. Big Shoe Store, ' " DAVIS &. DAVIS, Propr'e, Burlington, N. C. THE BROOD FRAMED '- ' ' 1 ' i Oaa That Caa Ba Dalit by a Horlea ' WHa Ordlaary TaoU. k Having been working the past win ter to design a bive that wonld coma within tba scope of those persona poa- seseea 01 ordinary bkiu ana tools, a writer in Tbe Country Gentleman gives a description of that part yhith will cans a novice most trooble viz, the brood frame: -""TakVa board o"f suit able alae and nail on tome cleats, as indicated in Fio. 1.: Make a. miter box the width of tbe frame, toy. seven -eighths or one Inch.' Nail a piece in tbe bottom of one end for a stop. ' From this stop measure eft tbe length of tbe top rail, and saw down at right angles. For tbe bottom rail yon can set in a loose piece, about an inch thick, wbicb will avoid two saw gashes coming too close together. ... " ' For tbe end posts make another gash at tbe right distance from tbe stop. " For the brace pieces yon will need another boa abont an incband a quar ter. Vail in bottom of this a stop sawed at an angle of 45 degrees, and from a corner of tbis saw a gash of 45 degrees. Now, if yon take a piece an inch and a qnarter wide and tbree-eigbtbs of an inch thick, saw it oS at an angle of 45 degrees, shove it into the bos to tbe stop, and saw it off; then tnrn it over, saw again, and so on. yon will get tbe corner pieces. ; As to construction, yon loy the top piece In its place on the board, and the side pieces in their places and. noil on tbe corner pieces; tben . nail the top to ends and tnrn over and nail on bottom, ruifripa aaooo FBAMK. and. yon hava a stwna' frame, as indi cated in Fin. X. that. will space itself in tba bive and stay there. One frame will need btaoea both sides to keep it the propw ditaaeeJzom tba side of theblvsu. - ': AaMmrda rtut asibflritiea differ. I mad mine Jo 4nbes long because that was thaJanstbof Xobc bone hoxe, and !iMk,deeroaha'twas the depth of the bive ; - ' Crab Oraaa Bay. fiah crrasa bay is distinctively Mthrn fnraaa nlant It is an annaaL growing vigoroasly in the wet period of midsammei and seeding abundantly. Tbe" North Carolina station says that even when, cot for bay it if believed oeoally to bav reached inch a stags of matnrity that tbe neat year's growth is assured from seed dropped. Tba ripen ing, as a bo tbe baying, is accompanied by soch perfect weather that tbe atraw is bright and fresh looking, an even when seed bas ripened and the bay has I past iU best estate for digestion its looks Indieata as earlier stage of devel opment than bas acto ally Dew aiiaroeo. i. Mfarai icaaea amooa oar grical- tnral experts of 1808 there were .gains I in Quantity accompanied by falling off in value. A notable example of wa famished by cotton, we im item In our agricnltaral export I trada. Our shipments of cotton Increased I by 74a.B09.849 pounds; but owing to a drop of 1-4 cents in tbe average ex- port price, tbe value of tba shipments declined by $448.70. ... n cottonseed oil we shipped to for- elgn countries U,Q51.i gajjone w I than in 1897, wllfl a gam in V of W.feO.tsa. in o eJ , bowser, there wae a slight decline. - - " la tb Saatb V " : - w, -th and feadiaa: of rapetssir." . .... axa to. new departure to tbs south. which lYotessoT ij - I Carolina sUtion remarks: II : win pay ZT. hia tbe planta and cultrvato while It is ssjeO. In rte norft this crop is sovm broadcast ttetfn tersest f or fail rJ JlW hot tar enmat two or three ewefnl ea tivstioasof mors abundant f"J? pUat. to draggle with heat Tbrt-dcast seeding. is dens in connection witbcowpeaVi for a psrttal shade during the earty life of the' raps - . People a bo have once taken De Witt's LitUe Early Risers will never have ajiTthing else. They re the .' little tnlla" foe torpid liver and all irregularities of the system. J. C. Simroorw, the drosswt. THE TENT CATERPILLAR i ilBXilM minimal.. . ' uasur Destroyed In Its . Several Staires of Eslatence. ine orcbardist who Britten severely from,;. the apple tree tent caterpillar most be condemned as careless. Tbe caterpillars may be qoite readily located and destroyed while in the eggs: the tents are conspicuous and qoicikly burn EGO MASSES OF TENT CMSnPILLAO, ed : the young caterpillars yield speed! Ir to arsenicals and the whits coranns plainly show themselves for destruc tion. The caterpillars in a nest of or dinary alze will consume 9,500 apple leaves in a wees, and. as tbe; feed for nve or six weeks, those from two three nests may almost completely strip a tree of its foliage and areatlv lowe its vitality. They seem to prefer the taste of wild cherry, and' tbis tree was probably their original food plant. All such trees shonld be carefnlly watched, as tbey are liable to be starting points for toe invasion of nearbv orchards. Next to tbe wild cherry tbe caterpillars seek tbe apple, but tbey also do con siderablo damage upon cherry., plain ana peaco. . From late Joly until the following spring me insects will be lonnd in egg.. These eggs are. laid in peculiar rings -or bands "thimbles" or "cater pillar belts, " some call tbem about tbe smaller twigs. Tbey are covered with a tbick layer of glae. which makes glistening protection from tbe weather. These bands are large crJoticU to be plainly seen and can be easily removed and borncd ' when prubtng tbe trees. The little caterpillars form in tbe eggs In tbe summer, bnt do not batch until tbe middle -or last of tbe . following April. Theysocn begin tbe construction or toe wen Known nests. Tuese are usually placed in some crotch of twigs near tbe abandoned egg band and are formed by tbe threads of silk which the caterpillars spin.- As tbe larv-re grow and tbe nest becomes too small another sheet of threads Is 1 spun, so that the tent Is really a succession of nests, one outside the ether These white or ycl lowisb masses of silk are easily destroy ed by burnipg on the tree or by cntting off the twig and crashing tbe best. This should be done in the evening or Just before a storm, wben the caterpil lars bave sought shelter. The caterpillars feed nntil late in May. Their body color is black, but a prominent white stripe extends tbe foil length of tbe back. There are also numerous shorter ir regular white lines and a row of oval pale blue spots upon each side, while tbe entire body is thinly covered with long yellowish hairs. Tbe caterpillars, especially when young, can eusily bo killed by two or three sprayings with some arsenical poison. .Birds feeding upon these caterpillars are yellow billed and black billed cuckoos, tbe black cap ped chickadee, Baltimore oriole, red eyed and warbfing vireos, wren, chip ping eparrow, yelloW wurblcrand crow. Tbe larva) crawl down the trunks of tbe trees in late May, wben they ore mature, and are nearly two inches long. Tbey spin their cccoons on the trunks of trees, where tbey ere protected by. tbe rough bark; in the grata under tbe trees, about fences, eaves, window casings and tbe sides of outbuildings. When in such masses as shown In tbe figure, there is no excuse or not dis covering and destroying tbs cocoons. From these cocoons tbe reddish brown moths emerge in late June and early July and soon lay the eggs which com- oocooM or text CATBariUaB, plete tbe life cycle. These moths are quite large and are easily dlatinguiab able from all but a few closely related species by tbe two obllqoev.nearly par allel, bands of white creasing tbe wings. Tbs foregoing points are reproduced from an outline, with illustration, cf tbe life story of tbe tent caterpillar given by tbs Geneva (N. Y.) station in bulletin; 16Z, wdicd concioaes wua these rseanmesdstions: Protect and encouraae birds. . ttroy egg bands and cocoons and reward children for eolleet- them, burn tot or crash tbe nests whi)a thecsterpillsrs ars in tbem; spray th tJt(m wit p,rU green, london pur- gneB tTtenlt, arsenite of lime, Dj i. bat not least, see that wild cherry trees, crab apple trees and aeg- Uptad .t- j, aioar roadsides are kept free from the pests or cut oown. It armaarafrom tbe experlenesof one New Jersey tomato grower, reported by niraetor Voorbeea. that from every dol or's worth of nitrate of soda applied to from sulphate of ammonia a-return of U4.M tor every dollar expeaoea ana froea dried blood a return of fxt-M tof evsry dollar expended. 81milar rssnlta were obtained is the ease at muakmst- bees, forafrvjrope and pouxoea. howlns; the snpsriority of nitrate or A faae Caafclaa, fanr cases ct so sailed cholera are dm pi a form of acuta lodlgestloa, the result ef a naoootooons and never varied prats diet and a lack of grtt and axardsav ladlaaa Parmer. ' The struxrW for tbs leadanbtp ta klatoe prpnilsas te be betwtae tbe Bay sad rimsoth Bocks sad White Wyaav aWtaa.- Oa ahead, bora. Tasj caa not hare toe many of either f tfieas da-1 aervadly popular breeds--aalie Fana-1 . GOOD ROADS CRUSADE.' I'roareaa of a Wovcmcr.t to Seeaia ; Improved Hlsnvrnyn. . . Miss Bella C.' Barber of Missouri, secretory of the fitota and Interstate Good Koads and , Public Improvement association, u wiio has recently, been working in Illinois arranging for dis trict good roads conventions and a state convention at" Springfield in tbe fail, has met with encouraging success ' Tbe association represented by Miss Harber embraces S3 states, ana is the outgrowth of n state convention in Missouri in 1807 at which 70 dele gates were present. A committee of seven, consisting of Miss Hurbef and six men, was appointed to- organize county associations. At tha end of a year, when an interstate' convention, attended by 2.500 delegates, was beld in St. Louis, 72 counties bad boen or ganized, and as Miss Harber had or ganized 66 she was unanimounly named as secretary and organizer. Miss Har ber thus explains the plan of work: "We intend to bave all these con ventions come cflf in rapid succession la Angnst and September and to con clude with a state convention in Spring-field,-io-wbich-delega tea will be elected by tbe district conventions I bave been very successful so far in enlisting the co-operation, of commercial bodies in tbe different towns, and they seem really interested in tbe work as soon as tbey understand it - -, ..: ... "I have bad some trouble, however. in explaining that oar association is working not for hard roads, but for good roads. . Farmers easily become frightened at the hard reads proposi tion, for tbey think of macadam and know that that wonld mean increased taxation. All we want is to make good soft roads that in years to come will furnish foundations for eood bard cationaL We expect that at each of tha district conventions and at the state convention . manufacturers and ma chines for making roads will build sample roads in order that tbe farmers may see bow a road shonld be built that it may be of seme value to the community; to show tbem hijw a road may be built so that the water will drain off; how culverts should bacon stmcted and arranged in order properly to fulnii their mission, and bow really cbeap it is to make good roads "We do not intend to Increase taxa tion one bit. for we know that tbe $4, 000,000 annually expended by Illinois Is sufficient to bnild good roads every where. Bat we want the farmers to let tbe state do tbe work and not work oat their poll tax by pretending to build good roads. Not that tncy do not mean to do tbe best tbey know how, bat tbey have not the facilities for the work and cannot do it as it. should be dona Oar idea is to moke a good road at less money tbanU now costs. We want, if possible, to see the poll tax reduced to $1, but want the farmer to pay that dollar into tbe , treasury instead of working it out, as Is now tbe case, and we expect to show him how it will be to his advantage to dp it. " SHELL CONCRETE. Mined Like Rock and Makes a Smooth and Dnrable Pavement. The new paving material recently discovered near Macon promises to su persede crashed stone for paving pur poses in Georgia. Tbe Macon authori ties bave several streets paved with tbs concrete and are enthusiastic over its merits. The material costs little more than chert, is much more durable and makes a street as smooth as asphalt It can be used with perfect satisfaction on any grade, and several street in Macon that have been paved with this ma terial for two years look as if the pav ing bad Just been laid. The total amount of repairs on these streets dur ing tbis period bas amounted to I" which was for rolling tbe streets with out using additional material. Tbe material is mined about 81 milts from Macon by tbe Grady company. It nothing more" or leas than decayed shells. It is taken out of a bogs bank which represents - shell deposits for thousands of years, Tbe supply Is in exhaustible, being mined in the shape of rock, crushed in a urge mill and rolled on tbe streets by bags rollers. After it Is laid it knits together and is almost as hard as rock. It weald prob- bly not stand tbe wear and tear of the belgian Nock, or brick, but street pav ing experts who bave examined it pro nounce It tbe best paving material ex tant for tbe laying of residence and suburban streets. HEADACHE is only a symptom not disease. So are Backache, Nervousness, Dizziness and tbe Blues. They all come from aa unhealthy state of tie, men strual organs. If yon suffer from any of these symptoms if yon feel tired and languid in tbe morning and wish you could lia in bed another-fcoar or two if there is a bad taste in tbe month, and no 'appetite if there is pain m tbe side, back or abdomen BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR will brine; about a sure cure. Tbe doctor may call your trouble some higa-soanaiog Latin name.'but never mind tbe name. Tbe trouble is in tbe menstrual organs, and Bradfield's Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork. - SwSt fciai.. A atSui aii W m m imr i iwii, i mm ifw TEE JtABfTEX-D BECLAIOK CO. ATLtrr, sa. DeWitt a Little Carly Ri5ers, ' . . , . Tha laanae Ult:- S4lla. I" r '. . A A -V Azssunitx Manes the food more delicious and wholesome . wov4. eWnwti wirWDtw op., ww voim. GOOD ROADS LOGIC. IMPROVED HIGHWAYS CHEAPEN TRANSPORTATION. Increase Property Values and Hake Farm Prod acta More Profitable. Cost of Repairs Lesseaed, and Ani mal Power IdMBomlsed. Many person's who see mentions of the "good roads movement" do not realize that in 'this there may . be one of the great national Issues of our poli tics at some time in the future, pos sibly within a comparatively short time. This movement was started by tbo wheelmen through tbelr national organization, tbe League of American Wheelmen, and hundreds of thousands of dollars bave been spent by it In tbe agitation. ;:-. ; -The principle of tbe movement, as advocated by the wheelmen, is that tbe commoortoads of tbe country are as Important ss tbe railway systems, tbe statement being made ty tbem and be ing easily understood that there is not an ounce of any commodity hauled over the railroads that is not first transport ed by wagons over country reads - or city streets. It does not matter if tbe commodity Is manufactured articles that ars loaded on cars at tbs factory tbe raw material baa first to be hauled to tbe factory. Bat tha greatest haul ing is done in tbe farming districts,' and there it la that good bigbwaya are most needed, -n Tbe subject bas not been given tbe attention nnd support it deserves as yet, for tbe simple reason that private copies! cannot become interested in the building of common roads, since there would be do income from .tbe Invest ment such . as there is in railways Municipal, county, state and the na tional governments bave not bad tbe Issue brought directly before tbem in its full significance, because it is neces- BOUOH WUBKUKa sary to first educate tbe people to tbe necessities of the movement This is what is being done by the-wbeelmen at tbe present time, and it must be said to their credit that tbey bave enlisted tbe sympathy and support of all tbe prominent farmers' organisations In tbe movement With tbe two classes working together It is only a question of time until tbe movement will be made a poitical issue, and tben will come tbe desired Improvements. Tbe argument offered in favor of the Improved roads is that tbey lessen the cost of repairs, make It possible to haul tbe largest amount of goods with tbe smallest animal power, save time and Increass property valuations. No rsil- rosd company would expect to do bud nose if Its tracks and roadbeds were in such condition ss to make It either im possible to use tbe tracks st long season! of tbs year or In using them bave to lose a great deal of time and bave Immense repairs to mske, and yet tbat is what the farmers and others using tbe common roads are doing in a war every day in the year. Tbey make tbe most Impracticable attempts at rosd building and repair ing and tben wonder wby there ia no profit in their products, which bsve been hauled over bed roads at tbe area test expense. It bss been estlmsted thst In the states where tbe stone roads bsve been built tbe cost of transpor tation -bss been decreased to 10 per cent of the former figures, and tbat tbe roads pay for themselves within a few years. It has been farther shown thst the amount lost In tbs diaereni ways mentioned will more than pay for tbe buildlna and repairs of these roads on tbs snnusl assessments made for tbem. or tbat It costs no more each year to bave rood roads than It does to bsve bad ones LOSS BY BAD ROADS.. Part Valla aa tba Faraaar aad tba Caaraasa Pays tba Balaae. Tha actual extra cost of moving prod- nets is not tbe only loss by bad roads by any means. Farmers loss by not be ing able to get to market wben tbe market Is good, by tbs wsrts of prod- acts tbat cannot be marketed at all on account of bad roads, by not being en con raged to cultlvste things tbat re quire a speedy msrket. aad In a great many other ways Tbe actual money lorn to tbs fanners of tbe United Ststea by tbe bsd roads of tbe country is not lass tbs a one-fourth f tbe totel home value of sll their prudocta Tbe total boms veins of tbs annual products of tbe United tJtates farms Is abont ft. 00.000,000 sad tba loss by bsd roads about 600.000.000. so tbst tbe fanners lose, or tbey would loss if they could stand aD tbat loss themselves, one-fourth tbe vstoe of sll tbelr prod- acts by tbe extra cost of getting tbem to market Tbey do not pretend to be able to stand sll thst loss themselves Tbey stagger ander it as well as tbey can sad bear sll tbey caa of it and tbe rest f bey saddle upon tbe container snd tbe dealer. That te one reason why the peo ple of tbe cities snd towns sre begin ning to nndersuna tust uey ars sar- asted in good roads 1 A Btlteb la Ttaaa. Tba man who boasted of taking a batb regularly oix-e a year, whether he Beaded it or not was a brotoer to toe wUa men wbo repair their mads on tbe mine principle The time to repair mad Is wbea it needs it a-cai " i Y a Kaait .PURE BAO MANAGEMENT. fossa Common Reasons Wby Ens Will Mot Ilateb. oats Borne of the poultry pcoplsre8hfliv Ing bad management that will yield a crop of disappointments Utter on. reo-. pie buy eggs every year that don't batch welL I shall glvo somo of the most common reasons and try to show where bad management -comes In. If. bens are allowed to become fat, a. largo per cent of tbe eggs will not be fertile. Feeding three times a day of fat pro ducing foods or falling to provide plen ty of exercise In the way of straw or leavea for scratching' la bad manage ment, r Banning an egg ranch for market la a different thing, . for In case tbe eggs are.not fertile so much the better. The high pressure methods so much In vogue are very largely responsible for the poor hatches so often obtained. Another frequent cause of poor batches la allowing too' many hens to sue cockerel. Rather than use over ten I would use only eight. I mate ten bens to . one cockerel In . Plymouth Docks and Vt bene to one cockerel In Leghorns with excellent results by giv ing tbe cockerel extra feed. I pick him et of feed while I am gathering and marking tbe egga from different yards, be afterward eating with . tho bens wben I feed them. If the cockerel Is neglected and al lowed to become reduced In vitality, a large per cent of the chicks will not be able to get out of tbe shell, and many Others after tbey got out will not lire- just die from lack of vital enorgy, These are the ones tbat stand around and peep and sleep till they die. The terrible doctrine of heredity la demonstrated tu the featlicrcd tribe as well as In tbe human family Another prolific cause of bad botches ia using Immature pullets in the breed ing pen. Many an ambitions breeder, In order to Increase bis business over last year and Oil all ordars, makes the mistake of selling bis early pullets and using some In his own yards that are too young. We dou't like to return checks and drafts, but we do It every year.. Before ever there Is a salo made tbo birds for our own yards ore select ed, and wo wouldn't ship out any of them for love or money, for what we need ourselves we cannot afford to sell. Poultry Topics. Tba Baalaeaa End. . If any breeder bos been able to build np a family of grades or pure bloods wblcb bave given each 15 dozen eggs the past year, there Is no question but be can sell all his eggs for hatching at a fair price. Tbe day Is not far distant wben tbe poultry breeder will base merit on yearly production nor bead, and It will bring returns. When the day cornea and a breeder can guaran tee that every ben kept has produced 180 eggs In 305 days aud that the malo used for breeding was from equally as good laying stock, the cgas will sell be tbe bens red, whlto or bluol That this production Is to come from the pure bred famllifs only demonstrates tbe fact that breeders are alive to tbe util ity slda of tbe question. It Is possible to combine Que feathers and fine birds. but tho point we would make Is that tho fancy markings so necessary for the preservstlon of the breed will be placed second to production, just aa It Is today wltb tha producing herds of cattle. This suggests tba great Impor tance of keeping a careful record of tbe eggs produced, of measuring accu- ratoly the output of every ben. This Is good business for tbe business ben man. Maine Farraor. - near ts Kilt Panltry. It Is difficult to express In words bow to properly kill a fowl by sticking It la the roof of the mouth, wblcb Is requir ed for dressed poultry, hence tho Ilia tratlon Is intended to abow where tbe point of tbe knife shoulJ enter, says Poultry Keeper Illustrator. In tba Il lustration A Is the artery tbat must be cut- Open tbe bill. ami. by observing closely, tbe artery can be seen. It runs across the back of tha throat a little nnder tba ear. Insert the point of a sharp knife In the mouth and make a clean cut across tbis artery ao aa to sorer tt et tbe point Indicated by the X tn tba UlustraUoa. We are In debted to Mr. Verne Cllsby, Ohio, for tbe Ulustratloo. Isslswats la tba Pwalrry T Tbe large Russian sunflowers can be made useful as well as ornamental by piloting tbem la chicken yards. There ars many yards where a tittle more shade would be appreciated - by the hens at tbs time tbe plants would be at tbelr beat If started early la pots or boxes and transplanted la tbe yard hi etumpe of tbreo or four and protected wbea small by a plec of wire netting. Tha bans will da tbe fertilising and cultivating; and do It well too. After the seeds bave ripened In tba fall and tba plants ars no longer beaded foe shade cut down now and tben ona and sea hew tba fowls will enjoy tba seeds. Tbey are one of tbe best foods for lay tag hns Cor. American Gardening. Greensboro Tobacco IJarlic o ROR HIGH PRICES. . Sold over 6,000,000 pounds last year for an average of $7.57 per 100 pounds. , This is tho highest average made by any market in piedmont North Carolina. ; Over $1,200.00 paid out daily to farmers fpr tobacco during the past year. , It is the best market in the State for the farmer. Our Warehouses are lame, commodious and un-to date, whosn nronri- etors stand without a peer as slesmen of the weed. Every large firm in the United States and a number of foreign firms are represented by our buyers. ' r . Tobacco centre, nianufacturiner centre, trade centre, railroad centre. - 1 1 educational centre, Our own manufacturers have a trade daily and must have tobacco. Wo have the strongest corps of buyers in the world for the warehouse capacity. Wo want more tobacco and must have it if high averages will bring it. Try us with your next load and be convinced of our merit. Greensboro Tobacco Association . 1 wish to call the attention to the fact that the Burlington 1893 by the late firm otTate There is no insurance agency in North Carolina with belter facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rates or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of the business, find a lodgement in my office. With, a practical experience of more than ten years, I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance, Correnpondence ' solicited - upon all matters pertaining to insurance. ' I am, making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make it to the interest of all who desire protection for their families or thoir estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit able investment,) confer with me before giving their applies-.. tions to other agents. ' ' Very respectfully, JAMES P. ALBKIGHT, BURLINGTON, N. C OOOOOOOOCOCOCOCCCOCCCOCCCJ . .. JSewe aad Hotee. It la said that the United States will have 40,000 square foot of floor space for its agricultorsl exhibit at the. Parte exposition, properly grouped unaer lour general divisions, animal products, vegetable food products, vegetable prod ucts not foods, illustrations of tbs sci ence and practice of agriculture , . Clover, oats and barley bave been successfully grown In tbe Klondike Under favorable conditions two or tbree cuttings may be made in a tingle season from a field of rape grown as a primary crop - , " A German agricultural journal states tbst a plantation of "flat peas" affords excellent "stsndlng mast" for pigs, and Its flowers ars much frequented by bees, tbs honey from tbis source being excep tionally One. Some experiments of tbe New Hamp shire station indicate tbst formsline treatment of seed potatoes ia aa effect ive remedy for scab. Formaline pos sesses tbs advantage over corrosive sub limate of being less poisonous and more easily applied. " NOVEL ROAD SCHEME. Baw a Oravel staad Was WalM at Saaall Caa I ta BalMera., Farmers wbo travel over a certain stretch of rosd in Illinois bsve discov ered tbat there Is mora thta one wsy to get good roads without putting la experienced men to work with poor material. Tbe expedient employed near Henry, lite., is Interesting. There Is a loll bridgs over the Illinois river at tbat point, and tba rvad runs along tba stream for a distance of three or foor miles. Gravel reads were wanted badly It coat tba farmer ti cants for every load of grain or cereal of say kind tbst was baa led over tbe bridge to tbe market - " ' " - . t. A proposition wss mads tbat tbe sum would be ret o rood to tba fanner If bs brought back a load cf gravel oa his return heme aad scattered It along tbs highway. It Was promptly sgrsad ta Tbe result wss thst every farmer loaded a big grala wsgoa with grsvet and he started at the bridge to damp 11 Tbs next farmer that came along after tbe first Inad bad been damped stsrted where his rtrrdecessor had left . Tbis eoatinnedtfor soma time, and tbers sre now about four miles of tbe bast kind of gravel roads along tha riv erside and In a pteca where It has beaa always bard to travel aver when the weather was bad. Ta Avert Cnntaaien. To prevent contagion ws should iso late every sick bird as soon as discover ed. AU new birds should bs subjected to st least ten days' quarantine before being permitted to run with tbe flock and If suapected of being diseased shoe Id not bs allowed to be with other birds until you sre positive that disease is not present Sick birds tbat bare recov ered shoo Id not bs returned to tbe flock ntil it is sbaolntely certain that tbey ars cured. Kerry go direct from han dling sick fowls to the quarters of tbs !ll ooes. Do not allow your neighbors' birds to run with your own. Do not go direct from your neighbors' bocoarias to your own. and lift, but m.4 kat. never keep sick Lira In tbe same room whre the food for othfT fowls is kTt Dr. Woods. , - ',.' lanre canacitv and are increasing their of insurers in Alamance county ' Insurance Agency, established in & Albright,' is still in the ring. " Wheeler & Wilson Sewing MacMnel Retarj MetJea tad Ball Bearings, Easj Russkj, Qsiet, lzi'i, , Purchasers says " It runs as light as a feather. ' Great improvement over anything so far. It turns drudgery Into a pastime" "The magic Silent Sewer." 1 All sizes and styles of sewing ma chines for Cloth and Leather. SxivThe beet machine'on earth - see it before y on buy. OMCIDA STOKE Ia). J. K. II Am. Agent jwi'.ViVv'AmvAVjw.Yvi.. j CL1YU5H. RLUALLE:; I: ARTISTIC-- : fiwaiai IHbyLraalsa- 2: Si lt taejr Aawajia m a a g NO fct 11 Lii AT AM I .ct . g t W Twassst ffriw arw tnM in nearr ; 39 tvstf W ) tsrUPVt (lb Ua.stTei lMf-u ' 3 II eV-rsj swot hewp twm x- ", US t HftW. Utk llrft:. Trt AWf orn- i t 2g S PVtls A.. lhaaare, aM 1 3 Maw krt t.a beta k ft.ts. " C9 M.M as. - at i w Ja COBtaitfeS rVtwiUfl C-Arwvi pS-rv Aftw watrtfrsl l"" i tui aKkw. rVamtrtal t a ' Zatatl THE McC ML C, lIU ut W. L4ia St.. w V z. T. HADL" - . Pr.-ricil 1 ; v j nr. Cole And F:::.t. -a C. - si t tl C-J (amf-M HOOICV SIMPLEST Tas- , , . NEW : .: Y : : i' ' i. as

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