rrni 1HE Alamance LEAN 4 : m) . n : ' v l : vol: xxvii. X GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBEK 28, 1901. NO. 43 JGdM,. m o U Prescription r-usness ',.. 4s.Oii8pC&Ltk: m 3 that- we kacp . an - ttile'ifomalrid. ' uDDltod with PUHBV VKBMF eh.ntlcalsand pta.rnwoeutlo.lt. W..1MMS.T. wMiuur a, eOttl- .i plete lln. of patent and propri- r .utrr jteaioinea, renuioerjr, OB Mi Ooi Briube. lotw. nd InmiM Habuer Good. WrlU Ug lHjMfWi .08 .OtO. jip,;,. HEADQUARTERS J rO-RNXoXR vARoysterVti V ' : Candies; , , ... , ;vv Always Fresh. r -' -- - - ' - &;iT:omp-d ri'y 8 , v ANNOUNCES THE TOURIST 8 GABON I ANOTHEtACINd ! EXCURSION TICKETS To all prominent CG-1- MASTER By T. H. Tborp Copyright. 1001. fcy X. fl. Thorpe. X A Abt Adalnlitxatloa of Picaident Buchaaa approached Iti cIom ramon o aboUtioolit fffrMslTaew (raw in irwiuenc7 nd proportlea and ao charg ed tb public mind with combustible Idea, that tb. almple mratlon of thla lawsuit caused a number of small ar ptoslooa in tb. form of fisticuffs within wjb connnouse yard, ith "under tht drippings from tht eares of tbt Urn pl." To th. woman and children of the uplands, many of whom bad uerer teen turn, the name of Oakfell was as execrable as Judas Iscarlot's. go acute had this unfriendly feellnf grown that ome of the eonsenratlre minded sug gested to Oakfell the poller of with- arawinSYtne suit ; He flrmljr rejected the advice.: Throughout this turbulence of senti ment Bvarlste held calmly aloof. When ever the subject was obtruded upon him he dismissed It with the remark tbat.be was neither a lawyer nor a noi Itlcian. His brother regarded this In difference as In harmony with bis poet ic temperament and was not displeas ed. Kvariste became more elusive In habit.1 He rode often and far Into the aolltudea of the swamps, where the deep- shade accorded with bit somber mood. Rivalry with Horace for the hand. of stelle: he felt was Jsopeless while his sole eapectancy of fort an was from his brother's grace, and his visits to the LatMals mansion were made at Intervals of Increasing length, degenerating Into brief formalities, but he bitterly ewsed bis dependence and silently fed the flame of passion within bis pent breast Lanre, brown and vital, surprising him new and again in bis wanderings, lifted him from the deeps momentarily,, yet be struggled to escape her and descend to his gloomy UttllllM ' 11111 MIUM Ik. MUumMUiM ' 6$uthv 8outhwest, West the public agltaOoo be kept a steady entirely out of sorts and should suffer frotn tb. esclteoMut. If you are will ing, I prefer te rente In at borne and take tb. piece of 11 Inker Wyley. wbo must qiive with bis mother to- the court But for yeur sake I wish you I Southern flndles. Mexico and California, loMliie. Pilm Beach,! ilaml,- Jackson- '1111, lampt, fort TJUnpt,'BrBMWIck1 I BioinasTlHB,--tku&.'bUai i ; ; ; rUle, Ituntsilev 0r- , ,s t meet Dintnijf ad! Sfeeb- if Ca erv1(; tSjw pt i; ,Southern Railway. Ask ; any Ticket Agent for full V ' fiiformatioB, addres e. ; , f. I.LVCIIHOH. . i.DAIIBT, rwella iw,r City nuMtT.tfr: eaarteHe, .C. AtkMllle, C r, T r" PL avwowict. f f if t T - Treetaeter."--sstdratfrslle Hsaefer, v Waskleatea. 0. C. and observant eye. KsteUe was dismayed at the conse quences of ber demand upon Oakfell, which sbe was made to realise by the dismal reports of ber grandfather and the malediction of herself by the Qulile- bert faction. To ber own Impetuons- and presumption sbe charged thla strife among neighbors and Its unhap py possibilities. Bbe wept and prayed for guidance and Anally, sending for Oakfell, said to blm: "It was at my request made opon girlish Impulse, that you entered Into this contest which has amused sucb bitterness and so altered your position lb our parish. Then you bsd not an enemy. Now I dare not tnina or toe number who wish. you harm. I did not then foresee this dreadful result but today I am quite a woman and know bad no right to Involve yon so grievous ly for tbe gratification of a mere whim of mine. I entreat you to proceed no further In tbe lawsuit To now would result only In your Injury, but In no one's good, The girl's 'speech was earnest and ber prayerful face ao beautiful that OakfeH aee4 upon It In a wordless rapture so til bis very alienee suddenly called hha to reply: "Ten say further prosecution of tbe '1 And no fault wltb your choice and thank you for your good wish" said Oakfell. wbo was soon flying upon bis fastest norae to Marksvllle. Plantation affairs concerned Evarlste but little tbat day. Rldlug through tbe flelds to place himself In evidence be fore tbe squads of la borers, be plunged Into tb very heart of tbe dark Choc taw swstnp and gave blmseif up to thoughts blacker than its shades. He flung himself from the saddle and walked furiously to and fro through the tangled growth as tbe captive hy ena restlessly tramps his cage's length. He sat upon fallen trees wltb bead burled 1n bands over which bis long black hair fell as a pall upon expired Dopes. He leaned on tbe patient woo derlng borse. muttering-curses on tbe condition, and. perrons tbat were the -causes of his unhapplnees. - But In all this frenzy and wrath and mad acting be kept before blm always and dis tinctly, aa a registered oatb, tbe pur pose to poaaess Estelle, even at tbe coet of bis brother's undotug should tbe power erf r be given him. it was the day of the great trial. Tbe tactics of rratjean had at length been exhanated. and now be was 'compelled to the combat. . Though Oakfell started alone, he was Joined by supporters Tt every planta tlon, store and settlement be passed and entered the village cavorted by a numerous cavalcade of tbe moat sub stantial dwellers In tbe lowlands. Im mediately about blm were Bnldouiuo, Jewett Valaln Moulllot and Father Grbe, tbe laat meeting tbe party at Manaura. But tbe QuIIlebert forces were also up and movlug. and from er ery polut of the prairie they could be seen lu button, galloping en their lit tle ponies, occasionally yelping: "Vive QuIIlebert! Hurrah for Qolllebert!" And already tbelr diminutive steeds had foreatallml every bitching post In tbe street, and about the courthouse yard, and tbe riders had swarmed In tbe cab arets, calling for absinth anisette (at Qulllebert's charge) and denouncing vo ciferously tbe cursed Americana (at Qulllebert'a instigation). In the his tory of tbe pariah no eucb concourse bad ever filled tbe courtyard or tested the capacity of the courtroom. The i i i ESTABLISHED 1B93 Burllngtoii Insurance -Agency,., irsuramce m au ;rr auacHO. Local agency of Penn Mutual .Insurance . , Eest $ ft i ance contracts now , on the market. ni - - - a f ' rrtapi pviimnm mvwmmmrm ev i Jala'fr ALBRIGHT, agent. I Fins Watch Repairing i j Vs'Bodi.-'''",; ! shoe ngpAiBtwa - W KATLY as FBOH PTLV 1 copra: by .. . .; 1 . ; . NAT FOSTER. nit eeuld result In no one's good,' bo aid, smiling. "What then, becomes of Leon's freedom, which Is Its sole od- lectr . Oh. but Leon la gone. m. vjomeoeri will never are blm again." Bbe apoke as one to whom bad been unexpectedly given the opportunity of successfully closing debate by a word. ! "Ah. mademoiselle, do you not snow tbat under laws wblcb now exist and are enforced by tbe feurts of tbe Unit ed States QuIIlebert can take Leon wherever found, drag him back to thla nl.iv. hitch him tow Plow, whip blm before each meal and compel blm to aleen standing, and tbat man'a last state shall be worse than tbe arstr " -ImDosslblet Impossible! This la a Christian land gbndderlngly exclalnv mA VMM:, ? 'V', ..', ,1 . r "It la possibletl aaeu're you. and prob able, for. aa you well know. qaiiiSDen la no Christian man, and. wtuie I grant you this hi a Christian land, yet Cbrls- ttanttv farms no oart or tta law. mi. baa been distinctly declared by tta moat nmat court" Oakfell aaswared. "What then, are courts, air. uaa f.lir shit demanded, astonished, "Ther are human Institutions for tbe mtorpretatJon and enrorcemeot oy man against man of man made laws, and yet humanity to tbe least of tbelr attri butes." And before such you wlU persist wltb this case, so unpopular ana bo kartfnJ lo rouT" -I wtii, because net to oo ouer on- banal to anneal to: I wiu. Decause to abandon Uls wrooged aian to tbe law's erueHv n tbe face of tbe brutish mob's threats wooM bo eowaraiy. rrairoroo. to my ale4ara of honor ana nweruy of your renpect maxJemoJaelle, which. g tmat. i -bar and will endeavor to merit I will flgbt thto flgbt to the end for tbr sake of the right and. Jus be cause yon did Inspire It for Tte yonng man's fbes glowewltaa Mmth of feeling wblcb bis words but partially expressed, EsteUVsaottejw atui ttn aenra a too I .mA m. k ROV&. w. than mba mar uoa vmwo yva and your noble cause." one w kand. noon which he ."" . kt i kmt to lmDrras a pomma ho checked tbe Impulse and said: Too but eoutJDe to urn . e at n. " say ennao. ana an whi t. aflar no nan i " . , - Igbt sbe stood spoo uo few rjw r v ni. thmbblnf heart and irblsnertof to herself: "Oh. why are Uko this man r CHAPTXBX.t - . 9 "Wi . tri. rt e. -n A t.vn trial rtater naked OeJtfnO at eonduston-or aa 3 , . . early Deeaanafc 2 -.v hrotber. nnlaes you " w fcstoC artof repli 1 f&S b J Bit tona, Maoh hoar Ml ua pall upon eagMeen ptenea long Maded pocketknlfe waa In many a band, hungrily demolishing tree bark and fence board, and tbe ugly bump of the Colt pistol waa seen under many n blouse, while not a few shotguns were observed to be carried from peoy and. die to cabaret and there put out of sight The general expectation waa tbat Mood would flow freely before the setting of tbe sua. QuIIlebert waa at tbe offlco of Prat- Jean, scowling, morose, surly and deaf to bis advocate's assurances of vic tory. He caused bla witnesses to be brought to blm singly and rehearsed In their expected testimony. TVbile Ibis was proceeding tbe com minding figure of Jewett wss sees to emerge from tbe crowd In Oak fen's office and. bla red whiskered face net in au expreaafon of grave determination, walk alewly aero tbe courtyard to rratjean a office. ' Tbe movement was qulrkly notified to tbe cabarets, wbb-b were Instantly emptied of their patrona. who drew near to watch and bear what tbey con Id of bis ml. too Arrived In front of the little office building. Jewell Mopped and called: "rreijeanr "Hello T answered the lawyer.- ap pearing at tbe door "Steo here a moment I Wish to have a word with yoo," said Jewett "WUi yon not come Into my efflce, af Jewett? Ton are perfectly welcome to come inside." Pratjoan aasumed bJo most saava manner and licked au nn- oniet ItDSb No; I have nut a worn in nay ana nrefer to say It here In toe open.' fTatJean approacnea aim jtwra continued: "1 bear there b) a good anal of devlltsb fool talk going on among these absinth soakers In the eonee bourn-, how. i just want to gi r" bit of Information, and yon may make use of It aa yon son nt km this: OakreU'o friends nave come nere prepared for anything tbat may bap- pea. It n gun Ctmeae, tumj mrw mv w- tng to pay any attention o those prai rie rabUta over there, but will til Qunieberfs body so rail of lend that ho would fnmian ease xor aui nanabote b outing next sommer." H. Jewett" aaid PvaUean. ecaetJng eJo head with an air of offended air Jtr. "do rem mean" -I mean Inst what I Mrs nam. rrav inan, and you wadOTutand ms perfsetly n- And Jawstt stalked back to Onkfsirs offlco ha hla esaJtseanry nellb- srnts gait .- -' As Pratjeaa was tornlnh re-enter the now his name wns again caseo. leokmg arsund. he aaw doos anr- leten. TOonma,- nam ma mw. ktitlK. "Tamtn MonTOot went to rtorin's cabaret this aftloa sad told If shore nms any trewMS teoay no and st ethers would shoot at yon nobody earn until two wars nsed p- 1 wfl! attend to him mser. I Pradeas, the fright of thto osuv ninnlrsHen netting his Bps to thnmptng riaUnriy. "Cooe in. Da." Bbartly Dade nnd one otter mci oo aAco nnd circulated among QnOleberfs AdTeretrta, and thereafter a pent nettled upon inem. Three women also bad Journeyed to from the lowlands Mrs. Wyley. In charge of her son, to testify la behalf of Leon's freedom; Betelie LattoUls, pale and anxious, accompanying her grandfather, wbo bad been summoned aa a wltaess oo the part of QuIIlebert, and Laura Luneau. with the mammoth buggy aod giant mum, who,, wltb steady look and bold speech, explained her presence to be only aa a partisan of QuIUebert lira. Wyley and Estelle were tbe gussta of good old Mm. No reau, mother of the clerk of court wbo lived not quite a street, away from tbe courthouse, and. nearer aUU, Laure flguratlvetr flung her banner to tbe breese from tbe Toilette de la Oaa- eolgno." the little millinery shop of tbe petite and ancient Mile, where abe received marked respect from the many who deferred to her as granddaughter of tbe doetreao and to whom abe sought to Impart some of ber own courage and energy. Among the throng were a half doxen "t m. c-'s," aa tbe free men of color were In those days designated, wb6 lingered silent upoa tbe skirts of tbe groups, fearing to be spoken to, yet held by tnteosest Interest wltbln bear ing of sll tbat waa going forward. Tbe one person wbo appeared unmov ed by Indeed unconscious of the pas sion which surged about blm was Ho nors Victor Tallleur, Judge of tbe dis trict court sow and for 33 years past. Only twice bad hla renomlnation been contested and then with resulta most discouraging to tbe competitors. He was of Gascon descent . and poor through disastrous speculations of bis father and eider brother. His are was DT. Thirty-Ova years he bad been a! widower, bla wife, tbe beautiful and ploua Ernestine Lafon of Tointe Coupe, having died of yellow fever In tbelr honeymoon. In commemoration of ber he bad over since paid for a pew In the church at Marksvllle. but bad never eat In It He gave Ita use to poor worn en wbo eould not rent pews. And ber grave In tbe cemetery behind tbe cbureh bo visited dally, standing above it a brief moment wltb bla bead bowed In reverent' meditation. Hla life was simple aod studious. Be read and re read Rousseau and Paloe. adored I be "Corpus Juris drills" snd "Code Na poleon" aod recognised only atsnlo, Kent and Marshall aa doctors of Amer ican law. . Gentle, lust and bravo, be bad lone Mld tbs chief place to tbe bMrts of his seoptol' Bla gears to somewhere on the battlefield of Kerry rtlle, to Kentucky, to aa apple orchard. It to aaid. but no one baa ever found It As the Judge'a tall form and dark faee. wltb kindly eyea and waving balr of Iron gray, wees seen moving toward tbe courthouse the throng gathered about blm. returning bla friendly greet ing, and fallowed blm, or as otaay aa could gain entranos, Into the court room, the raised benches of which and the stale between being Immediately occupied. It wns noticed tbat the high land men appropriated those on tbe left facing the Jndgc, tb lowland men those on tbe right .fifty or mors, on- able to ret wltbln. stood oo the veran da on wblcb the door of tbe apartment opened. Hundreds sat and squalled to tbe yard beneath the uocloeed win dows. The "f. m. e.'S" perched upon a portion of tbe fencs tarloelag tbe yard, tbelr poo lea bltcbed near by. Tbs lawyers, except those engaged te the celebrated rase, were already In their placea wltbln the bar. Bf chang ing a few pleasant words with tbeae and briefly eonferriag In an undertone with rbe sheriff, the Jnde aarended tbe bench and ordered tbat the sourt be declared 'a session. Presently Prsijesa waddled briskly In. sccempanled by Qnlllebert. Dade followed, bearing a double armful of lawbooWtml looking with hla warvd. metallic face and big. bleared eyea like a Caliban carrying fagota to the Ore. Quiltehert surveyed tbe lowtanders with a sullen glance of defiance .Prat Jean nodded Jerkily to Ibe twnrli and bar and ncraons in the andlenre, bla pursed lip and nttle eyes performing a tarantula dance the while, ' Relieving Dede of bla anwelrome harden of Books and arranging them oo the desk before blm.1 be seated himself and be came at onos absorbed In making notes of seemingly grave Import r Tbs appearance of Oakfell waa so long delayed that on the big bland side It began to be whispered that be bsd given up tbe case. QuIIlebert caught the Intimation and communicated It to his advocate. Tbs totter bustled to his feet and. addressing tbe Judge, said: "May It please your honor, I move that tbe plaintiff be caned three times from tbs door of tbs courtroom sad tbat if at tbe end of tbe third call bo do not respond to person or by attorney Ibis suit bo dismissed." And be turned to the audience a face announcing tbat he bad disabled bis opponent at tbs first pass. Tbe buss among tbe high- landers indicated that sucb was their belief. Mr. Sheriff." said tbs Judge, "call Mr. Oakfell at tbs door." Forcing bis wsy through tbe packed slats and veranda, tbe officer roared "Horses Oakfell. Esq.!" "Coming."" . answered at stentorian voice which seemed fairly lo shake tbs Father Orbe. He held In bis hand but one volume, the civil code of Louisi ana, and hla companions bad neither books nor documents. He satisfacto rily explained bla tardiness, and tbe Judge directed the trial to proceed be fore him. neither party having prayed for tbe assistance of a Jury. "Are tbe parties, plaintiff and de fendant preaentr" inquired the Judge. Tbe plaintiff to present by attor ney." said Oakfell "And tbe defendant la present by at torney aod to person," responded Prat- Jean, wltb special emphasis on the words 'In person" and s scornful glance at Oakfell, which waa greeted by a whispered "Aye, yt yir from tbe left Tbat la auScieot Read your plead- Bereaud. ' Inge, geatlsmen." requested tbs Judge. Oakfell areee aad read the petition of Loon. It wss eeoolse and perfectly plain. reeWag mesely that tbs plaintiff waa bora lbs Slavs af Vablaa Quay rouse, deceased, and waa Inherited by tbe belrs of said Qoeyreuae; that far the period of ten years, wltb the knowl edge of bla masters, be waa suffered to enjoy freedom wltbln tbe state and thereby became a free man to virtus of tbs article 8910 of the elvll code; tbat afteV Ibe expiration of said prescriptive period tbe defendant Constant QuIIle bert, by deceit obtained control of plalntllTa person snd unlawfully de prived blm of bis liberty until tbs In stitution of tbls suit falsely claiming to be bla master. Tbs petition con cluded wltb tbe prayer tbat the plain tiff should be Judicially declared aad recognised a free man and released from tbe custody and dominion of tbe defendant rratjean In bis torn recited In a dis jointed wsy tbs snswer of Qolllebert It denied tbat tbe plaintiff bad ever en Joyed freedom by tbe permission of any person entitled to bis services aod asserted tost baring by bla own ad mission been born a alavs and never emancipated In tbe manner and form provided by tbe laws of Ibe state prior to 189T. be waa without right to ana and stand In Judgment In Ibe courts of tbe stats, and hence the answer prayed tbat the plaintiff's demand be rejected. It waa apparent to all professional minds tbat Pratjean's plea was drawn far more artfully and skillfully than was Oakfetra petition and opposed dif ficulties of a technical kind which would scarcely bars been sotlrlpstsd to a demand so simple so Leon's. At lbs coaetwston of tbs reading Osk fell said "One of my witnesses to so old lady wbo bas never been within a court of Ju.tlce and shrinks from appearing lo open court before ao audience com pos ed entirely of men. I ask the consent of tbe other side to have ber testloiooy token before your honor lo chambers.' "I refuse consent," snapped Prat Jean, braving tbe Indignant glances directed open blm by tbe Judge and every other veperlabte man lu llieeourtroom. "My client baa received no rourtealas from the other side, snd for blm I toslat"- "You need proceed no further, sir: the request Is withdrawn," said Oakfell At bla Instance Jewett left tbe court room and In a moment returned escort- tog Mrs. Wyley and ber son Rlnker. oo wboss arm abe leased. ' At first .tie seemed greatly agitated aod dnsed by tbe atraag surroundings. but tbe assuring words of tbe Judge, tbe preeenre of ber brave and devoted sen snd ber Inborn Dolcb good sense soon restored ' ber equanimity. ' Tbe narration abe gave of the coming of Leon to ber. bio life Under ber keeping. his inveiglement by QuIUebert aad ths tatter's oral reply to the written In quiry concerning tbs boy's detenttsn was so circnsutaatial, direct and evi dently truthful tbat Pratjeaa shrewdly realised tbs peril of venturing opon his favorite mods of cross sxamlnatloa aad dismissed her with but few questions fairly aod politely put Us greatly re gretted bs bsd forced ber to testify In opsa court. ' , Oakfell produced the records show ing ths settlement af ths Queyrouss estate with tbs Preach belrs. and Emit ting any pries for Leon from tbs pro ceeds of tbe sals of slaves, aod the deed. Joined to by QolUebert for OUvs aod ber three children, excepting Leoo from tbs sals. By father Orbe aod Valslo Moulllot bs proved ths admission of QuIIlebert made at unsuspicious times, tbat Leoo waa not hlo store. On the part of QuIUebert Pratjeaa exhibited ths Inventory af tbs Quey rouss estate, lo which ths child Leoo wss appraised as aa asset Jadot BrOls aad Tttboot testified to Leon's admissions of Qnlusberf s own ership of him, aa they had promised aver the gumbo and ram at Dodo's. iii i bunding sad which actually shocked sas bshT toe scrspaats. far at was rss Sffstaed as that of Jewett sod ss ths wblepvrlng frees span ibe lips of ths QsOlrbwt tarty snd I're1j.u's eoua ten. ore eautVssrd to s fn l.ng that be bsd made s fori of biiu-if OskfcU Walked la w!t1 Jewett .'a-lJOlCJ Sad midst wers'wstcbing wltb unsleeping eyes, for It was the first of a series of mines tbey bad laid for ths destruc tion sf southern society. Ho warned tbe Judge against leading tbs aid of ths tow abd courts of Louisiana to those enemies of ths Colon, those as sassins of Caucasian civilisation. lo tbeas flights hs bopped from place to place aod threw hla arms about lo a mase of gesticulation wblcb served is utterance, as an obligate accompani ment supports a wild song of passion, Hsd be spoken oo word bl pantomimic art would have conveyed an Intelligible address. Indeed It la said of bla class to Louisiana that If deprived of the power of gesture tbelr speech would not be understandable to one another. Hla voice at times broke Into falsetto tones maddening to tbs sensitive ear, but bis oratory waa effective, and was difficult for the sheriff to suppress tbe applause which repeatedly broke from the left aod tbe spellbound groups In the yard. Oakfell waa unaffected by thla dis play. , His reply was practically a repe tition of bis opening speech, reiterating bla dependence upon tbe plain meaning of the article of Ihs code. He con eluded by declaring him sn soemy to the stste who would describe ao appeal to tbe court of tbe land for freedom aa a political menace to tbe common wealth. It waa 4 o'clock lo tbe afternoon wbeo tbe speeches were concluded. Ths Judge announced tbat be would gtvs bis decision st B snd left tbe bench. Oakfell. Father Grbe, Baldouloo aod Jswett Induced tlielr friends to remain to aod about thS court, while the high Isoders hastened to tbs cabarets to give a oolsy ovation to tbelr M Ira beau Tbe frequent shouts or "Magnificent! Oraodl Oloriousr wblcb rose from thoss places evinced the bspplness of Pratjean's admirers under tbe Inspire tlon of unlimited absinth aolsette. At the appointed hour all resumed tbelr places of vantage, aod. while tbe tension under which enforced silence put them waa painfully visible, there waa about Pratjeaa, QuIIlebert and tbelr supporters an unmistakable air of confidence tbat tbe victory was with tbem. Pratjean's grand effort bad removed every lingering doubt from tbelr minds. - First tbe sheriff came out of tbs Judge's retiring room, left tbs building and In a moment or two returned. Be tapped tbe court bouse bell three times aad took position at ths right of the Judg s dsls, facing the andleoee. Jodge Tallleur walked slowly to bis seat' He looked Inqulriogly at tbs sheriff and. receiving aa assuring bow. busied himself briefly to Discing tbe papers to tbs sull upon tbs desk before him. From the be aches every bead was stretched forward, steeped bsads i held behind strained ears, aod suppressed excitement wss depicted upoa every face. Evea thoss of stron- aervee and best schooled la self esotrei could not wholly conceal ths offset sf tbs sltnstloo opon tbem. Jewett moved onssslly In his chair. ejdoslno sat wltb arms folded upon his mighty chest aod by straining them together aad looking at tbs celling thought to prodncs an appearance sf calmness hs did net fed. rather Orbs took snuff Inordinately, aod Oekfsll looked to the floor and for tbs first time almost regretted tbst bs had In augurated ths litigation. Pratjeaa crossed and recrossed his feet and Inv satlsatly Dressed bis linger against tbs throbbing lips, and Qullleberf s muddy eyes saprssssd satisfaction. .Tbs still- was broken by a girlish voice at eoms distance exclaiming, "Hurrah for QuIUebert-ba. ba, ba, bar tbe merry tough, fresh aod hearty, disclosing tbe psrsooallty of Laura Lunvau. Tbla produced a stir of relief, snd Immedi ately upoa It tbs Judgs pronouueed bis decision. He ssld: to na comruD.h FOff HARNESS ndJ Mexican tfaetenc Link "J.. - -""j rrln, ,r m ,nir qm, rlj n lM,n a. m j v- It's this .way: You can burn yourself with Firewith Powder, etc., or you can ccald yourself with Steam or Ilot Water, but there is ' only one proper way to cure a burn or scald and that is by using Mexican Mustang: Liniment. It gives immediate relict Get a piece of soft old .linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind loosely upon tho wound. You can have no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a born until jrou have tried it. APHWI TIP "7m naves bird afflicted with" Roup' 'Uni I II, otW poultry duns, dm Hsztoaa M uaiment. nn called a sTsjuuBsresMdy by poultry or any JOOOOOGOOOGOOOOOOOCCC We Now Ilave a Large Stock of tht ) W ) o o CELEBRATED And would like for, you to come in and inspect them. There's None Better. . WJ ... And, Qualitv Considered, Prices are right. White & Co., BURLINGTON, N. C. IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCCOU U all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or leu, is Tbs distress of Leooidas Latiotais no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get ting too thin; they ail come under these two- heads: over work and undcr-dincstion. Stop over-wet k, if you cani but, whether )ou can or not. take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it true but, by it, yoa OakMTs was calm, direct, aalmpas- can. There s a limit, howeveri etooed and devoid of appeal te the emo-1 .n M r He relied solely and simply up-1 j .' 1 " " ... I - . e w ri a. a Dtsrai aooucstioa or ue emeu i Scott a emulsion of lod Liver of tbe code which he thought rendered I .. . , , . . Judgment la his ollenf s fsvor sua void-1 v-"' ' iuiwi wis wr "can t eat, unless it cornea of waa so apparent that tbs pity of sB feeling msa west to him when bs was summoned to ths witness chair aad mads te stats under oath tbat sa ths day of tho memorable race between ths ausree of Judge Bgss aad QuIIlebert Leon said hs was the Slavs of QotOs bert sad begged him (Lattelaia) to boy blm. In an unhappy moment hs bad communicated to Qolllebert the Jock eys applieatloa to him, aod tbat Inde fatigable csasmaker had by dint of per sistency, wtoe aad accommodations of sard debts argued from his memory tho nr prsflsed 10 Loon's prayer. Oakfell mads as effort to replace ft. This dosed tbs evidence for QsUle- Thsrs was ao more striking see. tract hs the satsre proceeding than that be tween ths arguments of the two sd vo ls abto. From Mms. Korea re cottege st times the sound of his votes, not rwur uwhk w wuia you tu t never a distinguishable word. PraUoaa's dry. harsh voice vexed the ears of ths assemblage wttbta aad rat tled apoa thoss without for aa hoar aad a half. Leers beard every syllable. aad often ber pretty brews heads best together la sparsvaL He read copious lX from French summsatstnrs opoa ths tmpoaeibUKy sf mmrts esUrvaloJug tbs s sf perssns net sol Jans, us seed aasMrsos dactelsas by tbe state supremo ceart declaring omaadpatioa resssry to riot be sas bora m slavery with the qsslMy sf Salter aad magal dad late political slgnlocance tbe in stant cause which, he said, tbe pesti lent sbolirlenlsts throughout ths north and their secret confederates fax anr long be well and strong, without some sort ot activity. Th. mnulne ha a thla picture) on It, tax. no otner. If you . have) not triad It, aemd for froo nam pi a, Ita a rramabls) taste) will SCOTT A BOWNB wn.misTs, 409 P.arl Strt, New York. 60c and fl.OOj all druggists. Cft VI I si- Foley's Money Tar for caiidraa, tar, aara. Na opiate. TIMBER WANTED ! I will pay CASH for Maple, White Poplar, Birch and Aah. I buy it in any quantity, delivered at your nearest railroad station or at my factory. All timber to be cut 52 inches. All timber must be 6 in. in diameter and up, alao eound, straight and free from knots. , . ' ' -.r tmrvtm pay for Maple ) ), DirW t. , i t 5.00, White Poplar $4.00. Prices named are for cords,128 cubic feet.' " "wr'! : ,-n.t::f& ,, f R. B.PATJST, Burlinston. J. E. C A.RTL AND, Merchant Tailor, Greensboro, No, 0. New Goods. Up-to-date styles. -The Best Workmanship, and a good fit. We use the best of everything. . . . . . V . ". . . Summons by Publication. Korth Carollss, .1 . .; . - - ;is tb. mipenor uoun , Before the Clerk. W.M. Walker, W.H.TroHncer and wife B, A. Tmimaer, J.u- tilfr, mmrj l w &mer. Uvl i. valkeraad Jaa. W. SaUtt and wife J. M. Walker. ThtaaisepeetalsroeaeaiBctoartl the tens. of L. J. Walker. .,,.. tor s.mitoo sokhic the balra ar law. it appear. Ma J. tt. WaiiMr la m or aaid heirs at law, one aereatn BMivMa iimraa id aaa to lande havtMtSeweaded upon him. That aM tend 1. to FleeaMt Grave town- Btp. Atoioo. OQMQiT, Wert. QuoIIh, an4 ea. ailottaS So her la Ue dirtatoa ot Wtr raLh- I. MUMfn, simmm. m atd emota! eroeeeUles ha. beaa hiiait. ra- lanwM, before UMetwfc at hi. efltoa ta the ourt houm la Graham, la mh Cosarv ud State oaMMKlay. tha Mth Say of Uetotior, IS il. Th. petition will d SIM la Mid omo. hvfor.mldClwkoaarheforamiSa.r. wt .Bd hr mi4 mpoMMI J. M. Walker t. hMMysotlsaa toappMr sprnM, erkfM tonMV Sulr aathoriMd, sad aeawwr. ar aae to tt. avutwa, aad, la default of kU ao aotnc, im rwiei smyea soe Ui tn aauwaa rill w rmatod. AtoSVia IB Uraham, KeMMnber the 4 th, MO. ... J- O. KaajiWDLS, C uTO. - A FEXE PATlXniI (mnr ews aat.niial m em, a.s acrlhw. Oaly lull a wr. m w mm V e. :s-affB r: 1 Brrlt.h. K.ltekta. mm iii. tcMMiitti aoa p If m a ' ADMINISTRATOR'S KQTICE ! Ravine enaltSed aa the admrntahratcr of tMNUII of 1. M- Sborimt. iwt, I hi by nod f 7 .11 penoo. havinc cleJmt to prvnt UMiloaorlnj. A. ic, Bf itiwwt, fur mtwoI wILhla aba Urn. requlreo t , lew. ar thi. aottea will b. jiil In bar rt a r OOfWf. ti PMI It I J K. Artmr.oT i si. a m. . a. iuuImt, imh. j I SS In m " M tf e-. -m wa Smos m Su CM, m am4 m mm fc---. Am tm llA m mm im Ij mwmf msf mmtm mmm mm to mm hmwm TC MaCALL CO.. Ml-nS-H7 Smw US U BtSt auction salt: ! Horses, Can!, Famntr fat mm Bt1aV!x3 T '.r Pz-V pec3,lS01. 11