l,cIainaice-Gieaijer Xlj( oldest Newspaper in (he County. " ... Eetabllahed In 187B. $1.00 per YearIn Advance. Large and increasing circula tor! in Alamance and adjoining counties-a point for advertisers The LAMANCE GlM ANER. -"WY V. I T K A I I A lA 11 r T--TTTTT-.T-x A . . ... . - 'OAOAyAi VS vcc f viiiOAPAOJvOXOXO) ON A DEAD CHILD. Bl" between us. He irrncefullv nc i ,. R - ' nw - NO. 34, NewFirm In Burlington ! Full and complete stock Of Furniture House Furnishing Goods and Shoes. " Main Street, All Furhiture And Shoe House; i 69 Gents for Nothing. jit Issued, a wondrrful estalos-ue of tTirythlns to allVitS". It rosta 06:1 cents to print anfX7 eeu'ti to mali tncU copy. i'i to all who usrltt for it. Thh hook contains Soa 'iiagee (size IIHtIO" In.), hia 10.1KKI HluitratloiiB. and rote 1U0.UU0 artlclee at wljlele prices hi cuu.uiuur.. ThK Tillable eata mM telU all a'joul AirlcoHnral Imple mJnU.llabyCoacliea. ueddlnis, Hcycles, Hoot BsiBtl. B, an- dlek-Larpou.' tph- Clocks, C Otlllllg. Coricts, Crockery. Curutm, Cutlery. turn VUaons. For-, alturi. Men' I'ur aiiDliws Olassware. Urocerici. IUiubm. Htu. Honlcrv, Jew elry. iadM'l'lothln(. liaiei' rarn's'ilngs Litnpt, Mackln lofhef Mlrron. Ma-at-'sl iDstrumnta.or Pins. Palnli, Planoa. Icturea I'ortlerea, Kelrlserators. Sad- (Has Rnwlnc- Midlines Shlrta. Shoea, Sllverwarii. 8t0Te, Tinware, Tobacco. Towels. 'JrunliB, Underwear, Upholstery Uoodi. 'r.tcties. aiid thousands of other arllcl.-a. - With this hook In your possession, yon can buy casipor than the average dealer. Ton n save lanro sums of money on everything yoo need, at any season of the year. Lithographed Carpet and Rug Catalogue, and nur L'lolhlnt Catalogue with mmplen attached, are ulto free Expreaoe paid on ciotklng, freight pat.t on carpet. Which book thall vn tend pouf AUdreu (AM tea jr.. JULIUS HINES & SON BALTIKOKE, MO, Pepaurtnwnt BOB N VARM WEATHER. judicious AdVcrtli AND ; "Kee ping Everlastingly at it bri rg success." . RATES PUMISBED OS 1PPUC1TIC3. , , Job Printing. All kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets, Posters, & c., neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices. there ts nothing that seems tho same to ma aivny. i wonder If bo HU1 tho bloo of the eklca In hia llttln Hrjul , They don't seem as bloo as they need to be. And tho sun doesn't shine lu It nscd to do. nor Btlver tho clouds when the rain break Mil "UU. And the Cowers don't bloom With thoir (.Id D3rranin. And lira birds don't sing their songs as true. Tto Imuee is so silent. mM hi Tho scb of his sorrows, tho liiuijh of bis Joys, aihj tnu niuoriug unss. ith the thii!kntnc rti,.(i Is spread like a pall on his broken toys. ills ol J stick horeo.nud his gun and his sled iea,o in weir place by bis little bed. 1 toM nim that tlu'7 Were all in mi irnv. But they don't SOCHI so nmv. minim hA la AaA -Joeeihiue r. Bpoontj in Kow Oi leans Tiines- ueuiocrat. AVV eMatBSBw The Tale of a Broocho, a Palmist antf a Mexican Bandit 5 C antf a Mexican Bandit ton la the Ttuie lo Look Cnrcfally After Voar liens nod Vouna Stock. Ixwk slicniur tlmu tver for lice. Ttw colJ wontlK-r tills spring lias kept lice uml niitoti sonwutuit slindy, but tliey ure not dead liy nay means, ntwl every effort sbotiM be made to pivvent tliem from becouilug too nutuerous to men tion. Tul.e more liaiiig la keopl ug every tliiiiK about tlie pliiee i-lt'au nod lu n perfeet sanitary coudliiou. Warm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. VsrVw'WWSVSrVVsVVWVWs jacob a. long; -4 Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - - - - - N. c Practices In the 8Ute and Foderul courts. Uitlce over White, Moore at Co.'s store. Main Btrwit. 'Phone No. U. Iohk Quay Bynum. W. 1'. Byhuw, Jk. BYNUM & BYNUM, Attorneys and Counselors i.L i GREENSBOltO, N. C. lu Practice regularly Diiuice county. the Cinirto l Al.i Antf. 8, 94 IV DR. J. 1. ST()CKAIU Dentist, OltAIIAMrhVC. Oflioe In the Vestal nulMlnif, over AlbrtphfB drug store. First-class work at moderata prices. Call on me. Oliver S. Newlin, Atlomey-at-Law, OUEKSSBOltO. N. C, Hoi?e! Wrlght BuUdlna; East of Court inance01'0 re8ul"ry ,n ?ha of A Woman OofyKoowa asffcring WDIltS, from fnTIIfisr emf tM painful or Trraffalcr peases, or anr dUeoa of the diatmctlr icraltunaorr-anau a . . ''y bu' can not tnow be armies she goas throu.h-ahe terrible sna-Tln,., patlentfr borne, which v ffuty, hope and happt- seau as Yaa aMdlaaa. McELREE'S IVlne cl CsrCjl 1H Danish h. Thk taediciM aJl " foniale diaea " cmick VtpeiituneaUj. It does a war with mniliatina; physical xami JW Th treatment may ba expeaa aod troubaa. Tba "Jwer is nred and Ujy$ cmrtd. ," o Cardoiia becominrtbe Wio remedy for alt troubles of jV"". Aicora put f i rxomaar Wi V ratptWny ffj"! directiooa. addresa, the Adrisorr VewutneMt,'' IT J-atnaxtoog lfsjdicitw Col. "naooga, Teaa. aaTlrwl AM wtNither is uiiproaelilUK. and the thue for vuiiotiK K'.inmier complaints Is at band. Jlost of tliew conie from dirt or llee or both. CleauUin-su la necessary to sueeetw. and It docsu't cost mtK-b after one gets started. Don't to. tbe young stuff stop grow ing for a minute. June Is the most fa vorable mouth lu tlie year for giving the Mrds a good start aud making tbem so vigorous that tliey will eutlure the hot weather of late July and Au gust without withering up aud blow ing away, as they arc sometimes In clined to do. I have but little trouble with llee and uiltes. 1 discovered long ago tluit tbe best time to kill these little pests is Just before they make their appearance. It Is not necessary to take elaborate pre cautions to keep them lu subjection. Keroseue applied to the porches once a week will usually hold them In check. If there are many English sparrows around. It Ts a boiiclcss task to try to keep the premises entirely clear of mites, but the kerosene treatment will keet) them from lieeoinlng very harm ful. If dry road dust, air slaked lime or coal ashes ore kept. under the perch es, lice and mites will not nourish as they will If no dust tS about the place. Arrange your poultry house so the pen-lies do not touch the walls at any place, anil H will save much trouble, as this confliM'S tbe mites to the perches, where they cau lUBily tie got aL For tbe big lice I have found nothing supe rior lo fresh Persian Insect powder. (Jo Into the house after the fowls are asleep and dust I hem well with tlie powtlcr. or If they lire very Imd take tbe birds separately ut holding them up by the, legs, dust down Into tbe feathers with a common powder gun. Tlk-re Is uo bel ler dlBliifoelunt thaul brlght sunshine. 0eu tbe poultry bouse during the day as much as possi ble ami get all the direct sunshine Into It that you possibly can. Whitewash Is a great destroy of odors, and a coat of this will sweeten the air for days. Road dust absorbs uoxlous gases and kills off odors aud is a pretty good thlug to have around tbe poultry bouse. If you cannot 6 dust use dry garden oil. sprinkling K over tbe floor every day, aod when k Is an Inch or so deep haul It out to the garden with the drop pings that are In It and It will be worth all the work yoo have done to get It Into aud out of tbe poultry bouse. Hens do not care whether weir do use Is clean or not, bat the owner will con sult bis own Interests by keeping the premises as clean as possible, especial ly during the bot months of the year. Miller Purvis In American Poultry Journal. "Conic, senor, have your palm rend! A few ccntavos arc nothing for the se cret of your future," urged a voice that had become cxaspcratiiigly familiar to me of late. 1 was employed on a Los Angeles dally nnd was on my way, as usual each morning, from my home In the San Fernando volley, by way of tbe Cahucnga pass, to tlie little station just beyond tbe divide, wbvrc I took the train luto the city. Midway of the pass stood an old stone watering trough, at which I was accustomed to feTresh my horse while nm awurrje no rule when you wT Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera w uiarrhtE. Rwnerly. T. A. Al lPt 4 Co. will refund your mon- in. nt satufieti after ua- lnk!!" v 11 " verywhere admitted J Tnot-t aucoewful remedy in for bowel complaints and tbe ""J one 4 w, it is pfnt, safe .nJ reliable. 4m Witt'a Uuie Karly RUers, , Tan lia.an HiB- sMlia. Casw ( Brs4era. As soon aa the chicks are out of th hmodera and too are through using i.m for the season dean them op and get tbem Into winter quarters out of tlu. unr. Don t POt tne Drooaer sway dirty and think yoo will clean It op In the siMing before yoo are rceuiy ior . if rou do. too wont have a brooder fit to use when you are ready for H. Wuen yoo are througn using re ior the season, scrape It out iDorougmj and ash It Inside ana or. wiui w hot soapsuds to which a Uttlst kerosene baa been added; use a acroooiBa orumu and get It clean. Tbeo go orer n again ii. hmil hot aoauy water and flnlsb rr Hh doth, wiping tna Doaros orj, Wash tbe hover felts tr they are tun and make tbe whole dean. If It la a bot air brooder, remove tba beater and dean oot the bot air chamber. Too t ta seal what a lot of ii.k k. rnond Ha way n there. Torn .k hoar nnslde down and broso the ' sheet Iron free of aoot. rusting apply a thin eosA rw ofl to tbe Iron. Leave tie brooder open .i.. nn. and let It thoroogbiy ary m oat K away. Have all tba port la place and everything where you caa Ur roar bands on H t wbea i.rl Clean op tba lamn. and do u awa with ofl la . Wrap M - UMnancr to keep It free t duat. If K Is a tin samp, scraps tba bUotered paint oot of tbe water pan. make It dean and du. and then i flw tbe pan a rreah coat of soma good wa, naint! ta a wee pat oa a aec- Atttcost- If yoo only attend to Uveas mtu thinn as row aboold. yea wla bare a good, deaa lrooder to ase wbea .ceded, and foa will also aare moocy- IWlniWay. -i sued to boy sock Ua for my wife. be said. t I bad to quit a. Ttaao I bttberutyrtrMhttbeM. e ebo boa irteni frir aher ' . jjo, aba takes woaa a tmj a. pelf. Tbey aJwaja aeept isj wtjas a-w. my horse wmie journeying through the hills. For upward of a fortnight past I hud regularly encoun tered at this point a scnitary evil vis- aged Mexican, who had announced himself as a palmist "par excellence, and occupied tlie few moments pause In my ride with persistent linportun! ties for my patronage. What did not tend to enhance my regard for this un prepossessing Individual was the craf ty manner lu which he Invariably In spected my horse out of the corners pf nis small, restless eyes, i lie horse. moreover, appeared to resent the sera- tiny quite as much as myself aud from tbe first asserted his antipathy for the vagabond fakir by steadfastly refusing to approach tbe drinking trough until I bad Invited the strauger to withdraw a few paces. On this particular morning, however, my curiosity became aroused as to why tbe fellow continued to frequent so unpromising a locality, which at best was a lonely spot, visited only by transitory horsemen nnd teamsters. Therefore, as my horse fretfully sip ped a few drafts of water, eying the peon suspiciously tbe while, I remark cd: "You must be Intensely fond of your occupation, considering tbe little recompense you appear to derive from It Why do you not go Into the city, where, at least your Held for solicita tion would be larger?" "Ah, senor," replied tbe peon, with affected pathos, "I am Indeed fond of my profession; but, however little 1 may realize from It here on the high way, tbe city would yield me less; for they who live In tlie city care little obout the future. It Is the present alone that Interests tbem." I was Inwardly forced to recognize a certain amount of truth In bis argu ment and by way of appreciation ten dered him a small coin. As I deposited tbe silver In bis band. however, with a quick movement he caught tbe tips of my Angers lo his d.-isp and fixed bis eyes on the open palm. Tbe preclpltnteness of the act was all but demoralizing to my horse, which sprang backward with a sud denness that came perilously near un seating me. The Mexican, however, held tenaciously on to my band. Inci dentally taking core to keep out of ranca of my frantic animal's hoofs. Aa soon aa I could recover myself I wrenched my band free, but not until tbe peon bad vouchsafed this admoni tion: "Senor, a terrible accident threatens yoo from horses. Take heed In time, therefore, and rid yourself of that broncho yoo are riding." I made no response, but aa I touched my spurs and galloped off down the pass tba peon shouted after mo a part ing In J unction. "Sell him, senor T he cried. "I warn yoo be la under tbe spell of a demon." As the words greeted my ear I glanced admiringly down at tho sleek, arched neck of my spirited charger. "Mescal," said L reaching down and patting bis splendid boulders, "do yoo bear that? Be says you're possessed of a demon and that I most sell yoo. Bot 1 abant" Tbe Mexican's ominous cbanicterlsa- tion of my boras was no revelation to me. and Instead of Inspiring me wrtn any appre benal reneee bis apparent con cern for my safety somewhat amused Moreover, tin- knowledge tnat MeecsTs disposition was so thoroughly consistent with his name was rather a source of gratification than regret to It was an odd paths for a norse, bot ba had eoma Mf It legitimately that la, be bad been so called vr since tba Mttlf" bandit Oarcta nao Drosen him aa a aoH to tba aaddla and bestow ed tba title apoa aim. Ana tor two years Uasnaftev Mescal bad borne his sjascnipaloas rtasr oa au ius bdsuwdw tng raids anta tbe latter bad been so hard as til an la tba nseoada btHa by B betid Doysa of Tome that ba and hia rnlkrwera were forced to abandon their bones sod taks to the chaparral. I bad chanced to ba along wttb Doyle that ntf a slnn atstfiTrrrr'- or tnat ebaracter wars accepted aa a matter of eoaree by newspaper roes oot there ts thoae na.es and as tba forsaken boraes of tba flssing octlaws dashed dowa tbe kin ta aa effort to escape voM na I knricfaed ar atata at tbe leader. gaoot bot nest and gaodily enalpoed Mr ealcalarJoos aa to tbe distance of the asark bad proved accurate, bot so bad tbe aim of tbe sheriff of Turns, for hardly bad my noose settled aboot the ehocUders of tbe horse wbea anoth er loop, harried from the epposita U rectioa. fell directly orer It and Doyta and myself bad together raptured the bandit ckleftaia'l steed. Tbe rest of ear posse having corralled the balance of the stamaedlag animals, Doyle and aaywrtf fen, .to work4o dlvMinj oar spoils between us. lie irracefullv an. auowieagea my precedence, momen tary though It bad been. In the capture and Insisted that the horse should bo mine, while, by way of evening up the division as nearly as possible, 1 volun tarily surrendered to him the beautiful silver . mounted saddle, the Intrinsic value of which far exceeded that of tlje horse. The Mexican bridle, how ever, I retained, for engraved upon a silver piate attached to its headstall was tho legend, "Mescai-Proprledad de Joaquin Garcia," together with some additional data, briefly expressed In 8panlsh, relative to the horse's an tecedents. The general ap(carance of the animal Indicated tbe grossest 111 treatment In the past Tbe small of his back was literally covered with saddle galls, whllo his thin skies were furrowed with deep, calloused ridges, wuere the cruel rowels of a merciless rider had plowed their way. But true to tbe nature of the western broncho, abuse had not In the least diminished either bis fiery spirit or bis sterling narauiood, and that lie bad been high ly prized as a mount by bis late owner, notwithstanding the marks of the hit ter's brutality, was evident from tho pedigree engraved ou tho silver mount ed hendstair. Six mouths of rest and good pastur age had worked a miraculous change in Mescal's appearance. From bis pre vious gaunt condition be bad developed a splendid proportion and grace of fig ure, while the former disfigurements to his cuticle were entirely eradicated by tho filling out of bis glossy black coat On the morning following my col loquy with the peon I remarked his absence from bis accustomed rendez vous In the pass, but upon arriving at my olHeo In tbe city I found among my mall a letter which Immediately recall- csrumno" Tnynnliid.-irwnrn proposl tlon, written In Spanish, and purport- lug to come from a Mexican stockman offering to purchase my saddle horse If I chose to sell him at a reasonable fig ure. 1 lie connection between the com munication and tbe peon palmist was too Milpable to escape detection, and the only cognizance I necorded It was In tbe purchase of an extra lock for tny'stnblc door before setting out for home that evening. Nothing further developed of tbe circumstance, bow- ever, nor did the palmist ever again put In an appearance at the stone wa tering trough on tbe San Fernando road. In fact the entire matter had quite i Kissed from my mind, when one day about a month luter I was directed to report at once to tbe managing ed itor of tbe paxr. As I entered tbe sanctum of the dignitary In question be was Industriously occupied with the preparation of bis editorials. Doing naturally of a taciturn disposition, be was not accustomed to waste any su pcrfluous utterances on the subordinate members of bis staff, and, upon noting my presence, without pausing In or glancing up from bis work, delivered the following laconical order: "Doyle leaves Yuma with a posse early tomorrow morning after Garcia. Voti will go with him, I paused with my band on tbe door- kuob. May I take my own saddle horse?" I ventured. Take a whole cabalgada If yoo choose only, get out of town on that 2-30 sKX.'lal." aud, having thus dis posed of the matter, tbe editor In chief proceeded with bis paragraphs aa though I bad never existed. It was teu miles out to Cabuenga station, where Mescal was stabled and 12 o'clock when I received tlie assign ment but two and a half hours later found me pulling out of Los Angeles aboard tbe Southern Pacific sjieclal, with my horse trying bis uttermost to kick both cuds out of n palace stock cur that had been coupled on lu tbe rear for his exeluslvo accommodation. It was late that night wheu I arrived at Yuma and. having released Mescal from his uncongenial quarters, I sad dled blm and rode atray In quest of Doyle, After a brief search I located tbat Individual up In tbe federal court room playing poker wltb his chief and sole deputy, tbe district attorney and Klck-a-Poo scout, wltb aa much uncon cern aa though Garcia and hia band were already safely within the walls of tbe territorial bastllo on tbe hill. "Where's tbe rest of your posse?" I asked the sheriff after tbe customary exchange of courtesies bad taken place. "Wby," be explained, "tbe coroner was colled oot a few minutea ago to bold an Inqoeet on tbe leavings of a half breed desperado who got wind that the boys waa getting together, and fearing, I reckon, tbat some of bis own personal Interests might be at stake undertook to exterminate tbe members before tbey got down to work. He started In on tbe wrong party, how ever, who happened to be Cal Jenkins, tbe county clerk, who was too swift for him which Is bow tbe coroner hap pened to be called oot temporary. Bot him and Cal II be around In tbe coarse of half aa boor, and so'll Judge Mur phy and tbe new tax collector. That'll make nine, counting yoorsulf. and tbe two custom boose riders we pick op down near tba border will be 11. wblcb'tl ba plenty, seeing as Garda'a gang baa thinned oot some what here of late. Reckon there ain't tnoera 2u of tbe grsasera left la the whole drove bow. which Is tosafa half their n amber when we mixed things with 'em last faJL- "Aod where have yoo located the oot Dt this timer I Inquired. Dowa la tbe Mansanlta moantalns, close to tba Mexican lino." waa tbe re ply. "Bot that'a only 20 miles from bene," I demurred, "and leaving In tbe morn ing will bring as there la broad day Hgbt. Well never prt tbem at tbat rate, for If a open piaiM'cWtTTow f tba way bet wee a bare aod tbe Manxa altaa." "Ah, 1 seer returned tbe sheriff of Tama astotety; "figuring oa a good 12 boor sleep, as esnal. before going to WetL yoa won't get It this time. VaJlesasoadlento uneeriy bead), for reTl ba ta tbe heart of tbe Sierra Uaa- saaKaa toag before saniiam. It's bow 10, and wo leave before midnight which reminds me." he added, "that you'd better go dowa to tbe corral and rope yourself a borse. Bring your sad dle wttb yoa T "Tea, and something more," anv wered. "T qoe Baaar Inquired my friend. ' "Mescal, of coarse," I replied care lessly. "Mescal r ejaculated the sheriff ta rred ulously. Going after Garcia tvl t'h his own horse? Well I'll be He'll sure like that." The full moon was hanging low over the ragged crest of tbe Manzanlta range as our little cavalcade drew rein at the edge of the dense chaparral tbat covered Its sides after a brisk ride over tho Intervening alkali desert "We'll wait here." announced Doyle. "until Tie Grande." Indicating tl, Klck-a-roo scout who had dismounted and waa Just vanishing In the thicket. goes ahead and takes a look at the camp. It was Pie," be explained aside to me, "who located fne outfit and he knows Just how to reach It." Ualf an hour later the Infllan return ed with tbe Information that the out laws were still encamped where he bad previously found them, which was In a small valley distant about a mllo ahead. Upon receiving this Intelli gence the sheriff commanded hia party to (an in, Blngle file, behind the guide. then gave tbe ortvr to advance. Thus we proceeded, wltb the utmost caution, up tbe narrow trail, through the tangled brushwood, until at length a silent signal, passed from one to an other down the line, warned us of our approach to tbe bandit stronghold. At almost the some Instant a shot from one of their sentinels told that wo had been discovered, aud tbrowjug aside an caution we dashed forward to tbe attack. Though taken completely by surprise, tbe outlaws appeared to keep tbclr beads, and as many as could reach their horses sprang upon tbelr bare backs and desperately essayed to repulse us. In auoliier moment we were In tbelr midst, tirlug rapidly but carefully, for no shots could bo wasted In tbe faco of such superior numbers. At the height of the confusion I sud denly perceived a tall Mexican, wear- Ing a silver embroidered Jacket the (ascription of which 1 had many times before seen In prlut, forcing bis borso toward me. It was Joaquin Garcia. Instantly I leveled my revolver at bis bead aud pulled the trigger. There was no report 1 had 'fired tbe last charge from my brace of Colts. Be fore 1 could even attempt to reload the bandit chief would have got me to a certainty, but as be was In the very act of covering me revolver shot rang out close to my ear, and reeling In bis saddle my antagonist fell to the ground. The next moment my dellv crer's horse dashed by mo and his rider ,wns Sheriff Doyle of Yuma. Hardly had be vanished, however, be-' fore another bareback horseman bore down upon me. I can seethe gleam of that long stiletto even yet as Its owner's bared arm brandished It aloft In tbe moonlight Then as tbe blado descended, my borso reared back on his haunches and the blow tbat waa Intended for mo struck the animal a glancing blow In tbe side of the bead. In tbe same Instant, with a frenzied scream, Mescal plunged forward and, catching the Mexican's leg In bit teeth, tore blm from bis borse. Then as tbe outlaw's body struck tbe ground tho Infuriated animal sprang upon blm, striking him again and again with hia powerful fore feet, before I could urge him to leavo tho spot and Join the bal ance of onr party. From tbls on the odds were wholly In our favor, and one by one tbe surviving bandits gave up tbe contest and appealed for quarter. At length, with the exception of a few who bad escaped nnder cover of the darkness Into tbe mountains, tbe entire band were oltbor prisoners or numbered among tbe slain. Retracing our steps to the scene of tho fiercest stage of tbe fight, we dismounted for tbe purpose of examining tbe bodies of tho fallen bandits. Observing one tbat lay faco downward In tbe sand, I bent over blm to find tbat the entire bock of bis head had been crushed In. From tbls I knew at once it was tbe outlaw wbo bad fallen a victim to Mes cal's vengeance. Taklug bold of bis arm I turued the body over. As I did so I started back In amazement, for tbe pale moonlight shlnlug full upon bis upturned face revealed to me tbe unmistakable features of tbe palmist of tbe Cabuenga highway. Aud Mescal? The stiletto had Inflict ed a deep slash directly across bis right eye which rendered blm partially blind. Ho was thus permanently ruin ed as a saddle horse, and to Insure blm against tbe possible fate of a draft ani mal I took blm back to Los Angeles where I bad a leathern collar made for blm, attaching thereto tbe sliver plate takt'D from bis headstall and another on which I engraved tba single word Exempt" Then 1 set blm free among the green pasture lands of tbe Ban Fer nando ranch, where be will continue to roam, pensioned for the remainder of daya. Joss De Ollvarea lo St Louis Globe-Democrat FEMININE ABILITY WASTED, Bene Gravel Rail Was Ball at SaasJI Coat IslMers, Farmers wbo trsvel over a certain stretch of road in Illinois have discov ered tbat there is more tbsn one way to get good roads without patting In experienced men to work with poor material. Tbe expedient employed near Henry. Ills., lalntereatiDg. There la a toll bridge over tbe Illinois river at tbat point, and tbe road runs along tba stream fur a distance of three or four miles Gravel roads were wanted badly. It cost tbe farmer 23 eenla for every load of grain or cereal of any kind tbat was bsoled orer tbe bridge to tbe market A proposition was made tbat tbe son woo Id be returned to tba farmer if be broagbt back a load of gravel on bis return borne and scattered it along tba highway, it was promptly agrsad to. Tba result was that every farmer loaded a big grain wagon wltb gravel. and be started at tba bridge to damp II Tbe next fanner that cams along after tbe first load bad been damped started where bis predecessor bad left off. Tbls continaed for some time, and there are now aboot foar miles of tba best kind of gravel roads aloes tba riv erside and la a place where It baa beea always bard to travel orer wbea tba weather was bad. banging At oasee. Mr. Nervers Wbo la that tba piano down in tho parlor? Mrs. Nervcra That'a Mr, Fish ruv alng bis scales. Mr. Keerere Well. I wish be'd ran 'em oat of here. Up to Date. Th Haklns of a Good Poker Player, Pooling; a Kearsliihled Sinn "It has long been n pet theory of mine that woman Is naturally a bet ter poker player than man," said Colo nel King, "and aa a devoted admirer of both the sex and tbe game I feel that I am qualified to express this opinion. I am aware that most poker players allege that It Is ns difficult for a woman to play pukcr as to throw a stone. 1 cau recall two women who could bluff me to a standstill aud nev er wink an eyelid. Men are not In It when It comes to bluffing with a wo man. It Is natural In her and acquired in us. Let me tell yoo about my friend, Mrs. Bmlth. . " "She would mako a crackajack poker player If she would only try tbe game, Sbe Illustrates what I have aald about bluffing, because sbe Is an Innocent lit tle thing, hardly 20 years old, and sbe hasn't bad time to acquire anything except a husband. I knew bcr father when he waa in my regiment, and I have kept track of ber ever since she was S years old. Her father waa our surgeon major, and a fine fellow, with a leaning toward botany and aucb things. In recent years be baa grown nearsighted. He will do anything for hia dangbtcr, and she works him beau tifully. He and I were dining with tbe Smiths after their marriage last win ter, and tbe major said: " 'My dear, that fern wblcb you havo on the table Is a disgrace. Why don't you get something really good?' 'Can't afford It Just now,' said Mrs. Smith suggestively. "'Well, I will get It for you,' said the major. Mrs. Smith then told of a beautiful fcrnvfblcluboj!ad seen at Blank's hothouse to be sold for $12. I don't know anything about tboso things, but wben she described tho fern b the ma jor be said it was just what she should bavo, and be gave bcr the money to buy it When ho dined wltb tlie Smiths again, thjp fern was In tbe center of tbe taoie, aim me major pecrcu ni n through his glasses and told .her tbat she had a bargain. Before bo left tbe table Mrs. Smith put a tnbluspoonful of water., on tho fern, and the major poured on a llttlo more from bis glass. Not too much water, you know. and tbe fern will thrive,' be said. Every night wben we dined at the Smiths tbe major took delight In pour ing a little water on his fern, aa bo called It and ono night last week he aid casually:' "'It la odd that that fern basn't grown since you got It. It looks healthy, and It should have thrown out a new leaf or two.' 'Oh, It baa grown a lot' said Mrs. Smith, and If I had not caught a sus picion of a smile on bcr husband's faro I would not have noticed tbe remark. It set me thinking. I don't know any thing about ferns, but I have pretty good eyes. I looked closely at this one, and as we left the table I felt of It Wben I bad an opportunity, I said to Mrs. Smith: I've called your bluff.' 'What bluff, colonel? sbe said, look ing as If sho bad nover heard tho word before. "Tho fern, said I. 'It's artificial. and It Isn't a good make believe, either. Letting your poor old father put water on It toot Wbat aro you going to do obout Itr "Sbe showed ber band at tbls call. Tbe artificial fern cost her $1, nnd wltb tbe otber $11 sbo bought gloves. 'Don't give me away,' she said, 'and father will not know tbo difference.' - 'What will you do to persuade him that It la growing?" 'I'll buy a llttlo larger ooo In a few weeks.' "We dined tbere last night ngaln, and aa Mrs. Smith and tbe major each generdusly put a little water on tbls ar tlficlal fern I thought to myself 'What a great poker player that girl might become!' I bate to see such ability wasted on fooling a nearsighted man, bot perhaps Mrs. Smith wouldn't be aa Interesting If sbe did play pokor. How ever, sbe illustrates my theory, and there are others." New York Sun. o 1 wish to call the attention of insurers in Alamance county to the fact that the Burlington Insurance Agency, established in 1893 by the late firm of Tate & Albright, is still in the ring. There is no insurance agency in North Carolina with better facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rates or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch oi the business, find a lodgement in my office. With a practical experience of more than ten years, I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. Corredpondence solicited upon all matters pertaining to insurance. I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make - . a . it to the interest of all who desire protection for their families or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit able investment, to confer with me before giving their applica tions to other agents. ' Very respectfully, .' JAMES P. ALBBIGI1T, BURLINGTON, N. C." JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCC II Waa Retaraeat "I came upon a couple of boys fight ing on the street tbe other day," said tbe portly man as bo laughed at tba recollection. "They were both smear ed over wltb eggs and were fighting like a couple of young wildcats. "As a usual thing. I do not believe In Interfering with Quarrels among chil dren, believing that It Is better to let tbem tight It out and settle tbelr differ ences In tbelr own way. "But tbey wore fighting so fiercely and were using such bad language tbat I thought It best to separata tbem. "Getting bold of tbelr collars, 1 pull ed tbem apart aod demanded an ex planation. " 'He throw a rotten egg at me,' shouted tbo younger of tbe two aa be atrnggled to get at tbe otber boy again. "This was undoubtedly a fact, as the boy's clothing waa a strong testimonial to tbe point In evklenca. " Tut, tot.' aald I, 'yoo should have returned good for ovIL' " 'I did.' be sobbed, tbe reaction hav ing set In. Tbe one that I threw at blm waa a good one.' "Detroit Free Press. The Lara's P rarer aa PI aw Tlie limit of One engravings seems to have been reached by A. Henderson of Torooto, wbo lias Just finished tho task of engraving tbo Lord's Prayer upon tbe stem of an ordinary pin, one Inch la length, wltb tbe alphabet and tbo numbers from I to 10 oa tbe bead. Those Interested la feats of this de scription are anxioosly awaiting tbo appearaarw of tbe champion who win distance all competitors by selecting tba point of tbo put as his sphere of operations Jewelers Circular. D. Biinkley, cf Yadkin county, went to Winston Monday a week with his wile and children to see tho circus. Tuesday morning he was found in'a ditch in east Winston with , a bullet hole in his temple. Ho was unable to tell who shot him. Brinkley died Tuesday even ing and his remains were sent to Yadkin for interment. Thos. Reed, Bob Cobler and Thos. Hudson have been committed to jail charged with killing Brinkley. Ever since the election lost fall (lie county in Greene county have been in litigation, both Democrats and fusionibts claiming them. The matter has at lost been settled by compromise. The. Democrats are to have all tho county offices except the three commissioners, who are fusionists, but as the last Legisla ture appointed four additional com missioners for Greene county, all Democrats, the Demrcrats now have entire control of the county. About ten days ago several men went to tho poor house of Transylva nia county and entered tbe room oc cupied by Brazil Chappie, a white woman who is not of strong mind. The men choked her to prevent an outcry, dragged her into tbe bushes about 200 yards from tho house, and criminally assaulted her. The poor woman was seriously injured. Two colored men who are suspected of the deed have been arrested, and warrants are out for another colored man and a white man who are suspected of complicity in it. Wilmington Messenger: North Carolina, according to the veracious newspapers, often has aged people who range from 110 even as high as 165 years. Most are apocryphal, but now' and then there is a genuine centenarian. Such an one is proba bly Mrs. Nancy Hollifield, who lives in Rutherford county. . A cor respondent of the Charlotte Observ er says she lives two miles from El lenboro. She is 118 years old, and until five years ago she could walk the distance to Ellenboro with'all ease. She now uses a rolling chair. Rev. D. C. Lea, who died last sum mer, looked up her age three years ago and she was 115 then. He was "bout 85 when he died, and often said he could remember well when he was a boy she- nursed him, and that then she had several grown children. This is a true story. e . if iSBF .!2ftJ VfVHTEDl-Artir THE s---"1 ' HEW a Vwas There is nothing so likely to reconcile lbs forlorn bachelor to bis lot aa a cross baby la a street car. Towa Topics. It Herring fiabernien ta tbo old world are, many of tbem, remarkably so- perstltaoaa. For Instance, oa some ashing boats whistling la forbidden, and neither milk nor borned bread 1 allowed oa board, rartbentaore, not even tbe name of tbat anlocky "'"'. tbe bare, may be mentlooed, and a com moo method of Banishing aa ens my la to throw a dead hare into bis boat " Home of tbe fishermen believe In lock attending aa odd numbered crew, bot tbe good fortune may be neutralised should one of tbo aamber havo rod. Capt Geo, U. Thompson, a prom inent citizen, died at Old Fort Mon day, otred 58. He was a native of Granville county but had lived in Old Fort 25 years. He began life as a newsboy and finally by bis in domitable energy and merit became conductor on a passenger train on tho Western North Carolina Rail road, which position he held until entering the mercantile business. With a few hundred dollars capital he, by practical business judgment and integrity, accumulated an estate approximating 150,000. About a thousand persons attend ed a mass meeting in Washington Tuesday night a week to protest against the verdict in the Dreyfus case. The speakers included all creeds. Hebrew, Protectant and Catholic. After a number of ad dresses the meeting adopted a set of resolutions affirming belief in the Innocence of Dreyfus,-condemning the proceedings of the court martial and pledging those present to use every lawful and proper means to prevent the co-operation of this country in tbe Paris exposition. One thousand share of stock owned by the city of Durham in the Durham & Northern road, were sold Thursday a week. There was but one bidder. Mr. J). V. Cooper, of Hendetson, and the amount bid was f 35, 500. Tbe board of aldermen met at 6 o'clock for the purpose of considering tbe bid. It is thought that the bid made by Mr. Cooper was for the Seaboard Air Line.- The result of the aldermen's conference was an acceptance of Mr. Cooper's bid. The mayor and clerk were authorized to make tbe transfer and deliver the same upon payment of the purchase money. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine WITH . Rotary .Mottoa aid Ball Bcarh&rs, Easy Raaninjr, Quiet, Rapid, Purchasers says "It runs as light as a feather. " -'Great improvement over anythia so far. " It turns drudgery Into a pastime.' "The rrtagic Silent Sewer." All sizes and styles of lewinj: rru?. chines for Cloth and Leather. " The best machine on eaith - see it before yon buy.- - ONEIDA 8T0RE CO. J. M. Hates. Agent" STYLISH, RELIABLES A DTI STltVav tl They Always Iteass, a J- MCALLfiTT as. DAZAR ( ) NONE BETTtK AT AY PklCfi t km Ik en w nw a. tl. abSM M I Mum 5p THE McCALL COMPANY, I U to MS W. I4t Staves. Baa Vast suaea uvsasaa ! sSa Firm Ave., Caitcaea, saaal seas MaarSat M., Saae Pi Usee, i magaziiieW Brtsswae Waraisas PaalisSiS 5 litaatratea Latest 1M F S luas, Pawrv Work. fAtn mms for tfca TCl hli.l UuSity. Imirfil . . I f , Iwit. mSl WriM tme km mmi mmmm a in 5 atea. I. 1 oat. I Si m mmm. 5 i..l.ea i isfaui THE McCALL CO- ; I S to a W. 14th S4-. Haw Yrk : : wmrnimmmmmwim,i Subecribe tor Thk G leaker, or.ly tl 00 a year in advance. V