- .. ... n r-r "! nrr Judicious AdVertii v Oldest Newspaper to the County. Established In 1875. . $1.00 per Year--1" Advance. Large and increasing circula '. . i nnrl fidiomino- fl T in a tt n i n t - HE . " Keeping Everlastingly at it bring success." KITES FURNISHED 01 1FPUCATI08. Job Printing. All kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets, ' Posters, & c, neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices. UTJIjJiiUXJiK. ah in aiuiii"--. '' :ro t.ountics-apointfora(lvertiserS. VOL. X V. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1899. NO. 33. fijAMANGE pree of charge to any of t be surrounding towns. Every week our stock f inwiilur.) und house furnishing goods changes. What comes in one 'k ia g ni ndly gone in a frw days. So whenever you come to this i n il drop in "d see us. You arc perfectly welcome and can keep post ed on new things in furniture and juy your furniture from us and right h here you want it. - , Davis Furniture Co., Burlington, N. C. PKOKESSIONALCAKDS. p- JACOB A. LONG, 4 Attorn?y-at-Law, GRAHAM, - - ' NC mctices In the State n.l Federal courts. OSEc over While, Moore store. Main Otnint. 'l'lione No. 9. , . (MlNORAY BYNUM. W. I'. BVBDM, J. IiVNUai & I.YNUM, Attorneys mil ( oiinBcldi t Jjiw UllKKNrtUOItO, N. C. Pnii'iice regularly lu miincucuunlv. tho cnirts of Ala - Aufj. a, w iy DW. J. R. STt)CKAD Dentist, GRAHAM, N. C. Offloo In the Vestal Uullillnir, over Albright's druir xtoro. First-claim work ut uioderato prices. Cull on me. Woman . Only Knows what suffering- from falling of tks womb, whltea, painful or brsfraaar neasea, or any diaooss of t&aaieUnatljr fominlns organs is. A eua ssay synapa tbite or pity but he eca net know the agoaies sho goes through tha tarsibls suffering, so patiently borne, which robs her of beauty, bona sad hanol. sou. Yet this suueruur raallr at McELREE'S WiBCOlCLTCj will banish a. TM!' xaedialM cures all " fetnam disease " quick ly and permansntly. It doe away with humiliating physical exainv nations. Tha treatment may b taken at home. There is not con. nnual expense and trouble. The offerer is cured and liayr cnrtd. Wine of Cardull becoming; the leading remedy for kU troubles of tlllS cllUta. It fWa trt fnr.nl druggist . . .; , r: or advice hi caae Trau-ing special direction,- addWrtUw ThL..;d-! tnattanooga. Term.-' i """J i-'TWs weaoerfwl mcaAme I Z ' i,'T apnea wbass tkara ass gnat Ihe Stat Normal anuT! Indnatriat or N, O, . , : Aw - t. ' r wnerd to young women 't' litcrarv. clasaionl arnnnlSRrV anrl in. dustrinl education and ppecial ped ' al training. Annual expenses 90 to $130; for non-residents of the owe jiou. .Faculty of 30 mem wrs. More than 400 reenlar stu- aentti. Has matriculated about IJOO students, renrcsentine every tOUIlt V ill tha Rlola ovmnt nno Practice and Olwervation School of 'ut 550 pupils. To seenre board n dorrnitories, all frco-luition ap- P'lcations Bhould be made before august 1. Correspondence invited from we desiring competent trained wachera. for ca'aWiiA arul nfhor infnrniA- ton. addrnmi - PRESIDENT MoIVER, Oreentiboro, N. C Capt.B. P. Finherf orner of the 'bow House at Greensboro, which m burned recently, has sued the Gaeensboro Water Supply Co. for He alleges that the loss ftlie llenbow Hou-se by fire was ww iiiiiuiiirinw m . wsipi Tins ore, ami that during the first half r or mtve-quarters of an hour oi w Ere the water could not be wwn higher than 10 feet. ion assume no rwk when you wy Chamlierlnia's Colic Cbolera nd I)iarrhajaRemedy. T. A. AI . "W'fJht & Co. will refund your mon V ,f Ton are not satisfied after ns- j1 It is everywhere admitted 10 be the most successful remedy in fcr bowel complaints and the ""'J one that nerer fails. It is fnt, safe and reliable. 4m npuj aisksr ssasts at boat li mk or ! CBSSSK m a a arootuv c. . tibM, as aorta rrywr house furnishings. polite driver will put it in your house SOMtt RULES BY WHICH YOU PROLONG YOUR LIFE. MAY The Carefal Bating of Slmplei e?ot, Rea;alartr I Habits o Living mmd. Above All, Proper Breathing Ara Essential to LoasevltF. Mod and women know less about the care of tbeir own , health than of any other subject. That is the oldest and plnlncpt kiDdof a fact The farmer who Keeps bis cowsand uoTsetTTflive and well into very old , u,'G dies when be ebon Id be in his prime. The woman wbo knows oil nbont the care of linen, oilcloth, flowers, eta, knowe nothing a boat ber own mneong membrane or 1 the care of ber children's teeth. Igno- ranee shortens by a third the normal life of the average man wbo paescs 50. It kills outright thousands and 'millions in early yoath. In some, ways this may have been a good thing. Men and women bare died when tbeir active careers were ended and the populations harried by the straggle for existence were not bothered nndnly by. tbecare of the aged. When so bothered, as Eli Ieclas so grewsome ly relates, it has been tbe custom of va rious peoples to hasten the end for tbe old folks even to tbe extreme of marder Probably yoa take a very solemn and mysterioas view of doctors' wisdom. Learn that it amounts to very little. Tbo snrgeon is a remarkable chap, and he has reduced cutting and slicing to marvelous perfection. Bat bis friend, the pill and prescription giver, can really do very little. He can only help nature along to a limited extent, and tbe more be lets nature alone tbe better it is for the patient as a rule. With tbe aid of drags be can free the system from a clogged np state, and that is abont all he can do. When he baa given yoa castor oil or salts or something to make won nerspire. his work la done. Will yon kindly take, therefore, a lit tle advice and see if it does not improve vour condition f Eat little remember that what von eat does not give yoa strength. It simply repairs tbe waste of tissues. Your food is as important to voa as the' oil on a locomotive s axles, not more important Do not imagine that food to your body is what coal la in the enffine. The engine gets its itrenathfromcoaL Von get yours from tbe air that yon breathe. Tbe Swiss mountaineer with a few crackers will climb all ever tbo Alps, while yoa, fall of all aorta of fancy food, cannot follow him. The big dark men rowing your hnat nn tha Nile aa all dar on a band fol of parched corn and a handful oi dates. Tbey eat meat perhaps once a month yoa could not begin to do tbeir work-with ten tirnetf he nonrisnmens. Do not starve yourself; bat of that there la never danger. Eat little wniie va mast work.' Eat enough once a oaf, and Aa no work for two hours after ward, and don't deep within two booia that tn tmiirtahoa, :Jat Jn,Ph' htog and change year mm neqamuj on simple thUWu?itoerrHwfr eat half grown tbingav LamK veal, joang olinaUc'any"s arVIJ "bey gre as bad as green fruit. Nature means that ber creations shall reach maturity and Banishes those who klU ana eai them nrematarelr. Eat regularly, al ways at tbe same hours, and chew care Bpay great attention to fcreathing. In that is the secret or song me aim , I 1.1 V. VMf BTT. lOU aHOW, DTDUBUl. "' j- blood, having accomuieieu mo .ujj.. tieaof tbe body, passes tnrougn your lungs to be cleaned. Through tbe lungs imparity leaves tne noay ana tbe lungB the blood takes np fresh sap- nliea of the etrengtn on wnrai r- 1 wi.a. Tha elactricitv of the air a. a.i,n nn h tha red hlood cornnscles nd the life current goes uaca ""e" SW mrnakMm fnll (IS? WttfOS. nraatha IB asOWIT BtW tmmtuv . .V. , i t .Uari if won work in an office. top occasionally to teka ten very deep breaths, uo to yow ww tr vi .u. -i.efnrm of tbe oar and de vote that tJiM to psx breathing. One hundred deep twalba per day slowly inhaled and extolled, nlling your entire tan, cap-city from the bottom H- rexy top, wtu eaeuy J- Mir cheat measure isije Loan e yonwr wcmsi awed -m a flat cheat. Froper Wwing innaa and hence a chest of the , i p ri OsrSl eatlnfc simple food, alow eat . i -inr: awoidanoe of SOCfs hot cakes, hot brW. hot Macule borribia sali. ate. i reautaHty inall faDctionaof the body -iatinf and aleeping at the same hom and sleepinc the same number of hours V&rt. T-eep one day to thaweak i creful breathing aboveall Yosi m Hate two weeks wtthoot food. Yo caB- a saiiMtea witho-t aw. ana k.t .ima ahoold make yom the iniportance of the kuaga. u naka vosuaeif I and i uv .ad If vosi eocceed aas yoo a. i.k kaaka woor brala Think a a.rv womr faQowg and Utereat to thepoUtk. .TJl toot country. IX yoo ooi Sgbt-awell aa not die of laackwtmt egkV - Ice water 4e-e. ew Tor eraiwa THE BEST ROOty. stand as tint dim threshold, (rob boa the world without, A damp, mysterious odqr Is lurking all aboutj Ins grim old haircloth furniture paraded out to state, For some pretentious gathering aeons anxiously to wait. 'TU such s solemn, sacred place, it surely seams sain Upon the laded carpeting to let the sunlight in; But on the wall a glint ot It steals through the shutter slide. Touching grandfather's portrait there betide bis bonny bride. Upon s work of rare design the sunlight aheds Its 7 Wrought bjr two white hands turned to dust for many and many I day; Ibis "flower piece" incased in glass seemed to my cniiaun eyes A thing to gaze and wonder at and' sacredly to pruw The tall, funereal mantel for a giant race seemed Deneath it loomed the fireplace, where aa a child I played: Its blackened depths with care are decked with greases In a row. Like leathery ghosts from ashes of tbo Ares of long ago I My world was not within its walls 1 loved the light instead Indeed of ita drear stetelineas I stood in whole some dread, But each loved spot upon the farm in memory has a part. And that old musty parlor falds Its corner in my neart! Boston Transcript, THENyMBER15 By Frederick R. Qneroaey. Tbe Unlneky Number Panned Mexican Family to the Bitter End. IliiWiTl In a country house on a recent Sun day afternoon we were talking of su perstitions. The charming Lollta, with eyes Inherited from some Moorish sul tana and Hps which ave two rubles, guardians of a mouth nllodHvirtf pearls, spoke of tbe coming wedding of some girl friends: "I would never marry on a Tuesday, for I should be sure of an evil fate." "You would not marry even Antonio on a Tuesday?" asked a fair Spanish girl, fir there are enchanting blonds even from Andalusia. Lollta, whom everybody adores, grew rosy red and, shrugging ber sculptur esque shoulders, replied, a bit piqued at tbe maliciously put question. "Not even Antonio on a Tuesday, though whatever day you should marry him would be for blm the blackest of black luck!" We all laughed at this sally, know ing tbe rivalry of the two sehorltns. Uncle Leonlda8, who Is n soldier and diplomat, Bpoke up. saying: "Don't quarrel, dear girls. There Is room enough In the field of love for both of you. ana lucky tne man woo wins you on any day of the week. Tuesday Is our bad day In Mexico, but among the Americans it Is Friday, tbe day Nuee tro Senor was eru" But what eood fortune for all of us!" Interrupted Lollta, piously. Dona Clotlldo, tne hostess, a woman of great beauty, regally placed In a carved cbalr of colonial date, took up the theme: "I am, I confess, supersti tious. I would begin nothing on a Tuesday, a day on which no one should embark, marry or undertake anything of Importance; but, above all things, shun a Tuesday when it falls oq the 13th of tbe month. If yoa young people will listen, I will tell you a true story, and Leooldaa will confirm every word of It, for I feel that I used a 'testigo, so extraordinary Is tbe fate of the family of Valle de Miranda." Here the servants brought In Ices and cakes, and there was an Interrup tion, but we soon became quiet, ana Clotilda resumed: "In 1880, perhaps a year later, there lived at 13 Calle de lea Damas Beglaa an old man and his wife called Segovia. Tbey owned the place and bad lived there many years alooe with their servants, au etaeriy people, there being no children. I can not say there waa 111 lock attending them"- Excepting having no children, com men ted Leonidaa, wbo dotes on children and la always surrounded by them. "ExceDtlnfl having no children," cop tinned Olotllde. "But these old people died on tbe same day. aa I well recall, and it waa tbe 13th of November, and when tbe place waa sold, shortly after. the family of Valle de Miranda bought It and moved In. tbe date being tbe 30tb of the following-February, a doa ble 13, yoa will notice. Tbe Vanes de Miranda, bad eJ ways bad mhner. as far aa any one's recollection goes. Tbey were originally from Uoanajuato ana were mine owner, wnaiever uiey touched turned to gold. My grandfa ther baa told me time and again of their Immense good fortune. It seem ed a sin, be said, to be so tocky in a world where so many people can nev er succeed, strive a tbey will Each generation of this favored family pros pered. Death was reluctant. It al most seamed, to knock at their door. If the sons soogbt wives, they found always beauty, good breeding- and so cial position. If the daughters mar ried, tbey got hsndawne and adortng boaoanda. It was like a fairy tale. dear (trie. Too have never read a novel like M." Bers our hostess, who is a bit m- manUe. signed, sipped ber melttng ice "Don Ignsvcto Valle oe Miranda waa one of tbe most distin guished looking men I have ever seen. and Maria Inciao, br wire, was even ba middle age elegant la figure, of tr reproachabie taste and, ai though tbe imytber of many children, almost as tender of waist as Lottta here.' "We an. of cooraa. nxad oar eyes on the e banning form or the young o taoa and then reeomed oar attitude of tbo good natored CJotOde salnninsT not our DardOawOise vtenal vt- cwalosv "Boca were the parent of tbe tunny wbo moved to to W isama sae- aaarty ZO year ago. iact. g4x sons, and tne same aaniuws v magbtere, S bcoeefuJ, yon U saj, itw , rKa boose of the tiJaJ lN1od. esr In which many vkeroys aad tbeir eour Oera bad oaiKsed, was apactooa. and tte grand eaJa Was a room rvnntng the fnO length of the street front. Things went wH wtth the family till, tare rears aft er thetr ecrapanrw et the hooae. asosi all that was sinister In the fatal num ber began to manifest Itst-lf. Don Ig naclo shaved himself every day In the BBEllsh manner that Is, by himself disliking to call in a barber, and one morning while making his toilet he heard a noise In tbo courtyard and stepped out on the corridor to listen, rorgettlng that It waa chilly and that ho was In his stocking feet He caught a cold, as It waa supposed, and there followed an embolism, something chok ing a vein or artery - In a leg. Many painful symptoma followed. Kn rcsuin ida8 cueutaa. he took to his bod. and tbe foremost surgeons of the city In consultation decided that his leg must be amputated to save his life, lie waa a big, strong, full blooded man, and It waa not Imagined that he might not survive tbe operation. But ten days after be died of the shock, awl It was a marvel how wasted lie bad become. This was the most tragic event during generations In the history of the Vnlles de Miranda. "When other events, sinister and sor rowful, had occurred In that once hap py family, Lconldas looked up tbe date of tbe death of Don Ignacio. It was the 13th. This was but tne beginning, for on the 13th of the following May Maria, the wife, died of typhus, and then came losses of property, the mines failed to pay, an Interest In a banking house was lost through a most unex pected failure, and when we beard that the banking bouse was at 13 street we shuddered. My father went to aee young Julio Vallee Miranda to coun sel him to move out of 13 Damas Re giaa, but Julio said that It waa all a se ries of coincidences and that, even If It were that, be had no money to spend in fitting up a new bouse. It seems In credible, but in the space of three years every member of that family except Julio and a sister, Trinidad, bad died. and" each death took place oil a 13tn or a Zutb! IVople all over the city had come to talk of tbe Valle de Miranda family and Its awful luck. Most peo ple were confirmed In their prejudice against the number 13. Timid persons moved out of No. 13s or changed the number to '12 bis,' anything to break the spell. ion years went by, and Julio re mained a bachelor, while his sister, Trinidad, a splendid looking girl, tall, of lovely figure and with great dark eyes, who had been carefully educated at the Sacred Heart, remained with blm. Julio had managed to retain the house, for a copper mine, which no one had thought worth considering and which tbe creditors of the family bad left In a doubtfully generous way to Julio and bis sister, bad turned out of much value and had boon sold to Frenchmen. I don't know how It hap pened, but Julio seemed fascinated by the old bouse. Tbey wero odd ieople, that brother and sister, and declared that where their father and mother had lived was dear to them and that they could not be happy In any other house, ey'ii In ii modern mansion In the newer inrt of the city. "It was about 1802 when a young man of excellent family, Itafael del Monte, began to pay court to Trinidad, standing under ber balcony at night, following ber everywhere. In abort the utmost devotion. Itafael bad a large fortune In bouses and lunda and lived tbo life of a young clubman, and, being fond of horses, was alwaya driving, trying a now carriage or going on horseback excursions about the valley. He was an Immense favorite in socie ty, and all tltc mammas were ecbeming to get Itafael for their daughters. He oould play the piano, sing, speak well, both In French and English, bad trav eled, drcewed In perfect tosto and was not only a handsome fellow, but noth ing dissipated. ' Leonidaa will be my witness tluit we- tiaed to say, ou talk ing over the devotion of Itafuel for Trinidad, that perhaps the evil fortune of the family of tbe Vallcs du Miranda bad taken wings. Youth and beauty, wealth aud distinction, madly In love! Surely, we thought, the leaf bos been turned in the book of a tragic fate. At all events, fortune seemed to nave re lented, and Trinidad was aa happy a girl aa one could wish to see. Wherev er we met ber at social reunions she Waa a radiant picture of youth and beauty, and ber wonderfully distin guished bearing and perfect ease drew every eye. Sbe waa a girl of whom no one said mean things. Society here Is sharp tongued sometimes, but as If by common consent all tbe world seemed to wish good fortune for this last of tbe daughters of an 111 fated boo." Leonidaa looked meditatively at Clo tilda's lovely hands and murmured, "Trinidad waa perfection itself, an an gel from heaven," a speech well befit ting that gallant old gentleman. "Indeed, she was perfection, and when women fall io love with a wo man yon may be sure, girl, that sbe la good and sweet and charming. All that was Trinidad Valle de Mlrandt. Tbe very bullOghtera on the strea-t cor ner forgot to pay ber a coinpliiuciit Once one said, -She la a holy Image from tbe altar, gone walking through these streets of God.' But no rude word ever reached ber cars as sbe went about tbe city. Heaven seemed to have relented and to have showered all poaalbU girts of grace and virtue en this superb young woman, flow devout ahe waa! now eooatant In ber devotion! Bow many timea she went to the shrine at Ooadalope to pray! And tha chief of her ntrmbertraa ador- "I recall, as If It were yesterday. tbeir marriage tn the arcbtrls bop's pri vate chapcL Joy Illumined the face of Trinidad. Rafael waa a perfect pic ture, a young hidalgo, as we see tbe gallants of old times In fret-tarra. lis waa so manly, so proud or una c Harm ing woman! It waa Ideal They went away on their wedding day for a too tear In Europe. Even Julio's aad face relaxed on tb day of the ceremony. W all went to tbe railway atatloa and gav them a draped Ma magnlflra. Tb bride, to ber travehng drraa, was tb baurdaotneat woman I have ever Am Clotllde I atiU handaome and tn ber rontb waa a reigning beilo Is tb City of Mexico ber pralae was that of a competent peraosv. Leooloaui bowed bis bead and looked unutterably aad, who w awaited the Sfxcjort. Hat CSotflde voir tretubted. Toer JaBo! He was at hla desk In hla offlc woe afternoon tn August whew a tele gram waa brought tn. It waa from Rafael: "Hallway accW-nt; Trinidad killed; do Bofferlng. I deaperat. Par tiealara by malL Julio was atunDed. In a day he seemed to become nn old man. 'Our fate; our wretched family. All the light gone out of my lift.' This was all any one could get from Julio. Tbe letter came, dated from omc little city In France, and Inclosed n newspa per account of a terrible railway acci dent One sentence, filled with Infinite meaning, with sinister suggestlveness, was this: The thirteenth body taken from the wreck was that of a young Mexican woman recently married. Her husband strangely escaped unharmed.' "The thirteenth body,' commented all Mexico. Tbe fate of tbe famllia Valle de Miranda.' "Rafael never returned. He Uvea abroad.' "And Julio?" we all asked simulta neously. Clotllde resumed: "As I wild, he be came old In a day, so suukeii of face, so gray, so pitiful, but he would not leave the bouse in Damas Reglaa. He de voted himself to bis sister's memory. He gave much money In her name to the beneficent orders. His business prospered. We advised him to marry, to take another bouse, to get some thing of tbe late autumnal Joy of life, sttheahbdiled, but grateful aa sun shine InWhe days of the falling leaves. We couldMhot move blm. He waa Im passive when wo talked about these matters. All he would say was: "Dear friends, I thank you. At least the love of friends reiunlna to the last of the family of Valle de Miranda.' " Here Clotlldo began to weep softly. 'Tell tlic rest, Leonldag," she Said In a trembling voice, and In tbe deeper tone of the man came tbe conclusion of the strange story: "It was on a cold. cloudy, miserable day tn January, when the snow waters were falling and all Mexico was miserable and chill ed to the marrow, that a rumor spread about the town that Don Julio bad bang ed himself. 1 was among tbe first at the club to hear the news aud. Jumping Into my carriage, went to 13 Damas Regies. There was the utmost conster nation among tbe servldumbre. The olHcers of the law were coming to see the body. It waa too true. The last of the Vailea de Miranda wsa self hanged in hla chamber. He left no note, noth ing to explain hla ultimate thought. When tbe body waa officially examin ed, there was found In a little silken bag suspended by a cord worn about tbe neck a card on which bad been finely painted a strangely emblematic border of bleeding hearts, under each a name of a member of tbe fated family and In the center In deep black tbe fatal 13. And this waa the last of a family which for generations waa a synonym for prosperity, for good fortune, for tbe beauty ot Its woiuen and tbe manly perfection of Its sons. So I naturally dread tbe fatal number." "And the old bouse," asked Lollta, her eyes )edlmmed, "docs it still stand ?" And Lconluaa made reply: A ware house occupies Its place. It was torn down not from motives of sentiment, but to give place to tbe advance of trade." It waa fully an hour before tbe party In tbe country house recovered Ita cheerful tone, bqt by 8 o'clock tbe can dles were lighted, and tbe young people were dancing. 8unday waa ending merrily. Boston Herald. Flint? Plant Cavera. When Sir Humphry Davy was a boy about 16, a little-girl came lo blm in great excitement: "Humphry, do tell me why these two pieces of cane make a tiny spark of light when I rub tbem together. " Humphry was a stndiooa boy, wbo spent hours in thinking out scientific problems. He patted tbe child s early bead and said: "I do not know, dear. Let oa see if tbey really do make a light, and then we will try to find out why." Humphry soon found that tbe little girl waa right. Tbe pieces of cane, if rubbed together quickly, did give a tiny light Then be set to work to find out the reason, and after tome time. thanks to tbeobserving powers of his little friend sod bis own kindness to ber in not impatiently telling ber not to "worry," aa so many might have done, Humphry Davy made the first of his interesting discoveries. Every reed, cane and gram baa an outer akin of flinty staff, which protects tbe in side from insects and also helps tb frail looking leave lo stand upright Evangelist The Hew War "I used to boy neckties for my wife," bo said, "but I bad to quit It Those I bought for her never salted her." "So sbe buys tbem herself now, doe her "X'oi the take those I bay for my self. Tbey always seem to salt ber. Chicago Poet The WIM Twrtser. Jsmes II. Wilson In Fancy Fowl says: The only troe bronse turkey Is the wild turkey. No one ever beard of wild turkey having cholera, roup or gapes. Tbey are tbe healthiest, hardies turkeys known, quick to de tect danger and fight for their young. Tbey are not bard to'manage, aa some profile suppose. - Tbey don't stand around and wait to be fed. Tbey get out to get tbejr feed tbemaelve and are easy to ralae. By tbe time tbey are traced oae-foartb wild there I not much wild nature about them, al though the color and constitution are greatly Improved. , I consider It ad-vlaat-le for turkey br-eders to mfna wild Mood tn thrtr tVor-fca." . Owt SIM of a Ma. Mod can Imprison and eoalav thou sands of people. I know certain sea eons of the year where f ami Ilea have been bound and shackled by tbe mod. been prevented from tbe enjoyment and privargea of free tranalt and ut terly leolated from their neighbor. When we see what a great enemy mod la, the first thing to take Into cooald eratloa lo road building I aom Dtaa to avoid mud and build roads that wll b free from modw-8. IX lallmaa. Owe the Bllla. A eurarpondeat of tbe Bangor Com tncrclal says: "Land to the rural dis trict of Maine to not ao valuable that we should coatiooe to travel the road of our father over thee ragged hill imply bees as tbey did. Discard the bill road where it can be don and m Mia roada where thev should b and km rood road can B a a . I l1w Vanfl In IVVjailL olM TarT-L-ZkvJeanai' and we should see a very derided eating. for tbe better." A FAMOUS CONFLICT. the greatest dueI. with swords that history records.; It Was Fooafct In the Presence of a Whole ABny, aad Twelve Masters at Arata Went Down ta Saeeoealoa, Killed) hr the Blade of Jean Loala. So extraordinary Is this combat that tt would be held a romance had It not been witnessed by a whole army. Tbe hero waa Jean Louis, one of the great est masters of swordsmanship who ev er lived, "and tbe combat happened In Madrid In 1813. He was the master at arms of the Thlrtv-aecavid rejriment of French Infantry the First regiment, composed entirely of Italians, forming part of the same brigade. Regimental esprit de corps and rivalries of nation ality caused constant Quarrels, when swords were often whipped out or bul let exchanged. After a small battle had occurred In the streets of Madrid, In which over 200 French and Italian soldiers had taken part, the officer of tbe two regi ments. In a oouncll of war assembled, deckled to give such breaches of order a great blow, and to re-establish disci pline tbey agreed that tbe masters at arms of tbe two regiment should take up tbe quarrel and fight It out The detallaoObe battle were simple and quicklfanged. Tbe duel was to take place In the open and In tbe presence of the whole army. The crack swordamen of the two regiment were selected, and each group arranged the order In which their men were to face their opponents. Tbe next day was the time set for the bloody ordeal Shortly after daybreak, a the son rose, tbe army assembles. Then a too- ment of expectancy Tbe drum Is beard. Two men naked to the waist step Into tbe ring. The first I tall and strong. His black eyes love disdainfully upon tbe gaping crowd. He la Glacomo. Ferrari, tbe celebrated Italian. Tbe second, tail, also handsome and with muscle like steel, stands modestly awaiting the word of command. HI name ta Jean Louis. Tbe wttneese aseume their places on either side of their princi- NmIs. A deathlike silence ensues. "On guard V The two master cross swords. v, Glacomo Ferrari lunges re peatedly at Jean Louis but In vain. His every thrust to met by a parry. He makes up his mind to bide bis chance and carmeee and tease hla op ponent's blade. Jean Louis, calm and watchful lends himself to tbe play, when, quicker than lightning, the Italian Jumpa aside with a loud yell and makes a terrible lunge at Jean Lduia a Florentine trick, often successful But, with extraordinary rapidity, Jean Louis ha parried, and rtspost quickly In the shoulder. "It Is nothing." cried Glacomo, "a mere scratch." and tbey again fall on guard. Almost directly be k hit In tbe breast. This time the sword of Jean Louis, wbo la now attacking, pene trate deeply, Glacomo' face become livid, hi sword drop from hi band and be falls heavily on tbe turf. He to dead. Jean Louis Is already In position. He wipe hla reeking blade; then, wtth tbe point of bis sword In tbe ground, be calmly await tbe next man. He has hardly had two minute rest He to ready. A new adversary stand before blm. A sinister click of sword to heard, a lunge, a parry, a rispoat, and then a cry, a sigh, and all to over. A second body to before Jean Loala. A third ad versary advance. Tbey wanted Jean Louis to reet "1 am not tired." he answer, with a smile. Tbe signal Is etven. The Italian la as tall a the one wbo UVa there a corpse, covered by a military cloak. He has closely watched Jean Louis' piny, and thinks be ha fruesaed the se cret of bis vk-tortea. He muttlpliea his feint and trick, and then, all at once, bounding like a tiger on hi prey, he fives hla opponent a terrible thrust In tbe lower tine. But Jean Louis' sword has parried, and I now deep wit his hkr opponent's breast What need to relate any more. Tea new adversaries followed him. aad the ten fen before Jean Loala. amhl the excited yells and roar of aa army. At tne request of the Thirty second regiment's colonel wbo thought the sufficient Jean Louis, after much preaslng, consented to stop the combat aad he shook hand with the two survivor, pfOaoded br 10.000 SSsvanssa aa a aVsnrlaa, Mr. Edmund Gosee ha written a pa per on "Stevanaoo'a Relations With Children" In Chambers' Journal In It be relate! a story of hla youthful day a narrated to himself by Steveo- L He was still a little fellow when In tb summer holiday, after reading a Dumber of detective novel of a bad kind, be was paaslng one Sunday after- Mi along a road In an Edinburgh suburb. TlnTe be saw a oVaetted booae, furnished, bat without a rare taker. It struck young Stevenson that It would be a fin thing to break mto this honse. wbk-h be accordingly did, roaming from room to room, louklng at book aad ptrtarea In great excite ment antll be tboucbt he heard a note itt the gnrden. Terror artaed Of0 blm as he Imagined himself handcuffed and conveyed to prison Juat as the church folk wrere returning home. U burst out crying, then managed to creep out as be had come In. atallra 14. -Mrs. Salmon' got a dog that tike ma, sake! mil cmuy, coming noanw from a visit to ber aoat. "How do yoa know b like yor her mother asked. - -Can bo tasted m and then wag ged his tafl." answered tb little gtrl Detroit Free rreaa. aaneratttsnaai Staaassasa. Herring Bsbennen In tbe old world ara, many of tbem, remarkably s prrstitloos. For Instance, on aom fishing boat whistling to farbadden, and neither milk nor burned bread Is allowed on board. FurlberTnore, not even the aame of that nalncky animal, the bar, may be mentioned, aad a ewasiao anethod of pen lab bag an ene my to t throw a dead bar tot hi boat Some of the Dshermea believe la luck attending aa odd numbered crew, "7 w. bat SArwtranaed ahoaal en f tb number bar red Greensboro Tobacco Market ROR HIGH PRICES. , Sold over 5,000,000 pounds last year for an average of $7.57 .per 100 pounds. ' This is the highest average made by any market in piedmont North Carolina. ' . Over f 1,260.00 paid oat daily to farmers for tobacco daring the pas year. It is the best market in the State for the farmer. Our Warehouses are large, commodious and up-to-date, whose propri etors stand without a peer as slesmen of the weed. , hvery large firm in tbe United represented by our buyers. l obacco centre, manufacturing i educational centre, Our own manufacturers hare a trade daily and must have tobacco. ' We hare the strongest corps of buyers in the world for the warehouse capacity. We want more tobacco and most have it if high averages will bring it. Try ua with your next load and be convinced of oar merit. Greensboro Tobacco Association. I wish to call the attention to the fact that the BarJington 1893 by the late firm of Tate & J There is no ioiraraace agency ia North Caroliita with better facilities for placing large Hoes of imsttxanee, that cava give low er ratej or better indemnity. Only firat-claaa eompanaess, ia enty branch ot the bashtess, find a lodgement in mj pSem. mtJa a practical experience of more than tea yearSj, I feel warsafflt! in soliciting a share of the local patrocagft. . I gnaiante fiill satisfaction in every instance. CocrapoodtKiee so?teiJ - cpo all matters pertaining to insurance. I am waking a specialty of life InatXEtoce aad wxH make ' it to the interest of ill who desire protection floe their femffiiirff or their estates, or who wish to male absofixbeij safe ami profifc- 8 able investment, to cooler with me before giving: their appEe q tiom to other agenta. Very respectfiilly, :JA3JES F. AL.BE I GUT, Bt7KLi5GTtX S. C. o o ooooooooooooocoocoooocccoc BAD MANAGEMENT. Easa V 111 St auea. Some of the poultry people are saow tng bad management that wtH ytehl a erop of datappttinliBent later ea. I ple buy egt every year that short hatch well I thai! give suave ef the moat common reasotia aaJ try to shew where bad managwmeat come tr. If hen are allowed to become fat. a kmrs per cent of tbe eggs will aot be ferttha. Feeding three time a day eg fat pr during foods or falllm; to provfcJe -ty cf eierrfaae ta the way ot straw or srtive for scratching to bod aiaantfe meoL Banning an egg ranch for market to a dt Servo t thing, for la varnt the eggs are not fertile so much the better. The high preavaure methed so noch to vogue are very kirgety mpeaeihar foe the poor tatehea so often obtains!. Amtbrr frtMiaeat cause f nsaar hatches to allowing too aiaay heo to we cockerel Oather taan as ever ten I woaid one oaiy rfcthl I aiat tea hen to one rwkerei La ITjanaetta Bock and 12 hens to etut cockerel t Leghero with exo-iVot restart by gw tng the esefcerel extra feed, t pack Mas ap aad aOow hiia to eat front the back et of feed wall I am xjitrkrrmg ana marking the eggs trees different rardav be afterward eating wtth tbe he when I feed tbem. If the cockerel to argieefd aad at lowed to beempe reduced In (RoBty. a lance per cent ef the chick etU not be able to get out ef the he. and anaay others after they get out wOl not Bve Jwt die from hack ef vital sasigj. Three are the one that stand ansaasl and peep and sleep till they dke. The terrible doctrine of heredity to dvuwaatrated lo the feathered tribe a well a ta tbe boauan family. Another proline cause of bad katche t using Immature pulfet ta the breeat Ing pea. klany aa aaibttkxu breeder. In order to lucre) hla busing ever last year and fill all orders, make the mistake of selling hi early pu"Vfc and using some la hi ow yanks that are too young. W dual like to retnrn check aad draft, bat we da It every year. Before ever there to a sake made tbe bird for oar ewa yard are sated ed, and we woaldnhip oat any of tbem for lov or swooey. for what ww need our ml tea w cannot afford aril Poultry Topic. The rwtnsa a4 a OA A good cat tb kind yoa want to have in the ha, if a y will have a round, stabby. pug no. falL fat cheeks and apper hp, a well developed Damp oa top of tbe head between to ear. betokening good aatara. A sleepy cat that para a good deal to apt to be play ful and good a tared. Br all means to be avoided Is a cat with thin, sharp nose aad twitching tar. It moat be rmembard also that good mooser la not ai t tarily a gco- tle or desirable pet AHhongh nay good cat wUl catch sate If aba at aw ted. quick, foil, expressive eye ally betoken a apposing cat. The grmtont aaiatak probabty the nwt cosnmon oos to the ear of do mastic cat is overfeeding, rjartrcnlarry too maca meat In tb wild lit a cat ha exercise which enables her to digest food. Ia the buy boos tif the fall feeding lead to stomach troabie and to "nto." Woman's Life, -. --r States and a number of foreirm firms are centre, trade centre, railroad centre, . laree caoacitr and are increasJntr their of iraniren in A tana rare cxwaty Insurance Agency, csfaMishevl ia Albright, is still in the ring. Wiieeler & Wilson Sewing NacMcc RfCar) Tlatisai aa! Sail 1 Easy Rmfeg, Qakt, lUg&i. aaryt ' It nans as Kgbt as a feax&er. Great httftonaaAvKtmyihisig so far." ' "rttormdrtidvaar " The magic Sttrrtt Sewrer."" A3 sites and gtyfcsof tew'aax nxs chaoes fag Qotlk and Leather. sgrThe best gear t aw oa carta - e it before yoa bey. USfclUA STUKK LU. J. U. IIatxs. Agctat BnawawaBBBBwaawa i CTYIA5H. Rn I AM Fg lay I nasal i: - at r? Tha, ii imtwni -a, a.IXA2ARai ( 1 NUfxE ETTU AT AM PfcXX t ln i tmmmmm m a4 S aiaiSj 5 S t saasrwak : MicflzniEW r; l Safa ri ii l. TVEMcCAlX CO, aa W. 141 Hsw task g Stibscribe IotThs Gixixxb, ocJy tl 00 a year in advanra. REV s y 1 ' y " """i S wate asaaa eAns,e aC fias ia i in a. wajnas taa as la St. Mk ts ut "lT"ni agTTrtiaaMarjaaat taaav ton Werh. arMwMiweanaMw, I ia- s i ill 1 1 i aaai am. w,w Urn m jiw a