s nn -,: , ,i; : ' ill t HE ANCE NEE; 4 ' .. "k f - voL.xxvn. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901. NO. 46 - 4 MLAM n Till parfuaryS 1st, 1902 Timea re hard, money scarce, but wo promise to make it easy for all our-castomert by giving them the benefit of the larger half of the profits ustiall ma le on such gond.s. Our stock in immense, and we hay concluded it wil. be easier to count the money than, inventory the goods, and thia offer is given to the trade till th,e close oi the year The times suggest that in making '7om ''pjy ' ' ' yoti gtvi Something uw($airtiauiefital and durable. We have a great quantity of juat jucb goods in stock in the way of rockers, lounges, rugs, lamps pie'.nrun, water sets, book cases, trunks, suite, hall-rucks, ride-boards. and odd pieces of fur niture fn almost endless: variety. , Many hive already taken advantage' - of our -prices,; n I -veryo.)Jr is invited to eoipe and iBharevmjj ttoennj M Yours ru gull (JOlllfM f94 y Davis Furniture Co,, 4Am STREET BURLtNGTON. The Railway. 'ANNOUNCES THC f" OPCNINO OF THE WINTER THL IU I O B o v w -C' . ON BALE- OF I. EXCURSION TICKETS tTo all prominent South; Southwest; West , Indies, Mexico and California, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Kama, Jackson ville, Tampa, Port Tampa, Brunswick, ' ''TMmaneCIiarJeilo '-5flj 8 'lugnsti lWBarst; tLmi-d tat - l and . - The-Land -of theSky. Perfect ptrnhpndrygm. Ing Car,lBe)wice. j S.at-S your . ncitft.jraa.rHJMii , v Southern- Kail way. f jASK, r any Ticket Agent for full 4 , fnforroatiom pr address - . 5 , l,l.veM0H,r f r f.f.OAUBy, ' Tr.llm Put. AgArt, 0 fw Mil OtafWto. . W i f - alf Ji i 1..-W$h'.''-'.,C., - .!! I- lit i ! Burlinelon Insurance LncalteeScy of 4PerJtr Mutual Insurance -Comdanv. ar taMk - ft Am j"- 9 It- T... ft. .. ance contracts now , on the 'market.''. . " rnon pmvnu tiwiwiu w . onton. Oompoudao oltclted. X 1AErf rl8RI6HT, Agent J GRAHAM VUUittiWir.j. oooooc;c NAT FOSTER. , , 000000000000&OOflCaP0900 J I'z.T.'-Hadloy,i If L CRAIIAM, N. C. SSCCOOOOOOOOOO'' I make selections before the usual for I Jiappy Christmas, Old Beelzebub A Christmas By... Bear 8tory ; ' ED MOTT If you are ever at tils time of year op on the Old Paesadanky alt down at the. Buckhorn tavern, select any one Of the grizzled woodsmen you will find already sitting there, exchange a dime at not too Infrequent Intervals for a certain tipple that Is popular with the natives and la .called mm and tansy, and refer Inquiringly to Old Beelcebub, the remarkable bear of Spook Bun fully and the amazing Christmas pres ent be made to one Paley Slmco. As the story goes, the oldest settle ment In all that part of the original wlldwood was at Passadanky. The deep gully and the creek that roared through It were there when the first settlers came. Neither bad any name, thd It was not nntll folks began to see gtaosta along the creek and In the gully that appropriate nomenclature for them was suggested. Silas Grubb, so ' ' 81 MADS TBB WTLD PLOMOS. they ,wlH ten you; shot a deer one day. It lell,:ana ne meppea up w h i ibmi , A h u tandlna; astride the deer h supposed wait dead It ros uddenly and went bounding down the creek, with Bliss on its Dacr. ciasping Mm nook and voolfemtloK loudly that ln-wnnlri . h-welconier - Job Fenk who was bunting along the creek, saw the deer In its wild flight and emptied the content of his rifle Into It He turf .rnilv killed the deer, but bored fill firnhh Jrlth HIS rlD Era II BS WCU. iAnV. nSr that a sDecter deer. bestrode by a specter rider, appeared at Intervals In the woods, dashing .,imi. jaii h pnk nntll It reached W UIU w the spot where Fenk't. rifle had done Its fatal wort, nno mere tuwuy tkA . Tkmi fnlka took to calling-tlM creek iBpook Bun and the gully Spook. Bun gully, and py ana oy 'VT' creek and a log (boot three mlleaiwg Iwroogu u v j iiawa-. jrhteh it4 -le were sent irom w ww . - .wir h wind, and oewm this shoot came dashing. airtrkW a tog. daredevil BIU Topson. navmg n . Miwmnilf of loc Driver ram and wagered that he would make the fearful ride. He made It Includ ing tae wild puing from the moath of the gully tv the pond, fifty feet be low. When he was tataa .i hi. fui Hda and plunge. bla Bafr, which had been black when be started, was as wmw ';; AB1W Vbeir-w" badn t turned white."- any of the Paawfanky MmTor. wM t yo-. "H. rid Oat Sgtt.n.thr aUlea ! leae than toor "SSS-faUitoJaat of BfflTo. aoa-! baa partJeular place of honor ia tte ehroniclea OM r.l"y becaoae K was the ewlmlnattoo of tte rTf Old B-etoebb as awo-Af -orktog bear. When that im tnaa a y w w. . Ja?p-tg..therer.Jhr. mother ana " r" .tlt ul .k. kM at adding Its pea "tt. other two. but fatted In Wj pur- nnae. After awhile tnsi wpu there, ft D: - - acatnst Jephtba Wlggln. b?r came back.- tby wffl -y. - mme. tberra a u "nM. -i aloac the U- at rTtJui mm to be aorry . E? r-ther aod mot"-'. '"' SLlrf t7hh when be brgna ! ks thick and fast. a vengeful far Jcsi IiikrcI off all the black sheep there was lu the district Not a smell of a white sheep did be, tetcn. "But that makiti of a black sheep skin famine In the district wasn't a cir cumstance to what that scliemln' b'ar done In layln' out bis plan of vengeance ag'tn, although It was Included In It He wouldn't 'a' gone as fur as be did, though. If he hadn't happened to see Bill Topson shoot through Spook Run gully on the log that day. He sec Bin shoot the gully and come plungin' out of that bole In the rocks down Into the pond, aud. be didn't ferglt It He re membered It, and It give him the chance to give Jeptby Wiggins what be thought wS be the worst wipe yit" It seems that Jephtba Wiggins was the greatest pelt gatherer In the Ola Passadanky country, and he had daughter named Prudence. Paley Slmco, a likely young woodsman, was In love with Prudence, and the feeling was reciprocal. "Now," as the Passadanky narrator will tell you, "mebbe you niowt won der what under the canopy Old Beelze bub bad to do with that. Notbln', meb be. 'Tain't likely that be cared a snap whether Paley Slmco loved Prudence Wiggins. But Jepthy Wiggins cared. He had other Ideas for bis daughter, and-well that amailn' bear knowed It Jeptby wanted the Squire Bimbler pos sessions In his family, and he could glt 'em by marryln' Prudence to the squire's son Jorum. Jorum dldu't want to git married, aud Prudence didn't want to marry Jorum, but Jo rum and Prudence didn't hare any say In It. The squire aud Jeptby fixed It to suit themselves. The weddln1 nlgbt come, but no Joruui. Along In the forenoon of the next day In come Jorum to Wiggins'. " 'Old Beelzebub kidnaped me as 1 was on my way over here through the woods ylsterdoy!' said Jorum. 'He run me straight and fast to Uormley's b'ar pen, way back at the bead of tbe big swamp, and kep' me there all nlgbt' " Jephtba Wiggins swore that be would bunt down that vengeful and vindic tive bear and strip off bis pelt if It took bim all the rest of his dayx. "It wok glttin' along to'rds Christ mas time when Paley plucked up cour age to ask Jepthy ag'ln for, Prudence, Jepthy turned on him. grlnnln' the ag gravating kind, and blurted out:. "'Tea. you kin have her that Is, ft you fetch me two blnck sbeepsklns fov a Christmas present! If you don't you can't never have herr '"Now. of course, that was just as good as tellln' Paley that there wasn't any 'use. ' He 1 never knowed to hie dyln' day what It could 'a' been that tent him roam In' and roam Id that day, but be went a-roamln', and tbe first thing lie knowed be found himself or the edge, or a scrubby wokin cieann In the Sour' Hedder district, and be seed a nmn dubbin' what be a'posed was a tame b'ar. That riled bun morCo ever.' and he shouted to the nan;: 'V - ,. - '? . "'What are you poundln? that poof br forr 'i y i It's my b'ar, the man shouted Uck. 'and If you don't like what I'm 4010 come' here and I'll pound you awhile and give tbe b'ar a reetr "And" what did Paley do but go ov there, and I a'pose that when be go through with that citizen ef tbe Sous Hedder district the ettlsen was a leetit the worst whipped man ever seen Ik them parts. ' " There r said Paley. 'When you run ag'ln me, you haven't got do fa to fool wltbT - "And then Paley see that M was Bart Sproat be bad been Uckia' and tbat tbe b'ar waa Old Beelzebub. Paler badnl gone more than a hundred 'yard oa bis way when, looklif over Into Barf field, be see two of the biggest ano blackest sheep tbat ever cropped sor rel! "The only two black sheep la the bull Mame country r Taley groaned hnd here I've gone and 'moat hammer ed tbe life out of the man that owns 'em! Tossed Prudence away jest to take the part of a rambanrtloos old sheep stealln' b'arr" -Paley actually batted himself, ag'tn bis bead with hie 0t and lifted op bll voice and wept. Af.er awhile be eooled down a leetle and got an Idee. "Tit go back and apologize to Bart.' aak) be. and otTer blra twenty dollar tor them sheep! That's as mueb aa bla hull clearln'. would fetch r go paley went back. The Var laid oo tbe ground lick to' himself, and Bart -naxanooana Arr was settlar oa a rock by tbe door. His bead was swelled, and woe rye was abet, and bla wife was dot a of bin up m rags. "Pines benbaner be yeOe as goon a aooid. Here be cones a I'm! Glt the gmV Balrjr. and load bin fnJ ef leadf - Raid oa. Banr PakT abooted. Tv eooe back to apotogla aad offer jva twenty doners tor tbvm two mac abeep. and raley was soft eoeogh W tan Bart what be wanted 'eta for. - Bay.' yetled Bart, -when yue a b wtitta b'ar eomtn to'rde Toe) earrrlo' gotn' to gft The guu.'snd Paley didn't wait to argue with Bart any longer. Be give one awful glare at Old Beelae wub, who laid there with one eye peeled rp at mm, and wished that be bad a ion himself tojoad the pesky b'ar with lead. But It. waa n mighty good thing lor raiey that be didn't have nose." It seems that Paley resumed bla roaming, and Bart Sproat and hla boys killed the two black sheep, took their skins off and bung them In tbe abed. " 'I'll take 'em down to Jepthy Wig gins tomorrow,' said Bart, 'glt a good, stiff price for 'em and cook tbat con earned Paley'a goose at tbe same timer- Bart went out to get tbe pelts next morning. They were gone! So waa Old Beelzebub. The amazing beat; had stolen tbe abeep pelts and bad made traeka for the woods. Bart and bla boys started to find tbe trail The Passadanky atory la that Paley Slmco found himself at Spook Bun mill pond I hot morning and waa think ing tbat the best thing he could do would be. to throw himself Into It when he beard a great noise up In tbe gully.- "He looked up," tbe Passadanky nar rator wUl tell you, -and there be ace sight tbat made him turn cold. Some thin' was whlszln' down tbe log Snoot and so fast Paley couldn't make out what It waetlU It snot from the mouth of tbe about and came cllmblu' up the bank, light where Paley stood. Then the sometbln' give Itself a shake. Two big, black sbeepsklns tumbled off of It, and there waa Old Beelzebub, but he was white all overt He jest give one look at Paley and tore away Into tbe woods and -waa never seen no more. Paley turned to look after blm. there be see Bart Sproat standln', and Bart was most as white as tbe b'ar, for he bad aeea tbe bull thing and knowed what It meant! . . -That ride down the log shoot had scared Old Beelzebub's hair white. What did be It for. then? So as a white b'ar eoulu carry them aheep pelts to Paley and make Mm a Christmas present of 'em! By do In' tbat Old Beel aebub got even with Bart Sproat. and by Paley Slmco bavtn' the pelts to make Jeptby Wiggins ' it Christmas present of 'em. and an fordn' Jeptby to give Paley bla daughter Prudeoce. Old llcclzebub shoved hie grudge deep Into jeptby, and be went off a-feelln' good. Well. all there waa to H after that ras tbat Paley got down to Wiggins Christmas eve and knocked Jepthy speechless by bandhr aver tbe Christ mas present. And Jepthy had te hand Prodenc over to Paley. and tbey was married that very nut Christmas day. Tbe way It turned eat though. Jeptby waa never sorry that 014 Beeuebub bad brought things to Batch a pass, and If the vengeful b'ar bad ever knowed that,, ffs more ttias) likely' that he'd 'a' come back and tried bis plana ag'ln Jepthy some more." New Term. Ms II snd Express. CHRISTMAS HUMOR. mt Shea. CMsp sunn sr taw vwaar Mr. Cobwlggar-Oh, my I I fed more dead than alive. There Is alto gether too much naked of me. I was never need to housework, and It's kill ing me Inch by Inch. Tbe first thing yon know III be down with nervous prostration. Cobw!gger-8baIl I can In tbe (toe- tor, my deer? Mrs. CobwlggerWbat use would that be? He would only advise what I've been tell log you I needed all along complete reet ... Cobwlgger By tbe way, did you aew on tbat button? , . Mrs. Cobwtgger-Ob. Henry, bow can you be so brutal! Any one but you could see that 1 am completely used on. ..'' ' i ' Cobwlgger -Be you're toe tired to take a couple of stitches? .. lira. Cobwlgger Yes: I can bardly rslse my bead. Cobwlgger If It's really as bad as that, my dear, something has got to be done for you at ance. Take this twenty dollars and go out and do some Christmas shopping. New York World, The best way to tall whether a pres ent Is a cheap one Is to ebiwrv whether tbe price baa been rubbed off. The Party Quite a rnafa of tbe natrf- moutaily mcUood. baft there? ' rtcaeber Always , at Ibis tine of year. Irs ebeaper to marry tnaa way Christmas' presents, you know-New Turk Journal. ' . ,; n.nm Bessie Do yon really believe there w any Santa Clau. Tommy? Tommy Course (tot. tt Ooart v na I said so. or be'D think I'n getting too eW to hare candy and toys aad things. -v . . s ' Juat beranae your wlfa eeiie yoa te bay ber something useful, doo'f think will be satisfied if yoa eeed ber borne a barrel of flour. Mm Cblcfc-now dtf Mr. Turkey make cot la tbe race, yesterday ? i eeond Chick Oh, be rompleiety Isot bis bead. t at ' "Mrs. SmaD Bwver nlocea nartera," said tbe star boarder te tbe sww acqst- eltloa. " -Not ereo vrbeo abr fc preparing the ptss for the Christmas dinner?" asked tbe latter. - ; -. . ; j y ' at n Askloe-What nakes yon look as ebeerfut Makaf - - . Leaks (wbo bosrds-Wby. three ef my rcOow boarders were Ukeei eaddaav- y in while sating tbetr Cbristmas oisv ' wttb a stroke ef paiaiysM, another wttb bean disease and fae third wttb a fit " . "Great Scott! What cams (or n Jolcmg la there la thaj V ' ' "Why. eoot yea seer I ate tnetr shares ef tbe dlaaer, along wtb soy ewa, sad aa managed to fully ssttSefT ny sppetita.- : laf. Tlie inartomctorm of Banner Salve baring always beltewd thai no doctor or meritane can cure in Kn4 luviff hlvln tirrl MASTER wa SLAVE By T. H. IDoraav Copyright, 1001, by T. H. Thorp. His first call was en Eitelle. whose pale face and atricken look stirred bla secret resentment She greeted him sadly and. almost weeping, said: . "Tell me, ny friend, that yoa do not believe tbla awful news about your brother; that you bare good reason to disbelieve It" "Alas, mademoiselle," be replied, af fecting a distress be did not feel, "I have no mors reason for belief than tbe existence of tbe rumor aad none for disbelief other than the absence of offi cial or authoritative corroboration. I can only hope tbat Horace still Uvea." -God grant be Uveal Ood grant he Uvea!" she murmured, sinking Into a chair. "Amen to that" said Bvarlste solemn ly. -But should the all wise God have decreed differently, I pray you, made moiselle, to feel assured tbat you have In ms a friend and protector as devoted snd as brave as be, though not as gift ed." . -Yes. yes." She seemed to be speaking to herself without looking at ber vis itor. -He said ae and bade me trust bis brother. But God grant be Uvea! Ood grant be Uveal" -Estelle. in I never to be regarded by you save aa tbe euggesUoa ef an other man? Can you not Her surprised and pained glance apprised blm that be was betraying anger, aad be checked tbe utterance of harsh words that sprang from bla heart, for be knew bla time waa not yet ripe while a chance remained tbat Horace still survived. ( -Pardoa me, mademoiselle." be added humbly. ' -My distress has made me a sick man. Irritable beyond my power ef self control I will not came te yoa again until I am better." . -1 hope tbat will be soon." she said. giving blm ber band. He next " sought Dade's. Passing Qulllebert'e bouse, be wae baited by Laura.- "Tour brother hi H true tbat he Is dead?" she naked, "t do sot knew," be answered. What de you believer "Nothing." 1 "What does she believe?" pointing toward Eatelle's home. "She mourna for bin." '' "That Is mare than you wilt do." "Whyr J' '.., '."-;.;;', v . "Kor a reason I will aot state." -Do yon knew tbe roasoar be asked testily. "1 de aot. I sense It. I Inherit tbat from my grandmother." "Bah. Laurel Thai- la nonsense. which yea did not Inherit from tbe doe trees." ',,.., "Hsve H your ewa way. But there Is . second reason why yoa will not mourn." "What Is tbatr -Because yea will Dot be Sorry." ' "De yen not think yea are overstep ping the bo nude?" "1 have no bounds. I talk se because I know yon. I bare studied yea. bat I need not have done so, far I eoder etaad yee) without." "WeUr "Ten are la danger." "from wbonr ''Tourself." "Then I an doomed, for I cannot es cape fren myself." And Bvarlst laagbed at bis poser. - "But you can escape," La are said, eed 1st orbed. . , - "Hewr "Avoid QuMebcrt fren this time en." Tbet weald be nceavenleBI. though It would not break ny heart" "And leave off year bopeiees parsutl ef that girl." again stretching ber arm down, the be yoa. "for yea shall aevst "-iMhat a threat r be demanded. "It Is a prophecy," she said, with a eenfldcntakV . "I waa aet aware Cassandra survived Trey," .; , , - "I de aot knew what yea mean, but yea knew what I aeaa." -WeU. I taaak yea." he said, gather bag the rotas ef Me bridle aad ratataf his hat "Valsss ye head yea saaB have ae eaaee to thaak me." She kept her eyes fixed epoej bin aatQ be dknppearsd hehmd the crest ec the kayea beak, aad than with aS the tateaetty ad her aetmre she eadalsMd: "Be shall esase ny way! I wmttr Bvariato eeatntaod to the eaharet aad there teoad haj two rest ens ry eanpaaleaa at tbetr tjaoal dtvstlsa te rwa snd earoa. Ounehert waa reaar aad bastsoed the tatosteatlea aad de parture of old LarJeiala, after which be drew ale chair Bear to Bvariato aad said: " . -What are year piaae aew tbat ywar brother Is deadr . "Tbey are aot deflattoty fsmed. I tost have verifies Uoa ef this report." "Bat yew beUare tir fished QwfDe "1 lacUae to." ir ft prove trwe. what Is eeae teware Latleeaia' syaarloaeghterr ,-1 wBl soarry her." -"Will she esaseatr Tea. wae I eeartaee her eke aeeet aa order to aave har aeese aa4 the oaf e mow wtn yea ae thatr "By ateaae of the aaaen I eoefVt bom yoa sa4 the two yea i which I win hoy also." "Tea aseaa the power ef aa the order te eaacat kor aawa his olaautloar -Tea." '"How did yoa traro I had themr It la aet aeeeasary te esetela." -If I put theaa at year eervice with. ewt price, yea win aot reteatr -Xercrr said Bvarlata, sattiac his tseta together oitenalaeoTy. . The papera are eahert te year e a J HI.. mm Mn. k. m OnltteSrV "Oh. as you said just now. It Is not necessary to explain," replied tbe Ut ter, continuing bla low, malevolent laugh. "We will await tbe confirma tion of tbe news." And await they did, though lmpa tlently enough, until two winters and springs bsd rolled by and fallen Into tbe Immeasurable and Insatiate maw of the past Though the battle of Per- ryville became a known historical fact, no list of the Confederate dead waa ob tainable, and no survivor returned to glre tbe roll of the slain. Between Avoyelles aud the dwindling army of the southwest lay tbe Impassable Un ion Une along tbe mighty river. But at length when tbla latter stretched to tbe western si) ore and beyond the re gion of mlodle Louisiana came tbe con- ormatloa so devoutly wished. la rags and unshod, his right arm baud! ess and his left leg from the knee gone, Valsln Moulllot hobbled back to his eld home, dlscbsrged ss Incapable of service. To eager listeners, msny of them weeping, be recited what of tbe engagement be bad seen, wblcb wss little, for be was la tbe beat ef It. He told of tbe drought parched eecttou ef Kentucky, dusty and waterless, through which forced marches were made; bow, eaat of Perryvllle, bis re treating division wss halted snd form ed for action under a broiling midday sun; bow tbe warriors of both sides were famished for drink, while tbe only spring on the field ley In su spple prcbsrd, oo one side of wblcb waa a " ITTuu do you m by thatT tow stone wall protecting a battalion of Illinois Infantry. Hla waa face glow ed as hs described tbe chsrges ef bis company oa tbla wall to uncover the spring. Tbe first was under Captain Tallleur. wbo fell at the brink ef tbe pool with a mlnle ball through hla forehead.' Lieutenant Oakfell led tbe second, received a murderous volley wltblo 40 feet of tbe wall and bit tbe dust wttb Leon, the jockey, wbo bad Joined bin at Corinth snd followed blm as body servant sod cook ef bla mess. Tbe tblnl charge waa about te be made under the leadership of Lieu tenant Brultetoa when a shell exploded la Valsln's fsre. and bs knew bo mere until be recovered consciousness la a eaavaa covered wsgoo Jolting through tbe pessss of -the Cumber lend moun tains lo find blmaelf minus a foot aad a band. He had lingered about tbe camps aad hospitals aotil be wss formally re ported as unfit for doty, discharged and ordered to return home ae best be eoold. His Jonrnsy beck wss long, te dious and painful and now tbat It was aeeompltsbed appeared te bin a hide ous dream. Wbea tbe doleful story of Vslslo wss carried to Estelle, she looked with Streaming eyes fsr Into tbe bias vault above and whispered: "Horace, bear me. Tour voice called my love Into being, end now my love Is dead. No other voice than yours sbsll ever recsU It to Mfe." TO SB OOMTTWCm - Savsa His Lira, "I wish to sav thai I feel I owe my lite to KoduT Dyspepsia Cure,,' writes H. C, Chrestenson, of Hay- field, Minn. "For three yean I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could bold nothing on my stom ach. Many times 1 would lie un able to ' retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my lied. Doctors said 1 oould not live. I read one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its as. I began to Impaove from the first bottle. Now I aw cured and recommend it to all." Digest your lood. Cures all stomach troubles. J. C. Simmons, the druggist Worsen a W6J1 as Men An lUdc Jlllserable try Kidney Trouble. ' aasBwBSBswsiiwawee Klaeey treahle preys eeoa Bte mtoa. db I sanstBoa' aaaary, ei(ov essappaar whea the ktd- aays srs eat of order artoe acsUs the Bash or If, wbea the dui4 reswbss aa are whea tt saeald be able te aaatrol aha aaseaca. Pisa VaffUoted with bia sstflaf. aaaand apoa M. the eaase of the dUfiewhy Is kMaey tre s ssutbeftrat asep sfaoakf Is towards t. weatmeat of skase teaaerlsat evraaa.' lula anpieassnt woaMelsdue te a llsiiesj eeodMea of the bliassys sad bladder aad aot to a. habit as Womsa as weB as snaa are mads rnJs ersbia wth aday and bladder trouble. aad both ased the The atttd aad the wniawllste efiect es Issooa raaliisd. It la sold aat ratal Vm tvtivel ' J f '- Kldaa Iroahla e J v Wj wMOOfii 00 ytVVBlsHwl VVVVvJZlorachfla to be bora H ,Sffaees wMh weakkiaV CeM;Ttvar- aaya. Htheehlki wrsc -kV aiea tee oflea. M the nM A UUPt-l the rider fremientijr insets with disaster. Avery Ult H linttb handy sefflrientdoctnrto have wttb yoa wbeat' an Mxsident happens is a bottle of Mejttcaa Maataag liiniraaat. Ulcers Run n i rig: Sores . ; ; need not become a fixture upotf jrour body. If they do it is your fault, for MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT will thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There. is no guess work about it ; if this lin iment is used a cure will follow. , ' YOU DONT KNOW Z$&55i T'-vstun-i Llutwent- .a o CmIi troler It rtaadsst the vry top, ) oooocooooooooooc We Now Have a CELEBRATED And would Wee for you to come in and inspect tJieni. There's None Better. And, Quality Considered, Prices are right. x White & Co., BURLINGTON. N. C. ooooooooooooooooccccccccoo TIMBER WANTED ! I Will pay CASH for Maple, White Poplar, Birch aad AA. I bujr it in any quantity, delivered at your nearest railroad station or at my factory. All timber, to be cut 52 inches, AH timber must be 6 in. in diameter and up, also sound, straight and free from knots. aWWill pay for Maple S 0). B'it;' i.i '.' 1 1 5.00, White Poplar $4.00. Prices named are for cords, 128 cubic feet.-. i , , E. B.FAUST, Burlirifjton. J E. C A Merchant Tailor, Green sbbrpN. X3. New Goods. UD - to Workmanship, and a oest or everytning. k a A nut PATTERN - A UTIS' MAOAZINL at at , . J AA 4.. . . - Sa J ssaaaaaaraBi aBBBBsrasp aasaapaai bbbbbbbj pWssssm; eVasaMaawsj MssbbSSI t aiarf ejsSP lasshsssAsaBv shsasSS) sMStsanw ajtc SeeaV SilMu BXtakta, etaiass. Ua-sa. S.M, IwIm) asa XlmlwuLf Ori, w m H fmm i kil . turn tm iSm. Uk m mmt r MjiMabvMiSia TBB MaCALL CO.. ' R MtV4t7 Wat SM SL. or o Large Stock of th$ 4 ..- R T L AIM D, - date stvles. n'Th n.f good fit. We use the ...... . , i Fruit Trc:3 That Grow and -Bear Good Fruit. WHta aw ar epasw n r eatMoa- aud o. pamphlet. -M.v to PS, t an4 CulUnt an (rr-K.r.i. (titles reataa inturm,mtn yoa jcava so Innf . n i i (Mis roa .U atmut tit.- ... J4apptaa. uhim lu.-w,i aaaoa, .ad J..-n t lfm wit tMir artful .. m, ail of bh-a T'i rkra im tr- aa pradaoM Everytilss Ccoi h Fnlts. , r.nauaj )M r e ir M.)fa. TUun.. tkrii t - - . a -ataoota and atnm. i t . T J klful .. m . . - n . . . v a. w )l, t i"Sl (rowtna b a4 oati of Im - ... J tilul BMda Irm V rt. Pneaa aaS am u u ; 7a LI;; C:, 0