THE GLEANER. ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY. J. D. KEKNODLB, Editor. Entered, at the postofflo at Qrshsra, JT- V. . as saoond-elaas mall matUNj"6 f f f ADVERTISING 11ATK8 One square 0 io.) 1 time S1.0 . reach Sub-, sequent Insertion SO cents. For more apaee and loager time, rate furnished on appllca- I ton. Local notioes 10 cts. a line for first Insertion ;subseqoont Insertions Sots, a line. " transient advertisements must be paid for lo advance. AAAAAAaUaUAAAAAAAAeUAAAA I -Washington Letter, t $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. "The dltor will not bo reiponfllblMor he rlewfl ex praised by correspondent. GRAHAM, N. C, April 11, 1901. It is intimated that the Slate prison is again short. Old man Martin's shortage is thought to be between 88,500 and $10,000. - Old man Kruger it is said will 'sad for the United States on May 31st If he comes many thousand- ."'; " will flock to see him out of sheer curiosity. The Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, one of the finest In the South, and the pride of that city, was almost ' ' completely destroyed by lire laai - V week. It cost more than a mil- lion dollars. i The indemnity demand ot the United States against China is 125, 000,000, for expense, et cetera, in connection with the Boxer trouble". Other nations hare made big de- Washington, D. C., April 6? 1901 ,Mr. McKinley and Boss' Hanna hare again had their heads together over Ohio politics. They don't like the returns from the municipal elec tions in the State, and they special ly dislike the election of Tom Johnson lo be mayor of Cleveland They recognize that Mr. Johnson' successful " re-entry into politics means trouble and a lot of it for the republican machine in Ohio, and that it may turn out also to be a factor in the national politi cat arena, as it is an open secret that Mr. Johnson only became a can didate for mayor as a stepping- stone to a nomination for some thing higher. They believe that Mr. Johnson will be a central figure in the state campaign this year, whether he becomes the Democrat ic candidate for governor or the Democratic candidate ,to succeed Senator Foraker, and they tear him and his known personal- popularity n the State. And 'they are not alone in fearing him. Col. W. O. Tolford, of Columbus, which albo elected a democratic mayor, who is a republican and has something of a reputation as an expert on the cur rents of Ohio politics, and who is now in Washington, said : "Mayor elect Johnson will start with an ad vantage now lor mgner places. He is" very clearly in line for the demo cratic nomination for governor this year, body believes that he can carry the State, but' he may make trouble in the legislature. And Pan-Amerloao Exposition, Buffalo IV. X.i V. a. A.4 Maj to November i 01, Odd Fellows' Day ' jaM 8 Ana a7, ; To All the Lodges' of the ,1. 0. O. ?. Throughout . the World: d Greeting : You are hereby f rater nally, requested to unit with the Vast army of Odd Fellows In mak ing "Odd Fellows' Days" at the Pan-American Exposition memor able in the annals of our beloved order, and to that end we extend to the members of your lodge a cordial invitation to be present on thisoc casmn. On June 28-27 we anticipate the u' Uee The North Carolina Booklet! Great Event l North Carolina Bis. The booklets will be Siithe follow: ing order : ' ti.,', I'r ;S,ivr. ! l.t Virginia Dare, Maj.- Graham Daves... ,. 2. Colonial New Bern, Mrs,. Sarah Beaumont Kennedy. 3. Liberty, Property and no Stamp Duty, Col. A. , M. Waddell. 4. Edenton Tea Party, Dr. Rich ard Dilliard. B. BeteyTJowa vV RideTEor K. pleasure of meeting and greeting Grand Sire Cable, the Grand Master and Grand Officers of each Grand Lodge Jurisdiction throughout the world, as well as many of the mem bers of your lodge. Fraternally yours,. I. O. O. F. Pan-American Committee. He- H. To All the Lodges of the Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows Tbroughout-the World. Greeting: The Pan-American Exposition will be held in the City of Buffalo, N.Y., U. S. A., from May 1st to Nor. 1st, 1901. The Odd Fellows of Buffalo, de- sirinif to exemnlifv the teanhina- nf r b - .- . our grand order-that of extending w e are in rece,Pl 01 tne catalogue an honorable 'receptiop, fraternal Un,ver8,tJr of North Carolina greeting and generous hospitality to 6. The Hornets Nest. Hon. riot Clarlcson. I. Green's Retreat, Prof. D Hill. 8. Monsieur Le Marquis deXa Fayetle, Maj E. J. Hale. 0. An Admiral and His Daugh ter. Dr. K. P. Battle. 10. Pettigrew's Charge, S. A. Ashe. 11. Reminiscences of, a. Block ade Runner, James Sprunt, British Vice Consul 12. Ku Klux, Mrs. T. J. Jarvis. One Booklet a month will be is sued by the North Carolina Society of the" Daughters of the Revolution, beginning May lOih. 1901. V GRAIN FOR, SOWING. 7 Peralateat Prodacttoeaesa TfclKC , to D Considered. ' the results of experiment with va rieties of grain to ascertain their rela tive productiveness become mncb, more reliable and conclusive when the average experience of a series of yean can be given. In this way slight vaca tions, arising from Inequality of soil and"var!ablllty of season, are to a largo extent equalized. Director Wil liam Saunders of Colorado has carried on teats which are among the most thorough and extensive of any recently made, and he reports the following facts: '. , '. -y Out of 41 different -sorts -of. oats which have been subject to uniform testa for six years 0 have appeared among the 12 most productive sorts every year for the whole period, and the other three places hajre been filled during tbe time at Irregular intervals by six other varieties. Hence only 15 of , tbe 41 varieties have produced a Joseph Llgon, the 'young white man stabbed by the negro Jasper I Eva ns at Germa nton Saturday n igh t la ween died i uesaay-loiiowing, Officers are still looking, for the negro, ( ' , A SALLOW COMPLEXION IS indicative of worms. A few doses of Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will de stroy them and give a bright and healthy complexion. For sale by J. C. bimmons, druggist. . . - -,, J The corporation commission met Tuesday a week and devoted itself to a study of tbe matter of tax, as sessments, which is in the future to form a large and important part of the work -..,- . SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's barsai QUART DOTTLES. SXJWS BKIUf IN TDtaV tight akla Kra , -aaw vmtf Iraatloas are a Warning t Ssaia sjfora If War la M He Ska -Wsu-al. Jh mmu,m'mmLu u Oea Natnra, In her effort to correct mistakes, which mistakes ha. . eareleaa Uvinir. or It may be from ancestors, shoot out nlmnl iT.T m other imDerfeotions on the akin, a a warnintr that mora aeri. I;r:,tte IT ana correct the miatakea Muit a llnmrlnir. Dainful disease and manv aa earlvdMti. v.. v. almply because theae notes of warning have keen heeded and thakiJ!?' ban tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary diseases) are eertalni P yon neglect to heed the warning and correct the mistakes. - wuo lugnrutK, (iui.- t u cany aeatn has been .ii a the bloody Jill Jl tnriTT V - MUUO Vi aaaaa uivu.( WTaawVafi I wu cored ot ft W humor utter sufferinff with it for fln hei What n I spent i ompletely enred. I have never had a toneli ,rt? 1 pore by a right nse of JOHNSTON'S tURSAPARILLA. Mis Abbie J. Bande, of Marshall, Mich., vnritea: . . i W J M a kaH aaMMaB aftan sTaiiihm hil. Il . " a waa uuibu ui m aaavu uutuvi sjaawva BHUiuiiiir wiLn ie tas aa - doctors and my friends said it wa salt rheum. . It came out on m n iwectly raw with itlvC n) mm. and then on ns whole bodv. X was auffarad dnrinir those five rears, la bo as telllnsr. 1 tinea every meairana a urannea to cur it. nobod-,,;.";".."" rery medicine tnat was advertised -to cure it. I ..1V : enougra to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S 8AK8APAEILLA ul' Ida- iaed. I tried a bottle of it. - AsslstXatnre. ' You have been told (o "hitch your wagon to a star'' that Nature made me all rifht he can even reduce Gov. Nash's ma- . t a rf-ii . t roanas. rooroia v,mna,n snepaji- jrjty for u re.election to a small at .1 1 11 1 J tl ll I " meaemanas an rouna in iuii, wm Hjture he wili ,,e . Dowerfui fflCto. in the democratic National Conven labor under a burden of debt for many a generation. don. He surely is a vote-getter. a ! a m A or.n rnincr in whin no rati rmaut n TKa rvrvuianli 4 i rwf t a was a a i n ra I 6 a 'r VT L around the War Department, Mr. Meiklejohn, who is in Washington, he says to attend to some pri vate mat ters, and others say to see if he cannot in the election cases, in the Fedsm) Court at Greensboro, was nol proved Tuesday. District Attorney Hoi ton and Judge Boyd stated that thie get hold of an other Federal, salary reason to doubt. On the other hand it is said this course was the result of an agreement that was brought about by the non-impeach ment of the Supreme Court ' judges. But it would be hard to believe that -course was taken in interest of Deace I , r, . . . : ... . ana secretary ltoot naa a Ditter quar " ".v.. .- fl,Ir nr .hloll Ih. f.m I " -J sj via saav IWilMVI , RU' cused the latter of having prevented his election to the Senate by forcing him out of the position of Asistants Secretary of War while the Nebras ka leeiblature was in a dbadlock. and so disregsrdful o. thftt ,he q um w a. renaer a veraic, comrar, of War Jn to the law and the evidence as pre- tnn . nnt . , . . Mittarl in vliA (mbi I - muvu aaj sun ! . I Again Pierpont Morgan! That It look as thouah the admin- man 8eema determined to control istraUon were shiftinir the resuon- everything in sight and a lot of ibilitr of dealing with' Aauinaldo thin8 nt i Wl While officials upon Gen. MacArthur's shoulders. dony tl,e story that Mr. Morgan, At least that is the inference from during his recent visit to Mr. Mo ils baring suppressed Gen. Mac-1 Kiwlojr, offered to buy out the Pana Washing- Nebraska. Arthur's cablegram telling how and why Aguinaldo took tbe oath of al- legiance to the U. 8. j also the in- structlona sent to MacArthnr on the subject. , It is an ola game. ; It : everything goes right, it will be an- r nouncea mat wen. xuacArtnur was ma Canal Co. and complete the canal, giving theU. 8. government any concessions it might desire as to the control of the canal ih time of war, with private capital without cost to this government, provided, that Mr. McKinley would oledee acting under instructions from th tm government to kill the project administration ; if there is a slip for th8 construction of a canal over anywhera that results in public con- 41,6 Nicaragua route, it is generally demnation, it will be said that Gen. ''eved in Washington that Mr. MacArthur acted in his own disc re- Morgan did make some such offer j tion and made a misUke. In other ,0 Mr- McKinley and further that it words, it a case ot heads. McKinlev ' "wing considered. The story is out brethren from "strange cities and distant States" have onened as Odd Fellows' Headquarters at 213 EUicott Squaie, Buffalo, where books of registry will be kept, and competent parties constantly in charge to give (free otcost) reliable informatiob to the visiting Odd Fel low, his family and friends, sojourn ing in our City, and where one rofy be directed to clean and respectable' hotels, boarding or private houses. for the academic year 1900-1901. This catalogue shows for this ses- will assist you. That's all right There are times, however, when you should assist Nature, and the spring is one of these times. Nature, is now undertaking to cleanse your system if you take Hood's- Sarsaparilla the undertak ing will be successful, - and your complexion bright and clear nmiaed. finiahed the third bottle I wa eomp since. I never grot any thing- to do me the least Rood till I tried JOHNSTnv KARNAPAEILLA. I would heartily advise all who ara mw.-il"1?10! or akin disease of any kind to try tt at once. I had also a crood dealfIMo' trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SAESAPABrrr5! ie me all rurat." . The blood & your life and if you keep It pure and strong pun miu iinnrwn m. .ih. . slut disease or face contairlon fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SAESAPAHlr i ' Jn (aila It to for sale by au druggist, in run quart bottle at only one dollar wek saotoa . ' HEAVY YIEXDINO OATS. (Some ol ih hesrlert swute jklders In sli mn! trial 1 fUnnar . o r.w. sinn the laree total attendance ' of I bu; 'Mt scbonoi; , hoishib Proline: . crop snfflelently large during the whole of tbat time to entitle them to a place with the best 12 sorts. , ' On comparing the best 12 varieties this year with the best 12 of 1890 it is found that 10 of them are the same. Taking the results of the cropping of At Memphis, Tenn., Monday night a week, A. W. Hcgin, senoir member of the broker firm of A. W Hogin & Co., one of tne best known future firms in the south, was shot by Dorris Noble in front of the Jeale street market house, it is not thought Hogin will survive. 1 he woman was intoxicated. Hogin if 51 years old, prominent in social and business circles, and has a wife and two children. " Mis 524 students. -Of this number 391 are enrolled 'in the Academic De partment. The Professional Schools have a total enrollment ol 138, divided as follows : the Law School 64, the Medical School 42, the acnooi-oi rharmacy 32. This is get -your choice: the largest enrollment in the history vetLn tw hnvVivpr Tn reuer and cure tu. u your remedy. Boidb, wanted... 1 have the stock and need the money, t . . " T A hrfahf iint-a o vt ri i rkl h I nana xraw K Belief in Six Hoar DistressliiaT Kidney sad Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Kiw Great I South Amibicak Kinrar Cub. This sew I remedy Is a great surprise on aooount of Its I exoeedlng- promptness In relieving pain' in I the bladder, kidneys, bak and every part 0 1 the urinary passages in male and female. It I 1! La-. ,.Cfjh You Will Have I have just received a sonu car of the best BUGGIES ever offered for any color gear of the institution. : I for tbe whole period of 09 bushels 17 I T' Albri''t- ""'Sirl't Oraham. N. C. The faciUties of the Universitv Pund P c. The remaining 20 I varieties hnvn nvprnirfxl ilnrlntr tUa At Columbus, Ga.." Tuesday Visitors are at liberty to have tele httve greatly increa8ed hV the ccm- same time 51 ' bushels 7 pounds per week fio?."1' neBro. bo "d himself shot m. anA aa.1.-a 4a strnction of two new dormitories. an average difference in favor of instantly tailed Fouce Oracer W. S, ?: r TT? "T u w """" which .n,.. .,n( . productive sorts of u bn. 10 t and Wflii himiAil' Qhnf onH in care of said headquarters. wnicnccommoaate students w" killed by Officer Wood Little had A reliable guide,, with maps of the I IT. "u,lul"e lur reciiation rooms, i 'Tbe value of these figures is more been threatening to kill his wife City and Exposition Grounds will ine tom C08t of tnese buildings will Iuuy eaiizea ir we near in mind tbat and started to carry .out his threat; kL fc'aVssLv sTJissisastsz ntsssssir'm f, visitinK brethren ' pnation of the Legislature will make pockets of Canadian farmers, r ) stepped in the door he was shot Your member, visitin Buffalo P0881019 n,,n9 "V th8 "8 ""TS lowiri. .hot "the n, 'h ' I nUk - . S Z 1 , . I wuui.wiULao IU UCI mill Htfl IN. I 1 ' oovv ,auavwa during the Exposition are cordially invited to call at I. 0. 0. F. Head quarters that we may' have tbe pleasure of meeting and greeting you, and aiding you as much a. we re able, along the line, indicated. The Secretary of your Lodge is re quested to read this communication at several meetings, that all of your possible an increase in the teaching force and additional eauioment , a a which will insure the best work. Excellent water works are in Ml operation and a central heating plant will be installed before the be ginning of the next session. THE OLD, OLD STORY. Of tbe 31 varieties of this cereal which have been tested for six consecutive years eight of these have appeared among tbe 12 most product! vie every year for the whole period. Comparing the best 12 varieties for 1889 with the best 12 for 3000 we find that 11 of them are the same. Taking the results of the cropping of the best 12 sorts of spring wheat for killing him instantly. Q o; m fit no 500 bags Star Brand anoVOrinoco Guano. 1 Car load o; the Buffalo Pitts Harrows. ' 500 Bushels Seed Oats. -50 Syracuse Chilled Plows. "40 P. P. Plows. -25 Boy Dixin Plows. - r 20 Troxler's Cultivators. Plows, hames, traces, back-bands, collar pads, cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. Don't forget that I am HEADQUARTERS for any of the above goods. N. S. CARbWELL, The Cajr.Load Dealer of Burlington. ' ICBelBIMil Fourteen years ago I member, may become familiar with J with an ulceration was taken an ulceration nf tha Una tbe good intention, of your brethren which caused me great anxiety ai in Bunaio. . ' eunennt. uotn Una were It wili be an advantage for each fy "7, and very painful, ..y. VE UV1IQI uioaiw - u wu one sore wnicn remained on my identification. - under lips for 14 rears, and I had Hoping we may have the nleas- t.rav.e ten u to the end. I tried ore of meeting many of the mem- L." medical treatment the coun- bmnt nnr T " auoruou, ana various remedies bersofyourLtKige during the com- that friends would prescribe, but! nv tauiaiu, . , . : noining naa any enect on me what ever until 1 tried Mrs. Joe Person. Remedy. I saw her and she , told me she thoughtshe could cure me. I tried her Remedy last October. j i- - - - aim my up were soon perfectly cur eu ana nave oeen well ever since, COUGH SYRUP (A cures Haokdnflr Oooarha. I a t .r ' a v uwn uuiijj5,uuppe,r sen. monia and Bronchitis in a few days. Why then risk Consumption-, a slow, aura death? Get Dr. Bull'. Cough Syrup. Price, 25c. Don't be imposed upon. Refuse the dealer's subatitnte : it is not as good a Dr. Bull's. aaivauea mi cures KBeaasatana. AeheaaadPalaa. isAagcuT Phoeniz Mutual Life Ins. Company. iuii 169 Main St.; Norfolk, Va. PIANOS & ORGANS Yours in F., L. and T The I. 0. a F. Pah-Amksi- caw, CoatMrrrEZ. l From Chaa. T. Holt. Mesrs. T. T. Hay & Bro.r General muvv viELDixa spriko wheats. tSViBM et (b harint srrrage fielders In tlx ran' trial of sprinr'whmt.i 1, Prat on; i, Red rita! , Gooee; 4, Whit file; s, Huron; C, Well- ua riMi iwmu BunUn; 8, Bio Onnde. Sole Agents in this territory for Knabe, Vose & Son, Smith & Barnes, and Webster Pianos ; Stpry & Clark and other Organs. Aside from instruments, . we are wholesale and retail agents for several others, -s (THE PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE IJNSl'KANCE CO.. of Hartford. , r announce to its Conn., desires to wins, tails', MacArthur losses. Il II I. I it.. uiausiuie. ana u true would exnimn V"o x uuemx wuiuall as enual in I nr.-iti.. .i . mneh nf h. m-.,-. J:ti ny I have. I am we 1 nlJLl -l,K .r w COUDty bill which !l i' P" W wvim tuvom paia oy a great i lx years at the central rarni they fJ holders of Alamance and ad have averaged for the whole rrii fjominir counties, and to thoae cnn. 20 bushels 67 pounds per acre, while templating life insurance generally, I ti.M Mr. P t " " T" e '"D1D1B varieties grown for Dom male and female, that this 5 if she wouW cVr. me lut she hashed s nerr'T. m be poli- i m , i a . i - - uicd au Lain viirv ihinl - .1 rn lnuiiMnAui adiiw AUOUiaUlT existence to-day. , It business. 48 years naa paid, an givea full guar- lowing Items, orlglnatinft with ProfpsB-1 Cash values, mld.nn anA I "ZZ !"r ;: k PYf, state'd in its pohci. o.nVhrnTcror on bottom land, an tnmL ...,:. "f exaggerated estimates or delusive manager, of the impeachment trial coirpens or of velvet benns am tha I P niises. lnere are but two coid-I 1 a . r I arnuiia wa m.fK mi m 1 naw tuver, . u, Apr. 21, W. heroredioina: JAM .-.Yl biI. r."LM wmpanj to ifc-W'JW-JSlta: "t take hundredT-oFdolla for " life inanriC: ' tl' WU hM done 6 Die.' ' Caa. Pta.H.,. V I i j- . '1"y 1116 insurance in vnnr mmi..nn I - rhn nh. . .... . . .. I nni.1 di.iiliinila Tt ii i . . ' r 'I :-!.- J. IS. tlinp I " yuuiuu-. . . sugar cane wiu find valuable the foi. anteed .values for iteuben EasL a wall-tn.rlr. frrr.- w lM wcaragua Uanal wa drowned Tu.wlay; a week in anujr wnexpect- msny other companie. To anyone Blackburn', mill creek near Walnut w I"ICe, wlllle tno 'at Congress J wanting lite insurance I can cheer- Cove. Stokes count. TT ... ,n session. It is , lr. . Illlal. Ynura .,1. . I waima I BHOineVI.1 ... 7. """a I j:. -j j an. murxivu a relations are cioae . , in. . . i mis essential. ' on riorid. .iia i"o uiviuenaa aa me rnntmr .nm . . . . m . i n0va - wa n rr &....-.. . r . i t't i ...... l i'uaw 'i ' mil m m.v 7WD uwb Kua.riiHva ii ir in. i .1 . . . . - i n. . .. : . r v. ... vuw- nvLi, I . . -V- , ouiuua 10 mfrogeo as food v """isauon. Jl lias paid policv lasffvuueuoe ana nusineu so I T ' "... iw i '"i uv, , -.1. uumuigver au,mju,uuu, .....uw buu iwo noes or seed over lZ.UUU.UUU The council of state met with the nhannM F X . I . a a . i tsaas sasa-at L.J a ui LIlll ill ruuinnmanr TVIsiI I IllWIItWa tr nr 1 known that " "7 Pnix M-Lnd cUim.of.tto.ney.. "f -0'. l.ih.TO paid .0 large aver- ins tha creak anmnt bom. in . !, wr- Morgan . relations n with ' m. Mr. Whii th- ai- with the big railroad interest, tbat ... . , . . , xt. uurae ana venicieaway. air. wnite , ' .. ' Tr. . "wrepreeeniauon made for the pur- senators and nine manaeera at 14 warn to the .hore, but Mr. East, "no corapuee ine so-called Amerl pose of wntfhg policies for any bne. a day' amount, to 12 254 ' whil Write for Catalogue and Prices. Pianos and organ, sold on easy pay ments.' Old instrument, taken in ex change for new. A postal card will bring you . full information and save you from. 10 to 25 percent. T . who was about 50 years" old, was TOn I H,,ama Uin1., , which is drowned. Hi. body wa. recovered be,ieTed t0 have Wd for Wednesday mornimr. n.ureiy specuiaUon purpose.. Anoih- w - ... sL: ai- J a .a a .a- .. . r. 1 o. ' . . . ' er "" na. aoa. 10 Ui plausibility Charlea Stutta, a night watchman. of ,ile tU)n ia that thB fitAt- , . . r--- ment, in it. negotiation, with the 'ICiiliimhian miniular ant k. ram. da 1 1 a imt.,. k 1. . . I . . . r 0. "-r ..Iii,8 IVI MM 1 nnt til tha Punama f.l n Respectfully, J. D. Robh, Agent, w i Graham, N. C. I - died at 1'ineburst Tuesday a week mi reeult of being thrown from B1xk1 fariaar. ihe blood is consUntlv halno- puriBed by the lungs, liver and I Kidneys Keep these organ, in a witness fees ; and . employes will not exceed 11,000 making the total oust of trial not over $7,000 about half of former estimates. cane are the desirable forpis for plant- Thorongh breaking and shallow cultl. vatlon with cnldvator Instead of plow prouuer uesi results. ." . ; t ? : . Hed cane la hardier than green and matures earlier. For large areas and for angarjhe red variety Is brst. Kor April) Wash away the filth "and waste that drunken man, by the name of Mc Nearly shows its recoaTiition of heal'ny condiuon and tbe bowels hv aocomulated during winter. Keniie, home. -The horses ran ,he Dosail.ilitv ot iha Pa.m. 1 7?uL,r ?d 'oa wiU hve no need ,ik mnner Hood'. Sai away, StutU was thrown out or fell r!a!JTiSlLA tltlZ. Ltff & ! out and was killed. McKemie was Sarsa passing under American control, pose there is nothimr eoual tn Cnm. punUe. that have been Hnrwif-H vlded It wui aiaa- tha n4. J II . J. . . 1j..j .v .7 -rm . M - ... RMa mt la Ccatcat. ; A road of slag cement Is to be con structed at North Tonawanda. N. X, by the Iron and Steel company of that city, This corporation has received I JOH T nTT5H permission to lay tracks on a road " iJX-1' now It has! assets. : It haal more man 11,000,000 surplus, Ii has the unqualified endorsement ol such gentlemen of high character as wnas. i. noiL ofHawRivr J S rr, of Durham. Lee S. Onmrnn of Salisbury, A. H. Harris, ofChar-' lotte, B, T. Gray, of RaleiW .nrf uioiiy omer prominent business men m various parts of the State. ; T. T. HAY & BRO., ; . .. -General Aeenta. ItaleighN. C. ZELAJ: For na-to sell to a customer who wants CLOTHING. Z2T V Because we have the stock and - can fit, as well as please, . yon both Jn quality of rgood. and price. If you are .tout,' lean or regular v don't imagine we can't fit you. ; - . lJI iii3 i a ww mi aia riNi nv Baa a usr-a tain nuMiisrn ani ..eraaaa aa .ia i vsuiiiiir inn atiTH isnn . wnasn eaa,aaa. i. i iuii mum a.r imi rnoi Tha u..t t ttaaa.wl It.. kav M f ..j vv MAuwim --" l.MCiB . p . " MVS. wWI9 UU UV7 BUWl IB ; rreed. but tbe coroner . jury de- the Panama Canal Co. has len not mw d"" of them l d, jou more becn but litUe perspiration and per- ?ow bouV 40 ' teft n width. There .cided that the death of Slntts was ,Mie swindle bulaaeriiAf ;,; f,Md han a dollar b.dUe of the best haps constant confinement in Ira- r"v "ubef of slag roada ? an .ccident ; ? ' , g P ,,,0"d Pnfler. IVice. 23 cents P"" vi'iAled air. It ia a boon KT T,"1' taM ln ",, Wit in t-i , t swindles, which have made rascal Sam plea free at A. J. Thompson 4 0 'tired mothers, houstkeepe ert. the tHmdittow are qaite aovet. An iroporiant circular br ih ir.illionsirca and thousands of h.m., Co.'. Hrn .t, "rapn . ee pen. The molteu aUg I. to 1 run In . -hot ' . . . . . " a I i ' I Local Resident Agent, ' '. -Graham, N.CL BO YCAIrr VEXPMieNCt eute superintendent of education trench Investor, paupers. With d i recta the new county boards ol that record open to all it ia not .n, Umai-j- y -r -j. i i .rw cars over, tne track .and time IndOOre. , v. 1 the slur nnn .... .).. , 7T v It gives the blood Tidiness and Proper place It Is claimed by the anita la a- Ctl. la A . a . I .... ' I ...... it, uiuoi it in nonriah and I company tnat tbe alaa will aniirfir. - uoeny .igiura mr nerves, muscles and! """fl "na rorm a solid mass. It A taatk it... 1... Hnrallnn lA-maa tkJ .ikl. ..-. .V- . ... ,uar Oircum- v.. nvuiui. unianir mo Aiuenuia Deon'e i ikm. j . ' na. w nrss ona.y in Jay. .ui ever entorae any connection of Store, in the norther, nar. nl r..,n. M the great onr-n. of the b,v a the old board will bold over on- Mhw government undrr any drcum iord county. While in tbe wX)d, CU Wl 8pring huI "nd ni8h ... .,v vi,,,,iuii v. iiicir term I ''vra v. vwuuiuuna wiin ins rn. . i j . uicu arvuosr. public ex .maC.ntd Co. - ; ,. If , " Z'ZTTl L ".'V.h.! eet medicine money can ..... ... . : w" " "ui ur "asea caused ty jm- siieauoiiniwrauon naaoncemore u llmo ol a tree be bad iust pure orimpowriahed blood. Yon rcvivm uieeiory ina.i iheHulian ofl'eiiea. joe blow caused s ' mm Another circular directs .ruinations to be held this month. : The impeachment trial of the au, : rrerae court judues has cost the lar7 oout to pay those lona- abrasion of the akin laU $3,0020 exclusive of tbe cost J 'j'dinf American mii.ionaryl poisoning ensued, resulting in his . of printing the daily record and the c""n UMtl' th piwlewors, oeatn a Tew day. later bound volume of the proceedines of ww l0TJ MT hat this time .1 ... 1 . . - I n. . . " vw.i.m IV IUCI :Thfta famnna lillt -111- 'T- v...uc -..u wmta wuraipiomau Witt'. Little Ear Riaara .ill have got the Sultan bound. Com-J oove all impurities from your .ys- mon decency ought to keep the ad- ,em c,ense your bowels, make ministration silent on this Question V,em reRuUr- J- C- bimmon'S the . I sslKAnlrl li at.a.1 a a a a slight I "Ts aiDg it to-aay, and blood Tha riaaMMt .( Talk. Talk la tbat form of hnmaa speect which Is exempt from aU duties, for Urn and domestic, it Is tbe nvaresi wing in I He world to thinfclns and fwl Inc aloed. It Is Dcceaaarllr nnt r I hoatloo - aok-ly an evMeoce cf good ana luuraai Kindness. Von t.n Tsmdc Maama ls auma CovmoMT aVe. aitMT aiuaiiaiB oaHuoa fraa vtMaaLrZ naam avhat aw. i Fire at Wilmington Wedneed.v thm7.b IZTJJM J.. j . j . .. . . I 77 .... UJ uenrvea iwoary Klin, and six or . "U,CT inai it m interest and en- eight truck, ot lumber belonging to ZT'Z iTlTllZX v-'"im mun PaMatt taaaa 7tZ7 aiTfrf 2 a aaara7a tSa MlialMnMl yoooooooi nOl-H'H H M tCIDUUUUUUU OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Is growing, ' for the reason tbat we haye only one price, and and you can buy as cheap by ordering as if you were in our store. " SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne, Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant and W. H. Matthewa W. H. Mattliewa &Co., G BEENSBORO, N. C ffl ITT MinilM. L ' iaaaaiii7liSt.Wsa Fore A Foster Co. insurance. Tla Emmj u Faal Oaa , Coantlees thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. King's l.'ew Life Pills, which poeitivelv question can announce that these .... , . . . . cure tonsil naiion, bick ileadache. claims have been naid. Ti haa .1. Liraness, Jundice, Malaria, fever Wed itself to be bluff, d and bam- -MaJror - Mr.Powell haabeenre- . ."V 0.,n- boozled by the Snli.n to a aii.t "onunated by the Democrats of r,mVr. o? w'eTK Sn SJK h i. government the "ndy. form.yo, ' J. ThiTPtnn fli'i rf-llauiibina Stock of Ifaa rUnlnmali.! -- . ' - - r" ""- r..iir,A... ... . . irorld. iu. niito iiazei aive Ha F.a. rvra Dr. W. W. Gaitber, who recenUy morea irons umington to Burnw attempted to commit suicide Tues day a week by the use of chloro form. " BasntW tj-Sta Sf t an . I . . . wi,snnj ; no "Piuiona uecaase yea know I tike to tei! mem ana becaase yoa and setnetblna la them ef one kind or another thai lnre to " a a aice cam wita eaur. simple rnlea atvt -ii. Poasibllltlesaf variatkm. AadUwaat tnto it with tbe nsht spirit and play u lore, wltboot bear stakes. ttM " wa Happen to be falrt liable people wa stall fear, one af tbe best thine la tbe world- rn oil ueary Vaa Dyke, oromr ja . ' TH la Tn kraj lt o itks aw av as . Subscribe For The Gleaner. $1.00 per year. aaa..tttt)(M)M)()t)))u)))')))n ttf Durham Marble Works You need not be reminded that . it is yoar duty to mark the last " ; : resting place of your departed : loved ones, but we wishito re mind you of our, low prices. f . Wa fcai. . amnUta .. , i - ot Ua auast paiua-oa sad deaig ua. DURHAM. N. C . . . aAl - ... " . Subscribe to The Gleaner- 1.00 a Vcar-