iv . ,-.- . t.' V " y , ;'n its; ; ;j ; w-Kl M BE AMANCE LEANER. yy ftt - GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901. NO. 42 At Hi 3 - at . Prescription 4 liyy Mousuici3 -w IsUur specialty ntir I " v COnU , Bru.bee,,, Boapt, and i''P'fponna, Rabbet Goods "Writ- : ADQWAR TER S ... . -Candies,1--- - Always Fxwb7.-t The St.- .! fit ; ?-' Southern f M 'i J Railway. ANNOUNCtSTrtt u' OPINING OF, THE WINTCR .' yiiy X-Kpijtt M'j.Wi- TOURIST 8EA8ON ' AMD THt PLACING EXCURSION TICKETS - To all prominent South' outh west West : Indies, Mexico ana uaiiTornia, ft! It St. lnnsBB,"fIn fan; Kpi'Mson- Tbomunlle, Cbarieston, alien, tjpsiS! 12so2SrSBV flrww - Imnx. Hmnhli and , i Perfect DiniDg and Sleep ing Car Service. ,$ee that , your ticket reads via of Southern; PaihraK Ask v s an Ticket-Agentr for full fhiojrmatiop, ,or address R.L. VERHOMi 1 F. . DARBY. . Tniraltai PtM. Aftirt. ' Ctt, hH, T. gt , , . Ctarlftl. . C. , v Atarrflla, H. C- C LSJ.CVLP, . r:,. w.ATUK, & TndN Masaaer,' Atat. Paa. Tndfc Maaafer, v Waahleales, 0. C. ESTABLISHED r irimQa at as jiafaTiismi isjianrippi sgjur , , This aamandr that we kwjp 4 auBOllad with PUBl, VHtsaa . ekemloaHand pharniaoeuUcali. ' ariaoliavaDoiutAntlr Afloni'' jatuMNCiia o,,r ... t a -. few CTS.JMSCHEI ftLbcsi agency, f sfenn Lg Jimuaiunsuranca aoce contracta now Praapt penonal stteatiMi to all Mete. Ooaaapeaaeoe aoUetted. i 3 fes n.u.tu mtrAin"""-. :;i e f iZ.''TitHMeyi: i; firViLlch KlpainrJjr! i g - O.ii t W k' x -j 1 . .V - v tir.V -f fc-rebotto deflrer tneaa pe vWnf4vWilMMl;iM r r MASTER tf SLAVE By T. H. Tborp. Copyright, 1801, l)y T. fl. Thorp, ?04$000040$0$$HO$ CHAPTER VIII. ABTICU8M0. T HE cooling air of NoYembcr bad checked the fruiting of the cotton plant and quicken ed the iweetenlne of the sugar cane. The harretttnf of the one was ending, of. the other about to begin, when a imah company came together at "L'Esperance" upon Oakfell's Invitation. Thongh not nu- ueroas, It reliably represented the best sentiment of the parish Baldonlno and Bralleton from lower Bayou des Olalses, Mlllechaze and Colmesnotte from Borodino and MoreauTllle, Jewett and Fyrth from Bayous Bceuf snd Huffpower, Blsct and Dufosse from Cocorule, VaUIn Moulllot from Bayoa du, Lac, Father Grhe from Mansura. truly satisfying dinner, topped by .venison and mallard docks, had main tained the good fame of the Oakfell board, and, r the servants being with draws by Mrs. Wyley, gnests and host, ever their coffee, considered the case of the Jockey Leon. f Briefly and clearly Oakfell stated the result of his examination of .the law and the facts. In proof of Qutlleberf a guilty knowledge that be bad not even the shadow of a claim'' f ownership, be read this extract from a certified copy ex the deed signed by him and Poydre, the agent of the heirs of Qaeyrouse: tm oldest son of the said negress Olive, called Leon, la not Included in the present sale, a condition without which the present sale would not take place and la void K the purchaser dis regard It" And, as eatablUhliur Leon' right to freedom, ha cited the article 8010 of the civil code: . "If a master suffer a alave to enjoy bis liberty for 10 years daring his residence) In the state or for SO years while out of It, be shall loss all right of action to recover possession of the alave unless the slava be a runaway of fagravtv... '.-'? ' s ..;. "This provision af tbe law," said Oakfell,- "the distinct exception la the act of sale aod Quilleberf s perfidy In entrapping the unsuspecting boy have determined me, gentlemen, to Institute ault In behalf of Leon for freedom, and I bav felt that I should declare my purpose, to those friends and neighbors srbose Judgement and esteem I value All looked to Baldonlno, who after a Moment of silent thought confidently poke their response: ' ' . jwTrosr' resolutloB, Increases onr re spect for yon. Quillebert Is a shameless demorallier, an evil influence in the community. Els chief gains nave no toriously been from gambling and uiu ry. His Instincts are low, and bis practices are scandals hurtful to our young men. This tnert or a man rrom ThevVound Mm at atharp hnwltoitf iKUitmiuL . I himself is the crowning disgrace he has put upon our parish, in unaertaung tn thwart and rebuke him you do a true service to tbe good people of Avoyelles, Mr. Oakfell, and shall have tne auppon of all of us here." "Not only our support Mr. Horace, exclaimed Yalsln, but our protection sisoS i?'., - Z I "The danger Is not to me, on m T-ann" Oakfell replied. "I fear that Quillebert wUl kOI blm outright In tbe age into which the suit wul turow. ,rf aaul Frrth. whose presi dea ry over sessions of the lynch court tn Hie aarly oay or xne hi. am a dram to evunoow m- mm. mnntaaance testified a terrible eoaraga, "he must in advance be wara- dthat ha cannot mre a TJ AvoyeUea aTterwara, ana a priest as the proper pe Cm. Da you object, sir?" addressing 2?iapUed tha latter, as tM Iff. charged wiu "-""TZZ mm, eauea at uw mm w ni-fc. and Lba aanef mwi - ea tha natt-to QjiOlabart, Tbsr fcuna aim at a sharp bona in we 17"-: .Urtlng tha Bayou Bouga, kU horse and eonverslnj ; with Lam vmb. aoU occupant of her Brana- lesaggaraiea ww. - m as.. I I 1 1 taVmlsnV tCfMnV tha girl oukiy snatch from QuDie. Wrf a hand a. smafl waicn aw - Uia chain ana ""' - -CrfVJr. of tha vehlela and fscovertha before they spoke. . . i m . ml wmst ZZZaZr said tha Sheriff; defflac his !!ZSed the docuavspts to QIDJst, V?Z - ea,, them aseMsacany, tfM ebarscters ww I enaAea wad ma; thae aaaera. wtthl you," saia ratne urne, riding near him and In an undertone communlcat lng the particulars of the meeting at "lt'usperance" and the warning In the woras ot ryrth. In the struggle to suppress bis anger qulllebert's face was that of a demon. It became knotted with swollen veins; his bloodshot eyes glared like a bated brute's; bis heavy lips, though tightly pressed together, shook like storm swept waves of a muddy stream, and nis fingers convulsively worked the pa pers they clutched Into a crunched and ahapeless lump. Father Orbe turned bis eyes away from the revolting spec tacie, but Laure gased upon It fai clnated. The cowardly Creoles Join the bully. lng Americans In threatening a French man with lynch law, and you, mon sleur priest, are their herald, eh? That is the csser at length Quillebert mut tered hoarsely. "It will only aggravate the situation to use insulting adjectives," answered Father Grhe. "Those cltlsens have but adopted a heroic mode of forestalling a possible and deplorable outcome of an appeal to the law In humanity's cause, and I have borne their message In the hope of preventing two murders. Mile. Luneau, you seem to have the confidence of M. Quillebert" He ac companied these words with a slgulfi cant look at the glrL "Advise blm against bis dangerous Impulses.1 Her face was Instantly aflame, and ber eyes became orbs of wrath, but she made no audible reply nor returned tbe bow of tbe priest and sheriff as they rode away. "Ton see, my little Gasconne," ssid Quillebert, "what flows from a com. blnatton of maudlin hysteria of tbe Bstelle Latlolais type and abolition am bition and avarice of the - Oakfell brand." -The Horace oakfell brand, you mean," Laura retorted aharply. "M, Bvariste, I am sure, baa so part in these doings." "So, sol" mused Quillebert aloud, If detecting something, yet doubting whether the discovery pleased blm. "Mot M. Bvariste, eh Ahat Well, let as see. Estetlcyes. Oakfell, yes. But not M. Bvariste; no? She has lost ber reason on Oakfell, but not M. Bvariste, eh? And I nave thought be was pray ing at ber church r "Not so. I do not believe a word of it," snapped Laure. "Nor I now. I must have been mis led by tbe frequency of bis visits at tbe Latlolais bouse." Observing that Laura's vexation was approaching the limit of restraint be adroitly gave bis comments another direction. "My ha tred of the one made It too easy for ms to do Injustice to his half brother. I should have remembered that Bvariste has French blood. His grandfather was a grand rascal of "98. Eite lie's great-grandfather waa a grand gentle man of '89. There should be more puissant sympathy between him and the true Gasconne maid than between blm and tbe simpering descendant of a- supercilious and skipping emigre. We may bav a friend In tbe enemy's camp.' "But the warning most be heeded," Laure said. "For tbe present 7s." Quillebert re luctantly assented; "but toy day will come.' "If you prudently employ those days which lie between." "Ton know my race.1 "Yes." "WelL" "That la enough," And with a sting. lng blow of tbe whip Laura started the trig mule Into a swinging trot toward tbe Junction of the bayous. Beaching the point where tbe road cut tbe levee and wound down a soft ateep bank to the narrow bridge at the crossing, sbe beheld Bvariste on the other side riding briskly out of the swsmp from tbe di rection of tbe prairie, and, though ane could well have passed over tbe stream before blm, sbe chose to halt at tbe wa ter's edge and await blm, unseen from her grandmother's cottage. He bad not ; observed ... ber when he emerged from the forest, nor waa ne aware ot her Mesenca on til ha had begun the de acon of the almost sheer declivity with apparent recklessness, but with Justl- fled confidence tn the sura rootea Dean that bora him." Checking bis hers at the bridge's approach and saluting T - l.nirhlmrlr. he said: : ' . J aavtua wyHiHavi - - - : , -l Anres vous. msdemolaeua." 7 "No, M. Bvariste; pass aver to this side. I have something to say to you," aba replied, and In a moment ha waa at her buo-KT'a wheel. "Tell me." said aba, "what is taa meaning of this persecution of M. Con atant? Ia it neighborly? ia it not aboUtioalstr "I have no part In tha tmstnasa, Have me," he answered. "It is not me aort of thing to Interest nM. Mybrafhar affects obiloaophy. bamaiiltarlaalaai, s truism and other Mms wucn appeal w hia emotional aarsre, but, wklch nave no charm for ma, and it seems aa aaa undertaken tha affair aa a. knight of old would sally forth to chap the head off adraooa." i ' ' t -To win a fair lady. Laure rutniaav ed tbe eonetasJoa from ber reading of the Trourerea in the old books sent to ber aTaadmotber by tha brother-who had acrvwl tbe emperor tn Egypt, i "I do net comprobcna, msQammswie,- aald Evariete. Wba can ba the) flair ladv of this axulolt?" ' i LatMaM." no soot xse at him. Intently watchlaf bla race, rt flosned; aer paiea. tsvv. rore- Iner a smile, ba answered:.. - i "Ton are bot guessing, anaaomoiocaa. Horaea baa not seen Kfia. LatloUle atoca- aba want away fottba couvent near soar rears ago.' It la yeu wba guess, and bany. , Tia BTaadebUd as? the to guesa. Attend -to sev Thar sight ran away be want to yr srota- mt bysMeB,'WKb- tkat be would procure the rogue's free- At tha vary mam sat M. was leatBartng tha wretcb aa ha de- nerved year brother was peasatartbe A af tn his and ptooglac hlmaiir to tne beeaa for bar aae." "How tan yem hare kno-rtedge of tbesatblager His eyes and vato ba-' tnyed agSaOoav 1 J f j ( "Hew can yew be Igsoraat ef them rba sea your brother every day and (ba lady but Bttla leas aftoal- saw ber advantage. "TUm b) a d pee-lehly, M , T W If I could feel aader duty." Jura, eSxhlng, and, entehjanj a look In tfie young man's eyes, she add ed with an air of trusting frankness: "But I will tell you, M. Bvariste, how I know, for, though I have not convent eoucanon ana accomplishments; I am not one to smile and conceal, pretend and deceive. Know, then, that old Olive, Leon's mother, comes frequently to my grandmother and to her baa told these things as aba learned them from Odette, the maid of Bstelle. They are true. No one dares Ue to the doctreaa." "Probably. I thank yon, mademoi selle. Good alght" The young man raised his bat with hi right hand aa be tightened the bridle with bis left "Botr exclaimed Laure, aa If to stay blm; then, suddenly changing her pur pose, amiably repeated "Good night monsieur," and, crossing the bridge, tolled slowly ap ana bank, while Bva rtste's horse bounded up the other like a chamois over an Alpine wall. He gave bridle and apur to tbe fleet animal, whose speed waa timed to the storm that raged within his breast His brows were drawn downward and together, and from under them his eyes looked fiercely, but saw only tbe im ages created by his freniy. Ha could but believe that his frequent visits and warmth of manner had plainly notified to Bstelle his passion, though It was aa yet undeclared In speech, and the os tentatious suavity of ber reception of blm, aa ha now regarded It waa suffi cient warrant for confidence that bla devotion waa acceptable. His brother's patronising munificence and studied show of candor had lulled him Into a sense of security against any possible Slain between their desires. Tet those two had met on a memorable day. An arduous task had been Imposed by ber ana taken up by blm. which necessa rily Implied reciprocal regard and trust rewsra or the tender est nature and the hope thereof. Their hands bad clasped, ana ne, ror the guerdon of ber favor, bad set forth In a venture perilous auke to bla Ufa and bla political pros pects. Only a perfect understanding of tbe most ardent character could explain all tnie, so sunnily bidden from blm. Horace, taklng.advantaga of bis (Eva rate's) dependence In fortune, was ruth leasly trampling bis heart underfoot, for be could not but have known bis love for Bstelle. Should be submit to be thus ignored la that which waa most vital to bla happiness? Would life In such submission be worth living? No thousand times not Horace) boasted American bravery. Bvarlsta would meet it with a trait inherited from his ancestor, which had contributed to deepen tbe red of the French revolu tion. The ungulded courage of his brother waa a dolt; bla own talent waa patient; calculating engineer. He would await the proper time for Its employment and the affect would be the horrid crash of aU that had been bullded an his wrongs. This was tbe first shadow that had fallen upon bis Ufa, and bis soul surged darkly as a tempest tossed aaa when the winded horse stopped at tbe gate of the Oakfell home. . Seeing Horace advance toward him, ha gave the command of Gloster "Mr tkeaftrt d to ay mil Owe Oaf - cms eoaar- and greeted his brother with a smile. CHAPTER IX QTjnXXBXBT awntBTAOtS. I T Is In the natura of soma men to maintain and defend tha wrongs they do mora obstinately and cour ageously than their righta and to stake mora for tbe retaining ef aa unjust acquisition than a legitimate There are those who would die rather than restore 111 gotten wealth, yet would yield their honest earnings to avoid a threatened inconvenience. Such are they who restlessly cultivate calumny to tha undoing of tne victim and laugh at tha truth which damns themselves. Constant Quillebert was no weakling. There was no lack of vigor In his char acter. His Waa a strong mentality, hit vlilon' straight 'though his courses wars oblique or tortuous. , Neither was ha the passive ; creature .of circum stances nor yet a mere form molded by environment Such aa ba wss ba made himself , by tha exercise of volition, forcing hia selective power Into each trait af bla character and every phase af bla Ufa. Ha could without strain of reason bav been a pious churchman. but preferred to defy priestcraft and from choice, net conviction, became a saucy Infidel. Wlf a and children, would have sobered and softened bis progress to tbe grave bad ha willed, but domes tic restraints war aa distasteful as moral limitations, and banc ba scoffed at matrimony. Nothing was lass dluV cult or expenatve than to becom an Americas citisen. entitled to political righta .and honors squally with bis neighbors; but weighing the nduee. menta on either side of the proposition. ba refrained from swearing fidelity to tha euaatftutloas and uw which pro tected blm and bla accumuUtlona and remained tha subject of a foreign po tentate. Hia genius snd sccompllsa- meets would have enabled blm to achieve by approved Industry and cam meadaMe methods a competency, even wealth, is the generous eoaatry when ba dwelt, rat chicanery, commerce to tha failings af bla fellow umn and fr booting excorslooe to the bornwns af tha law appealed to htm mora cogently. and, as said by Baldouina, "bto chief gains war notoriously from gambling r" and be waa rated a nca a with goodly stor of gold. While It bad bean potentially bla to b to tha y an eider, grrtng yaagment be enjoyed laoaeo among tb car at ordec atoewd. bald, un scrupulous, tireless, be was a) to wbeca Oakf a0 bad caned toto tbe During the anadrensJal period pre ceding the cTtfl war so other word was so etoquoat to stir popular wraS tn aa tb word -aboBrOooJSt.- wakh were at a amen the neadon, and tta deflnitton was confined within th aTaosymoua eeop. af ypocrHa. 'Sasasatn," "torree tJonlat-'houas burner nsatrophOa.' Its bBgUupoa tbe aaasa af saau ua Jnurs a (bat af eriaaoaar the faaaavof 4 wauaaa.- An tse and tntnUrant, tbe sjumssi ua rear sad to fury to tb baton warn, were be very poor white tabaatuag tbe infertile highlands, who never wn- ed and eeidom hlml aegro all res. All aentimrota bar their extrem cxpa neta,and "f was sot antraakms tbst the Inlmlcs) to the abortion ment should te those who apparently would ba least damaged by Its accom plishment Tbe cunning wit of Quillebert waa In stant to see advantage in tbla condi tion of tbe popular mind. He bad nev er pretended a legal right or title over Leon. He knew be bad never pur chased blm. . He bad not forgotten tbe exception In tbe deed. He was conscious tbst his possession resulted rrom a abameful kidnaping, and bla do minion bad no other baala than might He felt that, tried upon Its merits of law and fact alone, the Issue would be determined against him. Therefore other influencea must ba brought bear upon the contest, and ready to bla band lay tbe anti-American prejudice and antlabolltion passion. The thought or uakreii triumphing over blm stung as an oa lash. The barrenness aod un- worthiness of hia cause stimulated him to exertions and Inspired tactics which were revelations of endurance and In genulty. In as many nights ba rode to Man sura, La Coign e, Bordelon slough. He de Cote, Marksvllls, Bayou Blanc, Pa wn Ha at, Coude d'CKuf, Bout de Bay- on and Pointe Maigre and sounded the head man of each of these settlements. Laura Luneau waa bla ambassadress to tha women of Coude du Francala, These were the colonies of bla country' men or their descendsnts, small plant- era of tha uonslaveholdlng class, keep ers of cabarets and roadside shops, blacksmiths, shoemakers, gardeners, charcoal burners, fishermen and hunt ers of tb mallard and tha pa pa bote. Tbe Insinuation was dropped among them that tba suit was a move on the part of the abolition laU aad Oakfell waa their agent, and close upon It fol lowed tba rumor, traceable to no source. that while at Baton Rouge ba received numerous letters from Boston. Albany, Philadelphia and Oberlln. The nlgbt of tbe Sunday preceding Christmas found Quillebert presiding at the batse covered table In tba back room of Dede's cabaret at Mansura. There were no cards or cblpa oa tbe cloth, but In their stead were dishes snd a great bowl of steaming gumbo prepared by Dede's wife (he bad no negroes) and glasses and pitchers of hot rum spiced by Dede himself. Around the board were Dr. Da Boux, Arlstldes Psrtvle, Fulgenca Jadot Mar tin BrIIIe, Aloe Bobelin, Homer Tit bout Norbert Case bat and Tlbouree Pratjean. Tha last waa a swarthy, big Jawed, low browed man, abort aad broad shouldered, a lawyer who la the last election had been an unsuccessful candidate for tba Judgeship. Hia rest less black eyes, small and set close to gether, hooked nose and twitching lips over an assertive chin revealed tha spir it and faculties Suited to further tha purposes of Quillebert Tba outer doors were locked and windows barred. Nina saddled horses stood under tba long low shed at tba rear ot tba cabaret in- cloeurc. "Listen. Constant" said Pratjeaa. "In tba court I shall say tba plaintiff waa born a alave; bis master never emancipated him. Emancipation must be exnrees: it cannot ba interna mm conduct Born a slave, never emanci pated, whence got ba tba right to sua and stand in Judgment! Answer m that! First tha question, Has ba tha right to sue? If you can answer yea to that only then tha second question, ownership vel noa. If you mast an awer so, then, though M. Quillebert own him not tha plaintiff is out of court and cannot ba heard. No right, no salt: that's alL" That so!" cease from bla auaiton in enthusiastic chorus. "Softlr I Softly I Not so raetr ex claimed Quillebert, thumpiag tba table with bla glass. "All that one wgw mar da for tha day of trial or it may not Tba Judge truckles to tne Ameri cans too much for my taste." "Ha does." assented Pntjeaa. "Therefore." Quillebert continued, "we would be fools to run to blm. Slow la tba word. Delay, postpone, put off, tin them -out threadbare tne case, starve It, ss that when K finally gets Into court H must be carried on a lit- tar. Ton can do that ah. Tlbourcar "That Is my forte," the lawyer an swered, chuckling. "Meanwhile." Quillebert went pnvs to your neighbors, your wives aad daughter that It H an aa aboU tioo trick; that tbe people are being be trayed by tbla bragging American aad tba aping lowland Creoles. Why, that Latiolala sir! la already asBsmea w sneak French tn company." "Bshr ejaculated tare ac cd nates en and suet on the floor. "When tha true French get to unoar- stand rightly what tbla case mea OakfeO will not bav sounge to try K, sr. If he doee, tha Judga wUl not dan to decide In favor of tha negro." . Quille bert emphasised this forecast with a aUy blow from bis fist upon the table. "But Constant" Da Sous laquina. "what about Leon In all this delay?" "I have considered that" Quillebert reoUod. -The rascal has gene, spirited awar. of course, ny ueaieu. i vacua blm to the steamboat wood pue on tna Atcbefalaya near Blawport and win bunt for blm ao farther, if I win tbla I win ana OakfaD for tauioo damages for abducting my Jockey aad $X,000 mon for defaming me. I w4H hint what tt to to threaten a Fieachiuia with lynch law. And old ais aban weep a bucketful of tears far tb saeddllng af bla pearly gnaddsaghter. fur I bald AO0O af hia 'Aye. ji yll ba hanged!" cried Dede, and tba clattered f you as than Is a una campaign. with spoils for yea, Tlbcurca," said Qufflebert. wanaed with tb sum oc s general." tba lawyer declared, hia sseaa UtOa eye sparkling, wane aw tongue tb Jumptag lips. scar" Quillebert produced notebook aad pencil--"which ef you beard Leon admit b waa my stover - : - 'v " ' '- 1 at tb ne track," answered Ja- dot Brtltoasd.Tltbeut. - 'And I at tba church.- sum rortvt. 'And l-Dedra utterance waa thick -right ban never stud. Dede; yeu can be soared. tba rest ef yuur remember taw m caned as ulti at eoort." be aid to the ethers, writing to hia ee- "Wa wffl. sun. sun, sun," they snm- faad, and b retauued ih book to bla pocket "Boor said Quillebert "Fulgence, tell old rrandpere to let you have that gun, and I will pay blm for It neit Thursday. Arlstldes, coma to me tomorrow and sign a new note at one year. I'U give you tbe old one and not count tbe Interest Martin, you can come and drive tboee two sows borne any time after tomorrow. Homer, tell Tstin to pay your taxes and bring tbs receipt to me, and I have a pretty sil ver cross for your little girl Felice. Fill your glssses, my friends. It is late. Dede, bare you the flask ready, aa wished f "Bvery one full, corked and In tbe bot ashes," Dede assured blm pom pously. "Tben"-Qulllebert raised bis glaas- "I drink confusion to Americans and abolitionists and success to tbe sons of old Gascony." "Down with tbe American! Victory to the Oascons!" cried every man, ris ing to bis feet and emptying his glass. Dede brought forth tbe nine flasks of bot rum and distributed tbem among the company for sustensnce on tbelr ride in tbe chill night air, and, quietly mounting horses and pooles, this markable gathering dissolved. The last ta leave wen Quillebert aad Pratjean. Tbe latter said admiringly: "Ton an a genius. Constant" "No fool, at least I hope." laughed the latter, disappearing into tbe dark ess of tbe swamp road. Then wen but two sessions of tbs court each year for tbe trial of suits of h civil nature; and these were arranged to meet tbe agricultural convenience of the people, one In February In advance of plaatlng, tba other In September be fore the commencement of harvest. Hence tbe procrastination prescribed by Quillebert was no very difficult feat Dilatory pleas put In by Pratjean serv ed to toll the case over two terms, spanning a year. His professional en gagement In tbe court of another par Isb and the sudden sickness of Portvle, tn Important witness for Quillebert, certified In writing by Dr. Do Boux, sufficed to carry It over tbe second year without trial Throughout this space tbe Interest and activity of QuUleberfo adherents never flagged. It was the theme of talk at every store, cabaret and steamboat landing In tba high lands, at every Saturday nlgbt gumbo ban and Sunday mass. At sessions of the court and police Jury the attending crowds discussed It with ever increas ing heat and bitterness, tba prosecu tion of Quillebert and menace to Cau casian superiority constituting th be ginning, middle sad and of each eym poelum. Insvltabty It took on some what of a sectional character, tha rich planters of tba lowlands being the srm pathisen with Oakfell and tha critice of Quillebert. to ooirriRtncD.) Hard to Vaderstaad. Matt G. Bobeon. proprietor of tba Riverside poultry yards, Port Leyden, N. Y., writes to A Few Hens about bla experience with eggs for hatching the past season. Mr. Bobson states that be had a ben set on a lot ot egga ana goi te. At the same time another hen hatched four out of a Bitting, and stiU another hatched 18 chicks out of IS eggs, two hens sxierwara sex pro duced nothing. He shipped 100 eggs to B party, and all batched but five. Same week ba shipped three sittings to a party, and only nine batched, and so on. Cafcba Fee Daaka.' In feeding ducks cabbage Waldo F. Brown says he holds tbe plant tn bis left band, bead downward, and slaahea It In alloc with a corn cutler, ne says he can cut a bead fine In less time than it takes to write tbls sentence. Un merchantable bends, those that burst and loose besds, an Just as good for tba poultry aa any, and If cabbage Is grown for market then will be enough of these to feed a large number o fowls. Babies and .children need proper food, rtrtly ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to jet their digestive machinery working properly. COD LIVER OIL a wrm tnrpoHtosPHnzs uncsom will generaJty correct this difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day yoa will soon see a marked Improvement. For larger cruldren, from half to a teaspoWuV according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great rwiroh fog power. ' If the mother's milk does not flourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. ; It wCl show an effect at once both epon mother and child, . ' - aS.nanxfcat. ' aCOTT SOWin, CaaaMK Us Taih. fflellpooo )0OO00000O000G000CCCCCCC3O We Now Ilave CELEBRATED And would like for you to come in and inspect them. There's None Better. And, Quality Considered, Prices are right. For as to sell to a customer who wants CLOTHING. v 7TE3TT2"? Because we have the stock and can fit, as well as please, you both in quality of goods and price. If yoa are stoat, lean or regular don't imagine we oan't fit yoa. OUR MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Is growing, for the reason that we have only one price, and . and yoa can bay as cheap by ordering as if yoa were in oar store. SALESMEN: Dolph Moore, C. W. Lindsay, Darius Payne, j Charlie Crews, Harry Sergeant aad W. H. Matthews, .vf . We H. Matthews & Co., GREENSBORO, N. C. ;Durham Marble Works You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your departed loved ones, but we wish to re mind you of our low prices. -O- T. ELU -lliiDST, HPiopiletox. We hare a complete aaaortaent of Uie Uleat pattern and deaicn. TIMBER I will pay CASH for Maple, White Poplar, Birch and Ash. I buy it in any quantity, delivered at your nearest railroad station or at my factory. All timber to be cut 52 inches, All timber mast be 6 in. ia diameter and ap, also sound, straight and free from knots. ur Will pay for Maple $6.00, Birch $4.50, Ash $5.00, White Poplar $4.00. Prices named are for cords; 128 cubic feet. : , u , i ; , ' m R. B.FAUST, Burlington. J. E. CARTLAND, Merchant Tailor, Greensboro, N O. New Goods. UD - to Workmanship, and a best of everything. . Summons by Publication. Rorth Carolina, the Superior Court aaeeOouaty. Before t a Clerk. W.M. Walker. W. H. TnXtneav and wife S. A. TVounavr, 4 u. waiECT, mmrj i w aiacr. 1ct1 j. Walks aa Jao W. Sail lb aa vtfe J.H. Walker. ntatoetMrtalSTeeteCttoen tbelaaa of L. J. WaUar. Saoeaiwl. for artftioa laon( tae artr. af law. it appear at. Waikar la oa. ot aM bain at law. ewe amata aBalvtdaC latorast la aaa to eaai avta amne apoa hia. Thai aaMiaad la ta raaaat Oi ftbt p. a l.maana aoualr. North OaroUaa. and lethweharaof theeud L.J. Waikar, Htm.a ae.ailotiatokrlathedlrlakjof herteta- ai. uauuiaa. naannf ia 14 BDacaal aiuueUn h raabla bafora tbeelera at hia ofhea ta hawa. la urahaa, la eaic Uxaaty aaa Stale an Meoaay. the SMh a7 ef Oetarwr, Tha pvtitioa win aa niac la aua arnoa bafora mmid Clvft aa or bvforaaiC Car, whn J. M. Waikrr la bvrabvaouSadtaapBearla Deraoa. arbra- hantar Sulr autbariad, ana enawer, or Sa aiar to UM pMJUoau aad. taoafaatt of btaas dc. tea rmtm ptajwa m ia il oa Aieateela wraaaat. Kptftbrr the 4ta. IS i. a. Siuuioilb, aaTo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 Rartwr CDanSed as fee arfnlBtatretnv wtmmxrn at i. a, Sboffnar. tmmwi. I h by wiHifjaU persona hariocaiaiaBa to prftarot thata to a, or to J. A Lone, ttif iMomf, lot paraipot wltbto tba t!aa miairvO bt law. or una aottea will wfiw i tn ear ai a re coTary. CHul r t H. Adair.of sap. a. San. Jaaa B. baotaar, DhI a Large Stock of the Zeigler Shoes " ! H -i -Ai a. a, COO White & Co., BURLINGTON. N. C. DURHAM. N. C. WANTED ! - date styles. The Best good fit. : We use the . . . . . . , , . AnuxrATTtrji' (raer awe aalairtia) h evarr eas aarihar. Oaljr a a paar. a pmt li i. I i li il ,.,; am MtaHtNlUa:lnai Btrwah. Kallahla. 04 sola. Vmm. Caw, tcwlaal aa4 rarfaei-rmiac rapa rum SiiTE::: - a Sanaa eat tm Mr i. m4 q m M (w IW. 1m m, mmt . aaahaaiha . - THE MaCALL CO.. tlVUMIT Watt MSt, M f AUCTION GALU Horses, Cattle, Farmlr.g U'. at my stables, Eloa Cell o, C, Dec. 3, 1S01. .Noy.H-ds V.'.S.LC'-'. O poqketerj. tJaT a e.mi aalw tm 1 7H