jl AiLAiMANCE LEANER. VOL. XXVII. GRAHAM, N O., THURSDAY , OCTOBEK 31, 1901. NO. CO SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAe u u k : Prescription r. Business ' Is Our Specialty This demand, that we keep supplied with PUK8. FBBHH ehemlealsand pharuiaeeutloaMV , We aluo have constantly a oom- i piece line or patent and propri- . etary atedlolnes. Perfumery, Combe. Brushes, Snaps, and K imn dm HiihhAr fliimla Writ- " lug Materials, etc., etc. HEADQUAR TE R S i JQR FINE CIGARS- :t Lowney's and Royster'a , Candies, Always Fresh, c A J Tho mp eon t & . C o ni p a riy D r u g g is t,8 9 ft V" t is -' Southern Railway TIIB , , Standard Railway ot - THE SOUTII. - ' The direct Line to all Jpoint Texas, fornia.iifei Cuba and rv Porto RicoJfl?. yuahtorn rJ . ra : i ' Strictly first-class equipment on all Through and local trains; Pull- man Palace bleeping vara on an night trains; feat and sate ecnea ulee. - . . Travel bv the Southern and you are assured a safe,' comfortable and . 1 expeditious journey. ; -Apply to ticket agents for time Id ties, rates and general informs tion. or address. S. II. HARDWICK. G. P. A., J - Washington, D. C. f oooooooooooeoooooooooooo ' Z. T Hadlor: : I 1 FineWatch Repairing , i : - GR AH AM,- N. C- j Vestal Building. " ' v j ' 2 90CS0O00O0O00O0O000OO MASTER : tf SLAVE . t - By T. H, Ttjorpr. CopvrttfW, 1M1, by T. B. Thorpe. 6 0r000CO0$000 i - ' ESTABLISHED ; 1893 Darlington Insurance -Agency-. ? INSURANCe IN ALL ITl BMNCHM,. Local agency .of Penn . Mutual Insuranoe . Company. Best . Life Insur- ance contracts now" on the market . Prompt personal attention to all om.ra, Curreepoodeaoa aollcKed. JAKES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent. ' pt'Ui'.KfPAlBIBft.: NLAThYtPBOMPTLY 2 " DONE BY- .- . Z MAT FOSTElj. ' t fo . ; -Oravliaro. t.u.tttuttl'. X ' (lu! Btmobv- - W. e. Bina,J. SYMTM & BTNUM, . 1 1 . .nvrya Conn Iih n Lw URKKK8BOBQ, . C ' r-. u imlarly la tka aonru of ta- Aa.(,Ml7 JACOB A. LOG, Attorney-at-Law, nirx'T, - - - - -. c c rt .twl Federal eoarta. . The fast falling darkness speeded tb dlsperaloD of tbe assemblage, and tbe choosing of tbe chnrcb bell's sponsor was a scored event In tbe history of tbe parish. . t . Tbe christening day of tbe bell was tbe most perfect of that incomparably lovely season, the Louisiana spring. Tbe pale blue sky bad not a fleck In It Tbe bosom of tbe little prairie was spread with velvet; green sprinkled wltb buttercups and violets, and on tho edges of coulees bright willows rocked In tbe gentle breeze. Tbe lanes were bordered . by walls of dark Cherokee vines, against which whits roses glis tened In tbe sunlight Tbe cones dot ting stretching brancbes of pecans were opening In light, bued leaves. while afar Id tbt swamp a bore tbe blulsb gray festoons of Spanish moss could be seen tbe feathery fringe wblcb later would be plumes In tbe crowns of royal cypresses. Tbe soft air was scented wltb Jasmine, cbina flower and sweet gum and rang wltb tbe Joyous song of tbe mocking bird. : "- Tbe bell, secured opon the stoutest of plantation wagons, drawn by sla sleek males, was arrayed In a robe of wblte swIss, set off wltb bands of bine satin and bnncbes of pink roses - A string of red coral, tbe gift of tbe god mother, encircled Its brow, above wblcb was a wreath . of wblte magnolia bloom. The wagon was clothed la white cotton cloth, the harness of tbe mules decked out wltb knots and bows ef ribbon, and the herculean black who drove them was attired In bis holiday raiment, with a broad red saab across bis chest-- y r- 5 '14 Tbe cortege escorting the bell la It progress of six miles from 'the ware- house at Marksvf lie to the chnrcb at Mansura was composed of full 200 per sona on horses. In buggies and afoot It was beaded by Klol Durant, tbe an cient volunteer sacristan, bearing aloft a banner of blue silk on which was em broidered in. yellow, tbe name of the sodality society. Following blm rode Homer Debellevne, holding a tall, slen der wooden cross painted white and garlanded with floweret A dosen youn ger men with silk banners Inscribed wltb sacred legends formed a caval cade preceding the carriage of Father Grbe, who to black robe and cap, wblte surplice and gilded stole sat between two acolytes gowned In red and white and carrying censer burners. ' On each side of tbe wagon six horsemen sasbed with blue rode as a guard of honor to the bell and then the fair sponsor In an open conveyance seated beside her grandfather. Sbe was attired In White, a tbln veil over her hair and shoulders. and held a nosegay Of large wblte roses In her lap. A sweet, childish face. brown hair and hazel eyes distinguish ed the victor of the eoAtest a girl of 16, gen te, shrinking and blushing, - Oa roan pony at tho side of the carriage a young mulatto woman rode and ed tbe face of her mistress with a sun shade., Tbe cavalcade closed with ve hicle In which were many women, matrons and maidens,, and a long line of white youths and negroes marching afoot came after. As tbe. procession ' wonnd past the MarksvUle church tbe bell in tbe tower, rang by Father Challne himself, greet ed ts new sister with a merry peal. while all the - men uncovered their beads. Arrived at Mansura, tho bell waa rev erently lifted and hung In tbe sheltered temporary scaffolding which- bad been provided for It at tbe church front, and around It the people arranged them selves In a wide circle. Two trays of white roses were placed oa the scaf fold, an acolyte brought from within , the church the silver vessel of holy wa ter and sprinkler, the aromatic gumS In the censer were lighted j from Dve coals, and Father Grbe. reading the words of dedication and bathing bell -and flowers with Incense and blessed water, bestowed' the ham "Ste. Oe cile," chosen by the sponsor.' Kstella ang a sweet "Ave Maria" in voice so fresh and musical that It reached the - heart of all, and the very birds seemed to cease their warbllngs to catch Its tender melody. Bhe repeated after the priest her sponsorlal vow of unfailing solicitude for the bell, to car for It and protect -it and pray that It should be the aver eloquent messenger sum moning Increasing numbers to the ship of God. - "Gloria In Excel sis Deol" waa sung by the choir, after which Estelle emp tied the tray of flower over the bell and distributed them among tts throng, by whom they were now garded aa especial aid to holiness As the sinking sun touched the rim ef the swamp forest the chime front tbe spire at Marks rtlle cam floating over tbe prairie on the moistening evening air. Ea tails stood before the scaffold, and all bead were reverently bowed. Father Grbe, with padded hammer, struck three mellow note upon the aid of the bell. The angel of the Lord declared, as to nary." sweetly cnanteo: Bsteue. "And sbe conceived of tbe Holy Ghost,' cam tbt response- from tb circle.. Again tb stroke fell gently. - "Behold tb handmaid of tb Lord." tbe girl Intoned. "Be it done unto me according to thy word." answered slL . r - - Tbrlc more tb musical wave rose la undulating ascent skyward. "And tb word waa mad less," sbe sang, wltb a graceful genuflection, la wblcb tb multitude Joined, replying: "And dwelt among na. The bell of liansara had tolled its first Angela, CHAPTEB IT. at "t'Esnaajicg." ' ESfEBAKCE" waa a fair domain of L800 acr wblcb. wltb slates, live I stock, mill a. gins sod lra plvtneota. bad dew-ended to Horse Oak fell from fata mo! her at bet d!b in in. Slt as spl, bHr bad I "L Inherited from her father,. Colonel Bil low. A thousand acres were under fence and In culture of augar, cotton and corn: tb remainder waa woodland. A yield of two hogsheads of sugar and Ave barrels of molasses per acre by tbe open kettle process of reduction then In vogue and 800 pounds of lint cotton to a like area attested the prodigious fer tility of the Gelds. Oak fell's father endured . widower hood a year, and married Kldcle Gas- pard. a Spanish looking girl of 10. daughter of Antoln Gaspard, who. It was said, had escaped from Paris wltb a price on bia head after the fall of Danton and who was remeralx-red ar a man of cruel Bapect. tavlturn and furtive, as one haunted by a terrible fear or horrible memory, lie was shiftless and poor, but ; bis daughter waa bumble, pious and beautiful. She waa tntstrewi of ,-lEspernoce" sl yearn, mlnlatering to her stepson as to a superior being, and on her deathbed prayerfully besought bis Interest and. protection for her- own llitb-- boy Evsrlste. whom sbe Irft at the de pendent sue of a years. Mine. Fldele was universally loved .and by none wltb greater fervor than by Horace. The fullueoa of bis boyish affection be transferred to tbe Imlf brother, now like bluMeir motherless, and generous ly sssuuieU rtwponslblllty for his wel fare. Tbe demise of their father : In 1854 Kve to this assumption the vbar icter and olillgatlou of actuality. , - Evartxte was dark and beautiful a hi mother. ; Ills figure was xliicliiaud exqtihtite. with huuila and feet small and del Ira t. like a woman's' NeliUei tbe- squirrel nor the tvallnw-nrUBS ad blm In agility and gnteef nine, but his manner was undemonstrative, se cretive, and. -avoiding playmates, be was ever content to .be alone.. ' His eyes were black, bis lips tbln and firm. , To these sons, the father had left nothing but a debt owed in Kentucky for blooded horses, . wblcb Horace speedily discharged. Evariste - was portionless; his brother bade blm con sider himself half owner of all the estate and assured blm that partition should be made on bis attaining; ma jority,, or as soon thereafter as he might deem It desirable, and mad un stinted expenditure for hi mainte nance and education. The elder's fra ternal lore was sobered by paternal solicitude relieved of all austerity. Tbe difference between tbe ages of the two was Ave years. Evariste belng.ia when Horace was sent to tb legislature. ' The home waa now presided over by the Widow Wyley, whose long experi ence aa tbe wife of aa overseer bad given her a knowledge of tbe negro character which enabled her to rule efficiently and kindly. Thrift and neat ness, came naturally from bef Dntcb mother, as did also her passion. for cows and bees.: Her face was big and red, and so waa her heart; her balr was wblte and strong, and so was ber na ture. Binker Wyley, ber stalwart son. was tb abstemious, tireless overseer, who had announced on taking charge that tbe lash was only for oxen, mules and dogs and to whose shrewd, frugal management waa du the fact that tb prosperity of "L'Ksperance" was second to tbat of no plantation In the pariah of Avoyelles, wltb tb possible exception of Baldoulno's, on Bayou des Glalses. The dwelling was a brick structure of two stories, with broad, covered veran das projecting from tb second in front and rear. Oa the ground- floor, which was tiled, were at on side of a wlde-j hall a dining room and housekeeper' sanctum, .at tbe other an office, library and medicine store, in wblcb were kept considerable quantities of medicaments of approved us on Urge plantations. The second story contawed parlor and sleeping apartments, high celllnged and spacious, separated by a hall corre sponding with tb on below and reach ed: by exterior stairway piercing tb verandas, Tbe furniture waa heavy, eld and rich. An acre set In pecan, wal nut and flg tree and Inclosed by a high whit fence made a shady lawn be tween the house, and tb public road along the bank of- Bayou Clair. On the left were tb overseer bouse and plantation stores, a hundred yard far ther tbe negro quarter. -barns, stables and cattle sbedsj on a bend of the ba you waa the steam cotton gla and at tb tear of tb Held tb brick sugar mill -wltb long, low roofed purgery and massive chimney for bagasse burning. Tbe wsrm day was closing. Oak fall sat at the western window of tbe office near a table oti wblcb lay written re ports which bad been left with him by tb overseer. From a perusal of them be bad. turned to a volume of English poetry and read these line: H Sods kis fellow fnntr f s sMa ; Hot coterad lis. ki. em ni k.rir sera To eafora tb. wrmf. Sat suek . worth mum Da a sad drratM Ub as kk) Uwtal per. . , . f Asd wb.1 sua, atrln thl. - And twine known ftcllntfa, doej set Maah ' As bans lata knd to tbtak Una.lt a ami Tb book: was closed upon bia ringer, and wltb lowered eyes be pondered tbese thoughts when tbe open doorway was filled by tb generous figure of Mrs. Wyley. "Mr. OakfeR. where Is Erarlste to day F she saketi. "I bare not seen blm since rooming." - - "Tie went to attend tbe race at Man sura. I believe," uakrell repiiea You wHr not I hope." she said, set tling herself comfortably In a rocker. "think me meddlesome If I quest loo tbs propriety of one' so. young frequenting orb gatberlnga, where gambling, drink ing, profanity and sometimes homicide are tbe features. I forbade them to Binker. - Evariste goes to Ibem so of ten." Tb old lady's uisnner evinced tb sincerity of her anxiety. r 1 appreciate your Interest and de sire yon always to speak your thoughts without restraint on any subject wblcb say concern my brother." aald Oakf.lL "In thl Instance, however, 1 think you eed have ao apprehension. Hoc rac ing, you know, la expressly encoa raged by eur law. which puts betting at H ea aa equal footing wltb other con tra eta. It baa received tb countenance ef eur best eitlseos and has tbu bad It mpeetablltty preserved. Were socfa aa Evariste to absent luesaselres tb turf would soon oVgeaerat t a mere gambling affair and contest ef chican ery. Bo long aa honor rales tb track tb excitement I healthful to men. I bar no misgiving of Evsrtst. H Is tbougbtful sod prudent beyond bis years, ha a perfect coarroi ever blnv elf. which I aavy blm. and his spirit Is too high and prood to yield to a low temptation er lo be led by aa an worthy example.. My faith t blm sj perfect,! and riove Elm as IT he were my son." -now Diessea ne is to bare such a brother." aald Mrs. Wyley. ber fears for tb on forgotten In ber admiration or tb other. Ther be Is now!" exclaimed Oak- fell, rising and going to the door. "Was there ever such a little man beauty aa ner And be is so free from vanity tbat I do not believe b Is at all aware of his good looks." Eyarist bad slighted from bis foam ing bora at the gat and. baring thrown tb bridle to a negro boy, was walking up the bricked path to tbe bouse with tbe easy step and calm air of one returning . from a abort and leisurely stroll In a shady grove, bis regular breathing betraying no sign of tb hard run of 11 miles be bad given tbe panting beast now being led to lb tables. And Horace's tribute of un consciousness of self was scarcely sus tained by the faultlesxly fitting suit hnfiecked collar and .fashionably ad justed neckacarf, the dainty shoes and carefully oiled locks renting on his shoulders In a glossy black roll. And suspicion of dandlness might have had confirmation -in the delicate per fume scattered from his handkerchief as he passed It across his bro. - . "How was tb sport today, my boy Horace asked cheerily aa Evariste en-j profession 7" tered tb room. "One excellent half mile race between Qulllebert's Charlotte . Corday and Judge Klgee's Belle Cheney," said Ev ariste. "Tb others were, only ordi nary." ' - ' , :.; "';.....- '. ,"How waa tb betting?" ', . "Quite brisk. Tbe odds were In fa vor of Belle Cheney. I I took Charlotte Corday and won $00. Sb cam In by a neck. Leonldas Latlolals backed the Elgee mare and lost heavily. Father Galotte parted with some of bis tithes on the same risk. Somebody told El- ness for (he-day tbat baa passsd and open In eagerness for tb day tbat be glna Apparently Impassive, be h kPenly observant of and responsive ta every event possessing s marvelous power of seizing and assimilating what la pleasant and rejecting what la dia agreeable. - He delights In tbe grace ful sulnulng through tbe air of tbe falling leaf, but will not wok at It when It has touched tbe dust, and with all his air of unconcern be Is a pbl- jsopher, quick to adjust mea susd things and give them their proper esti mate." "If 1 beard another speak la this way without naming tb person, I would understand him to describe Mr. Home Oakfell rather than Evariste," Mrs. Wyley remarked. T "No, nor said Oakfell. "My tern perament Is too opaque. Everything affecting It throws a shadow. I antici pate dangers, i brood over events, I busy myself to guard against troubles which may never arise. In some of my moods life seems grewsome ne cessity. Not so with Evariste. To blm It Is all glad song." . "What do you tblnk will be Ms call lug? Will you makc lawyer of hlmT "By no means." "How so? Do yon not like your own "As a branch of learning, a science. a mental discipline, yes. But as a practical profession I loath It already. No, Evariste will never be a lawyer by my advice.", . . "What then? A physician or a min ister?" , "Hardly tbe latter." said Oakfell. smiling "I do not think bia bent of mind I toward religious enthusiasm. Yoa bav put a question tb answer to which I bav not thought out to my own satisfaction. This la tb nearest approach to a plan tbat I hav yet gee tbat bia Jockey had been tampered , been able to formulate. I fancy polU witb by uuiuebert, ana be swore nei uc oa uihib uj bbow w would kill them both If the charge ; and therefor at time Incline to pro- could be proved. For a time it lookea If some blood might be let, but friends Interfered, and the matter quieted down." "Who rode Charlotte Corday?" Hor ace Inquired . , Qullleberfs yellow boy Leon. By tb way. brother," aald Evariste. "QuIUe bert got Into a boastful vein when bis mare came In winner. He said be bad set in to beat Belle Cheney and knew from tb beginning be would do It and declared tbat when he mad up hi mind to a thing nobody hi Avoyelles could .overmatch blm. Little Ft Fer rier spoke up sad asked bow about you electing Esteli Latlolals godmother ot the bell. He said It was not you tbat did It Father Oalotte asserted It was you; that he bad It on good authority. Qttlllebeit was stunned.- H bad never suspected that you had a hand In that Ha became furious and I believe waa about to relieve .himself of soma un complimentary remarks - about you when be caught my eye looking steadi ly at him and concluded to bottle bis rage. But I never saw so ferocious an expression settle upon a man'a counte nance as that which came over Qullle berfs as be turned away. I fear he Is your mortal enemy from thl time on. Beware of blm, brother." : "He I a bad man and hurtful to the community," said Oakfell, "but be la a coward and need not be feared, only watched. I very much regret my name was mentioned In connection wltb the contest over the christening of tbe bell. It was quite contrary to my wish." "If you bad seen bow delighted Es telle waa when ber grandfather told bar what Father Galotte bad said, your regret would not be so poignant." "Did you see berl Where r - "At Father Grbe'a boose. The priest Insisted upon my dining there with ber pose to Evariste later tbat he shall manage our Joint Interests on tbe plan tation while I exploit political ca reer.' HE WAS NOT REMOVED. Beeaus No On Would B Willing to Take HI Plae. ' James 0. Blaine at one time in his career was, as regards consular ofiicers, in favor ot limited tenure of office. Mr. Blaine sat in his room at the state department one day discussing different matters of pub lic interest with Mr. Evarta, then his immediate predecessor in office. "Now. here," said he, "is a case in point. This man has been con sul at Un-Hune for 20 years. He went there at the time of the war and has remained there ever since. It is time hecame home and got ac quainted with his own country be fore be grows a cue. If he stays much longer, he will have a Chinese bias in his sight I shall remove him at once." "I wouldn't remove him, Mr. Secretary," replied Mr. Evarta quietly. 1 "Why not?" "I am afraid it will be an un pleasant thine to do. "My mind is made up," replied Mr. Blaine. "As soon as I can find a good live man to take his place I snail remove him. "But I think you will have grave difficulty in finding a good live man who would be willing to take his place.' "l anticipate no such difficulty. But will you explain to me, Mr. Evarta, why there will be ny diffi culty r 'Because the man has been deed and buried these six months, Mr. Secretary. - : ' The Shelter ef the Dock. A knavish looking 'fellow was once charged before a magistrate with stealing a pair of trousers. 800QOOOOOOCOOOOOCSSCCC3CC o f ) we Now Have a Large Stock of ttie CELEBRATED Zei0lerShoeS.il And would Wee for you to come in and inspect, them. There's None Better. And. Quality Considered, Prices are right. White & Co., BURLINGTON. N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO 0CC3O "That seems a wise arrangement," The evidence against him'iot being Mrs. Wyley assented, "leading to tb stronsr enouch to convict him. ha nsppmewot youeit no-otviu-r u Was acquitted after a patient in tha aFond of the aieonle." I . . . . f ,i resiigauon 01 ine case, x ne se ttle good of tbe people.1 Binker Wyley, In Clean apparel don ned after bia day of toll la tbe fields. Joined bis mother and Horace, and, Ev ariste returning, tbe four at tb signal of tb bell proceeded to -their venlog meal of poultry, hot bread, rice, cof fee, milk and preserve of flga served by two quick moving griff woman knd fanned by tb waving of peacock feathers lu tbe bands of two silent boys of ebon black. As tbey at and con versed songs and laughter and tb ciued, however, to the surprise of everybody, remained in tbe dock. ' Thinking he could not bear or did not understand the magistrate's de cision, the lawyer who had been de fending him told him he was at lib erty to go about his business if be had any. The man, however, shook his bead slightly, but did not move. "lou are discharged. , Why don t tlnirllnar of harneaa chains told of the 7U gO. asked the lawyer. coming of tb laborers from tb fur- ' By this time the court was nearly rowed reaches of sugar cane and cot. empty, and the accused, leaning for ward, whispered to his defender: I can t leave tbe dock until all the witnesses against me are gone." -Why r asked the man of Is w. "Because of the trousers," an swered - the other. - "Don't yoa understand r ' "Most certainly I do not!" said the solicitor. AWhat about the 3 trousers?" "Only this, sir I've got them aa, - - w - on r London Answers. - EvartsU trus mMlkinq up O14 lrtektd pal v to (is hout. , and her grandfather, and t tell you. brother, tbe priest Is your stout friend, though you are not a Catholic. He de clared there never baa been in this par iah your equal In all tbe good qualities of bead and heart and tbat yon were tb ablest, safest leader lb people could choose. Rstelle's eye sparkled and ber face flushed with pleasure at tbes encomiums upon yon. and she charged me wltb so many pretty mes- gea of gratitude yoa tbat my bora wss Mown up wltb th weight of them. When ber face lights up In tbat way. It Is radiant beyond compare. I am sure at 20 she will be tbe loveliest woman In Louisiana." ' "Boy. boy." said Horace, smiling. "yon are becoming excited, going Into a rapture. Miss Latlolals must Indeed be a vision to move you tho from your famous Imperturbability. Calm yourself, my little Evarlst. It la som tins yet before you will be SI and still longer before Kstelle will be 20." "From tbe signs of lodsy." said Ev ariste. wltb a tluge of bitterness In bis voice, "you are tbe one interested In ber twentieth birthday, not I." "Well, supper Is by no means so far off aa tbat. Interposed Mrs. Wyley good hamoredly, "sod If you will bas- 1 to your roosa, Evarlsta. yoa will get the dust ef tb read brusbed off yee before I have the bell rung.". As tb young man, acting npoa this iwmtnder. disappeared Into tb bees hi brother remarked: What a bona It I to be gifted to live tbe ful.nees of life aa ibat boy dors. Though of grave sod sedate ex terior, bis whole bring vibrates la sympathy with tb rife around bins. Every breath, be lalee la a draft of sparkling win te otber man. Ills sleep is bat tbe opiate effect of tbe day's Joy; bit eyes close la tbsakfol-1 ton plant , Tb aupper ended, tb three men. leaving tbe room, found standing un der th veranda, bat In hand, a young quadroon of. small stature and Intelli gent face. He was well clothed, and bis manner was polite and bumble. - "Well. Leon." said Oakfell. "this Is a surprise. I should bsve thought after Jockeying so skillfully for Mr. Qullle- bert today yoa wonld have been kept at borne tonight to be exhibited to bl admiring frienda." ' "He did try to keep me, Mr. Horace, replied Leon, "but I would not stay." "WbatJ Ton ran away, Leon? Do you not know tbe patrol law and tbe danger of your being out after dark without Mr. Qulllebert'a written per mission?" "I cam away, Mr. Horace. I did not run away, and I know of tb patrol law," answered tb young fellow firm ly, but not offensively. "I bad to see you tonight, sir, and I bav come to tell and help. If I am wrong, yoa will tell oence there? And little Prue well, me so. I will believe you and submit to I ust think of her having "come out" punishment. If I am right you will tell already I me so, and I bop yoa will help me. 1 hav always believed yon to be tb best man la this country, and I know yon cannot do er aid a wrong. I beg tbat you will bear me." Tears rolled down his face, and Bia hands war held out beseechingly. . "I cannot refuse to bear you, LoaV aid Horace. "Walk Into mr office." "Mr. Horace. wUI Mrs. Wyley be so marvelously these girls do growl good aa to b present when 1 ten you about myself? Sb has known m all my llfs. I want ber to bear me. Bb may know much about m tbat 1 do not. Will sb be o kind as to com Into tb office, Mr. Blnkerr turning to tbe verseer. "I hav no doubt sb will." tb latter A Lena Twenty, Professor Figgert (who has just run across an old acquaintance at the reception) I am so-glad to have stumbled upon yon in this wsy, my dear Mrs. Gold win. How long it baa been since we met ! But 1 must say time has deslt very lightly with you. Who could imagine that you novo a aaugnter as oiu as alias rru ' For tu to sell ton customer who wants CLOTHING. 7"E3"3" Because we have the stock and can fit, as well as please, you both in quality of V goods and price, Ifyon are stout, leanr' or regular ' don't imagine we can't , fit yon. OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Is growing, for the reason that we have only one price, and and you can buy as cheap by ordering If you were in our store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne, . Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant and W. II. Matthews. W H. Matthews & Co., GREEN8B0K0, N. C. - - - ..... e :Durham Marble Works You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your departed , 'loved ones, but we wish to re mind you of our low prices. T, , JL mJ 1 iTTTy -Proprietor. Heat pattern, and designs. DURHAM. N. C. Attention Farmers ! We have just received "The Best Plow MadeRoland Chilled" and many others. Also new Clover and R ve Seed. We have canea.? Bangh Fertilizers for all grain and rrudence is 20 todsy. ; - grasses. U1V6 US a Call DeiOrO V0U DUV. . t'roressor riggers Why, my dear I " " Yours in the Lead, THE ONEIDA ST00E COwFMY, it. a. Mrs. Ooldwin, you don't tell me sol And only ten short years ago I re member her so wellns a romping little chit at lu I Well, well, how Hew to Play Trombones. There is a story on record of S certain colonel of an English regi- ab- "Beqnest your mother to do so," Hor ment to whom, by long training, 1 soluto exactness ana uniformity had become second nature, and who complained to his bandmaster on one occasion tbat tbe trombone Come ace aald to Binker, "and you, Leon, go I players were spoiling the sppearance of the entire battalion. 1 on must see," he said, "in future that the men move their sliding things in ana out together r to tbe kitchen and get aupper. her half ao boor from now." "If you will excuse me, brother, I will go to my room. I believe tb tragedy of 'Itlcbsrd III' will Interest m more than Leon's melodrama." Evarlst said anil monnted the atnlrwav. p- Oakfell lighted a cigar and awaited Mrs. Wyley sod Leon hi th office. ' I to as ooimittrKa.) ren mr WWsMslsWiM 1 ' b food medicine for the baby that b thin and not f ! wtS nourished and for the J mother whose milk does . J E. C AKTLAND, Merchant Tailor, Greensboro, N. 0. , ; - " ; ' ' " - -. New Goods. Up-to-date styles. The Best Workmanship, and a good fit. We use the best of everything, i . ...... ... . , , . S f It b equa K boy or tari w pale and not E I ... I I Lord Clden' Apology. On one occasion a junior counsel, on their lordships gmng judgment against hi client, exclaimed that he waa surprised at their decision. This was construed into a contempt of court, and the young barrister wss ordered to attend at the bar the next morning. Fearful of the con sequences, he consulted his friend John Scott, afterward Lord Eldon, who told him to be perfectly at ease, for be would apologize for him in a way that would avert any unpleas ant result. Accordingly when the name of the delinquent waa called Scott rose and coolly addressed the judges. 1 am very sorry, my lords," be said, "that my yonnd friend has so far forgotten himself as to treat your lordships with disrespect He is ex- tremelv penitent, and you will kind ly ascribe his unintentional insult to his ignorance. Yon most sea at once that it did originate in that. He said he wss surprised at the de cision of your lordships. Now, if he hsd not been ignorant of what takes piece in this court every dsy had be known yoa but half as 1 I I k . .U ttn lung na i uuut u "v, ' , , 9 r -, . i be surprised st snythinr yoa did.-, Foley's Kidney CUtt Green Bg. I sn-Jres kUaeyt ma4 blmdder right. Summons by Publication. Korta Carolina, laaosCoanty. at wlkr. W. H. Troll neer and wife BL A. Trollner, J. C Walker, Mary C Walker. lvl J. Walker sod Joo W. Smitn and.wue the Superior Court Before taeciera. J. M. Walker. Thlil. s rpwlml proowxllmr to k-U tbs lands ot L j, w.iaer, oMauea. tor pru,iua nui nolBTMl UK IXU7V. S the hot at law. It appears that j ystiwl tnr I he 5 I M. Walker Is one of said fcetr.at law, one KOOa IOT WE SI .,-,., undi-uMd Interest Inlaid to said tvfl l thin and V larvt. kavlna descended upon kits. WIW IS UUil SUNI S -rw.t .i1.iw i. In Pm-sat Orore town- Well nnliriJtf u 2 Oiln. Uno.ooonir, Norvh Osrollo., and WXM IBVUriMICU i. , .K.r. r tl- -rid L. J. Walker, decexa. y tneir loodr also tor tne k TaTA1. W I lam aiuemic or consumptive adult that b losing fieshg and strength. jg In tact, for all conditions 1 of wastinc, (t b the food S t medicine that will iwurbh f and build up the body and g give new Lie ana energy when all other means fail. S g Sao-? aw fa-eat tm tamm X raff mm wlmttr. w at a-., afl aWajsksa. 2, SCOTT SOWKS. n i III .HewTaa- 5 3s)))sX5s)s)B)s)3sJs)ey mill Dfuoeedlns has been kwoed, ra- nrnahle before tlMolerk st kit oAoo la the oourt kou i In Qraham. In aald County and State on Monday, tbe nth day of October, 1JI. The petition win d. aiea in esw oin , hfrtM mmA ninrk An or before Mid d.v. when sod where aald respondent 1. M. Walker is hereby notinnd to appear in perna, or by st torney duly authorised, nod snaver. oc d ntur to the aetltlo-, aod. In default of hi. mo Onto, th. reli.t nk)U for In the peUMoa will be aranted. , . Atoavo. Id Or.km. Sf-terabfT thetth, rtOl. TSMOlLS, C.O.C . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 Harta eaallfled a. the admlnMrator ef IMnUla of J. at Stwffaor. deeea-ad, I her. by noti y all penooa haTimr eiau lo praeent thea to sao, or to J. A. Lone, my attorney, for paywent within th. time rwjulpnl by law, or tin. nottee wlU be pie.ie4 In bar of a ra eovery. C. C HHtiU'S KH. Admr.of Sep. X, M. John H. Shogner, Dee'd. VALUADLE LA!iD ! TCP BE SOLD. By vhtne of a decree of A leataao Superior court made at the September ten, itwt. I will salt, at the oourt house door la Urshaat, . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1901, It brine Monday ofeoart, a body of lane ta Pie m ntii rove tow mhlp, Abu nanoa eoanty, Nortk Carolina, artjolnlof the land, of J. C Walker, Lewis Bay, W. H. Hqnli-a, John U Tata, th widow J. e.Tate. toe widow MettM -Ins aod others, containing . 212 ACRES, atom or lent, of ezeepUonally good landa and welltooatad. Thl. land will Sret be offered la three sar- orla. as follows : rim paroet eontainswii eorea. . Second pareel eontalna Tl aoi ea. - - - Third paroet contain. Sf acre. Plots will be shown on day of mle. Then the whole bodr will be offered tn- seter. and If the bid fur tne whnw la nora than Uie ajrareeate bid. for the three pr--.--,, Umn the bid for tha whole will be novenu-a. otherwu .theMd. for tho p r .1. will te m oepted. Thansie will beat the noon n, of the oourt, aod wUI be at puhllo outcry lo lae oeei owiaer on toe anuowin. ierro : One-fourto ea.h, and th. b.la,noe In V rm equal tMtallaaeoQi at si x. twelve and eivtt- leen aaootb ecurM 07 ooads of pun-h. rrj in tntereet rrom oay or eaie, n 1 . rved till parant u ooraplet.. am pn,- lleee lo fully pay at any tune alter aooarni -ttua of sai. and take title. J. . SCOTT. ja Pnn. admr. ' Srm. M, rKU. as Admr.of J.Q. l.te. DeWitt'a Wltkh Hixel Salvo Cava. Ptfcra. S.M ) O

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