nnuM LBANEEr; Ml VOL. XXVII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901. NO. 45 WW! i- i I' I ' ". v, - - -- . . . ; I:: f:: s:: OUR - a Prescription fa ' Riisinpss . i ,Miema-da that JLUlfi , , i.ypplted with PUHB, rUKHfi f e.emleal.ana pn.rai-oeutio.is. W. tlm have constantly a com- pleta lint of patent and proprl - .tary Medlolnes, Perfumery, ' Comb-, Brushes,"-! 8oap snd' Sponges, Rubber GoodsWrlt- " lag Materiala, etc, .to. HE A. Qt ERS 3 for GARS Lowney's and Royster's Candies, AlwaySTFVeslt.1 & C o m p any in. iff .41 ; . i W 1 WWW Or www 4 : It 'Railway. f h0ttC3t "tUOY 1 ANNpUflJCEjqf.THf 1'.',. AND THE PtACINft j .'ON SALE OITUU EXCURSlbrJTICKEtS To-all pmiBffl4---"-pointft in the South, WutKw6,We IndlesrKlexicd mf v, California, v INCLUDING St. Iostlne, P'alttT Beach; Iflatit, ' Jackson tllle, Tampa;. Port Tampa, .Brnnstlcl, Ttoma,,ClivIesto, JUkaa, ,, , iopstaT Plnebant, ' Ishe-iffle,ltlaiita,HewOr-' '' " PerfMirilee;' ing Car Service. r!eathat ; i your ticket reads ,yia of , Southern Railway.1 Ask any Ticket A.gen for s full Information, or address S.H. HMDWICK, ' ' ' ' IhwiI PaiMafw f.t I M CHIP. W. A. TURK. Trail, Kmmm, iKFH(VTrteliiiwr, WithlMtM, O.C. LISHED I Burlington (nsnrance INSURsNCK IBIW tiuirCria.-- Local agency of Penn Mutual InBuranc- . . Best ' Life Insur ance contracts now on the market. i a44) . f .. onton. OorrMpoadetM wlMted. 8HOHJ KEPAIKWO "KATLYkPROUPTLY DONE BY . 'I'' ' NAT 661kEI; (- wet Amr 1 I ESTAB 4 ftoT) wMMaattBMteaM. r. 2 a FinaVatcfi K? pairing ; Vestal Building. ' ' '! ! oooouffOOWrfiNJoooocKsnfi lilA " M r rt HALVE MASTER o3 SLAVE By T.. H. Tborp Copvrtffht, 1001, bv T. If. Thorpe. ,.TbfTlctor recelvwl tbe coocratsla. t!oiin of bla admlrera at Ded.'a with profua entertalament of gumbo tod rnm; but with tb, tranquillity of a ttratrjrlat wlio bad forpwn aucceaa planned tbroncb feigned retreat Prat JeaiTa lips and oyea were beyond con trol and continued to dauce long after the bot rum bad .tilled bla tongue. Oultfell assembled bla friends and, Mplalnlug jhat tbe decision could b. used a a an effective weapon agalnat blm fri tbe convention, requested tbelr leare to withdraw bla candidacy. Aft er much discussion tbe Justness of bla view was conceded, and tbe consent be desired was given. A formal note was received from Prat Jean demanding tbe return to bis client Quillebert of tbe slave Leon. who. the writer said, was harbored"by Oak fell. It was consigned to tbe flames. A little letter came through the local post Having . "1 suffer for poor Odette's grief, but more be (Muse you suffer and through my fault" This was not consigned to tbe flame. The result of the litigation was a se vere shock to the young lawyer. Bis confidence In his fellow men was weak ened.. He lost reseet for authorities. Ambitions seemed but snares to peace of mind. Wrong, chicanery and cruel ty appeared essential to success. Hit brother, upon whom be bad lavished so much affection, could not or did not cbeer Ills drooping spirit. Tbe tlm. "Sav4 tn rom lAal max" was sadly out of Join;; tbe adjustment waa that of tbe powerful, "brief, com fortable and wrong." Thus dejected and gloomy, be wan dered for days about the plantation, not caring to read, avoiding converse, unable to feel Interest In what bad formerly engrossed blm. when In tbe afriy., days of November fame the In- t0lUgeuc..ai4ounaiiiR. increaiDie. yet verified, that Abraham Lincoln bad been- elected president of tbe United State.. CHAPTER XIII. TUHBID WATERS. 1MB now seemed to quicken Its fllcbt Events trod on tbe heels of events Itf scramble and hurry' of occurrence. Dis integration of institutions, eo- terprlsee and-. associations, -public ana social, appeared everywhere like a cor fw1nrllMNise eod demoralisation was tb rankest of growths. Secession, civ il war. suspension of Industries, gath erings' and departure of volunteer, dissensions jnd suspicions, dread of tbe negro domb cause of contention- gave somber" cofor to tbe life of fair Avoyelles. i The first banner flung 10 the brees was tbe flag of France. lolsteU by QelUebert ever- bis dwelling, tb as warning both' faction, that molestatloa f Mm. or bla woald be at tbe peril of bl Imperial Blaster's displeasure. Oakfell was instant to taae oi.nan. Tbougb discountenancing negro slav ery, be waa wedded to tbe doctrine of tats sovereignty sad In Its defense buckled on bis sward. Be was eaoses lUntMi.Dt of tbe company of borse or ganised under tbe captaincy of Jodg Honorr" victor Taiuenr. wuow Jean succeeded on tb beach. 1 v The day approached forth company to proceed to New Orlean for assign ment to s regiment and brigade, to be forwarded .to jtn front. ,-Xbs balf brothers bold a long conference tt tbe rla"UU?ffl- A T Aa not -jcvanne. - . . concur In tbe. general belief that this ttrlfe will end in 90 days. My fore ut la that It will extend Into years and will be fleree as ooiwus- - life has known three sweet suw" 1.1.1. K.w. tuts as Inceas to R. Tb love 1 bore your mother stUl clings to her memory. All my yearnings for kinship have been centered npoo roa. whom I have cherished aa son, brotker and friend snd have soogm "---. Cmm tw rOO OJWIWCT" - Though absent I wUh to lea v mtv tactioa wit yon ma ' von to proasta that ander o e" L. Je. wlU yon enter the nUHtary . a- the eambM war. I leavs with yon fall authority to ssanag. JIMi. and this win sapply an .-nt. sMans to pnrehas eaenip- tlon from any aU which a-J foe troop. rrol- ETr1- i "Wosld not that b token as i W ..kail trtfilta IW1 ." I . . Am -after what I wui say i ' Mthssatject. Bot re akTthat sacrlllc for mf ask aa4 y aletyfor yen vrenld aouiier, una ' k. kitit tkla Id never be boast it 'n. J3S TloTbelo id loot . tbe etartlt slfbt Betsra- toa. he gTt ! aort M. a. If had atwgled: ; 2 ?!!rwT Knnit. New let as 1 VJ. near mw heart, ititeoded always to tat rp I divide with you ail I own. 8uch fs still my purpose. Perhaps It should bav oeen done In form before this, but you nave never Intimated tbe wlab, and I nave Deen much detracted by other matters. But It Is here provided for." Ulvlng blm a sealed enveloite, be con. tlnued: "If I fall, open Ibis and act up on It A second and last pledge you muat give me. I told you three nffec- ttona bare made life sweet to me. Tbe last. Erarlate. la my love for Estolle Latlolala." Bvarlate's heart suddenly ceased to beat He felt himself f nil Ing from bis chair, but clutched tbe arms wltb tightening grasp aud by a suitreme ef fort of will restored bla self command without drawing bis brother's notice. The latter continued: I need not tell yon what tbla love la to me. .' You can well understand that It is more than food, drink, air, rust or sleep. It Is all that makes life. Yet I have never told ber of my love. "You bave not?" Evarlate exclaimed quickly. "I have not." "But you will before you goT be ask- ca anxiously. "I will not." replied Horace, and Eva. rlste breathed freely. "Tbe fate that awaits me aa a sot dler.' Horace resumed, "Is so uncertain that it would be unjust to leave ber plighted, though I knew my love to be returued, and I hare- no such knowl edge. Now. Evarlste, you are well aware of the weakness of ber old grandfather and how profitless to her Is bis guardianship Indeed, how sadly she needs protection ana Inst bis lu) providence; also you cannot be Ignorant of tbe Imueful Influence exercised over tbe old gentleman by that conscience less wretch Quillebert. Swear to me. brother, by all you hold most sacred that you will advise, aid and protect ber agalust tbe mischiefs these two may work to ber fortune and defend ber from danger and barm in every form. I place you on guard: give ber In charge to you. 8wear you will pre serve ber safe till my return. " Oak. felt's feelings had mastered blm, and his eloquent eyes welled over. "I make the promise and swear to keep It" said Evarlste. ... "A wealth of gratitude sball be your reward." Horace cried, embracing blm warmly, and tbe brothers spoke good night Wearing for tbe first time bla mili tary uniform. Oak fell paid bla visit of adieu to Estelle on tb eve of the pany's depaMnr. Both bad schooled themselves for ibe ordesL she to ap- pear brave and be to keep back tb word of lore that were ever rising from bis bean to bis lips. As Is ososl In such trial, tbe rrsolt was diluted wltb emotion. It Is safe to say each understood the other better than If free rein bad been given to speech. t "Mademoiselle." Oakfelf aald on tak ing leave. "I bav perhaps been some what officious concerning yenr stairs; bot when I explain my anion I beg you to approve. U. Latlolala. your only kinsman, yonr sole authoritative pre lector and sdvbwr. Is growing old and, as rim bave admitted to tue. Is, through bis amiable weakneme. to sotn tent subject to Qulllebert's domina tion. I bave charged my brother to be especially watchful of your welfare and In all things to stand between you and barm, " "And baa'M. EvarUte accepted th charter Eatelle asked. , Mo.t willingly, and bravely be will keep It" OakfeU answered. "Hie la a noble on, bis heart a tnw as teeL Rely upon blm and tmat him im plicitly, mademoiselle, should any peril or crisis aria. I bav cboa blm for this becaose I know his lofty charac ter and lov blm next to bl mother's memory." "I will be guided by bins seesaw yow tell me to." Estelle Mid. her iremwing voice forblddlog of reply. "Wsat this." sb added, pinning to bla coat S tiny cockade f red. whit ana rea. And wear ron IMsr vaaieu aa swered. passionately kissing fcer haad. .-r anil find keen voa." i "Au revolr. and Ood Mess"- EstoO could sy no more, but threw ber arm about thleite. wb stood behind bar, sod wept aa If ber heart wr brake. Oakfell saw tb actloa. Bla grief was skin to Joy. It wa. a gallant company that aeaae td down tb bayon road la tbe -teens-boat landing amid haasae and wavtag handkercbiefe - dark eyed rbrvallOTs by heredity, fair American-, soldiers by Inatlnct, Mom aat kM-bMM with braver aslaa Ibas) aWrgeaat Valala MeallloC wb. refaav log to b feprwsed. bad ptocad bis da .rater hi tb kaeplag mi has StstoT ad SetermbMdly foOew-4 wh-re Oak ua led. And ta A few abort weeks tbw Mtftes f tbe seatbera esBtry aide wee awaJtowed ap by the great, a tame ift mt the sunt Sweet, 4 OIOrbert ezptoited ; bia laadara to tst swase-t. txm mi botaaeae piuti.wia w mw dM-ltv. Aa tb rigors of tb daws and prtvattew mt tb be pa. bed bla vaatar-s tJoa. trading lb nuissnriea mt life at sorbttaat ralwtioo. for . whirk getd prices -ia tbe market of tbe world. Tbocuras-s-barg was fcild by tbe ajrtborttles apoa xportatloa mt tb supto. b ssmas fully assaggled cargo ta Atcbafalaya throcgn BarwVk kay4a rmek traders snd brooght back pack of esaasls and swtes 4 the Baak at . ; i.. I II... - -a, I ,. a,, ....,- I. , ... . i, ., , l.liajnai . Mil. II I.I.I,, , France. A strange companionship came to b observed. Evsrist Oakf.ll and Quille bert were seen much together and not Infrequently at Dede's cabaret, but as engrossed were tbe neighbors with tbe growing miseries of tbelr Isolation that theirs waa only silent wonder. The rumor that the two war part ner, in contraband adventures was re ceived wltb mere shrugging of shoul der, and turning np of eyes, save by Estelle, who repelled them aa malicious and wbose trusting heart was satisfied with Evsrlste's explanation ' that bla Intimacy with Quillebert and tbe caba ret was Intended to enable him the bet ter to guard ber grandfather, for It was true that Leonids, wss almost dal ly th third of tb trio at Dede'a test ing tbe fortune of cards wltb Quille bert; that be mad periodical settle ments of losses by giving promissory cotea, and habitually reached bis gat stupefied by potations of rum. After one of these seances, tbe old msn having been lifted to bis saddle and bis horse's head turned home ward, QoUiebert and Evsrlste est st table In tbe cabaret tbe former drink ing brandy, tbe latter sipping a light wine, "How much of Latlouls paper do yon boldr asked Evsrlste. "Sixteen thousand dollars, to be paid In gold," Quillebert answered. "How much of It ls-eecured by mort gager t "Eleven thousand dollars." "What will yoa take for half tbe whole batch r "Fifty bales of cotton." "Have I that macs under your shed now?" "Tee; more." "Where are the note r "At my bouse." "Will you transfer tbem today r. "Tea, If yon will come with me. Bat why do yoa wsnt this paper, and what need la there for sucb haste r' "It does not concern you to know Come." Evarlste said, rising from bis chair. "I am not so sure-of that" replied Quillebert fol'owlog blm. Tbe exchange having lieen completed. Evarlate continued on to the Latlolala borne. Moat solicitously be piled Es telle with Inquiry as to her yonifort And bealtb, tbe affairs of ber planta tion and behavior of ber slaves. None of these matters gives me tb ears that pay dear grandfather do. M. Evarlste." she SaM sadly. "Not only does bis ' Intemperance Increase appallingly, but be seems; haunted by Sons secret fear, and it cannot sleep unlet. In bla cop or under tb effect of a drug. Ho kind, so gentle and lov ing. It la killing me to see bla old age thus miserable. -1 an sure -mock of It la due to bla assoclstloa wltb M. QuIO bert Ob, can yon not stand between blm snd thai wleked man?" "Mademoiselle, believe me, I ia sin cerely distressed by what you say and am doing all t p-spcrly can to effect what yon desire. A more direct Inter ference on my part would be resented by M. Latlolals and render tn power less for futur service Is uls be halt Bnt let us be hopeful. Pmr your saks I will be watchful and ready t act for bla protect loo," Evarlste aerem pasted bis words with look snd jrreturs f alB- eerest devetloa. '' i "t know yoo wtu. I know ya wOL" Estelle replied, rand I irtiM. la. yur friendship and lad ominciionloly. as your noble brother-hade me, ; la H Impossible for me to whs year coofldeoc by my own merit 'made- etssusT Must I bars it only ft tM bidding of another, tbougb that ether be mv brother?" "M. Evarlste." Eetelle eielalme. -A . not speak so! Tou wrong yourself. your brother snd me by sucb words.' "PoMlbly, but I bav. feelings, though you persist In Ignoring tbem. "My friend, forgive to if a word or mm has wounded you. I did not a iMead. Year brother always delighted at tb mention of you. and I auppos- sd"- "Tes, mademoiselle, except when b Is held ap ss tb lens through which alone I am sees. , 1 only mean that striv by my own endeavors to de-err your trust snd seek It not through fbe inspirauoa or another.- - 1 do trust you. M. Evariet. berao-e. being Horace Oakfell' brother, you cannot bat deserve to be trusted," sb said flrmly.. ,.. ... Tula display of loyslty to Hsrsc stoggered him, and ho retired, nettled and meditating things which boded a sod to the dependant glrfs p-aea. The second year of tb war witness e a secood cooecrtpUoa or recruits to Ornm eenl ta her lrli-4a streagtbea th armlea at tb front aad EvarMe's name was drawn, to th to- flalte aam-emeof mf QuTTtebevt and Dede. Be Joined In th amtlaieot aad by th appliratlea) ef 4L00O frsses aaat Poaslabiw BiawH mt Par e ilaut to the eareillug tnr ro hi stead, bus weeks tater beeulakto was easerlag aa nimbly as ever st the gamb balls mt Bayou Visa, vaaisaiag wtth lb stars of maralag aad as i.nipletety. Evsrlste hsstsssd to asptala to EetAW that hi -ending mt -aUeOtaw waa as falOUtu-ol mt tbe prernla acted from bias by bla brother, eddlog cynicaUy: " ; ' Therefore, mowssotarne. yew win net oly aeoail bw yea will pralae SB. Hot when at slgW of him La are toastngty, . .. . .. . t UI ra a ttt mmj rw'lnWI be was annoyed not a little. "Very welt" said bo; "If yeu wish It so very much, mademoiselle, I can vol unteer aud march to the battlefield, gaining tbe credit for two recruits In stead of one.1.' t "No. yen must not; you shall not," said Mure, suddenly dropping ber gay ety and showing alarm. "It ia not your light You own neither slavs nor laud to fight for. Even tbe galna of your ventures with M. Quillebert yoa must account for to your hero brother If be return, for tbey were mad by tbe use of bla money.'' "Laura, why are you continually say ing ibings which yeu know ves msr" "Because I want you to realise your situation, learn the truth, mo your In terest snd know who ore your friends. Does that girl over there," extending ber arm lu the direction of Estelle' home, "ever tell you a truth for your proof?" "8b doea not presume to sdvlse me,' Evsrlste replied. "A little presamptlou In tb way of good advc would be but alight return for your devoted protection of herself and her doling grandfather, protection so disinterested and costing so much self ascrldcs on ysur part" La or laughed contemptuously, assuming mock sttltuds of humility aad lifting her saacy eye to tb young man's burning face. "Do you .make bold to Insinuate that I am acting seMsblyr "Oh. I do not call It making bold to say what I know or what I think, and I never Insinuate." "How. iben, can you knew my mo tives ssv as tbey sre indicated by my acts 7" "I am lb granddaughter of tb doc- tress." she ssld bsughtlly. "Babl" exclaimed Bvarlet. "Bave a care, Evsrist! bar ear. Tb d octree must not b Insulted." Lanrt's warning waa so sertoua and dramatic that Evariet Involuntarily checked tb Impetuosity of hi manner. He ssldi "Laura, I meant bo Insult no dlu-e- spect Her relatlonsblp to you weald forbid thst Wsrerieod.r t i 'Friend!" sMs-pcated. ffl am your friend.' I f do not .believe anything eooui mat m other that your friend. Hut what doea It mean to b friend to one la H not to toll tbe truth snd wsrn sway from danger? , I am not convent taught aad I know nothing of what are called cos vent proprieties, but 1 do know when to speak and what to speak to a friend who la blindly endan gering bbf career. Bear me wIL Openly Jotd hand wltb Quillebert and truat tvm. nd Independence and bap- ,ploe will I yours. Pursue your du bit- faceil i wltb that icerfal eblt. sod a uoo. your brother's retara your poet wiu be that of servile dependence upn his bounty. Bold? Tea, bees us I feel; th trntb Snd say It for your sake snd"-tnmlng sway aed bldlag ber far, ah oWed-"fpr mlse." "Ijiure. you Have -aid too maehr b exclaimed hotly ami started away. Th senselee lafstnatlea for a girl Who despise you make yes ssy that But tlm srin shew. To win come to m yet Tou are of my kind. Tou will come to mo yt." Her ye biased wltb psssfoa aa ah confronted aim again, aad bar word sssmed to- bora tbelr way Into bla sost She ran kato the forest and. throwing herself at the foot, of a familiar old oak tree, gar v.nt to her overwrought feelings la a 01 of vto lent weeping. Then, bathing ber cheeks sad ycs In tb cool water of tb ma sh stood long up Its dgs. thinking latently. . Betting ber teeth Irmly aad clinching her little nets, she mentally vowed, "I win It-be snail do sain.r aad returned to th cottage wltb tb bright look and airy stop of one whose spirit bad sever known tribumtloa. But Evaristo's agitation waa set so quickly allayed. B now saw la Laare aa active, interested hlnderer of bl osjgaa, could not ostlmato tb po tentiality of ber In Bocae wltb Quills sort, who could make dhwlosuros fatal to blm la tb regard of the pure hearted EctoU. Be recognised that he bad mad bo progress la ber good graces, plfflrahi-s accumulated, but they oaly hardened bla determination and drove aim to devise a urw or actloa of swift sad buret severity la ending all uaccrtalaty. The event ea which this policy depended, thou abhorrent waa n for which be devoutly wished. Laura's speech had stuns? sum, sad be overs B-toU Uttolale sheuld be kle bride. CBAPTBB xrr. w ITU tbe line of Federal so- capatloa- extending along tbe oast bank of tbe Mis sissippi from New OrUaas to Tlcksborg aad the Con federate army of tbe tiaasmlasleslppk depart meat hov-riag about tbe westers aad northern borders of LeeJalaas, the people of AvoyaUes were la a auto of taealatlea which made life harder day by day aad at times appeared to awa ae eves tb very peosibiUtles of eslst- Coeameretal aavlgatloa mt in oa which tbey depeaded for mack mt their supplies, wss -topped. A aweaber of the torgeet ptoatsr bad takes rvrog wHfc tbew slaves aad safe saale la Tessa aad tbe ledlaa Terri tory. The acarctty of an staple of feed aed clothing teereeslng from month to sseath. labor waa but poorly sostalBed and diminished eroec were cuttlvstod uader fermldsble aad multt plylaa AnVsJtisaL Medieioee ware a desideratum sorely assdod, Privatieee aad oaffsrtag were peeaeat actsallttos. sfabasss grew apace, cemamatty fajtereets waned, aortal pbaee dl-ag-aeared, aad todlfferee to aeigbbor beod ceacerao peevalled. Aad tbue H wee that theugk a aeaievwaa cortege attoaded tb obesqul-s of Mother Do-keet-tl-s. the eWtraas. who waa feuad dead la her tbeeaetike chair, wltb BeTTptlaa ret tea la ber beads end aa aaflatesied aa-t to ber lap. yn wkea Laare ocorptod the pcotoctioa mt QaCle ber. and became bio koswhsrssr. aa event-which la sersaal tlm-a weeid aav act the eatlr parish by tbe ears, tbe e-artt of ATessip aad eeeear ststs rlaltsed sew to awe ow-s1ago of nhealders aad abaktnga of head. Oa ret main: to tbe eettace after the fs aeral QslUeeevt bad esht M hers -Tea raaaot Uv here atoee,. Tout father aad 1 were mrnda. I sm older wa he weaid be if alive. Doaetmlad what three dolts a boat ber asay say. . Look to your own Interests. Come to my bouse. When tbls war Is ended snd I have finished tbe harvest It yields to me, I may go bsck to Franc to end my days. Perhaps w may then mar ry." Aad Laura bad replied; "No; we will not marry then or ever, but I will go and keep your bouse. I bav no kin her. It la nothing to m wnai tue ncigooor any. i can trniy speak worse of tbem tbsn tbey of me. and tbey know It I am not beholden to any one and will make my way ac cording to my own notions, not those of others." In tbe sutumn of MG2 news percolat ed Into Msrksvlll snd thence spread rapidly that a terrible battl bad bean fought oear PerryvUl. lu Kentucky, between divisions of tb armies com manded by General Boell on tbe Onion side and General Bragg on the Con federate and that Judge Tsllleur snd Borsce Oakfell bad been slain and left on tbe bloody field by tbelr retreating comrade. For many months th. re port could not be verified or tested, communication wltb tbe army of tbe southwest being cut off by tbe Federal lines east of tbs Mississippi, but gen eral credence was given to It An add. ed gloom settled upon the people. Father Urbe strove lu vain to prevent these tidings from reaching Estelle. She stsggered ss If under a bludgeon's blow, bat tears came not to her relief. Odette knelt beside ber and repeated like a devotee telling beads: There Is no proof Mr. Horse Is dead. Then. mistress, do not believe It" And by dint of ber atrang persistency sb lodged a doubt lu EstoU mind, which brought bar th consolation of s frail bops. Quillebert gave tb InUlllgenco to Lanr wltb a chock I and observed: "Tbs obliging Tanks took tbe Job off my bends so fsr as Oskfell was roncarned." , I suppose," Laura commented. "Eva lists will bow thlsk be csn persuade Eatelle Latlolals to marry him and will speed hie steps accordingly-." "I hops so," ssld QuIlUbert. .still pleased. "It would be a lit punish ment for ber, and my vengeance would be satisfied," "He sball not marry her," I-aure ex claimed hotly. - "Aad yon aball not marry blm." re torted Quillebert In sadden rage. "Let him say thst not you. My grandmother never used "shall or sbsll Bot' to me. ' Then do not wsste your easrgy la Isytng commands upon m. Tou cannot steal my liberty aa you did the negro Jock.y's." Laura's defiance waa pronounced wltb sucb Are, contempt and Insinuated threat that Quillebert quailed beneath her flashing eyes, and. swallowing tb oosrss retort that rose to bis lips, b whistled a prolonged note of mock sur prise snd wslksd to tb room where bla treasure of brandy was stored. But b stiffly resolved thst Evsrlste should wed Eetoll snd In that connection took from bis strong box a bundle of papers bearing the slgustur. of Leon Id. s La tlolals. Selecting two, be read tbem carefully and tied tbem In a ssparat parcel, which he laid away by Itself. To the curious Evsrlste s grief waa evidenced by bis self seclusion, for the specs of a wssk be wss not seen at the Latlolala boms, Qullleberf s pi so or Dede's cabaret Us Immured him self behind locked doors at "IEsps raasa," and Mrs. Wyl.y saw blm oaly at meals. She. good souL wss over whelmed by sorrow. She could act trust herself to mention tbe dreadful rumor to Evarlste, even to ouestloa Its verity. But be, wben stone, passed bis time otherwise tbsn la mourning. It wss a busy week wltb him. H count ed and recounted the money h had bearded since bis brother's departure, calculated over aad over hi galea from lb contraband ventures exploited with Quillebert. scanned repeatedly tb wrltt.o obligation of old man Latlo lala which be had purchased from the Frenchman! but tbougb the effort In volved tb full measure of bis strength. be refrained from opening th sealed en v. lope which Horses bsd delivered tot bl band before marching to the dangers of battle. He eon ten ted him self for lbs present with tbe belief thst It contained a dlsaosltlea la bis fever Of aU the OakfeU estate. Tbe thoughts. scheme aad receives which occupied blm during those sevea days ware such coosume or sear the aouL aad he cam forth wtU hardened countenance, eemprsssid Ups, cruel eyes aad con tracted brows. (TO BS COSTISUIP.) Chas Keplogle, At water, 0., was "I kid- in vcrv bed shape. lie aays : suffered a great deal with my nevs snd wss reque-trti to t-7 Foley's Kidney Cute. -1 did so and in four daya I was also to goto work again, now I am entirely well." J. C. 8imroonr, the druggist DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAKE BACK ? tUaaey Trouble Kales Tea BTJscraMc at .vary body whs reads the sees fa sura to know of the wonderful e ii ars. 1 1 cures maoa vf wr. I me treat kldasy, aver L and klaader raraecr. . It I the trsat meaV fjj eal trhanph of the atoe- it eew-d after sears of KJsetanttAo reesarek by Or. KUmer. the emi aeot kldoey aad hkd aar srerlsllsl. and t weawrfoOy te woniMhr OwftaiaT hwn hack, kidney, bladder, ario add troa hwi sad BHfkt's blsa. which fa the worst terra et kktwy 1 aw. m m . hi net r-o- fore-ii1hmgs-nrekawkie- Ihrer r hlaaaer weabie k wU he leew yest Ihe lemedy y os seed. It has sees tested hiss ssaaw eaya. In keaafaal work, la pTtvets smagtkehkwamaeortpar lef aad haa -roved as saooassful ia I a SBSctai srrsafaniaut has hy which ail leaders of this WMhareaaawadyirM tt, may have a asmnl bettl aaat ires by ssatt. aJw a seek tsmag sseaaheet 'awsuip-Roet aad hew to fee-Uyoawvlbawyerbld-rUWi. Whea wrmacmaatloar-adlngufs-awas Bar at this saper and e-ad year ihm to f.IUnwfcCesttr- K. T. Th frtUar ftfty cant aad tw.K.- (daAawsbsssiesoUsyaBgoodorucx - ta. -.UhK rv- CtU A VVHPfl the rioee fjanneatiy uieet. with dlisNr. Avery VII M llllttt, handy and -fflcient doctor to wve with ywwlioi aa autau-M nappans m a '- lift .Ulcers, or Running Sores need not become a fixture upon your body. If theydo it is your fault for MEXICAN , MUSTANG LINIMENT will thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There " is no guess work about it ; if this lin- ' iment is used a cure willfollow. Yoi) !J0inKM0Wta,yS- ' lnlrnent. J a (. Ii IwaW It stands at the varv top. , , ;. 0GO0OOOOOGO0CC0CCCCCCCC0r We Now Have a CELEBRATED Iwri would Wee for you to come in and inspect them,-; ' There's. None Better. - - -. v And, Quality Considered, rnces are rigni. OGocpdpppooo TIMBER WANTED ! -eeee-wawawanwaawawaawBaaasaaa t l will pay CASH for Maple, Whitt Poplar, Birdi and A&J I buy it in any quantity, delivered at yonr nearest railroad tation or at my factory. All timber to be cut 52. inchee,' AU timber must be . 6 in. in diameter and np, also konnd,1 t22S5,t-Jfnd fr? Iroai knot"- :V Win day for Ifaple i' ),) hrzi t.4 .,; 5.00, White Poplar $4.00. Pncea named are for cords, 128 C1lbic., feet.. . hr?. t -u J ; ,,; . . ' '.'r - . V E.-B.FAUST, Burlinrrton. J . .E-;;:;:CrA:tBmiiM?l, - - ' V. V.-M I i -lijl t-.vt : J-..,ilt'.frf-,. f , Merchant GreMflbprbN X). New Goods. UD - to Workmanship, and a oesi OT.everytning. . A FftXE PATTERN anrlhar. Oaly at .sal, a y-nr. A LASTS' MA&AZ1ML t sutow!amw1 i . aurtiejej tlw' ,IW. BVNaMa, OHaatas Oaea. Ji,-. r-iawaitt Ml a.alal.ty ar(ei-ehta( Paaar Patwaa. - -tUTsTRKS - IW 1 C4 am sj se, aeia eatli- eaa t-my ts.a ea.4 iwoaj. mm bf sasbU ttmrn ; TC HcCALlp CO. TIWlV.i; wr4 BrteU, aVVVOOL ek. JACOB A.1 LONG, ; Attorney-e.t-L.aw GRAHAM, - - - - K.fC rraeoess la the atat aw r-Oaral eoarta. MS- I Lax. . I t mm MW I I tt riT.lraa n-rtnrg lilnlmtat. ' . v -v a v. jy a on. t$ Large Stock of ihe 1 ' At k 5 () r" . White & Co., - BURLINGTONalN. C. J I w O ( ) n Tailor; jitdniM.n', .M.tt - date 'st viea! 1 Tfi tin good fit. : We use -the v' -. ee -uK s f rsA L v Fruit Trees 1 .' ThAt Crow aad .. Bear Good Fruit. ; Wvjto fcr r 0 pj n. . UallMia a mtmt o, paaipetrt, -how to V t aabuluvtaaatvi.,, biie. yea taa tafur ... yWjaaTaaa Ima . u mm yoa .u about W i 14 .ppMa. tiwa li ., -H aad Jea i--,m wit that; orb-uiai araa. ail ot , yoa tm eftw - .ad a. atuH. wnmlaiaj Wbar. tM tr Everjtldss Cool 1 li 1 n ts. t. . ,., raoaoal liwa mt na S"r Sa, jwii.,, tan i i r i, a -iaili M4 Imi. rv-. Ifixl Uatruol - i y Ot, wmmxh irm T ext rapxl yruvm r a -k1 ow C t.. aaa t t"it ani .rn. V t' Prwa. .(Ml ra ll.i ';tuii: - - POtfOXA, It. C. , b9 Mix ia tM XO snow - ,

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