1 - ,THE GLEANER, ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Washington News Notes! President McKinley has decided to give probably only two state din' nera this season, one to the j Dip lomatic Corps and one to the Jus tioes of the Supreme Court. These he considers necessary, and the in vitations will be issued at once, now that the official period of mourning for Queen Victoria has expired, All other, evening entertainment have been riven up, on account of the President's recent illness. In the struggle now going on at night sessions in the Senate over the tvrrbe editor win not tx rMponribu lor subsidy bill, the opponents of that measure hare the advantage, be cause its advocates the plutocrats I of the Senate have to give up their dinner parties and other social pleas ures, which makes a big part of I their lives. The people who are fighting the subsidy bill are not in J. D. KEIINODLE, Editor. Entered at the postoffloe at Oraham, N. 0. u second-class mail matter. ' ADVKUT1SIN0 RATES ( Una square (1 la.) 1 time U ' r each su sequent Insertion 60 centa. For more space and longer time, rates furnished on applica tion. Looal notlses 10 eta, a Una (or first , Insertion (subsequent Insertions acta. a Una. Transient advertisements muitbe paid for In advance. -w., $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. be vlewt expressed by correspondent. GRAHA&f, N. , C. Feb.' 14, 1901. An impression seems to prevail among government employee throughout the country that Sena tor liodge has iutroduced a bill to ' pay for overtime all those who have worked more than eight hours evet since their appointment. It is a mistake. Neither Senator Lodge or any one else has ever promised such a measure. The idea seems to have come from a bill which Mr. Lodge -introduced to exempt from the stat ute of limitations the claims of cer tain employees in order that they may bring them before the courts. the gay whirl to any extent, and it makes little difference to tbem whether they eat their roast beet and pork and beans at home or at the Senate. It requires a good deal of patriotism for some of the other Senators to deny themselves a good dirinet, but they will be compelled to do it in order to make a quorum. With the approval ot the Secre tary of War, Surgeon-General Stern berg has arranged for the immediate appointment of the contract dental surgeons for service in the army, in accordance with the provisions of! the new Army law. They must be graduates of standard medical . or dental colleges and trained in the The editors of the News and Ob server and the Charlotte Observer are at the Rubicon. Each has said Jiis say. What next? Without go- inginto matters, wmcn woua Dei gei branches of dentistry. long uuu Bumewnat leaious, wnicn have brought them to their present status, wean but regret the turn things have taken. That these, so regarded as the leading papers of the state and each struggling for the mastery, should descend to epithets and names not sanctioned by polite society has allocked their rinectiol . . .'. ' , I member ot the court was jrieiius uu uiuu. - 4 and W mously agreed to recommend passage of a bill appropriating 000,000 to erect what is called "Temple of Justice," to correspond in dimensions and general design with the Congressional Library and to occupy a similar area opposite the Capitol. It is" proposed to se cute designs by competition among the architects of the country. ' ! Washington Letter. ;: Washington LV C.7 Feb. 8 The latest scheme of the republican leaders is to take advantage of the popularity of the Nicaragua Canal project to push the Ship Subsidy bill offered by Senator Clay, of, Ga., providing for the canstruction by this government of the Nicaragua Canal, ' and then to inform the Democratic Senators that unless they vote for the 1 two in one the Nicaragua Canal project will not be legislated upon at alL Senator Hanna is credited with being the father of this scheme, and it is fur ther said that the claims to have promises from a number of South ern Senators that they will vote the bill so amended. Meanwhile the fAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Our Raleigh Letter i Raleigh, N., Feb. 11 -The Ju- tiori bn th. 'JZ itoM a weeks, if no law was parsed, c The . .The : Chinese; plenipotentiaries, committee thereupon postponed fur- Prince Ching and Li flung Chang, ther consideration of the subject for bad a protracted meeting Tuesday two weeks, and If the promise is morning a week, with the foreign enf carried out theie will be no legLsla- voys. .'Twelve names of prominent voted for the impeachment of Jus tices Furches and Douglas, and the resolution has been made the spe cial order In the House for Thurs day of this- week. ; . ,a -. The vote was 22 to 10 with two present not voting. ' . " '" " : ' The;- ten members " who ' voted against the CraJg resolution for ''inv' peachment were : Stubbs, Conner, Patterson, Gaither,, Simms, Whita- ker, . of Guilford ; Yarborough, Blythe (Rep.), Ebbs (Rep. K The.two members' who. declined to vote were : Gaither, Smith, " ' . ' : The members of the committee who were absent were if Sea well, Green, Benbow(Rep.), 7 Wright, Mason. Baldwin, of Guilford, Dan iels of Warren, White of Jones.' Among those voting lor impeach ment were Allen, - Rountree, .Craig, Winston, - Hoey, ' Spainhour,. ' Gra ham, Robinson, Carlton,'; Shannon. house, ,v Duls, , Wilson, 3 Stewart, Hayes, Gattis, Harris, Lawrence, THE NEW CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. Next Wednesday afternoon and night the joint committee, on Con gressional apportionment; Will give the first hearing to those other than members of the Legislature. Chjoese officials were submitted with the request that China keep faith with the powers and punish the persons' named commensuratt with Jtheir Offenses.; The Chine plenipotentiaries replied that China'' earnest hope was to carry out full: After that the comtbittee will confine i the th demands of the powers and thai discussion and work in themselves. M Ie".ure punishment wmcn SALT; RHEUM CURED: BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. I JPST a mm in rtmrn. ,;- 1 WantasT mtiSla Bllxbt Bkla EralB aura Wti f Bsmetisiaa; Me . . U Ue Fwrfnl 1U i-iurlar Kwa "rwrHU i M . 'In l nrti (a eorrect miata.kaa. whlnh nl..i . - oaTe mm. , Pe blotches li rlona tronbleTfS WrWatofoUor osvreleaa liring-. orit may be Xrom Ancestors, shooU oat pimples, blotolw &ik I. m.mmm is inns vn w.nm bbstid. mm am wmminir -uisak ihiim mt Ten districts are to be laid off. : as we gain one Congressman under the new apportionment bill prised by Congiess. -' There" are several plans; already, formuIated-One of these gives only one district to the Republicans, - while another is claimed to make all ten of the dis tricts democratic The ' committee will have much difficulty in prepar- druggist of Winfield, ing.biU that will satisfall. JSiiSi AMENDMENT TO FEETILIZEB LAW. for Blount NochnW UrfCZthmn. Th. T" . " r.v .u W1W , ,vw u, fertilizen, at 20 cents the night sessions are on in the impeachment. , ,1 8enate and the . Democrats and n i. nMMr nfmnHr' f. Populists, aided by the advice of House to adopt the resolution be Hon. Arthur P. Gorman, whose tnr fiinliAr- ar.. . k vn What will come of the impeach ment proceedings before the Legis lature does not yet appear. It is a serious matter from any aspect,:, but the fact that a man holds a high and responsible position by the partiality of bis friends should not absolve him from a proper regard for the majesty of the law. The petty of fender when convicted must pay the penalty of his crime, if proved guil ty and those in high places, if guilty and it be so established, should not expect less. Compel all to respect the laws of the land. ', : Ambassador Choate may return from Great Britian and enter Presi dent McKinley's Cabinet as Attorney-General. The President would ' much drefer baying Mr. Choate in his Cabinet, to having him 'remain abroad, and the fact that his ap pointment would give TStw York two Cabinet positions would out no figure at this time. The movement in the direction of Mr. Choate, bow ever, has gone no further than the serious weighing of his name. Justice Brewer of the Supreme Court is telling a good story on him self. When one of the justices goes on circuit, it has been customary for the marshal ot each district to meet htm with a carriage, for which no bill has ever been submitted. Recent ly, however, a certain, distinguished surprised to receive a bill of 152 for livery hire at a certain place, where he had recently been sitting. d He forward ed the bill to the United 8tates Marshal, who explained that the Comptroller of the Treasury had re fused to allow it on the ground that there was no appropriation to pay carnage nire wr justices. AS no objection had ever been made be fore an inquiry was instituted, which resulted in the painful dis covery that for years the traveling expenses of the honorable Justices the Supreme. Court had been had out of funds provided by Congress "lor transportation 0 criminals." The Navy Department is contem plating a novel sort of recruting sta tion. It will consist of a miniature warship which will navigate inland waters of the country, especially the interior West, where much excellent material is believed to be available and not readily obtained through the stations located elsewhere. The proposed craft is to be fitted like a success in beading off the Force Bill Some years' ago has not been forgotten, are giving the republicans about all the fight they can handle. A few days wiU show whether this scheme is really to be carried out or is only put out to make talk. The Senate passed the bill reducing war taxes this week." " Representative Griggs, of Ga., made the Post Office, appropriation bill the text, for a speech full of I Will it do it? That seems to be the question. It is conceded that the step is generally disapproved by the people at large. the newppapers of the State being largely against it. But some strong party leaders chiefly from the east are determined in their advocacy of the measure. ' ' " UBW JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. J .,' The Legislature decided to abolish the two criminal courts and to common sense against the tendency create four addiUonal Supreme on the part of Congress to increase the salary Federal employees. For idstance, the following, the truth of which evary one must acknowledge: "I undertake to say that there is 'not an employee of the government who devotes his whole time to its service, who does not receive great er pay than he would for like ser vice in private life. . There is not an employee in the government ser vice to-day who did not better his or her position financially when be en tered it. There is not one who, be could ' better his condition' in other service, would not resign to morrow Then, why this paternal interest in goverment employees ? All of them are free men and wo men, andof full age. Why should we make them wards of the nation ? flow is this fatherly interest .of .leg islators, so lately aroused, in what seems to be a cancerous growth eat- Coart districts, making sixteen 4n all. The bill, drawn up on Satur day by the special committee, will be passed by the Senate this week. It passed the House Saturday. The new law is to go into effect July 1st, and each judge is required to hold 35 weeks of court annually. CRAW LAW AMENDED. ; . ; The word "insurance" has been stricken from the Craig law where ever it occurred, and so insurance If J companies are no longer required to "domesticate." The Commission er of Insurance is iriven ' power " to revoke the license of any company seeking to transfer a case from ' the State to Federal courts. -" Only five votes in the House were cast against the-law and the Senate passed the bill by a practically r unanimous vote, ' A half dozen or more of the lar- A matter of special interest to farmers are the amendments' pro posed to the law regulating the sale of fertilizers, etc. , as. prepared by the special committee of the Board of Agriculture. The bill thus pre- on commercial per ton, and provides that t untagged feltilizers shall be treated like whiskey is by the United States' when seized ; that is, sold without a case In the TOurts. The present law requires 8 per cent, phosphoric acid and declares that fertilizer without this is illegal The bill proposes half a dozen ' different formulas, as eastern soils do not need phosphoric acid and for years fertilizers really illegal have been used there.. In the matter of fer tilizers not. up to guarantee,' the bill provides for a rebate of double the value oi the deficiency, - It also provides that all fertilizers in which their is leather, hoof, meal and hair, shall be confiscated and no pay can be collected for it from buyers. f MINOR MENTION. ' - A party of northern capitalists are "doing" the State this week, chap-. eronea Dy Mr. u. A. Tompkins, ot unanotte, at which place they were entertained first.:''! They are said tc be on the look out for desirable op portunities for investments. ' , . The oommitte on agriculture ap proves the plan to authorize the penitentiary authorities to go : into the fertilizer manufacturing busi ness.' -Tr-X ff-vM Ki'f.?!"").' -iKi?'' -" The public "printing; contract is again a bone of. contention, with four bidders two from Baleigh, one from Charlotte, ' and one from Goldsboro. ; The matter ia to be set tled on Wednesday of this week if possible. - . t Journal would be inflicted would be satis-1 factory. It was discovered that two out of twelve of the persons named were already dead. , v i . ,, - ' lm Orlppa Quickly Care. ,. ; "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe at tack, of what is called ; La Grippe" fys F; L. flewett, a prominent 111.. "The was two oot- Cough Rem edy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and I have never since been trou bled with Grippe." A Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, can always be. de pended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened at tack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular - preparations ' in ,, Use for these ailments.: For sale by A. J. Thompson & Co., druggists. , . v, 1 oldisoaae and majiT an early death li.k-. .. almplr because these note of warnlnjr bar) been heeded and th kITr" pari Bt right use of JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. ' W Wood - Mia Abble J. Bande, of Marshall, Mich., writes ; "I was cured of a bad humor after sufferiiifr with it for fire bdt friends said it was sn rnenm. it cams oat on m v... j " "iBSl What doctors and my friends said was salt rnennw it cams oat on tai hZS and ears, and then on my whole body.. Lwii perfeeOy raw with it 7.ou'a lieTo im I spent 1 BUCDE Mn. 1 neara jvnnoiujxn . oAHSAPARrr r. Try of It. A bejran to Improre right away, and wheiiTS anfferad dnrinir those fire years, ia no use tellintr. I did. -I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it enona-B to bay nonse. praised. I tried a bottle nnisnea w uuni w""" wij vuvu..; , umvm oerer nad a tnn.v -7 f mt mi t.hlnir to da ma thai laftt mini Mil I t-t.j Of I SARSAPABILLA. I would heartily advise all or akin flisraatt of any kind to try at once. , l bad also rood tronble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S Bi mail tn all rtffht.'' "r" -j . -i - T. ; The blood is your life and if yonkeep ttjreandatKmryoueanDositlnW ' sist disease or xaoeoontarion fearlessly. jdHNSTON'S 8AlsAPARaLA il2 taiis. It ia for aaia by ail druggists, in full quart bottles at only onedolj2 f mt, 8AESAPAMS 2 . -",,'..'. Near Tifton, Ga., Sunday night a week," , M. Walker, : probably the wealthiest fanner in : the county. was shot and killed by John F. Williams, who had been his life long friend. It appears that Walk er bad caused a rupture and separa tion between Williams' sister, Mrs. McClelland,-' and '- her ? husband. Williams charged Walker with per fidy and taking unfair advantage of I the woman. Shooting followed and Walker was killed. . , 169 Main St., Norfolk, Va. .Hails jrjv ,ti'A At Governor Nash's request,.: the state emergency board of Ohio, has authorized him to incur any expense! necessary, not "exceeding (50,000, in the use of State militia, if neces-j sary, to prevent the proposed Jeffries j and Ruhlin : contest at Cincinnati. It is believed that he has arranged with Sheriff Taylor, of Hamilton county, to call for troops if necessary to stop the hght. . - PIANOS & ORG aSs , Sole Agents in this territory for Knate, Vose & Son, Smith & Barnes, and Webster Pianos; Story & Clark and :'. - i: other Organs. - Aside from instruments, .. . , ' we are wholesale and retail agents for r : several others. : - Write ; for Catalogue 'and : Prices. Pianos and organs sold on easy pay ments. - OJd instruments taken in ex change for new.'. A-postal card will , bring you full information and save -you front 10 to 25 per cent. Oil BURK, msBnBsjjsasV5ai.a5 Raleigh Cor. Newbera Five Republicans in the house re fused to vote for CowelL the Podu- list who was contesting the eeat of ' Burglars tried to rob the post office at Emma, Buncombe county) and snot Postmaster Samuel Alex ander. - The four burglars are In jail and Alexander is in a critical condition, and should he die it is believed it will be impossible to pre . vent a lynching.; 'Military com panies have been ordered out. : : ' ."Monday was a hot day, in the lower House ofaCongrees. , Mahon, of Pa., and Suiter, of N. quar relied over Boer matters.' The lat ter is a Boer sympathiser and be made some home thrusts at ; Mahon that went (o the mark f ?t man-of-war, with modern batteries I organised ostonsiblv for other uur oi quicx-nre guns, and to be capable poses but actually used to lobby for of navigating snaiiow streams. Much comment was caused in this city by the appearance oi the official carriages of tho members of the Cab inet when they assembled the other day in order to attend the exercises in honor of Chief Justice Marshall A sorrier collection of plugs would be difficult to gather. Not a livery stable in town could make such a display of carriage horse Every member of the Cabinet is allowed a carringeanda pair of horses, and the horses are usually purchased by the Chief Clerk, Daes,. Democrat, from PambVn. ing its way to the very vital of the &a ,nd tDgest Me companies in The relaUons of Republicans and' American body politic, to be ac- luo oru wm now relurn w ousuees Popnlisto are no longer brotherly. iu uio owio, aim ., auu , inereoy a revenue of some $15,000 annually, which the State has been deprived of for the last two years. counted lor?" Mr. Griggs an swered the last question by citing the growth of associations of various (Jasses of government , employees, l . ... . . " I The Republicans know the lists exist only on paper. Popu- PTTVflTrr A va PirnnuTiiiwrk Among the companies to return is Shriner's Indian Vermifuge in their a CongressionaJ increase of th sal aries of their members. . . : Among those nominated to be brigadier generals in the. regular ar my were two captains, J. Franklin Bell, now serving a a brigadier gen eral of volunteers in the Philip pines, whose promotion jumped him over 1,032 officers and Leonard Wood, now serving as a major gen eral of volunteers and military gov ernor of Cuba, whose promotion jumped hnn over 507 officers. Fred the big and popular "Mutual Bene fit," represented by Mr. John C. Drewry in North Carolina and Vir ginia, and which did probaby the largest business of any company - in this state up to two years ago wben the Craig law went into .effect " 1 practice as a lupenor article for de- stroying and expelling worms. Only o cents a oouie. f or sale by J. U Simmons, druggist . io thb Deaf. A. rich lady vuiou u Mor ieainess ana iNoises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson' Ati. fical Ear Drums, gave flU.UOOtohis institute, so mat deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have a V tail I uioiu iree, Aaaress io 7Ki iHicholson - - lnstitiite. . 7n ajgntn Avenue, New York. ; ? The State charters the Winston- Salem Auditoriumjompanv. cani- lai zo,UUO ; also the Elisabeth City uncx company, capital 112,000. ? " -' -- CASTOR I A lor lafuts and fJUUrea. : ' ' HrKfciycjK::iAhr:;iC::t Bears the fSgnataraof I - Gov. Aycock has appointed Mr. Armistead Jones, of Raleigh,' solici tor, vice E. W. Poo resigned. KCKAXi FBEI DEUVEBY. ; sTPiL - I jnc rural iree man hp nvnrv ha. i ivt iuo wosdsh ina urmtrstinn .i.-. j . .. ..i - ',7 followinir crinne then, i. nmhin "in B""oing career.;, Later, at S JIZ" .", T. Dd UW.l Singly mw-vm ,, swm i VVWVI ' For os to Bell to a customer .who wants CLOTHING. - JJsJ 'drn'ZT Because we have the stock and . can fit, as well as please, yon both in quality of - . goods and prioe. If you are stout, lean or regular " don't imagine we can't fit you.. . . OUR MAIL .ORDER . BUSINESS Is growing,- for the reason that we have only one price, and and you can buy as cheap by ordering as if you were j" j-fin our store SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, -. t c. W. Xindsay, Darius Payne ' Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant and W. E. Matthews. W. H. ndtthewa & . T - T'WW'W'W'r'W-W'w r-w'rv-m-r-r-w-r-rrv'r- - A Mrs, Nation on Monday ' of last reelr met her first defat . . ,a Sa jm Later, Grant another one of them' who la W.. . f m ..I ' ' vuoging irom the serving: in the Philionines aa a brir- . . - . w a. - appearance some disreputable horse Udier general of volunteers, owe hi. ' ""'Marcus Hanna Is still at work on his ship subsidy ' bill, which hat been denominated a great rchemt . to steal millions from the govern ment the people, and put it into the coffers of the bloated trust pro moter. St. Loui had an election rioi Monday in which a policeman arm two negroes were shot, and St Louis is not in that section cl this great country known a the South c.ther.'' .. , v-'i "4 ' ' . DutJle!gh correVpondent ha covered the ground so well that it leaves us little or ' noth ing to say alout the proceedings ol t'.e Ijes'b'8'1'" in general . Senator 8cot ia right in tcnfiin that none but farmer ebonld cull his con- practical trader has buncoed ministration, People who visit the Navy De partment will no longer see the huge picture ot Admiral Dewey which has been conspicuous there since the battle of Manila. . The Admiral, de sired to provide the Department with what he regarded as a better likeness and requested Rear-Admir- al Bradford, the present Chief of the Navigation Bureau; to permit him to make , the . change.:.1 Admiral Bradford1 courteously consented. ; The division of Insular affairs A the War Department has just pub liilied a translation of the law of civil proceed ure in force in .Cuba and Furto Rico, with extensive . an notations end ex plana tory notes, as well as the amendments made there to aiace the American occupation. - Junior off! pen in the" regular ser vice nrve Mt much anxiety over the prospect of being "jumped'! by the flood of irewcomera into the reg ular service uruier tue reorj i m ration. This announcement from the War Department will be of some comfort the entire sd-1 appointment to. his name rather counties should adopt it. The post master at Raleigh furnishes the fol lowing suggestive facts In this con. nection. - In January there were handled 11,939 pieces, or nearly 1,900 more than in January, 1900. -: The 1 In uough cure. This preparation ia highly endorsed as an : unfailinr remedy for all throat and liver trou bles and its early use prevents con- SUnTDtlOn. It ayas miHa in :. quickly. J, C. Simmons, the drua- Ldeclared that it was yao': means her Waterloo and she would htuitil fagain be at her "ch0in-work. ;"She . L :. .. " I ana ana six other women attempted to wreck A restaurant that dispensed liquor. . ; than any distinguished services he creMe mntl by month is constant has lendered as a volunteer officer. He had been a failure in every civil occupation he bad tried and it .was felt by some of his lather's old friends that he ought to be provided with a life-time job, where the sahv ary was certain. - r.T , . Mess.. Haynea, Lovelace and , 'oth era nave broken ground in Ruther-1 thm ford county for large cotton mill two miles from Henrietta. " , ' Trie On Bav V,ih r.. MR??ZJ2uc?mhmtit Q"l"toe fori JOM u tlx brad u4 ton throM. CbLam tMkt I a . ; it ncf : - i l: '3 ii le. wiU be iorn ebonld mawga the.aerr-lul , . .u m ural.C-Jr, of the State.. TTl.-8 icuaut u vue regoiar. army or all soood-lieutenanU No that, armv whose commission antedate the War with Spam. These promotions will carry up all officers ; in the fjjvilars who have had longer service than the volunteer, but wiU still leave vacancies for volanWer second lien- Ti e II-vj. Committee on Public! I !;..;!.!;.- and Grounds' has trsnl- Geu E. 8. Otis, who in Wash ingtiNi, is said to be much disgrunt led because he had been lead to be lieve,' that be, and net Gen. Nelson A. Miles, would.be nominated for lieutenant general of the .army. ' It ia said that one of the reastHU why Mr. MrKinley. took the unusual course of asking the Cabinet to de- cue oy oaiiot woicn oi tna major generals should be nominated for lieutenaot general was his desire' to allow Otis to think that his nomina tion had been prevented by a major ity oT the Cabinet It is said that Otis has been promised that Miles will be oompulsorily. retired by Mr. McKinley wben be reaches the age oi62, which will be next August and that the place will then be given to him. ' . . ' . He soon expected to see the aggreg ate reach 15,000 pieces a month. Wonderfully great is the increase in the number of newspaper subscri- J Recent experiments show that all bers. Nothine can more nmmnl I classes of food mav be reading, and reading is what rural Q&Pfi. by preparation called Durham: Marble Works 1;. You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last - resting place of your departed 1. : -loved ones, but we wish ito re mind you of our low prices. ,,C ' J". JLU.r .XTST, . IFro-pxietox.; 7&ZEEZ2Si. DURHAM, N. C. jt :7t North Carolina needs. i '-' JW LABOB LXOMLATION." i . 1xAa as though there will be no "labor legialation" regulate the operation of cotton milk and pre vent the employment , of children under a certain age, "by utatute Reason t The desired results are fo be accomplished without the enact ment of laws on the subject, it seems. Kodol Dyspepsia Curea which ah. solutely digesU what you eat'As it is the only combination of all 'the natvral digestants ever devised the demand for it has beooms enormous. nas never tailed to cure the erv worst cases of indigestion and it al ways gives instant relief. ' J. a Simmons, the druggist. ; t ' rf.ii, Bir relix Semon. uhvsif-ian , Sydney B. Everett secretary in cnarge of the United States legation Gtfantemala Oily,'. committed suicide in that city Monday & wek by shooting himself in the mouth. If flliad softered along illness,'' and it U understood that the act was committed in' a temporary aberra tion ofpiind. :' ' ' ; " iwwuh daai b to ghr. ih. Umt. th bm aaklaHA. A.WcM toeemti of tataW of ta. mmZ FZtZT VP,h h-wy to-i.y. Thk wMkly llfMAN AItOTT . ttj MAMII.TOK-"' W .MABIEa IDIT0J during the months of November, December, and January wr -PPezr a senes of ten autobiographial papers from 3 ooft c t:-T'' : w-rAft 6-ton .r. , ' v WWW Q w telling the romantic story of his life; from birth in a Virginia siaye cabin to the eminent position which he holds as the builder and head of Tuskegee Institute, and the honorw and trusted leader of the colored race in this country. Ivcry nlUxdcr of This Pa-per TBT'y intere5t1 fa arWasWngfWs afor , snl asaapedalofleriBerdi tZT''h J r t Ooa fate thmJ if 0i Stop, ske Vmftm mm Waste Ott Ukm CoM f Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal.lpb. enre a eold in one day. No Cn no ray. -Price 25 cents. -V- r diseases of the throat U the ha Uonal hospital for enUepsv nd Within the last few days repres-1 PJaWi sjk! president of the Lary. entatives of leadins- cotinn m!ll. I in80,,K' society, of London.' tin swara me Associated 'Fran ! ( . ? r ',ir n: l.-.-Mi ' PT a I ' f ii a c. The Tar- waa y to ' a! i o tm jirou siict exenion is one thing ; ui feel tired before ia anoth er. Don't say the latter is lasinees it isn't; but it's a sign that the sys tem lacta riuiuy, ia running down. ana needs the tome cneot or Hood's Sarwpsrilla. ' "It's a warninr, too and eufferera (boulJ bein taking Hood's, p.ay a bot'Je to-day,- - hmt appeared before the karislative committee baring the bills on this sul ject in charge, as have also, rep- reseniatives or operatives and advo cates of the bills. . .The mill owners say that if suit laws are passed on the subject the effect will be to tarn Northern card ial from this State to other South ern States seeking hand which have no such laws ; that the South Car olina Legislature hut week refused by a large majority , to enact anch i gisbuion, and that Georgia recent ly pursued the same course. The mill men pledged themselves lo secure the signature of tie officers of every mill in the State not to em ploy children under twelra years of age and n to work oret 66 hour. to aav . ... - mere is positively no word of truth in the story, published in the Unit ed Stsit. that King Edward Is suf- fcng from cancer of the throat bir Felix Sernon' wishes it to1 bel called a ' scandalous and ridiculous: report" .. ''t :. nnv-RnriRr? "Co" fcywpeWooi "ft Poctors presnrtbe U for Bronchitis. Ilojsraaoe, Orlrr. Pnswnonl and jHuiMi vatoa, tare r rt ! 7 ) ''William Wright and Sam Wil. liarns. neyioea, eharged with beinir linp.icatea in i killing --of Dan Cbilders and wounding of J; Bl Mc i- -ii t . . .. nyr tKxn wmte, Mi Coseaod rhie camp' on January 26th, -nr. antra in . me county jail ti Uatle,.Jflsn by a mob oi5Q or more " lf,e nou.r ToedJ fit last weet. On vifnute Cough Cw re, cares. " mmmx II wmr saaSe sar. . providing the iunv mt th l. r . -r.-V5 .-m1 tha mien appsninea every week hi short. r svir. rsnh. AJdress f v fesoipba i Department B, Ths Ovrux, 3o7 f-ourta Awi, Mewror. resmlia. ixrenso mon. who mnrdenvr Vincenio Maraguxe, in New York city, Deo. 11, 1898, was pot to death in the electric chafr at Eiri? Sing Tuesday a week. He left with the priests a statement declaring Lis innocence xnd accusing his wife's brother of the crime. ! 1 I r,,. CwL'w. Vint'. ;uiiuu.unmiiiii. HOLT, WILLLAl'S "& HAY, Funeral Directors And L'mbnlmcrc, ECSLi:;GTo:i. n.'c. Tkim ain.tars It M rrwry W er th, Subscribe! For , The Cleaner. Only : 0 1 .00 per year.

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