THE GLEANER. ISSUED BVKBt 1HUK8DAY. J. D. KEKNODLE, Editor. - Bote red at the postofflce at Graham, N. at seoond-olas mall matter. .fM' ADVBTI8tN0 RATES -no IftHAre 11 In.) 1 time 1.0 r each sub iqueiittnnrtlonMenta. For more apace andjonKer time, rates furnished on applica tion Local notloes 10 cts. a line for nrst Insertion ; subsequent Insertion 5 cts. a line. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. (im editor will not be responsible lor h 3 views expressed by correspondents. . 4.M,.t...',,...'i.......-....'..'.....".''.."..-..'...... GRAHAM, N. C. Jan. 10, 1901. WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER, From Our (tegular Correspondent. 1 Washington, D. C, Jan. 5, 1901 How thoroughly Senator Hunna dominates the republican steering -...'. . e . l. - o . ' i L cuiuiimiec ui iuc oeutue is hiiuwu by the threats of a cloture rule for the Senate, if there is any attempt to filibuster against the ship sub sidy or the Army re-organization bill, that have come from that com in it tee since Congress re-convened. W hether those threats can be made effective will depend largely upon the backbone exhibited by republi can Senators who are opposed to both bills. It is expected that be fore the Army bill is voted upon i democratic substitute providing lor a continuance of the present strength of the army for two years from the first of next July will be offered. The Re-apportionment bill is be ing made the basis of a warm con test in the House, in which politi cal lines are not drawn, but most ol the democrats are supporting the bill, A trarCapondent of an exchange farrrfshei letter for publication in wtajilil ''.is stated there are about 2,000,000 (dogs in this State. A toxoj f I per head on males and 12 substitute for the committee orj females, per year, is advocated, which slightly increases the repre arid tbai the revenue derived from I sentation of a few States and re tbii source go toward increasing the duces that of none, poblic'school terms. A gentleman General expression of suspicion frfcm the State of Indiana told the 0f the motive in delaying action on waiter a few days ago that in his the Nicaragua Canai bin haa broughl Sttte the tax was graduted as stated out t gteument from ptomamt re, above, only that for each additional pMiaLn Senators that action will animal, owned by tne same indi- not be taken for at least a month, Yiauai, me tax is aouoiea : lor n- becauge 0f the desire to show Eng would welcome an excuse to hum ilate Gen. Miles, and since the Sen ate Military committee adopted the ideas of Gen. Miles jon army re organization, in place ot what was known as the Root plan prepared by Gen. Corbin Secretary Root would gladly help. For that rea son some of Gen Miles' friends are trying to get him to wait until after his retirement to have his final say Dr- Calvin J. Pollock, of Kirks ville, Mo., was the inventive early bird in the wee sma' hours of the new century. He desired to pre sent the first application of the cen tury for a U. S. patent, and through the enterprise of hit attorneys, C. A. Snow & Co., of Washington, D. C, accomplished his object. North Carolina News. TTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTyTTTTTy The grand lodge of Masons met in Raleigh Tuesday. The State auditor estimates a de ficit of $100,000 this year. There are 320 Masonic lodges in this State with a membership of 12,000. Wm. Rowe, aged 18, accidentally shot and killed himself while hunt ing near Louisburg Saturday a week. Charlotte News, Jan. 2: Mr. S. Work of the A. M, College, Annual Report of President Winston, Industrial education - ' In Great Demand. ' 1 AAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa Washington News Notes TTT TVTTTTTTTTf TTTTTtTTTTo In his report to the Legislature on America may Mick all creation," the condition of the N. C. College of botat the 8ame tim8 WM baJly Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, left in promptness in beginning the President Winston -says that there new wntQTy according to the dicta is a large and growing demand for of astronomers here, the year began industrial education, and that this everywhere, .of course, at midnight, demand is bound to increase for by local time. By absolute time, iimnjr years W come. IT- tirnL i .i aid Havti. "inn r nin omarTn nr t . . ... - ,, (,.. . mencuan irom ureenwicn, winch is manuiaciures in our btate, the cer- in the middl of th. Pa-ifi rv-n Uinty of further increase and multi- Lnd traveled we8t with the riBi ' piivauuij, tuo vyvuiug up oi .new in- c"' MW ' water thd world brfore it reached the power vy mechanical or electrical United Rut. whr it rlM not W transmission, tne development of .:....t:i s ..i.. .u. r - . IK"' "" nuuuku o uuvt uu me au intensive ana aiversined agricul- ten,, of Januarv i ... ..... ' 1 1 !. 1 iuic, ospruiHuy trucKing, irun grow ing, stock raising, and dairying, the setting up and management of elec tric plants for light and powert- of water works, ice plants, cold storage, laundries, and other small indus tries requiring machinery, are creat ing a large and increasing demand for engineers, draughtsmen, elec tricians, machinists, mechanics, textile workers, dairymen, stock- The succefs of the first White House reception of this century was limited only by the hours of the levee and the capacity of the Execu tive Mansion. Had the President kept open house from dawn to twi light it i doubtful if all his well wishers could have gained admit tance. Thousands of men, women and children assembled at' the gates all high shafts, deflects to a consid erable extent from the perpedicular. The -aluminum point which sur mounts the monument swing around in a circle of six or seven inches in i diameter, and the great -mass of atone and mortar swings with it. The Post Office Department has occluded that there is a band of clever thieves operating in different parts of the country who dress themselves in second hand uniforms obtained from carriers, and rob mail boxes almost with impunity. It is said at the Department that if the thief familiarizes himself with the times of delivery and collection at important boxes, there will be no danger ot his being interfered with so long as he wore the familiar gray uniform. It is a crime to imperson ate a government officer in certain cases, and of course it is a crime to rob a mail box, but any man could wear a carrier's uniiorm without be ing subject to prosecution, and it may be necessary to pass a specific law to prevent it. inndi n n . n can 1 A U K X iV K K K K 3 th Ala tS tJ tAf U U Bl t& H. -mm- rl J. HvT .At 1 1 J Tr j iuy mam ot., lynoiK, va. Mr. Bryan isn't eroinir to icnorel men and farmers. The demand is . f D g beIore tne ue" the Female Democrats in his paper. far greater than the supply. It is 8inn,nK lQe reception. Ine ar- There will be a woman's depart- our duty to meet this supply, and rn6emenw witmn and without the ment in it which will be edited by we are striving to do so; but we MaD8lon were admirable and no Mrs. Bryan. lack teachers, tools, machinery and UnpIeasant 11101(161118 of ny kind buildings." marred the day. ' " This season there is a large death The A. & M. College is a college The friends of Major-General Hen- rate among children from croup for the people and for the times, ry W. Lawton are comihrinimr that an.(i lun t.rou.Dles- mmPl ac.tl0n PIANOS & ORGANS Sole Agents in this territory for Knabe, Vose & Son, Smith & Barnes, and Webster Pianos; Story & Clark and other Organs. Aside from instruments, we are wholesale and retail agents for several others. , Write for Catalogue and Pricas. Pianos and organs sold on easy pay ments. Old instruments taken in ex change for new. A postal card will bring you full information and save you from 10 to 25 per cent. stance-male does, first 11.00. sec- ..... ... W. Shernll. ol Mallard Creek, died t t. w . . .- k:ii i..-. T will saye tne Jittle ones from these Mor. .inn 'a ' 'na courtesy o. anowmg h . .. - jo, nWa . prouuee Bmcu wiuow a pens on terribIe diaea8e8. We know of noth. ;T : , " much time to act upon the amended , . " ' , T . . weaim.. ougnt to have a thou- oi iuu a montn has been amended ing so oertein ta give instant relief ZELAJS1T JW" Hay-Pauncefote treaty. According to the same authority, the bill will be $C.00,hfrd 18.00, and so on. In promote sheep husbandry. Our That however doM not urvu u-mana pCuF.e are gr.t to thfl opinion of tbe pleaidmi of VT , U 7 , lUB the Panama Canal Co., who is in Washington, as he has publicly said o clock, as he was driving young son to school at Derita. his Legislature that would dare such an act would have a hard road tomvel, and ten chances to one not a foember Of the body would ever wifra a seat in the capital gain. sand students. Every county should m the Senate so aa to cut it to $50 a s One Minute Cough Cure. It cn have at leant ten hnva then. A.lmnntli. Tha nr.nninlo kiti h.o I also be relied UDOn in srriDDe and all fvuuienoruwn onaay a this coege ia the onl one in the apparently governed the Senate is S anamng irouoies oi aauits. week destroyed the Miller building; state aivin inH.t,i.l i.!m. UrI th. ;na f .n fJP'ea?ant l0.16- J- C- Simmons, insurance: a small v,Vu- IIZ V ..'."" T", " VT v tne uggist. I " ouuuiu im wen equipped ior in- uuera Kinea in ine line ot duty I S..j, .-.w, mid Miiuitawt StrUCtlOn in n nrlntril flhon ri rmw r a nnSfnrm 7 ;:: 4' Gov. Russell disappointed a" good I sny tim. that he considers his company still has a chance to sell out to the U. S. , which he pretends that it isn't at all anxious to do, as it can sell to England. France and GermAnv At i i i Whether this impudent P1" nf .Deen arrested raaeopje. It was stated that Frenchman in bluffing or really has "'8 rrewas urgel to resign and have a hold on any considerable number Greensboro Patriot : It is grow- hlnmelf aDtKiinted Chief Justice to of Senators sufficiently atron to ing the determination to have ... . . - . I . 1. . . . I am.ll mnrAn(..u ! f sjeceed the late Uhier Justice Fair- noid up the Nicaragua Canal bill coth, but he has elevated J ustice will shortly become apparent. 4 M. Furches, of Statesville, to the . Not even a resolution of the Sen Chief Justiceship, and appointed ate can get at that interesting docu Ijon. Chas. A. Cooke, of Franklin ment generally spoken of as the ceunty, to the vacancy made by the Lawshe report, being a detailed elevation of Justice Furches. statement of the crookedness found ; ;n it,. t si..i nnnnmn I T 1 - 11 1 r i aoAA aaI .mmwi-iiiihjoj i ww!v w foiiDiuu, i vicu. aguabu, a wcit Known Jon- newspaper outht, loss 800, t00it needga textile buildinir. a chapel, the amount of which has been fixed federate Iniufar. rli3 at. Amor!. ...oU..,. dormitones for students, a machin- at $50 a month. ine oouy oi a negro named If rank ery building and additional equip- ua,., nno.uuuu ouuuny a ween ment of tools and machines. All near the railroad about 5 miles from these wants should be can hospital, Mexico City, Wednes- Rear-Admiral Crowninshield has day 01 week from pneumonia. sent to the House Naval Committee , , I iiiv wire va. WUIU vuro, I a -1 . : l - p 1 1 i : . . t. .. . .. i D.i u a j t i. n I 1 r- swwuicut ui auuuun OI tne Dian I ruI cu,a ln tne caa ana sore enroftt use iter. I Kaleigh. A negro named John Cor- The Col We is a. finanoiai 5n.L. . . , , . ?"La iti Quinine, tbe on " a - - i iu luuouc vuej uuuiuor oi caaeis at i J " llUtMaDA 4llA ntlmKaM rt haJ.1. .1 i .v. . www vu uuiu Wl vx UnUCvD """8 vestment, ana the State shou dkeeo At; tr A I laUUUUUilOi 1XO it up to tne proper standard ot ef- at per ficiency. aan. ftiA 7i oars bijab i 3 1 1 ni v fcuuiuiuig uuuca at sea, ana mat small manufketuries in Greeensboro. Another shoe factory is now an as sured fact, manufacturing only chil dren and misses school shoes. The will of the late Chief Justice Faircloth contains $20,000 to the BapUc University at Raleigh. This gift The Weather Calendar that Predict ed the OalTestota Htorm. those on shore absolutely necessary in positions at the Naval Academy in the administrative and technical bureaus of the Navy Department, in the construction and inspection of work at navy yards, the tech- Thursday. - No English general was ever accorded a greater triumph. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers, Ttaa Issmos littl? pills. 3 The LetilslaturevcoBvened vaster- by an expert accountant Instead Wl11 be of 8reat a,d 10 the college on Ly. Tuesday rhght the Demo- of answering the Senate resolution whlch there 18 a debt of 45,000. erttic caucus nominated Walter B. calling for this rtport, Secretary At Tryon Monday night a week Moore oVjackson county, lor 8peak- Root wenMo Mr. McKinley for as- Alice Smith, colored, while, trying ejofjIJouse. He is spoken of in sistance la, burying the report so to extinguish lamp, blew the iery complimentary terms by those deep that the Senate cannot dig it blaze down in the lamp which ho knorr him. op for its contents to create a sensa- bur8t. throwing oil over her and seU 2 VI J llinn ln 1 J ... I liner flra in l... Mnlt.: A huu. iii uiuoi mj rcuuor ujih no-1 o v w "w vwvuiijj. Alter U :n j I mnrh iiflT-in ! AiA inevnanoite uoserver suggesu ntage of his authority to decline day from the effects fT"rr .T ,D. 7 ""Mo make publio any document . to now mm to ive in me man- fhich j hi, diBcreoon uu ojiu emcruun in manner do- i . i . . ituiBj atfiinciai position. we ,h.t th- Rn.u mU c. 4k- t. t. -n.. vxnt tr, . . T" " "I'Jr"" uure, jvwiiu was w MwtVM The department store of Mercer I & Evans, at Wilmington, was dam aged about $5,000 by fire Monday a week. oabtorxa: Btan tka JyflM Kin YM Hm AlWtyi Bduftt Blpatar V mm r r si n One of best calendars of the sea son is the "Cardui Weather Chart a clause sTwdc and Calendar for 1901," published I ; , t I . u a clause giving - ,-r,. '.." " nlCal inspection of matenal being 5apUst Female by the Chattanooga MedicineCom- used or constructed at private yards P-uj, ui.uiacturers Mcwreei. and in the manifold d - f -Wine.of Cardui and 1 Thdford's officer , Black-Drpught. .The Gleaner of- . fice has just received one from the Uncle Sam began the new cen publishers, which consista of twelve tur witn an overflowing treasury, sheets of paper, 13x20 inches ip At the closo of business, on the 31st, size, all fastened together with a 1119 00" ot tbe treasury Showed an Gov. Odell, of New York, in bis gilt tin strip and a brass loop hang- available cash balance on hand in inaugural address advocated placing E.U .u. . i.: ;i . , i excess if n.11 rMArva Ain1a rf HAA r .1. . .1 . - linn ln i ir.. .M. I tint? fire to hr IniMno ift- """" m,V cuuutins toe caienoar " "u " ouraen oi taxation on x - TB - " B1 MBSf TiJwSZy0'" figures that X4X.474.b5 Treasury year be- those best able to bear it. can be read across any room. Un- 81M Juv t, ana the receipts for rlnr t ritt Grrnraa r.otnt il I the first six months of th fSanni VAnr int George E. Boggs, of Wayuesville, aimm. s'j:.j tw - ,J have been i291.841.Rfl1 2:t would be I Is dead. He had done a ereat deal ro.L.. , . I 9i 7Q5 loi ck :j . i . ... . . " i ii caiucr iurecats ior everv nsr in i ",ji-i.ui wi u vuimuuua- A i r.n umw imwa .a mm H iir n . j-, . , - j j - .M.nt . .v. mkii- .Wi. h..; 'a -i enu8r lD accurately predicted the -Fur uve ueen f M ' "T " rri: I iu . , ?"Lcr"ul Galveston storm a year before it oc- 0,533.62 against $263,676,500.52 1 A terrible holocaust occurred .t ITS 7.7 ". .M We understand a few W th. surplus receipta ffocheetcr, N. Y., Orphan Asylum much l Z ZiSZ " one! U T STS?S' tET H m fuesday morning, in whiph 28 Uvea suppress this reoort and that Mr A w-i i L-i ln8 10 one-cent postage stamps to i.l.7.6I, against $21,116,- L,Jt, 26 Ao bring cbii- rura?:t "r; tb.CUMdn.Co.Cn.t. ,'iU . . ; , , I ' " " Duiwueiianooga, xenn. , i isuun,uroo uave grown iasier man iwunuiiTiui uik viaun in toeiatMa hni in Rmmm r..l,:n I - lit, ;f. A ' I ol.-i, I .. J . . , . I". . ...... m i tun iowijjuj. I - yVnnuj to get oim uoiumbus county, Monday morn- Gov. Aycock will be inaugurated out of the way, shows that the re- Mng a week, using a shot gun. No For us to sell to a customer who wants CLOTHING. Because we have the stock and cab fit, as well as please, - you both in quality of goods and price. If you are stout, lean or regular don't imagine we can't fit you. OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS - Is growing, for the reason that we have only one price, and and you can buy as cheap by ordering as if you were '-in our store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne, Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant and W. H. Matthews. W. H. Matthews & Co., GREENSBOKO, N. C. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM f Durham Marble Works You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your departed loved ones, but we wish to re mind you of our low prices. of tbs aswspmr sad of IUusnf S5,2LT3 aIY: k'r combn.. t "", saa wtX"Ktw Ytrt Timet. " r, misn. Mutation, of the miny the functions economics, littri- In Plants Roqair Plentj of Frssh Air. rueaday., -The occasion will be at- delations made by the report must cause is given for his rash act! but The refunding operations under the financial act closed on Decem- fcndedwitli conriderabl display be many time worse than the nub- lit i. .nrwl w k- . Sonietimes planta fail to do well ber 31st. They have been suo- Ind Win be altogether interesting. lication of the Nealv stealinira-in Lni. because they are not given air cessful in every way. Holders of! M,, : fn ' enough," writes Eben E. Rexford, in the old 3, 4, and 5 per cent bonds Tki..Bi,u.u vwumy uwpeo- me January JUadies' Home Journal, 1908, 1907 and 1904 presented for There is an old-time row amons sanr nald tn ih mnni. u.kit r,,nA .id..... v . .1 . . v E" -rioo-of the Nary Auditor that Ohio republicans. Senator Forak- uAuTltiUl A T V , ' hUman o0 pM enta aoout e.wb on .bore duty muat erhaaaJLed aeveral membere of TLZy L .1 ' unl can have a $439,000,000 out 014839,000,000, pUe4 with the armv and not hi. nartv of ,W n a " 7.- .1 'ufficent amount of pure oxygen to leaving outstanding less than half 1. . - I r ' . " r " I wiit a tuisu OI ' 17, OUU DUa IO uustsr ths riammJ. f tk.i . Ih. fl Tk. i..iJ! - ws usifiuv I f "v sviuuutUK VLfClB they I tions are estimated to hare saved j. the government about $10,000,000. ileasantl aimi...,. . th pul On, f which' Dlek : suiT 2 Hou., of Beprel we ire W mart nee, the nearest is chairman. Foraker Is said to ,nMnM. ",'Z. ,1 1- LZrr' wntatives, where the employes ! tbe new Congress, has not r lliaH niTV.nimn. I nil nAft It IMb M ntlt tfnnreaantatina Wl? 1. X. V... il a 1 r- - - 7 -- ... ; .u iup tnese tunas witnin the past twelve they will not erow becan.. (he marines in the colonies in an aker'a seat ot tha cIam of hi farm L, .t, s.i .o I u FoW McauBe 4araaalngpoaitioof harin. to b, a deal witbth anU-aalon .Z L7 ,.7., .ake it a rule to a K.tU4'it-iu-....u- " tt l j.v , . -" """"J mi pure, iresn air every n " w mvm M MV SITISU- I hiu LUB uhb U U1B UDIQ IUI- I Ihl tiA l,MnaA h.. LYMAN ABBOTT Sc 7mf !.wMul"B "ll- e given Dick a pereonal raking U.. wi M mT, .' :ZT.T P"1" town py WMiwto. .IIK bow- over that be wM never forget and clerk w. F. Mo0(1r hrro" Dring.this reWiKMnDie to go over that line to nave ncceeded in getUng Han-Lk t ,h.. Ll JZAl - 7-r.J7l.rr. . ntwew. oollecUou accouht of tbe inaurgenta, to na to break with Dick, who ha. ." ... Z ' - 75:. n . . ' ITT. " J. . 7 been maintained at ita forrri I In.tMMi;AH T-L n a . .1. a .. Jvold whpoiHkneceytorie beenhujoonfiden i detour hv boet of -oi. thin, ha h1 Ai m . R"h.nt'lw'CUlmQ1"n. kU,ed 7 because their few There la a Mp anchored Whether Dkk, deprived ofHannaa rJTitl .7tP ' Maj Toung, Under roots are able to p- maUa Catfte, where it wAild be aupport, wUl be rtrong enouah to 7, . 7 1 7 ' r.T, " Bment. i to getbeetat lees eltpenae put up anythlni like a winuln. L'. . ""Y A?na: Home of - - "Tf"" oi earta, and, a. arOaVernmentwere It not for fight against Foraker. la doubtfbl i "r ."Ln brother of nrai oonaeriuenoe, tbe tender thia jullnt of the Auditor. ; bat tbe rumnn. (.n't l- il wwnH. OC011' " "U, de- v -re orenea. iny cannot . uwauj ujius. ne I iwm sureoQ upon bat tbe rumpus I crease brotherly, love among Ohio all tbe lost everything, barely escaping with tii9Va' nd vegetable dyspepsia re- bia aunily, two of the children com- u small pota for small Ing near being burned. It ia not PInta and Bnifti fnm time to time, "w tu are originated, oat "6 ta oia pots are it la .nought to be the work of n ni,M wlln roota." incendiary.. C-l It the rate of 20- cento dr Umts ex-Secretary Alger's new at-1 . Kolhertord county has one -f the r ZlZ " e ttVi- Je( oy the .aborteat osuauy I 'aca on mm. plng of th. mat-1 yung"' engineer., perbapa, in the! ccald a pint of cream ; add to it Vamcarieta -Mr. Alger, oiaiea. name is King g ounces of scraped maplewgar uie eoitatosv jteprwenuuve or Uei- ij puwwnmi a oook ana bv tn. """"Wi uvm in ureen Hillistu uutu th. annr i. ,i;,.i...j csasj wms HUQingwQ. it ia paid I v iwiMj pTfjas in oeaiingi "w"""Fi ia oniy years ae irom ue Are; add a Uble- Di"WDooa, of Ha waii, haa repoblicana. iOriirad the larnaat narnumt m awn. I Gen..Hilea haa a few tMm In V.!. , etq of mileage that baa ever been poaaeaafoo about embalmed beef that ma-Jto' any Senator, ' Representa- have never been made public, but tiveorDelecate. Mileage ia allowed which may be included in tbe toV. ?JiIi3e" upon each aeaaloa of nawer lhat he will make In bis own ft the rate of 20 cento SW time to ex-Secretary Algtar'a new at- i; trip in both direcUoo. Th. wuo lacxa eonnected wlta the Span- olu- "arunaanu Ores an engine .poonful of ratramel, a teMpoonful 4;;t jrea HoooluU to Wash- ar, haa bid hlmaalf open to ' oUL Hia father manages of vanilla, and when rery cold add i keetmiLted at 5,000 milea. "TJ by any army offloet whoi. a ihsmwing, and another brother, 9 another pint of uncooked cream aai ITiWjloox haa tTrawh tlDO any way affected by the atatemenbi Jeawd, balesthe shinglei is they Turn tnto lr freeserp-ia--wten fLrT.fstrirto Washinrton. and win made.. While I have not' vet' foflV come from tbe machine. thorouchlv erfld fr. . i: . i w r " viiiiiHr. . 1 -. " . , . j 1. I 1 IsmilKl mi .hi I .L.n . D.1!L r r mamswrai sinirv wsrra do gUCSJ r wW -m www a susu fiurauei smiii;ii vor. juesteoger: nome. i nsr, u a mj uceiv jiew vears aso Mere vera S? i. shU at ax future time put on rooms in this county: Now there Onni a UV tacta WhlrJl it trill in.. I sra nnlv 91 a.ut .11 r , , rnfflDoruieiry-taJIe-road poahbleto whlsUe down." Th-. none atan, ri. 5-.i. n. ..a.I r. rJ-tl' ... . I , . .u wuii. m in iti .iNL i-ani hum im iiir wis iHinHnr in i ab.asKja.o.. a. a i a . vja a ;.1j7,: ;-V: 01 - arPra went out of u.i auuucui , iuuiipiini WXutt Ueo. allies may aay that veQ-ltbat buaineas Dec 31st It is said TyVereek, aged nearly ;aed threata of removing him from Ibe that three of them told Rv. Qa. "Zlr . "pnraunwijicomijiandol the army iT be repliesIH. Stuart, the evangelist, that thev In : T t ;? toaf final hnltfuM inj t I . . ,1 t. i. . I i i .. . J 7 . m 1 ia Aigrr amrm oeen mane. Air. Ho-1 wooia tvoai But a I eraamannary Ladies' Journal. . - literature. Kinky, as all the world abandon tbe btua'nees at th. knows,' J! of the year. ' . Home It StrsUsa taw OUW. The lame of Bncklm'a a - w jswve, aa the best ia the world, ex tends round the earth. It, the one pwwci oeaier or uuta, Corns, Burns. Bruises. 8orea. Scald. fUil. Fekma. Aches. Paina arwl all Rk;. Eruption.. Only Infallible Pile cure. 25c a box at A. J Tk Ca's drug store. er. ex cellence, many vacant spaces 'show- ing on the boards. The absence of the portraits is explained as doe to the refusal of members to supply them, tbe inability 01 the clerka . to I Obtain them otherwise and the thefts which are constantly taking puce . Aa the photographs are quite accessible, it frequently hap pens that, an admiring constituent "nips" tbe one of his member as a souvenir. : Many of the photoerapha ..a - I in tne present collection are very 01a. - . . .. ...... " . rrerfdent McKinley ascended to 722 tne top ni tne Washington Monu. ment Ior tbe first time about a week ago, his apearanoe causing quite a flutter among the toorista, guides ana otbere who frequent the Monu ment - It ia not generally known, but the Waahjngton Monument like Women are Like F(ovvers.HrhS,b,lrir and bloom. ' Slcklv. dla. Every woman ought to look well and feel well If her right and duty, but she might aa well try to put out a fir. with oil as to be healthy and t- . tracttve with disease corroding the organs that make her a woman, limn their health depends her health. If there is Inflammation or weakening drain, or suffering at the monthly period, attend to tt at once. Don't delay. You're one step nearer the grave every day you out tt off. women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at the most delicate and vital organs In their body. You may have been deceived In so-called few. wa aoa-t sea now yon eon Id kelp it then is so much worthless stuff oa tha market. But Ton wont be dis appointed In Bradneld's Female Ree fator. We believe it is the as medl- clneoo earth for womeelr ills. There is aa moch difference between it and other so-celled remedies ss there ia between right and wronsr. BradSeld'a f.""' Kegiilator soothes the pain, stops tha drains, promotes refalarttr. 5t"1,1b,T, rWifles (nd cleanses?! does a 1 this quickly and aaaily and 'Jlyv ItisforWomeaalonetede. c'd whether they will be health or sick. Bradneld's7 RwUtorHea S Berbettts at draf atom. &h e G UTsL O O K HAMILTON W. MAbFb. EDITORS during the months of November, December, and January will appear a series of ten autobiographical papers from 3 o ofe r Jf. Washing ton teningthe romantic story of his xa 'x slave cabin to the eminent position Which he holds as the bunder and head of Tuskegee Institute and the honored andtnisted leader of the colored race in this country. Every Reatder of This Pber oSOoriltt ar as , r offer in order to iniro mticned rtJMW-ITd Tw OtniWfor the three months above pTWnthe iTSt ( twenlyv. cents (regular price, seventy-five cents). SntST. T?Uonet. Tm OStwok telb the story of world uS2nftWnS rgr-Address wnpwn Department 8. Ths Outlook, jj7 Fourth Avwe, New York City. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. nc aaAanae araiAVM ce, Miaata, aa. ftl I best j- - VHv t ever I ' J JACOB A. IA)Haf-Attorney-at-Law, .. rDI TT lift' .r , uiuuiaja, ; . - - H. C fYaatloaa In tha Btsts and aw.. I loM QaAT BTmrn. W. s.Btbtvm. Jb. BYWUM S: BTOrtJM, . vttorusy soit Cxraruaelorn at Jrw OEKKM8BOBO, BT. O. " v. Freetice reralarlr la sneaeonaty.. the eoarts of Anv As t, 94 ly Wfteelcr & Wiisoi Sewing Machine - Ratarj neflea aai taSt Bearlacr. -: Easy Rttii2iQtIctrRap Acouaii syrup f r rm UackiiuT Ooaaim. I I Bfci aBroalAitie m a fawdaym Why them rkfc Oooaontptiost, a alow, mtxm Cuark Byron. PriosL pom't be imposed apon. " " a Dr. M l " MAaeata. runs as Hcht aa te-at h- - Great Inovementoveran; ; . e sale " . "It turns drudgery Into a r-.VV V " The magic Silent Sewer. ' - A9 sizes and stvlec nfar -' ; dunes for doth and Lea aKsTThe beet machiM on MLrlh I see it before roa buy, ONEIDA 8TORK Ca J. M. Harn. AttnL DR J. I. dTOCKAID Dentist, " ' ' GRAHAM, N. C s . oat to the Vestal BulMlar, nrsMsM work at atoaaraU van cm nsa. OUTEB Ie NEYFLDTe . ; ' V latr-it-Liw, - - eunBBOBa, ..c. HoueeT . uiHsi ss ex uosut wiilvAettea neralarr ttw .m. il -Subscribe I j For j The Gleaner. j Only ; $ 1 .00 per year. OOOOOOOOOOC)OOOOOOOC3000tX)0 livery: Saie and Feed ' IIIMM New Type, Presses, I and Vie Know How X . " fruuuaDg ue Den f reaulU ia Job Work at J THE GLKaJTEB OFFICE J- y STABLES r S a. I ' Good teame kt reaaonable pri! Rnimii ill .: Fara to. SW from Southern Railway Station only lOo. . Gire me a cJl. - - A. C. HORNADAi

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