tor wid Slliye", Oar fw$evll, '5be"iWri; V i.'.;.v:, 4 GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1901. NO. 37 jjjjuuLla T . & UB I Bar' , M 'V i'V . ' t BBBaBB Ul I 1 V I I r Vbyi wot pake yotndollw out of rubber? That's a great gohmo. Then, they'll -stretch, i Jt's a pretty hard matter to make a five dollar bill stretch over a ten dollar purchase. But ' until rubber dollars re made Harrfcelk Bros. Co. Will corae so near it you .will, think they have a wonderfully ex panding purchasing power,! equal to rubber." Listen ' "' ,DiessG-ood8.:;- '' -'II 1 ltAM.k.: . L T r -i pr. . i'w in. b jiumoopuu Tiurni iov bi ouc per yd. 1U pieces 40c plaids to close out quick at 12R Yard-wide Dercalea at fi X . pet yard, cneap at 3 jo. ;. uood ginghams 2Jc. Good calico 30. , T-online oo. - - . " . ,i Lidies' heavy knit vesta 20o value at 10c, ladies' button shoes 50c, button, patent tip shoe at $1.00, cheap at 81.50. " MenVBroganaSOc, 65ct 85o; $1.00 ftnd up to the best natent "1 Vini i5 nhoe on the miirkeL 'S1.25 (than nt. ftSn 49 AH ihn. at fti oq $3.50 8hoeat3 Oft'"" ! In our uoming ana uat department you can save 25 to 50 percent. - Ty,,,,, , tJ . You will Wonder how it is possible to buy new up-to-date Koods nr'tbtf prices we bffer theni. We bought them right and are able to- offer them to you at unheard of prices. Special attention to mail piders..; u - ' ". "" Harry-Belk Bros, Co., - 1 v yneapest store on Earth. 225 SOUTH ELM" STREET, - : "'i GREENSBORO, X. a MASTER s SLAVE By T. H. Tbor)fr Cttnright, mu by T. U. Thorp. H THE .NORTHTESERN'S : unequaled dividend record ii the nwaic oi: . - FTR8T.' flecnrlnt'Vhe h(gHet rate of Interest oontistent with of etr. i 'i. ttHPntfll. Riulri Mnnnmr at mmuMmAnl THIRD. Low deth rate, reaultloc from careful eeleotlonof risk and limiting lis It will be to your Interest to ee what we oan do for you before placing' your life In Goo tHory ope for AenMn North OtroUna. . T. ARCHIBALD CARY, General Agent, - : l -W- -H-J- v. i-., ' v 5h t:-9Qm VIBOIHIA- AND NOHTH CAROLINA. ' tv 1 LIFE ; INSURANCE ; COMPANY, NO RTH WESTRST; 11 HI 0A L , ::1201 E; IAIN ST.i RICHMOND, VA, ! ' 18 & 3IIR1E, 1C0 MaltrStV Norfolk; ta. v HMShS- ORGANS y . - . i Sole AgenU in this territory for Knabe, , ., - Vose fe-Son, Smith & Barnes, and . , Webster Pianos ; Story & Jflarkj and " , " i n other Organs Aside from instruments, ' WriW- ifcjrr-Catarogue and Prices. t).'nnAVinJ AwmM all ' ' All . MflV TOtV " . .. ' .7 manigt rt1 (natrnrnanfj) taken in ' 6X- nhanaa fnr hah. ; A ' MMtal Card Will 'bring you full information and save Hi Ili, il III TIMBER WANTED J I wiU paySH W MaptV White Poplar, Btreli Wid Ash, I buy it in nj quantity, delivered t your nearest Railroad statWo at mTfectdrysTiAtf timber ty be cut 52 ih, AH timber-mult be ameter and ap, also sound, straight d free from knots' ji " " -.WiU par lorVMapTe $ipO, Brch $4.50, Ash $5.00 White Poplair 14m Price named are for cords, 128 cubic fee rv,TL- -, i jt" f ' ; R;S.PAtrga?;:Burlington. CHAPTEB L MITT. ORACB OAK FELL, rtprt . atlre from the parish of Atoj ellea, was the youngest men ber of tbe Louisiana legisla ture of 1857. Of medlnm height, broad of shoulder, deep chestsd and brown haired and brown eyed, with a countenance brave and frank. he was reaarded at the Adonis of the bouse. His ares of milk white cassl- mere; ruffled shirt , and deeo Byronle collar gave warrant to the poetic ap praisal of the women.- lint hla col leagues set a different estimate upon him. To them he was known as a wall trained lawyer, a close student. 71 eg man much gives to philosophic research and meditation, one of learn ing ana gravity unusual at hi age, true, courageous, but of a seriousness bordering upon melancholy. lit was a forceful debater, though bis years were but 24, and bis utterances were always beanr with sincere respect Though himself a slaveowner, be bad from motives of humanity eloquently but unsuccessfully opposed tbe bill which enacted: .' . 'That from and after tbe passage of this act no slave shall be emancipated in tnis state." His speech bad been published In full by tbe leading Journals, and its perora tion was long .remembered. "Can It be," De exclaimed, "that In this part of Christendom, In a time of profound peace aud tranquillity, an American legislative body will from tbe black' cloud of slavery tear the narrow fringe of hope and In Its stead Inscribe by statute tbe frightful legend seen by Dante over the portals of belli Can It be that enlightened citizens win forbid tbe reward of liberty to tbe slave who serves tbe state? Will the law making power deny to the master tbe exercise of tbe noblest virtue of bis nature by prohibiting him from confer, ring tbe boou. of freedom upon, the Slave who has stood between bis life and tbe knife of the assassin or safely borne his -fainting wife through the flames of the burning mansion or plunged into the down sucking Missis sippi to bring back the fair haired child to the frantic mother? Can It be that tbe flower of civilization , will make unlawful that kindness to a faithful human slave which It approves to a dog or a horse? 1 cannot bejleve It But If I mistake tbe sense of the house then let me say that the logical conse quence of this measure will be tbe sti fling of moral growth In tbe master, tbe removal of Incentives to loyalty In the slave; the one must become more barrow and cruel, tbe other des perate and ferocious; tbe sense of Jus tice of other communities .will be sbocBed and their righteous anger will be provoked; decs da cannot fall to bring some frightful catastrophe en our state as tbe fruit of this unholy measure. I protest against K. ' I ap peal to my colleagues to be true to their better nature and prove by their negative votes that the white race In Louisiana can defend Itself and yet be not ungenerous."; jsrtini-- " '' His appeal wa Ineffective.' Tbe bill was passed by a pronounced majority. was approved by the governor and be came law. ".'j' . .; After tbe adjournment of the legisla ture Oakfell returned to tbe parish of Avoyelles, taking passage en tbe steam boat Red Queen.- Tbe vessel was ene of those popularly called "floating pat aces," of wblcb a score plied tbe lower Mississippi and its tributaries during tbe decade preceding the civil war. when no railroads bad been laid In that part of Loolalana lying" west of the great river. She war side wbeeler. with blgh pressure engines, capsoM or great -speed and with accommodation for over 130 "passengers. There- were a profusion of while paint upon her exterior . aud a plenitude of jildlng and low hanging chandeliers within the cabin. . t The boat carried some 00 passengers. manv of whom were planters returning from tbelr annual spring visits to Jsw Orleans factories to settle accounts of the past planting year and arrange credits for tbe new. Some were ae eomDanled by their wives and daugh ters, and a sociability prevailed among tbe company wblcb Is wholly wanting In tbe commercial travel or toe present dav. Tbrre were planters a Avoyeues. ewe of whem Dr. De Rons, added use ness of a physician to that of eotton ralslngA His plantation was near tne Wars Is dee Cygnea,- la tbe Avoyelles tables were In close neighborhood to tbe bar, and this was tbe beginning of tbe barkeeper's business day. Oakfell passed tbe greater part of the evening reading In tbe captain's state room on the hurricane deck. Returning to the cabin at 11 o'clock, be found his constituents from Avoyelles at tbe ta ble nearest tbe bar. Tbey were not piaylug, but cards, Ivory chips and half drained glasses ef liquor were en the table. None of the chine was on the side where Latiolala sat Borne few were In front of Dr. De Boux, and the remainder, la many stacks, were before QuUlebert , '. .The young man est at a distance from tbe three, bu not so fsr that tbelr conversation was not audible to him. QuUlebert In a balf Jocular and half bantering tone had aald: "Leonldas. If I were not a man of ex traordinary good nature yon and I Would now -be at outs Instead of sit ting here over a friendly game of pok er and clinking ' our social glasses, because It wasn't neighborly In you to sue me for (2,000 for that old negro of yours when you know that you couldn't hare sold htm for $700 even on credit" "No, I don't know that" replied Latiolals. "I could have sold him for 7S0. But that Isn't It I never tried to sell him, I didn't want to sell blm, and, although be was B0 years old when you shot blm. I wouldn't have sold blm for $2,000 cash. I was attached to Bap- Tbe play was silent Victory went alternately from the one player to tbe other through ten games. The eleventh was close, but by turning a knave as trump and scoring a alx spot as low QuUlebert won by a point Latiolals took pea and paper, wrote and signed a receipt In full of tbe Judgment, prin cipal, interest and coats which be bad obtained for the killing of bis negro man Baptists and gave It to Quill bert; also an 1 O U for tbe sum of $300, representing his loss la tbe game of poker they bad previously played. Forcing a lie, he-ordered three more glasses of whisky, and when these bad been tossed off bade bis companions good night and retired. Tjulllebert and Dr. De Rous strolled to tbe hurricane deck to soothe tbelr nerves with cigars before seeking sleep. Oakfell repaired to his stateroom soul sickened by what be bad witnessed. CHAPTER II. THE mil AT BAYOU BU LAO. ROM Fort De Roussy, on tbe Red river, to Polote Midi, on tbe Bayou Claire, near which "L'Esperance." the OakfeU iiwuinuvu, w m uir tance of some 20 miles. Tbe dignifying name ef fort was given to a small earthwork wblcb bad been thrown up by direction of tbe United States gov ernment under tbe supervision ef Colo- tiste. He was tbe best Judge of horses r nel De Ronssy at the first rise of among my negroes. ,He wss faithful I Avoyelles prairie abutting on the low and nursed me and my son through the yellow fever, and, although my son died, I have always believed that bad It not been for Bapttste's care and watchfulness I should, never have re covered. Therefore I never thought that $2,000 could have at all repaid me for bis loss. Moreover, It would have been the act of a good neighbor In you to have complained to me of any offense Baptlste bad given you and allowed me to correct blm. Instead of that you shot blm dead." ' ; "I admit that" said QuUlebert "but when be struck my pointer dog with that ox whip and I aaw-tbe blood red den the white skin of tbe poor brute 1 was so enraged that I couldnt help shooting tbe Infernal negro down In bis tracks, and you would have done tbe same.1 "But bad not tbe dog bitten the negro before be struck It with tbe whip?" Latiolals Inquired. "I have beard something or that sort," said QuUlebert curtly. ; "It was a fact" Insisted Latiolala, "and tbe wounds Inflicted by the dog's teeth were found upon the dead man's body. But as we never quarreled about that" Latiolala. continued,, "let's not quarrel now. ,0' course, wben you de stroyed my ' property you . owed me something, and, ' since we couldnt agree upon the amount there was nothing to do but leave It to a jury, So I brought the suit I was willing to ?h4 young man wit at a dutnne from abide by tbe award or the Jury, al though It wss only $1,300: but you bars see lit to carry tbe matter on appeal to the supreme court and pro long this only cans of difference be tween as." . . ! "I. think," Dr. De Rous remarked. that you both made a tnlxtakt by let ting tbe matter go Into the courts. Llt I gallon always begets bittern' The longer It Is drawn out tbe more Invet erate becomes tbe ill feeling. I think yet you ought to take It eat ef mart and settle Mas friends and gentlemen," ; "i am afraid it ts too late,-- ssia tlolala, las Constant perfected bis ap peal yesterday and employed a city tsvrnr te arne hla cause for him la the supreme court' "i VALu::LE:i'0i::3 ' - TO E& SOLD. frrWjje .e.ii,suj3U wirtaw. u SeptmnlMr term. 1U I! iT'iUwr" . w mu, at U etmrt hoam door la 6ai MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1901, tMw Kot bod T of '1b4 m . 212 ACRES, VteiajrtaiUaistbseaeraelB thrae ej. as fcxtow , Je P'W nUiM ?. HTM. Ik tK bv 'U be ofr4 te- tt t.- r- i .r u. Is S1 - t t, . (of w larw pare k i fi.r uc ul be mMMV' 'so I- - par iw H wtU b -JP- 'j . u soon rmeam "'"wi'-.n . - t- at i.c outory ! ' t. on f...- owns W : , Jfm emw a ' . tB tlllS JiaMln.".. , . and mtr "a bm.. , . , nf porrlMWf "Tint' . emrvi saw, n4 till lr'n ! i .i u en-jH-uvs wa n- !! , . .' a Iiatu uSiaa - - i. p J. Fub. Aar- CeVi tritel 5al?. Xortfe OsroUna, Ooutr. J. Tn tha Soaarlor Court-1 I Bator ibs wai. ar M Vatkar. W. H. TrotlBa' J wrl ! W. T Vrir.ik Kin C VllM. IMVHI I.M-WalkM. to all tbelBBd I J Walker. eaoaBaed. lor ef u Ih-fcrtVaV bw. Is apaaars taa J. S.lraf saia aSriBll tea. aaa inucat a inl H) ssia i u4 savanHi aim. TiBTrniiBa erave tow A.!J!LkO ooool t, ma CaaoUaa. aa4 snip. " CZZZJ V j Waikor. diiciaas iao SIvMoa of bar fata- - w.. - - - -- - i VMiaiaai area eVe Clsbws for so year, aw bad never married or b-corne SB Assef Icaa ritlsen. The I bird sras lonldss Latlouils of Bayoa Rone. a man ef 00. wboae bale was whh and wbose blue ryea and short ehla lirapoke a kindly but week character.. Of. tW I'uve - llolsla alone threw any . warmth Into tbe aalotailoa) of OakfeA The others referred to tbe tegtakHlvo bsrldeiit Is) a purely polite manner, as fcf tenderness far him required that M be qalckly Letlolaia. so waver. epo regretfully ef the reeult bwt rather ee af sympathy for tbe yoong legialatar Chan for tbeeaoae be bad caamptoeod. Oakfefl reeeived taeir oiaereai e ajreaateajs with apparent sweneeeHr sad riDced a iweft reace to avoid any die Coasioa ef the euppoeed aeertts er de merits ef tie wa " After thereeatog aseal had been par take) ef m tbe long salooa. wttk tae sjsaal datter ef chbta eervtee and scwr rylng af tbe anmeroos yellow aad biaveft ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE J 4 m togetlier. and wbfla aaev Sc, oaaciag aao uaiaaiiaa Bigaa the woBXa aad yenag folks hi tbe la diea cabba the tables tn tbe forward tad were arranged for cards aad were speedily accepted by -tbe. elder naea and eaeae ef tha yonager, gambling be ta; as anfalBag tartars ef tbe steaaav heat travel bp the Artie. Tires card . 7. J Sua BbSkW let '! M'md'. i a Urf l ana oV la aa - - lana M jaa ftlaalhalSst aV. claimed: "it IS -saver too late to de good. Let aw have another toddy, and wkeav we drlak that to friendship 1 Will make a pretoelttoa to yoo." ' Their glasses were filled and drain ed with expressions of good feeling. ' "Now." aald Qalllebert. with, a know. big leer la his eyes, "you say, LaUolata o-at least I have heard you aay many tlmes-that yew are the best eld sledge player la tbe pariah of Avoyelles, 1 knew yea play that gaxae better than ye de poker." And be significantly glanced at tha bare space est the table to front of Latiolala, then at tbe pUes ef red and Mae chips on his ewa side, and conttaoed: n will offer to play rM 11 caoea of old eledge. If ycrnw six t ef tbe 1L I will pay you $Z0f as soon aa we reach borne. If 1 win sU est ef tbe it yos will glee me a re- eelrH la full for the lodgment ai coats la year salt against ate for UB lag Beptleto. If yea agree, I wfll new srrlto to aay attoraey la tbe etty-l sttaetlng bias to withdraw the appeal aad deliver tbe letter to tbe captala to ba mailed when tbe beat stops at Be TV. U la taa aeu 2fa SaVSaSioS. wufraJt paraoas aav1noiaio r. Trills rj7 A. U-a. a. artaM Bjsaar4aTvsIlpfilVVf" 4 a,. ,. 4, I aera- r a tanm. anil bo P'v 4jL Ul bmiii Sea.B.1 roQuiiad by m". ta tar af a ra . m kfL AOar.ftf aaaS-Soataor, tioo'Al "That certainly ie a liberal prapoat Uoe." aald Dr. De Boux. "Tea wooM Oe weO to accept It Leoaldaa. Latiolala looked dowa, and ale face Besomed aa eaprassloa ef deobt troabw. OakfeU watcaed tbi tags of hla Bananas are latently.. Lefs bava aae more toddy before I decide." - . , . "Agreeable."' With this aid Latiolals accepted tbe proposal. - Calling tor writing aiahital aad a aew deck of cards. Qalllebert arrets tbe saesaace to tbe lawyer la New Orteaas. pasting It to UUotala to be read, addressed, era led. aad banded It to tbe captala of tbe boat with tbe reqaro that b nwl at Bevae Kara. Tbe esr srere rhatinl SiKl the game weebrtna. Ir Tr KmVt terg alluvial river bottom. Four miles la land from tbe fort the highroad ran through tUe little town of Markavttle, tbe parish alto or, seat of Justice. The courthouse and two magaslnes for cotton were the only brick structures of wblcb It could boast ' All the other edifices, Including the church, were of wood, painted white or yellow, ranged on either aids of a long main street and two lateral and four cross streets Intersecting at right angles. The sit nation of the village was a gentle dip In the prairie, the two aides of which, when the thick' foliage of umbrella cblna, pecan, fig and oak trees waa at Its full and softened by tbe sprinkling of rosy dowered myrtles, gave tbe re semblance to the; trough between waves of a great green sea. The pop ulation of 600 or 700 souls was almost entirely Gaacoa French and French Creole, of whom but few spoke .Eng lish, Tbe exceptions were tbe families of four America u lawyers, who bad acquired tbe French language and used It more, frequently-thsu their mother tongue. Mine miles southward fn-n the vil lage tbe smooth surface of prairie broke suddenly and the land declined Sharply to a broad belt of stiff soil Incalculably fertile, 'bearing a thick growth of cypress, gum and oak and terminating at Bayou du Lac, wide and deep, on tbe farther aide of which lay tbe Magnolia hills. These latter were a avrlm of gentle undulations, rising souiewhst above the general level of the alluvion and extending quite eight miles to the line, sandy soil of that per feet agricultural country formed by the network of bayous Rouge, Huff- power, Boraff and Claire. Here the stately magnolia tree dominated, ' Its evergreen leaves of olive hue and var nished freshness preserving to the landscape throughout tbe yesr. the warm sylvan tints of summer sad Its big blossoms af creamy white loading tbe air with tbe fragrance of com bined Jasmine and lemon and Imbuing with aensuousaess tbe luxuriant spring. Robed w gown of woven vines, wblcb trailed to tbe ground and flowered In yellow, red, blue and white, the mag nolia was truly queen of tbe forest i Tbe day bad been sultry, overcast by low banging clouds, from wblcb fell a steadysoaking rain from noon until nightfall Aa Intense darkness suc ceeded tbe day, and tbe rain became fitful, while tbe lightning was frequent aad Winding la Its lurid brilliancy. The public road leading from tbe rope ferry of Bayoa da Lac to tbe Magnolia bllla and wblcb eiaetant use bad worn to a deep gully la the soft ground waa re duced by I be raw almost to a stats of eose, rendering travel arduous and alow. The dwell Log of V slain Monll lot tbe ferryman, stood In aa Indosuro aear tbe road and B0 yards from the bayou. Vakda was abort aad maseu- lar. of middle ago and scant edncatioa, but blessed with a cheerful mud. Be was a widower, with three little gMs dependent a poo bint, sad bis lasearees were tbe public ferry and tbe yield of (0 acres of cleared land, wblcb be op rated with the aid of three staves aa old man aad woman aad a boy. This last draw tbe ferryboat along tbe bride stretch of rope more frequently than did the ferry ma a aad oa each Bights as this oeeapwd the lookout shed oa tbe bank to respond to tbe calls of travelera, - Notwifbstaadiag the warmth of tbe algbt aad tbe opaa doers of tbe beaaa, a bright are of cypress bark homed aa tbe beartb of tbe largest room to resist tbe moisture with wblcb thie low regloa reeked, la front of tbe are sat a stout, broad faced, dark skin ned maaef advanced years. Whose garb of black and turned dowa bead of White about .bis aeek diocovsrod tbe In front ef tS Srs ant a stoat, brood toasd. dors) sfctaasr! aaaa. CatboUe priest Hie ban waa thick aad aa yet aatoocbed by tbe gray of age. eyes large aad strong, sad hie atoaaaee. taoagb eeafeaslag to good llTtag. advertieed a spirit of beaeva leoee end charity. Tale wae Father Francota Crbe, rare of Maasura, whose ecclesiastical dominion extended south ward to tbe Bayou Botuf. Be bad beard a call to the ferry, and later, wben tbe sound of rushing hoofs and wheels In tbe road feU upon bis ear, he bad peered out Into tbe darkness, but, notwithstanding tha Illumination of a Hgbtnlog flash, had discovered nothing. Valsln entered the room ewlshlng tbe rain from bis broad felt bat aad. atamplng hla wet and muddy boots apon tbe floor, said: "I don't like a night like this, father hot and dripping and heavy. It always makes me feel that something bad la going to happen." "Keep your soul clean, Yalaln," aald the priest "and whatever happens on a night like this cannot be bad for you." "Ob, It la not for myself no that I am uneasy, bnt I tblnk that persons traveling abroad are sura to meet with accident and If a man la hurt In tbe Magnolia bills on sucb a night ha may He there until morning and no one know of hla Buffering." "I have Just beard some one drive up from the ferry," observed tbe priest "and pass on toward tbe bllla. Who was It Valalar 'I do not know," replied Valsln. "I did not go to the ferry. Tbe boy Pierre Is there tonight But come, fa ther; your supper of chicken, eggs snd coffee hi ready. Ton muat be very hungry after driving so far and ws it tag so long." "Thank you, Valsln. I have an ap petite, you may be sure, although I am not Impatient for, you know, I am practiced to fasting." I As the priest rose to follow his host to tbs supper table a voice came from without calling: "Hello, Valsln! Hello I Hello!" Tbe dogs of tbe yard set np a furious barking. Both men stopped, snd Valsln, step ping out on the veranda of bla bouse. responded: "Hello yourself! Who Is It? Come to at coanirtrts.1 We Now Have a Large Stock of the CELEBRATED 7fliffpr.linfR UUIWIUI WJIUUU )OOOOCOOOOOCCCCOCCCCCCCC Z ' ( ( f ) rOOGOOOOOOOOOCCCCCOCCCCCC D And would like for you to come in ' and ( inspect them, . " There's None Better.' , ' ff And, Quality Considered, Prices are right. , if ? Whit & Co., BURLINGTON, N. C. . A fljaeee Kxaorlaaoo. An actor and his wife bad a funny experience once In Toronto. Tbey were playing a piece in wblcb tbe wife enacted the part of a woman dentist and one evening the husband received a note asking blm to call at a certain bouse. Ho did so tbe next day and was greeted by the old man aad bla wife, the latter of whom aald to blm "Me and my mate fell In love with your mlasua but nlgbt Bhe waa so gentle with you wben you was a-slttln of tbs dentist cbalr. I'm gettln. on now, and an my teeth la a-gettln loose, aad my mate wants me to go to tbe dentist shop and 'are 'em pulled, but I knows aa 'ow tbey 'arts, and I want to know If you and your missus will come around 'ere and 'ave tea with us, 'ave a little slngin snd enjoy ourselves and your missus before ehe leaves kind ly pull out a few of these old stamps, as I know she'll be aa kind and gentle as she waa to you." To Sheet tbs Btoaa. When be first came prominently be fore tbe public after perfecting bis fa mous gun, the bite Lord Armstrong was occasionally pestered by cranks who wished to obtain bla opinion re specting some perfectly unworkable In vention. One day Sir William (be bad not tbea beea raised to the peerage) waa Interviewed by a person who waa evidently crasy. He begged Arm strong's assistance In constructing a piece of ordnance that could a boot the man In tha moon. 8lr William listened patiently, and then queried: "But who m to signal whether It la a bit or S miss? When you've thought about a practical method of marking at that long range, I give you my promise that I'll help you with tbe gun!" Tbe crack brained Inventor departed beaming with pleasure, but wss heard of no mora. ' The Origin of the Menu. A German arastronomical publica tion gives the following account of tbs origin of tbe menu: At the meeting of electors in Beirensbunr in the year 1489 Elector Henry of Braunschweig attracted general no tice at s stats dinner. lis had a long paper before him, to which hs referred every time before he order ed a dish. The Earl of Montford, who sat near him, asked him what he was reading. Tbe elector silent ly handed the paper to his inter rogator. It contained a list of the viands prepared for tbe occasion which tbe elector had ordered the cook to writs out for him. The idea ef having sucb a list so pleased the illustrious sasembly that -tbey in troduced it each in bis own house hold, and tines that time tbs fashion of bavin a menu has spread all ever the civilized world. FcrtOaZCs. Thafji ft good name for Scott ' Emulsion. Children are lite young plants. Some will grow in ordinary- toil Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children m .a prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil dren grow right if treated right All they need is a little fer tilizer a little extra richness. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment. Fertilizers make things grow. That's just what Scot? s Emul sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow in mind, grow happy. That's What we make it for. Send for free sample. BQ0TT b aowwt. Ciialm, oo rwt au.U.T- fm o pjaaj ta 7044001 ZEA.S"5r t ?--" For us to sell to a customer-who wants CLOTHING. - - 1 "T7EA a Sr Because ws have the stock and .', can fit, as well as please, yon both in quality of . . goods and price. If you are stout, lean or regular ' : ' don't imagine we can't fit yoo. j OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Is growing, for the reason that we bare only one price,' and - ' and you can bay as cheap by ordering as if you were in onr store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, s C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne,' . Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant and W. H. Matthewa. .,. W. H. Matthews & jCo., GBEENSBOEO, If.' C 1 " tlHMsllSMMIMMMsMM .Durham Marble WorLai You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your.' departed . " loved ones, but . we wish to re- mind you of ourt low prices.""" . 3" - -HTCJXdl-liT, -lp-copilotox.'' E ! DURHAM.' N. C. t O- Ws have a oo in plots assortment of Uie latest pattern sod aaoJcns. Attention Farmers i We have iust received "The BfistPIoTTr" Made Roland Chilled" and many others. -Also new Clover and Bye Seed. We have he Baueh's Fertilizers for all Grain end grasses. "Give us a call before you buy. Yours in the Lead, ' . THE ONEIDA store CO-:?:.:?, Gn.h n,TT . XT, C. J. E . C kR TLA NX Merchant Tailor, Greensboro, N. O. New Goods. Up-to-date styles. The Br-it Workmanship, and a good fit. We uso tho best of everything. . ,. . . . . . . , . . t Ths r:-V'r;' l.srr.c rt : I V f Tv. . V- i Cr: - Team, Track or Surrey Harnecs f.!ada lo Repairing Neatly uone, . 8Me , - ' o ' Coort Boaaa,

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