THE GLEANEIt ISSOkil) KVKHV IIIIJUHDAT. .1. l. KKIiNOlHX, Eaitor. Entered t Ihf ixmtofllcr at Giuliani, N. ADVKHTISINIi HATKH One square (1 In.) 1 time tl.u i cava sub sequent Insertion 60 cents. For more poe nil longer time, rau- lurniKhcd on appllca Iton. Local notice lu cu. a line for first Insertion ; subsequent insoi tloin Set. a line. Transient adrertlaenicnts mutt tx ald for In advance. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. prThc editor will nut lie responsible iti he view epre'd liy t-orrepiMindcnt. GRAHAM, N. C ' J.h.. 24, 1901. ! Our Raleigh Letter gi'KRN VICTOItlA I)KA1. The civilized nations of the earth mourn with Great Britain the death of Victoria. The great and Rood Queen breathed her last at :30 Tuesday evening, surrounded by her children and grand-children. Victoria I., Queen of Great Brit ain and Ireland and Empress of In dia, was the only daughter of Ed-w-ird, Duke of Kent, and Princess Victoria Mary Louise, daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. She was horn at Kensington Palace May 24, 1819, and wan nearly 82 years -if age. - Her father died Jan. 23, 1820. She ascended the throne upon the death of William IV, June 20, 1837, he dying without issue. Victoria was cronned at TTTTT Raleigh, Jan 21. Puriim the pant week the General Assembly has passed a number of more r less important acts, while as many more are in tho bands of the committees or on the calendars of the two houses. Those of special inter. t to the readers nl this paper are noted in the legislative summary of the edi tor, and a repel itinn here would be superfluous. Some of the most important bills of a general character yet to be con sidered are : Senate I i J J providing lor the es tablishment of a Reform School for young degenerates", introduced by Senator lirougbton, of Wake. It is the intention of the two committees on Penal and Charitable Institutions to' hold a joint session early this week and give this measure and the subject generally earnest and full consideration. It is hoped and be lieved that a Reformatory Institu tion that will meet the demands and the needs of the State will be provided for during the session. Several hills have been introduced designed to provide liberally for the public free schools one of them appropriating as much as 8 .'WO, 000 another $250,000 and a third 1100, 000 and I find upon enquiry that the Legislators of all parties, are dia posed to vote as large appropriation as the State can find means to pro v tie. On Friday Senator Travis, of Halifax, introduced a meritorous and rise, in full grown intellectual stature and patriotic purpose, to the heights of every occasion. Praise naught but praise, of the highest quality and unstintedly be stowed of his inaugural address, has been accorded by the stranger in distant State, as well as by his home people. 'Governor Aycock is aiming high, but he will reach the mark. Let eyery good citizen do his part to uphold him in bis noble purpose and assist him as best we can in the accomplishment of them. Five thousand people attended the initial reception of Gov. and Airs Aycock and the remaining Slate officers and their wives at the Executive mansion the evening of the inauguration day. No such ex tensive affair of its kind ever occur red in North Carolina previously, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaUAaU Washington; Letter. Westminster Abbey, June 28, 1838 On Feb. 10, 1840, she married her bill designed to provide four months cousin, Albert ot Saxe-Coburg- school in counties not now having Ootha. To them nine children tlx, arid appropriating $200,000 were horn Victoria. Princess Rov- to carry out the provisions of the al; Albert Edward, Prince of Wales; Alice Maud Mary; Aifred Ernest, Duke of Edinburg; Helena Augusta Victoria; Louise Caroline Alberta; Arthur, Duke of Connaught; Leo pold, Duke of Albany; and Mary Victoria Fedora. .Victoria's mother died Mar. 10; 1861, and her husband on Dec. 14, of the same year. In 1887 a jubi lee was celebrated in commemora proposed act. UNIFORM SCHOOL BOOKS. The bill introduced last Friday by Senator Aycock, of Wayne, to secure a uniform series of text books in all the free public schools ol the State is another highly iou portnnt measure. That such a law is necessary seems to be recognized generally and this bill, with proba tion ol the 50th anniversary of her b,y some changes, or a similar one, accession to the throne, and in 1897, Wl" doubtless become a law. June 20, the diamond jubilee was j contains excellent pro- celebrated. I vuions, and among other things The Prince of Wales, the oldest provides for a State Commission, of onnf th Oufien. riircamIh hi moth, which the uovernor is to be ex- er to the throne under the title .rf olhcio chairman, with the State So King Edward VII. perintendent ot mime instruction Victoria was a remarkable wo- and tnree members or the State trian rntl lrin1 .vmnalliotln ,!. Board Ol tdUCallon 88 the Other raestie. and withal a devout Chris- members; bids- are to be received Uan. She had never been sick, and nd contracts awarded to tbe lowest In Willrwim wa .rinna bidder for satisfactory series of illness. Her reign of over 00 years H100' bookl for five yn "nd nnvenwl iwrhana th moat rmrV. the price must be OS I0W OS the iblo ceriod in many respects in the wne ,,ook8 ,re 'nrniihed to any world's history. She loved her other State. Machinery is provided ior me proper aistnoution 01 toe bojks and all public free school teachers will be required to use the books adopted, etc. All this means cheaper school books and that is what has been needed in North Carolina for many years. Tl e com petition among publishers it is hop ed, will be lively despite the "book trusts", for that trust does not in clude all the school book puplish ers, I believe. subjects and they loved her, and she is sincerely mourned by the great English speaking race, that she is no more. ; The report of the State Labor Commissiner gives the following in teresting facto about cotton mills in North Carolina : It shows 185. There are also thirty knitting arid . gilk mill, and eleven woolen mills. The number of spindles is 1,297, j It, an increase oi ltsi.uw in tear. There are 29,680 looms, an ELECTION Or SENATOR SIMMONS. TAnmrmr ia T onicla t , . will i eatAtl TL annul " gwiwiwiw ,.. KSTr. ,,,e'9 formally elect Hon. Furnifold M -I. - um M. Simmons to be U. 8. Senator wviucu, IU.IT.U wuiimu aiiu March 4. Attn. nm,vif5n ... w rno -l:u ikl. i .., .. ,,ovo cmuuro. in noun, m wor .... . -.j.-j .u. lln.n;m. re from 10 to 12. Lf th Ii.Utnr. h.. I Simmons was called to his old home Hon. F. M. Simmons, 'whom the I in Craven county last Friday by the people said in no uncertain sound I death of bis mother, who has been at, the November primary they ill for some time, but will return in would have to succeed Senator But-1, few days. Ier in the U. 8. Senate; was elected The Republicans will bestow the Tuesday by tne Legislature. He mpty honor of their votes upon is rigorous, brilliant, and cour- Hon Richmond Pearson, of Ashe- i. ........ .1 ageous, and will bold lu own in rule. Whether tbe five Populists the greatest legislative body on I will vote for him is riot known. If earth. He was 47 years old on the I they do, and all the anti-Democrats . 20th ol tins month, and will -take I are present, Pearson will receive on his seat on the "4th of March. Iy 29 votes of the 170 in Joint Rubmood Pearson received the Re-laion, at belt, and if the Pops cast publican vote. their five rotes for Butler, Pearson f cannot get more than 24. Gov. Aycoek's inaugural address f Fire votes for Butler ! What THE DOG TAX AGAIN. That perennial question of the taxation or not of dogs is coming to the front early this session, and on Thursday of this week the Garrett bill to levy a tax on canines will be discussed. Its advocates say that it can be made to raise $75,000 to $100,000 for the public school fund. its opponents claim but we are all familiar with that old story. ' CARE OI THE INSANE. Dr. Murphy asks for $170,000 appropriation this year for the Mor ganton hospital tor the insane. A portion of it is wanted for an elec tric light and power plant, and for the completion of an addition to building under way. Dr. Kirby, of the Rali igh hospital, I have heard will not ask for more than one-half that sum, including an appropria tion for building Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 1901, Senator Allen, just before the filibuster against the Army Heorgan ization bill was abandoned, made red hot speech against the McKin ley policy in the Philippines, which made a large army necessary in bis own words : "I am opposed to this bill, because its avowed pur pose is to provide soldiers to be sent to the Philippines." He paid his compliments to Senator Haw ley, who had dennunoed the peti Hon signed by U,WU Pilipinos, pre sented to the Senate by Senator Teller, as treasonable by saying "The flippancy with which the terms traitor and treason are being used these days is getting to be stench in the nostrils of some us." Incidentally he 'gave West Pointers in the army a side swipes and expressed the opin ion that the otneers who had never been to West Point were,among the best in the army. Referring to the investigation now being made in West Point by a committee of the House, Mr. Allen said : "Look a) this investigation going on now, This thing called hazing. Why, the prize fighter is a gentleman, the bull-baiter is a gentleman, when compared with the cadets at West Point. This hazing takes place ithin the knowledge of the officers at that institution." It is understood that the republi can steering committee has given! Senator Hanua one week within of the few which to pass tbe Ship subsidy bill. additional female ward 11 not PVed in that time it is to be 1 .11. to cost about $20,000. permanently siae-tracited The latter is absolutely necessary, Representative Kitchin, of N. C, if the splendid record of this insti- na" no ,ear tn." v1 appointed tutionis to be maintained. The nim to west i'olnt will sutler percentage of cures at the Raleigh anything by hazing or fighting, hospital (about 66 per cent.) is the He Mid on tne subject: "I've highest in the history of the institu- 1)6611 hoping to hear that my cadet tion, or of eny other in the South, to had been 'called out.' I reckon my knowledge a fact which has he's able to take care of Jiimself, enabled Dr. Kirby (with a hospi- od I reckon also they will give him tal half the size of the one at Mor- a wide berth. He's a graduate of ganton) to care for nearly or quite one ot our North Carolina colleges, every deserving applicant in his Playd center rush , on the football half of the State. There is not one team, and was captain of the base insane white person in jail in the ba' team- Oh, he's a peach. He district allotted to the Raleigh hos- "tauds over six feet high, weighes pital- Dr. Murphy has done and is mf pounds, and comes of good doing a great work, too, and the fighting stock." State should be as liberal as possi- The nomination of the son of Jus- ble in caring for all these afflicted I tice Harlan, of the Supreme Court, wards of the t ommon wealth. to be Attorney General of Porto Rico has riot been confirmed yet by the Senate At a secrat. araainn this The question of enacting what is week uncial effort w m,- t known as a "labor law," designed get Senator Pettigrew to withdraw to fix the maximum hours of labor his objection to action, but he re- or coiion muis and other manutsxs- fu8ed) declaring that he had no tunng punts, is being earnestly dis- doubt of voun M War,Mn.a ner. cuased hv the leffiMlatnra in nnvatal i . ., r sunai iuness ior ine postion and no until democratic Senators who are interested in appropriations carried by that bill allowed the Ship sub sidy bill to be voted upon did not make a dent In the opposition oi Democratic Senators .to 4he Ship subsidy bill. Democratic Senators from states along the Mississippi River, who are the ones aimed at by the threat, say they can stand the failure of the River and Harbor bill as well as Republican Senators oan, and that no action toward tbe Washington News Notes! A funny situation at Tutuilo, Samoa, is reported by Commander Tilley, who is irr charge there.' It that the London seems Misbion Society, which controls the religious work of the islands, compels the na tives to attend Sunday School once and church three times on Sunday measure by the Republicans WU1 and also prayer meeting on Wednes-1 chaOs-e their onnoaitinn in tb Shin day. It also forbids all amusements O ST " I subsidy bill. Ion Sunday and requires the natives a i : j topend the time out of church in ucvicuii ivuuk una itgaiu ueuiiiieu - ... to infnrm.linn t.,r K WOIB 01 meaiiauon ana prayer a congressional resolution. This , - fact that the American gallon were Al ID LUC OVUUI1 9l VTVU. VyllSl" I fee in regard to looting hv fn,;ffn not subject to such rule, and they troops in China, Information about kingly petitioned Commander hich a resolution offered l,v fien- ",,ey w nP1 lae Iourln com' atorDeArmond, of Mo., asked, that mDdment-" Tilley doded. the ' I S I A.J At A I L.J I was refused, on the ground that it pue8on Y l"S " uu was inexpedient to' make it public noimn8 10 ao v,in ""K1""- ohm. m. ni. a I ine oupreme L-oun is noi en- on the floor of the House that he thus,at" over the proposal to build was satisfied with the ran rivBn great temple of justice for its use o- I 1 e . i-v , . for not making nubile the inform. ana Ior lnal 01 lne epanmem 01 0 1 li..; 1 .u- u ....... it 1 The Supreme Court people admit that it is a very fine combination scheme, but they would prefer not to be embraced in it, urging trfat the Department of Justice has grown to be a great political institution, with its vast array of district attorneys, marshals, examiners and one thing and another, and that it would not IB M II II tlS -r ' I J ' SJ mmM mm 5 Alfr SI ' BUKKK 1 M "TIL, 9 y ; 69 Main St., Norfolk, Va. PIANOS & ORGANS North Carolina News. Sole Agents in thia territory for Knabe, Vose& Son, Smith 4 Barnes, and Webster Pianos ; Story & Clark and other Organs. Aside from instruments, we are wholesale and retail agents for several others. , Write for Catalogue and Prices. Pianos and organs sold on easy pay ments. Old instruments taken in ex change for new. A postal card will bring you full information and save you from 10 to 25 per cent. At Lexington Sunday night a week Geo. Spurgeon, white, - at tempted to cross the railroad in front fiui4g the gupreme Court IT'S EASY oi . an engine, out was knocked oflf and 4ied in about ten allnr,mB nnrt wnnU ,itft minutes.: He loaves a wife and hlli,1in(r (.nAfiaMv mAanlA- t it. -u.u s I r J f " I James H. Earr, a well known modation for the law library. lawyer, says that JNorth Carolina's President McKinley has cancelled i vorce laws are as. wide as those of all existing arrangements for social Oklahoma or South' Dakota, save in entertainments for the rest of the one respect ; here there must be two session. Whether a new schedule years residence-there only six will be treDared is verv doubtful. months. Whiln ha aaina Bnrth AaiUr anA The presidential electors of North will he able to assume all executive Carol inamet at Raleigh Monday a work very shortly, so much has ac- week. There was speech making cumulated during his illness that it I by Cook, Guthrie, Beck with and thought by his physician that the Wooten. B. C. Beckwith. of Ral-1 additional strain of entertaining will gh, was elected messenger to carry be far from wise. In addition to all the vote to Washington. bis routine work, Mr. McKinley Greensboro Record : Two North a TTe M1 addre8S CaroLna boys V. C. Rodman and W. Pierce were Saturday a . general. ween, who has been ap- week denied admission to the Unit- P010"1 8Tnd marehall for maugu- ed States military academy at West ration has come oyer from New Point. N. Y.. on account of inabilitv IorK opened neaoquarters, ap- to pass the necessary examination. P01tea a stan and commenced pre parations ior a parade which is to For us to sell to a customer who" wants CLOTHING. "77"H"3r" Sr Because we have the stock and can fit, as well as please, you both in quality of goods and price. Ifyoa are stout, lean or regular don't imagine we can't fit you. OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Is growing, for the reason that we have only one price, and and you can buy as cheap by ordering as if you were in our store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne, Charlie Crews, HarrjrSergeant and W. H. Matthews. ' W. H. Matthews & Co., GREENSBORO, N. C. Lexington Dispatch :' Mr. James surpass everything of the kind that . 1 . , , , WVWLIVU AIM HUC WUIIll Y . a 7-1 , uZ I 7 Itia de8'gd to have the finest . , -"5 -'"m miiUrv pageant ever seen. One of lugwn monoay morning a weeK tha nam on A n . ... J i -lnon ... i 1" -v. ... v,w .unuin n in us biiu reueiveu eio.vo ior nis loan. j- r,L ed of undergraduates of the various colleges. The Senate Com-nittee on Fin ance at last begun work ,n the war tax reduction bill, but until the new The splits were all hand-made, be ing cut with a knife. At a meeting of North Carolina winlr.nt r,n tL,.n k:il I .... I 1 1. u..iit.. ucui.i uuu iin.ri i i : i - . i .. ... i in ... ... . ....... i viyjvi.jiA iu uiui , uiai uia uuu iixiuia uaae nan men neio in oeen ana win ne imrooucwi along I oDDosition wan b1 nn hLW V.ln. i.k. . iri. . i a a. "Au I .i vuuwut ujkiiv a Hi' thmline. j. n. m . . . Acommi.tereore.entin.rtba cot- f'-.:.r7" . " , f " . " . , " . TT. V? draft is completed members-of the , a iiiRiiuu ui Bun oi k lufixim nj tn a iflrmmi. ir. inoiiiiina Ka oiarh an. a ,t . a ton mill owners is exnected here a V.Z- . ... V.. 6 ' - uommiuee ininit it will only lead to uuoimuui UI. A vvUXIDII Llinil WtlU I WJI k r K HI. 1 1 Hill Illlll H nil Kl'n- I 1 J I J. J . -r . Ut the acton taken in Greenahnrn I v e' j A ' " . . 7 r" I wiwigca uwauea upon, ii seems i . u i "V.. iwworus concerning tne recent mono. Kaieigri is the only North t.r however that th nmm;to last weeic, oppose any legislation on . .. .. i. uuiuuuwiu ui s nu ui alliance mc-1 vanning cay in lu . .UUJ. .... .Hincuviutn I Kflnn. tn iw mnrnr in (I,- - :n. . -.1. " " "V I" MMMMM t 1 Durham Marble Works You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your departed loved ones, but we wish .to re mind you of our low prices. C T - SaTOTLsII,-lxoi5iletor. DURHAM. N. C. i"WlulT.A. j... .. . . oi tlw BMrspsiMr and ofu . "ll i"-?? "?y- " wsekly combine. I m, sua tn. Nnm Ytrk T, . " r oHdet, nilf ion, education, econoRUcs, Htm of about 100 cotton Greensboro last week mnis met atl imnin i,m w. .i.. .r nt ..u ucuiueu eutenanU and rnfin . r.r to pledge .tnemselves and the mills the reill0Vlll nrn.pmMin, oionnwro ,iia general y, that 6o H,rrjgon becaaee. hi8 father h-d nours snouia oe tne maximum lor darixl to raiaa hi. vnW in n. "7' """ Uontothe McKinley policy. Mr. under 12 years of age should not be P-ttiifraw aaid "T m.fc. I J it I.U X.B ru.F,j,, .. wuur igiKuon IS ,. .. ,h Suoremn Pnurt hnf 1 enacted. But, from what I am told Li .... ,u. .u . i .L: i "v J w ws apuuiuuiioui ui ine by the organised labor leaders here, Mnil af twn nf th. mmiu. r k W. W. and Thomas Mebane. near . . . , - - w wiHwvasy va Mlv I legislation, will be insisted on by court to important pdiUons under Pe"ers Ferry; Bertie couniy, lost them. There may be quite a con-ih9 dministraUon at this. juncture thtir barn h fire Fr5day DW of affairs in the Supreme Court is, week; 11 contained J85 bushels of to.say the least, indecent." O a T nr n . is .1 I ooiiavor iw. w. ocowoi mis COUn- Rnitnr Dn5l wK Akil - it w uujVVIVM when Senator Morgan asked the tin- In Ghe O fc HAMILTOK LYMAN ABBOTT W. M ABIE, EDITORS test over this matter. ty is on the following committees Corporations, Agriculture, Public knimous consent of tha fin.u m Koads, NiUnes and Fees, Pubho T0te on the Nie.rau.ra fi.n.1 Kill neaitjusuossof the Peace, and February 11, says he objected be will recommend a slightly deeper On tbe day of his inauguration n o revenues than was con- Gov. Aycock received an inquiry templated by tbe House of Repre- Dy wire irom tne Cincinnati rest: '""""ves, ana on more impartial j,Irjntr ft, ti "Will JeffriM and Rnhiin h. lines. Sentiment in th nommiit UUII"S "'c momns 01 November. December, and lanuarv . vw fvi . I fl - - - ' F J J ....... - I S . . . I tllll MMSM.AMM ' M X mittect to tight a number of rounds teeasa w vor a nomontal decrease FFCr seneSOI-ten autoblOiTraDh cal DSDers from XTiU O 1! sr . 1 . I if t.. ..... k.. . iLI m .,.,.. ' r 111 iiunu murium, 11 prevemea in 1 ouuicuung uae AO . - '.v- Cincinnatir" The governor replied: P cent., the reduction to apply I XI O O K V . Prtf A i -r rTt "Under no conditions will I Derm it I equally to the various schedules, '' v...' :. - . - - O i I I TA iniU. . A . - - itin North Carolina.".. Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese Min- "icromanilC Story Of hlS life, from birth in a Virffiflia ister, is becoming the most popular Slave caDlf! tO the em fient nmirinn whirh h hnHc 3c the orator in the country, and receives I btiiMpr anA fyA irT.-i. ' w .. . quite as many invitations to deiirr . . "vavt w lugee insiuuie ana tne nonorea public addresses and after dinner ana truste leader of the colored race in this country. . WW I A - . . -r apeecnes as air. uepew. . Uis dip- jrs ' - - lomaUc duties permit him to accept X-Very tCCQLuer Of XHlS Louis, Chicago and Indianapolis ,1 rmiX J .l . . . . uancBi Mcs or Nwlifcfc. 1 1 : 1 has been much praised by the peo-1 change in conditions from those ex pie, regardless of party. . It was a llDg ! January, 189o, Mn.t .1.1. Q,.i. L ' L I ." , , J'"' W ""PrX AYCOCK A GREAT OOVXBNO. Aia ana direct in n r.. .inn Ifl takM .ilnnoMl .:... s f.L. - The present occupant of the Ex- ipopulaf educaUon and the elevation cul'va,n,,on Vig to make W the-neonle. Th arfdrM. !. .1""" vrv- - I I!... 1 V-J !-.. ... . sincere expression of a man who ''V?"' oory, m lovee hi neonle and his State .nd pecor eise aisappoint I a ' . . desires to nlaca thanr ..nno . WW mJ PP'- All Indies Blue of citiienshhu ' tiona ow Pint fulfillment f . I .L. B . J: .. iuv um iiixuicuan, ana am result-. tinm di I A Iiarm .nj l.K t . L. ...V U.B Will DtJ mUn nn- KU. -'-,; -6 mAm in thu etivAMn I.m Cm. I . .L: . lit. J 1 .. I-"""" ' " 1'MIU divorre bufiness. T It is obnoxious to the extent now carried on in the yes of all good citizen., and ex ceedingly demorah'zine. The question of selling the At lantic & X. C IUilroad is' being r If it will pay the State a x 0'iwtpable- interest, it should not be s ' ', I ut if the State is to lose mon ey forever running, it then let it go. n- Carolina such a great publio dem onstratioa as that which attended the inauguration of Aycock as governor; no governor ever entered opon tbe discharge' of his official ffuties under brighter skies." with more sympa thetic and inspiring surroundings and promising prospects; few have had larger opportunities to prove themselves than will come to him. and I make no doubt that he will be .found equal to every demand Truste Penal Institutions. peanuts, besides fodder, corn, farm implements, etc. A negro named Harry Mitchell was accused of set ting it on fire, and was arrested, hut escaped from tbe sheriff. Sampson Democrat We Mr. ir Ts I x 1 m - 1 w r m . at 1 ' - , - - 1 nunnvcuiBiiu. . ii nn Hfwnravi onavn ees of the University; and cause he thought tha nnMtinn uleased to learn th.t iw. rwi I: "t . e V. "r. k- .7 , ... . T no receives ne would be , ... v.. 'inu. ueen sumcienuT onnii.rewi in Acaaemv wnicn imwnv i.m it.i .u. i... . following: InanMrfa.. ,..i L... li " .Z T i ' . v" ,u" ,euiure P'"orm or at some --. , -B-v hi iimi vuwa. inn inxn ina nm. uiua uuuaini dt nn nsui mnm.H 1 ui:. 1 . : ... nil). Mk.nM mA vi.t.. . . . - r-y 1 . . ' 7 ' . r- uuu .mu4uoi every nignt. m.,vi wuuui, 1 sent CrOWQja COnOIUOn Of S.ruU lUirOOa work" for th. mrin. nr. ' 1 . H.lth int.m.1 Imn a - , . .. . 7 ... " V " 7 pleasing speaker. -- ------ r - (juuiou no was airaia tnat enough wun increasra patronage. The The P. O rimmin v- o Ume would not be allowed for de- wbool is now being conducted Ja atelhas stricken out all menUon of usu up u.o ohm pm 11 an nour " le woernacie on in e (rounds. nn.nn.. 1.. a. .. 1.1 ... ,l. : ... HtI tV. r .. o 1 1 lo .- , I r T: ' "v H . .-- .v. . ,v.. uih. pcusivr -e ..uunuiiK is suon 10 le I nrmm.tjnn hill fwi I .v -.-ss p- "'uu',u uwiw v..iuspi,Wgi me one The report ot the commission that u.,. . !""-""u 1.1 many 01 hh. qW uw viayion-ouiwer "i. .... f - wcenUj investigated the system the larger cities otthe 8outh. Oor treaty nor r the Hay-Pauncefote unfWvoml.l. te it lit .ii Legislature adjourned after a short treaty, amended by the Senate. . L fr tn.w--.r---- ion in honor of Jhe memory of -tond in the way of legislation pro. FF-r.i. ; , edtobe resentment at the method! the great chieftain. riding for the construction of the ' , L.v l 1 uvul.. u. 'ir.n r.n.1 One of the mmt ilJin.. f ' ww , B , .1 vtl hsnnlJ h, Tl,. rnmmnn.. U. l T I Tnm RmuI hia 1r 1.1.1 I aObaratlU la that 111 t v.n.l!.. L. . . .W v,'M.V.IVI . .JM. II. . nil. U.IIIQ UUL w .v. WUHIUU ! .. ,1 ' ....... d . .t , 2i Iri a j . . H..nnn,i. 1U- ......,w ngrws in tne interest .rtT. ymyvr, iia I rptip '"" wt u ippetna De-1 vo. in uio iihkiu. ....,- ,. ,. . l4 . . . 'It .t r . n . . I 1 1 . . vl ........ . k".wm..w .uuiumiiuuu. A fa ance lo-aay at i-incoin, jieo. i lore me eenate vommittee on Fin- ioars teu us tnat in al:j -. r , . " i I . i tmau uidi uieuiuui nivsi inntiravi T 1 tDC wn,cn " COMlderiD the bill m,nuM UrP of blood no larger than and embarrassed members Tof the Tbe board of trustee of the A, k redncinjr war taxes that vn naaatwi the bead of a pin there are from I CommittM .nit strUJ k.;. wiuiwi my . uw noose, aa attorney for thai r ,uur n,'ion ot tnese red I aniagoniam. . i.. nmnriatjan Vm nrtuA fmm Sin . 1 iin. u i . . I vail T. vlik ! . . I - .. r-" . r ; - i ri uv.uHuuueu aeiiani ni mv. i. uwwi Micro an a. nru n rw tot w I ...... l . . uww.vuu. - ',- . porauon stock, wbo are crrln. f. numuer in a certain amount f SaSnSi't' -" t-ragnphf.-- Address Pii Department 6, Ths Ounooa, aj7 Foith Avue, New New York Cry. Charlotte News: Mecklenbnr theUkingoffof the tax of 2 cenU b,nod whi,e In certain diseases, u .... I . 1 aAA m . - - I f.ll! a - MojityJLexpendIL87 per PnKneiuu oi ue face value of I "'-", uiis numoer is greaUy de- t.nU. - .1 , I atnrsr anld U. Rl'r . .- . I BrJrnt. ramnnir r-ml kuL.' L!. . vuuvMu, .v. viuwntn wo onnunffl . m priocipaj 1 1 e - . wmis yaar,. . Waiie this is not a very I argument was mat the tax was in I "pareot earn, and great de- Urge amount it is far ahead of tbe aunJ tDOT than the sellins UJl,Jr Thia delicate apparatus has average in the south. Tju ot stock. It struck many as ProTeH er and over again that i a-.-. i wr . KlmbethatyRxmomi-ir More . K JV " T 71. c HWM h,d bears have been killed in u -w".wu,y " . J - 9tW vArfi. r i.. r .. I0801 r W of their fVa.rjown pre """" vuniw UW ... l . . . . I ..- ... .. - autnmn and winter than at any , . T7 . el0n tnr aZ 8 au.'" time in thirtf rears. W. v W"T.B Kaowa '"wiM r"" J V . poor m, Unre d BnJIw KoU a- no,d be ld at all w5 Laxative ro mo-Quinine Tablets core a cold in one day. No Cure. v rmj. rnoe zo cents. An Onslow farmer killed a 200 pounder ith bird shot. The threat of the Ship subsidy press bureau to hare tbe River and: Harbor bill held up in the Senate I i Trw Onm Day OoM Cur. matfm rfc i - . 8wUiin,Qnpp,lliss, saonia aad Snwcktas ia a fewdaym. Why thai ra (XaaaoBtpUon. a alow, anna death T Got Dr. Ball's Owirt Brrup, Prfoe, S6a Don't be Imposed boo. in is iw a....... i.i.-V s . a cu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JACOB A. LONG, Attornejr-atLaw, uaaiiaja, - ... n. c rraeUaaa In tb. Btatj. ui vwiaMi WiOBATBTVX. . W. f.TjnK.Ja BYHUat ft BTNUM, Attornjrs Sfand Conn.aloi. a 1 w OBKXM8BOBO, V. (X , ' " - Iba'aosula of Ata- Fnetiea retjiilartr ooodvt. DR J. I?. STOCK ARE) GRAHAM. N. C. : ' OAea la ta Taatal Balldlnr. aa .WW": UMMsnls Subscribe For ."V--"- - The Gleaner. Only $1.00 per year. 6BHH8BOBO, IT. CL- t mt Coart WUij.rasMBa raaaUrty to tfca aorta a Al- V?t4MSSai4AasA444AAAAAAA i New Type, Presses, a nd the Know IIow are producing tbe best 'Umj Sale and Feed M3TABLES 3 " Good teams at reasonable pn Bos meet all trains-.. J from Southern Railway SUttoo1? 10c. Give me a call.'. A.-aHOBHA""