n nn i - . ' . ; , , .' ft i ' . MANCE ;VOL. XXVII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBbU 26, 1901. NO.M7 Gleaner. TTF, ALA -- " h m Till-January 1st, 1902 f! ''Timea bardL, money scarce, but we promise to make it ? ieasy for all our custdmer by giving them the benefit of the larger half of the profits usuall made nn such goods. Our stock 5 is luHnensef and we have concluded it wil. lie easier to count S the money than inventory the goods, and thU offer is given to the trade till the close ol the year The times suggest that in making your . 2S-M-AuS you give something nsefjT ornamental and durable. We hav ! a great quantity of juat such oodn in stock in the way of rockers, lounges, rugs,' lamps pictures, water sets, book case, 'trunksr suits-, hall-rucks, Bide-boards. and odd pieces of fur niture in almost endless variety Many have already taken advantage of Mr:: prices, n l "veryo.ly is invited to iooro an.i share with them and make sulections before the usual ' rush on Christmas eve. Yours for n happy Christmas. Davis Furniture Co., .'til o-' : MAIN STREET, BURLINGTON, jP. R. HARDEN STORE, GRAHAM. 1 1 ' Southern ; Bailway. ANNOUNCES THE V OPENING OF THE WINTER JTOURiST season AND THE PLACING . ; v ON SALE OF.,, , , EXCURSION TICKETS , Toall prominent ' i- '; points in the South, Southwest, West Indies,: Mexico ana j California, ( ' '-'j ' - - INCWDUia . . - Y I1- ' St. Ingnstlne, Palm. Beach, Mlama, Jackson iffle, Tamp'i, Port Tampa Brunswick, v; ItemasTllle,--Charleston, , Aiken, , " ' logusta, . Plnehurst; ' ' Isbe- ; r .? , fine, IflantAt He Or- ' 1 leans, f empAi?! . '.' The Land oRthe Sky Perfect DUring 'and. Sleep . ing Car'Semcei See that". 2 your ticket e4ds rvia of 8outherft .Hallway ' A sk -. , anyTicket Agent for. full: fnformation, or address..- 4 . L Rkna . F. R.BARBY, Tntlm Agmt PM. curtee.c. , Hani,Ji. c. " 'v ft.H.'llIIOWICK, : Trail MaMatr,' : It Fatt- Trao !'. WuMaalm. D. C - ESTABLISHED Aft J Burlington Insurance Agency insumnce ill a m bramhes. as. WW " Local agerifty of ; Peon Mutual -Insurance . " Company. ,' r"- - Beat ' v h Liw Insar i v .- anoe. eontracU now on the market. . - ' Prompt paraotaU ftttentloa afl ordara. Correspond aoliclted. JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent. A -1 J - ' X HHOK RRPAIRIHU ! I Vertaj Building;' lV ; h KBATLYk?HOMPTl.X, : t OONBBT ''" , ' Z i . " ' " : ,Mi'-.i,7liiliH" GIFTS Christmas Itt Early ..History Massacre by the Romans It Is H generally accepted belief that on the date that we coll Christmas day Christ was born. This Is questioned by some chroniclers, but the doubt doe little harm, says the Brooklyn Eagle. Every one Is satisfied to take this date as the nativity of Christ, and It mat ters little whether It Is historically cor rect or not; one day In the year, it is believed by all good Christians, should be set aside for the celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, and the 25th of December la as good a day as any on the calendar. It Is necessary to go back to the Roman era to find the first recorded reference to a festival on the date known to us as Christmas day, so that it Jieed not be cause ror surprise thraiiffh all the nast aires the record tha crint rinv nn which Christ was born should have become lost History tells us that the nrst reast to dc cele brated on the 25th of December was established by Commodus, emperor of Rome, who flourished about 185 years after the birth of Christ. After that there are many reference to the meetings of the new sect cauea the Christians, who gathered on this day to celebrate the birth of the God Man. It Is not until a century arter iinu nt Pnmmiuiiia that we find a particular reference to the persecution that the Christiana underwent at the band of the pagan emperor having culminated in a grand uunsimaa uu massacre, nintiotian vcnn the Roman who de elded to celebrate the date by killing w rbrlatlans. He did SO with a vengeance. The most horrible deed perpetrated during tne resuvai w vu okriatmaa lv when the assembled Christians, gathered In their place of meeting, were set upon ana uB-i-a whiu the Romans looked on ' In great glee at the sight of antlpagan people being put to oeam ror me.r Wben Rome was ne longer a pagan State, the feast began to ne ceieormieo rn the Christian style, although some of the songs that were sung and some of the rites of the lestivai woora aii i. -K.k thm atriotlv erthedos cBureh goer of the present day. At that time there were no ecnrslon trains to carry those who wished to take part In $ public celebration from point to poum. a k .tu.r tsioaranh had not been B.UU W m-w thought of. Consequently those who celebrated the blrtn or uonn io ..j - xa in wIHoIt MDarated conn- tries, sometimes at widely separated periods of time and aceoraing w u A..n.m n ' whs every com- tnnnlty for Itself, and no one to critl- else' the otbew for not owns about the date. . ; As a matter of fact, the ancient cele bration of Christ's nativity w. iv, itianwtinn of the differ tULitrij w " nt bodies, and as every commnnlty had divergent Interests tne ika ivMicles of the case. If Christmas day happened to Come upon a time when were " much work to be done to permit of a holiday, then It would oe Pj- ... .nitaM wason. Owing to tbla Indifference to precedents the exact date when tne oinu . v. k. k.n vii hoiielessly KNn. VUKUV W urn bk - . On only on thing were " be elents agreed-namety. ins. of the birth Of Christ ought to be the most iiiagnU- eent of the year. i w : . a... ..it the meaning f M;.TwfotengJ the reveter rrturoea so ' Tt'T. interertng to i! custom of giving presw" .. kaa anrrlved "US waa UDM. WUM.W " - . Chrlstma feast. JJ- that t. known as J songs of today are '"Z . TV- . n.mu dar a nose not verparucw-r - . " u rton by the stagers. 'w" fcTdlftVult t. nnd to soof them a Scb., for the ataH- dm,rt It is a .... frnnl lu -.Hie bus eeieorauw" -- -.. jed history there Is oim Joettio. with M bat those ofkta Uiwm aw s- -"-"7" . -fjraca . . . . .UMiauUe SB S Twho frew- . .b- WT-lty ?Sft to Mcb other hi tXrU Jliip-dwllt Thlsktodlf "V, j-asy It as ore rT tastitttrtos) of Rsota Ctaos. Uf fig hot cint-r. P" together for lln- yrurly reim.on of tljost whom clrcuiiisiauii's Kepnrate for th greater part of the year. Way the sea son never ci asc to be famous for. Its power to biiUB out the totter attributes of men and women, as It did of old! Oriels of Mlaee Pie. English i um pudding and mince pie both owe their origin, or are supposed to, to an occurrence attendant upon Uw blrtb of Christ. The highly seasoned Ingredients refer to the offering ol spices, frankincense and myrrh by Ibi wise niL'u of the east to the Christ CWW-New York World. ROAST TURKEY. Raw te SIm u Prepare Blral Vmr the Table. select a nice young turkey of tea pounds in weight, singe, draw and wash It quickly In cold woter, then wipe It dry with a towel.' Season the bird luslde as well as outside with one teaspoooful of salt In all. Soak one half pound of breed two days old in cold water till soft. Inclose It In a nap kin and press out all the water. Place a aaucepau with one tablesiwonful of lettuco and two tablespoonfuls of line chopped onions over the fire. Btlr and cook live minutes without browning. Then add the bread, stir nud cook five minutes. Remove, n.il when cold mix it with one pound o Hauwige meat season with one even tenxpoouful salt, one-half teospoonful thyme and one- quarter teaxpoonful pepper. Fill the crop and body with this forcemeat, sew It up and truss nicely. Cover the breast and thighs with thin slices of larding pork, tie It firmly wljh a cord, lay the turkey In a roasting pan. pour over two ounces of nielti-d butter and -place the pan In a medium hot orru to roast. Baste freely with Its own gravy till the bird is light brown on all Hides, then add a little water. Continue lo roast, basting frequently till done. A turkey of ten pouuds will take two and one half hours cooking. Place the giblets In a saucepan covered with cold water over the fire, add one teaRpoonfiil of salt, and when It bolls add a small onion. Cook till done. Shortly before serving lay the turkey on a hot disb. remove the skewers and strings, free the gravy from all fat, mix one table spoonful of cornstarch with one-balf cupful of cold water, add to It tbe gravy, stir and cook a few minutes. then add sufficient glblet broth to make one pint of sauce. Cook five minutes, strain through a sieve, rub the liver fine with a spoon, add to the gravy and serve. HIS CHRISTMAS PIPE. A Woman's Sllelta4 ul a Tobaooo Dealer's ParBSf. The bachelor bad been Invited to a Christmas dinner. His friend and his friend's pretty wife were Just vying with each other In their efforts to dis pel from hi soul the gloom supposed to come to the man without a home upon this day above all others. They had wined hint and dined him, and now that they were seated In tbe li brary facing tbe burning logs In the fireplace the hostess brought out tbe bachelor's Christmas present. It was a brierwood pipe, with a beautiful curved mouthpiece as transparent as glass. "Now, I bought this myself," she i plained sweetly, "and I told tbe pipe man. that If yon didn't like It after smoking It I was going to make him exchange It. Ton mast try It now." This the bachelor proceeded to do, thanking his hostess for her solicitude in picking out the pipe herself. - "I think tbe mouthpiece Is such pretty, clear amber." she went on as she saw her guest stick It between bis teetb and begin puffing away. "Yes, if s remarkably pretty," b as sented, but there was just a tinge of doubt In bis tone. - Tbe bachelor sat In bis chair with tho mouthpiece between bio teeth and two fingers of bis left hand cUsped about the stem, imoking very, peace fully when there was a sodden blind Ing flash before bis eyes, a fierce pain st the tip of bis tongue and adoud of camphor smelling smoke rwlng to the celling. The bowl of tbe pipe, fell to tbe floor and tbe burning tobacco was spilled upoo tbe carpet. Tbe month piece had vanished. The ' hostess screamed, tbe two soon sprang" to their feet "What happened?" cried tbe woman In alarm. ' . "On, nothing." explained ber, hus band, "except that yoor beautiful em ber mouthpiece Is ceHntold and has tawed p." Then be stamped oat tho burning tobacco and gaaed ruefully at tbe big bole In tbe carpet. " "Oh." exclaimed the hostess to tbe bachelor a Mnsbee came to bar ckeek and tears to bar eyes, -what eaa 1 aay That horrid pip mas! Bo promised so faithfully that bo wouldn't swindle me." -' Tbe bachelor didn't kaow quit What to say himself. He bad hot In the end of hie toogue. and this dlda't help hla ssy M cbooateg the right words, bet be Bwaafed to st attar that ho waa ere want her fault sad that an pip men were bora villains. -Remember, my drew." setmufcesl the bosbsad. with a iwmleewo ssolls. "that the food txrd,aovr lot eased vome to be (Md Jodv of Cigar, tobano or plpea.--.NVw Tort 9mm. Stwr Mai Uaa Ua Dar. ' '' J aagaaaMaaaaaaagaaaEgj. YULETIDE CUSTOMS. Bow tha Dar Is ObMvrefl let ktaar Ceantsiaa. In England In tbe early Anglo-Saxon days Christmas was celebrated with wlmoat saturnallau revelries, the lords of misrule holding full sway, but the first breath of Puri tanism scorched the seal of tbe revelers. and It became a hei nous offense to so rejoice and be mer ry. Tbe year 1(M3 saw the abolish ment of all saints' days, and those who observed tbe "three grand festivals of Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide, were heavily fined." t With tbe ree to rs t Ion a sad coanMnaac waa not at a premium, but rather a merry one, a ad all the observances of these festival days were revived. la old Seville snd tbe other beauti ful cities of Spain Christmas Is largely an out of door celebration. The Anglo- Saxon Idea of. hearth and home la foreign to the Latin temper ament, and the gra cious climate lends Itself 40 at fresco merrymaking. All la movement, color, tumult, dance and song. The great plazas are kaleidoscopes of human movement The cathedrals and church es are thronged. Piety and gayety mingle. Inspired by tbe ' ancient poetical ..inor the pangs of maternrty, young men and vuimuu w w a i i a In England 1 In Spain - e In Italy fore her shrines In .""!. uuiu,u Italy and play 4ipon.nf "q their guitars and Armum- tonsuss, Ms 1, isn. i. i . . ! "L IOTtaor" alaatattoa, mandOlHlS, Singing 1 fa, ik. nariak mmt U .km wrlHaa. al lawnd aaa O' 1 V songa of praise. It Is their part, too, ! to decorate the beautiful old churches most profusely, a loving service at which they spend tbe greater part of the night, refreshed lr a collation aft er midnight mass, . Germany is the land of Santa Clans, tbe home of tbe beautiful legend of Kris Krlngle. wbicb la a corruption of Christ Klndletn, or Christ Child. While the good child finds Its little stocking laden with Kris Kringle's gifts, the ;1n:;. Germany naughty child finds nothing but i birch rod placed there by the avenging Pels- alcbol (St Nicholas with tho far). Inch an experience makee the email victim Intensely miserable, la Australia Christmas cornea during tbe midsummer season. The mercury ma register 100 degrees or more. Fanv Iiuea. u tt eaa ef Do ing Malted, are di vided, for this la the llsh traditions j are preserved. Plan podding Is the sert and holly the decoration. , More er, the Aurtraltan have a decora tion of their own crimson flowering shrub' which they call Christmas bush and which blooms only n December. HIS FIRST, CHRI3TMA8 TREE I 4mm 'aft sat s bar I 'Sft luchiar 'aw, Son Mm mupvmr, taa, aUoat I mf M If Maatar, aa' I a mf bam psaal I bat t rat air. msia bit 'Br'S ttwij. Saa't fa Mt Aa HT Mint mm lt'l ; Blf ",4- ' Tm! I taur mtm tnif akirkna, tmf BlaHbr t leaa' s baa. At ba ha raaa balbM as I It tssMd (nod, aa' ara Tbra cWikra. bs4 M folhtt, aa' I SbnajM ttl tkmf Saf '' I tkovncM sk lhrht aa' UnajWt, mf, mm I at Dwai iblrbfM taat . Aa I pttfrt str 4rmm. as' mt Ssrs, "Star 'tt rat" mf km. Caa't UT hilar) atay ahaf. so . . ' lr . TrtaaBt ' TratJ , aa sa I luaitl mnmf mt laabsi. As ate I mr. "Wbst sib) 'At taaar babb- etljralwat. Taaap be bat ot tm MUsf . 0aaaMba4bbs4.sa'saa . I st ess bbjsar saa t mm 'm Urrbsat aw ghti, Allan araaa I wm mmm a Iaatu4 Uk ba . Eat aea fat al aMt" ' AO ST MlaM ar. Ttsst I tbiajM M est sm at 'ry SMbt Male tmf MM; I aaa 'ar aa mm mm abas I', aark aa' law at atahtt Aaf am rabWl'l t trta,' Aar aaa I mm bMt Taa bw las' 'jfal-bM, ta,. "'I-f vary ptmUmt mm. tmf HT tWbas Mm abstD sa t sirt at MaM tmf I Am I waa't mm a t mm f tab s ! ty tasn. saf ' I - mmf aaa ' s.au.n. . - Aa' jlsaifl rutl I Wl kaaa m I an aiS H bal I aai sat bar ta era ' bMbbt a aav " v. N T Km avaa -aMIae - raaaaat ftlaaahav Walk la' bt-maih tho miattotoe he m mbiulu- ao la part v a lady, hot I -raa assarr her K. b stkety tow bee very pb-s-ft ti.';r,v " - lafnaisrlsa WbaaV t . .a d I M m it s-isitafacrar-rs ... f Bwiper gale rtavintz ahrajp belier-d aial imtvnctnrw oiediciw- t-o curs (in &9fTW Cat 93. bat ravrer hannir "teerd where Barmer Salve- railed M'tere nlcera. aaree. letlet. metna, -nrpil a a rustler of rnrkjeit' would, like I ta know U there are such - cases. If l,!o tbey wiU gladlftrfuwl rbe men- 1 1 ey . J . JC KfiauxmitmD, ai ! MASTER and SLAVE By T. H. Thorp Copvt-toM, 1901, by T. B. Thorpe. CHAPTER XT. tan OLooau NTs tan oLooaanuo TasTAMaarr. had Evaristo breathed lsaly and freely, never Ua poJoo heat so strong- after bearing Talaln, aa eyewitness, rehears the fall of his brother. Hla spirit bounded; he fait hla powers expand: he saw the path to tbe goal cleared. It was an' effort to feign grief In tho rep etition of the story to tearful Mrs. Wy ley, bat his acting was superb, and It sufficed to exenae hasty retirement to tbe privacy of his room and the re quest that bo one should be permitted to disturb him. Tiptoeing stops past tbe locked door and underneath the curtained windows testified the respect of the household for his sorrow. With hands nnsteadled by the ex treme of exaltation he opened the small brass ribbed box of ebony In which the j sealed envelope bad lain since tbe day be had received It from Horace and promised to defend Estelle from harm. hla chair Into tbe subdued .... .ua .k. At. . .a m a.,.. td attlwn larai Win, Ma( at mmi kaUlk ' im.m"tmi,'- llHn u, h.. tka awti. at wsr, late watch I tm .boot te mmur, 4 sMht ttrf aiy bMt aiU aad laassiast la lb slastspM I ftr si OakMI. aacbsU mt tU tmf muim el obslsssw Ua sad abmsaitir ataatad wkiak I mtf aaa at ika awanat at mm ststa, I fin sad kaouaalk aata RaUU latMala, tvsisUsBsbMr et UoaMss UtletaM to yarfak sad slat ilm ailuaa, sb nulsdir et sir a, tat al wk.tau.iai Uad sad ebataaaswr ritnatsd kbrk I mmf nam, at lbs ia at air daatb. I ssaalat mf said braibar, avsrlate Osklall, ssbt tsaratar al Ibta liallaint aad Slajimi Mai Iraa Slrlag baad, aad I dtraa) hba m a-aba partlltoa st mm.-mjmmt br HsUatlaa oftMa aaa yasr sstar prsbste sad ailitsf at ssM ast.lW I .Htl.hl bar tbsis ia su aaiary er Ms iialulaal ta latorasl bMitna siaatlili la be spstind bf tbe saris - TUs sifari by aw aa aa absat l pa par st a la itaansOsasi 0 tetenee waa tbe shock he experi enced from thla perusal that hla head fell forward, aad for a moment hla state waa one of somltoascloasness, But rage, bitter, nnspeakable rage, sent the blood surging hot from hla heart The; veins of his nark aad temples gorged; hie face grew livid. Had he been of fall physical habit he would have died la tbe tempest of wrath which burst within him. Aa boor he sat mottoaJea except for the twitch ing of hla conn teas see, like those of as ansrstbetlsed patient ander the aor geon's knife. Bat one thought was de fined la hla da sed, congested mind, aad that took the form of aa wonlto, malig nant curea BDoa tbe brother who thwarted blm even from hla ondlscov erable greve. Exhausted, weak as a child co-nlag eat ef a cataleptic spasm, he tottered aerete tbe room and fell paatlag Tapaej hla led. The ealmnas of collapse oasae apoa him. brlagtag a gradual retsra of connected thought , la hla view Horace's malevolence to blm waa manifest. Tbe purpose of the bequest of half the estate to Eetclle waa so to hordes the conscience ef the ssoUmeatal girt with a weight of grat itude to bis memory that tbe bestowal of her hand to another weald to her seem the basest of crimes. Be had sought to make her life one ef virgin widowhood or reHgtoae seclastoo. The plain anlmaa was to bafBe the salt which bo aaUclpated that Xarlsto would preea. Tbe tatter would not ad mit that hla passion waa unknown to Horace. How was this stroke to be parried T How. If ever, waa the crista eat of which hie boasted cenniag. the gift of bis Latin aocestore, should bear blm victorious. ; What waa this woapoa seed agalost his life's life What waa the character of aa olographic will? What waa hla eta toe without the will, ao Mvtog poreoo) hot almseif having sees HI - ., Be dared not consort a lawyer. He one of the craft known to him p oasis ed tho degree ef aseretlreaosa ta In vite hat troet. . BWog aad horrowtog strength from a decaater of hraady, be took down the ervtl code of Loelelana aad, tarolog over the Isa re. evry ana of which bore the pea Botes sad tbsab amrke at hla brother, rooted his eyes epoo tboae lioeo: Artlsto Ma. TW etsM sssbMssst I SM biab I aiMlas by b laasisr btsaiW. J a ear b b vsMd b) mmt b aamatr arliisa, aalW sad akjaad b tbe taa.iai It Is ..Mia m mm mmm mtm sad aa b sssds aebaH eat f aWsssss. : mmm mm Tbe perfect loo of otmpHcHr." Brt rtsie mottered. iaod from ail ibo forme .' rseuasewt aaejrod by the law he haw detlbevaarly ailinid rhlo ooo far mr dtacessBtora. tbal I eaTer tt ta wrorh my BopasT Shalt I aet araagto II before Nose the bgt Whatwoold he the effect of thai I Let eo bso fsr ther" - Dsvvbxg agaia rote lb code. hfooad that bo. thoogb oaly half brother, vroeld hare tohertted the wbo ewtate to ike esrlaabae of ' other roOateral aire bad Horace 4Wd mteatata ' "0 Horara. yoa aear4d Aasrrtcaa ocV aoilloejataed gtoatnagly. " Irori ta my beads thla rorsrd toatro asreref year Ul wtH sod apert me te tor It epoo myertf-to retomH siilrtde with tt! . Too oevar oaovmood mo. Too oreer tried re oBderstaad oml t It la bMdrott aVtweoo Br od stsrrea ataada oaky thla glmey harrier, rewted bp a sesUd mUmi. aad away n toaisaeo no wbssd the wUl aad Btrorfc a Bssbrh. oroow b waa startled bfd eaarp ftoasw a hst dooov ThrowtBC - away the Bsatrh aad sworn ma tfe ejuit bare 40a pocket be dutisaded: -.- ..- be la therer , . : i Aru bbSb Tk H last sblt tan i si sat aaaaai H M be entad, sad tt shsI b sabaaaV aSaad sad asaasd by tbs asabwasMa at taa mm Bl smiaa, aa aat ansa) skat tars "" sb lunar f 1 as babar aatasb a i III is. mmtmt sad SOaad la tbs taa hit's bulaililas. as sa bay sstaa saas aba avtte aad Saa osaa aM "It Is I," sirs. Yvyia answered. "A letter has been broustt by a messeot ger, who says aa Immediate answer Ig required." He opened the door and received the following Bote:- . CasH la Past's st sacs. Mitten at taeoatiao rsqulM fosatittrstlna sad sake sow. tyUASSSBT. "Tell tne meeseoger, please, that I will come," be said to Mrs. Wyley, and then to himself: "Perhaps this la for tunate. It may be well for me to breathe fresh air and get back to the normal, possibly to consult Qulllebert, before taking steps which could never be retraced. He la sn expert on all matters of thla complexion.'' He wss soon at tbe cabaret and seat ed In tbe rear room with QulUsbert "I bare news for yea," said the lat ter. Tell It" "Tbe Latlolaia girl wants to become a nun." "She will forego that wish whan I maks her realise the consequences to her grandfather." "You are still resolved on that?" "More Inflexibly than ever." Then I have other news." Tell H." "Your brother left a will." Evaristo paled aad exolalmed: "Who says sor -Valaln Moulllot" "How dose be know r "Your brother told blm he bad left bis will with you." A cold moisture bathed Bvariste's brow. "Moreover, be made tbe aame state ment to the priest Orbe tbe day before be went away. But neither of them knows Its dispositions," continued Qulllebert "Tbe people Will expect yoa to produce It soon." "My Oodl" said Evariete, realising the futility of denying the existence of tbe testament and his need of an ad viser. "Tour summon came In tbe nick of time to aave me from ruin," "How sor asksd Qulllebert "I was oa tbe pout of burning the testament' "Whyr "Boca use It divides the estate evenly between Estelle and me." "Honer granted Qulllebert "Maybe that le aa Intimation of bio wish that she should marry with yoa." . , "No. It was latended to make her his widow aad fortify her against tbe dorses I meant to apply through old tveooldaa. Bhe wilt never consent to become my wife If that will goes Into effect" (Too are right'' Qulllebert said after a moment's thought "Where la the documeotr 1 have It here," replied Svartote. : "Let me see It." Qalllebert demand ad. ., , V, The testament waa exhibited. Qallle bert read It slowly aad deliberately, with half closed eyea and kalt brows. For an hor he labored Um. preof that hla geolu waa actively working. Looking up without raising hlLbead, be said; (Continued on psge four.) bavaO His Ufa. 'I ariah itt aav I hat I feel I OWO my liie to k'txloi Dypaia Cure,,' wrilea II. C, CbreetenKon, of Hay Held, Minn, "for three years i was troubled with tlyspepaia so that f mini,! hnlil ntithine on tn v stom ach. Many times 1 would be un able lo retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined U my bed. Doctors said I could not lire. ' I read one of your advettiaetnenta on KaAiA nv.itt-ru.ia Cure and thoueht it fit my case and commenced its use. I began to impaove iroro tne Aaat twiltla Nnar I am r II rail and recommend it to all." Digests yoor lood. curea an aiomacn irouoiee. J, C. Simmons, the druggist Tivstuasda Bar aUdmey Troobls aad Doo't Hjhtw it. Mow I im Oat Pul a bottle er common rtaas with yoor water sad lot It ataad twosty-eour hours; a seotmeot or Oiag hvhoat ooao'hekbi aeys; B N stains yoor haea tt Is evidence ef kbV asy trouble; toe freqoaat ossb s to eass It er paw hi the beck is else catrvtacisr roef thai the kidney sad biaaV Aarareoutei erder. . - orhate. f - ' ' There Is oomfort hi the Imotrledfe 'sa eftoa expremil that Dr. Klbnar's Swamp Roet the great kidney remedy fulfill every ansa m curing ntewmstism. psia b book, Udaeys, Irrer, bladder and every part ef tbe srtaary paasafa. h eorrects toabOlty to bold water sad aoaidwg psia to paasmg k. or bad oneots fobowlag ose o( Uqaor, aecesslir of being oompalled to go eftoa daring the day, aad to get ep many tunes durtac the Bbrht The mUd aad the extra- erdbkiiT edaet of twsmp Root la soee reahied. -. It staads a highest lor ns woa earitii eoree ef the moot dtsueestnr cases, tf yoa Bead a Biedidae yon shovid have the best SoMbreVaistomSOe.andSl.slta. isomay asvo a aapiple bottle ef this alscovery aad a book that toll BMre about M, both oaet abashttely area by mal address Dr. Kilmer at Co., Bwfhamtoo. N. Y. vbea writ ing m- ttoa reading this fan arn m ofior to this paper, aaa af s in a i a HW A Wlll-'l e rioer frequently meets with disaster. Avery " ,111 n tlllttk bandy amlefflcientdoctortoluiTawithyonwhsa -ait ucvident happens is a bottle of Mwstn-g UaUsaaot. Ulcers or Running Sores . need not become a fixture upon your body. If they do it is your fault, for MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT willthoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it ; if this lin iment is used a cure.willfollow. VAII nftklT IfMflUf howqukkly alraraoraoaJd eenbeeorad lUU IIUN I lnUsV cpttl ron have treated it wlta Mextoao JIu;tnnr Llnlsnoat. As a Beth bealer it stands at the very tup. lOOOOOOCOOOGOOGOGCCCCCCCCO , We Now Have a CELEBRATED And would Wee for you to come in , and inspect tftem. .There's None Better. And, Quality Considered, Prices are right. OeOOG00Q000CGCeCCCCCC3O TIMBER WANTED ! I will pay CASH for Maple, White Poplar, Birch and Aah. I bay it in any qnantity, delivered at your nearest railroad station or at my factory." All timber to be . cat 52 inches. All timber mast be 6 in. ia diameter and op, aUo sonnd, straight and free from knots; - . oTWill pay for Maple d 01, Bir;h 4.50, A i i 5.00, White Poplar $4.00. Prices named are fpr cords 128 cnbic feet. , l"f .V . ' 1 R. B . FAUST, BurlingtQni J. E. CART LAND, Merchant Tailor, GireeDBboro, N. O. Nou rtrinrfiB: I Irt.tn.riato fttvloo Trio . H w W WW WWW w WP w fmw mt-mm Workmanship, and a a af a I f '. . Dest ot every in ing. . A FREE PATTERN (rear awe sslseHtet ta ewy eaa aarlkar. Oaly SS aseta a yaar. asfsa0 1 a I.J2tjlL.l,:iA-1U'?i A tASXS MASAZIlsC."; A aaa; III II I aaani alaHa: biMal bill ii : Oma.kli aoMMlai ; taM art s .i.n i It aaa. ; aciMa, aa. haV artk. tmmt, . mm m. tm kM mmmu. jaSrasimalat . laaStatlaiaa. Brtl.b. BMtaklk. Btalpto. TTa-t data, X ileal aaaV Akt.latsly rarlact-riulae raaar Faneta.. LIS CALL A ADAZAR I kiW Aak tar laa. la a TRE NtCALt CO..1 RMTS-mBaet IMBU BfOTOCB. .;,v....t . JACOp A. .IiOXG, , AttorncT-ett-La j GRAHAM, i': - - ! ' ' ' - a. . rraetieas hs tha Stat sad rarai aoana. Large Stock of the 4 O O Zeigler Shoes White & Co., BURLINGTON, N. C. i, k . was aj way , K a m'mmf . Waf f good fit. We use the . - . . . . . Fruit Trees ,s That Grow mad . ? Bear Good Fruit. ,' vTrtta tor Our SBaat t lostrataal eataMc aad top. Bamptilvt, -How to rii aad CulMvata aattreit4. (tlvas you tfaat tnfarm.imaj yaaOuivaaa hm -.t: s4i vats aJrabout tb (. reO appiaa. tanaa ,u. . aaadbaa, aad Jaoaa ..aa' trltb btiatr orint4fcl s--aaa, atlaT a shU you i ,m, vtimm aeaoaul as e .a woadarad Wbara Im i-m. Sana troai taat pruuuuve Everrtilag (jg-j , a la Fralts. . gnnaaalMaa of trm R r MapaBa, yeaaa, tbir aaauoia and stra., n t i .a Bind that crow off iu No OMU nwtti traas. Tbw i. iha no rapid sroaiti ... nOoeaot tea sauas i ,, tilul snada trma. V far prujmm mmm riw Umt. at vranta. . :. , . . . ... iteVZitzri tin Foley's crrn &