i 1 .tt i It 5 r. : fill 1 V: i i ) I 1 I i li ' f for Infanta The Kind Yon Have Always Bought has borne the slffna tare of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been, made under his." ' personal supervision for over SO years. Allow too one to deceive yon in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and , " Just-os-ffood" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. : ( The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the In Use For . WHY COTTON SHEDS Break t Her Spaa Store Water. Broadcast Fertiliser. Your4 cotton shed, first, from want of water. Your winter water had not been stored away and was not on hand for - this great emergency. Secondly, we doubt If you bad gone through the hsrdpan so 'that cotton roots could go down to the great ocean of earth water always at baud. Thirdly, It shed for want of food. ' Your work bad stimulated the plant to a line growth and large expectations. - The fertilizer in the row had helped to do this. Hence when excessive demand 1 for water and food to sustain foliage nd fruit came and both were short the plant bad to readjust. The fruit, being tbe tenderest, felt the shock Ilrxt ami died, .Tbe more flourishing the plunt before, the greater the readjustment. The pendulum always goes to the op posite extreme. If the fertilizer and i water bad been proierly dlntrlliited . before tbe dry spell, the growth would ... have been healthier and the 'reaction less severe. - To broadcast fertiliser Is all Impor tant. Fhint roots go everywhere for; food, especially In fruiting scpson,; ; , It Is the want of more manure tp bnl-' , anqe jip tbe Increased demand Xor food "l' that causes th drying up. ' You must 1 'remember, too; that no msniire'or fi-r- tfltser Is worth anything to cotton or j other n la nt without water. The moment tbe soil dries below the manure , tbe fertilizer ceases to lie worth anything. For this reason, snys TBouthern Cultivator, millions of dollars ' Are annually sent for fertilisers Hint do not pay. because the soli, tielng Urn ken only three or four inches, dries lie low tbe fertiliser and leaves It worth less, . , . A GRASS OF PROMISE, deed r Har aad Orailas Pleaeee Sane Weeterm Farmer Hlablr. Side oats grama is a tall, stout stem med native grass, with range extend ing from New Jersey westward to the Bocky ' mountains and - southward through Texas into Mexico, , Where nOIAATt OSAMA abnndant it Is said to make good bay , and pasture which Is readily eaten by "stock. It bas not yet been extensively Introduced Into cultivation. la the government grass garden at Washington tbla grass made Inxnrtnnt growth all through a dry summer, pro doclng excellent hay. .An nfteiiiuiili even Inches high of fair tjiiHllty rnr pasturage was produced which was not Injured until severe fronts, when tbe leave all dried up. It I reported as doing well at Walla ' Walla, Wash.', producing an abunilsuce of seed, and that it Is quite as valua ble as tbe blue grama. In the hills of : central and western Iowa and parts of , Nebraska It Is highly valued by farm. ers for bay. as It cures readily, and ; eves when cut late In the season tbe leaves retain their freshness longer than many of tbe other wdd grasses In those regions. It will withstand long periods of drought and is so deeply , Noted that It Is not easily Injured by ' graxlng. Chrad reports also come from - southern states. y - CaatViUr Tree Veeeaa Wal fy'ti . ''The qoestlon of raising the ftituphor . Ire bas been agitated for s-'tue time. ' hot It has been for the production at ' tbe gum or a an ornamental tree and not as-- an- - Inaeetlcidev says Florida Agricultarun. A gentleman from Man- a tee county a 'few days nca made the statement ttuit be knows of a grove troubled wltb white fly In which a camphor tree Is arowlug. ami that for 30 feet around the tree no white fly cook! be found, while It was plentiful la alt other directions. " If tbla Is the rase, a tnach more trofltble use for tbe camphor tree la round tbsu to ' make tt Into gum. 'sinplnr tree could be set between' the rows of orange trees, which wmiM briti? tbe Influenc of on tree rkw. enough to that or a not her bo tbnt tbe white fly would And uo . antUfsrtory kxlglng place. . '-( 'Phosphoric acid Is the grest and cry ing warn vi wuiiH'ni nuin . . . Cottonaeed meal ami nitrst? r.f si da are practically equally tsluabh ' so aotiroes of nitrogen for ct : oo. . , "Dairying lu tbe aouthr.-tst Is at tn f Dt Industry of slow growth, but this n'ow growth does "not uidlrate that it n ::i eofitlnne to lie a mnt." remarks an . ' ?e. . ';. - r ; shedding strawberrlea. let , cucuinbers, besna and ether ten ( r vr: tnlile la telitc trVd In Fbirtda , n tbe kjuic line as pineapple grnwieg im ' r sbef's. A nciti orlby f Mure of the last rut t f i crop Is Its totnl rslne as crjtard wi ll t it cf tBe Urg.- i-np ver iiiuJe. for. altbouclt over 2.0mii 1 : s less. Its value Is over f2.mj0.ajn i ater. "v ,"i!fa lu tbe alluvial lands t l.n- sod Jllsslsslppl Is srent sne i. . ..' t 2--O.0iW barrels of refined cot- SI M iHMisssssisssssssssP Sift : mJJL. end Children. - Signature of Over 30 Years. A ROOT GRINDER. - i . ' A v Itenrsnaade , ConrlTe Clie, Speed? n Kmmr to u, The farmer who feeds beets, carspts, turnips 'and otlior roots In any great quantity wljl find it iipeosxary to use some easier"; and spmuVr method of reducing them to pulp Umn chopping up with a spade, of t be four Waded chopper sometimes used for this pur pose. In the llluHtratiim, from Ohio Farmer, is shown a cheap homemade grinder which, a correspondent claims, anttwcia all requirements. As some kind of a power oo the farm, either windmill. steHtn or gas en- ROOT UMKDKII. glue or liorse, U now frequent, the grinder I Illustrated with a belt wheel for power, but If desired a crank, mid fly wheel may be used and the grinder operated by baud. The, niuuuer; of making the hopper, attaching legs, braces, etc.. Is well explained In the complete illustration The Interior or jnnln worklngparts nresnown In tbe. sectional cut.' "A" Is" a triangular shaped -strip of wood extending across rear side of box, firmly nailed in place behind the spiseo cynnuer "w, wnicn revolves and does tue grinding, does tbe grinding, -and "C" Is another wooden strip having teeth like the cylinder extending across front side of box and fitted lu grooves or small strips at ends of hopper Id such a way as to serve as an adjusta ble concave.' The cylinder teelb may be ordinary 12 ismny spikes, 'the heads cut off, the remainder of spikes driven Into cylinder, leavlug about one-half Inch projecting and tbe projecting ends filed sharp, but It will, be' isjtter make teeth of one-quarter Inch square bar iron cut 2 or 3 inches long, one end of encb tooth flattened on an anvil. chisel shape, and cooled while redbot by Immersion In cold salt water. Tbe other ends of teeth may be cut with a Screw thread and teetb' screwed Into the cylinder, leaving one-half an Incb or so of the chisel end projecting. Tbe distance the eylludcr teeth arc placed apart and the position of the movable concave, the teetb of which should In tersecj' tlioso of the cylinder, will de termine degree of fineness to which tbe roots may bo reduced. , ' The conducting spout shown In the Illustration of the completed grinder Is not alisolutely neeessury. it Is simply a continuation of tbe back' bcnnl or boards of tbe' hopper box and has couple of light side boards. . AT WINTER'S WIND UP. Vhm Prompt m4 Dilc,;f Br, Au , Headr For Sarlaai Work. '" Bees begin -work much earlier In spring than the ordinary farmer, and those who think bees .do not .require looking after . until warm wemUei comes In arc very mucji tatlstak.es. Bees beglu to draw pretty heavily on their stores to feed Jibe brood lung be for warm weatheriiMkes Its appear ance In spring. " If a colony sncceeds In building up strong In numbers, It is necessary that they consume a large amount of stores.:- ; ' llees begin breeding heavily before tbey bare an opportunity to gather honey from flowers. - and to make strong proiitable colonics tbey must bave a good supply of reserve stores lu tbe hive. If tbey are not thus sup piled, i key will certainly fail short of making colonies tbnt will produce tbe best results durlug tbe boney harvest However, not all depends upon food. Plenty of reserve store and alt tbo feeding we can do will not make old. Inferior queens lay enongtt egg to produce a good colony, and It Is only by good management during tbe full previous In requeeulng colonies, wltb good young queens. It seldom pays to keep a queen more than one year and not more than two at the best Old queens are content wltb half a hive full of bee and will make prepara tion to swarm wltb tbese conditions. and the result Is a failure In boney and lu good swarms also. ' Colonies are frequently found not on ly wltb old. Inferior quccna thus, bat often wltls do queen at all at tbe wind up of winter, 8ucb are of course worth ies unless we can procure queens for them, which 1 difficult to do at ibis season of tbe year. W may save tbe bee by miitlngjbero wltb other colo nic, and this Is tbe proper thing to do with tbcm, and tbe hive wltb empty combs or boney should be placed away securely from robber bee, conclude A. H. Duff la Kansas Farmer. ' Seed Coaitaa; C trrewatarlr. It I a common experience for seed to com np Irregularlycome In a few day after cowing, other not for weeks. Meebsn thinks It evident that tbls peculiarity la In tbe seed them selves and baa little reference to tbdr treatment by tbe cultivator. .'. Aa-rtewMaral rerttWa,' 8ow clover on bite, light snowfall. Clean np the cellar, sort over remain ing produce and get rid of decaying roots, vegetables and fruit. . , Watch well tbe plants under glass. Frost give many surprise. Test clover seed in a homemade terminator a double piece of flannel, dampened, placed between two plates td kept In warmth of an ordinary 11 ring room. " - . N rronloc Is la omW for trees. fctintiM asd rise. . T . t t.j. FoVmg peas la pot under guts I a new wrinkle. -ff H g-gOO-EGQ-KINettf There Are Mot Hear of Her, and She -, Doeea't Alware Traa.etlt. ,; I have oirned onu.ltarred Itoek.heu with a record of 211 vggs In pno year, She was. to me a wonderfully .prolific fowl ; I never sow a bb'd that wbj such a restless, active forazer. She could outscratch aud outrun any. Leg born I ever ownedv I bwd from. he:'i and while many of ber cbleUs iulier- Ited ber disposition - nouc of . tlictu was her equal in egg production. After ber laylbg qualities became known she was fed from my baud and given about all she would eat tiiicc times a day. The feed consisted cf a mash in tbe morning composed of two thirds wheat bran and one-third -corn-meal, wheat at noon sad whole corn at night, wltb one ounce of green cut bone per fowl every other tiay tbrougU tbe winter. . -;; . . ' Owing to the prominence given the utility fowl by Farm poultry and aft erward by tbe poultry press lu general tbo 200 egg ben Is much sought after, and probably thousands, of -records bav-"cietr"tflrted" with 'what - were supposed to have been phenomenal lay ers until tbnt idea by an honest count and the cqld logic of figures bas been proved a delusion. Numberless hens have laid ut that rate for eight or nine months, but when tbe record bas been maintained for a full year jthey have fallen short of the mark'. -The absence of the 200. eg ben f rpiu most poultry plants has made ber c - spicnous. " 1 do not believe the 200 eggjlock of any considerable size exists. Rimi.l 1 pens, under' faVortng Taartlffou rond scientific feeding, ' bare rent hod tbe mark and even exceeded It. but t'.tcy are tbe exception and not tli.' rule. The 200 egg flock Is a possibility rcf tbe future and will bo owned by tbe careful breeder who mates bis prolific layers back to their sous ami by a Judi cious system of Inbreeding fixes this desirable trait In bis fowls. . f People who are not up to tfateJa their poultry Information Iooj on the 200 egg hen not as a reality, but a a product of the ben moil's Imnginatiea, After my ben bad finished her ycat I pointed ber out to n friend aud said she bad laid 211 eggs lu tbe Inst year. - Aft er gazing at ber for a full minute and Inquiring who kept tab ou her be tufty ed to me with a loo'.c that all but said. "Well, George, I didn't. know- before that you M reached such a depth a-f depravity, for compared with you Ananias was but a weak and feeble liar" r . . f i bave mated my Uocks'slS years for exhibition pullets, giving those, heps the preference that bave demonstrated their laying capacity, and uow have s flock handsomer from a standard poll of view and satisfactory as n utility fowW In .closing v,wU!(ay.uiy -m oi t ben was a very-ordinary layer lu he! 2-year-old form. O. A. Cleveland In Farm Poultry. - A Bandr Urtle Bouse. - One of tbe most bandy dad useful np pllances I bave found about the iionl try yard Is tbe little house shown in tin accompanying ill nsf rnt Ion.' It Is 5 fr square, 0 feet high In front and '! feel high In rear. " Tbe door In front Is feet wide, 4 feet high and '12 Inches above tbe bottom of coop. There sh.i. Id be a wire door Inside of one lucb aw Wire netting," so that tbe main dm A mar'bo left onen In hot . weather. Th window should (be t)out twg$ feel ooMrAcr axd coNvtMurr -- ' square (single sasbi and Is p!and nl;if two feet from the Door and bmged at tbe bottom, so It may swing opeu any wldtb for ventilation. It should tie covered wltb one Inch mesh wire net. ting to keep out vermin while oneu Tbe little entrance Is 8 by 12 Inches and bas a slide. dtor on tbe Inside to but over it- I would bare n little dopi on the back side next ta the floor aboui ten Inches high running tbe. whole length of tbe back and. hinged at top Instead of nailing tbe floor to tbe sill. 1 would nail It to three stroug cleats, and hinge It to tbe sill on tbe back, so It could be, raised la front- Thus tb. whole contents or tbe floor could In dumped out back side, leaving tbe flout na clean a If It bad bero swept In text tune than it takes to tell It-Pouitrj Monthly, ' - 1 i - ' - -iV Mmt . ?arlellos. '. How many poultrymen could givi from memory a complete list of the standard varieties of poultry t Dow many could name without as error all tbe numerous varieties, standard an;: nonaundard. of tbe Wyandotte? .Win , the first standard was published it 1873, there was Just one "Wyandotte. tb Stiver variety, and that was classed as "Tbe Wyandotte." Just a tbe Barred Plymouth Rock was classed as "Tbe Plymouth. Bock." Now we bave the Silver Laced, Golden Laced. Whin Black, Buff. Buff Laced. Blue. Cpluni bhtn. Partridge and Silver Penciled and " Barred Wyandotte. -r-Tbee- -we nam from memory. -.If w have omM, ted any variety, will some one kindly correct nsf-Farm Poultry., i,.- ' Car furmur On tbe average farm there aii enongb egg lost on account of IB bui tartlng their nests andvr tbe barn oi outbuilding and ultimately found bj rats or other scavengers to ray for tht erection of a henhouse and Jncloson. where tbey could be tbnt ep'and a" eggs secured after being laid. r.Ty-'r.i-.r vl.:. ;s . ... . j ' ' "I had piles so, bad . I could get no rest nor find a cure until I- irieo DeWitt'a Witch Haxei Salve. Aftei usintf it once. I fbrvot I ever hsd anytbinglike riles. E. CBoice.i somen Point, K. 1. Look out tin imitation. rBesare Toa7ask 6s DeWitt'a. 3. CL Simmonsv' the druggist. i t i 5 f 1 Is ortaa a warotna: that th hrrr is torpid or InactiTa, More arrloos trouble may tultow. For a prompt, efBdent ears cf Headacbs and ail lirer troubles, Uk rrcc j'c p:::o Wbll ls7 roae the U"t, reefers full, neular s.-tioa of bowei?,, thy ao r4 t- t or pm, o out irritate or infUM.- the lri--rT.l orr-- bnt bT S p"iht tonic e:..i't. ic at ail dniri'i-.ti or by nmil oi C L iixd a vo- 1au, lim AAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAA Washington News Notes! of?? Tf ff ?TT?T?TTT"TyTvf . If an experiment that,' has .been proceeding in Wasliingtpn for, some rears turns out a eucoe? when it culminates this fall, it will bojKm sible to grow orsnge l-rees out of doors all nver the southern half of the United States, . The Departraunl of. Agriculture has crofsed the Florida orange on the hardy but un palatable' Japane' species, which grows amid snow and ice, and if tbe fruit is luscious) , ti e experiinenl will have-been a success. Trees are now besrinjr, but ihe fruit will not be ripe until fall, so the real flavor Ciinnot be determined Even if the fruit fails, the tree produced tan . he used to great ad vantage ss a hedge. K cretnry'Gsge has decided thai Chinese born in Hawaii at any time, or naturalize) there before the dm oi the treaty ot annexation, are cifizens of the United States and en tilled to entry at any port. Thi burden of proot rents on the Chins, mata seeking, entrance. The de cision, of course, , does not conflict with the Exclusion law but it dos open the way for the smuggling of Chinese direct from the Flowery Kingdom more boldly into this country, ' The Pan-American , Commission recently appointed . by tho-President presents in personnel- (v great- con trast to the St .-Louis- Coinmissinn. whicl) 'consists almot- entirely lHruken down politicians. .Jhere 9 re none of this breed in the former lfs', this remarkable phenomenon beitig uue 10 1110 mvi nisi no salary is si tached to the office. The ."neces sary expenses'' of the Commission' ers are paid, but no per diem, whjle the St. Louis job pays f5,000 a yelr, for J5ve years perhnps,jy . In April, n new. rate of postage between the United Stales' and iCula went into effect. This will 1 hence forth he at domestic rates, jutt as it now is to Mexico and Canada. -1 is estimated that the reduction will cause a falling of 130,000 in receipts tbe just year, but that this will rsottn be made up. ". 1 1 Secretary of the Interior Hitqh cock is considering the use of a lot tery system to avoid bloodshed and litigation over about 3,000,000 acres of land on the Kiowa Indian Re servation to be thrown open to set tlement early in September.- - Afrei the allotment to the Indians there will be ifoout 18,750 homestead siies of ICO acres each.".. Heretoforey the matter has been decided by a. rush across the border, begun at' a -given signal,, -and . invariably j attended with bloodshed'. and .'followed t lirioaffatV ,? They are telling a tale here ol Representative Shillings, of Ala bamn-as illustrative .of, bis ability t0 get trtlt of tightfcitiiation; H It seems .that two of his constituents called t oa biowtogetherclujming that he bad promised each- a jihrti cular postmastertihipJirWheri re minded -or his ' promise, "StalHngg clapped bis. hand , uponJHS ' knee roared -' - with T laughter, ' and . said i 'Boys, I reckon ona: ot -you'uns must be lying, and l - wish'you'd tell me w hich it is.' j The Secref Service .has issued a warning against the counterfeit of a $5 silver certificate of the series of lSfiwifh thepottTaitfQfj the In diSn Xhler Oriei)pa. Since first delected, the counterfeiter has im proved on the not so that it closely resemble the genuine."" The figures in the Treasury number are still too thick and heavy' and are irregular 10 formation -' t i When Congresaoolished JiqTjori selling jn the army Canteens' ub: authorized ihe President 'to amend the army ration as he, saw fit,' the the change being to enable 'him , tbi apply some of the delicacies tbatl the Soldiers, formerly . bought hirt themselyet.outpf .. canteenprofits Tb pef ration .now, prescribed, 5. Presidential order. includes the nl liberal subsistence alldwedany soldiers in the world, and W adast- ea to. me ipipicai conaitions as veil as the frozen gone of Alaska, i ! f Mj. Dawea, Conlrollerf tbeuK rencyhas sht-wn his rnany sided shinty )d the Onoi inore by running a Philadelphia 'newspaper for several years with such success thai, be bas eleartd .chough money from it to pay off nearly alli'tbe claims against the estate of Wif M- -Gingerly, who died there after '.fail ing for l7.b06.60U. Singerly owned the paper and contmlled a national bank and hence th control ler took charge cf the newpapcr, and has been conducting it -ever jnce with such su -s that during the lat three yes- it hss made; the largest pr uta in i s" history. - The paper will now I a sotdTj&C auction. snd will surely bring "an amount sufficient,' too ther with the Am ends already ueclsred, to psy aQ the SingerlyTre K'rs in full. "j ' ' A special order bas been issued l directirr the jiostsge stamp division of the Lurc.ia of Engraving 'and Printing to continue overtime work iluring the next month, to prevent j-TfefB'Bhortaga is d aerlo -.the Vie- Tionijjpar sale? fofj'pbslapei ptamps. bicJavr.'ody t keuj alj , re cord tor tnet!ouptrv, anc xne exten sion of the rural free rtcliyery ser tiie, by which people living in, re mote places are induced to write inure. leuers man lormeriy. r. ;,ji .'.: - I he recent, increase in the num ler of alleged Porto Iiicans coming to this country has aroused the bus picioiis of CoiJiuiiseionerof Immigra tin Powderly and steps are to be luken ' to - exclude impostors. : An inspector is to be sent to San Juan fr I lie purpose of issuing certificates to genuine Porto Ricans . and - to keep tt lookout to see that South Americas aixl other-" do not. come into the United Slates as. .natives of ifFat island". f j . . i. . t .. i ;."."'"'. t, ' . i- . KW.1he . Government . lisa made profit f over 130,000 on the sales of the postxge stamp books. A" a result,. it is, threatened with suit by Hi) inventor who applied for a patent pun device docri ed. a identical eritli that ued by. the Post Office Department. i The authorities in formed him tthat th y did nj)t believe he had a case and were content lie should urge his claim ; ' ., Kltiah Shelton, a convict- from Madison - county, dropped -'-dead while at wors st, theNpeniteniisry He was .only 'i years old., . -j 1 You'cartnot enjoy perfect health, roy cheeks in. d sparkling- eyes "if your liver -..is sluggish and-your noweis ciogted. Ue witt s " L.ittie Karly Uisers cleanse the whoHs flys tem. Ihey never' gniie, J." C Simmons, the tiruggist. ' Goy.'.Aycock will appoint Mrs. Thomas J. Jnrvis laity commis-iion- er 10 me ran-American ftxposiuon at Buffalo. 1 Miss BeS-tie Henderson is the other lady commissioder front tlusbiate. j j 1 ; - Spring coughs nre specially dan gerous, and unless cured at once, serious results often ' ' fol low. ' O ne Minute Cough Cure sets like magic it is not a common mixture hut is a high grade remedy. J, G, Sim mons, the aruggist., Strawberry men expect" a" short crop this vear, with a lute season! but on this account belter prices tor ine prouueuou. .1 ; . - .r English Spavin Unluienf. rrnnnves aU Hard Soft or Calloused lumps and Blemishes from bones. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweet ny. Uing-'ione, Htilles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Cowrhs. etc. . Have $60 by use 'if one pottle. Warranted the most wonderful HImisboare ever known. Bold by T. A. A brJnt, drusglserOrabam, AT, O. . - rrr- ' "''The 14-year sentence of 'jesae Green,- a couvict of Beaufort courf. iy tor murder in the second degree, is commuted by the governor td ten years' ' imprisonment.- The judge says that is enough.. . Ten jurors ask lor pardon. - The . governor says "I (immolation is granted now while the facts are known, rather than wait until they become obscure, snd the prisoner lontottenJ Vljist winter I 'was confined ' mv bed witb a very bad cold on t lungs.'. Nothing gave , me ' relief. nnslly my wife bought a tsoltle ol One Minute Cough Cure that attect ed a speedy cure I cannot speak too high of that excellent remedy.-' Mfv T.-i K,. HousemnUit Man Atawnev. Pa. ..J. C. Simmon,' the driggist.. AVaynesville has" voted $14,000 for water works. , . WORMS DOKXIST TK TMK human body to a great extent, aud are otten the cause of disease and death. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and exjiel them from the system,. For sale by J, C. fcim mons, vlruggi8t.. , j. ... The - President . has' appointed Ja m es - M r Mi Hi kbito - be-r Unit ed UjmarhaIfor the jrejtejrjdjsi irict of North Carolina. - - 4, ! IP, i n .'.ii:.jss v 1 SWiMt&e tMcMaMl IVajka.Ojrihe M Laxative Brojno Quinine Tahfeti cureseoii rn Onelaytf r?.oI Cure, no Tts frnsfere t o Sreryitrx ef the SSDStns Laxative uroiatHuiie xakieis tb naedr Ihstnrre mH1i"M dart . vnarrty Carroll a etroJ woman. hasrrought'etik igMt8ttKe Ivkl MghTeleVe"-cy,Tr $3,db( 1 iamagek Sne J wis wSlking ftii 1 street and fc-S in- hole- dug forj telephftiielleO RKKfiS 4 CASTOR I A Joir IflfLnts 1 CUeaf LA 1 , J " ;m V ' - f 35ar th V, 8natiBof I jeut-Johftl B. Ben"idarJ,9 wji comma ndel th e. Winglo-wjr lierTjnt tilia Worth Bsgley was killed si Cardenas, bus sent a rheck for one ...... - - . . hnuur. 4 ao jars li ' " 'nrer of ! V.rH- rK' ilUllH?!.' xomf litto-sawllfij h lo hel(i bu "t-lhj iuo.iul .t ntHii ritakps th jou. On c K--f ctincolmv eMS m the sr aad tor uuumt. : 1 c 1 xiinfa fr CniiSraa taka nlfccca4y . - Temple Stewart, a well knows at his fanuer, .comoiilteJ sukiJe borne, r r ' Crvepb ro " Fri, lay t ... K.3 ..J Pa.-. . .J . ;isn Ifg-fmni a refier in the tarn. 'D ftHindoncv and ill I ' h l--d t i the 1 ' General News. - Twelve fresh 1 cases of " bubonic tilsmie at Cape Town were officially reported last week ' Eighth of the victims are Europeans and four col Ord persona,.. Two colored victims died, j ',-!," Vt Double Pay, 30 miles north tt Galveston, TexiiB,. the storm of stv day night a'week . at Galveston as siimed cvclonic uroportions. . Mrs. Fish and a 7-year-old girl weje kill ed. Three people were injured.' One hundred clrls lii the plug de partmentVf the LunlUrd tobacco factory in Jersey City, which is con trolled by tbe Continental Tobacco Co.j quit V'rk-ralher than submit to a cut in wages. : t ; " Charles I). Puree,' the representa tive' Of the Orange Free StKte n New York, says there is no truth in 1m the story circuiutea in rans unit k . . i . a - 1 " , ' W - . L .a Air. Kruger 'is to come to this coun try to give a series of lectures. ' Among the saleguards to be util ized hereatier for the safety of Em peror William ' when he appears in putilic, will be lour body guards on hicyclei --.The coachman and ..foot man will be armed with revolvers. In a mine ex-plosion in Fayette county, Pa., Monday a week, one man was instantly killed, five will die and ten are burned and crushed so badly that it is doubtful if they will recovers 'The mine is on fire. The cause of the ex-plosion was an. ' ..." ".',' - 'I 'Vl " accumulation of gas. ' . ' . Advices from -Pektli and other quarters are beginning to give. some IJetTof the Indemnities claimed by the different powers. ; The amount of the German indemnity is $60, 000,000. The basis for this is the large military establishment which Germany sent to China, and . has maintained up to . the present, amounting to 17,500 men. A dispatch " from . Kalsmazoa Mich., says that a cyclone struck the town of Pavilion, a small' 'Village about 5 miles southeast of Kal amazoo whichwrecked a numherbf houses, uprooted trees 'tore down telegraph poles and much other damage. One woman in one of the houses blown down is reported fatal- ly7 "hurt and many others , were in jured.,, - j it ' ' ' - Amob-of breaker boys and men and women sympathizers with the striking girls of the llamfurd 'silk mills, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., set up on Superintendent. Spears and his assistant Tuesday evening a week. rt -- 1 e. ' spears was mt wun a stone and a deep gash cut in his jaw.. After much difficulty, they were rescued by the police. t . . , t , Escorted by two detectives Mrs. Carrie. Nation wade a tour of "Rag Time"; resorts and other places in Cincinnati,1 0.', untif midnight Tues day night. She made a half dozen or more addresses. She command ed the closest attention everywhere and. met with no Jnsuitaor dis turbances but at times she spoke harshly of. the drinking that was go ing on before her and of the obscene pictures op the. walla. . -(, The Navy Department' is jn want of surgeons; who do not seem to 'be applying in any great - numbers. This fact, however, -does not cause sny lowering in-the standard rs quired of applicants, who must be between 2f and 30 yea is of age and rn'ust make formal application to ihe Secretary of the "Navy for permis sion fb appear before in examining made id his own handwriting, stat ing sge'ahd place of With, he place and state of which he Is a permanent reaiaent, and must be accompanied by letters or certincaies from ' per. sons of repute testifying from per sona knowledge to his good - habit and moral character and thai he is t citizen of the United Sutes. The examination is-pbysical, written oral, clinical and practical: the lat- ter-oimptisiiig snrgical -operations. 'Keepthe systemin perfect orv' Viet Witte'tKd&MSj&.xi s-'-arttV Liven fills. -Thev- rep-. lilate tiie tWeU9ltndT.':tWl'uce' lousness.rcOTstipalfon ad,kinT dre4 diseases, an afestute cure .Liver PILLS Itartlflciallvdtcrsata ti fnwl mA K stum In stenrthofitna- aod strcttins; tbe exbaustj di); estiva sr. rams, it t8lMUtatdiscovereddtfrt. ant and tootc. Ji othw preDaraUoa s-rmach It in efflclejire.. . 1 1 in. " "sad rnaajrjt!y cures ?ctioo, Uesn'ourn, , iv.i riLnrnath, , i.auta, . . Mlachs, OaRtraie1 a, Crsai p and i other resui uot impetiect 4, ires Lion. The first number of tbe Southern rm&JeurnarwitH J7J.nCaffl8 and Mr."JCr6nheimer - as, editors is out, " There are .38 pages, m ;. the initial huniber. '--;.,-y "Ii "V lreeltilootl Cure.,; An Offer Proving Faith to'sfTereV, is your Blood Pure r Are yon sare ofjltt Do iuu and scrstohee hoaf slowly t I)oe Jour akin itch or burn f Have yon fMmples ? kruptiona? Aohl-s Bones or Back? EoiemaJ Ol Bores? Holl"f Borofulat r fiheuma Jlsmt Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pate ? ' If so purify your Blood St once with B B. B. (Butaala Blood Balm). ; It makes the Blood I'ure and Hioh, beala every sore and irlvesoolear.amoothe, boaltby sain.. Deep seated cases like ulcers, cancer, eating apres. Painful Swellings, Blood Poison are uutukly eured by B. B. B . made espeo ally for aU ob stinate Blood and Skin Troublea. a B. B. la dltfore.it from other remedies because H.'B. B. drains the Poison snd Humors out ot the Blood aud entire system so the symptoms cannot return. Give tt a jriai. it .our , when all else rails. . xnuruuHiiij i years Bold at drus-atorea at l pe b'tltti fur hnttlna (full treatment) f- So Buflferers may test It, s ""'ai botUe, given ".: olutly free.- Write for it. Address BLOiD Ral.Mi.-O.. Atlanta. Ua,' Write to-day. Ie- aeribe tbe trouble aud ree medical advice given.' : ' -,..'.:'.. State Geolotjist J. A. Holmes has just iirranUed for the purchase of nwrs Island tor in e purpose ui me estahlisMncht by the United States Fish commission ol ' Marine Hiologv ical J aboratory. "ft . ' , , To the Dkaf.-A .ncli lady cured of her Deafness and N wises lu the Head bv Dr.- Nicholson's Artir fical ifiar Drums, gave Itu.utJO.tobifl Institute, st that deaf people unable. to procure the.Ear Drums inuy huve them " free, v Addresa - So. 7600., The Nicholson ' Institute, 70 Eighth Avenue. New York. Gen. Tooii, ' State' supermtenden, ol public instruction, 111 a letter to couuiV BUuenuieniients. slates that only two regular examinations r are 1 orovuh-d lor each year,uut, suucrri intendents may examine ttahers at any lime and cburgb a lee .ot. tberetor. -- - - ' 1 fake Laxative liromo Quinine Obkhvph i ilc: i. Tablets. 'All druggists relUnd the AT1 a A .7 Vr' 'r money if it tails to cure, E. W, V hjou aorea. Grove's signature- is on each box. "r V . S U5c. , .:; 1, V ' s 1 iv ' """twinti rr.ss dispatch the Aorta utroiina urancn 01 ine m-.i ail tne time. ternationitl Order ot" tho- King's Daughters and SUus will be held til I Greenville, N. Uv on April dUth apd May lsl and and.- . . , 4 , If you have neuralgia, Scott's UUIUIOIUJ.I VI WU iJUlVU -VA will feed the nerve that is cry? ing for food-it .. is hungry and set your whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food. That is cqre.' ' " - - - . ' If you are nervous and irri table, you may only need more fat to cushion your Jierves- you are probably- thin-and Scott's Emulsion of God Liver Oil will give you the fat, tabe- gin wKh. ' - Lure, so far." as it goes, Full cure is getting the fat, you need trom usual food,' and Scott s Emulsion will help you totharj ' - i If you hsve not tried Hi send for freeaample. 1,11 BmMhl fa., wjll - . . O " " nH. " . " IWUIUC ,W. .1 V , , SCOTT & BOWNB, Chcaiiats. ?S rearl street. , . New Vork. sk ana i.oo; all druggiata. .-an Soiitherii : fB- Itail way THE "J1'v - ' -..-' - Standard Railway of ' TUB, HOl'TH. - . - The direct Line to all point :-.! . Texas. 7 ; fih ; : : California. r l?Cuba and . (S1 v - Porto RicoJ.VS 7 :;?r-:i'Sr':-:- I Strictly first-class equipment on all . iurougn ana local trams; Fuli . man Palace Sleeping Care on all nignt trains; fast and safe sched- ' ' ales.-." ,' r -- '.- '. . 4 Travel by the Southern and yod are sHurea a eaie, - comiortable and expeditious journev. ' ' nppiy 10 ucket agents for . time ta . . . . - - - ties, rates and general informs uon, oraddre88. , -. h- " ;i an. haedwick! j. tr: A FREE PATTEkj. MtTUafl (MHi-ftl, casual Wft. gstmivm fw Imk m Wa, frtt a , l!UB, i., th r . 4 t frtt t'vrtr - nfltStefcS'.iJtMi-f. '....' 4 W ' - " i Keaffliy Mothers arc healthy, beci- of pnsnsncv. the ihnrk f .LTr'H thi cV f voon. ;V,m1T IUi . I ani VS fWldren, evtre friaUoa-anv woman. iZvMl mothreyry woman In the ClZ? I.' j F I psy th debt of, perW heXffl Owes h ln4 ... is'"" robuat health with all ks prtvL,,!!; pleaiureii. Avlnsof Cardil wUI y to you, ".r'r :V - . " "I . . . . VU 1 Mill itrengtnens tnt lemal orjant and hr. orate weakened functiom. For even! female 111 or wtakncai it is the bes medicine made. ' Ask yoor drueriil k. w khiivi votuui, ana last 1 tumnunc anocr any urcumitincti. Mrs, EM bam. btm Ja .' -W, '. ceosnimd amn Vm. efCardui I hj.V lowalkacrpaitlMhouH, Twowetta.lltrIS tu a mile aid pi-Jtd siiwDmka? htl boun. odhil nwhim on a hlebjuZli5 ihlit.a,Iaetuh month to.KuTIrz!l mm to labor only two boon, w,ih but U? I oitdlio mr kakhllbakCal mi oJ35j . For Wt la on rmuirfaj mkJJ I aUtOKiat trairlooa. "The U&,' au 1 1 i DwtaM.-To.Cba.l ARE YOU TO DATE ? 4 ;Sf T rwMi Mil n m. i 11 rv y? TO CVRK A CUXU IN OnK UA.W' - J , ' - j , - . I -1 Jf vou are not . the TWo ,i, Tbe iwelfth annual convention - of mestic, national, state and loca 0-, Daily News and Observer $ per year; $3.50.fpr 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $ per year, 50c lor 6 mos. NEWS &OBSERVERPTJB.C0. Ralkigh, N..C. " The North Carolinian and Tb. Aiamancj Gleaner will be sen: for one year for Two Dollars, Cast in advance; . Applv at The Gleanei offlce, Graham N. C urnm. xc ' , -UoaTH CaBIILINA's FOKEMOSf NEWSPAPER, f DAILY ;. ' and Weekly Independent and fearless: bigger and more.attractive than ever, it will be an invaluable visitor to tbe home .he office, the club or work room. The Daily Observer. all the news of the world. Corn- ' ;plete daily reports fromtheStata "."'and National Capitols. $8 year . The Weekly Observer, r ji ' A- perfect family journal. All the: "i news of the week. Remember the . -,. Weekly Observer. Only One Dollar a Year. Send for sample copies. Addraw nim OBSEKVEU ."' - CHARLOTTE, N.C.' MACHINIST '' . AND r?ki-iKicc"D ;,rtj,uiHl-l.iii BURLINGTON - - - . .c - i":"' - : -r- w 1 ru tsv .-r--.. :a BLACKSMITH 8HOP, FOVMi - . . ' OEAE-ccrriNO. iarRpin' fitting valves, etc.; ' t'RY 'IIS -n(t lUctihtas sss sasaseWJi5 pf,ca. bfor. 70s P-'tC E WSW MOsIf rwiwj le'" - aaaaasv ai - .ausv a?' .Mf.aT yyJ 4aaaaS 1 C A t - .ate. at , Jrtr - . rrrSaSSrr t i TIVJA,; immm IhU 111 1 t