GRM;N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBEK 24, 1901. . . . ... , ... NO. C3 .. . . . ' ' T" " t FHi i iTmi ' o u efw. t -Dt'-mcss i iodurGpocldlty .wiwhHve oiHiNfMiitly a ooni- plrt lino of ml una proirl- etarr UixIkmiihh, PerfunHiry, 1 Coiul. ... J.iHih, 8iap. na t Bpouireai buouor GuoUl, Writ toy itatertiuH, eu .- : HE ADQUAR.TB.K 4 J 3Cho mpaon UHMl '.i.l. X If - I I M I I I 7 ' . : ' : iiiiimiw .i i .I,., ,i, .I i i.ii...iM . i ..-.i MASTER :'By T. H. TI)orp. : g ' . f i. , . . ' , 0OO j to i'X a - , --trTrvf""; 1 8tandara kiiway or ITUE SOUTH. TkH direct Line to all p&Jt fcr - . - ' ?S Ff nriHa t., 4 Cuba and j T v ,!W-CITiv1&l Strictlv first-class equipment on all Throueh and' ideal 'trains? Pull - man Palace Sleeping Cars on all f night trains; fast and eafegscfeed-' nles. rM $-u.t;n ct Stilt Travel by the Southern ,ana you aj , assured a safe.- comtortable anc expeditious journey. Apply to ticket agents for time ta ? lies, rates and general informa tion, or address. S H. HAROWlCKrG. Pt A. A g WasMngWri.'DiC T ooooooocor c-x 8 f? WW RneVatch'Rcma - ; r -ii . r i n ii . WQOO500C " 3C-" '!""3Cr j.n esn'tntll yoo cull yonr domtaff." Watt's l-wlll be tiwrc i inlnote. Ana ypfl.'-ndwh eo off! rin i 1oM1 Kof. ilf. tbey WoiJT ujw. uey now I am here. , Who 1 It I seer :' ,' . - "Oakfell. , Valin. 1 ' have to clalfe shelter of yoa. t "W. bleiw'be.rt'M.' iFror.r.i How do yon dot I am glad to see yon, Ir. Come right In." And be grasped Oakfeir band and snook It warmlv Wbaf a happened? Where's yonr buc- Neter mind the buggy. Valaln. ret oa get oat of tbla rain and tntui mm Oakfell, 'and then J will tell you what naa Happened. ..An rT6 be tore, to be anre," aald Valaln. How foolldh of me to keen von hr "i jj .10 ieu. mo aoont it when yon can Joat at well come maid and get. dry1 and comfortable and then tell mo ana take yonr owa Mme. And he led his unexpected guest Into th bouse, u Father Orb gar Oakfell an affec tionate greeting, but Observing that bis .race was scratched nd bis clothing tort and Smeared with mud. manifest ed anxiety and asked with an air of concern; , . . '., "Why, ay son. yori bare met with an eokleob iAre yon bortf J'NQ..mile.Ye I bave luitaJned noth- Ing beyond a rode shaking up, I ar Bonssy thl afternoon and, stopping fo 4horf tlmo at my office tij MarxaTffla. concluded to drive to my plantation tbla treoing. -The big black vUehiwas ( Til S. It ESTABlOEEfel 14 1 1 - yency 1 PMNuaeiw irarrrr r 1 f JL? Centiyt seat me front!: Cincinnati Tbeen hlabW'tn town aln I left far 1 ouiuu iMiuge m ut ear 17 pan 01 me aeakai.r 1 had him pot to the buggy to day. Just a 1 was getting out of til anllr bevond Talnln'a Held tha hottta took fright at tb upright shafts of an 0 aart-tiltod., .nd In front of eld Grlneau's bouse., which I In the dark did hot see. . Before I was aware bo Bounded to the left leaped up the bank aadr started on a dead, run Into the Mag- awlla .hllla. , J.-braced, myself to hold "him In, "but be, was beyond control, and, positively, ! expected to be killed. Bad he got a far as tbe woods bo surely UtaoM'thavo3 dashed 'my brains out against a tfMfbaf, fortunately, at tile edge -nf the field the left wheel of the buggy struck a thorn stump, and every thing' went' to pieces. - The buggy I suppose, aaS been broken into a thoo- saod f ragmeoU..: I was thrown vloleiu- ly to the ground, - the- reins left my grasp, and the horse has gone dashing through? the hlUs, like aome mad crea ture.' -30 here I ant, all that Is left of the cortege that started out so bravely front atarfcevllloy and t may thank my stafsvtamt there is thlmnch left sound and unbroken." - f rfa klKd" tio tettbiiked: N t tW test part which has been saved," sal the priest fervently, ,. ....,,.. ! h -rxesv yea, , vaiam mutu, ut num not afford fo loss such a one as Jir. Horace, and we moat take the best of care of what Ood has been good enough to preservs to us.' T7 kanlut rtakaH IntA mnrthpr room. callinl to bis aid the bid aegre Alonso, aad the two. after delving Into various cypsMSj cheats and armolrs and bus tling about like busy housewives, snon ty rstumed him to the flresldo dry and comfortably Clad In a suit of Valain's homemade and clean Attakapas cotton- ad his fet incased !a a pair of soft mocassins of deerakln. The garments rwei'!fideed"f scanty lit," but they bo- tewed tb desired eonifoit, and,' m women being present, slight impor teoce was sittacbee) te;msrs appear - ft M' tf r V.uin nrid his tuesU to the meal fgre by tbl priest the tbrei played at I knife and fork m ins manner 01 w blessed wtth good health and quiet cobj -nrbo eTse OT Avoyelles came on the boat Ms, Horace r Inquired vaunn. OtrV Kont, constant yuiuoor ITS IIABCNES. "wl agency Kf, Pen) X - Mnttial f naiiMtiAgi.. .t . life Insur- v. snce contracts now on-tlie uiaxiet.u$ t tt? tii tl til" iMta p. aleh:c."T, am.-v ii f i w" 'JOKKiPAimWO JEATLY - y 1 ' O M PTLY the Thursday bef ortf a fair la to h. hM at the Mananra scboolhouae to raise money to psy the expenses of bringing ww uwu rom jew Orleans and to ouua ana paint a newbelfry. At the fair the godmother of the bell will be ueciea ana quite a spirited contest is Ws waged by IHtaumber of our girls wuv are amomous of that honor.,.. Es- wiio nas oeen persoaded to enter the competition, and I am afraid her grand niners absence In New Orleans baa not improved ber chances of, wliinlug. She la too modeat and timid to -anraiw for beineir. and. while I ought not to oe a partiaan of any in the racu. jet 1 grieve to tnlnk that Estellf should auf- rer ror tne want of a champion. "la It too late for a champion to be n service to herr. saked Oakf-U "By no meana.'; . ., "What Is the mode of election r "Becb vote tnusi be Sccotnosnlw b $l..,The candidate In wuoxe name the greatest number of dollars are . eon tnouiea is elected godmother to the Den," the priest explained. ' me candidates are. of courae. all young girls T' queried OakfelL "Ob, certalnly., replied the priest "No matrons are admitted,!' "How many tMndldates are therelT ' "Six. The Hats were closed taut Hun- day.-L-s '-,v .-i 'Thn " niM An k fall utkn,,.k 1 ..... not bad Hie plennre of meeting Mile Latlolala since her. return from the con vent. I suppose slip Is now regarded quite a young lady. -1 , will be ber ac tive champissj from this on to the dees of the pons, but of course, Incognito to ber" ' ' " '! ' "Good!", exclaimed Valsln.'i'"t will give you live votes for Eatelle to begin witn." "Steady.' my good friend, '''said the priest "No voter can cast more than "TiruWt Am ' tta. .. li. I .,' '7f' 1 ornoon m.. bw approacoea. ; iw you know a strange thing? Whenever I meet more then one nun or more than one priest there ere slwsys two oe four or some greater number of tbsss, but never three. Tney seen to avoid the number of the Trinity as If they feared It would bring bad rock; Now, that Is even odd, Is It not mr rood fa thers f How do yon sccount for itr And be laughed load and bard at bis vw wwj'Vi ' H-rl '"' 1 ."Tbt la no more .strange than my own experience. Constant" said Fa ther Calotte. "Whenever I have met the devil be has always been stone." And, Jabbing bis pudgy . forefinger sgalnst Quiasbert's ribs, be shook from his throat an oleaginous nrxle which had served him ss a "laugh since bis flrst appolntssent to a parish la Loulai- ana. ,..... ; . "Which," ' explained nttle Fatber Cbaltne of Moreauvllle, "makes quite piain s-atber Calotte's frequent and easy victories over him of the cloven hoof. One lone devil Is no match for him.' The laugh was now a auartet and Qulllebert did .not long hesitate to make It a quintet , Wen, in this encounter of my own seeking yield to: numbers and will pay tribute In forage to my vanquish ers." Qulllebert said, wltb a mock air of submission. "It Is noon aad tune for solid nourishment Come with see. fathers, to old Hme. Goodeau's table ! and take a stout absinth snd anisette, and then we will sample Mother Pier rot's turkey and rice with a bottle of bordeaux," And as host ha led the priests into1 the building. ' Mme. Ooudean received ber patrons wltb profuse Acknowledgment of the honor conferred, and wltb great cere mony mixed five glasses of the appe asing aecoction. offr'Ulse 1 will go Into the grsveysM and takes nap." i ,- - . , "Ves.7 said Ir, De Boux. let us go 10 ieue Leorun s cabaret at the coulee bridge and swap chips: either thst or I will go borne. I cannot stand this aay longer." l,,T h,, .... ;. . Latlolala hesitated, then consented, and the three proceeded to the one sto ried public bouse of the village, where In the back room they were Joined by me nrot&ers TaUisur of Isle de Cote, ana, supplied by Dede, the stunted, swarthy, pock pitted proprietor, wltb cards, chips, ram snd whisky toddles, they, were soon absorbed la the prob lems of American poker. Qulllebert was not without ulterior aim In his proposal He was confident of Laura Luneen's election should ao especial activity be displayed in ber rival's In terest and concluded that the surest meana to prevent that would be to se duce ber champion from . the 1 field; hence be set about to make the game unusually attractive by betting boldly and drinking freely, end hi a measure us tactics proved successful, for soon the attention of the players was so en grossed thst they were unconscions of the flight of time and the passing of many buggies and troops of horseman over tne couiee Drugs into the one street of Manama, To the surprise and, it must be ad mitted, the disappointment of Father Atla ha tl a M Welt i will give mr own vote." don Slated Valsln. "and get four others. X I "Santo to yos father and success I wui be good for five anyhow.. I polled to my candidate wKllleberrVi. r. Ftvr. w go io we r tlment as be raised the green Honor to legislature, and I can poll that number for his candidate for the bell christen- ' f f i r?iwJ " Oav STr-. r t vtles '. r. Pnrtm,in. - - t-- r J t. -.lTs4LaiW. 1, H. c. . , . .1 c- of ala Aim. t,S4iy tul luMildaa LatJolais.' flConstant. t bear, bss ferrlsd td the Wreme court that nM . . . ym -.A .e4Ala1si en. lit between looumt -letter rber--t ht great ptry that such disputes should- arise mwm elghbors and A greater pity that they Rot il h amolonceeV :1t deplorable.- paid OakfeH. "that in k Christian, country tne ve r bUlty et such a dispute ae that should exist but there Is no longer aay lew it im.. ki tws eeighbors. It was settled but night In a JJf nlone and lnMrsBslve.' ; He described kow the price ef a human life had been Bqaldated by the hasard e earde nav artbe taepiradon or wnwj. . -ifost hMDentabty tavChristiaa." said jratber Ork ,1 a eepeeuwy that Mssuaa "Zmn M k ni la a moo Stan a keart. Hie latenoone mxm na, t- mm hia weak, very weak. tt tnnee IrS eSefmu??- dUtrssstdly -TtbtOBOt ef munorcuD w mnddaoghter; IMtM. ASer--STsVotroU her .attire a 'SHS 1. arl -Til 9$ a eooid not Wttbout grsaa . -- . rei vera It. bis lips. "Domlnue uoblscum," 'responded Father Calotte. "How la the election progresslngr "8aUsfsetorny., said ' ' Quinebert "Laure Luneau Is a sure winner. 1 My guess now Is tbst she la 22 votes ahead of Eatelle Latlolala, and tbe race was really between those-' two; ' It Is late In tbe day for E stalls to overcome such a majority, as ber strength was chiefly- from ! Borodino and tbe" Big Bend of Bayou dee, Glalsss, and H baa aeen voted. I am sorry for ber; but then, Laura's father and I came from the. same part. iof France,! Sad, you know. I bad to stick to mr dan. I have worked bard for Laura, and she cannot' be beatesvt How proaoV-tbe saucy little Oasoonne will ber ,V t Hating bid a coin upon the table. Constant was leading tbe way to Mother Pierrofs, when Mme. Gondean called: ' , , . ,. "Hold, IC Constant till 1 give roo your cnangan t i-m , J ; "No change is coming to me, madams. 1 gave you a gold dollar, and 20 cents apiece for -save 'absinth anlsettea Is cheap enough for a church fair.'? t "No, M. Constant this Is not $1: it Is nve doner piece," w.fl ;"Oh, Mm Uoudeau. your alaht la falling like that! This comes of read tag your prayer book so much. Put en your spectacles, madame, aad examine tbe coin carefully, aad If yon find, it a five I may stop again for tbe change." Ana, bowing merrily, be moved on. t "Welt that Is handsome ef Constant and will get blm two more votes for Laore Luneau," remarked madame to MaximlHen Cantonet'an ancient ex Justice of tbe peace, who In rellgioasly Intoxicated condition devoutly assisted her with tbe bottles and glasses. Mother Pierrot bustllngly superisr tended tbe carving by ber mulatto man and served five beeping plates of breast and back. declaring one gobbler to bare been a 20 pound; bronse and tbe other a cream yellow of equal 'weight and both to have been fed on pecans for three, weeks prior, to their martyrdoni In tbe eauae of tbe church. A pyramid of' steaming, ' flaky rice- flanked each plate, beside which wss set s. bottle of bordeanz wine of good body. There Is no need to discuss tbe efflcscj! of tbe absinth. Tbe fact Is, the five portions Were disposed ef by tbe fire men with every todJcatloa of hunger, thirst aad, 3 ,.;r.'l ' i. la our little Laore atitl ahead. M. Constant?" Inquired the old wemsn. "She le and wUI remain ahead tin the pod closes at half past o'clock," QuiUebert replied confidently.' "Lsoo- Idas LarioUla Is DO poUnclaa. Be be lieved be could oleet aXeUe by almply -iaterestlng the aelgbbors oe Bayou dee GlaJses, while I have slsetloeeared fee Laore net jenl en the bayoev bat env the prairie alee. , She has bad votes to day free MarksvUle. Isle de Cote, Le Oolgne, Par en Hast Bayou Blase and even Polote Malgre." , - . ., j "Ton here Indeed heeei very active," seax ranaer una. i saw aoinaa im as yea maaifest aocb sntereet M a matter U the ehnrch." -r.- - -.;., a I lt Is he the eherclHHse," QuiUebert taper, thst whfchdertrta k mother, asm LetfoUlo. 1 am mwm. ,rr? lid-.r VsrtsJnty Fatber Grhe tnwt my tmn will ov verhejuerffledbytte l , KateOa. my eon, P"'" , ..w-h anbabiy giro yen s ; ' . . . afny TOO 1 - fc T - ... K. I it T f 1 t t e 1 "Thank , you, . Valsln,", said OakfelL "Our present candidate Is more deserV' Ing thafi the other and less likely to disappoint you." How so rt asked . Valsln. . "When nave you disappointed me?' "When 1 toted against tbe antleman- elpatlon bill, I am afraid," replied Oak- fell.-1'7 i" ''"'i'n-4 Not by a Jugfoll" -declared Valsut "But yon - would have dose so if you bed voted for thst bllL Whatl I paid my own money for old Alonzo and old Jeanne and I cannot set them free If 1 want? I could bare thrown my money Into the bayou Tben whY cannot 1 free my negroes,- for whom 1 psld, my money No, sir. Xou voted right like a real man, and I honor you for It" " And so do t my young friend,? said the: priest land 1 advise, every who wishes to see and do tbe right to read your speech and engrave It on bis memory. Ion spoke for that broad hu manity which was tbe especial care ef the Lord jeans and In which alone lies the ultimate safety of tbla nation." "Should ail others disapprove these expressions from yotf. two would suffice to sustain me, for In your sincerity snd Judgment I have abiding faith." Oak- (eu spose warmiy ana sincerely. ; ? 1 When the meal was concluded, the rain bad ceased and tbe jats risen above tbe tree tops of tbe sur rounding forests, Tbe priest announc ed his ' determination ' to push, on to HansuraV and, bis horse end buggy be ing led out by Alonto, be thanked Vat iln for. bis entertainment gave, bis blessing snd good night ana arove on. to be ferried across tbe water by the hoy, in--.' ri'f "joT-aI - etj-- e.'i.-j- OskfelTs sleep wss tbst of the yonng man fatigued. At sunrise of tbe fol lowing morning be was speeding In the ferryman s buggy -through, toe glisten nig. odorous magnolia woods to his pistrtation at Pointe Mtdt 1!BAPTIB lit i 3 I 5 r . m t 1 kvn MAmnnu wu& V HEl fair and election were bad Ss-noUfled to OakfeB by r tberprbe. It,wes;retabls occasion. Tbe quslnt little hamlet ef Mansura., whose Identa .were su French and wneas ndaed dwellings aad shops fronted atnaMAatreet broad snd umbve- geeus, hi two ranks of unequivocal yev lo. wss througboot the day denied Its act usfomed sleep by noise of buggy Ks! trees snd tbe chatter and laughter or women, vouog and eld, pretty ano otherwiss. wbe vends gumne.! roaei fowl, toffee, cake and claret punch famine prices to the men bohrtstpuety patronising ftbetir tables, IZSUl eee aoeraa waV distinctively French. Ne Xdgltsh word'wss heard In tbe greet ings. Jests snd rus Bering The pale sraas of tbe Holy Family eon rents at Usrkavnis end Mansura .chaperooeo coveys of shy glri poplU a4 toed between tbem and the held glmseea ef dark eyed youth jmta one wneses m eraaasioee' and MsrkS- vl5e et the InfltKoce of their pre--1 proteeted; " Is politics with me. Wbe- mn. is the Interests of ineir gepo vw - J.h nr - ' pet win by sitting qslet tnmr MvtflMd mIKata. SSSSB sainnaa. Bi a. a. mis mtm tml ir. at fnsal mt the echuulhsnss "1 I rn - Mils Bltl ! mmm he edded, pteciafn Ha lU --- mmUm t "Pwt thle le 130, M. CoeexantT she deep voice I "t aaiA at-ieuld abet pap refresh meet aad thaak rse." said a liiagAwsyt r. I ilJoiiii I "finch a generene ssaal I Vse en heller tense wltb Certainly I asnst get ssaii more votes (br Laere." eoUlaaulasd Methsr Pierrot sbe.drorped the gfltterlnc goldea aagtetote W stifcas parae,1 ' ' pecJmtof; with thanks ae tavttattoa to Jota tbe pfiesta hi pipes at Father Grkws henea, - QnOJetwet along tbe eressy aieVwarks of tbe street had had preeeeiled hut a abort dleunee wten he inteeeiaiefl Dc e Batis and Leoaldaa Latiotois kra1eg ?r a Bawertng k rd horsd aad nerrlsA Be kaew bo Jogof the eondltkM of tbe r t t hnt be ffast he tad net partsctly ehass nloaed bin graeaVn4"a leand Macy and was swurewe solve ef toe reseit. Her eVfeat woim4 grtere bint eWfly. sad he woold lay II to A is ewe sopiDw . a a. mf f-ci. litis la.s ww slfslr t T f L.i bkMKivd aara.7 fiiMMrltr Omm. trt. "T a ?y Oe- rrtUr ii ,1 1 "' 1 M-r TrCi BRIEF TIME. Chas to sltf, sqr dewk, Wrf Vs. te atafl I O OOCOOCOOCCCCCCCCCCCCCwCCC -7iMtu.rocs-- C " We Kow Ilave :a JLarae Stoch of the Ah M --17 ,M ? ,f. g l U-M: iiimm V- -' " ' MM MS . BrM Maw Is fan, au e-uto,'. Ui apri-itWa 11 ft arlsk tk. hwy wmImh t dnaa rat U. ' at naaii . ', the riudo la tlx NallcU awns ts tte knatk ; - light, 1-..- .(-..( . .' . , sal aim ayliiu nt kiai Sees Mr Oh, arMaa, Ilk staalaas Sriaf Saire I Ok, lilt Im brM tar dfktac, sat Btt Im kr!4 tanoMtr - aad tt cmn world st ear awL kad tk tkr, Aad knr tKt my food aMnlag toMDri - 1 1 - . ABssta Ciaailsrloa. 8 O o o o daw, sae-sHt- I ' I ! U vap o m .: vajsjuistxa lit vy And would like for ' you to come in and inspect them, " - There's None Better. " r -And, Quality Considered, Prices are right. . . DRESS THEIR OWN WOUNDS. ems Possess '' Qreat Grhe, Oakfell , did not appear at the rair. in priest jearea no naa for gotten his pledge ef support to Eetelle gives at the bouse of tbe terryntaa at Bayou do Lac on tbe night he so nar rowly' escaped death. But be took heart When at 4 o'clock he saw Val sln ride In at tbe bead ef seven neigh bors from tbe Oordeloa slough , and lead tbem to the poll for Eatelle. and tea more from Lac de la Pearls march ed up In tbe some interest and these followed st abort intervals by doesus snd twenties from Cbouplque, Cotton- port-Pointe Midi aad a company of son -Catholics from Evergreen aad the surrounding plantations, and learned that every one of these late comers de posited a vote for tbe granddaughter Of Lstlolale,;5,"-' $fftniitl.-' KuVsi'.i Tbe game at Dede's wss running high, and the strong drink bad taken bssmb of tbe players, when at fl O'clock ,a cheer from, the acboolbease sell npon their ears. Tbey knew the priests, had counted tbe tote and an nounced tbe result aad the cheer was for tbe victor, QuiUebert doubted not she wss Laura, and, hastily gathering la tbe winnings, Which, ss usual, had fallen his way, be proceeded with his companions to learn the exact figures. His heavy eyes and purpling face took en expression of cruel exultation. Latlolala lagged behind as If loath to hear tbe decision. . feeing Fatber Grhe hi tbe doorway ef tbe ecboomoussk Quulebert eauedi "What's the majority, fatberr -Bsveoieeav: we prion sua. , ,. ; "Is that aUr said Qulllebert eoara ty. "At 1 o'clock one bad 23 ever Ka te Ue Latlolala," 'm.s if "Who hadr asked the priest , , "Laura Lonaan," shouted Qulllebert, "Bat BeteBe Latlotais bss new 17 votes ever La are Leases, and the pell closed. Eatelle Latlotabr la elected godmother, ef the ben,", said Father Orb " 4" :':'! -! Qalllaberfe fee tares fairly quivered with 1 rage, but hie exclamation, ne doubt profane, waa drowned by the re newed cheer frees the crowd, while eld Hale white face was wet with tears of Joy. o expected aad nameriv Irde That .-. ; Knowledge ef turgory. There are not a few birds that possess a knowledge of tbe prin ciples of surgery that is not far from supernatural. The woodcock, the partridge and some other birds are able to dress their wounds with considerable skill. A French nat uralist says that on several occa. ions he has killed woodcock that were, when shot, convalescing from wounds previously received. In every instance he found the old in jury neatly .dressed .with: down plucked from the stem of feathers and skillfullt arranged over the wound evidently fay the long beak of the bird. .. In some instances solid piaster wu thus formed, and In others ligatures had been applied to wounded or broken limbs. ? One day he killed a bird that evi dently had been severely wounded at tome recent period. Tha wound was covered and protected by a sort of network of feathers which had been plucked by tha bird from it own body and so arranged as to form a plaster completely covering and . protecting the wounded . sur- xace. it naa evidently acted, aa hemostatic in the flrst place and subsequently as a shield covering tha wound. The feathers were fair ly , netted together, passing : alter nately under and above each other find forming a textile fabric of great protective power.- ' " . : jsiras are oiten louna whose lunos hare- been broken by shot with tha fractured ends neatly Joined, and ligated. K., Dumouteil tells of a woodcock that had been shot by a sportsman on the afternoon of a certain day, f After a long search the. bird .waa given up, but it waa discovered tha next morning by an accident. In the . meantime the wounded legs were found to be neat ly ligated, an exquisitely neat band age having - been placed around each limb. ,. Tha poor bird had in dressing its wound . entangled Its beak with some long, soft feathers, and had it not been discovered it would hare died of starvation. -Toledo Blade, v. . aBBBSB jbjbbj BBBMBMBak a aaaaBS The Haee of Ufa t And the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. To reach ths port of heaven we must sail sometimes with ths wind and sometimes against it. but we' must sail and not drift, nor lie at o o White & Co., : , BURLINGTPN. N. C ; ( ) ( i CCOOOCCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCw) "ELAJ3 & - a a . For ns to sell to a customer who want CLOTHING, 1 , s ' ' ' , . r. "X"jt3m"? Because we' have the stock and ' , can fit, as, well as please,' you both in quality of -' , . goods and price. ; If yon are stout, lean or ngular ' . don't imagine we can't fit you. . 1- ; OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS , Is growing, : for the reason that' we hatr only one' price, and ' ' ... and yon can buy a cheap by ordering aa if you were. 1 . ' in our store, s SALESMEN; Dolpb afoore, , . . t ' J , ! a !W. 'Iindaayf! Darius Payne, - - ' - " ' , Charlie Crews, 'llarry Sergeant and W. B. Matthewt ) , W. H. natthowo.C; Co., '..!.), . . i.t- r' . :.i j ' .. r fj v : . ),,'4' .. :., -j-t i - f -' - t :- - ' , A, - j '5 i-c- :-: ' "'- - .- f- x ' ' ' Durham Marble Workb You need not be reminded that .' -, it is your duty -to mark the last . resting place of your departed loved ones, but We' wish to ro 'rnlnd you of our low. prices. . O- J. JbL U 1 ' iTTT, ' UProprlctor- i ' ' ntinuAtr i wwuuniiii se vw 5 W havs s eoaplete aasiirlniit of tas latest patterns awl da-arns. eeee.......eetea..4awwwC949ttttt a Attention Farmers ! We haye just received The Best Vizir Made Koland Chilled" and many othcrc. anchor. There is one very sad AISO 06W UlOVer and liVG Qeed- O llV3 i&l&tfiXt&rS toe Baugh;8 Fertilizers for all grala cud , L as. . aiaaa I . l . .. . . II I J grasses, uive us a can Deiore you Duy. , Yours in tht2 Lcad, ; , n' the o:ieida ctc:: c:::;vf - Q-m.Vi n.irw 2L.7.C. . IlV MM COWIIMVMM, I i r irlswrerraabasent II . i s I sofa m ' Imltstlv. Tte et Fley. .Wordsworth's lines of a child at play, "as if his whole vocation war. endless tmmnon, were recenuy re called by a eontsrsation overheard fa the children's, ward at a proTia- eal hospttaL , . , . , A little girl whose role was that ef nurse rang aa Imaginary tele phone en the wait to talk to her eompanion at the farther end of the room, who played the part ef doc tor. .. .. "Hello r said the a arse. "Is that tha doctor r '- ''' ' ' Tss," answered her eompanioa Tnis Is tb. tloo- "This lady Is very fll he was in formed.' ' ' WalL what seems to be the mat ter r" 1 w.- - - "ShebswmllodawnoUbottU ef ink." said the nsrse. Tbe doctor, not flurried, inquired what bad been done for the patient, but tha vuree, too, was ready ta ward. It is this: Tbst one cannot help using his earlier friends ss the seaman uses the log to mark his progress. '-; " jsvery now and then we throw aa old schoolmate over the stern with a string of thought tied to him and look -I am afraid with a kind of luxurious and sanctimonious cont- Kssion to see the rata at which e string reels off while he lies there bobbing up and down, poor fallow I snd we are dashing along with the whit, foam and bright sparkle at our bows; the ruined bosom of prosperity, and progress. with a sprig of diamond stock in iti nut this la only the sentiments! side of tbe matter, for grow we must if w. outgrow all that we love-Oli- fet Wendell Holmes. Merchant i Tailor; Greenoboro, H. O. Sun& Fulliatica :. Kenfe Al W.U.Wsrfear, W.BtTroHasar sad wife B, A. Trollns-T. 1. C Sfalhrr, Mary C Wslkar. tVn J, Waifesraa4 im. W. SaUtS aod wile She answered, 1 gar her twa jads of blotting paper r a a A - ' - Rataash SS Ole. . Tb. ereatar. most tsaseSous ef Ef. is tb. eommon oca polyp. If ff-k 'iJtu4 0 We live by our blood, and on it.- We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing eke to live on or by. : . Wben etreneth is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. ! . This is health. AVtvn avavalr in 1shb anirifa rliur tu rnnrintr ahm raael ea.sJKHt-1 aw la la. elTMoaX u not , rest , and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood u poor; there is little nutri ment in it , ,: Back of the blood, is' food. to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver OiL It sets the New Goods. Up-to-date styles. The Cr:t Workmanship, and a good fit. We uca t!.D best of everything. , . , .i , . t -0iud4a.l9iwrtfmr.m Ii wtlcb te ftr w fcl1, were so f -sted by C . txs iiir en. be ret in two, two crea tares an whole body going again man the result, On. may be slit total woman and chili ram knM tr4 . nl Sm- fra, Ms, half a deaea eeettons, making as many aaiasala. 'They may be tam ed inside out, when thev spperently enjoy themselves as well es before; if two be divided and placed end to end, the result will be a monster rsTjrr a bead st each ettremity. Scott A towns, c: an Be Tar. r r la the Sovartor Ooart aXar. IksCkrrk. X.M.Wslhsr. ' TMs a gaelalf raw Steels Sail tkahmas f U J. Walkar. Simsinl; for sartiuoa aaxm tae aal a law. It saaasis laa J. M. W.lkar Is aaa tt -US hairs at lav, aa. anna aastvtoa Kill fes aa. Is Skat aWMkt karios tvtvmtti .poa kirn. That saM TtaaO M la Plnuaat iirawm Im alp. aamy. agrtk.CfUa, aar iia- 41 wi win lee aa. Maa Haw. r- tarasl. Mora laecMrk at ku ae a th. eourt bou. la ttrmkaau la - Count? a.O fiM Moadaf, IM SMS f at Mtttr, ymH. Ta. sutoa will b. SlaS tfi aM cki.c. mmtA fttfh aa ar iwfor. a, d d- bM aad vkar. aU4 imnatal i. k. aikrr kt aounaS toapfwaf la p.. . arbraV laraar Sulr .utkoriMKl, irf,n..r, or S an to la. KUMi w, la ot-ti it of hi, a aun. ta. riMrt srajwl lur la if sauuoa bnbs, -r a 4ta, MB. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! tw -t i. a. I" "nrr. I . u -m,&? n J. A. 1 . I.- T 5- i. i. 1 i fc- . ' - ' -as . m s ,- tu.... a. ; TO BE COLD.- : B rkrtas of a San. 11ium SfHor eoartawa. as taa -".. r . i wtU eau.sS tas aoatS amaaavoria MONDAY, N0VEMDZS 4, K 1 i It brine WnxtaT or Aotirt, hrr ef b- riM iPl MIWI lo.lw.tMl, r.- Jirirtk Cmltna, artointj,. i-. b.m. pf J. v Itaikar, Li. kr, H. h n,r j , ! Tta, t-a wwvw J. . T.. t a a.ow aw. lua. saS atana, miihmiiui , 212J ACHES, mnr or Waasi, C laUtaVmallj food smnd nd , WfH WmUaa. 1 turn sami vrfll ffii baofTervd) ta thnm fr- jr)a. m r- r rs-t pmrvmi cm! . (tWjrJ proH sMi'' 1 'rei ffwt -- . .. -. ' I MM P ilbf a"et - - T tx wr4-e t- j - , - - fs44aer, fttad tf u r i r l tMal X - - itva ,.. t , i .r t ws - f a f ' ! - ' e 1 - w 04 . ewM - fc J ta ' ' ' ' la

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