The Alamance jTsa , , v . . ' : .' t , - ';t,.-, .. . UfLEANE I "TV) -V5.'; i,'i'iii'ili.'.t$ lst(V;i'J:i' VOL. XXVII. 1 PR0FJSSIONAL CARDS. A MOTHER'S LOVE. I , ' ' a JACOB !jf A. liONG, Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAMS v'Cr - H. C Practice ! tbs Bute aud Federal oourta. loan Gat BnreK. " ' W. tf. Btbom, jh. binum & BYNUM, Attorney Wnd fxunalora at w pBBaUfBBORd,' U.O.' Practice -regularly to "trw cooru of Ala- ESTABLISH E0 1893 naurance k I e -i IT f KANCHEf. Local agency- of Penn v. Mutual Insurance " r ..Company. ; , 1 : Best ' ; Life Insur ance contracts now on the market. Prompt puvonai ntlon to all ordarl. GonMpondeno. wlloltod. JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent. Fruit Trees That Grow and Bear Fruit. Write for our ao-psve n lurtnted catalog and 40p pampblet, "How to Plant nd CutUrate an Orchard." eivet jou that Information you ao long wanMd; : teili you all about thoaa biff nd -applet, thoae luoioua . paaobea, and Japan pluma - Vltb tbir oriental iwoot , dom, all of wbiob yon hava -often asen and a often wondered Wner. the treea , came from , that produced Everything Good hFralts. tTnuauaillnd of 'One Silver Mapiea,y smooth oudk, thrift' tree and itrals-ht the a u mi mat grow on: welt, no old) rough veata, Thia la the moat rapid (rowing maple wnu uue oi lob moaK Deau- tiful alwA. nr Write for prioeaaattd give Uat of -J. 7aa Lisilcy Farary Cai, POi OMA, N. O. tTEColt -de Zrsrt lauooenon to Holt. WllUanu Jtay.J till - . BW Undertakers -ANI Embalrriers, BURLINGTON, N. PHONKBJ. ' 1 c. oooooooooooooooooooooooo Z. T. toidley, FineWatchBepairinj GRAHAM, Hf.?C , y.taJBuildir.g;uit-t Subscribe, i? .V A! x 1 rTheCieef:-f " -Bk- $1,00 per year. Central ?,.' i T: amy Wuatnaf and! Training Bcl for Boys and Ynaag Mtvi Anatui BMmof. beeina October 1st ,ror further informaiioa Jdre i mxMooooooooooooeoe 8pruilL Treas. and Business Wba boy li It twt; tnm homt. Whjr, lt' wtta t Uttar eomM to bin From mothtr throuxh tai poatl Ha nutter It tot tUnr bain Appaar upon hit bead, Ba'i ttill hia motWi boy u wbaa Hit bair waa carrot rcdl Tboufh thirtnyeara hart Urt tbtir matka And aearad bit cart worn (am. Id mothar'i tjaa ba'a jt a lad Without Tima'i tallula tract I Htr ltttcr tout beglna, "Dtar box;" It tcu hia heart athrili To think that mother kaowa him at A llttlt aharer ttill I A mother'! lore it aa a charm The aetama bl youth I One fttla that act baa naucbt to do With love or lilt or truth Whene'er he (eta a letter from Hia mother Car away, Who ten nautht hot the pilltleta child Behind the man frown (ray. "-Boeton Journal. HIS CABIN IS HIS CASTLE. But Not Hia Foreoaatle. aa the Sea : Captain Found Out The ship had dropped anchor in the lower bay, and the captain was nervously pacing the deck waiting for the owner's tug. A man hailed the ship from a rowboat and said he was coming on board. The cap tain recognized him as a boarding house runner and ordered him off. The runner insisted. The minute you come over the rail of this ship I'll shoot you like a dogl" yelled the captain. "You'll hang for it if vou do!" yelled the man, making his boat fast to the ship s side. Aly ship's my home, and I d have as much right to kill you as a man on" shore would to kill a burirlar." continued the captain. "That's the instructions I got from the owners on my last trip." Just then the owners tug arrived, and the runner took to his oars. "Wouldn't I have had a right to shoot him if he'd insisted on coming on board asked the captain. The owner had consulted his attorney since the captain had been in port before and had to modify his orders. The Jaw is not what we im agined," he said. "The ship is not your home, but your yard. You can defend your cabin as if it were your house. The forecastle is as another building in your yard, the quarters for your servants. You can't keep their friends out by force. New York Tribune. A Russian General. Suvaroff, the great Eussian gen eral, affected a "saucy roughness' of speech, especially when the petti ness of small natures awoke his con tempt. One day, after a review of troops, the Empress Catherine was so pleased with the precision of their movement that she distributed rewards broadcast among the offi cers. Suvaroff regarded the obse quious crowd in grim silence until the empress, turning to him, in quired : - "And you, general, do you require nothing r "Well, mother," he replied, "pay the rent of my lodgings." "Are you much in debt, then V "Three and a half rubles !" The grim old soldier was wont after this to boast that the czarina had paid his debts. The sum total was about $2.60. After a great victory, over the Turks he refused to share in the spoils and persistently declined an Arab horse which one of the gen erals passed upon him. "A pony of the Don brought me here," he said, "and a pony of the Don shall take me away." "But," objected the other, "he will now be unequal to bearing the weight of your laurels." "A Don pony has always carried me and my fortunes," was the sturdy response. observant Sightseers. There is a certain type of traveler like the one who said, on hearing some mention of Rome: "Borne? Home ? - Oh. ves. that was the place where I got the bad stockings I' - A similar case is that oi me iaay who ioined a party of tourists and looked at all the objects of interest en route with conscientious eager- naa One dav. however, she saia fractional v: - "T thnno-ht t were going u Rnrlaneat!" - "Why " aaid another traveler in "we've been there! It waa Rndaneat where we were Tester day, and you looked at everything that was shown us. w. f reaoonded the gram Mer. with a sigh of relief. "Well, I do declarer Aat Authority. MmunenUton art said to find in SliaJuMpeaxci pavs things which the atitlw rr TZZmA nt rmttinir there. And tf n . hnlara may do this, why not an English schoolboy r The UteKijor Barttelot was edu cated at Bugbj, and is stO! nrnec laered -there as the hero of a trooj ''wiia't is the meaning of th word adage r asked the master. ed by diflerent members of the class and then it came youi Barttelofs turn. Without hesitation ne rr lied. ..v: 'm' ' " "a dUos to put eat into. Every on uVed, nd Ji. m ier who was as mach mjitifled at his pupils by the t32Ttf' eaBed the boy up st the end ef the iSaAeYwhat had pat in Wea into his head. arrrvw &( said , BaitWo WUtainShaiea'Iik- itapsjisiiyMdsRi'.- HENRY'S LITTLE SCHEME It Worked Like Charm, and HI Wife Wat Real Borry. "Maria," he said as he entered the house, speaking before his wife had j time to say a word, "this house is in ! W'Ul?T0Ddlt'0n- , . uiiy, nenrjr 8ne Degan. ( raising calves until of an age to sell Don t try to excuse yourself," he . for veal. It Is a question with me interrupted. "Look at this room ! I whether It does not pay better to keep I was going to bring a friend home ' calye' near Christmas and then with mc, but I refrained for fear ' snys tt New York correspondent of thnt the house would be just in the I Fm ? nd 1Iome- 0ne th,n 18 "ure condition that I finu" it in." Ifl0!. t " ""f "If vou had sent word. Henrv"- "Snnf urn. Afa'o f VU .UA.iU ' -'.a VIU, allUliai If 11 J DUUU1U . I have to send word ? Why should any one who claims to be a house keeper have to be notified bo that she can scurry about and make things look respectable ? And that gown, Maria; It s outrageous to be dressed in that fashion at this time of day.'? I could have changed it "Oh, of course. You could have done lots of things, but you didn't. lou should be ready to entertain your husband's friends at any time. 1 suppose the dinner is cold too." Its not so good as it was. You're late, you know." Of course, and it I had brought my friend with me he'd have had to sit down to a cold dinner or one that was burned to a cinder, and we should have both felt humiliated and should have had to apologize. It isn't right, Maria. It isn't right at all." "Keally, Henry, I am sorry that you are so much annoyed." "Well, 1 wish you would try to do a little better. It's annoying, very annoying." And when he had settled himself in his armchair after dinner he chuckled to himself and muttered : "George, but I should have got a roasting for being late if I hadn't started in first! It's a great scheme." Tit-Bits. A Story of 8tephen Glrard. A characteristic story of Stephen Girard was that he induced a boy to work for him till he was 21 years old by promising to give him a good start in life afterward. When the time came, the young man applied for the promised reward. The ec centric old merchant looked at him for a moment and then said gruffly, "Go and learn a trade." Consider ably cast down, for he had expected a very different sort, the young man turned away, but alter some renec tion, knowing something of the other's peculiarities, he decided to do as he had been bidden ana learn ed the cooper's trade. When he had mastered it a year or so later, be presented himself again, and the old man gave nun an order for two barrels. He made and delivered them, and Mr. Girard examined and praised them. "Now: he said, "you have a capital that you cannot lose, for you can always jail back on your trade if you meet with adversity." and then he advanced his protege a considerable capital with which to- start in business. Why Spider Are Not Insects. The spider is not an insect, though probably nine people out of ten would class it under this term. With scorpions and mites spiders form a class in the animal kingdom known as arachnida. This name is derived from a mythical personage called Arachne, the daughter of a purple dyer of Lydia, who waa fabled to have challenged Minerva to a trial of skill in SDinning. So indignant was the goddess at this act of boldness that she lorthwitn transformed the hapless challenger into a spider, presumably in order that she might have the best possi ble opportunity of practicing the art on which she prided herself so much. Spiders differ from insects in five main particulars. Their eyes are simple instead of compound, they have eight legs in place of six, they do not pass through the metamor phoses which are characteristic- of insects, they hsve no antennae, and their breathing is accomplished by means of organs which combine the functions of lungs and gills, instead of by tubes pervading their bodies. These points of distinction are suffi cient to determine the fact that it is impossible to class spiders as insects. Exchange. Holland Keeee Okt Ocesn at Bay. There are at present about 1,000 mUes of sea dikes in the Nether lands. The total length of dikes is difficult to estimate, and even if it could be estimated would mean but little, tor it must be remembered that the dikes have for the most part in the course of time been de stroyed and rebuilt repeatedly. It has not bees so much a question of bnfldib them as it has been of maintaining them and keeping them where they were. Besides protect ing; the country from the invasions of both fresh and salt waters, the dikes hsve served to reclaim ao leas than 110.000 acres, nearly an of which, are good, fertile lamL Na tional Geographic Magazine. SanttiaMa f Flaiaff. The Btacenta anon Id be removed try the head after the third day, and the parts wasted et wUb saw part of car bolic acid U H of soft water. It Is swt ITkeiy the cow will be ae affected the SuAuBihssT year. ' Catvea. ' ' Give eacb calf a teaapooefnl com-1 pooad etrasi ef aqutna and ooe ewsee I nqaor acetate ef assssoale at a fcee three ttsaes a day la esM-balf plat ef; GRAHAM, N. C., THUKSI)AY, AUGUST 22, 1901. I & mi rPiMnnrtt! ia ! Too many make n mistake In not I ; ITC L 1.1L "euui"! fresh eggs or gilt edged butter, he could put on a stiff price and still nod a ready market. Most farmers In this section kill their calves when a day or two old and sell the hides for 00 cents or $1, according to size and weight, while the mother's milk must go to the pigs for some time, as It Is not fit for butter or cheese. Now why not adopt the practice that Is be ginning to come In vogue here of feed' lng this milk to calves until fit for use anywhere, then giving warm, sweet skimmllk. with a little finely ground grain mixed In as the calf grows old er? Soon one will have an animal on hand with a decided market value. Calves must be kept dry If they are to thrive, and a run on the ground In the open air is as good for them as an occasional tonic la for their owners. My father always fed a little sulphur aoont once a week, and I never remem ber bis losing a calf with the disease called blackleg. A little salt In the feed once In awhile Is also food for them. We turn them out Into a dry. wen fenced piece of meadow as soon as the weather Is warm enough snd provide a good shelter from the sun and storm. Unless there can be run ning water In their quarters It Is kept in a trough for them and removed ev ery day. They are well fed, and It Is surprising how soon they attain mar ketable size. Alfalfa Batllait. A late Colorado bulletin of farm notes gives some tests made of alfalfa as an ensilage plant. "One test," says the bulletin, "was made with the alfalfa put In whole as cut In the field, the other with the alfalfa cut to quarter Inch pieces, as we cut our corn for en silage. The whole alfalfa showed a spoiled layer three Inches thick on the top and an Inch layer around the side nearly all the way down. The ensilage of the bottom and middle was excellent and was greedily eaten by the cows and calves. Its loss In the total weight was 10.7 per cent, but Its loss In feed ing value was probably a little larger. "The other alio was filled with cut alfalfa. The next day tbesilo was covered with two thicknesses of build ing ' paper and one of boards snd weighted with stone to about 65 pounds per square foot. When covered, the ensilage was hotter than the band could bear. Two days later the tem perature bad fallen to 83 degrees and In two days more It had fallen to that of the. air. The ensilage shrank and settled a good deal. When put In, it contained 33 per cent of dry matter. On opening, the silo showed two Inches of spoiled ensilage on top and half aa inch on the sides. The spoiled en silage was 7.3 per cent of the total weight The loss In dry matter was approximately Id per cent" Cam.. la MUklaaT flam.. A New Jersey correspondent of Amer ican Agriculturist says that' be was unavoidably absent not long ago and left the ten cows tbat be usually milk ed when at borne to be milked that ev ening by the boys who milked the otb ers. As they milked the others first and bis 45 minutes later than the usual time tbey gave tbelr full amount tbat night, but when be milked the next morning tbey shrank from one to three pounds eacb and not quite as much at night, but It took from Thursday morn ing to Friday nlgbt to bring tnem back to tbelr normal yield as a result of tbat one change of tbe persons wbo did tbe milking and the variation from tbe usual hour. Tbe scales In tbe stable sre what telf tbe story of such mis takes ss that, though we learned tbe same thing years ago when we were awsy from borne overnight and left a man to milk tbe cows we bad been milking. Be was as good and careful a milker aa we were, but when we counted tbe quarts snd pints sold tbe next morning we fotind sn average shrlnksge of about a pint to tbe cow, And this happened not once, but sev ere! times. In four years. . Pa BM.14. Every season attempts should be made to Improve some portions of tbe farm so tbat tbe soil will show the big-heat atandard of productivity. Tbere are crops which moat be raised every farm which leave tbe soil mocb poorer In fertility wben tbey are harvested. Systems of rotation may tend to counteract this evil and keep tbe general average of tbe fertility good, but lo spite of fbls tbere will be a gradual decline anlaae special efforts are directed toward tbe. lmproretnaot ef tbe soil. This can best be done by selecting certain fields or add each year and making a point to seise tbe standard of fertility ef that section. By time chanting off eae goes over tbe whole faros la tbe coarse ef a few years and makes tbe sod all of a high standard. He Saved His Clot? -. While a Urge party, arooog whom was sn eldcrlv Scotch.professor, waa shooting on the moors in Perthshire' it suddenly began lo rain. I here as no shelter m the neighborhood. and (he sportsmen msde the best of their misfortune iv fitting down and getting drenched. But tbe pro feasor ss soon as the shower began wandered -off and was not seen dar ing the hoar tbe rain felL When it ceased, be reappeared, and to every one's surprise there was not a drop of raia on hia clothes. Tha wet enortssnen were annoved t well as surprised, thinking be bad discovered a place of shelter. But the professor wss reticent, and it was with diOicalty that at last tbey persuaded him to tell how be had mansged to keep drv. "Directly tbe ; aiH on- i4 he, 1 stripped clothes till it ceased.- PEKINS FOH MARKET. A Pratabl., hnt It Be nlta Cloa. Atlantic. The raising of Pekln ducks for mar ket Is succeHgfully and profitably con ducted on many largo farms In the cantern part of this country. There are many plants marketing every sea son from 10,000 to 40,000 ducklings. They are scattered from Norfolk, Va., to Bangor, Me., and all are each year called upon to face ah Increasing do maud. The lurgest consumers are found among the best hotels', the blgb priced restaurants, railroad (lining cars, clubs and summer resort hotels. Tbe wealthy classes In tbe large cities, the coast wise and transatlantic steamers, are all steady purchasers from the begin ning to tbe end of tbe season, the gen eral public Indulging only at Intervals, as It does In tbe case of any luxury, which this may be properly called, ow ing to the comparatively high prices at which they are sold. The masses cannot afford to pay the retailer 20 cents per pound for ducklings. The business of raising l'ekln dncli llnpi on a large scale Is one of conxld enible detail. Many little things unite in bringing alout a hkkvuhCuI result, and any of thnso trlnVs neglected or omitted Ih as sure to bring disastrous results as a leak In a ship. Always remember those facts: Tbat wo are trying to conduct a natural proc ess artificially; not only this, but we are reversing tbe nattiral order of I thlnffH ileiiiiiiiiV.uir Hiiiiinier reMiiltn In nildwiuter, whin eveiTthlns Unit mi - Hire provides t ourage. stimulate and suHtaln Is locked under Ice and snow. Now. if we expect lo be huc cesKful In enforcing our demands we must duplicate the conditions that are absolutely cxm-tiUnl. The two essen tials are temperature and food. ( will add anotliRr-brnlns In the man wbo l undertaking to supply Hie other two. It requires just as high an order of tal ent and brnlns to conduct a duck farm successfully us It does for any niercan tile pursuit, and most of flio failures In tbe business can le attributed to a lack of this essential In tliu man. In the first place, lie must lie In love with bis buslncxs, and If be In be will be come so well acquainted with bis birds that he can Interpret their wants at a glance. Ho will not only see quickly what Is uccessary, but will take hold and do It at once. Tbe successful dnck man of tbls country, no master bow large his scale of operation. Is be wbo leads. Whether be bus one or a dozen men working for lilin, wben anything Is to be done be leads and orders bis men to follow. Whatever help he has Is help In the full senae of the word. Tbey help him to do what be could not sccouipllxli alone. As soon aa lie be come tbe help and his men take tbe lead It Is an easy matter to predict tbe final Outcome. Ducks and Geese. n.Blah Export of Ebb. In 1805 we scarcely knew Denmark as an etrg producer, but In that year was founded the first DiiiiIhIi co-opera tlve society for the export of eggs. The same system which had succeeded with butter was now to be applied to eggs. Tbe country was divided up Into dis tricts. Each district bad lu some rail way station a collecting depot, snd all members of the society were bound to deliver three times a week at the depot. Tbe depot agent refused or bad a right to ref uae all eggs more than four days old, and every producer of each station bad a distinct number branded on the egg. Thus In the event of an egg proving bad tbe depot which shipped It would be proceeded against, and by means of the distinctive number the depot sgent would lie able to detect tbe producer, on whom tbe loss would finally fall. By tbus guaranteeing absolute fresh ness sod making good any occasional loss tbe Danes established a blgb standard aud so created a continuous demand. And what Is tbe result? In 1805, the first year of the experiment, tbere were established alx local egg societies, with an aggregate of 2,000 members; In 1000 tbere were actually no fewer than 837 separate eo-oiera tlve Hoclctlea, wltb a total membership of 130,000 producers! Is It surprising tbat Denmark should arm to England alone 300.000,000 of eggs annually? Loudon Mall. Fswd Tar Darkling. Ducks will be cleaner In plumsge If water la at band after tbey are eld enough to be permitted to run at lei sure and enjoy tbelr dally swim. Tbey will grow rapidly by feeding wltb green food, grain, II cab and garbage. Water Insects snd flb tbey like. For young ducklings, a cooked maab of turnips or potatoes, or both, wltb oae tblrd meal or wheat srrrenlugs and one-third ef animal meal, three limes a day till three weeks old. la ezeelleut Tbey are fond of flab, and any kind of ordinary food la devoura-d by them readily and la easily dtzested. Grata, herbage, a run upou an old pas tors, all eon due to their thrift, and If kept away from the water until ever a month old almoM every duckling may be raised aud fattened for market. If In tbe early days tbey can bare skim mllk wltb tbelr soft food. It will be a great advantage. American 'fUock Keeper. The Poa HaUfe Tat. I bad aa anpleasaot little adventure wltb aa egg tbe other day. It m soy etistom whenever a be hatches oat aad leaves aa egg ncblpped to always Dleree tbe larger end and see If tbe youngster has got Into difficulties. Tbls time I wss going through tbe as me per formance, sod whm I bad seised npoo aa lanoceat looking egg aad dog my knife polat koto tbe shea It soddenly went off with a bang, and tbe Interior aqnlrted out all over say new spring Salt If K bad bera elect toe time, I sboold not ha to grumbled, trot tbe par iah eoaacll waa elected a year ae aad here was Dot ovea a dispute.-Tate egg bad tatstakra Ms place and oaght never to have taken up tbe calling of sitter. At present my aew spring salt bangs apea tbe etoOjeallne a good distance from tbe apnea, aad tbe black bird aad starling, tbat doat swrss to mind a a aaaavory odor, being broaght np la too trade, as It were, are carry lag ft away wholesale for eosttog par ies. Let tbia be a warning to otbera. as h will be to me. Don't test eggs la this anasix-r after they have beco aat asosi tor three weeks.- Get waebody la le do lu-als. Jingle la Poultry (Eafiaad). Washington News Notesj TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT War Department estimates ot the amounts required for continuing the riyer and harbor work of the coun try during the fiscal year beginning next July, are announced to amount to $44,348,404, divided fa follows : estimates of the engineers, exclusive of continuing contracts, 133,299, 169 ; continuing contract estimates G, 289,204 ; under Mississippi River Commission, $3,695,000 ; under Missouri Biver Commission $1,005, 200. The Geological Survey is about lo issue a complete report on the coal production of the United States lor the calendar year 1900, which shows that this country leads the world in coal production, notwithstanding the strikes in the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania end the Cumber land region of Mary land, which caused a large fulling off. The aggregate production in 1900, including anthracite and bi- 1 tuminous, was 240,965,917 long tons, of a value of $306,81)1,304, , , j . . , . , W,mPared With ft Paction in '899 01 220,553,504 tons, valued at 256,077,434. Slate Department otlicials do not credit the report that Germany is trying to acquire an island off the coast of Cuba near Nuevitaa. They point out that the treaty of peace ceded small outlying inlands, and that in case a small island is 'owned by a private citizen of Spain, as is said to be the case in this negotia tion, this private citizen could not transfer it in such a manner that sovereignty would attach. The War Department is ac cumulating a valuable set of photo graphs for the pictorial history of the campaign in the Philippines. Those photographs come from Man ila, where officers have been engag ed in a systematic effort to maintain a photographic record of important events and current happenings in the Philippines. If the system already begun are continued, the United States in its next war, will have a well trained' body of civilians upon whom to draw for service as naval oflicers. Two oflicers of the naval reserve at New Jersey have been assigned to regular duty with Admiral Higgin son's squadron. Their assiginent is for one week in each case, during which time they will perform watch and other duty and subject to the regulations of the nary. The ac tion in these cases, which was taken at the personal request of the oflicers concerned, establishes a precedent in the assignment of naval militia men to regular service on board men of war. Secretary Hoot has received an un usual complaint from George Wads- ortli, of Mellwood, Nebraska, charging the government with being responsible for depriving him of the society of his wife by sending her to the Philippines as a school-teacher. It seems that the lady, who was formerly a school-teacher, became tired of matrimonial joys and secur ed one of the Philippine appoint ments and departed for her post be fore her husband knew anything about ber Intentions. n speaking of the adulteration of food and food products in a publi cation soon to be issued. Professor Wiley, of the Department of Agri culture, says: "Spices probably afford a more fruitful field for adul teration than any other class of food Of food adjuncts. Some of tbe lead ing spice grinders tnsse a practice of furnishing spices at almost any price tbat is desired, regulating tbe amount of foreign matter, which ordinarily consists of such materials ss ground cereals, coooanut shells, olire stones, sandal wood, mustard bulls, clove stems, linseed meal, and similar substances, according to the price of the goods sold." A "legation court has been planned for Washington city. The scheme is to so arrange the foreign ministers' buildings as to adroit of a large square or court in the center containing walks, lawns, fountains and statuary. A library building common to all the legations, where documents and archives may be kept, is also suggested. Tbe pro posed legation buildings will be en tirely detached from - each other, with ample space for side and front lawns, and all will open into the park or court in the center. The cost will be defrayed oy turning over to tbe builders for several years the amounts allowed by . the Got- j enneats for rental purposes. China ill be the first to build. Fast Assistant Surgeon Rosenau of the Marine Hospital service, who has been trying to exterminate Tats by spreading among them a disease similar to hog cholera, hasannoune ed his failure, his experiments show that if it were possible to keep food away from rats until they are ravanously hungry and then feed them upon the virus they would be quickly exterminated. On tbe oth er hand, it is not certainly effective if given in small amounts, the ex periments seeming to demonstrate thnt a large primary dose proves fatal and a small dose is not only uncertain, but produces future im munity to the disease. Officials ol the Indian Office have discovered that one or more of the dealers who have the contracts to furnish clothing for the Indians have been delivering inferior articles in stead of clothing of the quality call ed for in the contracts. Clothing valued at $12,000 has already been rejected and will probably lie fol lowed by more. Exports of American products to Porto Rico in the fiscnl year just ended were, according to the figures of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, more man tnree times as great as they averaged when Porto Rico was unuer tne opanisn nag and more than 50 per cent, in excess of those prior to the enactment of the Porto Uican tariff law which went into ef fect May 1, 1900. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, all of which was under the 15 per cent Dingley rates, the total domestic exports from the United States to Porto Rico were $0,861,917. The Industrial Commission yes: tcrday made public a summary of a report of industrial combinations in Europe by Prof. J. Jenks, the com mission's expert on industrial com binstions. The roport says that everywhere in Europe, notably in Germany and Austria, there is strong tendency toward the forma tion of these combinations. In Germany and Austria their extent and powor probably are as' great as in the United States. In England, within the lnt-t three years, a very active movement has set in toward concentration of Industry into large single corporations in form similar to those in the United States. The movement in t France is very evi dent, though the managers of tbe combinations are not inclined, in view of the severe provisions of tbe French code, to let their movements appear in public. TKETIIINA was first used by Dr. Charles J. MofTett, a graduate of jenerson Medical College, Philad elphia, Pa., in his extensive and successful treatment of children in Georgia in overcoming the troubles incident to teething and hot sum mers. TEETHINA (Teething Powders) counteracts the effect of hot weather and keeps the digestive organs in a healthy condition, and bas saved the Uvea of thousands of children in the doctor's native state, where physicians prescribe and all mothers give it, and it is criminal in mothers of our section to allow their babies and little children to suffer and perhaps die when relief can be so easily obtained by giving TEETHINA. It costa only 25 cents at diuggists ; or mail 25 cents toJ$J. Moflett, MP., 8t Louis, Mo. For sale by A. J. Thompson Si Co., druggists. Ex-Treasurer Worth's bondsmen have paid in $12,000 on Clerk Mar tin's stealings. Voluntarily and Conscientiously, and with much pleasure we recom mend lo our readers PaisKilleb, We speak Irom experience when we say that it removes pain .as if by magic, and is one of the best medi cines in use for diarrhoea. It is ap plied both internally, and none who have used it would willingly be without it in their bouses. Avoid substitutes, tbere is but oho Pain Killer. Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 50c. About 500 Confederate Veterans went to the encampment at Wrightsville last week. He Cob Id Hold tbo Poaltloa. He can do so because his hand writing is plain, rapid and legible, lie learned it at the Bingham School, Me bane, X. C. By ad dressing Principal Gray, Mebane, N. C,, tbe beautiful school catalogue for 1902 will be sent tree of charge. DOHT VAIT. If you knew how SCOTTS EMULSION would build you up. Increase your weight, strengthen your weak throat and Cot j and put you in con dition lor next winter, yoa would bcg!n to take it now. Bwt far fre. aaw-i, aw4 trr rt SCOTT- BOW K i, Ch.mlate. 4094!$ Prart aMre-t, hrm VL at . t. or t r-w-i... NO. 29 POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLC POWDERS o Horn win 41 ef OoLia, Bon or fcrae ra Tra, if Fount Powdata art aaad la ttm. Joattl rMwIenwUlenr and promt Hoe CBOLMi. foitta Powder will araTt fiim towi-a. roaut Powdjin will bieroa tha anantltr of Hik and eraam twemr Bar cant, and nwka UM Miar ana aad tweet ;,..,.. - Fount Powdan wm oar orjirmiit ahnoet avasr viauaa lo which Honatand CatUa an enfcteet. Jwra-a Pewnua iiu aira aanaraoiwa. Sola Terrwaera. ; f- David m. vwrs. r .' .. au.Tixoaa.aUL , For Sale by J. C. Simmons. : Care.ta, and Trade-Mart, obtaiMd aad all Pat- em ouamaaa conducted tor MooriATC rcc. Oua Omcl ia.aWD.rra u.b.vmtOp,i.k aod w. can aacnr oatent la law tiaaa tha. tkoaa Srcaaat from Waaaiaartaa. . f Send model, drawing or photo with deacrip I Jtion. Wa adTia,if patortaM. w aat, f. of f ckarga, Ow fee not di all parent iaaacwed, a A a-aMPMLCT,, "Mow toOotoiji ple," with coat of eame in eh U.S. and loveiga cvastiia ant free. Addraaa,. ,.,. . . c.A.srjovaco. KIDHEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all cases ' - 'Vr' or money remedies tccogotetA br emi nent physidans as the Bat lot Kidney and Bladder trcwfclcs. VSQCZSObaadiUlO, J. C. Salmons, Druggist, Graham, :M 760 YEARS' . VV EXPERIENCE I J .n 1 . ' 1 1 1 1 4 omMwri Ac Anrnoa tending a eaote. and deeia uiiuai wm eakklr aa oet lain oar opinio, free what her ao InremVm a peobabrr pal nil eliiev Coeaejemee tloneetrtotllormadwaUat. lltiiillnirit na ral I Ma tent frwa, Oldaat aseoer for eerurlnapateciia. Patent taken throne h Mann At Co. iwaBtfS teeeaal aataea, wlthoaaahaiwav amth. .Scientific JltilCttx A haadaowielr flhwtratod owaMT. taiat . eniaaton of any eotenuao loarrMU. Terw.e. e m rear) f no mootaa, St. SoMaraa aa.adeelaia. Mortgagee's Sale. ' Br virtue of the power vented in me by a nwrtaaire dead, executed by will Murray and wife Minnie, oa the nth day of Nov- lsul and duly rooorded in tha otftos of Baetatar of ' twetw ot Alamance uounty, m ueoora Of Mortaages, Book BV. nam lis MS, Inoluatv.,' I wIllMllfor CASH tola hichaet bidder at tbe court nouea door, in Graham, at IS o'clock M - . SATURDAY, SEPT. 7, 1901, tbe follnwln; deanrtbed lot or parcel ot land in Melville township, Alamanoe county, ad orning the landaof Brows ia,t;bae. Moore, arun jscubo uy ana oieer. to-ww Beailinln-at a rook, Martin McCauley and : Ilia Urlttuh'a comer, thaho.8. 97 Tarda to a rock Brown Lea' oorner. tnenee at. 44 yd ' oorner, tnenoa R. 44 yds. to a rock In the v: m in .up .niy w u mow wwwr, 111 ranla to a rook known aa tha aaid N. Griffith1 corner, theoo. W. 44 yard to tta. Mainoina, ooniaioinr aerea.BKr or Mat MABTIN MiZ-AULBT. Aug. S tda. . Mortals. PRACTICAL EDUCATION Agriculture. Engfneerin-, Maebanl Art anil Cotton Manufacturing : aoomblnatioa f theory and practioe, of a tody aad manual training. Tuition U0 a year. Total aapenea, including clothing and board, SIS. Thirty teacher, mil student. Next aaaalon haarlna September tb. . for catalogue address Ubo. T. wit. P maiden t , -r .. .... N.C. College - UML1M in VZUX III Raleigh, N.C. . , Summons by Publication. North CarviUna, ..- the Sapertor Court Before Ue CMrs. t Alamance County, Tanotry Low, Jacob X. Low, Beaaa. Ley sad nor nuaoarta, Anaur ioy, im tlcla (ton-Infer, M.J. W 7 rick, and her hueband, J. at. I Wyrtcfe, BtUabeth Tickle. W. at. klichael. Nancy Ann Tttoeaaa, 9. A. Btlchaal. ItI4- SockweiL Marine C. Low. David Michael. MarbarB 1 Will 1 a ma, and her husband. P. Hi . Wlllla 1 lama. H. W. Low, Heteo hv. Shepherd ana ner aimaaa, . wnepnertt. w. eU Low, J. B. Low. Charle Sock well and wife, Mary 8. bocaweJl. Joha etockwell and wtiev Km ma. M. B. Summers aad ber auaband. J. B. Summers, Pmlnuta. , . . Dentei Low.Baraa J. Dlamnod aad bar hus band, J. u. LHmaaoud, li. H. Low. Annlo J. Marbla. Minnie Vaooe, r' urea la Busman. Margaret KlMt, Ella Brown and her hue baad, Brown. KJw. Tickle, Berry Low.' ltanlel Low, Hatiie Low, Mary Bllltt, Jobs! eilltt, Yancey Ttofcw sod lwremc Tickle. rjeTeadaota, , Tbe defend ant a ahor named will tak. at- tjas that an action entitled aa above haa beeo ' racwu 111 mhj euparrar iXMirt of Ala " vwmm 17. mm iwwee vi we saie or lb. mads of Joha C. Low. laa. m . said comity for a divlaion of Uas nam smongst the heira at law ; aod the aaid a. -teadania wlU fartber take nottoe that thy era required to appear at tho ofBc of tii. Clerk ef tb Superior Court of Alaman.-e County oa tho Slat day ef eptsaoer. I., and answer or r ao law pMima Bled In Npnwniiitivr we pminHus will apply to tho Court for tbo relief demanded in La Tnu ta 1st day of Aog. rant. J. n. at tkunm i rao moaj LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE One of the inoe-t proeperou. ir i i tutions for the higher education o. young women in the South. ranacea ater kept in tbe I u'.IJ- icg. Nineteenth Annual Sfs-".--n lo gins September lih. For Ctti..- -j 8.1-Jrf ' Tr Rhodes, Li'.ti - 1, N. c. Al l . a. i Mtftr, Littleton, IVC. ill; in

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