; i , I - i . 1 .;1,.,,-.v.tiw-is'-5M Alamance Gleaner!1 I .!,-. 4 hirj'i CmJ.1' J'JliO . i. . t..ivf .'i.HlOlWA .it ,t. t 4 Ni t".j'. J y j ! -ft . . ti " GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1900. NO. 18. . ...!...... 'Mi vol: xxvi. i .-. a- .' . ... . i - -." 1 MY SWEETHEART'S DUPLICATE. Time lim not diinm'd the inem'ry of her face; The fuitfst one among the other flowers, Alight with merry amilea and aimple grace. The awcetnt-as of my childhood1 happy hours, I didn thoae flays aa all tovera do, ' Gloved by an ardor that waa quite sublime f Swore I to her would evermore be true t J Aye, even to the very end of time. When ahe and I were grown, we two were wed; Six j-cars we're lived together In our peat, S ' Hut now, alaa, for'elilldlah vmva I Jd Alaa, when I told'lier I loved her best. I!er rival ataixia before me; I can see , A uJincthit; in lir face- and eyes isd srsys That looka Just like her mamna did when aha - Waa awectbiwrt of my childhood'a happy days. Newt Ncwkirk in Pittsburg Dispateh. o o o o o The Black and Whits Charms That Reconciled Two Itlrala. BT G. CTNYNGHAM TEEET. $ O O g.0$0$O$00O0$0SO0$O$0$ On the very corner of Calle de log Tescndltos Blancos (Street of the Little White Fish) Just where it Juts into the . little Plaza de San Pablo is the shop of Dona Anton'ia. It is a clean, tidy llttlo place, and in it you can buy the best cigarettes to be found in all , Mexico, , you can be served at all hours of the day with thick Spanish chocolate, hot and pasty for Dona Antonla Is Span ish and therefore knows how to make delicious chocolate also you can buy" there pins, needles, lottery tickets, na tive Mexican sugar in tail brown cones, macaroni fresh from Italy, sardines, olives, Spanish wlue and many other things, for, while the shop is a small one, it contains what the proprietor proudly calls "an assortment of "the most complete and -finished." Dona .Antonla herself waits her varied customers: All! of the commoli folk in that part ot the city patronize her, and so she is kept very busy, with hardly time enough to attend to her yellow headed parrot or to keep the "mariposa" light burning under the picture of la Virgen which hangs on the wall. Things were different when Carlos, the torero, was there good looking, swaggering Carlos in bis gaudy bull fighter's shirt and tight trousers, with his Dirrtailed head surmounted by the flat torero hat but Carlos lias most leral padre .nuestros; before the Image cruelly been banished; riot that he evejdof la Virgen and promised to burn long did any work in the shop the gods of bullfighters forbid! but ho at least was always willing to lounge in the door or against the counter, thereby scaring away robbers, and even on some occasions so far unbent his digni ty as to serve the chocolate to custom ers of his own fraternity while Dona Antonla beamed from afar, for she worshiped Carlos with the adoration that only a fat and homely woman of 40 can feel for a young and handsome man. Ever since bullfighting had gone out in Mexico, three years before, she had waited on Carlos hand and foot, giving him cheerfully and lovingly from her savings and working doubly hard in order that he might appenr gorgeous on feast days and Sundays. His clothes were of the best that money could buy; his pointed Mexican shoes were of the finest yellow leather; his-vivid scarlet neckties were always' of satin or soft est silk. None of the bullfighter who laUed on San Francisco street or In front of . the Cantlnadl -Tlo Tepo smoked such long, fine, black cigars as did Carlos, and none of tbem could boast the silver and copper coins which always Jingled in the pockets of his braided torero Jacket. In short, Carlos was in the greatest of luck,' the very V highest of clover, and did not realize his blessings until it was too late, for all this magnificence and luxury were taken away from him through his own fault and that of Panchlta. Not that Carlos cared for pretty, co quettish Pancbita; not a bit-of It! Carlos loved-nb one but his own lazy, goo looking self anfTTiothlng but his own ease and comfort. For Dona An tonla, who furnished him with ,he good things of life which be so njuch cared for and appreciated, he had a kindly, fraternal regard. Being, more over, aware of the furious temper which" lurked benea'tb. Dona Adtoula's ... jgood natnred terloyJ)e. had. always been careful to" avoid entanglements with younger and handsomer women, or. at least, to keep such affairs from her sharp and very suspicious cami 1 1 In the case of Panchlta,. jiowever,. u was a dlfllcult matter, for she was ei ther too careless or too much in love to dissemble. She could sjot'oi" would not refraia fromcasthig fcoquettlsh glances at the bullfighter, even when Dona An tonla was by, and finally even took to Durcbasing her thread and needles and other supplies from . Dona Antonla'a shop, refusing there to be served Dj anv one but Carlos himself. Naturally this state of affairs could not last for long, and things came to a crisis one day when Dona Antonla overheard Panchlta addressing some coquettish remarks to the torero and. moreover,' caught him lt the very act of kissing her pretty though needle worn hands; after which there was a stcene, and very nearly battle, murder and sadden death. Dona Antonla, be ing a very powerful woman and, more over, greatly infuriated, scrupled not to " fall Upon theluckless couple tooth and null... rartos manaew to escape imn hto life .anfl k .'.biatteuea Jaye, . while rahcliHa, at-tbe end of the -fray, was minus one tooth and what seemed at first sight to be fully half of ber pretty black hairs' The noise of the' fight naturally at tracted attention, and the combatant were finally separated, moch the worse for wear, bat nererthelesritll breath ing forth defiance and slaughterings. Carlos bad most unaccountably disap peared after the first two rounds and could not now be found. Pitying neigh bors escorted -homeward the "battered and walUo Pancbita, while the equal ly wailing Dona,' Antonla barred ber shop door In tho very face of gaptnfl - customers and locked the kitchen doer npon herself. No; not even that gractvl leas Carlos should enter if, as wss al ways his custom, be came borne peni- - tent and entreating at supper time. . For hk arto aaeeld tw eerefeb haJKlh-4 and tavjght sense and decent :ehavaflC...- ,..4. C .. -- - That was at 8 o'clock. At B Carlos bad not. ret returned; at 10, there was ijUl no. ate ofhlm, .and Dona Antonla was eBinnlnr to "grow very uneasy, Something must have happened, ror, no matter what was wrong, he always came for his meals. At 11 he was still misslne: so at 12 the poor woman put on ber tapalo and went forth Id search of the delinquent At i the Cantina del Tlo Pcpe she found ' him weeping bitterly in the midst of sympathetic comrades, who reproached the lady for her cruel treat menf of poor tCflrlos. i ST.ruJy she had not seen what every one else well knew that Carlos loved no one but her. "All the. World." knew that the shame less Panchlta pursued him with her coquetries. Fie upon Dona Antonla to so 111 treat poor, faithful Carlos, who had been driven to drink and threat ened suicide through her hardness of heart! Two comrades carried homeward the Incapacitated Carlos, with Dona An tonla weeping remorsefully behind them and sundry other toreros winking and chuckling In turn behind her back. For, while In luck, Carlos was as gen erous a torero as ever uvea, ana u would not do, for their own sakes,.to have Dona Antonla cut Off his supplies: And so, ns the cortege wended Its way toward the little shop of Dona Antonla, one shameless bullfighter after anoth er jpoured tnto bar car talcs of poor Carlos" persecution at the1 hands of Panchlta. Well knew the Virgin, they declared solemnly, that Carlos cared for ho woman but Tils own adored An tnnln ITnd he not sworn It to them 1nany a time and oft? And was it his fault if Infatuated glvta would. makc unwanted love to hlm7 Nothing is easier to deceive than a woman who wishes to be deceived, anil Dona Auloulu believed devoutly every word of the waggish toreros. Carlos was put tenderly to bed, the bullfighters feasted gayly on white bread, "sardlnes,"mgarlic and Spanish wtnei-whlle Dona Antonla, with con trite face and riiddcped eyes, beamed tipoh .Jhem from the door of Carlos' room. They had opened her eyes io the real character of that disgraceful Panchlta, whom she had credited time and again on ber. ..thread and needles and wool. . How foolish a woman she had been not to realize before the de votion of Carlos and the evil behavior of Panchlta! - Before the noisy departure of the. toreros Dona Antonla's plans for venge ance had been completed. When she went to sleep that night, she said sev- and costly candles -before ner picture every day of the year If certain pray ers were granted. And then, wisely believing that God (and also the Virgin) helps those who help themselves, the wily shopkeeper made her plans for an early visit next morning to old Madre Maria, the witch, who would tell her, for a consideration, what she should do with that graceless Panchlta. Madre Maria lived In a small, dark, ' smelly Itenfement far put .Here Dona Antonla found her at aawn, ana into the sympathetic ear of the shriveled old woman she unfolded her tale of woe, while Madre Maria smoked away steadily at ber cigar stub, nodding her 'white head at Intervals as she listened. Good! Then what the nlna wanted was a eoslta a Bmnll charm, that Is to say for theshaineloss Panchlta? Some- thlnsr not dangerous, the ntna unaer Stood merely a Uttje thing that would, ftftof taking it,' dause her to lose any love for Boo Carlos, Ale, but 1$ would be easy! And- only a matter of five davajit that. If the nlaa-would listen, paying to her' pobre madre first ,the small number . -of u reaiee,'Bne woum tell her what to do. Half an hour later, with a wee bottle of black fluid in her pocket ana a win. black chicken inufBedup in her reboso, Dona Antonla sped briskly toward the Street of the Little White Fish, Joy and hope once more shone In her eyes and beamed from her fat, red face, even though the advice and charm of Madre Maria bad cost her fl.su. Most assuredly It was old Maria's "day." Hardly was the broad back of Dona Antonla turned than anotner cii ent anoeared upon the scene, also be speaking advice and a mild charm that would destroy th love of a fiyol wom an. In the same manner did Madre Maria advise the second applicant no less a, person, than Pancnlta-selling 6er 1 turn, ome; whit ffuld and an nttff""i'- hlrfuMb.the mate of the black one sold to Dona Anionia. Of a truth did the chicken come some what high " the old witch had stateo. I: to each applicant! !'bnt figure to your self, nina mla, that It is a cnarmeu one, wherein great power lies, and It has, moreover, eaten for weeks only charmed food given by, the hand of .nnr Madra. Maria As a fact ooin chickens had been stolen by menda cious Maria In the dark of last night's moan: bnt no matter. So Panchlta her mind at ease and also believing that all of her sorrows were now soon to be ended, nurneu joyfully home, with bottle and chicken hidden safely In the depths of her blue rehozov Meanwhile, at Intervals dur ing that entire day, chuckles of hearty and most unwonted mirth Issued from the dark room of Madre Maria, who. while not ordinarily a merry personage, seemed mightily amused over some thing. Never In his life bad the astonished tarloe been more kindly and cenerona- ly rrr ted Tnan" ffaring The next few days. Dona Antonla seemed to think that nothing waa good enough for him and, filling his pockets with coins, fair ly poshed him Into the streets, wltlT InJnneOona that he enjoy btmself with his companions. Had the torero been a suspicions man be might have thought Dona Antonla waa engaged in secret parsnita of which she wished him to know nothing. Not being sntv piclous, however, he hastened to obey ber commands and have a Joyous time. - Aa a matter of fact there waa noth ing evil In the actions of Dona Antonla, once left alone, save that one might hare accused ber of foolishly pamper ing and overfeeding a debilitated black chicken which she baa oousxkj in ue enarcoal box and fed thrice dally oo black aapotes and tortillas made from dark meaL But no one Carlos least of allever saw the chicken, whose life endured for a brief span only, and therefore bo one unjustly condemned ber. Now, In the great tenement boose Just across the street, this same chicken pampering pceceee was secretly being gone through with by pretty Panchlta, 1 save that ber fowj wasjed wldo white zapok'S and light coloredtor- tlllns. As In the case ot Doua An tonla's chicken, which "flourished and day by (lay waxed fatter and fatter, ber white chlckeu also throve and grew plump until, by. the end of the fourth day, you would not have recognized ei ther of these "charmed chickens." On the evening of this same fourth day Dona Antonla arrayed herself In ' her best purple skirt and black lace mantilla, with the announcement to dulnfoundcd Carlos that site was going to the house of Panchlta for the pur pose of asking her and her mother to eat the midday tncal with them the next day, since It would be a fiesta and Panchlta accordingly at leisure. For many months It had been the custom of good hearted Dona Antoula to Invite Panchlta and her blind old mother to her own savory feast day dinners. In view of Inst week s quar rel, however, Panchltn's mother was even now tcorruny lamenting mai their dinner would have to be of tor tillas and beans; so thnt, driven to It by her mother's tears and her own ur gent desire to break bread with Dona Antonla, Panchlta was about to start on a mission of peace when that per son herself appeared with Jovial ex pressions of sorrow that any misunder standing had arisen between tuo two families and her desire that her two good friendB should Join her next day for the usual fiesta meal. Of a verity they must come.- Carlos had promised to go with some companions to tbo Naucalpam bullfight, wherefore she would be all alone and sad If they did not come to eat with her. reace was restored In full, and soon Dona Antoula bustled home to prepare for the next day's feast.. Poor Carlos was hustled Incontinently out of the house, while Dona Antonla, doors and windows carefully shut and locked, proceeded to kill and boll the black chicken, first carefully burying its feathers and bones. All that night the mortal remains of the charmed chick en simmered away In a tiny olio. The resultant broth was carefully collected next morning by Doua Antonla and, with the black fluid from the little bot tle of Madre Maria, was mixed into a very savory soup flavored with sherry and garnished with oguncotes,of which there was only one plateful: not that any one of the trio had to do without soup, however; far froni It. Soup of the very best also made of chicken, with sherry and tiny bits of garlic Ua vorlng it, was to be served to herself and Panchita's blind mother. The dinner was a great success, de spite the fact that only the three wom en were present and that tue nosress was called away from the table at least four times to speak to customers out In the shop. The first one of these calls nave Tanchlta her opportunity, for Panchlta also had tinea a cuicum mut previous night, and In a small bottle carried In her pocket was the boiled down result thereof. The door between the dining room and the "shop had been carefully closed by Doua Antonla, so that her guests might not be molested by" noises from without. Never was there a better chance. In two seconds Pancbita had uncorked her bottle and emptied Its contents hastily Into Dona Antonla's soup. Then, concealing the bottle, she was unconcernedly swal lowing her own soup when Dona An tonla returned to the table. Neither of the two women for a moment suspect ed that she was partaking of charm ed soup, made in Identically the samo manner from the charmed-chickens of Madre Maria and warranted to kill the love of any man, woman or child on the terrestrial globe. Now, few of us place overmuch cre dence In signs, tokens and, least or au. charms. For which reason I am loath to tell vou the final result of the charms so ingeniously d unsuspect ingly exchanged between theso two Jealous women. Still, if you are in credulous, it Is not my fault. That very same night, reaching borne late and in a somewhat intoxicated condition, poor Carlos tasted the first fruits of the charm. For, In spite of all blandishments and words that should have melted the heart of even a stone Image, Dona Antoula fell upon the luckless torero and. with abuse of the strongest literally smote him hip and thlffh. after which she cast him lortn Into the outer darkness of the Street of the Little White Fish, cruelly bolting the door In bis face and announcing that she bad now washed her hands of him and his shiftless comrades. This from the woman who bad ador ed him during three long years; this from the woman who had that very morning given him all ber available money and entreated blra to come home early I Poor Carlos! For. even though he returned several times to tearfully beg for mercy, there were shown him nly freeslng contempt and coldness, with at last the announcement that hia next call would be watched by the cendarme at the corner, for which reason be had best keepwayfcr good and all from the shop or von Aniouia. Being,' as it "were, off with the old love, the hapless torero bethought him self of a new. Was there not pretty. Panchlta, for whom be bad always entertained a fondness? Doubtless even yet she was fretting her heart out over him and his neglect He wouia co to her and console ber. - How Panchlta received him deponent aayeth not, of how she sped him on bis departure admiring neighbors In the tenement house still speak, though of the order of his going Carlos remem bers little more than a vision of mul titudinous bright stars and a "bump, bump" that aeemlngly lasted for cen turies. Meanwhile hi surprised and helpless body hit the steep stairs at the rate of 00 times a minute, won i an cblta and the neighbors cheering from above. The "charm" was complete. Never more was the torero Carlos Garcia sees In the Street of the Little White Fish, and never were better friends than Dona Antonla and the girl Panchlta, who, strange to say, have never real ized lost bow the thing really occurred and have. In fact, forgotten all a boat old Madre Maria and the black and white chicken. Argonaut To the Deaf. A "rich lady cured of her Deafiirw and Noises in the Head by Dr. JXicholsnn'a Arti fical Ear Drums, gave 110,000 lo his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Dums msy hare them free. Addrera JVn. ,l(i(J. The Nicholson Inetitule, 780 Eighth Avenue, Kt York. THE TURKISH BRIDE. PECULIAR CU8TOM3 WHICH 8HE 18 BOUND TO OBSERVE. Her DIetUa) aa Brlata Termi nates After (la Yeara, bat Ik "Will Never Aiala Opm Her 1lpa Mas I'aleas He Be Ber Klassaasu "The. conduct, demanded of a newly married Armenian woman will strike Americana as very singular indeed," said Antranhr Acbderlan. a young Ar menian, the author of the book "The Turk and the Land of Halg." "She utters never a word except when alone with her husband until after the birth of her first child. Then she Is allowed to talk to her child. A little later she Is permitted to conversc.wlth her mother-in-law, still later her own mother mnv ntrnln hear her voice, and before a great while she will speak In whis pers to the young girls of her bouse hnlil. Rhn must not leave the house during the first year of her married life except to attend cnurcn. iter uiu clpllne as a bride terminates after six vpnm hut she will never again open her Hps to a man unless he!be her kins man. Young gisls are allowed to nave a liberty of conduct that to In striking contmst They chatter freely and cheerfully with whom thejrpleose. "The Armenian woman diners raa- inaiiv fmm her Turkish sisters. Nei ther seclusion nor polygamy nor di vorce darkens ber present or inreuieua her future. She Is not educated with her brothers, however, as are American girls. I remember how puzzled I was when I entered no American, cones and saw girls seated among the boys In the classroom. '.Tniin ' T an Id to nv nclchbor. 'what are the girls here for to make the room look pretty r "It seemed Incredible that any one could think a girl capable of learning Inns--with her brother. It Is consider ed a disgrace likewiso for a man to walk publicly with a woman, even thnuffti aha is his sister. She may en tertain men callers, and, 1 of course, her face Is never covered, like a Tqrkisrr hnt her mother tor some older female relative l always present. They attend the same entertainments and church, but may not sit together. The women's seats in church are partition ed oil and; are in the rear. "Whileamong many old Armenian families (parents contract for the mar riage of tthelr children while they ore In their 'infancy, in the majority of cases the young people are permittea to make their selections, though al ways with the consent of their parents. Elopements, therefore, are unknown. The marrlageltle Is sacred In Armenia, and death can; only break It If a per son has an uncongenial companion, he must endure It with the same Kinu 01 patience lie would endure a sore bead, which, though he may try to cure, ho will hardly cut off. 'With Turkish women their only ena in tl.la world is mnrrlnce. Accordingly girls are from their Infancy rocked to sleep by their mothers with lullabies or fntnra imahanda. handsome, coura geous and wealthy. The regular age for marriage Is from 12 to is years, uut unusual wealth or physical attraction oatu for mrlier contracts. Generally speaking, parents are pleased if tbey get a chance of betrotuing ineir aaugn ters at 5 or 6 or, at any rate, before tbey reach 12 years, for at that age women must so the Mohammed prov erb says either marry or die. A girl Is readily married tr sbe is eitncr pret ty or wealthy. If sbe possesses both qualities, then she Is a great catch ana will have many suitors. About ber it h thara can lie no doubt aa In the east one's financial status Is known to every one. The age, too, can be easily nacortnlned. but the Duzzllna Question Is about ber good looks. Is sbe pretty? That must must be aiscoverea, ana, as the young man has no means of finding out for himself, he must get some wo man to act for blm. He usually resorts to a Jewess, and If ber report Is favor able he then brings the matter to ber parents' attention, and ber mother, aft er a call on the girl, arranges a party at a public bath. These bath parties are extremely fashionable, and the wo men dress elaborately. A meal of greasy pastries and sweets Is always smsi after which cornea the amoklnc of cigarette, long pipes and water pipes, the women seated cross legged on divans and gossiping the entire time. Should the mother's report be satisfactory, after a few visits between the parents the marriage Is agreed up on and the day set "As to the betrothal, the bus band bas to give a dower, or rather 'hire,' as the Koran distinctly states. The minimum Of this dower Is fixed. It may not be less than $1.70 In your money. The maximum Is left open, and by. that ar ramromoiit the famllv of the sir! Is able to obtain some show of fair play, for In Turkey the only bold a woman has on ber husband is that to divorce ber be must turn over to her this dower. After marriage It la her prime duty to court and obtain bis good will, for If sbe displeases blm sbe la In Imminent danger of missing paradise. A wife whose tongne baa made trouble ror ber husband will nave that appendage lengthened to 150 feet at the Judgment Should a man wish a divorce be bas only to return bis wife's dower and say to ber. "Get out! She has to go; there Is no redress. He need not even ive a reason." New York Son. Tka Bclors Cssrltaaa, TWtnr " aakl the lnaulaltlve lawrer. "why did you call la another physlcjan when yon bad Inflnenaal Didn't you have faith in your own medicine" "Why," the doctor naked, "did you get another lawrer to defend yon when rnnr wife sued for divorce? Didn't yon have faith In your own ability to Insult wttneseesr' dereiana 11am Dealer. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain' Pain-Balm a trial. It will not coet you one cent if it doe no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprain and bruise in one-lliird the time required by any other treat ment Cuts, bums, frostbite, quinary, pain in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are ouicklT cured by applying it. Krery botile warranted. Trice, 25 nd&UcU. n " " BRONZE TURKEYS. A Breeder Who Finds Ponlts Easier la nnUu Tlinn Chicks. The turkey has been basely slander ed and has been considered to bo about as stupid as a mule. I have nev er had any experience In trying to teach a mule to keep his hind feet on the ground when his best friend stood behind hlui, but I have taught turkeys to respect my wishes and slay on one plantation. People usk me If they are not hard to raise. I raise a larger per cent of tliotio hatched than I do of chickens. For the last two years I have raised oior 03 per cent of all tur keys batched. j 1 have fouud that 00 turkeys In n yard or 'field are enough to do well. If you keep inure than that together, they are uil to pllu In together and smother after they are about a month old. When I get a Mock of 50, 1 start another drove In another field. I set four pr.llve turkey lieus and at the Bauie time give to chicken liens ns many turkVy egjes as I thluk the tur keys eau take care of. If possible, 1 set an Incubator with chicken eggs. When they all hatch, I give the tur keys all the poults and the chicken bens all the Incubator chicks, and that makes business lively all around, my self Included. Women In tho poultry business have very little time for so cial duties, and the pink and spider web teas that are bo much the fad -in fashionable society have to be given In the chicken yard. The turkeys and chickens do not ask the color of their teas, so they get their supper on time. (And if you expect to succeed you have to give them their supper on time and attend to all the details of the business on time.) I have my little poults so they will fly over a board a foot high when but a week old. There are more turkeys killed by overfeeding aud lice and want of grit than all other things com bined. If you do not keep them near the house so that you -can run them under cover when a heavy storm comtfs up, you are liable to loso a large per cent' I find a lnrge shed with a boord floor Is fine' to run them In In case of sudden storms. Of course you must stay close at home to meet all theso emergencies. It is not more confining than other occupations. The; merchant, lawyer, doctor, mechanic and farmer have to confine themselves closely to business, aud the poultry raiser, whether for fancy or market, must make a business and work on business principles. I raise from three different flocks of turkeys ten hens and one torn In each flock. We have from one acre to three acres fenced In with a three foot wlro nnttlnor three Inches nnart. with barbed tvirn lit tli ron. lunkins the fence five feet high. Turkeys will never try to fly over n barbed wire fence. They will crawl uuder It and crowd through It If the wires are not cIobc together, but they never try Hying over it. If they over attempt It, they are almost sure to run a barb through their root, nnrl nni I'VilcrlcllCO or that Kind is gen orally enough. I have had them caught thai iiiiv nnd imuir until aeaa. 1 use the breeding yards for the young tur Icpva until Ihcv are large enough to drive out ou the range, putting 60 lu each yard. At six weeks or two months they are driven on to their summer range, driving them home at night until they have learned the trick of coming home to roost I did not learn In a day or In a year the art of raising nearly all tbo turkeys hatched, not until 1 bad lost hundreds each year, 1 acting as pallbearer and chief mourner, and I assure you I filled the positiosr'of mourner admirably, weep ing copiously over burled hopes, and those hopes were of a well filled purse. I hope I shall not have to meet those turkeys in the next world and be held accountable for my unpardonable Ig norance, but perhaps by sincerely re penting my past mistakes the sin of Ignorance will be forgiven me. Mrs. Charles Jones la Reliable Poultry Jour nal. EaaYlaad Shart ot Paaltrr. Of late years England has been run ning short of poultry, and she Is look ing to tho United States and Canada for additional supplies. Exports from both countries have been steadily In creasing of late, and the last year the quantity sent over, especially from the United States, was the greatest on rec ord. In 18U8 shipments showed a big Increase over the previous year and In cluded one straight shipment of 20 car loads from Illinois, the stock being shipped to Montreal and then down to Boston and on steamer, favorr.ble freight rates having attracted It over the route. The orders for 1800 were even great er than they were the previous year, dealers Ip several market having re ceived orders of more or less impor tance, while large orders were placed In the west Altogether these orders foot up to about 0,000,000 pounds, which Is equal to 00,000 boxes, 8,000 tons, or 200 carloads. English repre sentatives are taking small lots contin ually from the seaboard markets, and the season's rxorts may be consider ably more, possibly up near the 10,000, 000 pound mark, as further large or' ders are expected. Tha Has Para Best. Nothing will pay better for the mon ey Invested than chickens If tbey are properly bandied, but to be profitable much care must be exercised. Because the hens will give returns under ad verse circumstances Is tbe reason tbey are neglected so much, but tbe better they arc treated tbe better tbe returns you will receive from tbem. But the difficult part of the thing Is to make average fanner believe It By keep ing constantly at tbem tbey may even tually be taught what a good thing tbe ben really Is and bow mucb better off they would have been bad tbey stopped to listen to advice years ago. C & Voorbes Co. Gen.CronJe Mhoald Have It Lf-.NniR, N. C, Feb. 14, 1900. Send J grop Goose Grease Lin iment. 25a size. There is no doubt as to the curative power of Goose Grease Liniment We have used different Liniments, but yours ex eels all. Yours truly, Henkei, Bros. N. B. These people are among the largest dealers in horser and mules la tbe state. ' FAMOUS DUELING GROUND. Fletareaqn) Portion of the Hew Or leans Park Knows aa The uaas. t tim most nlcturesaue and ivHintifnl snot In New Orleana and re plete with historical Incidents to tho Oaks, the Chencs O Aiiaru, aa mcj were called of bid. They are now a part of the City park and a favorite resort for the children or me crw nnr,rii rinxona of awlnss being at tached to tho massive live oaks, which shade several acres of grouna. Tlin In nil wna formerly the plantation of Louis AUard, a very learned French man of early New uneans. 11 was lno-l.r hr tha irreat Dbllanthroplst John McDonougb, and finally passed .. a . . 1. .nil W into tno nanus 01 me mj dedicated as a park. Its most eventful history was In advance or us pora days, when It was practically waste land. Lying as It did on the sueii roao in Tinvnn Rt. John and Lake Pontchar- traln, within easy distance of the city, yet deserted and uulnuauitea, 11 auora cd the very spot for the duels so fre quent among tbo fiery Creoles and no less fiery Americans or new uneans in nntnhnllnm dnva. Here, under the shade of a prlmoval forest of gigantic oaks, eitncr witn pisioi or rapier, mum especially the latter, tne aimcuiuea w tween "gentlemen" were fought out under the strictest rules of the code of honor. 11 imu timaa Naw Orleans, al though to a large degree cosmopolitan, was essentially a croole city and bound by the creole habits and Ideas, and one of these ideas was that a slight or af front could be wipea out oniy ny dioou shed In a duel. The result waa to pro duce the greatest punctilio among men. A blow was strictly forbidden and suf ficient to debar the striker from the privileges of the duello. A gentleman who would so far forget nimseii as 10 tritra annthor mi exDosed to the Ig nominy of being refused a meeting on the field of honor. Mnat nf tha duels had their origin In the ballroom, where to brush rudely against a man was often aeemea sum clent cause for exchanging cards. Some were political some the result of breaches of politeness or etiquette. Chevalier Tomasl fought a duel with a native Creole over the proposition that there were larger rivers In Europe than tho Mississippi, each man being willing to risk bis lifo for his borne river. Several duels are reported from mere excess of spirit because the night was so good for an assaut d'armes. In the winter of 1887-8 the opera pro duced nn epidemic of duels. The two prima donnas then lu vogue bad each her army of supporters, and to hiss bis favorite was supposed to Justify any crania In handing his card to the of fender and demand a meeting at the rinlra Most of these meetings were secret. known anlv to the friends of the prm- ninnU- It wna only when some one was killed or seriously hurt and not always then thnt the facts of the duel became known. The duello continued In Tnlalnnn MS mnpA HI lftaB a CUStOm of the country until about 20 years ago. An occasional meeting uem avon tndnv. but they are growing scarcer, for the police now Interfere and arrest duelists, wuereas or oiu tbey kept out of the way. The oaks are among the finest In the United States, some of them shading nearly an acre of ground, and each oak has a dozen traditions or' stories ot tho duello attached to It romantic and bloody. Leslie's Weekly. Would Not Suffer So Again for fifty Times its trice. I awoke last nitht wiih severe pains in my stomach. 1 never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning i full, an wpnk T cnuld hard v work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's drug store and they recommended Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose nxea me an right It certainly is the finest thine I ever used for stomach trou ble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not ram to endure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its price. G. H. Wilson, Liveryman, Bur oplftiwn Washington Co.. Pa. This remedy is for sale by T. A. Al bright & u., druggists. Lincolnton Journal : The fruit situation in this section this year is an anomalous one. There is n heavy peach crop, while the apple crop is a failure, a reversal of the usual condition. This is accounted for by the fact, as suggested by Mr. H. 8. Robinson, that the big rains occurred while the apple trees were in full bloom. A Wealth of Beaaty Is often hidden by unsightly Pimples. Eczema, Tetter, Erysiielas, Suit Rheum, etc. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all Skin Eruptions, oiso cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, , Felons, Ulcers, and worst forms of Piles. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by T. A. Albright & Co., druggists. Julian 8. Carr, commanding the North Carolina Confederate veterans, has issued an order asking each camp in the State to send a delegate or delegates to the unveiling of the monument to the North Carolina dead in the cemetery at Winchester, June 6, and appointing Capt. C. B. Denson to make the address there. A Mesastar Dertl Flak Destroying its victim, is a type of uonstipauon. ine power 01 mis . . -t maladv is felt on crams, nerves. muscles and brain. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a sate and certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Uver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents, at T. A. Albright & Ca'a drug store. lose loss loss and the will purify your Wood and bring ft A1&1)ftY'i I IQ the bloom of health back into your tlMliJMtm cheeks. Each bottle contains a Painful and SoBtaai t"M'rJXT7: tlos ot tha Utarm, chanra .1 Ills In ssstron or maid, all Urns i ralisf, bain, WsJ I ( JOHNSTON'S 8ARSAPARIIXA. It Is a real psaacsa tor assdscka, pains Is tka ilstt i 11 Hu,riU,wth.iM .MlJkudaMll. sIsSDleasosas, muscular weaknsaa. baarlnavdowa nslns. batkacas, IcnchsC ii shortMss ot brsslh, abaonnal dUchargas awaUlns- at fact, aoransss at ths brsssts, vmtxoms which make tha averse wamsa's haslUilaJaimatkn. Yoa sraat tt-s ires. THE MICHIGAN DRUQ tlvsntte fcsr Uvsr lUs. Tha Pa J. O. Simmons, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. : JACOB A. LONG, ' Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - - - - N. C Practices In the 8 tnto and Federal courts, omen over Wlilte. Moore k Co.'s store, Main Stnwt 'Phone No. 8. IOHM QBAT BYHOM. W. t. BXWVM, J., BYNUM & BYNUMf Attorney and Counaelora at law GBEEN8B0I10, N. C. Practice reirnlarly in the conrU of Ala mance county. Aug. , 9 iy DR J. I?. STOCK AJD Dentist, GRAHAM, N. C. Ulflco in tno vesui uunain, over Albrlirht'a ilrus store. Flrat-elaBs work at moderate prices. Call on me. Oliver S. Newlin, attorney-at-Law, O REENBBORO, N. a Offlee la Wright Building East of Court House. . , Will practice regularly in tho oonrta or Air amance. A Card of Thanks. I wish to sav that I feel under lastine obligations for what Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used in so manv cases of coushs. lung trou bles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perieci satis faction, we feel greatly indebted to the manufacturers ot this reraeay and wish them to please accept our heartv thanks. Itespectluliy, MRS. S. Doty. Des Moines. Iowa. For sale by T. A. Albright & Co., drug gists. An imnortant damnee suit cose was tried at Pomlico court two weeks ago before Judge Coble. A son of a Mr. Biggs was badly cut in the saw mill at Samuel Camden and suit was brought for 120,000 for injury to the boy. The jury brought. in a iM in favnr nf the mill. On the ground that the boy had been warn ed and the accident was tne result of carlessless on his part. T aut fall T nra.ined mv left hip while haulding some heavy boxes. m,a .Wiiar T mllfiH nn said at first it 1UU uwrva aa. was a slight stiain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. T nnnlirilMwl tt Cfft WOrSB Atld I in1t hnrdlv net around to work. I went to a drug store ana me urug vAwimmonrlArl mo tn trV Cham- ko.ioin'e Pain Ttalm T tried it and WVjt 11.1 0 M.M one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured ma Antireiv. I now recommend it to ally my friends. F. A. Babcooc, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by T. A. Al bright & Co., druggists. Lenoir News : The Raleigh News and Observer last Thursday, had the neatest take off of the eclipse that we have seen. It it a picture of the sun on which is printed "white rule," and just passing in front of that is a black globe with "negro rule" printed on it. Beneath is a partial map of North Carolina and tbe words "Will the eclipse be total?" Starvation never yet cured dys pepsia. Persons with, indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of. wholesale food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourish ed while the worn out organs are being reconstructed. It is the only f) reparation known that will instant y relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. It will certainly do you good.. J. . biot mons, the druggist. The Confederate veterans left Ral eigh Monday night of .last week on a special train of two' cars in one car was the inscription "Alpha North Carolina C. S. A. Omega," and on the other "First at Bethel, foremost at Gettysburg, last at Ap-pomatox." AWord2r.-fl SuMring,,,5 Women. 3 No one bnt yourselves know of the,, sunenng yon go tnrougn. wcy oo you suffer? It tro't necessary. Don't your health and beauty, (for the; 1 ot one is speedily followed by the of the other.) Don't feel weak" "worn out" Immire blood is at bottom of all youi trouble, iv -i donnstdns: mi a or bottles-,, , , ... im.h7 (mil,, wKm of tha hsart with pslninl avsastrnsUoa. sesldta '" asnrslgla, atarln feplacsmant, and aU ttsss Uts so-jplawasls. W i - . s CO. Detroit, Mich. i tlttls Ursr PtOs. . .u .iJ Licensed DrntT.wr. New Type, Presses, and the Know JETqw j ' are producing the 'bert ' -1, result in Jofe Work ajt THB OLKANBB OJTICK Y I. ' " ;M;i;a;wtsJ CKftfc3 j I ; ESTABLISHED Burlington insurant -if, wo "'' Vfl -VJ M 4J INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ' Local agency of Penn sr ? Mutual Influranoe, ' Company. . ,. .-uvJLifo'Inaufi'J j ance contracts now ., on the market a . Prompt personal attention to all B orders. Correepoadeuot solicited. 'JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Xge'nl 1 HPS of North tdrbllnh. SUMMER SESSION be , gins June 12th, 1 ' and closes Aug , ust 31st. i Regu lar Collegiate In struction in all Departments for term of twelve weeks'. ' Tuition f 207'Registbatiok 15. - SUHHER SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS from June 12th to July 7th. Special Instruction by school experts, ' - TUITION ' loV.'"5- J ..'! fl '", For circular, contain ing courses of study, ad- , ;:-,' o f:.!.!ii!:, 11'C.V. PSESIDEHI 1LDERIA8, Chapel HilVN.;C. ii -x; iiif i We know you have heard;,;, of our . real Ai bargains jn. groceries. .'I. ! :': ;"t Z1:,:;;!. .";...-,; 'ft -i-Vi'".' Seeing is be-' V Jieving and,,,'' you will have1 . to call to ap'r. preciete our--; . choice line'.' , .V ILilUCE BAECAIH BOUSE,' GriMm, 1. (L -i GROCERIES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOfX J r