THE GLEANER, weekly Washington letter. ISSUED EVEBT THUB8DAT. GRAHAM, N. fc., Feb. 1, '.90J. 8PB8CIPTION.CA8H IH ADVANCK: On year 11.00. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. HTThK editor will not be retponalhl lor fie slews expressed by oorrwjwmirnt. The Gikanek completes its year with this issue. From Our Regular Corroaoondent. Washington, D. C, Jan. 26, 1900. I There is open revolvt in the re publican ranks against a part of the McKinley programme. Senator Piatt, nf Conn., has given notice of hii intention to offer amendments to the administration bill providing governments for Hawaii and Porto Rico. He will amend both I ills by advektisino bates moving io 8m Re out tne clauses ai- One square a io.)i time fiJ. reachiuii- lowing each of the uilands to send a WUent insertion Mcenu. Delegate to Congress, and in the and longer time, rates furnished on applies- ... iton. local Botloes io eta. line lor nm case Oi nawail n 8 amenamcnv win loaertlon ;.utaequent mrn. ictaj. line. provjdu for 8trjking out all that por- Transient advertisement must be paid for r o r Id advance, tion of I lie bill dealing with customs i . duties and a continuation of the 25th present customs relations. Instead of freo trade with Porto Rico, as the hill iirovides. Mr. Plait's amend- The Boers and British have been Vlieiff provides lor the collection of a at it again in a planner that holds uty on all articles from Porto Rico the attention of the civilized world, brought into the U. S. equivalent to Britain with her magnificent army, 80 per cent of the duty collected on magnificently equipped with all the similar articles from foreign coun- implements of modem warfare, tries tries, and a duty in the tamo pro- to dislodge the hardy Boers, who portion to be collected in Porto resist and repel the effort with such RiCo on all goods from the U. S. coolness and success as to throw the How serious this revolt will ' be" is great English people into constema- yet to be determined, and it will de- tion and excite the admira- pend largely upon the attitude of tion of all nations for their the democratic and )Hpulist Sena fine generalship, splendid fighting tors, but it has greatly alarmed the qualties, successful maneuvres, and administration, victories against such strong odds. Roberts was thrown overboard This last splendid achievement of yesterday, according to programme, Boer amis took place less than a and according to the ethics of the week ago, and was disastrous to unco good, the House must be to-day British arms, at least for the time, a very much more moral and'virtuous 1 body. Well, it may be that it is, The political tension in Ken- but there are serious objections to tucky resulted in a tragedy the House, as at present constitut Tuesday about 1 1 o'clock. Goebel ed, setting itself up as a court to was shot down while walk- pnss on morals. This isn't meant ing through the capitol grounds, as a defense of Roberts, who deserv- The bullet was fired from a second- ed to be kicked out for cowardice as story window in a building used for well as for polygamy, but as an ad- oflices by nearly all the State of- vance protest against the House go- ficials. It was a rifle ball and took ing into morality censorship as a effect in the right side and passed regular business. That business through the left side. The victim is already badly overcrowded, fell to the pavement and a shower of Secretary Gage must be disgruntl- bullets struck the pavement around ed about something. He said a day him, hut he was hit only by the one or two ago that he believed the ball. His wound is 1 extremely Boers would lick the English and serious. The doctors thought if sincerely hoped they would. Here he lived through the night there is more treason in the McKinley would be some hope for him. camp, and Gage isn't Irish, either. Goebel is a man of iron will and Representative Champ Clark, of said he would not die. Mo., sent the following cablegram to The deed is an awful one, looked WeUter Davis, Assistant Secretary at from any standpoint What it of the Interior, when the news was! may result in no one can tell. It is received that Davis was on his way a deep, dark deed and a blot upon to Pretoria, in President Kruger's the Republican party which seemed private car : "Webster Davis, Pre fer the time to be holding the reins toria, care of Kruger : Hearty con- f government, and whether Goebel gratulations on good company in lives or dies the would-be or the which you find yourself. Have al rrnl assassination will be laid at the ways admired your splendid genius, d.Kr of the Republican party. and now that you are out of the The election boards declared society of republicans and jingoes, Goebel governor yesterday and he and fraternizing with men fighting look the oath,orotlice in his room, for liberty, I hope, when vou return ing that they had the sympathy of Bt,er Wanu to Correct Mi-qaota. wig tujiLou jtojjiq, m.u - u other days our sympathy would have been expressed through gov ernmental channels. But now, the ghost of liberty murdered in the Philipine8 stands in the way. He cannot even preserve a decent neu trality between this heroic people and their assailants. I mitted to us, however, as individ- The News and Observer Monday received the following : United States Senate, Washington, D. C, , ,: ' Jan. 27, 1900. Editor News and Observer, Raleigh, N.C. : VftH-hitvA imhliaWl what piir- incendiary utterances were by no means confined to the democrats. Not a few letters have been received at this office from populists as well as from democrats, declaring that if Butler still had any folllowers who paid attention to his advice, his speech would provoke encounters that might lead to bloodshed. It was firebrand thrown into a cam paign that had been inaugurated on J1V1U- l.i, - , , I .sH.Ki luu iiuvj i.u J i i n I uals, to avert our eyes, and as those . ' - . 'ajx the part of democrats by an appeal & ' I ic thA KMOAn executive vo intuitu noble men go down to death and oblivion to say to them, as I now do, 'Thou lost survivors of a heroic age! Hail and farewell.' " The Quayeports have been made and the Senate will proceed to de cide the question of whether he shall be seated as soon' as it feels so disposed. The Quayites are show- Party State held ijp the State Senate Chamber in Raleigh. Among other things you report me as saying that certain per sons "should be driven from the state, etc. I made no such state ment. All that I did say that and the calm judg ! ment of the manhood of the State. Hence his denial at this late day. News and Observer. . There is no better medicine for the babies than Chamberlain's Couch Rimt V Tta nlenoanr. tanto 1,1 u :j.h i I .- . r-- - luuiuuate oLuucmauj .reeu tuuy ana prompt and effectual cures minforl nr irtnf vtdli" ru frma rlia. InmtrA it. a faunrlfA rilk ing so much confidence that it is be- . wArfvl . ,, mall children: It onicklv cum neveci tney nave received promises that all law abiding citizens, regard- their coughs and colds, preventing of support from some of the Sena- ,a . .... , , . pneumonia or other senous con- tor who have been classed as of party, should join hands sequences. It also cure croup and wis campaign to drive trom power bag been used in tens of thousands in the state those who depend upon of cases without a single failure so getting into and remaining in power 'f"9 have been able to learn. by ballot box stuffing and by incit- DOt n,y cures ronP'' but wben .... . . given as soon as the croupy cough mg mobviolence. The meeting of appear8) will prevent the attack. the committee which I addressed In cases of whooping cough , it was an executive meeting, and liquifies the tough mucus, making tors who doubtful Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He says : "My brother was veiv low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persuaded there was no reporter of an v paper il easier to expectorate, and lessens him to try Electric Bitters, and he preSent How you secured'this bo- BeveritJr fd frequency of the was soon much better, but continu- . . m:armro,a Paroxysms of coughing, thus de ed their use until he was wholly ca,led T niisrepresente priving that disease of all dangerous cured. Iam sure Electric Bitters U,J "l" m parucuiars, i consequences. For sale by T. A saved his life." This remedy ex- " ot know, but 1 am confident Aionght & Co., druggists. pels malaria, kills disease germs arid that every person who was present :c i,i 1 . : j j: I . ' . - . . .-j' " uiwutHi, mine senate chamber and heard Winston Sentinel : It is riven XXtSL" "hai 1 did ' wi b- rae out iD out that when the legislature meets ous diseases, kidney troubles, fe male complainU ; gives perfect health. Only 50c at T. A. Al bright fe Co.'s drug store. The British losses in South Africa up to the last battles reach ed 8,216, - . The committee reported adverse ly Tuesday a week to sealing Quay in the United States senate. An. immense petition has . been gotten in Belgium asking McKinley to mediate in Transvaal affairs. Vanderbilt and Rockefeller inteK ests are buying immense tracts of land in tide-water sections of North Carolina and Virginia. f , Marshal O. Waggoner, of Toledo, Ohio, an infidel who has been con verted to Christianity, has burned a rare and valuable library of infidel books. , 11 UA Is Tastotesa N'S Pepsin Chill Tonic HaMMIN M Can Chin. . - - uf nil BlsIaI-f wa W rafala ftll War Otkrr Pojioii. - " ' i Doe Hot lajare the 8toaaek K Efeet the ii W. A. McLartr Son, Dime Box, Tex., my: "Ramon's Pepsla Chill Tni7Ts best we ne ever caaaiea. t son prescnoea 111a h s practioj.and ,".' thsonlr CbiU Tonic which a child can take with 3ot injury C ibsstSn.r.) a " " a .', i THE NORTH CAROLINA COI.trYiii- ' k . of ; - , agriculture aid MecKarvic rts At Cumberland, Md., Miss Lizzie , . Offers a thorough practical education in alUiranchi-g of Ari. Shewbridge, a pretty young woman, Y , culture, m cotton manufacturing, in civil, uiecLui.kui and ' eieciricai engineering, in arcniieciure, ana in the industrial . . f Regular courses, special courses, short courses. Total annual expenses, including board, fuel, lights etc ( $118.50.. . t-.-:'. ;; ... ?. .'. .-r . r '' " " One hundred and twenty scholarships carrying free tuition and lodgings are open to needy boys. was ejected from an opera house lor tickling the bald pate of a man in the front of her. . x A special train and freight crash ed together during a dense fog in the yards at Waycross, Ga., Thursday-. The special had on board about 200 retail lumber dealers from Indiana, who were en-route home from an excursion through south Georgia and Florida. Mr. Davis, a hardware dealer of Wabash, tnis statement I in special session in June not a Re Yours respectfully, publican member will be present; Marion Butler. This means that Forsyth will not be 1 S. -Of course you will do me represented in the house. The Re- the justice to publish the above let- publicans say' they can do nothing,' ter. but the main reason, perhaps, .is Notwithstanding Mr. Rntler's because there is no P"7 attached. denial, he used the words attributed to him. There can be no doubt of I "Self Preaerratioa that, They were taken down as be Is the first law of Nature." For spoke them. They were printed in this reason everyone who is ill de- this paper next morning. Mr. Butler ares to . become well, lbose who was then in Raleigh. Neither he lSTSJ. turn in TTAnH'a Koranvnlla hAmiiiaa ' .u . u- j .l.. 1 . - --"'"t""- l Ind., was caught as two cars tele- 7 u they know it will enrich and purify scoped, and both legs were crushed. uo ;ct. in,s was weir oiooa ana give inem gooa T, .,, . ,, , ... two weeks ago, and the above is, so health. Take this medicine on the They will probably be amputated. ' - firet appearonce of impure blood is ne may aie. xurs. cmun, who .,.. ... an lmnnrtant ntm inward self nnv I Ik nsi asr It v K 1 U..a 1 ; I r I l -w - w ning to see the effect bis words are having. No doubt the above is Hood's Pills cure sick headache, what Mr. Butler wishes he had said, indigestion and it is possible that he has since The statement was feigned by a ma jority of both houses of the Genera l A'sembly. Goebel was still alive and strong er arif:.10"Wednesday (last) night. Superintendent W. C. Stronach of the Soldiers' Home at Raleigh jy s there are GO applicants for ad mission who cannot be received owing to the failure of the legisla ture to provide for their inaintc nance. A 3,000 spindle cotton mill is to be built at Lowell, in Gaston coun ty, and another at Bessemer City, close by. Citizens of Clayton have organized a company with a capital of $75,000 to build a cotton mill i - V At Durham Judge Moore render ed a decision that saw mill men are not liable to tax as lumber dealers. He held that a lumber dealer, uu det the laws, was one who bought And anlf lnmkff mrA nnS mam mill ftWIMM. MIV III. D. If lllfil men, who are manufacturers Kenedy Jordan, of Northamp ion county, was acciaenuuy snot by a friend Sunday a week while they were playing with a pistol which was supposed to be unload ed. Jordan died Monday from the effects of the wound. No blame appears to attach to any one. Deputy Revenue (Elector 8utton reports quite an exciting time in Coluoibua county Saturday night week.' A moonshiner's outfit captured, after the moonshiner and his friends, who were in ambush, had fired six shots at the officers. Then the nioonah inert fled. Mrs.- George Barnett committed suicide, at her home Roxboro, Tues day night a week, by cutting her throat with a rasor. Sh lea ret a husband and a son. They were in the room with ber at the time she committed the act. No motive it assigned for the deed, except ill health. - Senator Pritchard hat introduced a resolution that the president be authorised to appoint as an addi tional cadet at the Naval Academy, Anrupolis Md David Bagley, brother of Ensign Egley, U. 8. nary, killed in battle at Cardenas, Cuba, Msy llrb, IttW. to your native shores, you will join the democrats. We will give yon a most cordial welcome." Mr. Mc Kinley is much afraid that the visit of Davis to Kruger will be miscon- struclod that he has caused it to be officially given out that Davis is travelling as an individual and not as a representative of this govern mcnt. Senator McEnery, of La,, mode a speech against the Pritchard reso lution declaring the proposed suf frage amendment to the N. C. con stitution, similar to the one now in force in La., to be unconstitutional, in which he declared that his state had been greatly benefitted by the restriction of suffrage; that while Congress bad the power, it had not the right, to declare any law or con stitutional provision of a state un constitutional, that right belonging solely to the judicial branch of the government He stated the whole race . question when he said "There can be no admixture of the races, this is a Jaw of nature. They must work out their destinties on parallel lines, which cannot come together. The Anglo-Saxon blood and brain will always be the superior and cannot be subordinated to the negro." Representative Henry, of Texas, has introduced a bill providing government for Porto Rico, which most democrats think good enough to be made a party measure. It follows the lines of the laws estab lishing territories, which hare stood the testa of a century, and places the government aa much in the hand of its people as those of the territories of Ariaona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma art in the hands of their people. - Senator Turner, of Washington, made a speech, tbia week, arraigning the administration both for its hilippine policy and for ite attitude toward the Boera. the people of a re public struggling for liberty against a powerful monarchy. . After assjert- Knctljk Span Uaus rCaik) vaaanHart, )tr. Bptataa. aS SvoOaa T. Kin lkwaata. tl. ' WarrsDta IW KKmiakesu eteekawwa. aaShjT.A. Al BwHavsT.Q. held a baby in her arms, suffered severe injury to one leg. The child was unhurt. Thirteen other pas sengers were more or less severely bruised, but none seriously. The accident octurred within a few yards of the Plant system hospital and the wounded were immediately removed there, two cars were wrecked. Each train was running slowly, or there would have been horror. It appears there was a mis understanding of orders, as the special, running as the second sec tion of the regular train, was just pulling into the yard as the freight attempted to pull out on the same track. The fog was so dense that the engineers could see only a few feet. AKIghtafTi "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burn ham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she beg ged for Dr. King s New Discovery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured her of Consumption. After taking, -she slept all night r urther use entirely cured her. This marvelous medicine is guar anteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Luna Diseases. Only 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at T. A Albright & Co.'s drug store. The saw mill belonging to C II Fox at Maysville, caught fire last week and was entirely destroyed. OrrrT aad taflwaosa Invariably hMTv Ua i ia ill writhi a had mirh. Bear adi t)r. Joaa W. Boll'e Ooturfc Bjrvp resnady trrras retier at esse. CuaiquMs th worat coojrh ovwalght and eocsa ecwta a UkoroQ evra COUGH CYRU? Carta Grippe aad InflBeaza. taalnJiass A f Harbtfml biar Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buck leu's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Corns, all Skin bruptiona. Best Pile cure oo earth. Only 25 da. a box. Cure auar anteed. Sold by T. A. Albright & Lo., druggists. The Fayetteville Telephone o has been purchased by the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Co. ItsJ policy is to build a number of toll lines. Dunne the earlv nart of October. 181)6, I contracted a bad cold which settled on my lungs and was neglect ed until I feared that consumption bad appeared in an incipient state. I was constantly coughing and try ing to expel sometaing which I could not. I became alarmed and after givint the local doctor a trial bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the result was immediate improvement, and after 1 bad used three boUlea my lungs were restored Ut their healthy state. R. 8. Edwards, Publisher of The Renew. W yanC III; Fr tale by T. A. Albright Jt Co., druggists. Near Orangeburg, ' S. C.,v? James Jefcoat was shot and killed by. his father, R. A. Jefcoat, and brother, W. D. Jefcoat They quarreled over a small piece-oi land A dispatch received at? Berlin from Durban says the German bar que Marie, loaded with - sulphur; captured early in January by a British cruiser, has been uncondi tionally released. t X ; , " ' 1 It is said that the $35, COO, 000 contract given to Mr. McDonald to . ELEVENTH SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER G, 189.1, Candidates for admission may be examined in each count y court house at 10 a. m., August 19, 1899, by the County Superintendent, or at the college in Raleigh, SeJJt. 5 180! i. ' For catalogue address " - ' - ' President GEO. T. WIXSTOY Srest Raleigh, N. c. I GO 000 Rev. Charles M, Sheldon, author build the underground railway in of "In His Steps," is to be 'given New York is the biggest contract entire control for; "one " week of the ever civen to one Tnan in this or lopeka Capital its news, advertis- any other countiy. ling and editorials in order that he . . ' ' . may give to the world his idea or a iron producer in the world, the out-1 . ' i. put last year being 13,500,000 tons, The latest news from Honolulu is to about 10,000,000 tons ; for Great that there have been 38 deaths from Britain and abouf 8,000,000 for bubonic plague. The city is panic- Germany. ; r' W. H. Stallings, Republican post master at Augusta, Ga., has been "expelled" from the Republican party by negroes because he refused stricken. .The board of health had 10 blocks of buildings burned. Twenty-four hundred Japanese at Honolulu are in quarantine. McKiuley's cabinet, on Tuesday to appoint a negro man named a week,-again discussed at length Wimberly as assistant postmaster. A cablegram from Nassau, N. P., announces that the schooner B. , W. Morse, which left Jacksonville, Fla , about Jan. 6th for San Juan, Puer- io mco, was aDanoonea at sea, waterlogged. Two men were lost Dispatches from Manila report the Puerto Rico situation. The opinion h unanimous in the cabinet that the free trade with the island, or a nominal duty, is essential to prevent widespread butiuess dis aster among all classes of its people. The case of Brigham H. Roberts, the Mormon representative-elect from Utah, which has occupied " so much of the attention of . the house rerauaoea nimseit he said it, but he -i be State sUDerintendent of edu did not. Here is what he said : I nronttv m.i. .Wnu ri that the recent uprising in the is- w.wa wuafj diuuv luiuiliVO V UV I v . . . a .1 i I land of KfHrrn vena tint morplv n. w 0 0 , Jim VIMS I4JW11H US LU etl UCILIDIIHI I O " I . . , , . not forsake it We must eo forward. a mi r. .u . volt of the nolice. as has been in- 8,nce ine a8semDUDS congress, t iwuvvi a. a jrij uuui lliajlJl i T Now even more than there are our HalifaT iniiin,, tIia ma,, dicated, but an attempt , by native omciais io ovennrow American au iiiinri ifH inrminnon naa i a nna I i . w ,a ..c gays me town naa auu people, no issue and but one and we must till tox for 00! and naa ever mat is seuiea. . 1 nat issue is wheth- contemplated the establishment of a er or noi jonn uaronnians are free public school. The mayor con meal eludes by saving: "This town is lyet ujoiu nanus wun an wno finished." will help us and wipe out such a conspiracy. ''Iam satisfied that those in favor of free suffrage can, by combining their strength in the coming cam paign, redeem the state from the Red Shirt Gang. "The negro question, I know. confronts us, and it must hcsettled, hut we can't trust the man who has lived on the negro thirty years to settle it. We've got to settle it. We are the folks who at heart want it settled, not they. We want it settled so they can no longer use it as a scarecrow. The republicans al so are anxious for its settlement, and they'll help to settle it in the proper way." Let us join hands and defeat forever this little gang of anarch ists who try to take by violence that thority. Lewis Davis, a negro preacher, near New Kent Court House, Va., while in a fight with his wife, was struck over the head with a stick and beaten so badly by her that on was decided Thursday by the adop tion of a resolution to exclude him by a vote of 268 to 60. A Pennsylvania farmer who hustl ed off to England to take possession of a $900,000 fortune that he was advised was waiting for him, got back minus his . traveling expense?, F. B. Thirkield, Health Inspec Tuesday a week he died.: The wife M $175 that sharPera on the tor of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dys-1 i)em .nted - ' other side buncoed him out of be- ucuam vsure cannot ue recommena- 1 . . ed too highly. It cured me of The grand jury of Bibb county, severe dyspepsia." It digests what Ga., in their presentment' urged the you eat and cures indigestion, heart- Wi.Iatnre to ...hmit to th . constitutional amendment establish- burn and all forms of dyspepsia. j. v. Mmmons, tne druggist An illicit distillery of 100 gallons capacity was captured near Prince ton Monday nujht a week. The still and X) gallons of lw were destroyed. 1M aw siass, eaaw awn IMvk,ain4laBl awasjiaa fcr Waotfsra aaatauT KOos. Tale ar faUa. T.A.AJns;a.aTst. CrateavK. which they cannot win by fair means. But it takes something more than a red shirt to scare populist Jn the eastern counties in the campaigns of recent years the populists haven't been running. They have been in more danger there than anywhere eUe, but they have stood true a, steel. Ullf I a . w - w e nave got to right and we had as well make up our minds to do it I believe then are rotes enough in favor of free suffrage to win in the campaign in spite of their ballot box stuffing and red shirt lawless ness. But to do it we have got to be on our guard. The election law of 1894 was wide open and I would 't ask anything easier than to steal 50,000 rotea under it : The new election law is worse. But we'll win in spite of Simmons and the red shirts. The republicans arc in this fight to the death. Let us join hands with them and help them whip this gang out of the State. Let us an nounce to the world that North Car olina will no longer be ruled by an archist, red shirts and a little gang of toadiev men who have betrayed everybody and everything. I ne republicans are willing for us to take the lead, go ahead and bold a convention and nam a tirli et They will help us elect it. Of course there will be some republi mm -a 11, ana 11 may oe we can find a democrat who will jinn this anti-amendment fight' There are some tuch prominent democrat and I think it possible that one or more of them may offer to take a place on the ticket" This letter created indignation kyi throughout the State, and the ex I prwioo isf rtrrn disapproval of the High Point Enterprise : Parties from Kernersville, who were here this week, informs The Enterprise that the son of Mr. Geo. Snyder, in that neighborhood, died last week from the effects of a persimmon seed in his windpipe. He was out with some boys eating . persimmons and while running with a persimmon in his mouth sucked it info his lungs. He lived, five days in much pain ing the whipping post in Georgia for misdemeanants under the age of 16 years. - . . ... fore he had been 24 hours on land. The Glasgow steamer Ardandhu, Duhas, from New London, Conn., for Halifax, N. S., was sunk in col lission with the Metropolitan liner Herman Winer, from Boston for New York, off Robinson's Hole, Vineyard sound, Tuesday a week, and two of her crew of 31 men were lost " ... - ' The bill providing for separate , Ashby Cubbage, a" young white man, 17 years of age, employe.! ia the Rappahannock woolen mills at Laurel Mais,' Rappahannock ionn tyf Va,- committee.! suicide shooting himself through the heart because a young lady with whom he was madly infatmated did not reciprocate his affections. ' ',. .. -. . 'j "A great audience heard the speak ers at the pro Boer mass-meeting htld in the Grand opera house, Washington, D. C., mi Sunday i night a week. Senators Mason and Allen and Representatives SulzerJ Bailey and Cla-k were among foe! prominent speakers. Great liriiaio; was vigorously denounced for ber j course in the Boer war. Thepres- j dent was accused of eympathiang with the Jinglish, and his Philip pine policy was severely scored bj the speakers, and the crowd mil them. BaaHrakanaSyttaaa Satsst Tsar life away. TO quit tobaeeo Basils' aad forever hm mmm eUe. (oU of life, nerre aad rior, take No-l'o-Bao. vba wonderworker, that makes weak men " " oruggute, sac or si. C'arsnatu-I ram fur whita arwl nnrrnoa rn lead. Booklet and aanpla free. Address! W 1 W ""a ne?roea on tne Steriint jteowdr on, cuieaga or New York, railroads in Virginia passed the slate senate Thursday -afternoon Greenvlile Reflector t E. B. I without a dissenting vote, and as it bhepherd, of Greenville, the man Jeame from tho, house. The gover who shot at District Attorney Bern-1 nor' s approval,' which will make it ard and afterward n trvt t. aniila lass Ithmkl would go crazy with against him, took oon-auit in the elusion ; , ';:," pain were it not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm," writes Mr. W. H Stapleton, Henninie, Pa. "I have been afflicted with rheumatism for several years and have tried rem edies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medicine I hare got hold of it." One application relieves the pain. For sale by T. A. Albright & Co., druggists. - case last Thursday. 4 A HUSBAND "Before mr wife began using- Dr. L. HarrilL of Statesville, has Mother's Friend been appointed to go around the I could hardly State to the different nlar infAP4i K1 around. I do ' 1 iVi.L by smallpox and advise as to the I,"" l . . - . . . . I WIUU oesi means or managing the silua-1 get (ion. A Traate Oattor. lost trade br beisw sot of Kanon's mm ion reueis. wo eaa aFMom V. ka nmm taa. Llrer PlUa a Toole P r induce a eastosaer to take any otaor aa a SDhwiuits for taai waaaj Ussy fears oooe slaaoii-Juloo Flab-ber. Crosa-"V- I'orsaJabT I. A. A3ldeHT vva mrmmmamwm along t without it now. She used it for two months and it is a great help to her. She does her housework without trouble. L The house committee on pensions baa ordered a favorable report, on the bill making service in the Span uh-American war sufficient to re- more all. disabilities against those who aided or : abetted ' .southern troops during the "war of the re bellion," in the tnatter" of drawing pensions. " . y ..The state assembly, of Virginia adopted a resolution inviting "Hon, William Jennings Bryan, the great est living exponent of the time honored principles of the Democratic party, to address the Virginia legis lature at such time during the pre sent session as may best suit his convenience." At Washington, D. '., Monday, Henry A. Hazen, professor of me. teorology and one of the chief fore casters of weather conditions at tte weather bureau, was probably fatal ly injured by being thrown from hit bicycle. He was on his way lo tie bureau when he ran into a colored .man, and the contact pitched him heavily forward on his head. U skull was cracked and hemorrhage of the brain ensued. The skull he been tiephaned and a large clot if blood removed. He died Tuesday night of last week. At New York, Wednesday of to week, - the United States circus court of appeals handed down a opinion concerning the decifion i Judge Lacombe, in the U. S.cirai court in October, which dismisw the writ of habeas corpus and de clared that former Capt. Carter, f. S. engineers, had been legally fenced by the army court-inartai The court held, that the out martial had jurisdiction to detfl-. mine whether or not the .wibm was guilty of any offense created W ! the articles war. and that the tence was not excessive. The senato branch of the 5ooa. Carolina legislature has passedj broad-tire bill, and it ii that it will le passed by the totfj . . . . - n-. ana eignea oy tne governs. - bill prohibits the sale of any l witn narrow tires auer 1901. but the use of such VF may continue until January, I1! no In the meantime persona the broad tire are to be exempt "Honest tabor Beats Mothers Friend a Lovely Face. There ' is nothing more pleasing to look upon tfun at hearty, ruddy face, gained by honest. toil They are the saving of the nation. the toilers of both sexes, stran gling for daily bread.- e - YAK Uood males them aile io ieep up the U2y ramj of oUj at hcme.thopor if the Hood ho, aUM Jfas. portly, or a raw afaoat feeling coma on. Om one remedy it Hoof Smtu9T, America', Create Oedema rorit M Poor Blood "5Vji blood ma ao or thai m hottest -aeaihmr t V U &oa'sSartaparXamaaeme asarm. Jet Vie nght thing s the tigH place." Rattie J. Taylor. Woodsioamt. N. L MS n Bomtt hmrti J he KepuMican caucus of the senate hns dtcided definitely upon the re-organization of the elective offices of that body, and have nom matea lion. Charles Bennett, of i an extern! liniment for expectant J New York, for secretary, to succeed "n; r7.Z?A 'L"-" "on- m. B. Cox ; and Hon. dnties almoat to the boor of confine- j Dniel L lanadell, of Indiana, to "ai if is me one anii onlw mrkarm. I succefid Cm. R. j itriirkt . . tioo that oveicuiiiea morwttur iiz-t.. I - - " . . . t. and erroanesa. . It is thn miwl Senator Money, of Mini ir??' lbe senate Thursday on Pritchard'e make labor hort and aelirerr e,y. I re8oIutlon- There was a' spirited n is tne only remedy that pnts the "oquy between Mr. Money and T" mt uiai sweuinfl Mr. CTiarvrl le f V II j - ernsmr ia im possible.. Dm,- t.W.i . . . uurlD eakMeteteriaUy. Taey endanger wmcQ Handler denied in warm the lives; Of both mother and child, j language that the civil irar wss de- te,exjassriu. J signed by northern politicians to put SaaS faf-a., frwm hatrmte4 hook. 1 necrO alarea una twJW.! -J :.l WS-j,uale. - I ' ' . -rr- r - footing of equality with southern whites. " ' EXECUTOR'S NOTIl'E. Wtm Ii aisi nasi f saTHur ticua inn lam Ura.oc-a, ha hnrrhr Boa.a. ..i ans bKioMm to saM asrmta to asaka Hm diasa swmi, aad ail sarsoaa koM Size doesn't indicate quality. Be ware of counterfeit anrl a-nHkl. a. -m . x. " vm a IMS) a-aaWtiaa. I Bhfa rkHAsiaJ 'at r tir.., ..... "nii"Si,,t,' to priSal riiamX l welUS Witch a'hTSZ'Hr r11" De lt' 's the only ori- a-aaawulMau I W&Uibks ' Jnii - - -j . " imiu su hiu aiseasea . w. SDiraiAD. RaV I iL. j . o or tat from road tax. The duty and bill provides COUIUIUW". t .. ! and penaiuee lor viomuw. --j legislation is so clearlx m the ""j est of good roads that it is j nerthat it is not on the sWi book-of every slate. A numerously signed D been issued for the farmers county to meet on Feb. j principal voting places in these, townehips and appoint deleJ a county meeting to . GreenviUe on Feb. 10th, to W- and form some plan of figbu1 1 suddeolj .ften i fertilizer trusts. Mr Lewis Havens, delphia, died very laat W'Mlnesdar : 4 - n i : l..,il a UC josv aiier uaviug wu6. - . home, and on taking nu se ... L..1 mrett car. Mr. Havens forenoon hunting and the of several hours in the r . ably induced heart failure. mi ii "'"'JSt 1 1 1 CltsiItsJTtoSCwyT 1 1 m immMI.1UV k aJtKlsrrW tyf l4Ta' 3. C Sim-f Oni Minute Cough 'm. i uhhv. um nmrrmo. J Tsawlsaaaawwaf -