. j. The Ala ! '" A-."" ' i5--1, -'l ""f 'ST JjT I. f -V- Iff LEANER. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1901. NO. 44 0 mange tBrescrlptipn Business . II.... t. . n Vi a .fN UP""'-' W 1 1 l " f nsoti ..nil piKi HiHoeutloali. .3 ' Waair ntrt eoiMi Hntir a oom- hi .o'D.tulit and naproprl- CooMi Brtuhes, Soap, and tpengi Kuboer Gooaai Writ-. -log Itatsrisia, c tew eta. - HE ADQU AR TE R S F OJI N A R S Alwjljs Presh.-? 3 A J Thompson & C o w p tt tt f z r 8 'Off" rSoutBem 1 T6URI8T.SA30fl '1 AND THB PLACING ,3J-"y-i-0i 8AL6 UF EXCURSION TICKETS . .v- - To all prominent t-t pointflia tbe', , Sdtith. Southwest, West " 'Indies, Mexico and . , California, " ' INCLUDING SLtoptiBe, Palo Beacb,( Miuna, Jackson Tlltt, lampi, Port Tampt Bransncr, TtMmasTllle, Ckrlestoa, ' liken, 'I IttSnstk PlnebnnL ulu-. - "Tlll,iIuiU; EetOr- ' i leans, Mempllls , 4 1 The.. Land roU the. Sky ingtCjtr Setvicif SeeCtht yoflrf tick ek reads Sfia 4f r: Southern.' JEailwiy.tAsld any Ticket Agent for fall 3 fnformatioo, or address TmtllM Pu. At nt, ' CHiitan.iiiiT.itgt f. H. HMD WICK. Mt Pm. Tre Huaftr, ESTABLISHED 4 AA. nrlingou Insurance (. Agency tmuuwi ta u n iixiMaia. ' Local gencjofPenfl ' " Matnal Inearanoe ' I . Company. burs cnntr&CitA how Z iHOK BKPAtRINO '.WKATLYfcPBOMPTMr U NAT FOSTEI?. - r-r fjw INmir. Z.';T.IIamyKii l .1 ' Tl ' l FTisVatch Rcpsiring i : I CRAILAM, N. .C . . ' !yBoadia;.-v:v-,r. - ! j ftnnouugooooscoocoocwoooco MASTER and SLAVE By T. H. Tborp Copyright, 1901, by T. fl. Thorpe. j0$0$0$000$0$0'0$i0$ "The prohibition of emancipation In tnt itat doe not apply to the acqolal tloa of freedom by prescription, as pro vided by article 8510 of the clrll code. Ibis article Is not repealed by the stat ute of 1857. They are not upon the aame subject matter. The slave after the prescriptive time must be free, and be becomes subject to the laws relative to free persons of color, for If the master cannot claim him he Is free. The Intention of the heirs of Qoey rouie to allow this plaintiff to enjoy bit liberty is clearly established. This Is sufficient, especially where the contest Is with mere usurper, with one who got possession of the plaintiff under the pretense of affection, of being- his god father and in order to enable him to sea Wa mother. One who could thus act ought not to have the favorable consideration of a court of Justice In his attempt to reduce to slavery one over whom be has no right but that of the strong over the weak. He got pos session of blm under false pretenses and Should be allowed to derive no benefit from a possession obtained by treachery and from a control over the plaintiff exercised without permission from bis master or heirs. "In such a contest the technical rules of lav ought to be construed with as Brack rigidity Id favor of as against blm whose only hope Is in the protec tion the courts of the state can afford blm. ' "I am therefore of the opinion that the Judgment must be in favor of the freedom of the plaintiff against the 'de fendant, and It la so ordered, adjudged and decreed." Those nearest OakfeU shook his hand warmly. Pratjean held a hand kerchief over bis Hps, and bla eyes could scarcely be seen. Qulllebert all but foamed at the mouth and glared viciously, murderously, at his adversa ries. During the delivery of the Judg ment 13 of the sheriff's deputies, whom very one knew to be heavily armed, though their weapons were not expos, ed, took positions In the crowded aisle. When the last words of the decree fell (rem the Judge's tips, 300 men, mad dened with excitement, leaped to their feet. -,, . The Judge arose and In a voice which arrested the movements of all said: "My friends, I am not unaware of the extraerdlnary feeling that has been en gendered by this suit But there must be DO violent manifestation. All must Those ttearesi Oakftll shook his hand j..uii,?J. 'Warmly. nbsalt to the law. I nave bad the aberiff to take snffldent measures- for the prose rvattoa of the decora m of this eatrt and the public peace. I admon ish yea to leave this place quietly and rfiMiansi ' fa ' vonr respective homes Mwdlir. De net bring disgrace upon oar parish and misery upon some of ear eitisena y aa, anseesBly demon, fetoattoo f approve disapproval of what lus Jast oeeorred. - t an the Mend of all of you, aad as such I give The words from tue jaage naa i effect be wished. The courtroom emp tu4 alAwlv and noiaeiasaly. The sber- Uf bad stepped aear to QoMeoeft and Frata and ald lo a lew tooe: . ;I know what I am talking abect Stay when yoa ara atn aH the others nf heeded hie warning. Aa OakfeU was Boosting bla bores ride aV w1t father fJrbt a terv- m mi Um Korean raa M hb mm mtn Was kla aates ; - ;5 t A AMtMJI ax a urn.- "S O sweet a coeseseodsOoo aa that yea seat to ase at we dee of the trial aaade iiia. had to be ae kawwledged ta peweev, tbeaw two sbert noes bsbo mm - ma were attttag eo the Veranda af taw Latlelals saaaste ta the early evea- taf af sprmra aa, t3 mt atara waa apoa the fan haywa. which waa-fte riw2 the plange ar ft .T7B" f chi lloasmn. reee aad .i. mmA the waUipsafwIira autat aefteBed the wildly Joyoaa pe. 2Sr eTalaTtant in.Wrd 1. the featkertag topef aero mmm v have eWdea see rev .mZZ Mr. eoeid net iwsamm OakfeU, I etmimmmmmmm ywl lew mt met 7dr? "TTLzl-? bdera for say rZ7,. 4-. zTT-u, of Uf e waicb have natioa EST Iw. ,r!znli ! the awat kpssM faaUly. . The ee therefore, mademoiselle, could not ap preciate. It follows that they would not be proper Judges of the appro priateness of any speech or communi cation between you and me on the sub ject As for me, the result would have been maimed without your cxDresslons of satisfaction. Tbey were the rewards tor which I labored." Kstelle lowered ber bead and held silence leet attempted reply ebould be tray her agltatlou aud ber adoration of this niau. She felt sorely the loss of mother's training, which so effectually habituutes the Creole girl to still the maidenly seutluients. "My brother has not seemed to Join in toe general rejoicings of my friends.1 OakfeU remarked, to the great relief of the embarrassed girl. "But be Is also somewhat of a recluse, a poet and dreamer, who loves to view meo and their affairs from a height Of late have feared bis beslth was Impaired and have suggested to blm to spend the coming summer In the mountains of Virginia. He does not take to the Idea, however, aud expresses a reluctance to going away from the plantation." "I, too, have noticed bis changed ap pearance and manner. Formerly came often to our bouse; now I seldom see him. and then be appears almost unfriendly. Maybe he Is in love, maybe I bsve offended him," Estelle suggested. "Not the latter, I am certain." said OakfeU. "and I do not think the for mer, but If such should be the case wonder who can be the happy detnol seller' "I could not guess," replied Estelle, "but I do know one who ardently ad' mires blm. "Who Is she?" "Laure Luneau. She was very Jeal ous of the friendly visits M. Evarlste formerly paid to me. Alas, she baa no cause for Jealousy nowT "Do you regret itr asked OakfeU. alarmed. "Regret what?" Estelle looked up. surprised. "That the Gascon gypsy girl has no cause for Jealousy of yon concerning Evarlste. "I regret that bo visits, me so sel dom, but not the other." Estelle, with womanly Instinct perceived that the sting-. of Jealousy bad momentarily thrown OakfeU off bla guard, and she rejoiced In this ss the beginning of proof that he loved ber. "But why do yon caU Laure a gypsy t" she doerted. "I should not have done so," OakfeU admitted, "but suppose the thought rose from ber black and brown ttyls of beauty and her connection with the tra canny fame of the doctress. to whose trade and Its good will she doubtless wUI succeed as forced belr of ber grand mother." "Not Laure," laughed Estelle. "Reli gion sits too lightly on ber. The doc tress must be duly religious. Ton must not speak Irreverently of the doctress, Mother Deenautellee, for she Is kind to the poor and suffering and naa given relief to tb'ose who could not buy It from the doctors." "1 speak Irreverently of nothing that Is honestly meant however mistaken tt be. and upon your avouching will spect the doctress In the future mors than I have done In the past." Oak feU concluded be could not safely dis cuss tbe peculiar powers attributable to tbe old woman, but was loatb Just yet to abandon the granddaughter as a topic and added: "Laure was decidedly a campaigner against ue la tbe suit wonder why she felt so Interested." I "There le a strange sympathy between ber and M. Qulllebert I have beard my grandfather say, and U. Qulllebert has sure coutrol over tbe persons whom be takes Into friendship. I dread bis In fluence over my poor grandfather and daily pray God to destroy It He U a wicked man, whose smile la as danger ous as bis frown." "8noold tbe. supreme court sustain the judgment In Leon's case I have rea ton to believe Qulllebert will quit this tartan." OakfeU sahl "aad then jour grandfather wlU be released from tbe hurtful Intimacy." "If tbe supreme court sustains tbe fndamentl" Estelle exclaimed. "Can you doubt It. Mr. Oakfelir "There should be no doubt yet tbe Judges of tbe blgb tribunal are only men. subject to human pesstona. preju dice and Imperfection of Jndgiaent I have no absolute reliance apoa any future -error which dVpeods apoa the mesisl operations of eve. Qulllebert bsa taken an appeal and, I am Inform ed, will retain a leading member of lbs city bar to proeenite H. However, tbe esse ranuoi be beard antH ralL aad aterb may bappea before that" "Tea." sahl Estelle spiritedly, "yn stay be selected as a member ef eoav gress at Waafalngtea, aa I bar beard my grandfather tar," - "It la line thateeeseef my very ar 0ai Meads talk ta that veto, aad I aaav fees ( yea. madeasotaMle. thai I not aet s versa ta the Mea If the people deem aae desarrtac ef the heaor and tmst. " "Oh, do try. Mr. OaaftUI To vffl certainly saceeed. Toa are n every way worthy. Taa wffl honer tba aea pla. Ton win make s aa happy. Oh, what am I saying? forgive my Igaav raace." And. eobbtag bar aaarfaataa. she ran tat tbe boas. - OakfeU rose and stepped toward bar, hat ahe was tea fleet He reeaasad bla cbair sad meditated apoa tblb mctdeai. which assured bla that ha) s Kslslle-s Interest teesibty bar tara. His heart welled ever with Joy aad tbaakfalaeea, aad at aae moment be resolved to declare hiadheif that avaav tar bat at tbe next trmlned to watt tba overcoming ef trouble aad passage throagb trials that en floated his not far aff. If saccate ware bla, bare ahaald be tba trophies; at defeat wen, ha woald aea. . ' Having dried her eras, not not anv- Odette by tba band. aad aaJdt T -a be ash beta-ale wed to thank y. Mr. OakfeU, foe yew brave tease ef bar aaace.- -I reqaJre aa tbaaka. I have al ready aay toward. I bope, for what I did HLeea'e eaaa." eaM Oaktan, too taj aaxtoasly at KatoBe, who eyes taraed awtckly away. -1 did aot aaeaa ta than yea. txr. I weoM not fcaanr hew." tba flirt artod, ksesDng aad taktag bla band, 1 e4r -wasted to aay that I pray rar yea lag. aooa aad algbt aad win fla This Is very pleasing to my feelings, Odette, for I know It proceeds from true and honest heart, bnt understand that every obligation to me can be dis charged by your love and Bdellty to your mistress." "My mistress r Odette exclaimed, springing to Estelle's tide. "Love my mistress! I would gladly die for ber 30 times a day. Love my mistress! Why, the It my religion. It may be wicked, but when 1 kneel and close my eyes and pray to tbe Mother of God It Is only the sweet Image of my mistress I see. There la bnt one angel oa tbe earth, and that ta my mistress." "Hush. Odette, yon allly girl" said Esteue. "Mr. OakfsU wttl think I teach you such nonsense." "Indeed be will not my mistreat," Odette replied, "for be must tea you Just as I do, because be Is aot blind, and he la white aad educated and smart" Both laughed at tbla ratiocination and welcomed It aa a diversion from what bad threatened another embar rassing situation. OakfeU prepared to take bis leave wbea Odette said: "Mistress, may I ask Mr. OakfeU a question?" : "Certainly. Odette, unless Mr. Oak fsU objects." "I am sura I do not," be said. "It Is this." Odette's voice faltsred "can Leon coma back bow without dan ger?" ;. "Tes," Oakfell replied. "Qulllebert appeal does not suspend the Judgment' addressing Estelle "aad pending the appeal I do not believe be would dare to offer Injury ta Leon, who coald live on my plantation until tba ault Is end ed. Do yon know where he 17" he In quired of Odette. 'I can get a ward to blm," ahe an swered. Then let blm come ta aay place. you wish." Wbea BsteUe gave ber band for good algbt Oakfell said. This much at least af reward you will not deny me," and, prssslag hit Up Ugbtly upoa It rod away tba very happiest aoaa under the tars. "Oh, Odettel" algbed EateU. sinking Into a chair. ' - "An, mf happy mistress, be lore jrou! He loves you I Aad wbea love could be Uko blar said Odette, leaning aver ber. "Ha did not aay so," complained Eatelle. "Bring my guitar." While tbe affectionate alave aat at ber feet Estelle pitched deUdona chord from tba instrument aad ber voice rota clear and tender lata tba perfumed night alnglng: .. "is s ssi isv s has, Wkm a euviMs ksss has' tnsf at, Om hs am it Iris nu Task tl w, asJ stress H." . Tba Whippoorwill and tba warbler ta tbe cypress hushed to Us ten. CHAPTER XU. TB LAW SCTBtMB. . j , s EPTEMBKB af tba year 1800 waa exceptionally bat aad dry avaa for tba climate af Lou lata na. Martgatlea af tba Miaalaalppl'a tributariee Impraetkabl. Tba baked alluvlea crumbled. Into a depth of impalpable dut which rose In clouds at the dis turbance of a dog trot Tba stiff land were af stony barduese. Creamy wblt lay the cotton flelda oa tttber alde af tba bayou to the areeo border af tba most bang swamps, aad tba bed af the deep, ' yawning bayeoa rhemseivrs coald almost be traversed dry abed. It waa afternoon at tba dote af tba month wbea BvarUte, attired ta tba latest of tbe city 'a mode, aUgbted from bla baggy at Mother Dee ha u- 1110 gat. Though be bad driven tbe long distance from Bad River landing. on tba Mississippi, where aa aisem. barked from tbe steamboat en hi re turn from a visit to Mew Orleans, he appeared neither travel stained nor boated. Bather be looked apotut and cool - La ore, In a gowa of stuff wblcb might bar been woven af tbe spider's web and wblcb clang lovingly to t perfect figure, welcomed blm with warmth af manner wblcb would bare proved fatal to any ef ber SO Oaa eonold admirer. Ber beauty, tbongb dark, was rich, dataltag and dangerous, and she knew It b realised tbe pow of a emll aaada ap af g1ltalng teeth and parted carmine lipa. TbegUat- lag af deep brown eye, tbe arch peat of a pretty bead aad tba eprlagtag atep af dainty feet were a peats af health aad vitality af ber awa compott- Bat tbe aarrow forehead gad moath apoke aa asacb af wilt aa ef She led Bvartot ta the ahaded veran da aad, asrvtog btas a draft af rfreeb Uig wlaa, aald: "KowtoU me, gnat tra vetsr that yea are, all abent the wooder of the grand dty, for yoa kaew I have sever base ther.". "Ob, aa," be replied. "I aaw ae waa. dera except Bailee ef Meamtag atrecta aMf swarm of (weltering people." ' Kotblng short ef Pari far yea, dteef aald Laare. . "WaO. I might eompreeaiee aa Tleav aa er possibly Ktaa. Bat aea. La are, what I artof yea." Evarlste toe fross hie pocket a emaB packet eaeateg wblcb aba dleeevered a dalaty Bawl laatber aad aatto Itaed ease, wtth aald aa toRlahi -U L." ha la id apoa H aad Wttbla K the watch gtvea bar by QalUe iert which Evartete bad Mbea to be ibpalred ta Mew Orieaaa. Liftiag the Watch, the dlacavwad at tbe aad ef the Lahata a ebaraa. a geld eretceat atadded with wtoa red ruble aad aperUtag 1 moada. Bbe eotdd aot apeak bar Might at tor. bet looked la aa eestaey free tbe Jewel to the yeaag aaa aad free aim to tbe Jewet-ber face weald thee bare been aa artier treaeare aatll wards lass to ber, wbea h xrklmd: Tram yoa to taaP -If yea arm accept, be ease. 1 de accept" aba erlet prise thl creeesat aa the I ef any tassimlsaa Bat what will Ke tone say T - "What wffl QalUeftert ttyr rtwrwC ETaftota. with aotae abadeef hrrtUtiea "WhyT asked Laare, etanled. Tl gave yea tbe watch aad tbata. he as Id. - Aad she gave ye tbe"- Be check ed herself aad bit ber Hp ta vevatlea. Tbe what. La are f Bay M aad tot It - - - - - . ' - - t "rorxire ate. say frtond- Tea. let K to ad wtth k aay Itteexhl ef oa not speak 111 of the absent, but talk ef other things.- Be prepared for uu welcome news from tba city later on. Qutllebert wlU loee tbe suit" "Why da you say thatr "Because I beard tba arguments the supreme court and thought I ob served their effect upon the judges aad tbe assembled lawyers. Tbe whole matter It exceedingly distasteful te me, aa yoa know; still I could aot well de cllne my brother's Invltatloo to be pres ent at tbe trial of tba appeaL Zabonrla made a learaed aad forcible effort for Qulllebert, quoting autborttlee and drawing deduction which appeared absolutely unanswerable. But Horace, with aa ease at wblcb I marveled, met every proposition, aad bla Irresistible logic picked It Into shred. He ex posed tbe sophistries of Zaboarlp't con tention and flung them aside. Wltb childlike simplicity of language mad Leon's case ae plala that every layman aaderatood the principle oa which It rested aa thoroughly as did tbt moat learaed lawyer, aad with the eloquence that comet of anaffected earnestness be held ap tbe Juatlee and eqalty enpportlag tbe dedal on ef Jadge Tailleur. He appeared to carry every man wltblo bearing of bla voice, tad wba be concluded It teemed that all doubt of the righteous oca of bla ease bad beta demolished. Hit peroratloa was beautiful aad patbetl wltbeat being theatrical-la fact, waa what tbey can a proa poem. I waa aa mock am axed aa any ef bla hearers could have been. I cannot divine wbea aad where be got all tbe wealth aad vari ety of learning be displayed la that ad dress. Laura waa Interested, but aot pleas ed, by Evarist glowing account of bla brother' brilliant aad maatorlf era tow. ,.' "Where H M. Horace?" aba asked. "He earn op on tba boat wltb your "Ma Whrr : v "Oh. nothing. I only tappoted ha bad returned wltb yoa aad stopped at Es telle'. That It what he will de when be do tome back." "Laure, why do yea pen 1st la such allusion. Too rarely knew full wU hew tbey wouad me." "Of course I do. Bnt It la aet to wound yoa. Mo; It la to make yoa ae who tbey ar that car nothing for yur happiness. That girl la aa Indif ferent te yoa aa the pearl whose beau ty tbe vainly affect. She reach for fortune; you have bob. Bbe aspire to American ladyship; you tie a Creole, Bty wltb your kind, ray Mead. It wUI pay yoa best la tbe long run." This speech was a whip cat to Bva- rit' aplrlt aad worda af chagrin and anger mea to bla lips, yet be forced tbetn back aad. coaaummat actor thai h was. gav ae tlga ef bla toffrriog. "Too bare aat told me where your brother la," La or said, fondling tba crescent lovingly. "I left blm at Mew Orleans talking pontic. On bear nothing else there now. Tbe supporter of Breckinridge enoeartge Horaee to raa for toBgreaa, aad be bt quite willing to do so, though be tens them be la opposed to the ex tension ef si very. Tbey regard tbe race aa being entirely between Mr. Breckinridge aad Mr. Douglas. Llav totn's candidacy It laughed at" "If the lawsuit should be decided agamat M. Horace, be will be bitterly tDDoeed Ib tbla parish," Laare ob served. That te a very big If." Evarist re- piled. "And If Lincoln should wis a great many plans will be upeet I know nothing ef poUtloa, bat tbey say the thinge oa tbe h lab land." Laare assM- ad apologetically. Toa moat make that If atlll larger, Laare. Tbe great heads ta the dty wUI hardly admit that Lincoln la raaalag." "I have heard my graadfetber aay there were Jost twe smart mea ta tbla parUh-Baldealoo aad Qulllebert one gifted aa If from Ood, tb ether aa If by tbedevO." WeUr Queried Evarist. 1 have also beard that Batdooiao aid aot toag age that both DoogU aad Breckinridge are aaadidatot te tbe Uaeota will be elected preaMeat, and QolUebert baa aaid that be win wla the salt In the supreme eeart" Laare bad tpokea wltb a paettivaaett that wad aet without Ka effect a pen Evarist. aad aa he poiaaed hie Jeer- eer homeward be tertoaely revolved ta hie miad the poaalMiroea aaa taarr bearing apea bla ewa alma aad later- Oakfell retaraed a week later, aad ale MDoertert eat actively ta werk to a favorable Megaea Uaa aaOed te atet at Beag aa tb 1Mb day ef Oetoher. They were satisaafal. tbeagk eoaetoarahM atrengtb waa devatoped agataet hit. It waa believed be weald reoeive tbe aeejlaattoa, whlefc weald be taata xeeant te alectJoe. Hta Meade proad tr aatletpatod tbe dtatteeoea ha, eareer coagr weald give te tbe Banes tad had agreed apea three esprit sata Ova ctdasee te ataeaiBaay slat ta -a eaavaaa af tbe district after the Btlee. Be bad apeat a happy bear wtth JCeteUe aad wad atttlag ta ala sUataUoa edtoe tbtaklng ef ber wbea Leoa breagbt lettort aad paper treat Mew Orieene jest arrived by wty af the Bed River laedtag. Oae balky aaeetope bore tbe eard ef a prefse toaal frtond ef wheea be bad reqeeet- tbe. earliest peeslble aews ef tbe eeorfa JodgtMaL The letter said: "I eaaeed a eepy to be mea or the eptaiea beaded dewa by tbe Mpreme eeart tbla meralag la tb eott ef Leoo Qeeisaae vereoa QaUiebsrt for free- aad aaaD K by today-a beat si that yea may kaew' the result before toeaerrewa newspaper caa reach yea. Tb chief Jaettce waa tb af tbe eeart aad baa tae eee e ef three ef tbe a oriel Oae joetVee. aa yea win aottce, die- QalrerlBg wltb toteveet be reed tbe feUewtag dktam ef tbe highest court ef the eta to. peeaed by ha chief Jaatlce: Tbe piaiatlff. with bar mother ne at ber eafldrea, were tavaatterted ae be- looaing to the estate af Qaeyreoae. Oee Payor, acting aa ageat far the babe, aaade aahr ef tbe property, wits the eseeerioo of tbe bey Leee. BeaeU tbe asother ef tbe ptaletlsT eed ber eth er ebJIdrea to the defeadeat QollleWt blejeetf wee sxprsaety eseatpted tbe aale. eeeaar tbea h tbe heap- tag ef eae Mr. Wytoy. to wheea be bad beea Beat by tbe express id wish ef Qaerroeas. Abeat atae year after tbe defeadaat ebtaised fimistloa ef h ptaletl aad eater ed the beeeet ef bl labor antll b raa away laatlttitloa of tbla ault Tbr la testimony In tb record to abow that Queyrouse and bla belr In- tended that Leon should be free and om conversations In which b said be wa free. Tb plaintiff, however, never asserted hit freedom and never left the eervlce ef the defendant until he absconded after tbe brioging of this tult On the contrary, be admitted he waa a slave to a person whom b wished to bargain for hint, "However desire us tb belra ef Qney- reuse may bar beea that the plaintiff should become free, their wis he alone could not mak blm so. This being t matter affecting tbe public order, M required tbe action of tbe public an tkorittea before It could be brought about "It bi apparent that In tbla contro versy It I a matter of no consequence who la the owner, whether Qulllebert er tbe belra of Qoeyrouse. Tbe only question wblcb we caa consider Is whether tbe plaintiff bad acquired tbe atatus ef a free person of color prior to tb promulgation of tb act of 1857. wblcb aow prohibit emancipation. "It I qnlt clear that tbe plaintiff baa never enjoyed bit liberty for one week, much lea the apace of ten years. He baa been all bla life under tbe con trol of otbera, who bare enjoyed tb benefit of bit labor. It matter not so fir aa tbla controversy I concerned, whether tb defendent Qulllebert baa acted bi good or bad faith or whether be baa acted agalnat tbe wtabes of tbe belra ef Qoeyrouse. If the plaintiff cannot abow tbe fad en wblcb tbe law declare hi emancipation or free-1 dom, be mnat fall In bl action. Tb Judgment of tbe lower court wblcb waa In favor of tbt plaintiff, must be reverted." vaaieu wna anrning eye re a again tbeee ward af tbe chief justice: "It Is a matter ef ae cooeeqoence who la own er, whether Qulllebert or tb heirs of Queyrooae." ; "It matter sot whether tb defendant Qulllebert baa acted ta good or bad faith er whether b acted tgatatt the wiahe ef tb belr of Quey rente." flick at heart, be let fail tbe papei and lowered bla bead, murmuring: tasi hi nUsw asUty s sua Bi Mima has bts ews ass, harta aswsf Tt. sshecs ta wm. few smsj a maths' snaa Ssasa sad evnsta Mea as Wa ksd traf ." from bit gloomy reflection be waa re called by tbe voice ef Leoa at tba doer, aaylngf Mr. Horace, are yea tick? I aay. thing wrong" : Tes; I never waa so lck as now, aad ometblag baa goo wrong. Leon, tba supreme court baa adjudged yoa a alave, tbe alave of Qulllebert" "0 merciful Oodl" Leoa groaned, clutching a ebalr for tupport "Save me from that man, Mr. Horace, or klU ar "lav youreslf. Take a good bortt from tbe stable and fly for your Ufa. Merer atop aatll yoa are where that human wolf cannot reach yoa, Tbe cursed sew may sot be known to aay one else la tbe parish for two days y tt aad, If so, yon will bav that much start Take tbla aad go." Oakftll gave blm a asm of meay. "Some day I will prove I aa grateful for all year goods, sir,' said the seer fallow, retreating from the dees. aeea tbe raaflUd sound eft bore speed lag over tbe dotty road waa beard, and Leoa waa agate a runaway alara. Tbe newspaper ef tbe dry arrived twe day later, bringing the In t 111- gene ef tbe supreme coorfs ruling, with editorial remark eoomeodlng It aa a timely check te abolltloaltt prosa gaada. Great waa tbe rejoldog oa the hlgblaada. Tbe cabaret bad a day af business recalling that of tbe trial Dodo did so thriving a trad that be wa pat to bed early ta tb afternoon, saving tbe harvest to tbe madam. At algbt benflre were lighted, sad po sies clattered and flitted acroes tbe prairie, their coarse Indicated by tb eracklag ef plttott and abrltl tries ef "Lang live Quinebertr "Down with Oakfelir to ss ootrrnrpsa. Repairing ttcaffy Bono Never thought of such a i i sign tor a meaicine aia you r Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body ha to be repaired like other! things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it These poor bodies wear out rom worry, irom over-woric. rom disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not wen maae ana all of the old ones are racked rom long usage. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both isiJe and out. It makes soft ncs r.ara, tnin Diooa rea, e a ft of ucr.k lungs strong, nouow laces f uIL Only the best ma terials are used in the patching nd the patches don t show through the new glow 6f health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself you and the bottle. - This nictate lipunsUj 0Vs Tied Mask ef Scott's tad b) aa the af every bard. SCOTT ft BOWXZ. o read St. XewTofB. joe. aad ft aS drectjatak i 2 ON A VVHPPL 'iWfregMmirmwHhdiaMW. Avsry Ull ft If nttk handy aJMl efflciratdoctnrtohavewtthyoavfbea an n iimt harjms 1 hnttle nf Mtlf Maotaag Kalaaast. Ulcers or Running -Sorra need not become a fixture upon your body. If they do it is your fault, for MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT will thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it ; if this lin iment is used a cure will follow. W. .,1WT If NOW bow quickly a burn or scald can bsearsd 1 '.' WUrl I nrlUVV tll -oo hive treated it with Mextoaa 1 tf.lmriit. 3aCjhUalrit3Undaat UMVBry top. . . lOOOOOOOOOOOGGCCCCCCCCCCCO We Now Have a CELEBRATED ,0. And would like and inspect them. There's None Better. " And. Quality Considered, Prices are right. OOOOOOOOOOOOGCCCCCCCCCCCJ TIMBER WANTED ! I will pay CASH for Maple, White Poplar, Birch and .Ash. I buy it in any quantity, drlirered at your Dearest railroad station or at my factory. All timber to be cot 52 inches. All timber mutt be 6 in. in diameter and np, also sound, straight and free from knots. - ' tar Will pay for Maple ) ), Biri I: i 1 1 , 5,00, White Poplar $4.00. Prices named are for cords. 128 cubic feet. V . r R. B . FAUST, Btxrlinotoiie J. E. C ART LAW D, Merchant Tailor, Greensboro, N. O. New Goods. Uo - to Workmanship, and a best of everything. . A FREE PATTERN erase owe eelssftss) Ss every sab earths. Oalf at sssst a yaar. K a fd I sw ft a d baf AtACZS MAflAsTST. H mtm, " !''"' ' ', toj eaahrsl aaBajgsBjsMs) mtasfw " 4baaitaBBt aSJaV SasaV Basfasea ajesasa( aay, afesjasj ftf, jmw aWaats tMBsay, USiaj.Miifc hahiam Stynsk. BMIsssa, Blafta. Vm sms, seffs ,icai ass am. raastr M aaaa aitoaaj aa r mm tins aat Snaa) iaav TB MsCALL CO., RMUrrMMH, BTW JACOB A. LOXO.ty Attorney-at-L.aw, ' " GRAHAM, - - - , c rrartieas ts th Btsas aa r4arml eoorts. Large Stock oftlie ( , o ' a. M ; ( ) 1 for come in 0 liOtftO White & Go. BURLINGTON. N. C. - date styles. The Best. good fit. We use the ; . . . . . . .. , . .' . Mortgagca's Sols ' ) i By vtrtas of tb tawer fa a aisitt a - . seaie by iKBiei C WUItasunn, snd at. wUsDsllWUiisaMsa,aB ta .h er ot Au( Van. soaveylB to Oans hvrnou Utm laais ksiatoartvr MiUoMd, wbh-a -tt m duly r-.tjtarrO la Bno tt p.. ,4 to a. tadaava, ta Uw seta at tkmY- ' -f wwmw scasoaasr. ws am m klffcaMbMOar loreart, aa the eau toot la Oraaaaa, at IS e-eiook at, aa 8ATURDAY, DEC. 21, 1SC1,1', tWfollowfnr aal la, Abuaaaessoaaar, W., a af kll Tlekla. Frarl Battoa. V W ttltasM sa stBum. b)lantaat a pm -, rmaalp th.oes ti. ST W. Sesame ni fc i . losstoaa. Kit Ttcfcls nnn;imn i , atekaia.sadllBksaiaMoaia 1 -Mas wh rissl Mauoa-s sui : thn, . a. mv B I ehaiasSD Si links ta a I I tattoas anraar t Itini m. W. fct ,. . aa m) lines to taa easlaatnc, sontaw Sofu arr uim Xrw Lmm sursoaootsajKin-a auiTST'on'MU - JliHSI. Si h LB, - J bin. l.eiKku-'.s. ilaVd " - - .i nnSI. mmwfim ' Wev.SAIStL-eas. toaa OaAv Brwea. W. r. Bxaca, ja. A.Btoi mji and Cowaaaaora at Uw -. ' OBXKKSBOBO, K, C rraetlee retalarty la the aaarts ef '- af i r w w a -e M mas ill la to" " ! . ro.ld not eaderetaadaod aa a long aa i ma repas pwp-. 1 1 twe bepwoe