tf;. . y " r7 1 " v7n 1 ; ": A, - ..-t:" -rf't-'-zj; -7:7:;;-: - -i HE isE jffl . .. u .'':' v'Vr"v - .... '.."':;..;! '-'i ,.-.', i, ' ... -,.., ! t! . f V IjEANER i GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1901. v e mm. t S .. Why wot mkr yonr dollaw out of rubber ? That's a ereat gchrtnj. sljen ;:ley!n stretch.; It's a pretty hard matter to make a Eve dollar bill (reloh' over a ten dollar purchase. But until nnoew uoiaam nremauo- Harrys WiH coaie so neaif' you!" wilt think they have a wonderfully Bros. Co. ex- - ::;: ,;Dxda-ood.s : . 60 In? U.ooi hbHJetfpuii orth 75o at 50c per yd. 10 40cplftia8W W08epaiquicKatizic Yard-wide percales pieces at 5c per yrfrcheap:a 8a., Good ginghams 2J. Good calico SJc. Outing 5o. .'tf ' w..-r.v- Lidies' heavy knit vests 20o value at 10c, ladies' button shoes 50c, button, patent tip shoe at 11.00, cheap at $1.50. J4en' BrogansaHSil, 85 tl.oq and up to the best patent Vici 85 shoe on the market. 11.25 shoe at 98c. $2.50 shoe at $1 98 ' $3.50 shoe at $3 00. " ' . 1 in our uioining ana.nai aepanment you can save 25 to 50 percent. , , t e . , , You will -ironder how- it is possible to buy" new up-to-date uoods at the prices we offer thern. We bought them right and are able to offer them to yoa at unheard of prices. Special attention to matt VtimAii'jl, I HtirtySBelk Bros . Co., 7 Cheapest Store on Earth. 225 SOUTH iiM STBEBT,' - GREENSBORO, N. C. . IIdI Lash ! $14.50 freight 1 .50 16.00 ALAMANCE Sewing Works .Buys our new Machine. - ; ii i i . . 07 --'Sar ''- " raa"J "lacmnes costing $au. . Wc'also" handle Domestic; New Home, -rrSv White, Ideal and 6 or 8; other kinds. drte $tVle of our Farrand organs others $35. to $ 1 200. 3 T3 s6ld this year irt 9 months past. EELTOTCpiNf & MUSIC pO., . J 11 3 i'A BURIilNGTON. N. G. LOVE LIES BLEEDING "But Bob, it's hopeless, impossl n o. i was mad when I asked her . .m wife- 1 8hould be madder suu ii i persisted. She has a shady history, though not her fault of tourse. Between ourselves it's the rmd of thing that would do for a roan utterly if he married her Oli f I know it's an awful thing to say, but you and I are like brothers, and I must try and explain it to you. You know my old father? A rum good sort, but stiff as buckram and as old fashioned as the lace on my great-grandmother's Sunday cloak. It would kill him, and I simply can't face it that's all. Bob, I can't say anymore. Will vou do it?" ''Why not tell her yourself, lika a man ?" said I. Ho made a desnairinir rpstiirp. "You don't know Ivy," he said. "It's impossible, Bob, I couldn't face that; either way I am between the devil and the deep sea the devil of my father's wrath and the deep sea of her" "Misery," I suggested. "Yes, I'm afraid that's the word for it," he said, knocking the ashes from his pipe with a hand that trembled. "Don't let me know anv thing about it, but do it, Bob: do it somehow or other my whole fu ture is at stake." "I am going to do it," said "Give me her address and I'll this afternoon. I merely wish mention, however, that you are confounded cad 1" go to Urn TflF "TriT?'T,rTTf7'T7,arri7T'lV'!Cl unequlea dividend record la the - ... .... ; - . - . ' , , ,;nitSilriDltie rt of Interiit oorulstent with safety, . ajpAyvixY. .igia eawxomj or management. tUtlDM to the .ltwiuoe, uooa erritoryopea Tor AfBBti in mora Carolina. i, low death rate, feiultlng ftrom a oafffuJ selection of risk and limiting Its he United BtateaV' !. - 'TT . . VTr " M,toyoujr lnteret tJ ee lnit'wecan4ofor you before plaoinc- your life in AttiMmAZp CAUY, General Agent, i 5 )TOH VlBQllf U AMD NORTH CAROLINA, NORTflWESmP-MOTUAt UFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1201 B. IWXlN St., RICHMOND, VA. I l.WjSnlUL8t,,MrtolK Va. I PIANOS & ORGANS Sole Agents in ihis territory for Knabe, Vooe & Son, Srnith & Barnes, and Webster Tiano; Utory & Clark and , other Organs. "Aside from instruments, we are wholesale and retail agenU for Several others. ' " Write' f6? Catalbgtfe and" Prices. -t v ... r - ? -' Pianos and organs sold on easy pay ments. Old instruments taken in ex charfor .new J A postal card will bring yoa; ftiU information and save ' you from 10 to 25 per cent S. I TIMBER WANTED , I win pay CASH for Maple. White Poplar, Birch .and I Ash I bay it W any qnantity. deUrered at yoari 'aJ!? "wii or H Mrrnrr. au in . . - tiuiv. . la diamcier anu . . - - "VranhV WflrAs $6.00. Birch $4.50, "W roplar $4.00. Ash $5.00, edVrefor cords. 128 c-bic B: Br FAUST, Burlington. "Is Mrs. Dare at home?" I asked, standing on the doorstep of a dingy little house off the Kmrs road. Chelsea. "I expect her in every moment." said the landlady graciously. "See ond floor, sir! I'm afraid the stairs are rather dark." Dark they certainly were, for could see nothing whatever but the curtain of .November fog which en tirely enveloped the dingy landing. I stumbled up stairs, however, thankful that the landlady did not offer to accompany me, and entered Mrs. Dare's apartments. As I wait ed one or two little trifles caught my eye, and as I prided myself oil being a judge of human nature they had for jne 'their full significance, The first was a child s headless horse, evidently thrown down after a ftame of play. ("Humph! Her child is often with her-'-an affectionate mother, there fore has a heart, said I to myself. The second trifle was a bunch of violets standing in a -cracked jug of "Fond of flowers." I said. "Per haps he used to give her violets. Yes. certainly she has a heart. The third trifle was a volume of Shellev. A slight rustle at the door and then the handle was quickly turned and a young woman entered the room. "Better late than never!" she cried, addressing my back, which was all she could see. ' I wheeled around at once. As she saw a stranger's face she gave a cry of horror. 5 "Oh, pray excuse me, I thought von were a a srreat friend. "I have come from a great friend. t moan Tvrd Belmorris "Oh. is he ill ? Don't, pray, don'l say he is ill, for I could never get te Jielgrsvs square ana nurae uiro least" - - : . TTara aha atnrmed and blushed. "Oh. I know all about it," said t, "but he is not ill, Mrs. Dare. He is fcnntinir today with the Pytchler, and tonight," I continued taiitally, "he is coming to town, and he wul be at the Savoy. So you see he is "I am riad" she said. Tnen looking st me with a little air of dignity. . "Then why1- said she. T ffave a eulp. The dreadful mo- -3VElDQ-:0.QBK..bF; ALL KINDS. SB J M . . nent was coming, f Why was sue so young, so kind looking, so natural and simple end 'altogether sweet? "I am Harold's greatest friend," I said. "Bob Hastings is my name. J knew all about bin, and he knows all about me." V "Sir Bobert Hastings," she sauu Tes, of course, I have Heart ox you. iiaroia inma ,uw w v yon. He always says if he. were in any trouble he shonld go straight to you. This was my chance. He is 14 tronjjle," I said, "snd he bar coma to me." 1 -Introuhlel"saidshe. Theni you know all about him, Sir Bobert, rmr must know that it 4 to me he shonld come when be is in trouble and not to any one else in ths whole world." - ' " It was more and more difficult. She looked prettier and prettier, hml I nulled myself together and told hr the truth. ' H was evercome by toot beauty and sweetoess," said I -a4 he laid hi life at yow feet, and it raa mot hk to riv. Urs. Date. It helongs to his xatherTwhose evert hope is centered in him; to bl mother, to the old place which it being mined for want of mosey, and to fill their hopes he mast marry not only beauty and good feeea, but wealth, position ana renx. I "But if he dose not see ft in that tig ht r she cried, stamping her foot, Jhils her violet eyes looked gray fordoes see it. la that Vrt Said J, "and that is why I am It. Now do . you mnderitaad, llrs. j She looked wildly around at me, at the room, at the patch of faint blue sky to be seen from the win dow..' , . - ; "Oh, Harold!" she said. 0h, Harold! Harold!" She flung herself upon the sofa, clasping in her hand the headless wooden horse. I. supposed, poor soul, she did not know what she was doing. She muttered again to her self disjointed phrases in which I could only catch an echo of his name. ' I had done my duty, and my task, so far as Harold was concern ed, was over. Few words had pass ed between us,' but she fully under stood. Something, ' however, kept me from leaving the room at once. . stopped by the sofa and looked down at the slight figure shaken with sobs. . ,,. .., . "Do you love him," I asked, "even now?" , Something in my tone mustbe,ve stung her, for shevspranglto- her feet. ,4Wt' "No, no, of course not! I don t love him any more. It s only ray pride that 'suffers; that's all. lis ten! I knew I was not a good match for Harold. I had no money to bearin with, and a bad, I mean foolish, husband, who gambled and dragged his name in the dirt; then I when he died, poor fellow, 1 was leit penniless with a child, my only com fort. I told Harold all this so often, but he would not listen. He fol lowed me and begged me, and at last I gave in, aninow he is treat ing me like like" 1 placed my hand before her mouth. "No, don't say it," said L "Bather tell me again that your love for him is dead!" "It is! It is!" she said passion ately. "Oh, don't you believe that love can die, even at its strongest, in a moment from a shock like this f" She reeled, and I caught her in mv arms as she fainted. - hv i j: :m MMnni f luve Lou uic in a wuuivub, I said, looking down on the small white face and the curling masses of hair on my arm. And in a mo ment also love can be born love, the king, who enters unannounced. Lo ! Even then I heard the flutter of his wings. ; . Six months later Lord Belmorris was married at St. George's, Han over sauare. before a targe and fashionable Congregation, including royalty, to .the great American heir ess, Miss Dollars. . Bnt his best man was not his old pal, Sir Bobert Has tings.. He was sitting at that mo ment in a top room in Smith street with his hand in that of a brown eyed girl, and his arm around a lit tle fair haired child Madame. COST OF BAD ROADS. SSaar Trnportal TVeala ASS t tfc Valaa of tfc Patraw. Experts employed by tb depart ment of agriculture to Investigate the subject say tbat tbe cost of moving farm products from the farms to rail road or shipping points by teams now exceeds $040,000,000 a year, tbe aver age baul In tbe United States being frpm about six to. nearly seven miles. and the cost per wagon load being f 1.89 m. northern and eastern states, says American Cultivator. In the itralrle and southern states the average haul Is nearly nine miles, and the cost per wagon load Is $2.72. A fair average for tbe cost of hauling tbe form products to tbe point of ship- went Is 23 cents a mile for each ton. The average charge by tbe rail- reads for moving these products after tfcey receive them Is less tban one-half cent a mile, or tbey carry tbem over 1 ffP a ra a iu mm r mam jv w I IsWI I'll. L s-.-my nini Menkay Seat the Cra. A monkey and a cobra fight was witnessed by some person a couple of days ago about a mile or two no the Obsoor road at Bangalore. A Isree monkey disturbed ; a - large cobra, which was basking in the snn about a hundred yards from the road. The infuriated reptile gave the monkey chase, bnt he took the matter easy till he got to a roox. While perched therethesnake, which hsd been, in close chase, reared np almost to full length and with open hood darted at the monkey. But the latter dodged and ducked on the defensive and allowed tbe reptile to strike forcibly each time against the stone. This went on lor a consider able time till the snake lay out at full length, bleeding and exhausted. Then the monkey seized the snake and rubbed its head clean, off the trunk and afterward climbed a tree, when the persons who had witnessed tbe interesting encounter . treated the victor to Indian corn and sugar eane-Lahore Tribune. ) ; " Kingslay and the Butterfly. ; Charles Kingsley loved well "both man and bird and beast." This fea ture in his character was curiously displayed one Sunday in church. He was iust about to enter the pulpit to preach his sermon when all of a sad den he disappeared from the view of the : congregation. What , was amiss?, It was soon seen, however. that nothing serious had happened. He had only stooped in search of something on the floor, which, when found, ha had taken to the vestry. land what was this something, do you think?. An .injured butterfly which was nattering about on we ground. Being unable to fly away owing to its iniury, Kingsley was afraid it might be trodden on, and so he had interrupted the service of the church until he had removed the wounded insect out of harm's war. A Wsrfuf Steam Engla. ' In 1874 D. A" A. Buck, an in genious mechanic of Worcester, MtM-T constructed a perfect steam enzine of such lUlipntian dimen sions as to gain for its maker the plaudits of the world. ' To go into erect details the engine, boiler, nampe. governors and all were so exceedingly small as to only occupy , a space seven-sixteenths of an wen in diameter, or about the area of an old fashioned silver three cent piece. It wss only five-eighths of an inch high, yet ft contained 148 distinct parts, nearly all of which were silver snd gold. It was held together by 88 screws, the smallest being but cue-hundredth of an inch in length. The engine had s IT the valves, gear ing, etc., to be found on the ordinary- horizentsl engine. Three drops of water niied trie Doner. The engne weighed but 15 grafns when clear of the base piste. The diameter of the cylinder was hut one-sixteenth of sn inch; length of stroke, three-iifty-seconds of an in"." ' , .... ' "J : ' . SOUTBTtttK SHELL BOAD. 50 miles at tbe price It costs the farm er to carry them one mile. Good roads would reduce the cost of this hauling by team nearly two-thirds, tbey say, as the same power moves three tons on a good road tbat will move one ton over hilly and muddy roads. Although we have not bad experience with prairie roads In muddy times, we have had a little chance to know some thing about roada In tbe south at such times and can readily believe their statements are not exaggerated, but we think the remedy must Anally be found In tbe use of trolley . roads to carry freight from the farms to the markets, where tbe t raffle la large enough to war rant It Tbey also ssy tbat If this ex panse of tranaportatlon to tbe railroads was reduced by well built permanent highways through every county and township hi tbe United States It would Increase the value of farms and farm property at least $3,000,000,000. which we think Is not an extravagant esti mate. .; ,, . u'M ; ., s ANGORA GOAT8. . Stokal rraatakU Una : 1W Prlcaa Aautaar tka WaaSa. It Is true that there Is but little de mand for mohair lust now. My mo hair was sold at 20 cents per pound, much lower than ever before, but the Angora goat Industry Is still a good business, even If we should not get ever 20 cents per pound for mohair and 0 cents per pound for Angora mut ton, aci where we want weeds and brash killed the Angora goat is-a treat help. .. . h. few years ago the Colorado river washed away a great deal of my Held fence and covered tbe Bottom land with eocklebura all along tbe river. It looked like a forest of eocklebura. To save tbe crop I bad to build a new fence, joining the river on the upper aide of the Held, so the goats could not keep down tbe weeds along tbe river Inside of the field, but tbey kept all tbe eocklebura eaten up clean as tar as tbey could go. Last winter I hired help to beat down tbe ripe eocklebura from the dead bushes inside tbe Held and built a new fence of eight, wires parallel with tbe river and opened tbe whole bottom to the goats this spring after shearing. At that time the eoc klebura and elder bushes bad entirely covered the entire bottom for tba dis tance of nearly a mile, and It looked like tba goats would get lost In there, but after about two months I bad tbe great pleasure to see tbat tbe bottom was as clean from eocklebura and elder aa pecan gatherers may' wlah for. But tbera la one weed tbat my goats do not like. It la tbe wild ssge, and of tbe wild castor beans along tba river tbey do not eat much. I think tbat sheep will eat wild sage, but do not know If tbey eat tbe wild castor bean. I hired Help to keep down tbe castor bean, which the goats will do If there are not too many of tbem, I think It would be a good plan to keep a few sheep among tbe goats to keep down wild sage also, concludes B. T. Fuchs In Texas Farm and Uancb. oooooooooooooooooccccc 2 : 3 . , , i , We Now Have a Large Stock of Vie CELEBRATED And would HJte for you to come in and jnspect'tiem. ' , ' There's None Better. , And, Quality Considered, Prices ar&nght.: : . ; White &. Co.,; " BURLINGTON. N. C, oooooooooooooocooooccccc J. HAIRY VETCH. . raraara Plaat Haw la Far-1 BaB War Fall Bawla. Hairy vetch Is so much 4n the agrl-l cultural foreground Just now tbat tbe I accompanying sketch msy not come amiss to those wbo have not aeen tbe plant. It la a perennial or Dlenniai I from western Asia and has given sucb HIGHWAY PROGRESS. Toe DaataaS War laraaS Kaaaa ' SitraetaaT StaaUlr. No more striking revision of popular sentiment on tbe good roads question has been noticed anywhere than that which. In the Isst few yean, has oc curred In New England, says the New Tork Bun. Ia Bbode Island, for In stance. people were! so accustomed to mire and mud tbat until she use of rubber tlrea Impressed tbe cltlxens with the true stats of their blgbwaya there was little prospect of bettering tbe coo dltlons. Now tbe matter has become one pf absorbing Interest. Highway, engineering In Msssscbu setts Is being prosecuted diligently, and for aomettuie experiments have been conducted In order lo determine what material . or composition of materials possesses the most desirable properties of cementation and la most likely to re sist wear and tear, rtoek and sand and gravel from adjoining states have been tested and their value for roadmaklng passed opon by geologists and en gineers. ' . Be ports similar to those from Massa. cbuaetts come from Maine. New Hamp shire, Vermont and Connecticut What New Tork has done and bo pes to do for tbe Improvement of Its highways IS pretty generally known. Although tbe legislative appropriations for this pur pose have not ae far been so large ae the more enthusiastic good roada advo cates have desired, the popular demand that tba highways of New Tork stall be Inferior to none In tbe world wss nerer so strong as It Is now. With tbe greatly Increased demand for first class blgbwaya, It Is very sat Isfactory to And that the cost of mak ing tbem Is diminishing year by year. not only In California, bat elsewhere. Tbe estimated coat per ralle of roads la New .Tork state for - which petitions were recdrad by the state engineer some mootbe ago was about 17.000. and thia sum la, neeesaarlly, very mocb fat excess of the cost of roada la other parts of the Lai tad Stats. It affords. however, a very slgnMcaat and gratify. Ing contrast wltb the cost of 11 rat class highways lo the days ef tbe Bema which. It Is recorded, was about fMV- 000 a mile. , For as to sell to a customer who wants CLOTHING "T7""2E3r"SZ" Because we have the stock and y. can fit, as well as please, you both- in quality of . goods and price. If yon are stout,' lean' or regular ."S don't imagine we can't fit you. .. OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Is groWing,- for the reason that we have only one price, ant! and you can buy as cheap by ordering as if yon were t " in our store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, . C. V. Lindsay, Darius Payne, - v ' Charlie Crews Harry Sergeant and W; H. HattheWs:- W. H. Matthews cSirOo., GKEEXSBORO, K. C. " "K I :Durham Marble Worl: You need not be reminded that; it is your duty to mark the-last resting place of your departed 1 loved ones, but we wish to re-.. mind you of our low prices.." ; O. T. STOTLJT, EopslGtr- WehaTeaeoaplata aamrtmant ' ' - nilDUAM'l ' r the latest patuaroa and oaatana. LUtrltlwl,Jl4.. s)e)seet Attention aurar rsrrca. nne protulae m vartoos parts of thai United StUes as to elicit. much ap proval. Tbe seed Is generally sown Is drills, with some kind of grain to boM It upright It Is recommended to sow In fall Aa fast to middle ef September forwtntei and spring forsge. If sown wltb rye sn4 successfully grown. It will give exert ln. mm1 a a lima whin t li.i.s la ttanaL I ly a abort..,, wheat and vetch alse f ho HflUCh 8 fertilizers for all . CTfll!' in spring. , , - , grasses, ui ve us a can Deiore you l - rarmerc We have just received "The Best 1 Made Boland Chilled" and many " c Also new Clover and Rye Seed. Wc furn lab good green fodder I kteralaiat Olartae Far Saeea Peraae, aforning gloiira, tbe annuul purple flowered kind, win yield eu tone ef green feed per acre, are drought proof and' highly nutritious, 'eons! to tbe I clover, and can be cut, cured and tbraebed. 1 sow tbem all over nfy farm. Bbeep annihilate tbem. They never go to wstsr wbea tbey can get them. Tbey eon be aewa la young cat. Orated corn and tba whole cat np and obocked. Tbey will eat Ave te eevea toas of dry feed per acreW. O. Nor too, Kaoaaa. YartaS Owsw oaf Irrlatatlea. Growing a variety of crops lengthens out tba Irrigating season and enables the farmer to make better use or uis coattooooa flow, bat even ibis does not even ap tbe difference between mail man, supply sad maximum use. Tbe graatest necessity Is storage nntll the wstorwaoeded. Yours in the Lead, THE OIIEIDA 8T0HE CC:.::. J. E. C A.RTL AI Merchant Tailor, Qreent3boro N.l O. ' attaaT Vow OaaS SUade. Good roada will be a feature ef Btwosae coaaty. , Not all ear reads will be made at once, bat a start baa been made, and It win be kept op. Tba distinction of baring as poor roads aa any la the state win happily bo lost Blngbamtoa Bepabllcaa. LoadaHorco New Goodsr-UD-to-date styles. T: Workmanship, and a good fit. VVc best of everything.. . . ; . . can't to water but you make him drink. You can t make him eat either. You can stuff food in to a thin man's stomach but that doesn't make him ose it Scott's Emulsion can make him use it. How? By mak ing him hungry, of course. Scott's Emulsion makes a thin body hungry all over. Thought a thin body was naturally hun- of the gry didn't you ? Well it isn't A thin body is asleep not i -M To the Deaf.-A rich Udyl working gone on a n. cored of her Deafnee and poises In It doesnt try to use it S food, to Head by Dr. Nicholson's -Artf-I cv TTmukion wakes it Hmi Va riMSM a..ABiiiiLnnA;.i . SVM aWJIIalela K W SJ AV.VSVA tVUHJ . Inetitntjt art thai 3af mmiU nnahUI UD OUtS it tO WOrlC -k a t Tbe earning fail a good roads law will bo aabaslttad to tba voters at Kansas which pi ap ease to levy a tas of not mora than 3 bIQs an a dollar for a pe riod of not leas thaa Ave years apoa sll real, piranaal and mixed property. Thus far 21 counties la Mississippi Mrs adopted the system of working reads by coatiaet aa asspped oat la a bat pease at the last eglslatarst . to procure the Ear Drama mar bevel making new flesh, tigbth ATeonevNework., again That s the Foley's Honey Tar '7TCm Send for free sample. wrrra aowwr.. On. i . fwi su v. t DefwItt Wltc Hef Cares Win. ScaMa Sara. . . v ii i Team. Track or Surrey Harncc Repairing Neatly Done. WaMSJMa - - ' " f Cnart Bonaa." ' .

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