AAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAiAAAjtAA ; Tim l inn , . T-T-- itmmmf m a, l. t m ., mm . 'U. '1 J , AV m J" a & M U w At " m m m aaaae. -a . m m mm .; .-.. . w t - iyousxyun,,, i .inui,,:.,!.,.,,,;,,,; ,!,;,;;, ...diuiUfliNrfeiinmtsDAY, octobek 3,1901. ' ; . fJB;'r7- " . Why not make your dollars out of mhltar 9 ti,.i. f schm 'Tbeii thYlstretelrt . It's LVrkxy hkH iVtRtter to mflliw uimiw oi" Rnwnwinn .ton idollir porchtse.! i.But ,Z ' - i 1 1 .1 .. 1 i u i . - until ruuof-inijni3 "iwujauii ijisiriu UtiuijiiV!, V gartyW&WBtos. Co. Will come so near it, you will ttink they have a wonderfully ex- pnnuing urunnniiig jjwwcr,ir4uai M) rBOiW,' listen : ' - 11 ' - XDxess O-cocis : 60 in. all wool homespun- worth 75e at. 50c 40c'tltiids t(cldsft'0ot'oa1ok tirttUj YttnlmiA. . k.. L n.Jl"l" . " rwv an um i,er yaro, neBo wojiw ngnamz& , Good hi, U 1 Outing 6c. - :.VMiu4-i Al .u vtiy Hi ,- i... u .,.,.. , ,,. ' i.niipii neavv Kini, veHLH ziic va inn nr. in,. i,i; .. ,.i - Iuulc iiuudii Biioea 60c:-tattawf m . T' 13 50 shoe : 13.00. u uerei net iet4 DiUenk 50 Ahneat IF.98? rnlFwondTer EowT'iriir possible "to" 1 uy new up-to-date ; ;J goods at the prioe.we offer them. We bought thern right and are able to offer tem..tF you at unheard of prices. Sniecial Ittention 3 ',t to mail oriH?if 1 ;HarJ3elk Bros. Co., C7. rnpst Store on Earth. ftnc arTTTT i?r dtp win i - -.!! f GREENSBORO, N. C. Oct Wi 1 1 igf i Ve awy abso JuIy ,FREE , to the couple who will get married in his exhibit stand at the Fair Grounds in Floral Hall a beautiful ' FarraiidTVotey Organ, - The the first couple who noti- e?lin 0&66g afl?reseiif5 nujmsf iveg tot ne feremony at the Fair Mia ifie OrWan 9 ELLIS MACHINE & MUSIC CO., piiiiin tt. kt By B. L CLEVELiNIX I .fif'ELEHIiKJllgft? . 41en fremnhiB''digtaht 41111 afthtT uuriu were etruugijr fciiiuuay uaiu worker;mo"deTratetr"atr"habItgr kindly to all who met them. That Ttnem to fair wT"igntly acceplThe new life in the republic pained thera. They earnestly labored with A 4 41 4 A LA 1 1 It t a 1 1 . A llltili a i j, J5 A 4 A ii THTl? AjrlTnTTVT.,C,IIT'S: UDtmualed dividend record U tbe mM.M.d uvuxu ii jjuxjjiui . result or: i DnZe" 000,",Wnt " "tTT -TfMarDut hf VMffliot listen. When tn1.e to the Fnltid StiT' " JLl 7JJ. .XL S . i W I It will be to your lntereat to we wbat w can do for you before ftMHiflFyemr liftfT llrfrtfl attend" tnetlistrict school, he uninoe. y I Oooq territory open for Agents In T. ARCIaIBALD 3 -;. w J i i i 5- JMJKTUW. i CJ B. i mil noI MM H I ' r r" i M T r I t m I uiUl rim o rbl''Yf'VVn M LIT, General Agent, "ft S" ' .'' ' -V . i tTIl CAROLINA. I Of the thousands of Worwegians and Swedes set upon- the prairies of the Dakotas 20 years ago compara tively few read or undrntood Eng lish. It was surprising, though. now rjuicKiy they adjusted them selves to their new environment, While the women worked in the prairie fields with the men, while all were tillers of the soil, and carrier of burdens, they vet found time to master, much of the new tongue, to cpen American schools and to nur- chase - American . books.. And. news-i. papers. When the first linrd winter ' 1 1 . L-nuie, waujr pt uie lyeprarjct women willinfflT went Xd sofidof 6n sttoli days as the blizzards permitted, and noreaoyeR spelling bpkajipd liuth mec With thehildreii. fltl - In-th.JEIay. .ileadows. ichool dia? tnct was a Norwegian family of the namei of Torgeson.- The mother Anna, was perhaps 21 ov 23 years old. " TRefatfier was' 30. The three children were toddlers, too young for school and books. Never theless when winter school Opened. Anna Torgeson, with one child at her breast and two at' her skirts, forced her way across the prairie to the sodschoolhouse.anu asked for admission. Torgeson himself did not go with her. He was one of the lew who opposed unv effort to change the order of things that had prevailed m the home land. He pro posed to be 'a' Norseman' to' the1 last of his days. He would speak in ho tongue but his own. lie would go to no church but the "kirk," and that not existing on the prairies he would do without worship. He wore his peaked hat, his piled coat, his skin trousers and avoided his American neighbors . except , as he was lorced to trade with them. Although he soon understood a few words of English when a land office collector enme for the last payment on his hnal proof notice, he would speak to him only in .the Norse tongue? Then the "strong arabf the government reached out and Torgeson was frightened. He woke hi&.vows and spokq Jiti English ujjitil the title to his land was clear, f "The hay meadows istricti'Waa a temperance community. The set- but it wilt trdshard wit! .1 . - .J. I v , ... I S ttter.l f- Ai i Anna limb ndSblue?oj fyefB. Se beautiful ihfflf Tiriesbn fcid( LhtoiibTideA i .Mot IwrhuaA. to her charms. She had mind, too auick witted intelligence, a rare ImptitudfoAawiat.tUtlMit nd chnenng to it. For her children! sake she believed she ought to at- 169 5T Main. St., Norfolk, Va. PIANOS & ORGANS i itiirriftirrar tfirVlprKnAi, I I (, at USPes If Vrse &. Bon. 8mitl tp4th ditrictfW ffkfrf oetnd hope had come, and sh4l tht road enHneer baa gradually era- fTorwsoir Anally rtV hiOont, lUr to him and was caught In hUJ lndM7 tlito eooatry Hi khrtfhnriVT'nir arni7 abourinrnecK . ... i- t v; u Dt ten rears, ms proitwo u , ktld- V WebBte jPianoe ; Story J Clark rid otner urgans. Aaiae ixoiu mow we are wholesale and reUil agento for several others. $1 tery of the English, tongue. Torge Wirtriratnriearrf "Write" SfaTogue "ancTrTces. , Pianos and organs sold on easy nay- ' bring you full information and save you from 10 to 25 per cent f k swore loudly and at first said she should not go. Later he answered her pleadings: "Qo it you wilt but you put aomay thing between us. tw yoy w illcvar St pve. fl am . ai nay fathers werf. ybn; wotld be djfferent,fall right, ooto oi tu forgespn lafg wife yet," they said. Btrfrrorgeson-Temalned-bitterly against her. Onjy the babiea gave hfr fcve ands(knort t" f A'januaryday came Weil the wee roee-warm- over the enow cover ed prairies and in the air there was a f also whisper of, spring. The hay meadows folk on their way to the snhobl shook their .head. They had learned that this beauty of nature at such a .tiine mfeanfj coming terror of blinding sleet and deathly cold. aii mrougn-the morning the sun- nuuueu uie-" interior oi me Bhine schoolhouse and, the water dripped from the snow covered sod eaves, ' but the pupils within did not trust thewamthr At (noon they ate their lunches by the open door, but lione failed, to notice the growing raynes of the skyvin the north and the change ln"the sweep of the Wind: ' When fchoel closed, a frightful J94ai waa,nj)0jfhem TJif ther mometer Tiad fallen to far below zero and the air was filled with sleet fthatM.t mmm mmv: Ihe twelve pupils of the school loo iced at each -other m tmrgrowing darkness. Every woman present 3iad alrnan ta guide her home but iAnna JorgesOn. Every child had! a man protector but tbe children of Anna Torgeson. . "The rest of you will go on," said' Anna Torseson. "There la some fuel, here. I and my children will mi a it' lintiY 4 ia Ann ' . 4 lnj UAA 1AA; tUW IB VTVli Some offered to guide her home before they went their; own way, but she said 4he storm -was growing worse every minute and they i must hasten for their own safety. They scraped together such food as they bad left ronj noon and, gave it to her. r It . ,wa , not - much . f or jourl mouths, but or the baby there, was Anna Torgeson's breast.' !T,ust as the others prepared to leave' Anna Torgeson called to one ' "'Stay a moment.'' Torgeson will worry. I will send him a Bote? uet it to him somehow when you can that Jie may know 1 am safe." , i And she wrote in inglistu ! "Tkoar TTnaltanil iT am mnta in the school with the babies.,.. Don't worry about me. "Annie Torgeson."; Late that afternoon, with the, meet awful- storm ha-had everl known, howling about his home, Torgeaon go tna noteirna tne bearer Aid not dare to leave htin for; his life to fierot wat the blast J ; tfUmVt im its grdmbje Tor-4 ffeson. then Torgeson crnmplea It In nis hand and said. NEW-IDEAS IN'KOADS. 1 AT aTwexican hotel: 7 change suggested in repair 0? . , ' macadam Highways. The "Let her stay there. She cares more for the school than for me." 41 aafc befoM fciatgeod. isl-r in Caaetaat Rraewa t Give. War 9 Maaarfaelaa; at Praai Three ta Fire Teara Caet C Malateaaa RaAae- 4 I'M ar MMklaerir. ' '' i f i Ui,f ,1 ' ' - t! It Is comnionljr said and thought that It) the construction of macadam roads there la nothing new under the sun. AU the AJnerlcaa engineer can do Is to copy tbe precedents am) practice of the English and French road builders. Our Iconoclastic .contributor, Mr. Gil lette, however, reports an Interesting record of macadam resurfacing which seems to put the matter of macadam Mad repair In quite a different light, says Engineering News. The old, , or thodox method of maintaining a mac adam road Is to keep , continuously , at It , Writers of textbook on road con struction Invariably urge that the road should be maintained by constant sur veillance. In fact, the Ideal plan, ac cording to tbem, ta to hate a man eon tlnuallr going over tbe roads of ia given district, 1 mending a1 low. place here and filling a rut there, taking the prorerblal stitch la time that Is sup posed to save nine. , Now, sjrbatever ex perience In Europe may be, results here show that this method of making re pairs ts expensive.' A man working hi this way must work with little super vision, and his work will be apt to lack In both quantity and quality. '' i In place of this system of road repair Mr.iUllkrtte propoaea that the road be left to wear down for perhaps three to live years, depending on tbe amount of traffic and the condition which tbe road attains. Then put on a heavy steam roller, with picks, and resurface a good long stretch at one time, adding new material if necessary. Working m this manner with- efficient machinery Mr. Gillette has resurfaced a 10 foot road oa which new stone' was not required 4 at a coat of little more than 1300 per mile. If a road will wear Ave years between surfacing!, this means an an nual expense for maintenance of. only 00 per year (not counting the cost of new atonM. - - -' 1 Of course, however, Mr. Gillette does not got to tbe extreme of proposing' to make no repairs whatever bet ween sur facing'.; Mluor repairs, such as Oiling hollows, mending, raveling shoulders, fllllrig next to crosswalks and manhole cover; will' do ' much to' promote the comfort of those that use tbe road and cost comparatively ilttte. It is the al most niveraAf custom of doing repair work In-small patebee which Mr. Gil lette suggest to be aw. errotv and be aeems to have common sense on bis Side., -i. ,,..,,. .,,,,,',!,, : The, greatest obstacle to tbe extensive construction of bard roads In this coun try is unquestionably; the cost of, their main tuna nee. Foreign 'practice; as well ce most of the experience that has thus far accumulated In tbla country, indi cates paired according to orthodox methods Meal and the Dishes That Are . !( tervea-Tl)erwi.-(t 1 IU The dining Toom ia scrupulously clean and the mbzoa ire in attend ance in their spotless white blonsea (which resemble out' abort- waist; with the:githering';atflnj,Ietf ont. at the bottom, the corners tied in' a V J l.i I'M X til' ' 'i' imru. juiot, iuruo oeiow jnev waisi. The first meal of the day , ia called desayuno and consists usually of different kinds of bread, some very fancy and 'sweet, with 'coffee or chocolate also fruit and eggs, if you desire then. . !. t-, ... i4' After a very slow canter about the country on. the back of a burro through banana groves, to augar plantations, etcj you return prompt ly at 13 o'clock ready for your din ner cotnida.) This ia a full course meal, beginning with soup and rice. All the-dishes are novel and are gen erally liked. Some of them are rather i hot, but after a few meal you find that your taste for chile coa carne has' become cultivated and you enjoy the piquancy of the deli cacies set before you. ' - I have learned to be very fond of the Mexican's favorites, such as chiles stuffed with cheese and roast ed; a very delicious combination of peas, "pineapple and banana boiled together; meats dressed with chile; salad of the alligator pear fbutter jruit;; onions, tomato and cnue, and the standby! of all Mexicans tortil las (corn cakes) and frijoles (beans). These , last; are always served after thoj meat courses. .Then1 we have the" dulces (preserved fruits) ' and The ceuA (supper) it 7 is of the same number of courses as the din ner and very much like itInter national Magazine.', ' ', Ceratruetlon ef the Earthworm. A slight acquaintance with the anatomy of an earthworm enables us to understand why the body is divided into a number' of rings, or "segments," as they are more gener ally termed. The internal organs, instead of being- distributed among the tegmenta, are for the most part repeated from segment to segment' It follow, therefore, that when the Srdenera ' spade shears off several uhea of a worm the animal is not deprived of one or more essential organs, but only of a less or greater number of parts of these oreans. ' ' Spalanxani was ihe first natural ist who made about w year ago periment of this kind, which rrr HulJii't li -i .i owillave a Large Stock of the ' Atht t,'. . rti i. .'..4 n :; H , - -.- . m . JCMAWH HI .fi A J i A CO I ' f , Am nnn i mnn . f , :i, 'i '" I ''.-. "iiit'i ii'iriri'i'iiii -i'- : a h jLLLmilVlLV is sttii ,v ' i .irf itrH tS hWtfVth tl , Mti"' i.i; 10 ftiiirtM)-i"' mm i IU uuik uiAnth would 'Uike' for you to come in 'here's' None 'better. 1 "!' uAnd, Qualityt Considered, l r-nces are rignt: ; r ,, , ; . ; r lite & C0.4 o ' . t r sf 1 ;burlingtonn. c. 'o OOOOOOOOQOOOOGOCCCCCOCCC J 1 J 3r. 1 'm-iiwJ . '.-if proved, - aa ' a subsequent i writer diiitilaitswl in thlai wnnfnr; igtiaw.i .... . . when 7; 5" Tit fff contemptible lire are, of ail others, a ;ai ai a a 3: aa u T' nce !W i? "V tiVsubstitution of. machinery for extinguished with tho greatest diffl when he thought he was unobserved, . ,auor and by tbe systematic re- culty?V, ... , . . he would glance at the writing of neW,i 0f the surface In long stretches Li addition to these, advantage ine note ne coum not. renu. ai. uuu- instead or in tmau nit or mis patcnes in, it construction, tbe earthworm jiiKiii ne vuuiu bioiiu iv uv iuuk4 (M con n Dumnnmi mcnua nam hu t earti 1 amount of cnnninff it m ik. .u.i: 1. l.iJ v. i 1 f ... jw 1. I .... . . . a no wa a orgeon, tue vuhuhu, uui, cau wrsci uit, - v. jh must enable it to escape torn his wife arjdabies wfrTofer in that St'a'.rl fin mild, wet evening Innu- MhoolhouewkhoutJmU4. fuel or; ffbaT'tl db?K2 -V -JWj food. Hd tdok with hut the man ant Witk thm and. of thir tails O mH brought tMrK-landthey roUfe. .wie ii.oniCT. tm. au -0,4 wlii wear quite evenly and may alarm, they rapidly retire under 1 mm M - M V, Ak rr n Jt 1 inn iavai .. .. ... 1 ..I m ' ' t" r'"v '""s. T ""l ail be repaired at one time, on eiry ongilLVbeiqre . against f -row ana .treeti macadam I eommonly Uld la So ighjtybifqre ,agf insl f tbi 1). and Iliiy gai dtc stli iraiO( lithe school, aa abort stretches, and different block tiiijea?ty. id two im r, r tTorge arasubjeeted to very different aroounu Lit. ft fl J m . . J .1. -H s . ... --. m ... ia n n ainen in (.. 1, ;".uu hum w 1 - ground. tl- L'.istV In with bimbul.f tangertP!" mu patcbe. tterefor. x tLcfcld pain fia.l gone f tn rnim.i.nm i mn a -1 roau, . jdtvu urrw, jnnreTvr, ja uni bear In mind that machine work I hinM itM bera n doe on country road, : Even here, however. It Is well ta Ploreyerf u Wfc 1 . Xt A A ukA Denaing over we siove 10 aeepi v ,. L w "1 .1: A rn n - - ft '. Mi'MSe.' 3 -rt' tb Job In band tbe more cbeap- -gesorr nearo: nis voice, Knew oy " I ly -will the machines do tbelr work. note that out of the horror he nacn -' ".') strnirffled with to reach her newi 1.- A taaaatrr. ':- t and kissed him long, but Torgeson nnshed her away and growled. He I again. Chicago Record-Herald. on that offer extensive Inducements In many directions, and bright mind And employment therein for talent that are of tb highest order. Commu nities an over tb country ar awakea- America but forvgain; when that T . hn,incM nfflca there bfl was had, lie wouia return 10 n transacted a business at night ofl log to-tb fact that road building la a folk and unchanged. -rikkK-Vtm of ihf employ ees areH Jos a asoeb aa railroad angV r-.T-r." rr-yv , . 1 awai eember of that dr4a winterAnn a , , - fii 11: Tdfgesop tmaue Bef wayH ina cattle and their fodder or brooding over his pipe and cups. That his wife should not side with him was the bitterest thing-he had torndwre; He was not a bad man, only a cruelly obstinate one, and, having alerted oa the wrong path, hflbWOuld I will p, CASH for Maple, White Poplar, Birch L nh. I DH TT trr BT,r WT?vrTHTIi7rM at VOUr kuimi- l-.v . -r' ... .. . - u tation or at my factory. umber mnar he 6 in All timber to be cut 52 iDcnea, J aLt MAnnd. to diameter anu uy. ' traigBt and fcetroaf fAa. - 3lS I O f J J- rC t White Poplai $4.00. Price named are for cords, 128 cubic fee.: " R. B.FATJST?, Burlington. Do ; JOB WOBKOFAXt KINDS. atarted oa (h wrong path, aaronia wife's win I eenld'hsve shcrt mile wife's winter a bright one. He ranld-fisve taken tat the fledge and anditJilchJUrM- to the schoolhouse, but he would not. No matter bow deen the snow and fierce the winds, he lei liwm' go aJohe,"uiiaIdedrun less neighbors gave a helping hand. When January, the worst month Of the Season, came, be maJe no ef-l fdrt to sssiatT them 'So Wide yaa the gulf between, husband gad if now that h even let theXef Year's day pas without the homo celebra tion they had never initsed before. Evan thai sight, when Aaaa Torge son came to where he brooded in bia chair and, weeping, begged him tp be ib man of their firatdays, ho ftrshed her from him and answered: I am not of touts. ' 1 4ave not changed. It i yom that ha cfaang mJi tet it be." lAnaa -Tarreaoa want with, thai school, praying TfTT mght to her God that her husband might yet awaken and be one with her again. Ia the school aha was the moot apt TrupiL 8he was th flr to Jeam ta write English, the list UN abletd spell English rightly. Her neigh bora, many of whom had known her W It Rtb tuditing of booksfl bridge eowtrntkm aad that . . T. V. . a "ml tjMmsfai antaA ka tttillff . kSf thnsftai tWH iAwt ik w Ma naui at sinytMi " rw 1 w . ' f yv v -tlMhl .min-- tha onaatlaa. Ojfoni easel the SZjaj . VuTc; of one"oi; fT?rrZl h TiadMme reason to uspeci . roUlnr tbem In doe not a roadbed and rolling toem In doe not . , No aieeplng on the Ralls. A strange circular has been Issued to signalmen on a Kussian railway forbidding ; them to go to sleep lying on the rails.- - On would hardly imagine that the temptation to do so would prove overpowering, but it appears that the signalmen in question frequently do so, aa the temptation to sleep is so strong that they feel they have to sleep some where, and they labor under the de luslon that the vibration of an ap proaching train will wake them up, a mission which it frequently fail to fulfill. Th People f Man. The London Saturday , Beview tells a talo of an old Manx woman who, when a certain author ex plained to her the nature of his oc cupation, replied condescendingly, "Well, well, what does it matter so long as a body make hi living honestly?" , Not less characteristic was . the Manxman's remark to a visitor whose health had been much benefited by bis stay on the island, "You iss a much .batter gentleman bow till you was when yon came." : , tft't i .1 aisnonescj produce a good road any mun than tne practice. At time, nowever, one; piling op of dirt In a continuous bank partner may suspect another, 0- produce a good roadbed ft the steam atma raaaon mar arise where thai earfaea iad car. There 10 Wort ma firm deairea to ascertain ita standi alwal sOJIghlg Saataleallcksraet. nir an nnnmal I ma tha TMPJ WI cwfta, "-'U -"" ad without It, being known tbfl iTrV 'nt'M jananad cu.ncuntca M.gaame. faatursi i&mywark;" said V well 1' 'Wi; te W eW known public accountant in speakiJ tn" Mhuourl 'Agrlcoltoral 'ec tag about the . maUer . recentlyH lege they found by acta! teat that "llaav. atimenrhem Bttlamnner- Mae graaw award the aa draft that i Li. Xii... J . 11. mmMmA 9 Ana nMtula on a eraaaa arttk canius uvua lias cwm r uiu r . . . - taka Aha boak freas ta ealVandl "T tlmn tb ioi and 1 . 5C0tt'S tmulsion 1$ not a worked over them until daybreak, n u 4vw9 . Wii might b, weif eood medicine for fat folks. - "in sucn case tney never touenvt adarxed to urt a gony or ditcfi loif.. . . . . . . , a pen or pencil to tbe book. .TheyTi wblch tbe fertility wf rb orfac eotf We have never tned giving It KVttli?! UIT1 r;r:i wiria ZZZZ w a reat iat person. Mt. UtaVan trfhaiwnia 2 IK mnnt lasprsioa on tbe -ward lack, and replacing tbem in the aafatorl ,4 . . ' !TZ'f-'WA?t lion bUUdS new nesn. rai LI If or aalWa of good Mad will o H Baxm ia Arkaaaa la this tb ArsC year give no ground for suspicion oil wbstjs gom on." w I t ... We don't You see Scott's Emul- Strong f T the aew century tbaa la any tea Aa OM bar. ' yaaraW the laac 'The raa is phda-; "Conroicuou by hi absence." n taxta; tbissssres far ernreaaioa af i aonsidcrabl iiorceij tnaaaya baild tha Mm. fbianlfbaiiifta aftikr kavinH P " M.' been need by Lord John BuaseU ii w.. aa addrea to the elector of Lon4 TeW - DkavA rh ' lady Ar. TTa araa .fflrt TllHH 1 Caaa tlf ha DelfMSl Id rtotte 1n Mini aiw "J,. .... . v w. ft . . . enough to admit that it was not an- tne neaa try ir: rKnoison a-aru-original ezpreeaion with him, but fiaai Ear Drama, ga-e 1U,XX) to his taken from one of the historian of Iaotitata, av that deaf people unable antioaftr. Hi eonfeetiai led to'4 tprexmro tbe Ear' Drums may have tlassica research, n4 XhI erpre-q thora frm Addrea Ifa" gid waa found in th4 HaiilF of j Then Kkhohartr 'Inatftate, Tacitn. From th is author we aUuH Wgta-Atentle,' FetTT ork. have "Ood always favor tbe heavi-Tl est battalions," an expression fter1 7W0.; 780 J before her marriage, rejoicea wvex i uaiianuna, an wPw mimZ4 t-. f- B-r.. . Ta BW"1,,, brfTuswsfrntistto if: Foley's Honey mat Tar "orgeson.wiu D prona oi nia ovngn. I tor chZJna,mttt,m NoopUte. i people don't want it : 1- I c t people uuu i umi m , , But if you are thin Scott's Emulsion is the medicine for you ' It doesnt .tire you Tout There is no strain, .u The work is all natural and easy. You just take , the . medicine arid that's all there s to iL.P,A i The next thing you know you feci better- you cat better and you weigh more. It is a quiet worker. SeJ fbt free aamnle.0 ,r SCOTtaaOWKB, Ckaataa. a PtaalSl. Jl.s. - t' .Mf..'., f-!j. . , i ! ; For, us to sell to a customer who. want CLOTHING, it "TTE3-TSr Because we have the stocVand ''? VV '! can fit, as well aa please, : you toth ia qiulitj ot ,u: ,r v goods and price. If you are stout, lean or regular " , don't imagine we Can't fit yon. i. i... ; oxjb Louder business . - t1" . .n i? .:" ., TT ..'.,..-,. .', 1 1, "' " """" "" ''mmmmmmm Is'growlng, for the reason that we have only one price, and i , . and you can buy as cheap by ordering aa if yon were" ' ' V,' , . fnouratoW;'; SALESMEN: Dolph iloore, ' " i : - !C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne,--- t.t :J Al.jf'f.-.rt . , , j s Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant, and W, H. Matthews. , W.H. Matthews, & Co., OBEEirSBOBO. IT. C. r ;' " ' " u I j r ,-a -.t i.-l ' ' i..;c ti ! it iHi'. .f .Durham Marble morko l ,t. ,-i,'.. i-.-i i- - . u- t ;.:...',..:.. .... .. You need not be reminded that ' Su ! mark' the last J," f ; resting .place of .your, departed C, '..',', loved ones, but we wish to re- K 1 mind you of burl low prices. v"1'' ' DURHAM. N. C. t ' We bare a eomplete aaaortment , ot Uie latest pauerueod Oaaitrna. - --' .tis ,i!!i:m . t.t, ... Attention i Farmers !- We have iust received -"The Best Vloxr MadeBoland Chilled" "and many others Also new Clover and ;Bye Seed. . . We havo; the Baugh's Fertilizers 6f:,ailmnt'iiad.! grasses. , Give us a call before you buy, i-tU. , lours in tne ieaa, ,i I UC U1ICIUA OIUUC liU...; V. -.. "i "I Ut t i ,U t. if 3 . E. C ABTLAND, Merchant ; Tailor Green sboro;, N: , O: -1 'i , NewGobds:. :.!.JD-tbTdate styles. .'VTHe Bret Workmanship, and a good fit. We use tha best of everything. "-"-'ft-m"wta)"F"lamirBWf"ga? . .i,;t ...i K.I 1 ..11 ;4 K-ii t- ' , , .i , . ' , .,: J, .m. t i.-f'r til. . s-hi-A all i . . . ' . . Tha . rl ' m i i'jl- !".".'!: ft,' !i w 13 t). .1 I "" ' J:j oy i -i i-a.v ! .... i r-. . "' .fj v.. Cii-Ir.-D ''fiiV :"J iM-iVl ,A-viahr.:r. Team. Tracker Surrey Harness Mado to cr Repairing Neatly uone. - : ; ! Waal aid : . l : -.! :. a . 4 : Ooart Kooae. b R. C.

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