THE GLEANER. ISSUED EVERY THUHSDAY. J. I). itERNODLE,' Editor. KntertU at lh postoffloe at Graham, N. as econrl-t-lam mull matter. ADVHIiTIMXG BATES , One square (i In.) I time fl.0 jr.. each sub sequent Insertion 50 cent. For more space sudloacertlme, raws furnished on applica tion. Local notloes 10 eta. a line for Brat Insertion! isulequent"lnerUons5cts.a line. ' Transient advertisement must be paid Ipf In advance, $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. IJWThc editor will not bo respoiiHibl m In vlaws exire"l hv t'orrespomlotiN. GRAHAM, N. C Mnrch 14, 15)01. For want of time the editor has been unnble to prepare any editorial matter for this issue. ' The impeachment trial begins to day. It will be notable and will nt tract many spectators to Ilalcigh daring its continuance. . Ex-President Benjamin Harrison died at his home in Indianapolis yesterday afternoon at 4:4." o'clock. He was a strong roan as president, and as a lawyer he had few equal in this country. In a subsequent issue we will give a sketch of this .honorable man. AAaUAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAA - '.'. f Washington News Notes The rule for Sera'c cloture whiclr Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, has introduced wilfnot be pushed dur- I eAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W I V WW wa wT?VTTvyvTvyyyyvy?TvyTyy Raleigh N.:C. J March, 11.- The great impeachment' trial began -at noon to-day, .in the benate Cham ber, and will continue throughout ..... iIia c i , w 1 1 n I unaatnn nntf it 1 -3 an I ' , ... ... ., . i this week and a portion (if not nil) .van rh.iiiA thfll ll IV. 11 tint. ItA hprtrrl I x . ' .... , , i. of next week. The speeches nr ad,n in lla l-tr.ianlit tilt IY1 1 1. 1 flgfl.ll If. 1 ' rt itnLii. .v. .... - . was sent to the Committee on Rules which will not report it until the opening of the regular session, when it.wijl'be.jaken up anrJL possible,, forced to a vote. It is generally understood here of counsel are expected to consume fully one week's time. Oh last Wednesday the accused Judges appeared in the Court for the first time; in propria-personap-with their counsel, and Hied their An ewer to their charges. The reading that an rxlra session of Congress 0f this paper consumed nearly two was avoided by the Democrats hours, and makes sixteen columns yielding their opposition to Cuban 0f tne average newspaper; It is an and Philippine jegislaion in return exhaustive document, in which for certain concessions marie to general denial of the main cbargei them in the Kiver and Harbor bill, h, marje . 8taU.9 tht the mandamus by w lnch-their stales received large waa gainst a 8pecial appropriation, appropriations. Consequently, thev arKj tnat ,ne great majority of cases are very sore over the deteat ot that decided by these two Justices (and measure by benator Carter, ot Mon- the ,at0 chief Justice Furches) in tana, and are charging that they have been "bunkoed" and are m ik ing ugly remarks about the Repub licans not "staying bought." How ever, the less said on each sine about these bargains the better. volving title to office were against the claims of those a filiating with the party to which the Judges be longed and in favor of the Demo- crats including the attempts oi the Fusionists to turn out the Demo erotic directors of the charitable in Several Congressional iunkciine i ... ... . . parties have comDleted plans that 8 uuuons Iour J614 "8' include visits to Cuba, the Ps ifio "n aa' n ine "ouae Coast and the Philippines. The mnnagers niea weir replication m excursions at government expense the ca8e. which brought the progress are be nir arraneed bv Represents 01 me ",B' UP lo wnere " lw lives who during the last Congress day. served unon Committees on Rivers :nere is a wiae ainerence oiopin The amount of gross gold in the and Harbors. Military Affairs and ,on hereabouts, among public men Treasury is $489,412,158, the high- Insular Affairs. They expect to be ttnd the gen! public as tobeth est point ever reached In the hisU ry reappointed when the Committees er Court wiJ1 convict or acqui nfihn nnremment. This amount lre nronniw.-t fir the, nxt Cnrurrooa the defendants. You can meet includes the 1150,000,000 held a a ami say the investigations are to bp mn ftt erery larn who are qaHy reserve. I276.019.98U held acamst cf.mliif.tefl tn better in n lhm n certain inat it win or win not. - - i . t. I - i--t' - - gold certificates and $63,392,169 in discharge their official duties. The the general fund. ' nf these iunWets has nlreiiflv started for Havana. Thns the Secretary of Agriculture Patterson THE AUBIC0LTURAI, DEPARTMENT. secretary nay was recently owig- committee is rewarded tor prepar- r j ia probably highly pleased with the ed to testify to his own ability and hng an outrageous bill Appropriating refu p' . w " fidelity. On sienine his own com- .nme .000.000 for irhnrovementa. men lo maKe nim "Upreme in tne f w w I 1 I 1 mission, as he is required to sign all two-thirds of which were utterly Department of Agriculture. A i t t f 1 h thecoinmiseions of Cabinet officers, unworthy. he thereby declared that he reposes implicit confidence in himself .and in his own fidelity and ability. . Senator Allen's name is1 still car ried on the rolls as a Senator from Nebraska, and it is understood he will be until tho Nebraska legisla ture elect or adjourns. I hero was the close of the last Congress, the authorities held otherwise. but The several bills passed not only make him chairman of the board of Washington has had quite enough directors, as well as ; Commissioner of Pennsylvania Btate troops. Eight of the department, but he is given years ago they committed depreda- authority to appoint the Assistant lions upon private property which Commissioner of Agriculture and were so serious and extensive that the Secretary (positions now held the Governor of that State was com- by J. W. Thompson and T. K polled to send down 'commission Bruner) and ail other officers and to make nn investigation and ap- employes of the department, down nrniaA tliA flHtnafirna vKtnh wia- of. I tn anilrkii-ljMinAra rA tt t,: !.... k: r- o 1 "- - w' 7"""". T J' F'"" b? an appropriation any of them at will. In addition to T" ! . . f"ra h legislature. They plunder- this he and Prof. Holmes of the ed stores and private houses, mat- geological department are giveu ad- treated innocent citizens, particularly ditional powers, and may survey colored people, and acted like a lot roads and the like and travel lit the While no formal action to that ef-1 of hoodlums generally. This year I expense of the railroad companies feet has been taken by the Republi-I their conduct was even worse. They and other common carriers of the can Senators, it hag been practical- had several encounters with the Statu. ly decidjd that there will be no re-1 police, and on two occasions the en- The members of the board of aeri organization of the Senate Commit- tire reserve force of patrolmen hatl culture (who must now all be prac tees during the present seesion of to be called out to quell the riots tical farmers) will reallv have verv the Senate. This decision will have they occasioned.' They shot two li tie to do hereafter, it is under- tne enecioi leaving tne appointees innocent bystanders,, smashed win- stood. of retiring Senators in their various dows and bars, tore down signs. Mr. Patterson's friends savs he posuions unui tne convening oi robbed bakeries and eating stands has made a good Commissioner Congress next December. (and clean several street fruit stands His critics, erantina this, renlv that . ... i . - - " ' and peddlers. the power which he has just been The St. Louis" reople are jubi-l invested with bv legislation, is ton lant evr their success In getting Krery P,my , tha aoath stP(aM great .and varied to entrust to any on appropriation for their Exposi-I i Plant Pecan Tree. , lone man, be ho whom he mny iversity, the increase to., $40,000 recommended was approved ; as was also $15,000 per annum" for" four years to discharge indebtedness of the State Normal at Greensboro and a special Appropriation of $25,000 for the same College to build and equip a practice and observation school building ; also $10,000 per annum tor two years for a teitile department, or annex, to the Agri cultural and Mechnnical College and the payment of $20,000 of the in- indebtedness ot that institution. $200,000' was the sum agreed on Ey the committee on Education lor the public free schools an increase of 100 per cent, over the jppropria Unit of last year and the bill final ly passed Saturday afternoon, SIMMONS AND BCTLKR. After all the threats and bravado of Butler and the speech of Pritch ard, Senator Simmons was sworn in at Washington last week "without Objection," and during the past week of the ususal special session of the Senate following the maugur tiop of a President, he has, occupied bis seat unmolested. Of course I They can't i; shake : his title to the seat and they know it. ; In. deed, with Butler out of the' way now there is really noSenator very much disposed to make trouMe for Mr. Simmons. " ' v And what win necome ot our "Mary-ann" now? This announce ment so publicly made by him lust year,, that he would lociiTe in Ral eigh to practice law, will not be car ried Out, it is believed. He could hardly earn a living here at 'the business, for he is not much of i lawyer and has had his ."sheep skin" only li couple of years. He is still owner of the "Caucaaipn," believe.' but that sheet has ' small circulation and less influence now. LEGISLATURE STILL I.V SESSION. As stated in ' these letters last week, the Legislature could not ad journ Saturday (the end of the 60 days) and it is still in session, 1 he House may remain in session nearly all this week. The Senate, of course, can Bit in Legislative session any time it deehei during the ses sion of the House although the im peachment progress is under way, On Saturday evening and night a great many bills were passed, among them the one providing for permanent registration of white vot ers till 1908, and the appointments of the Gov. of directors of State in stitutions wete confirmed. Senator Travis, of Halifax, is placed at the Republicans next year. It is said, however, that Speaker Moore de sires Ihe Democratic nomination in the lOtli district,' and is confident that he can carry it if nominated, ' Fayetteville town nd Cumber land county willjiave absolute "pro hibition for the next, year And more, m bill having passed to that effect- unanimously in the Senate, and by more than 2, to 1 ' in the House- following the defeat in the House of the first bill to abolish the dispensary after it had passed the Senate. The anti-dispensary people were joined by-the prohibitionists in securing the last t'ill's passage, but most of the dispensary itetr are greatly chag rined thereat. governor's appointment until his successor is elected or the (legislature adjourns without electing a Senator -nbp'believed tbnt they will join the democrats in opposing a cloture rule in the Senate. Senator Teller says that whatever may be done'! at the regular session, he-is very cer tain that no cloture rule will be adopted by the Senate-at the extral session. It is ditncu ll to see now one can, be . aDysessiQn without the consent of theminonty, i SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston s -parsi OU AR"t s3dTTLE8 arilla JFST SEEN IN TUSB. nisn ! Brnptlona aura a '" ' ""itlillr Dior- a-. Vmm Only Safe War 10 Hl Warning. Jofcn.u..,. " ls I Nature, In her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistake, h. careless living, or it may be from ancestors, ahooU out pimole. ru2 H other imperfections on the akin, as a warning that more ierion7 i hana tumors, cancers, erysipelaa or pulmonary diseaaeal ar. ,l-,Wonll M vou neirlect to heed the warning and correct the mistakea. " to Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death k. vJ. imply because these notes of warning hare been heeded anifkf?' puri by aright use of JOHNSTON'S BARSAPAR1LLA. "wMubkw ha inrfefinite-1 "f nu mired of a bad humor after nffferino- with u t . lr iebatedunder the present rules. ZbMV V,& The secret of why jFenatur-uarieri suHerea aunng now B"7?""",y 'J obody would bill:' iji.. it,J r;w, . bu uueAcuicuijr uuwsii ... ,v. ien01ign xo ouy praised.' I tried Washi ngton Letter. Washington, D. C, Mar. 8, 1901 Senator Piatt, of Conn.,' who 4jd not make himself conspicuous as an advocate of the ship subsidy bill, is the ostensible author of the resoul tion for the adoption of a cloture rule in the Senate, but that dnesn blind anybody The Hanna'crowd is behind the movement, the principa olject of which in to mnke sure that the Ship subsidy bill does not fai when it is next brought forward, ' as it did in the last Congress There is a 8U8ecion also that this, cloture rule ioh. if successful, will involve the unlending of the Primima Canal, with its long and dirty record Iraud and theft, on this country and other reckless jobbery to be paid for by the tax-payers' , money It is believed, to be the advance move in the. most gigantio scheme of public looting ever seen in this or any other country. , With a clotur. rule-jo the Senate Congress would be a mere machine to register the will of the bosses of the republican party. . It was at first v intended to try to jam this resolution through at the present session of the Senate, although it has always been the custom t5 deal with nothing but ex ecutive matters at these special see sions, but so determined was the op position that it was clear the special session would run on indefinitely if it were attempted, so the resolution was referred. to the committee on Rules. ' i -w- Well, well J Teddy has tired of being the whole show already. He glared at the galleries, the occupants of which were applauding him, and threatened lo have them cleared ' by MINOR MENTION. head of the penitentiary, as chair-1 the sergeant-at-arms if the applause man, and will be the manager and repeated. 'Really, Teddy will Superintendent. ' have to take something for his in growing modesty. , " Senator Morgan is determined to $200,000 were voted in the pub-1 keep before the people the fact that lie schools Saturday. The unti-trust it is British influence that has caus bill (by Senator Ward) was passed ed and is causing republican opposi- Friday nighl. " . I tion to Nicaragua Canal legislation. . The committee has reported tec- In view of the fact that the Hay- ommending that "no labor legisla-1 Pauncefote treaty lapsed by- limita tion' affecting cotton mills be en-1 tion March 4, and in line with that acted relying upon the agreement determination Senator Morgan has j (signed by over two-thirds of the introduced a resolution declaring rery medicine that was advertised to eun it D1B( a Iwuse. I heard JOHNSTON'S SARSApab,???"), a bottle of it. I began to improve right awav m I have neyer hTd tniVj ttUUtriedJo.M M "Vj Red (JACKET . mm nrm ITV H ill 1 ... .1 T T 1 1 J 11 t A iVia rAnm, ing hours of the recent session ot ((nce, j never got any thing to do me the least good r,. ,.. Un Mf.rtained. He 8AESAPAB1L1.A. a woum neartuy .ovwe "'6'""" : , 1 : : . or adn disease oi any icina to iry it at once, i Had also a good derr"' acted for Mr. McKjnley, wn0 owing trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S 8AE8APai3li to the enormous total of ttpprogria- Wodjlifeandlf ''lttjaia'.ho,,. tions, wanUd the bill killed, but did sist disease or faceoontagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SAESAPaISi 'J notcare to offend those interested in it 3. L J! It UU littlo rotn I , - . v W lb UJ UUlll lit Win tiw-iwv.v . Carter was chosen to da the, work use as . he was about-to leAve rhe Senate be did not object to .of fending influential Senators and he knew that the fuilure of the bill would not make hun any enemies in Montana. It issai.l that Carter's reward will be aid from the admin istration to ret urn . to the Senate, and failing in that a fat - Fidt rul ol- fice for himself or the control- of Federal patronage in Montana as he may prefer. Mr. MaKinley has stated that he would not again send the nomina tion of either Schley or Sampson to the Senate for promotion. In that case they will both be retired as rear-admiral's, Schley next October,. and Sampson three monthsater, and Schley will receive noreward for having destroying fleet. ' YoulVi I TO H-URH ) . servers b An Unruly lb ember. In a certain village in Kent there lives an old lady known as ".talka tive Sal." The parson showed too much linen at the wrist for her lik ingf-so one day, meeting him in the 1UUC, DUG OtllU " " i "- V I a "Excuse me. parson. but would "6 you mind my cutting about an inch off your wristbands, as I think . it very unbecoming to a clerical man." "Certainly" said the parson. And she took from her pocket a pair of scissors and cut them to her satis faction. Having finished the par son said ; "Now madam,' there is something about you that I should like to see about an inch shorter.' "Then," said the old dame, hand ing him the scissors, "cut it to your liking." - "Come, then, good woman," said the parson, "put out your tongue r Milwaukee Journal. I have juai reeeiveu a sona car of the best BUGGIES ever ior tne pnee. vome quicK i Ana get your choice: any colored wanted. ' 1 have the stock and peed the money. 500 bags Sjtar Brand and Orinoco Guano. "- - 1 Car load o?the Buffalo Pitts Harrows. ;' 600 Bushels Seed Oats. . " ; , 50 Syracuse Chilled Plows. ' . 40 E. F. Plows. 25 Boy Dixie Plows. 20 Troxler's Cultivatojs Plows, hames, traces, back -bands, collar pads cheaper than you can elsewhere. Don't forget that I am HEADQUARTERS for any of N. S. C3AEDWELL, The Car Load Dealer of Burlingtd MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CURES CANCER IN ITS 1 : EARLY STAGES. - Mrs. Joe Person ': " , Ringwood, N. C, May 2, 1887. Dear , Madam : Most gladly 1 1 give you my name to place belore the public, hearing testimony of the miraculous cure anected on me by your most valuable Kemedy. ; f if teen years ago 1 was troubled by wnat seemed to oe little scales ap pearing on tne right side of mmiv 160 .Main St., Norfolk, Va. PIANOS & ORGANS W XT m?n .o t i,. u:ij .k. n.....u..i. t-s.u. t. vimiuicii tug wirvunM wy , siwttr i cneeK. under mv eve. - resemhlinir of tender years, and . not to work ed. .'. The republicans have met this dry meal bran . which ' could ra tion, while the South Carolina and " - and so it goes. , " over WJ hours a week. - by declaring that the Senate cannot move -i.wnen l snared, but they Buffalo people are exasperated at The Pecan tree not only bears one ' - . It is reported that Capt. S. A. alone abrogate a treaty, and have IgfSnf their faUure. It does mm little of the most delicioue nuts, but it is " ",rLW compaxv. Ashe, of Raleigh, will writ a his- gone away back to 1808 to Jnd: rfjf,-' . n . - 1 o . AntA K MAj.t t. . .l.-i I R nnt U . L . .r . I tirv nf NAflh I Mivilirtt - Va man 1A I nMMHAnl BhAvimr:1 lhal Iht Unn.n I . . 1 i .. . iiiuuiisiaieiiii iur vAinnsa iu givo ok i hiuoh tiaiu treca mail icjcni u mo craigi j " i f"vw- ... uvun Ma ourning sensations, and sharp, Ixuis 15,000,000 and refuse Char-I grow la the South, nd makes as 1" '(sofa as it applied to insur-1"19 btnU 18 beluJt qnahhed for the must also act and the President -sign darting pains from the affected place leston 1250,000. St. Louis, ! how- Mine a shade tree as the Elm or n0 ' companies), most of the life "d the work is a greatly need-1 to bring about the abrogation" of a jo tne eye, causing great difficulty ever, occupied I, a better situation I Maple and no family ought to be insurance companies which with- M one- No history of the Stale has treaty. This is oecarise they do not ? De W wen tptfeep. from a parliamentary point of, view 4l J! J .1.. ..1 ; L..L IIuI.wn a ...Kn.:: . . J - ,L. a.lnM.J . ! . . . , tlnL llivt IVhWw'a HlafAm ntlnn AAnoidoMil al Ika i.Ma.nt I I - . . uiau uiu tnuinr tn ma omera. rjom hjuiucs tu uu be uibi icturncu. ur siven noiice init " . uwivi uawi, .hh .vm wmiuii , rimui w DiiTsirains nmnnnnfuri it tnumt' m ..-. ..' I n ,. ... . .l.i ... " . . J M...kl!.t. J ! iosi - 4oernf- tl t ! . l o .. jn . I ... i . .. 01 wblcn were really subject tolrrncn "uiuoriues ao, plant nut tney win aoeo. uiuuhsiiwi in kwi w 1004. nsura t mnniun w uio ceuaie. senator loiners enrome erysipelas, and all ad- rjointa of order. bearing trees one the sidewalks and Amonsr thecomuaniea thai witK. I ork (published some twenty years Morgan made a speech in support of 'wedme to let it alone. : This I did (ret a revenue them fmm A tn.n draw nm a haf.An. f t latro can said to be a I his resolution that waa one nf th uu"7 yw ago, wnen a uiue 7k.. . . "-r--- VI..':,' r . ;k- a - .7 w began to form rieht under the unwrj , eaoep. in m. moainea ana era on me noor oi me ... r.mhlinfr a Z.rt -mk t Sole Agents in this territory for Knabe, Vose &t.Son, Smith & Barnes, and - Webster Pianos; Story & Clark and r Qther Organs. Aside from instruments, . we are wholesale and retail agents for several others, Write for Catalogue and Prices. Pianos and organs sold on easy pay ments; Old instruments taken in ex change for new.. A postal card will bring you full information and save you from 10 to 25 per cent , ' RMT2S:. & . BUB.K, J ine oinciaisoi ma war umart.r """ " J r wumi "i uu wosi conservative! r- - .uwi . uu. v, u , nmh m ,. u:k metit are much disappointed trees on the sidewalks at compara-land Buocessfui: companies: the "bridged sense. Senate for a long time, in which he could notrempve;in sizeand an- , " ' I . ! .. .1 .- it ' . it. I 1 m . - 1 t kill 1 t J L' .!i !i ..L. Al l Y.l 1' . . I . ' . " cause nothing was done toward uve,7 ma cos wouia, in ten wotiq an because the new' require-1 ' A n afH'a P maamg n iu oi mo viaywo-uuiwer treaty : pearance a soon grew to be as large i county treasurers andl we win maxe no compromise with ""awuerry, ana ueBcaoe came ?,.and rhiUppine Islands. Commit- 5W.OO and each year there operate disadvantageous in the oth officers aa to whether they Great Britain on the subject. We 'JJ Lrf?1f'J; '.r. . ... . Ivnnlfl t... tv. ..a.. ....ti-. I shall na. Riat. nr Ntiinnai kanV. m I wilt o mv .vnwi.;n n -t t "ving iear oi a cancer, l began; to leea oi nolo uousea reported favor-1 - m- lumrv, possioiy, to' policy I ,WUv.uu w 'wrw various kinds of salves to heal ablr unbit thin nmecL l.ut ib w,u"wou' """i "m mree tonve noiaersin otnerHtates. Beimr nn.!"0"""1 iuhub, mer gir- omuu m raauua w wai. treaty. on. but never con d. 'Tmnanlri i ' r ,.- l.t. ... , . I . o I. , ... . I mi . . .. . I ..." . . . --. 4 Speaker and the members of the inonna aoiiars annually. Enough willing to jeopardue the interests of lD D0Ba 10 guarantee assurance w nai we snail oo with it (and some with physicians of great experience: any of its patrons, the "Old Mutual coP"16- . was claimed that oi our people are ojiposed even to ine7 ff looned suspicious Bnefii nf K.rV w t those comDanieS were reauirine the that), is mat we shall declam it T"" w cut or .. w. s - I. "... ...... burnt out at once. Ilid not trial, . a i ii a i nanuii r m nil ; nnnnn mAniaa anrntrai wi r ana wrartvaa m uiinig uiow inaiwunarewlnot--"-r". r .-" "v to do either : and beina tiAraiiaflft it of an . Committee on Appropriations were 10 mon ln'n Pa7 Ux opposed to It because of the - ordinar size town , t i pense. It has been demonairuiedl !ree weH planted in cot ,; ',, over and over again that a wveru.ton m fielJ d farmers can ment cable would be economy, the cn,tJ nt the ,ands in croP f corn ? cable bills ouw paid eaual tt inter- lnd colton until the tree get to tk upon the coal of a line from San bltin' nd after the7 commence Francisco to Manila, without rwkon- nn tarmer 'th ten tc twenty ing the inconveniencj. fcn h n,aU fortunB hi his recan grove and don't need to plant Th. Uoose calendar" shnrs , ha. !7T Cn-.! .or namMaa lM M her -ny ic -7kTr,r" n f M.ryi.nd. ai i"JT,K.r W Carolina, there i. a i k 2v TT. company th makes a epecialty of kmuiam.kZ.AV0 Jan for ale, r "rr " ", ' nd we advise the town authoriUes. renorta. S.000? Pnhhf- Acta ;.1L.I ... i t tV. , , , r. nd ail readers of oar paper. K ' r-UTUl ,ACUS PineblutTGr.p.ilf .MOSjISumbofjoh,.., Company, Pinehluff,N tt,-fo, . S0. -Atalmoet the last moment, cujar,i . i vuo i rauuem signou vn Dill lor IDe protection of railroad employees, '.- which had been urged by the rail road brotherhoods. The final sUg of the bill were marked with sensa tional efiort on the part of the rail roads to prevent its passage. 'At cir- ' Tbe'Asheboro Courier is agitating a ononty UU Tot Randolph the com. ing fall.'' a '1 : ,i Tlie two-year-old son of W. W lir I m r when the bill was read v to h.1 n- wnei. Jino. drowned - ,e-l anJ prepared for the ,prin 1. : infe signature, it mysterious-1 Th6 News J probable that ly disappeared. . A search failed tol". Airy rill have another furniture locale it, and it would hare failed J tuAoT7 perlon In a short while, tad not Senator Pettigrew introduc-l While playing with an "nnload- e I a r?olut!orj in the Senate aimed0- pistol Sunday Alvis Foard, of tic rr t the Iops. This had the! States vi lie, wa shot and seriously '. r :j ' the till. wounded. withstanding the fact that it was do. 1 which hey became -responsible by lution- could be- taken : to-day- it wanny hlijd,T I ieolfed Totry ing the biggest business of any h880"" officers, in national banks J would inform the President that he your Remedy,-as it had been reo- The libel bill was at last reported 1 ate to adopt any compromise he . mo8t a'PPT re8QI'-', I can say tkl. h ih. TTnna. lnJ!.M i mav mab. mith T!-,-..: Tr:. 1 1 mm " wel . mi,D. 1 company in North Carolina. Mr. John C. Drewry, of Raleigh, can not say . . i r... 1.1.. u tw ii..... tj': :.u . t-. - - the seneral airent. baa now taki "J uuk,-ibxj j -iwureMoniain. mi (nmnh j . out linens for th. Mntn.i n..?. ICommittee, after striking out eec. 2. ! the turpoee of Great Britain still it. -.;hi j u . ..,CUt. . , - . . . I . . "r,,"8"1 uciore i fo resume businew, and already w Knesses aa wen as tne senators w iook ior oeiay sne wui not get it. hd used one bottl. I was hopeful, nuntnfhiinMI.l.i.. (ho are jurors in the case) are tollf if be her determination to nick a I "d the expiration of five weeks j ... f, .C SVI- ..." . . - - I .... . . ' U J r . . tnminr b. Kia mmn.nv -rj I va paid lor auendanco at the Court quarrel with us ahoat itshewiU find I" ".""fcjr uraiea, ana scales f-"Jt f.wnnng . . . .1., , . . . - ior mnirhnMH .f K. .Vin .11 to represent if This company paid fP-'' - T U' l " of ad Ta hew m.nTVnE annually several thousands of do!- a7 ,na 0 C!nu "". 1119 naml Of men who voted for any one similarly affected anvfurth- lart tax on premiums np two rears Among the last bills passed last rreB,aenl ,n n WecUon fight- er information they may desire, and ago, and ita popularity with the in-1 " one by Senator Ay-1 iat mea- And she win find, when the o0 T f the publio will give snrable public in North Carolina I designed to raise a fund to buy I fu lermmatea, that the steel band 11 7 a ' 8pe? II k. .iw,. ! r. I aohmtl hnnVa f th. I WD1CB DIMS me UlHMM n Tiwidnn ' . " ouieoo win F t.Batn. hi. - anow no bounds. GaA ant Drewry, who is one of the moat P00 in th PubLo cboo.s, by the Australia and India and passes daj that most dawn noon rour tt . . - . it f . .roe . . i 1 1 ihtAiiiTh i.n.f. i u. l . 1 1 . .... ... capaine insurance men in me South, I T7 " m cema perneaai-a- " ui uwd reniMurv prospeniy i ' mtnv TiaftrtAnnsal Ion don. Unlike other bills, affect- wtn: and with its severance! Tours most trulv. friends a any bnini man In KHh ins the' "riehU" of the canines to down will go the empire." - I ., Jas. Cabteb AairSaTo. Carolina, and with such a popularP" nd ntm nntaxed,. it did notj Senators Patterson, of v Cola. manager it is little wonder M meet tne death of niter defeat but lMboia, and Heitfeld. of Idaho- excellent a oompany should reach passed the Senate by a decided ma- Harris, of Kins, and Turner, of VFFHf ' 0(111071 the high-water mark of success MnV. Washington attended the caoctu of AUu lfUUull here. "A game fight was put up by democrats held this week to' coo- Bnlia Coog fcr-rnp cure Cough APPROPKIATIO.NS ,TO XDCCATIOKAL . . . . .. . T . I . . . J ueauing I i Bgaiua wa wxieea jaaioai us-i wiia me repuniican scheme for In- wsTrronoMa. I. .... t?ti . .t , . . I. . . . incj diu at me cione oi meweex. an Itroaucinr me Keed rala in ih. The appropriations, regular and I attempt to reduce the number of I Senate and makinc that bodr t!k i . . . i.. .... i . - i special, aasea ior oy me educa-jiKiges and cist nets to 14 being the House, merely a machine to ra tional and charitable Institutions, J made, but it proved ansuccesafuL I cord the will of one man; Senators were greatly in -excess or thoae ml Ibe more one bears of the new! Jones, of Nevada; Wellington, of iormer yea, looung np over a tan- Mngressionai aiatncta, me more Md. ; TsIIer, of Colo. : and Allen. An nf llMltH flf .nMm 4 V V 5 I . J i 1 1 tt... . , ' I . 1 , . ' . wl whim iiioi jiaaiauu euviigci- tuo suncruua UJai mre I OI fieonWia Mf. Allen Will rtttain to oecniexiennveiy. f or the Cn-'or four ol them are likely to elect1 his seat in the Senate node the' er tuoia as one Wltoopinir-Coturh aad Oootrh Conqnere Croap, tad AteaalC!ntrli. yuaont lati. AU mothers praise it. Boetore prescribe it for Bronchitis, Eoaraeaeaa, Grippe, Pneamoaia an d Caasamption. Quick, aarav remiiua. t ' " . r -n ri i a. U I i . ? li i. BBl 4 j V . t j COUGH SYRUP Afwavs cures when o'hrr fen 1. Mis PttU waCaaatiiiataM. a. siUa m. 3 For as to sell to a customer who wants CLOTHING. JtL itT? Because we- have the stock and .. j can fit, as. well as please, you both in quality of ' goods and price.' .If yoa are stout, lean or regular ''don't imagine wecaa't fit you. ; OUB 3IAIL ORDER BUSINESS Tit OTnwintT : 4tit f Via aaaAn ViAf va tieavek sffcnlv An A DIIC61 txA "b . v vt.o tctovt4 tua, . n v tw vu- and you can buy as cheap ty ordering as i if you were f in our store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, .V C. W. 'Lindsay, Darius Payne, Charlie Crews; Harry7 Sergeant and W. H. Matthews. W. H. Matthews & Co., r f f ' : GREENSBORO, N. C. tttttttM 1 1 ii im Ml IIIHIII ni inn ill tt I Durham Marble Works j'1 You need not beVeminded that it U your duty to mark the last " 'resting place of your departed loved ones,1 but Iwe wish .to re mind you of our low prices. ornir DURHAM. N.C. Subscribe to The Gleaner $1.00 c