Tije j&laiiiairce Gleaner JlidlcioUs AdVerll-I: i i i , i. i. .. ' j , . "Keeping EverlaJlngly br'. s success.". liTES FURBISHED OH APPLICATIC::. Job Printing. j All kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets, ' Posters; &c, neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices." - The Oldest Newspaper In tbt Connty. Established In 1875. $1100 per Year Iii Advance. :: Large and increasing circula ton in Alamance and adjoining , counties a pointfor advertisers. VOL. XX VI. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1900. ii HE mm lo Si- Surtt? I c$i We have been in bsiness 4 njonths, and they have been most successful S ones. During 1 900 we expect to c add many new names to our already large list of customers. Let us pqt cg your name among' the first " Our Si shoe department is too full., To re- duce stock we offer special prices to buyers for next few weeks. - For any c thirtg to put in you home to make it more comfortable and. beautiful and for all kinds of shoes, see . , J& FURNITURE & SHOE HOUSE, - Main St., Buriinatom N. C. CARPETS. Yoa can bav a bettor car. pot, a prettier cai pal and a cheaper carpet than year aeighaerky wrltta tar eaa I eur lo-cnor lithe, graphed catalogue, wbscb nows Carpeta, Huge, Art Sanares, Portiere. Lac Curtains, and Bed ets la their real calces, aa that Cart. 920 1. II..7 Sa-Sf SIS; how a carpet will leek on year floorer drap ery at your window. ' We prepay freight sew car tels free and furnish wadded lining without charge. Our QeneralCeta- THE SPIRIT AND THE FLESH. . leane tell at thing to eat. evenr wear and aa. and will aave yen anoney on every thing yen nee at every aea son of the year. C I o t h I n g Catalogue, At tached enow yoa the Tilt IrOI Bed $2.65.' la teat styles of suits and overcoats, prices rang ing from Sg.og to . We prepay expresses. if yoa have not dealt with us before, now la the time to begin. All catalogues are free. .Which do you want Address una way i JULIUS HINES&SON, BALTIMORE, MJ). Dept. 900. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, JACOB A. LONG, - Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - - - - n. c Practices In the State and Federal court. Ofltoe over White, Moore a; Co. '8 store. Main Street. 'Phone No. 8. late this glorione world I cum. Tha freeaora at the wind and . t bound sm lot good or 111 ; A body act to dp my will. Though tat rae trail see) prone to fast, ' i-t I snatched Mm from Ms outlier's breast And bade htm serve car, What would yoaf I had a treat king's work to da , !.j , Wrong to tasks rigot, eomlort to bring ' ' ' To these In Usable oDereerlas, ' t 1 nsinad eeai aoth swift ead Strang! v. Great wss the load, th Jouraay long. Tat this lay slave was .week sad lame; raltering at say behest, he csbm. So, whea Me strength was almost goner 1 took the seourge sad urged aim on. Tet hurry as 1 might to keep The sainntce' pecs, both toad sad sleep -V' My si. must hsvs. Impatiently 1 ssw the glorioas boors pass by. ' (1 could nocleav. hiia for we saust Havs haads of dust to work with duet) At lest ks leU sad wou)d not rias. He called me with Imperious syes And beds au pauss. TMm small white room, this eot of enow. Ministering forms that come and go; I crouch here listening for his breath. And with my kandslheld heck Death, ; My work neglected and. Undone. If ke but beckon, swiftil na This worthless serf of mine to asve. , iL j .. - now saro way toil wno aorre s siavsi , U B. Bridgmaa In Oantory, loHlt OBATYltUlf. W. t. BTHUIf.Jlt. ,; BYNUM & BXNUBI, , eVitorrieynand Cptinselorn tit Law I'ST GREENSBORO, N. C. procllce" retfnlarly In the conrU of Ala tnauoe county. " AugT. 8, W ly PR. J. 1?.'- STOCK AID - . Dentist, -;ir..i: GRAHAM, N. C. Offloe In the vestal uuuaing, over Albright's drug store. Fl rat-class work at moderate prices. Call on me. II. 'Tt. Moore, 1VX. I. OBAHAM,' n. c. f ! Tfie Pu'renniafa Of the Admiraf . Pretty Sketch of an Old SaUor and Bin Sanghter. i' Br 111THA filLBEEI BICLNSOH. M.e5 Office at Simmons' drag store. Office hour 1 to I p.m. and J to 8 p. m. Oliver S. NeWlin, Attorney-at-Uw, OHEBN8BOBO, N. C. Offloe In Wright Building East of Court Bouse. . ., Will practice regularly In the court of Al- Look lm Your Klrro Do yoti mm ptfrkltnf mymt bMltky, UMinru BIB wwania, ajxpi RVH Du g I ! sj fol forw f ThM attraction ar flu ntaatt of goo4 haa.tb. If thar ra abaont. taara ia naarlr always mim diaordar oi tna dia tinatly fam.Dioa orgmmy praaant. Baal thy mtrttat orgaa mama kamlu. Mtl baaaty VIno of Ccrdui make women beaatifnl and healthy. It strikes at tha root of all their trouble There ia no menstrual dis order, ache or pain which it will not core. It ia for the traddiner girL tan bosv wife and the matron approaching the) Chang of hfe. At ervarv trvina crisia in jl womta'l hfa it brings health, slrrarthtand hatTtrhacaa. It ooet i.oo oi madicfasa dcaWa. r or advice in case recuinng enacial directiona. addreaa, giving sytnptoona, The LaoW Ad vuorr DcpartiBemt," The Chattanooga Medicine Cot, Chat tnooogn, Tens. BTSaV KOCKWa UWin, af OssnsaPlls.' aawat 1 waa liiifcfca as iw.nt.ier wlui anrrihia ala ki arv tri I have besa mifcm sailna by Warn Knbber Stamps Rigid and cushion, daters, num bercra, inks, pada, andll kinds of 'rubber stamp supplies. Slunps mt iit n rrrvT v iue up. u. r. r.z.r.iii, tf . J3urlingtoo, N. C.i At long aa Bereta cbnld remember there) bad alway beep yellow Ullea at the- end -of tha- gardln walk, 'and aa long as tho lilies eoulj remember there) bad always been Sereta blowing down the walk. . - - ,f . - "Here they are again, SamieeL" she cried every spring, and the hard faced old gardener would go on with bis boa fug and reply, "I'y'remilala, Ml 8weeta; when,,tbey coine, they stay.1 There waa a. vagAie pot aomewbera In ber memory of a day w ben it ftrat occurred to ber thaft she, too, waa something of a "py'rennlal.'! Bhe knew no mora thai) tbeser golden playfellows bow-she came Into' the admiral's gar den and, like them, spring alter anting found ber sunny bead among the re turning flowers. But It was not until aha waa funail arut ahraildapi talLnv than I the tallest white Easter lily that she inquirea rurtoer: "WDat la a py'ren- nlal. Samuel 7 What makes it a pyTen- nlair py'repnlai," said Samuel convinc ingly, "baa character enough to go right along and keep going right ahead.' If a got no call to be sown or trans planted or slipped; It blooms till It dies. and next year It get np and blooms gain." .-r: .. . The admiral's garden, all rose petals and butterfly wings, waa a glowing background for the girl flower breath ing ber youth fragrance oat with theirs on the summer air. Beyond lay seme terraces, shaded by lofty elms, and wide boiK bouse, well baca" from the road and three, or four miles from the "ab ire" - to wn of tbe rather lonely county. ' - ' One stormy ' day when the admiral waa smoking his pipe and raising bii eyebrow occasionally at tbe Are aa If exchanging amusing memories Bereta' followed his glance until R rested upon a photograph that always stood In the same place on tbe blgb colonial man tel an ocean liner, nose down, ander full speed and she spoke before ber- natural shyness checked ber Impulse. "It must be like a bird to crooe tbe aea Uke that Ilk a bird crossing tb open sky en a bright August dsyT The ad miral smiled down at ber, but Ma face bad anddened aa be touched the shore f reality after bis voyage on that aea of fancy where seen most sail al "it la better to err W b big chair and think about It, little friend," be replied. These birds find darker skies than roar meadow larks o4 run baevlsr rlska." . Then tbe look of wesvineas heame back that Bereta dreaded, bo ra one she did not uDdfrstand it or bow to drive It away. After that day she never prompted bis coa versa Uoa or inked tbe thousand and one eager. Irrel evant questions that Ignorance aate rally crave of maturity; abe learned by fntnitloa that aneetJoaa are eroei; be side abe waa afraid of bringing the look that meant so moth I ng she could not understand eooetbtng to be kept asleep tf possible. $ Bnt soreetimsa after shjt lessons were dooe. or after his hnederate dinner glass had warmed hi InefBorleeVthe admiral would talk to bar nmlalagiupV edly for boera ahotrt that great knows Dtace be called Mfe, sattfl little I hruls and shiver of eacllaiaent crept over bar -and abe eoald not sleep nB eight for rearssabraac and aenjaetssa. Whea Bereta eras IT, aa odd Utile rose Jar of homanlty. an aPsussa and duaky pasfmua, her wwrtd sssdawavty darwent a crWk Tbara cams a guswt to the ban. This revolntiotiary visdtor wm a maa without a wife ontriucrcfure preeoma bly baraileas and Inoffenalve. Bereta liked blm almoat aa well aa Baniuel, after a morning -spent togutber while the admiral was busy and depending on ber to do the honor for bis guest; Tbey were out of doors, which makes all things possible to begin with, and tbe man on ber bands waa old enough to appreciate ber charm and lure ber simplicity by his varied knowledge of eomplezer womanhood. Bo sbe chatted and explained all down tbe garden, through the py'rennlal. laughed wltb him over the clumsy colts In the pad dock, showed blm . the view from the pasture hill, brought him borne by tbe woods, and waa singing to him In tbe empty drawing room when the admiral. retained. " - Somehow tbe afternoon seemed very long after the two well mounted fl area dropped down tbe road together and were out of sight Bereta among the rosea pricked her finger more common. , "Samuel, I should think the admiral would like a change." she sal fiercely when sbe bad cut all the pink bods and walked carefully around the curved beds to begin on tbe red. ' . : Samuel stared as If he had been chal lenged from the burning bush. Tb admiral? Miss Sweeta, the admiral's a py'rennlal. , Moat of the men that come here Is Just blown away seed, half sown or wind sown come up first In one garden, then In another. The admiral's rooted like a red laloc Be don't need transplantlD now.. More likely strange soil would kill him out right." ' - . . ' It was dlsappolntfog that the conver sation at dinner that night should have taken a strictly technical' turn. It ran nay, It fairly flew on naval equip ment, tactica and maneuvers tilt tbe sleepy bostesa ' withdrew unnoticed. Left all to themselves, it burned" out with big guns toward morning, when the stranger suddenly opened attack on tbe old subject of the admiral's Iso lation, urging tbe necessity of renewed contact with men, tbe familiar charm of old scenes, while the admiral listen ed as If to faroff music unmoved: "I am like that dear fellow Stevenson, Roger, my boy. I, too, have 'lived and loved and closed the door.' " "But surely tbe Welt-gelst l oot dead in you, admiral. Gray balrs do not make moss grown wits. There's not a man In tbe service to match you." "Thanks," interrupted tbe older man briefly. "Wclt-lut 1st vorbel, If I can avoid Welt-schmerta here In the over grown corner, of my pasture fastness. don't let envyof my peace poison your nappiness. i anr uo oia, anu sereta" - "Ah, yes, Sereta," ' - broke In the younger. "Bhe is at the other end of the path. Yo and she are flke tbe two last petals of tbe daisy rhyme we used to aay our fate by 'passio Dement pa do tout!' You live In your library and your thoughts:: Sbe lives In your shad ow and the companionship of that hy percritical old gardener." "Your voices betrays Irritation, Rog er," said tbe admiral blandly. "Sam uel, did not forget himself, I hopet" . "No that la, I tried to talk with him aWt about slips this morning. I was admiring. bis yellow lilies, but be took no Interest In my botanical rcaearcbea. .That Is neKber here nor there, bow ever. Your ward has eye that no rose bugs can appreciate and nature that would Whiten up some of tbe dark places of earth considerably If proper ty applied. Bbe ought to see hwa of herself and more or' He began to say people of ber own age,- but ended .worse by adding. The things ber mother would bare given her, fun and dancing, and" "Stop!" cried tbe admiral. "Ond for bid such a fate as ber mother wss for ber! : Thus far ber feet bar trod la angel innocence. Bbe la happy as a boy, high minded a a saint She has never tampered with ber emotion nor felt tbe waattng reaction from pleas ure. She doesn't know her heart ex cept aa she knows ber lungs by name. She la youth, graceful and BMpoiled, classic as a Greek. , Zoo cannot make a folly of ber. Tbe marble la already cut on stralghter lines." For a time things went on in the old routine. Except that the admiral smoked moreand talked less no one wouio nave gueesea anytning naa Hap pened. No one aaw the battle fought or took account of aeif Indulgence alalia or carried drink to the dying; eoavtc- tlooa oreoftened the going of well lov ed preference, but after' many day and nigbta the campaign ended aa sud denly at It began, and the admiral waa every Inch a commander stfll as be went to Had Sereta with aurreader en hi brow. It waa bedtime, and be found her ea the terrene bidding- tbe stars good night, one. of ber many quaint observances of childhood. There was a touch of fjagaa wonder I . ber upturned face aa she stood there. He stood beside ber and breath ed a last bag breath of complete coo- "They look down oo many a heart and country tonight" be begaa. "Think ' of the .Alps they moat love each tall peaks beat bacana tbey are that their Image back to them la a million ankfting adoratioua, and the fornet fun as sleeping and wsklng beasts, and the touring Bowers of tbe tropics, tbe aarien desert and the heart of men. Toa, too, 1MU friend, would you tike to be a star and have all the beauty anil Bin ary of the whole world spread before ywar--.. Waa be la earnest There waa some thing aaw la hla manner. Oh, was be ta earnest r Sbe did not peak, only dropped ber eyea to hla face, aad ber upper lip Quivered sligbtly. Did he MT Strange dsslrss priassd epon the world beyond the tardea eaOlag aa tbe anormaa called bis wife la a poem of Arnold that was atm ringing' ta ber ears. Bbe waa outside the behavior of custom now troubled, yet glad. "It la time." he eeotiaoed aiasply; -ya K la tiata.. I did not resUiae that set had eejtgrow the tuiea." She eoald aot keep the eHgM from her faee, bat abe did aot apeak, and the admiral waited aa If for a signal. then spoke oa ta the eommer algtit "Tow another was J alia Bavtgsea. I bat ane married a dipleeasj I took op my career la tbe nmvy. Everything came to aie at y thing except forgetfulntea, - Whea I mat her again yeare after ta Part. widow, tbaaka to a rather poUtJeal tatrbjrae lavolvtag tha Uvea of more thea one Europeaa eevey. She waa the aaaaa brilliant oocn parang rreatnre. Only deeply ,: enough to tiniT the t-imuRe In ber, the lo of tboae gentler qualities that soften a thrilling girl Into a ra dlant woman. Bbe bud pmwrved few Illusion; perhaps I waa the only one. Bbe was quoted and courted and cop led, but In tbe spring she would marry me for love. "That was a winter, to" warm dead summer by Its memory. We never spoke of the years Intervening or their experiences. - Our fidelity was at least no indiscretion. There must be a Uod, In whose mind such Joy was conceived and fulfilled. Coming borne from the opera one night when only a few weeka lay between us and our mar riage, a frantic runaway, tore through the crowded avenue, leaving many a reck in Its deadly wake. Julia was carried Into a mere boulevard-cafe and died In my arms, my' fare so close 'to hers she never saw the squalid sun rounding of that last holy hour, though I shall wear tbe terror stricken faces of tbe onlookers across my eyes for ever, heightened by nod dreams. She knew: me to tbe last. 'Bereta,' sbe whispered, 'keep her safe from tbe world. My world has not been always youre. Love Is more than'- Bbe smiled with ber soul. Her lips were cold. . Every baunt held a stab for ui there. From that night tbe sight of ber flowers on tbe other women turned me falut. I sblvenrd when I met one of tbe gay circle of ber devoted Inner coterie. Every mood of pnsslou re turned to mock me now. The sight ot Other lover made me fear myself In my shattered . condition of will and nerves. I came home- wltb you, dear. Life had given me all my boyish hopes In manhood's measure. 1 never reach' ed tbe blgb altar of my boly of holies, but I hare ' heard the music of tbe great organ as I stood on tbe threshold. lt was not until, lately that 1 realiz ed tbe time bad come to do more than listen and-wait Tbe blood of your mother Is In your veins too, We will go soon, little friend, and make ac quaintance with the best of ber world and mine." ! But Bereta's arms were crossed upon her breast and In a voice too sweet for any mortal woman save ber mother's Child abe said. "I will not gor At tbe end of an hour's struggle she still per sisted: "I will not go. I care nothing for a world that betrayed yon and bsoke your heart, I am not afraid, but I will notgoT , Samuel found ber sluicing a "furrlu song over the honeysuckles next morn Ing and watted to be drawn Into con versa Uoa. "Morning, Samuel." ' There was bis chance without compromise of dignity, - "Good morning. Miss 8weeta. . Hot day, I guess." Tben In a queer voice, quite unlike the usual gruff Samuel: "It'll be lonesome enough not to bear yea slngln. Miss Sweeta. Some say you and tbe admiral are tired of roots and goln away." "Going away?" repeated Sereta. "Why, Samuel, you said yourself only a little while ago that the admiral was a py'rennlal, and I am another. We are going Into partnership with tbe yellow lilies forever and ever." Tbe old man made a motion of incredulity and; shaking his head as be did when rata was prophesied In a drought re marked: "May be true of tbe admiral. .Miss Sweeta, but I expect that other soldier fellow'D be back here before fall lookln after tome more yellow lily slips like as opt. He said be took a very particular Interest In py'rennlals. I should think he would. He'll be tbe first maa that ever raised a bulb from a ellp." And itogvr did come back many times, but be went straight, to tbe ad mlral when advice was needed, for the kind of flower be wanted waa nev er Illustrated In tbe gaudiest catalogue of Samuel's loyal admiration, ' Nor will tbe yellow lilies watch In vain at tbe end of tbe garden walk .next spring. for Sereta has given ber lover to un derstand that sbe Is a py'rennlal of the admiral, however tat I sued be may be to live as mere "blown away seed." Perbape she hopes be will take root some day. Anyway,, abe smiles when Samuel whistles, "My hope Is built on nothing; leas." "Bereta la toa vniinw.' ays the admiral, "andl am too old." Martha Gilbert Dickinson In Spring- fleld Republican, " '.'..n)spltolt.- "H dons look kinder queer-llks when I met blot on de road," Mr.- Eraatus Plnkley was explaining-. "He wouldn't look me la da faee." You means," said' Mlaa Miami llrjwn, "dat be looked sheepish.' "When you looks sheepish does you look like you had been ttealio' sheep?" "Dat'sde Idea.". "Well, he didn't look sheepish. He looked vhlckentih, dai'i what be looked." Washington Star.- A Hot Retort. "I dropped In to teil you," said the smart little man, "that I don't propose to pay for the paper you've been send ing me for the last five years. You can keep on sending bills long- sfter I'm dead and gone if you think it worth while." "No," said the editor, quietly, "w can't afford to print your bill on a- kestos." Philadelphia Press. Defeated Ambition. 'If I could writ my country's songs,' He said. " 'twere all I'd crave: Let other die a heroes die. Give me a poet's grave " Tet other writ hi oountry' long, And strlvs and atarve and hope. And he Is rich and has hi nam Upon a brand ef aoap. . Chicago Times-Herald. . IJICOHPATIBIMTT. "I'm married to art," ' "Take my advice and get a divorce." Judy. Bis Hast Bar's Wlsdean. Al the fork ot the road, before choosing hi track. Be will questloa and dally and wonder: But when once In the wrong way, beyond going oacK, He chafes to have made tuch a blunder. At the hour of decision hi cleverness flies. But hi next day' wisdom I alway so wie. -Judge. Aalonlshlan- Bashfalaesa. My I What a quiet, retiring man that ia who Just went out," taid the girl who attended to the wanta of tbe guest at the table in tb corner. "Why?" one of the Other girl asked. "He ha been in hre for lunch three time now and hain't called me Mary or Gertrude or any other front name yet.Chloago Post. ow Will He B doodf ' Don't you know," she chirped over her teacup, "that you remind me of tbe bread mother used to make?" The old Joke in new form ataggered blm. 'In In what way?" be gasped. 'Why, you are so crusty." Chicago Daily Newa, Appreciative Coaatltnente. Mr. Wright Tbey are going to give the member of the legislature from tbe Twelfth district a diamond stud. Mr. Wright Whatdld be do to arouse such enthusiasm? Mrs. Wrlg-bt He moved to adjourn. Jeweler'a Weekly. . Bad Bean Thar Before. Mrs. Gillian Now, Mrs. Wyckoff, we really must say good-by. Dear, while you put your. overcoat on I want to tell Mrs. Wyckoff a secret. Mr. Gillian All right. "Ill Just go and get my hair eut and meet yoa at tbe corner, N. Y. Press. A Fall Parpos. 1 "I want to see the man who geta 'up tbs list of names for Juries," ha aald. - . . "Have you sny business wltb him" Inquired tbe court official. , "Yes. There's a man who Uvea near me who thinks be knows -every- thing. He talk loud and makes you feel small. He's got to - have tbe egotism taken out of bim somehow. and I thought I'd call around and see if you couldn't put blm on tbe Jury and let the lawyers ask blm a few of those hypothetical questions." Wash ington Star. ha Wan Mentioned. "Evidently you were overlooked In tbe account of tbe entertainment last night," said tb gossip. . "Ob, no." replied Mr Parvenu. "I wa mentioned. Didn't you tee the laat line of tbe list of those present?" "Ye. It read 'and others.'" "That'a me," asserted Mrs. Parvenu,' proudly but ungrammatically. Chi cago Post Tha Debate Closed. "Yes, slrl" shouted to little maa .with thin, straggly hair, "the consu ltation of the United Slate guarantees to every man liberty .of speech, and I'd .like to aee anyone try to deprive me ofltl" "John Henry;" exclaimed a large woman of a decided mien, wbo had Just entered tbe room, "'you dry np and come home." N. Y. Journal. SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's Sarsapiinlla QUART BOTTLES. tvn bekn in Tints. rnnslnur ef aonaatstfaiar nrava nariaia aa fi. i Heed the Warning. xnnataiss BareaaarUl llgttt akin Rraptloata are a Wm Tka Onlv Hala Wav la to Meea is Usltwl Powerful Missel PiuiaW,fe.Heuvn. Nature, In her effort to correct mistake," which, mistake have come from careless living, or it may be from anoeators, ahoots out pimples, t ''hes and other imperfections on the skin, as a warning that more serious t (per- hap tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary diseases) are certain In svilow if you neglect to heed the warning ana correct the mistakes. Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death has been avoided simply because these note of warning have oeen heeded and the blood kepi' ' pure by a right use of JOHNSTON'S 8AR8APARILLA. ; . Misa Abbie J. Rande, of Marshall, Mich., writes: "I waa cured of a bad humor after Buffering- with it r five-year. Tna doctors and my friends said it waa salt rheum. It came out otr say head, neck and earn, and thea on my whole body. I vraa perfectly raw with It, What X auffered during those five years. Is no use telling;. Nobody would believe me if I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it I spent money enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S SAE8APAEILLA highly S raised. I tried a bottle of it I began to improve right away, and whea 1 baa nished the third bottle I was completely en red. I have never had a tmrch of it since. I never got any thing to do me the least ' good till I tried JOHNSTON'S SARSAPABILLA. T would heartily advise all who are suffering from hnmors or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. I bad also a rood deal of atomach trouble, and waa run aown and miaeraDie, out JUliKSTOfl'S dAaoAPAsvILLA made me all right1' . ' n-'i- ...-. s . The blood m your life and If yoa keep it pure and strong you can positively re sist disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S 8AKSAPABILLA never falls. It la for sale by all drugglata, in fall quart bottles at only one dollar eaohv xjn.T7a- pnars7ajarr, nnnuri J. (X rjimtaionaj licensed Druggist. THE YULE LOG. It Has Ita A Will and a War, "George," she cooed, "why cant we get married next Sunday ?" Well," hesitatingly replied the re- ,f Thor. wa dleovr tha origin . th. Origin la aaaalaavlaA , MrtholoBr. In the Scandinavian feast' of JouL When tbey burned huge bonfires la honor calcitrant but manly youth at her side, f Yule log. Tbe descendant of the old "wa ftfllllrl f e'nna hill' If. thaw Mi. Sunday." "George, if It rains Sunday, couldn't we get married Saturday?" Judge. Had Sons sense Left. . "Your worship," said tbe - counsel, "this man's insanity takes. the form of a belief that everyone wanta to rob blm. He won't eveB allow me, bis coun sel, to approach him." "Maybe he's not ' crazy, after alt," murmured tbe court, la a Judicial whis per. Tit-Bits. oelal Gravitation. Returned Tourist What became of that tool, Saphead, who bad more money than he knew what to do wltb? Busineaa Man I don't remember him. Was he much of a fool? "Perfectly idiotic," - "I presume he has dropped into so ciety." N. YWeekly. Reasenabat-ed Oaa, Professor Mr. Drone, I am aston ished that you cannot remember aay of tha quotations called for In to-day's lesson. Can you recollect any qnota- i t,inja . - 'Student Ye, sir. "Any old fool eaa ask questions." Boston Transcript. The Do.-. In all things else extravagant. No economy she seek; But when cough sirup 1 prescribed On vial lasts eight weeks. -Indianapolis Journal. BBT SWELL. INDEED. Barry Dare at CMarada Mlalaa. A Illustrating tbe local conditions at the time of the commencement of opef atlons by the pioneer smelter In Colora do At may be stated that every single swebrlck used in Its construction cost 91, having to be brouglrKJby wagon about 000 miles from tbe nearest point oo tna Missouri river and to that point by railroad from 8t Louis. Tbe Iroo coat 23 cents per pound. Tbe pay of killed labor waa $8 per day and tf eomtnoa labor $4 per day,' and tbe charge of smelting ranged from 120 to 49 per ton. There waa no railroad nearer than tbe Missouri river, about 600 miles away. Wagon transporta tion waa high, aa also were a II tbe oec eeaarie of life. Moreover tbe "matte," tha prodoM of the plant la tbe ab oaca of aay local means of separating or refining, had to be hauled to tbe Missouri river la wagons.: thence by Naflroad to New fork and thence te Bwaasea. Wale, where It waa sepa rated aad tbe gold, silver and copper renea. Today there are Bin smelting plants la Colorado. The aggregate dally ca pacity la 4JK0 total, and about 4.000 men are employed. Engineering Mag- anna. , , I Desant Pay ta Be CaptaredL It wlU doubtless surprise most peo ple to learn that any soldier of the British army wbo la captured by the enemy geta hla pay stopped at once. Therefore the 1,000 English warriors who are bow playing football Inside the- race- track at Pretoria are In no sense of tbe word wage earner. A further provUrioa of tbe army rcguhv ttooa allows aa Investigation to be Blade after a soldier baa recovered his liberty, and tbe aotboritleo may. If they aee St. tarn over tbe back pay o the released prisoner. There Is obtlgatlea e their part to do thla. HI Seaaatlea. Mr. McGorry How did yea fale pbwln dbe dintist was pullln' jure lathe? McGorry How did 01 fale, is ut? Bedsdl Oi regritted wid alii me har-r-rt thot 01 wasn't born a bent rock. - 01 BlaST Called. Mr. Quits No, I shall never marry a girl wbo will not accept an opal en gagement ring. Misa Eager My father Is a member of tbe Thirteen club. Jewelers' Weekly. "Mebar." Mistress Snsan, how did tbls plate get broken? . Susan Mebby it walked off tbe shelf end smashed Itself against tbe corner of tbe ibtove, mum. Chic go Times-Herald. Dearest Delia What do you suppose gives Mrs. Ponsonby sucb a pasty com plexion ? Sweetest Susan Bbe must have caught It from her diamonds Town, Topics, to be The last aaartar ef a sasilar v ream a aha waa gnaay aieinfal dates miss ta assdaetna, sTrenralar hat nana that have aaeoaiplisswd snare ft aeeaelinlil keea. wtth leva toeg. anicd. ewVreM hnaasarty than that sserlin aid ! adv. Brawns' Iran Braces. It i afswad health. lor saist eaa take allheal aViiieine use rraateat aVevas'lrea Bitters Is ssld b all Another Plan. Aged Admirer Think of all the lux uries a rich husband Jike me could five yon I Miss De Young Oh, a rich fatbet would do Just ss wen. Marry my moth sr. N. Y. Weekly. Linked Bkyni. . ; Asklt What's Harduppe doing bow? HawklB Writing poetry for saus age miBufaetory advertisements. Asklt Dear met 1 never thought be would get down to doggerels N. X Pre. . at a telltarr aerr. "Does your dyspepsia go bard wltb yea. Mr, Jones?" "Yes. bot ft (joe harder with Iks people wbo have to do business with Bee." Chicago Record. - A frightful Blander Will often caase a horrible Bum. Scald. Cut or Bniixe. Bncklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and promptly heal it Cans Fever Sorea,' Ulcers, Boils, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a Ikx. Cure guar anteed. Sold by T. A. Albright A Co., druggiflta. Shoe Dealer Your feet seem swollen. , Customer Yes, honey, dey swelled bout de time I got my growth, an'de wellidan t nebber'gone down, Chi cago I o ter Ocean. The ratal riatasa. The beauty of her graceful glove Within my heart still linger; I fear she Ut my lamp of love With her sweel, taper Angers, -Tpwn Topics. Thea aha Weat Oat.. Tom What do vou think she did when I naked her to let me be tha light of her life? Dick I don't know. What? Tom Turned mo down, Philadel phia Bulletin. Aad Vat They Are Prion aa. Edith He told me I wa to interest ing and so beautiful. Maud And yet yoa will trust your self for life with a maa wbo begins deceiving' you even at tbe commence ment of his eoortsblpl Tlt-BIt. Didn't Bisk It. Rev. Mr. Goodman And whea ha slapped yoa did you tarn the other elitek? Little Harry Not I had tha tooth ache on that ald Chicago Timea-Her- agrane are aywriesnaaus. Perfeetlr Aaaard. About Christinas there is aa Ineffable Chappl She called me a conceited strangeness and mysticism. It seems po. idlot. I ceased of a spirit as well aa a. body. Why, sn Idiot hs "m T'.L'j01 10 evergreen and mint let oa and an tbe very pealing of the bell which Bead th world with melody seemingly garnered through aH the 12 month si sea that sa cred night whea heavan kissed the earu aad Christ ear Lord Wss bora and the angel choirs chanted, "Glory to God In th highest aad oa earth peace to mm ef good wiDr For aearly 100 years this hymn has eontianad to riag down the changing giouvee ef time aad still r-ecboee e'er tbe weary world at Christ as eswaEImlra Telagram. Norsemen, who bo doubt are reeponsilil lor the custom In England, carefully preserved half of tbe log with which to be burned at aext-Yuletide,- and so we have the old English proverb, but in poetical form, by Herrickt ' " . . 'J . ' rsrt enst ka kept wherewith U tend :- ! The Chriatnau log nest yesr, 1 And where 'tis salely kept tbe sand - - Can de ae aohlef here. ( The Druldical contribution te the mod ern Christmas celebration originated la th annual feast given hi honor ot th Druid god Tutanus, who corresponds to the Phoenician ran gad Baal. HI fa vorite aasong all tree aad plants of the forest wss supposed to be th mistletoe. Th number three wa held la rever ence by the ancient people, and, be cause the leave and berries of this par aait grew In cluster of three, this, ia addition to th glory of being Tutanus favorite, made the plant sacred, and an nually there wa a great festival gives in Its honor. In the choice aad selection ef the Yule log tbe ash tree plays a very important , part. In Scandinavian mythology It la! Odin's tree aad wa moat noble, for Its wood mad the apear and th javelin, the oar and the mast. Ia their lD- ' gang ash means man, and th legend ma that whan tb eon of Bor, who were bob of Odin, formed th Brat man and woman they Were made out ef a piece ot ash. This maa wa earned Ask. And at th present day in Devon shire, as a relie of this pagsn reverence for thi tree, we find the Chriitma fagot ad of ash sticks, bound tightly to gether by green withe or band of pol lard oak. - As each with bunt a quart ef cider I passed - around, and health are drank, amid great glee and rejoicing. The gypsies,, too, and tb wild hill peo ple of Bavaria and Bohemia reverence the ash, although their legend attar bed to it are Christiaft .1 their origin. Boa- ton Morald. i, CHRISTMAS DAY. aw the Date Dae SB Caase pie Baw tabliahed. There I some disagreement a to the origin of Cbristma day. Tb legend ran that la th earliest period of th Chris tian, church some communities of Chris tians celebrated th festival of Christmas en Jan. 1, other observing It oa th Oth of that month. In some of tbe rasters church It waa kept about tbe time of tb Jewish Passover, near the end of March. There ia also some evidence of it hiving been observed on Sept. 2U, be ing th Kehet of Tabernacle. In tb year A. D. 82S, when tbe Emperor Con- tentln legally established Christianity in the Roman empire, Cbristma was ob served at tb beginning of the new year, while la tbe es stern chsreb It wa cele brated oa Jan. 0. Pope Juliu eventually effected a compromise, and tbe 25th dy ef December wss t Wished. These his torical rtatcent have been called la aocstioa by seme, bnt John Chrysostom, th rlequeat preacher at Coostsntiitopl In tb fourth century confirms them. It la a curios cireaeatanc that some difficulty kas bees found ia accepting the dat of Dee. 29 a th probable day on which Christ was born, became, tbe do ef December being usually tbe height ef the relay season In Judaea, It I said that aeithir flock aor shepherds could have bean at Bight la tbe fields of Bethlehem. This at range objection I considered ef snob importance that ft is Incorporated hi almost erery encyclopedia and dictionary which treats ef Christmas. It la one at tb curiosities of literature. The present writer ha been In tboae parte at tht season of tb year and ha found no dif ficulty to fkeeplng watch by night" in th open held of Palestine. What Is posat bie for a western traveler, unused to liv ing In the opea air, in tbe nineteenth cen tury, must bare been far earier for a band of eastern shepherd at the begia aiug of tbe Christian era. - . . Relief In Sir Honrs. Distressing Kidney sad Bladder maease relieved in six hours by th "Nbw Gxbat South Ambbioab Kroarar Ccaa. This new remedy ta a great surprise on amount of It exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part o tb urinary paasBge la male and female. It relieve retention of water aad pain in past ing Itahiost Immediately. If you want quia relief and cues thi I your remedy, - Sold by T. A Albright druggist, Graham. N. 0. - if. The State Normal: Oolleg) of M. .- and ladasnbrtal Offers to youtiz women' thorouch literal, classical, scientific, and in dustrial education and special ped agogical twining. Annual expenses $90 to $130; for non-residents of tha State $160. Faculty of 30 mem bers. More than 400 recnilar stii. dents. Hag matriculated about 1,700 students, representing every county in tbe Bute ezceDt one. Practice and Observation School of about 660 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free-tuition ap plications should " be made before August 1. , .... Correspondence invited, from those desiring competent trained teachers. ' .. For cafalogue and other informa tion, address PRESIDENT MoIVER, ! ? Greensboro, N C. "alls ST - s rr " torn tf 7A-&(CJZ4U , Dolly .Tbe ideal nothing; to be ooaeelted about Towa Topics. ' The Prafeaeer Aaaln. "It ia th unexpected that alwaya happen," said th professor, gaatly, a farswsy look la hi yi "bnt thi time, fortunately, I had anticipated it" Judge. ; . Bvldeally. Edith Percy Hlflyer? Why, I re fused bltu tea time. , v Ethel Be must have, been late geV tag boa p that even in g. Poolr, . 1.. " " e'A '-'etBst Sas;geetlaB. j Be fbllterly) Yoa have a heart of adamant. 8b (coyly) A few diamond might make some Impression. Town Topic. M '4 BEST li' TnTN - 1 THE KEW Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Rotary Motloa aad Ball Bcarlnes, Easr Runabs:, Quiet, Rapid, , and Dttrafcle. Purchasers say l ' It runs as light as a feather. ' ' Great improvement over anyt': so tAx:f " It turns drudgery Into a'pastimc."' i nc magic oueni sewer. ' AH sizes ani styles of sewtnjr n? hines for Cloth and Leather "liB-The'best machine on earth see it before you buy. 7 OKEIDA 8TQEB CO. M. Hayes. Agent " AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVE :. FASHION MAQAZI.NE . THE DESIGNER ; PMUhed'nosithly vvfmmmHvv WITH HANDSOsUt COLORED PLATES. AtSO riAUS TRATES. The Celebrated. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tlnat la sha U wa seals Me. r la lsad Pees. Clean blood ancana a clean akin. sTa baaaty witsoat rt. Caevareta, Candy Cathar tic clean roar blood aad keep it clean. By aturing ap the lazy liver and driving all ias paritie from th body. Bcspn to-day to banish piropiea, boils, 'Motcbee, blackhrarle, ad that asckly bilioa eomplexioa by takiaf Csecareta, beauty for ten cent. All drag gnSa, aatnsfsctioa gnaiaatasd. We, 2Sc, tOc Beants Blgiat r ASTOniA. - .aylH Ui Tel hi trn hefjt - OnaltSans Fes Cssalsnaa. Boil a gned sised esnrifower antH ten der, chop It coarsely aad pries it hard In a bowl or mold eo that It will keep It form when tsraed eat Pet tbe esan than aaade apoa a dish that will atend th heat aad pear over it a tomato aasca. Make this by eoaldng torether a tablespoon fni mi -batter and lour In a aaacepaa and povineT apoa thaen a pint of strained oauto nie Is which half an anion baa baas dewed. Stir Bntil sasooth aad thicken still more by th ad dittos sf three or four tablespoon fuls of cracker don, oak to taste, tars tha ease ever tbe enolded caniiSower, net it Is the even for ebonrt tan minate and sarv is tbe dish la which it ia cooked. O Bears UM ABTOTtlA, Standard Patterns The oaly reliable patterns, because , they allow scams. , Subscription Price : $1.00 a year IS eests for siaglt eepies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR PUBUCATION. Trill Liberal eaab eesBlssles. write for aaapl capy aad teran t Saaserlptfoa DsaartaiBat, - .'.-; JT7THE" DESiaNES :" West Mth Street, New York City ' 1 e n k. .t , . , , . let. Oilice, lfnt sioika k . .r i Cry yn QY I'Z: ' 'v " av e ImM ed. Teel.m - rH ' A. B. A- tua tv.

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