. : . ',. ", r .. . '. " '. . I'.V;' ' ; ji js;u. y, ; MANGE (brLEANBR. pIONALCARD9.VV . Attornejr-a GRAHAM, In tha Btat ml reaanu eonnau unlttMi ' . . rmftEKBSORO. V.C rmralrlT to tta eottrU of Xl- OLIVER "S EWUNi ntl in WllgM JBulMI-4t M 0t Dr. DENTIST'"':--: -n Mid Bridi worK weoWty i .. ''J IIISURAFIGEtFUOLIC Attention 'ft&tii ..s in KfXTTV Virginia. of thtWU AGE & 1-7 It. KnSwo nd. Popular the mutuaube:iefit " UFC 1NSUMME CO, l Nrk. . Deairef to Announb to it ti Hnmber mcnlly. of Norca Caralina, tacMhIs Oompa- Si from this date will lue Itt plondW I aarf Mmble poUoiK to all dealring the Very ISlnsnranoo In the Beat Inanoe n Mn in th wnnn. i 1 If the local agent la your own dm not jrefr JOHN Cf fc&SWRY, 8TATK AGENT, . - ApeU $72,968,922.21. 'Z'- Pildfolicj- nolim ST82,!09,189.0S. Lrra, Bslubuc, EwiBom Aowt - ID AT UHOB TO WOBK FOB TB 7 Old Mutual Benefit. Land Sale )l B virtue of an order of the Superior Court Of Alamanuo County, If. i).. In the apeolal nmomdlntf. entitled o." V: BTke. Admlnla- lur of Daniel K, Thompaoo and otbera ayalnat Itaomaa Tbompsoa audotaera, belra at law, toe undersigned oommisstonera, being- there to duly appointed, by aald. court; will on i SATURDAY;iUN22r; J90ir T at U o'clock M. on the' premise In itioBip on's Township, Alamance County, N. C, tell to the highest Didder for one-third oaah, one- ' tklrd In tlx montbg, and one-third in twelve ontha from day of aale, the, lollowlna; nur . table traou of laad, te-witt i! .'i : -'- .i.-i FIRST THACT.-Sltuate hi Thompaoa't Township, AlamanoeOounty.N. C, bein a awt of the land of which the late W. V. mm. row, died selaed, bounded aa follower Begln alof at a atake, Wn,J, Morrow's oomer, la Durham's line, thence N. M W. 18.0 onalna to a white oak. Owham'e corner, thence N. ' X W. f(k8oln to a rti?woM, alw Durr huo'a eornes,tbenoe H. M cuaina te a whits oak, tbanoe a. w. tt.n ohaina to astakeintba-oanter of the Baxapahaw and Uska road, thence 8. WV iLacnalnatoarooaj tut pointer on the Worth aide of aald road. Mane with aald road as It meander S. fcijtf5 1. 7.40 obJui,N. 87V K.t.7obalna,S. 7T K. tXehalnai8.8aK0 cLlebaln to a rook, on thseoutbtaide of said road la Wnv, J. for- row'iliM, thenoeN.lV 2J7ehln to , Jn station, oontalnln 114 1-t acre, noreor 8liCNptBACT,-'fie1nifheamToorAey-dbjr W. H. Thompson tu,Wn J. UoeoWi od boondod a tullow : Beglnnlutr at a rock In tbe Wnu Morrow line, toenee 8. M W, 15 chains t hlekory, thenoe S.SPW, 1IU( ohalns to a blekory, the J, a Xarrentlne corner, thence N. 0 B.lfichalne to a rook in - tha Turrenttuenne tbence H. m? shalnf to the beginning, eoatalatua? W acre, wiv ur I CBS. . IHIKDTRACTDMhrth Hunt oorKyM W. P. Morrow Korrow. and bounded aa follow ( and wue to Thomas A. fedaafnllowatf Bairinaina stawhlieoak.aeornerof tbeWjp. Morrow .theneelLaR9 W. M.5ll chifw to a black oak. taeaee B. 68 W. U 7 oluuu te a atake, thence 8. W.MchaTna to a blackjack. Umbo 8. 60 W. IM chains to a waMS oak, Uwnee 8, chaiua to an aslie, thenoe tip wnt to a gum tump on stocky Huu branch. oaaua te i Demmmosu tiieoce h. il S M i eranen- ijtv: p i- chains to a ru. Uuk hkv. sjui h&lna uarock, tnaooe tV WV eaain Potiners, tKnce 8. a'W. tl) chain Uf wniteoak. w sob's corner, thenoe 8. D B. chain so a white oak, thenoe N-.tt. It uvchaina to a rock, Jawe Morrow' corner, tkeae . of B. K ehalns to poinlera la Jaa. Morrow' Una, theaee 8. ba W. 14 ebaln to a "wood, corner with W. P, Morrow taad, ueoeel.U W.Hjaehalna to a maple on kpcky Hun branch, thenoe N. W K. . iM to a state, at the ford of the branch the road leaulng rnin 0ks to Htucapahaw, hence H.mP-jtoehiiu along aaid road to i'Kkoryoa Sonth wd of aald road, taeoee " i-Wealw lo tbe beglnnios, -"" Ulacrea, snore or lose, , . -Jbeee traeta of M to Daniel t. nonpson by Lwrii. e n. Mo- He, the ard day of October, H U t ler a "rtgageeaeouted to said Ho't by laoma a. aorrow and wire, Wring aate If or. JMih, n to now bwr, aat by tlw ondeewlgned JMuntosloner tonj .. ...!. to if off the JJtJ,i?d eaante oi a uuitrauoa ot Dan- "LIl Thosapsun, de i. - - (Jastlsaeaowvaiu ,. m.i. thvl per SSu reryoodv Im a u attend taeHt . ? ; r.fLVAROU': . ' Ct Isalnnera, f-. HiU & Land Sale. wjjftue of power irceted iri few siBder-atw-4 br the laM will and i.mm o Oll- 'w;i.dl, we wiU eU at rbU . w aigneat ousasc, en 8ATDRDAY,-JUNE 22, 1901, Jtrwuo, WILSON HILL, !taHtCwk, oa a tract of 14 J"a of feo. tmfrd aad otoera iT1- 111 contain , - vneat and com r? 'aagooa araia ai t -t of Qraaeaa, Patronage and u a ry eVwlieW mity. i -ii'flP'KALI . -t of ewreai rwteeepaid la ra-ti . ,n balane ZLTre'to sit aK.ai u-K stieied by 1 u bear tn- r par 'laeSka. f o" '. i t .wttk MOTIGEiSS ttalMk f. Moa the wrrmlae In Thorn p "ashJaAisMnce oouinr. KorUi Caik Inavvahwu.tf. ,rrHwrt t .ooin to the r.- t sue Omar Krwoo. aauwa a oles II::::y Mnd Tar An Ao fir tha Relief of Certain Con- reaerate Soldier and Widow. t. The General Assembly of " Carolina doueinact : North tT Bkction 1. There ahall be paid out of the treasury of the State of North Carolina, on the warrant of the Auditor, to every person who hat been for twelve months imme diately preceding his or her appli cation for pension a bona fide real dent ofxthia State, and who is inca pacitated for manual labor and was a soldier or a sailor in the service of the State of North Carolina or of the Confederate States of America dur ing the war between the States, and to the Widow remaining unmarried of any deceased officer, soldier or sailor who was in the service of the State of North Carolina or of tbe Confederate States of America dur ing the war between the States (pro vided said widow was married lo said soldier or sailor before the first day of April eighteen hundred and sixty-five), the following sum, an nually, according to the degree of disability ascertained by the follow ing grade, viz : First, to such as have received a wound which ren ders them totally incompetent to perform manual labor in the ordi nrry avocations of life, seventy-two dollars ; to such as have lost a leg above the knee or an arm above the elbow, sixty dollars ; third, to such as have lost a foot or leg below the knee, or hand or arm below the el bow, or have a leg or arm rendered utterly useless by reason of a wound or v permanent injury, forty-eight dollars ; fourth, to such as have lost one eye, and to widows remaining unmarried, and all other soldiers who are now disabled from any cause to penorm manual labor, thirty dollars. If the fund collect ed from the specialpension tax in any year should be insufficient to pay in full the aforesaid pensions, then and in "that event ths State Treasurer shall pay said pensions Out of the general fund in the State Treasury ;t Provided,' howeverthat in nu year suan tue tuiai nmuuui paid for pensions exceed two hun dred thousand dollars. - Sec. 2. - That section three of chapter one hundred and ninety eight of the laws of eighteen nun dred and eighty-nine be amended by striking out all of said section after the word ''grades" in line four. .And section one of said chapter one hundred and ninetv-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine is hereby repealed and sec tion one of this act substituted in place thereof. That all pemons en titled to pensions under this act, whether tieretbfore?drawing perwfons or not shall appear before;? the CoOnt; Board of.Pensions on or be fore the first Monday in July, nint teen hundred and one, for examina tion and classification incompliance with the provisions of-, this act : Provided, that all such as are una Mi. to' attend inf person shall present a certificate from a creditable physi"- etan living d practicing medicine tVv-. awhi'nh aalH draw III WW W""wV ' plicant resides, that the applicant is unablvio attend. Sec. 3: That all laws and clauses oflawsenacied since the first day of January; eighteen hupdrcd4 and uftletyj granting pensions; to j any particular individual named therein, are hereby repealed. f I J Sec 4. That no inmate o the Snldien' Home at Raleigh, nor any person who wae a deserter or who nanrion from any other 8tate or the United Bute, ihall be ntitlad to a peiinon undefthis act 65 That all ex-Confederate aoldiers and sailor who- have be come totally blind since the war, or u iJt K;r "iht or both hadds BTUV Ma --o , or feet" in the ConfederaU sernce, shall receive from the public treas ory bne hundred and twenty dollars (120a jear,iobe paid monthly by tBe Clerk ol the 8uperior Court of their e8pectifWCOunti, as pro tided in the Public 'Laws ' of eigh teen handled, and urenty-nine, chapter tone hundred and ninety three, and the amendment thereto in chapter three hundred and forty one of tbe laws f eighteen hundred and eighty-three and chapter six hundred and nineteen of the lew of eighteen hundred and ninety- nine -SecX Thatthieacteballbein fxomtvjdaftexit. raUficatton. lndhrCeiral Aawwbly read flmea-and BMh rfMarchADJ-.' " The lack of energy JM feel, the Ucluche and a run down corHhUod Frier's Kidney Cure wiU retowe tTr Jrenrth and rigor by mkr J. C. Simmona, the drggi. - , iAiAAttiaAAAA on Letter, 'TtTTTTTTtTyTTtTTTVTfTTTTa " Washington, IX C, May 31, 1901 Tbe Constitution has stood some hard knocks in the past Iroin par tisan decisiims of the U. S. Supreme Court, and it will stand the extraor dinary and contradictory - decisions nandttl down thin week in the in sular caseo. Although for the time these decisions give the administra tion a free hand in currying out its imperialistic colonial policy, they will doubtless make enough demo cratic votes amonif he serious- minded, who believe Congresd to be the creature of the Constitution, in stead of the Constitution being the football of Congress, as the principal one of these decisions Dracticallv holds it to hn, to ehct the next President. There is not the slight est doubt that a niHiorily a vast majority -of the people of thkcouu try regard the Constitution as the best protection of their liberties, and to doubt that they will resent its be- ing juggled with in order to make it meet the exigencies of the McKin ley administration is to doubt their intelligence. Democrats, of course, regret that this decision was made, but they find consolation in the be lief that it will result in hastening the return to power of the demo cratic party, which has ever been the defender of the.Constitution and believer in it strict construction. --.- Senator Bailey, of Texas, who has an established reputation as an able exponent of the Constitution, said of the insular decision of theU. S. Supreme Court : "The decision is certainly bad enough, but it is not so bad its the administration papers are claiming. The friend of the administration are congratulating themselves much too early if they think the decision relieves them from the embarrassment of consti tutional restriction in dealing with our new possessions, v They will find the question of taxation one of the least among the perplexities of a colonial policy ; and they can only carry out their plans for governing thee islands by setting aside other and greater constitutional provi sions. Tbe court is apt to find that the next case will not furnish it with a subterfuge like the words 'The United States' to which it can limit constitutional guarantees. It will be compelled sooner or later to meet the proposition as to whether Congre8 can enact laws for these in sular possessions which a're con trary tn tbe express inhibitions of the Constitution. The decision, standing by itself, will 1ecome the source of endless mischief and con- j fusion. But its harm will not end there. -Following so closely upon the decision in the income tax case, it Will inevitably convince the peo ple that the Supreme Court . of the U- S. holds the laws of Congrew constitutional oi unconstitutional, according as it deems ttiein wise or i unwise. - With the wisdom of tbe law the court properly" has no con cern and its eoly iirqairy-eghtv UtJ br Whether tne jaw.ia ot,w.;?owijj- stitutional. . Fpr . many, yeanytbie rule was followed by the court, -and then its decisions wer respectW tf all men ; but I regret to . that at this time the conviction; 'U almost nnireraal in the public inind that lhe most important decisloni are political rathet than judicial, p . Presidential In-onae have been be lore now constructed of flimsy ma terial, but nothing was erer flimsier than the material out of which a few republicans are trying; to build a boom for Senator Foraker-r the the decision of tbe Supreme Court that the ForAer Porto Rico tenfl ct is constitutional There i one unaormountable obstacle, to For- aker's getting the republican nom ination for President lianna. xian na want that nomination himself. but even if he didn't he would not Uow Foraker to get it. .Although the exigencies of Ohio poliUce have made it necessary that tbe two men should be openly on friendly terms, it i an open secret . that Henna tatee Foraker, and the republican machine will -have lo undergo radical changes before any man can get the party nomination for Presi dent against Hanna'e wiehe. H may not be able to gee it himself democrats are afraid to hope that they will be favored with so much I good lock bat be will ce able to defeat any other candidate and probably to name the man. So tbe Foraker boom may be recorded as having died a-borning. Much interest is lek in Uaehing- ton in tbe TUlman-McLaunn fight. In South taroiina, wnirrt wia GRAHAM, N. C, THUK8DAY, JUNE 6, demonstrate how much truth there is in the claim that republicanism under the disguise of McLaurnism is making headway in that State. The point has been raised, and many believe it valid, that the pa per signed by Senators Tillman and McLaurin and sent to the Gov. oi S. C. is nothing more than a m: tice of their intention to resign Sept 15, and that either or both of them can if they see fit, for any reason, or for no reason, withdraw therefrom at any time, before that date and re main in the Senate. In other words, that the resignations, so called, have strings attached to them which can be pulled without the hindrance of anybody il either or both senators desire to do so. Although the general impression is that free trade with the Philip pines until Congress legislates other wise naturally follows the Porto Rico tariff decision of the Supreme Court, Secretary Gage has ordered that duties under the Dingley tariff Jaw shall continue to be collected upon imports from the Philippines. Gen. Fred Grant seems ambitious to become the Admiral Sampson of the army. He reached Washing ton this week and brought a bit of news with him in the shape of a claim for credit for himself tor the capture of Aguinaldo. - He said : "It was my troops that" captured Aguinaldo ; they were under com mand of Gen. Funslon.".! Surely oue Sampson should be an ample sufficiency for both army and navy. Iiatflit Literary Mew., The Cosmopolitan for June is even more than usually strong in fiction. an MacLaren tells more of the adventures of that incorrigible youth, Sparrow. Ricnard I.e Gullienne re vives with charming freshness and simplicity the live-story of "Aucas-sin- and Nicoletl a ll . ; G. Wells concludes "The Firnt Man 'in the Moon" with Cavor'n sudden death at the hands of the. Grand Lunar. Tudor Jenks contributes a clever little satire on justice. I Egerton Castle's powerful novel,, "The Secret Orchard," continues, and O'Neill Lathoin writes a half-humorous, half-sad fairy-story, "Prince Weary- Heart." Tbe correspondent of the As sociated Press at Manila is informed that the following approved: sen tences will soon be promulgated. Capt, Fedeiick F, Barrows, Thir tieth volunteer infantry, late depot quartermaster of the department of Southern Luzon, who was charged ith embezzlement and selling gov- eminent property, to be dishonor ably discharged and to undergo Ave years imprisonment Lieut Fred erick Boyer, Thirty-ninth infantry, former depot, commissary, at Cal amba, on Bay- Lake, u on similar charges, to be "dishonorably dis charged and to undergo a year's im prisonment. , Both , Barrows and Buyer will eventually be removed to Leavenworth pruori, Kansa.' : ! i t aiu may as well expect id run a steam engine without . wler a to find an active energntic man with a torpid livi r and you may know that hi liver i torpid when he does not relish his food, or feels dull and languid after eating, often baa head ache and 'Sometimes- dizxinrt. A few dosetj of Chamlrlain's 8umacii1 and Liver Tablets (will reetore his liver to its normal unction, renew his vitality, improve hie; digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at A. J. Thompson A Ca's drag store. A letter punctually dispatched at the right season la graceful atten tion ; postponed it ma be dry as a remaindar biscuit, and awkward as a redundant guet. Jun Ladies Home Journal .,;-. . '"Alien Halrerson, of Went Prairie, Wuu aaya : "People come ten miles to bay Foley's Kidney Ctire." while i. A. rJpero, of Helmer, lod., eaye : Vltis the medical wonder of the age." J. C. HininMitm, the drug- giat. " - - , ; If girl had Irrw of a finaUrring of bigh-eounding known ibe, aitd were better groundei in th irarttcal les ooj of bring it would he infinitely better for thHr fuiura happi Jane Ladie' Home JouruaL : A. O. BLinchard, Wet Bangor, N. Y says : . I bare been trou bled with kidney disease for tbe hut few reara. Have doctored -with several physicians and I got no relief nntil I used two botUes of roley Kidney Care." J. C. Simmons, tbe druggist Foley's Money Tar f-vrrt koIJt, prrvtnti pneumoc: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk jwashington News Notesj A man-r rather a part ot a man who has been through many vi- cisitudes, 1b now in Washington. He is George Burns, a veteran sea man of Uncle Sam's, and he not only has most of his skull roofed in by a silver plate but has 37 of his bones missing. He served through out tbe Civil war" and - then' made two visits to the arctio . region, one trip being made in search " of the Jeanneate expedition party. In ad dition to having been deprived of several ribs and other bones he has a bullet in tho region of his heart 1 . The War Department ia compil ing a pictorial history of the Spanish-American war which, when fin ished, will take rank with any gov ernment publication. It is a collec tion, very complete, of photographs illustrating every phase of tbe war, the equipment of the men, the meth od of march, the method of getting horses upon transports, landing men, getting ammunition, and,- in fact, every detail ibat can be of interest The volume will iu . made up of photographs enlarged to a uniform size of ten by twelve inches, and they will be bound chronologically. The former Swnish cruiser Reina Mercedes is to be fitted as a training ship for laudsmeu . When tbe work of repairing it has been completed it will be placed in commission with out further delay..- It waa original ly intended to cover over the vessel and to use Has a receiving ship, but an examination showed it could be put in condition for sea service. Tlie Reina Mercedes will be the first captured vessel to" be - placed in commission on the Atlantic coast, ; A very dangerous note which ia worthless and yet cannot exactly be described as a counterfeit is afloat by thousands. It is a 12.00 bill of the State Bank of New Brunswick, N. J., and must have been printed from the original plates of the bank, which went out of existence when the law taking state bank ' circula tion was passed years ago., . The note Is a dangerous one, Chief Wil- kie says, especially in rural districts. Many have shown np in New York and in Michigan, Indiana and Mis souri Tha note looks like money, though the words "United Sutes" are nowhere printed 'on it , There seems to be an intention on the part of the influential leaders in Cuba to nominate Thomas Estrada Palmer of New York aa the first President of the republic. Mr.. Pal- ma is an honest, reputable man of nnquestioned integrity, hut limited ability and very little force of char acter. : The chief reason be is so popular as a presidential candidate is said to be that every one of the politicians down there expect to" be able to control him when he gets In to office. -':- ..,',".. : . The United States is about to send 1,000 school teachers of both sexes to Manila, and the officers who are arranging for their passage are get ting gray-haired in 'consequence. Army transports are not fitted Mp like passenger steamers and aa each woman wants an outside cabin on the promenade deck ike plight of these who have to assign the few staterooms may be imagined. The worst of it ia that probably half of tbe women teachers will get married within a year after reaching Manila and others wilpiave to be sent to tike their places. - There, were some prospects at one time that President Boca of Argen tine would rUit the United Sutes ibis summer to attend ' tbe Pan American "exposition, - and at the same lime come to Washington. But since the asaembliitg si the Ar gentine Congress, "which began its session a few davs ago the- idea of the visit has been practically given op, 'as the President will not leave daring the meeting of - Congress, which will last throughout the som mer. ' " - . . " - There has been arranged by the ommiaaion having the matter in charge a program of competition for the equestrian statue of Geoerai Jlo Q el land to be erected in this) city. ArtkU who are ctlisena af this coon try are invited to submit models by May 1st, 1902. AU artisU compet ing are requested to send, at their own expense . to Colonel Bingham, accurate model of their design on the scale of two inchee to the foot These must be here between April 1 and May 1, 1902. ' Artists must rive notice before February 1 of their intention to .submit "modela. The total cost must not exceed 100,- Ono. 1901. Possibly1 it 'couldn't be helped, but all the same, the reported decis ion to place Admiral Sampson's bust on the Santiago medals for the navy will be hard on Admiral Schley. If this medal is adopted, it recognizes 8ampon as tbe chief figure in a) the naval forces in the Atlantic, but it is only - following precedent, for the metal granted to the officers and sailors in the Pacific fleet beam the bust of Dewey. The increase in the banking facll ities of the South is an illustration of Jhe material development and the enormous prosperity in that section. Since the 14th of March, 1900, 133 new banks,' representing a capital of 17,248,000 have been organized un der the national banking act in twelve southern states . (excepting Arkansas and Missouri), and have deposited $1,834,000 , in ' - United States bonds to secure circulation. All the volunteers in the Philip pines will reach San Francisco in time to he mustered out of service prior to July 1 next, when the per manent forces of tbe army will be organized on a basis of about 76,- 000 men. Such progress has been made in the last six weeks, and the schedules are so arranged that the last ' transport should reach the West Coast with ai few'daya to spare before the end of the fiscal year. ' I The Navy Department has adop tedhe "balanced turret,' plan for the new monitors Nevada, Florida, Wyoming and Arkansas. By this new system the entire structure, in cluding the guns, is balanced at the centre of gravity, instead of the cen ter of the turret and as a result ' the weight of the finger is almost ' suffi cient to swing the guns about on their track. The Bride at Laet Bald "Obey." ; 1 In telling about "oome People I Have I Married,", in the Ladies' Home Journal for June, the Rev. P. M. Steele says il Being an Epis copalian I always -use' the formal printed service of the Prayer-Book. In this the greatest sticker is obey'. One day a couple came to me, bringing as witnesses the pa rents of . both bride and groom. Everything proceeded smoothly to the point 'low honor and obey when the bride refused to say the last. I repeated it and waited. Again she refused and I shut up the book. Then there was a scene. They talked it over, and the more seriously they argued and discussed tne . more . stubbornly she refused, Tbe parents became angry, the groom excited, and the bride hys terical. To humor her he joined in the request to bare me leave H out But I liked the fellow and decided that a little sternness ' from . me in the present might be a favor to him in tbe future. So I told them I had no authority to change it and would not do so. I tried to show the foolishneee of her objection, but it was no use. Finally,; I, said to himi 'Well, this household 'must have a head ' somewhere. 1 will leave it out for her if yon . wilt say it' Then it was his time to refuse, which be did. - He gathered np bis hat and started for the. door when, E res to, change I . she sprang after im, led him back by tbe hand, looked meekly up at him and aids U." - - - ,- - . .., ..M Shrubs growing in a poor soil sel dom produce bright' hlfh-t'olored flowers. .Generally tbe application of manure in liber! quantities will improve their color. Iron filings and scale collected about a black smith's anvil have a tendency to in tensify the color of many plants, if dug into tbe soil about their root. June Ladies' Home Journal, : Edward Haas, a well known bus iness man of Salisbury, Mo.," writes : "I wish to say for the benefit of oth ers, that I was sufferer from lum bago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I look gave me no relief. was induced to try Foley'e Kidney Cure, and after the dm of three bot tle, I am cured." J. C. Simmona, the druggist , 'Avoid eccentricities in note paper. Plain white unruled paper, of medi um fixe, or delicate gray .or very pale bine paper, may be used by a lady, bat : anything startling or bizarre violates good form. June Led W Home Journal. ' Call at A. J. Thompson & Ca's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and. Liver Tablet. Tbey are an 'elegant phytic. They also improve tbe ap petite, strengthen the aigetion and regulate tlbaJim and bowela. They are easy to take and pleasant in ef fect s - Tbe steamer Ohio, fronr Hall, which baa arrived at Boston, re port a collission at aea with the 1 Norwegian bark Elsie. .The r -t d n wi'h H At Tuesday's session of last week J of the Cuban constitutional conven tion Senor , Cualberta Gomez and Silva withdrew the minority report of the committee on relations and substituted for it the majority report of the committee which was drawn up before the committee went to Washington and waa signed by Senors Cualberto Gomez, Silva and Viliuandas, but whioh waa never acted upon by the convention be cause it was a rejection of the Piatt amendment, particularly in respect of the right bf intervention and the coaling stations. This action of Senor Gomez is attributed to the bit ter attack made upon him Monday by the Radicals for having , accepted portions of the Piatt amendment. The Southern Presbyterian Gen eral assembly in session at Little Rock, Ark., had a test vote Wed nesday on the important question of consenting lo th consolidation of the Northern and 8outhem Presby terian Theological ' Beminariea . in Kentucky Nearly the entire day day was devoted to discussing the matter. Late in the afternoon Dr. Winn, of Petersburg, Va,, offered a resolution reciting that while the general assembly may not wholly approve the wisdom of consolidat- ng tbe two seminaries, yet in view of the practical unanimity of the Kentucky and Missouri synods on the subject and because ot the "safe guards thrown about the compact, the assembly would 'interpose no bar to the consolidation. A motion to table the resolution was 4 lost and" further action was then deferred. Jackson, Miss., was selected as. the meeting place of the general assem bly, in May, 1902. Ira D, Reckard, Duncomba, Ia., writes j "My little boy scalded his ec from the knee to the ank'e. I used Banner Salve immediately and b three weeks' time it , waa, almost entirely healed. I want to recom mend it to ever? family and advise them to keep Banner 8alve on hand, as it is a sure remedy for scald , or any sores.'; J. c .Simmons, toe The state department at Wash- ngtonba been advised the Ger man government regards the pres ent time as opportune for the with drawal of Field Marshal von Wald ersee, commander of the lntematior al force in China. ; , "The doctors told me mv cough was incurable, i One Minute ' Cough Cure made me a well man." : Nor ris 8ilver, Nyrth Stratford, N." H,- Beoause you v not lonna reiiei nrom a atubborn ooueh. don't , despair One Minute Cough Cure ha cored thousand and it will cure you. Safe and sure. J. C. Simmons, the druggist.- A sensational attempt , at murder and suicide took place at a hotel in Philadelphia Friday. John A. Jen kins, of Albany, N. Y., atuimpUd to kill a young woman named Ma Barber and then blew hi bnuna out while in the grasp of a ' policeman. Cvclina ha it n pa. and downs After the tlowna. us Btnner Salve if you're cut or vruiend. It heal the hurt quickly,. : Take no sutieli- tute. J. i . Simmon, me aruggisi. flie cewmt report for all Austra lia show a population of 4,5oO,6ol, an increase of 740,750. Spring Medicine X of the graatawt importance. This 1c the sae critical , aeasoa of year, from a health UndpoinL r . It is tbe time wbea yon Imperatively ad Hood's fJtpartlla. , It will give too a good appetite. porify and aarlcb your blood, build ap and steady your nerve, overcome that tired feeling, gtv mental and Ofwtive atreiia-th la short, will TttaSxa yev whole beiag, aad pot ya ia perfect kwaith. 1't aalay taking it. . .. Don't wpertmeBt with oOktra. . Get thai which trial and test have prored tbe beat ... HOOD'S Sarsaparilla tor aortrtz - -1 Heod-taWaaparmawaeaasMia aweveral yan and wotud Bat he wtthoat It k tbe hew. It t a etnellent asedtclne aaaf I kearUtr reeoanawod It aa la Use stwing nd at any time whan a blood partner and tonle I beaded. MM. 7. M. Feor. n Irvtnt Fhwe, raaaaie. K.I. tprins; rwVV--I have taken Hood" BanaparUia lor any spring aaedVtne rear and have alwaya loaad tt rr'.'it 'a and glT&c-partart eatlr-vkin. la t: eprtng R take away that tired ' f or rHng trrr, t'v f' ' ' - - NO. vffffsre: layConsnmptJoneanbeeTi' . Nature aionawon'tdo It. ItL help. Doctor say , "Scotfs Imddz Is the best help." But yon rr - continue it use even in hit weather. , .;U-v . if roa hae not tried It, asad for fret aaax '; SCOTT ft BOWKS, CaeaaMs, asp-it rear! Street, , . .- v Mew. fork. - jocana tiauaragglst. I ESTABLISHED I ..-1893- Bnrlington Insurance t Agency". . INSUMRCE IM AU ITS lUNCMCS. Ixad agency of Penn Mutual Insurance Company.- : . r - Best V . - Life Insur ance contract now ' on the market. Prompt personal attention to a ' 1 order. , Correepondenoo eotidted. JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent, i Fruit Tresi : -hi , '- ..- - t That Grow and ,. Bear Good Fruit. , ' Write for eur sapage U Instratad eataloa; Bnd tOp. pamphlet, "How to Plant and Cultivate aa Orchard." eiva yoa that Information you leave to long wuut; ieU yoa aU about those big red apple, tboee lucloua neaohea, and Japan pluma with their erieolal aweet neaa,ailof wblca yon have often aeen and. a ! wondered Where the trace nam front tha produoed EyerytuIngCooi,' ; In Fruits: tTmntoalllne of flne Silver Maples, young, thru ty tree mootn and atraia ht ie kind that grow of well. old, rouKh tree. This I the snoct rapid growing nmiua end one of the atoat brwis tlful shade tree. Write far price and lr list ec waoti if. ' POMONA, H. O. Akkkkkkkkkkkkkklklkkkkkki E IIOLT, WILLIAMS & MAY, ' r . Undertakers 1 Embalmerc ''BURLINGTON, N. C. J phoni . ffffTTttfTttHmUfT': octjooooooooooooooocc;-. Z. T.f Htidloy, U1 Trm.-w. a? a ftttasoattl tad a, . Olft OmC f tVMiweslITt U Tt-VO" bumi fctactH. skratw a. a auiwaawat- t iae-.JMJ OT BktfX, t' . m Ntrv, a v.. W.TT-T C ' e-M. f" err.' I Fins Watch Rcpairi; GRAHAM, M. C.