nn ! jr" A!''"-:-. i VOE. XXIX. GRAHAM, N. C.i THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. NO. V Tiro - 8 Sooth Peoria St., ; " Cbicaoo,Iuu, Oct, J, 1902. ' Eisht montba mo I was m ill r 4own nearly all the itime. Mr (tomach waa to weak and upset nr M ,M nnt urinate Without great BtiowJedwHKthatv Toy throat and lung were raw tad tore. The doctor! pro Bonnced it Bright' dieaa and , other eaid it wu eoniumption. ' ' It mattered little to me what they called it ana i naa no ae lire to lire. Atieter Tiiited me from St. Lonto and aaked me if I had erer tried Wine of Cardni. I told her I had not and the bought a bottle. I believe- that ItMTed my life. I beliere many women could tare roach nlfer ing if they but knew of iti value. . Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardni and make one (upreme effort to be well. Ton do not need to be weak, helplea luff erer. Ton can have, ft woman' health and do a woman'i work in life. Why not leoore a bottle of Wine of Gardui from your draggiit to day? JEWELER GRAHAM, N. C. Watches, (Stocks, Jewelry and Silverware. ; ..ESTABLISHED . 1893 Burlington Insurance , i Hgencj-i IMURAlfCEtM AU ITS BRANCHES.' . Local .agency, of Perm Mutual Insurance . Company, r,-- '- Best . ... ' -v f life Inrarf f fffr sice contracts now? e -$ ' ' 5 pn the market, v s! 3 Prompt penonal attention to all omen. Oorretpondenoa ollolted. J T JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent. KIDNEY DISEASES in, the most tatal ol all aset. f or money r:':n!L ' Contains nmedltM tza rizeJ by mf neat physicians aj th Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. ti "rsnsibiaiiiA " J- Smmons Druggist, Graham. 1 ??oqggegjoooooooo Q Subbcribo i For The Gleaner. $100 per year. a:. srooos. - "'J it AtXoratTULw, - i graham, . - -. n. c. Offl Pattenoa BoOdiBC County Exhibit, 1903. To the Tax-Payers of Alamance County, North Carolina. Greeting : Below you will find an itemized statement and summary of the expenditures of the funds of Al amance County's taxes, for the fiscal year 1993, by the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance County, N. C, showing each charge separately and aggregate amount of each charge for its respective month ; .also the total amount of expenditures for each class of accounts and including the grand total of expenditures, which is the sum total for all the class to tals for the fiscal vear. homnninrr December 1st, 1902, and ending November 30th, 1903. Also the amount of orders allowed for each month and to whom and for what paid. Itemized as follows : HOME OF AGED AND INFIRM. DECEMBER let, 1S02. Oneida Store Co., by 345 lbs sugar, buckets, pant goods, etc., $131 73 FL& J W Williamson, by 300 lbs fat back 10fc., 32 25 W E Hay, by 15 pr shoes $1.25, blankets, etc.. 37 75 R N Thompson, soap, oil, etc., - - - 7 35 Total, - $208 08 DECEMBEB 2d', 1002. Solomon Love, by 1 month salary, supt. (Nov. 1902.) 25 00 Same, 50 cords wood $2, etc., - - 109 15 Rollen Eogers, by 1 month cooking, (Nov. 1902.) 9 80 Total, - $143 95 JANUARY 6th, 1603. F L Williamson Co., by iDbs fat back lUJc. 57 00 Same, by 58 gal. molasses m 28c, - - 15 12 Geo W Anthony, lumber and nails, - - 3 7b Augustus Bradley, pres- scnptions, - 12 oo Joe Allen, 35 days' cooking, 12 25 Solomon Love, 1 month salary, Supt. (Dec. 1902) 25 00 Total, - - $126 04 FEBRUARY 24,1903. Solomon Love, Supt., by 1 ' month salary, (Jan. 1903)5 UO Same, by 50 cords wood $2, - - 100 00 Same, 1 R R ticket, 4 shoats, 1 robe and smith work, 17 W Joe Allen, 28 days' cook- inff35c, - - w Pete Dixon, by 1149 lbs. of pork 9c, - - 1J3 41 Geo W Anthony, lumber and nails, - - i t Jas P Albright, agt., insur ance premium on Home of A and I, - .- 59 31 Total, - - $301 94 MARCH 2d, 1002. Solomon Love, Supt., by 1 month salary, (Feb. 1903)$ 25 00 Same, by money paid lor smith work. 70 Same, by money paiASr - window glass, 1 Joe Allen, by 28 days' cook- 1 20 9 80 I 53 10 iing (a) oc., - -MrsvR W Scott, by 690 lbs. pork 9c.,v -R N, Thompson, by meat, soap, oil, etc., - -Oneida Store Co., by flour, blankets, shoes, etc., J C Simmons,prescription8, Augustus Bradley, pre scriptions, . - i rf - j Same, prescriptions, -JGDailey.by 100 fte. of tobacco 10c, - 10 45 175 94 35 9 15 17 10 10 00 Total, - 13129 APRIL 6th, 1003. unn.nn Tnn hv 1 month salary. Supt., - $ 25 00 Same, Irish potatoes, smith work, etc., J 0 Simmons, by prescrip tions, (drugs), - " Dailey & Allen, by 15 bags 32 89 1 75 30 00 12 25 $101 89 rmarui JoeAllen,by35 days' cook ing 35c, - : "Total, - - . -MAY 4tm 1003. Solomon Love, by I month $ 25 00 Same, freij&t bills, smith 15 96 8 40 wnrlr and WOrk. Joe Allen, 1 month cooking, TW Hatch, part paymen : on painting house, 100 00 Total,. - , JUNK tot. M03. j j ; wdWder;"4? Oneida Store Co. corn, col .foe, meat, ete., - "1fi R N Thompson, supplies, TWHatch,p!iibfe . . oi Borneo! A. aaa I. lVK ' ..Total. - :32wl0 "... ,,jui.r e,iwo3. Same, money paid for labor Dailey 'J " , of GeoW Anothony. Jmnber for tarn . , m io J .E Kirkpatrick, by 4,200 brick for Home of A. and I., - . - v-. Jas A Moser, by labor on barn at Home of A. and I., - . Holt & May, by coffins and robe for inmate at Home , of A. and I., - Joe Allen, cooking at Home of A. and I., 29 40 50 00 Q 50 0 35 Total, - $342 52 AUCU8T 3d. Solomon Love, bv 1 month salary, Supt., - $ 25 00 Same, freight bill, wood and othar works, - 9 32 Joe Allen, 1 month cooking at Home of A. and I., 11 20 F L Williamson Co., by 1 box heavy fat backs, 42 50 The J C Simmons Drug Co., prescriptions,' - 50 Augustus Bradley, by pre scriptions, - - 36 15 Total,, - $125 67 SEPTEMBER 7th. Solomon Love, by 1 month salary, Supt., - $ 25 00 Same, money paid for work and wood, - 7 50 Joe Allen, 1 month cook ing, - - 11 35 C B Thomas, painting barn at Home, - - 40 00 Total, - $ 83 85 OCTOBER Bth. W H Cook, by hauling at Home of A. and I., $ 1 50 Augustus Bradley, by pre scriptions, - - .5 55 Total, - $ 7 05 NOVEMBER 2d- Solomon Love, by 1 month salary, Supt., - $ 25 00 Same, by money paid for labor, -J H Tarpley, by 1 month salary, Same, by money paid for groceries, - . Augustus Bradley, by pre scriptions, Moore, Rogers & Co., by oil, soap, etc., - N S Cardwell, by corn and 27 50 25 00 27 94 3 15 5 95 twine, -R N Thompson, by oil, soap etc.. for Home of A. and I., J W Cates, by coffin and robe for pauper, John Andrews, by 28 days' cooking 45c, Sama, 15 days' cooking 45c, -Solomon Love, by money 13 38 11 06 5 45 12 60 6 75 advanced for 1 h( borse, 110 00 Total, - 1273 78 NOVEMBER 10th. Oneida Store Co., by meat, flour, etc., for inmtes, $104 71 Alamance Grocery Cor, by guano and shipstuff, 27 55 Total, $132 26 OUTSIDE POOR. DECEMBER 1st, 1002. Alamance Grocery Co., by . meat, flour, etc., for Mrs. Emery, . - - Same, supplies for Julia Isley, - -Same, supplies for Sallie. Raines, - - V Same, supplies for Julia Oldham, -Same, supplies for r Julia :Isley, .-4H f :r1f 3 J Lambeth, by meat, flour, , a 4 50 3 00 4 50 6 00 I00 3 00 etc.. for Moses Ratliff, R N Thompson, by meat, flour, etc., for Nancy Stinson, Same, supplies for Rena Buckner, - Sama, supplies for David . Herbin, - ' - HA Isley, by meat, flour, etc., for Malinda Thomp son, - - - Cole Sc. Flinton, by meat, flour, etc., for E Shep rrd. - 4 50 J 50 3 00 4 50 4 50 6 00 Same, supplies for 'Mrs. Vanderford. White A Co., by meat, flour, jeiev for uz lay, a w B Long, by meat, iaw-t- for Henrr Mason, - 3 00 gam empplk - for Henry. , i Mason, , " ' J W W Spcor by n floury f to etc, tar AUry juubusvt,; Same, suppties;for Martha J Weaver. - 3 00 0 H Roney, by meat, flour, etc for Geo Walkor, ,, 3 00 Same, supplies for Gaorge Walker. - - w J B Tate, by meat. nW, ? .etc., for -cm vvfUl - Sum, supplies for Jennie 4 I)lMMfenin. - ?? OU fttme, soppliea for Isabell Tjnllinfler. S00 4 SO 1 50 6p0 9 00 f00 M 00 -4 50 4 50 Same, supplies for Amy Trice, ' - AN Robertson, by Jo rs and wife. W W,GarreU, by meat. ' floor, etc, for Mrs. u '. Herring, V " Ssme, aupplte for Uua obeihlaiey ana Bon, -Same, supplies for .Ruddy Thompson, - -ftim 'supplies for John K Underwood, WHAnaley.bymeat, flour, ete for Mary B Curtis, A O' Garrison, by meaV fkmrtc, for Dora Lewi, Same, supplies for Dora Lewis, - - James Johnson, by meat, flour, etc., for Elizabeth Cates, - - . Jacob Shoffner, by meat, flour, etc., for John B Cheek, Same, supplies for John B Cheek, W H King, by meat, flour, etc., for Morgan Kirk patrick, - Same, supplies for Sarah Tarpley, Same, supplies for Laura Foust, Same, supplies for H O Wilson, Same, supplies for Laura Foust, - - 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 Total, - $161 25 DECEMBER 2d, 1002. G D Vincent, by meat, flour, etc., for Jas A Vincent, (colored), - 4 50 Jas A Isley & Bro., by meat, flour, etc.. for B F Hurdle and wife. - 6 00 Same, supplies for Kizzie ' Guy, - - - 3 00 Sil Spoon, by meat, flour. -etc., for Eliza Chavis, 3 00 J A Foust, by meat, flour, etc.. for William Foust. (colored), - 3 00 C H Roney by meat, flour, etc.. for Geo Walker. 3 00 Total, - $ 22 50 1903. JANUARY 6th White, Williamson A Co., by meat, flour, etc., for S Alston, - $ 4 50 John Hayes, by meat, flour, etc., for Jack-Johnson, White, Williamson & Co., by meat, flour, etc., for S Alston and wife, Same, supples for S Alston and wife, Holt & May, by coffin for Walter Walden, 4 50 4 5p 450 i 6 15 J W Cates, by two coffins for paupers, - - State Hospital, (Morganton) by transportation of J C McCulloch, 5 96 5 00 Total, - $ 25 11 . FEBRUARY 4 L B McAdams, sheriff, by ; money paid indigent J ; pupils at Statri Hospital, $112 5Q C F Kauhut. by meat, flour, etc., for Mary A Boon, - 3 00 Same.. Bunoliea for Sarah Melrin, - - 4 pO Same, supplies for William " t ' Jeffries. ' "-"""7 "iBP' Eugene Teague, by meat, ' ' ( nour, eve., ror juiaaoeui . Sheridan, ; ., . h t't f Graham Garrett, by meat, flour, etc., for Rebecca Isley, A G Boon, by meat, flon etc., for Mary Boon, y i T A Boon, by meat, flour, etc., for Mary Boon, - ' A T Riddle, by meat, flour, etc., for Linn Dark, Same, supplies for Betsey Richardson, - ' Glencoe , Mills, by meat, flour, etc., for Annie Mur ray, - - - Same, supplies for Sallie Jones, - '.; ; - , W C Holman, by meat, flour, etc., for , Rachel Moon, - - - Same, supplies for Eliza Allen, . - Carolina Cotton Mills, by meat, flour, etc., for An 4 '50 3 00 ...... t 4:50 4 50 'j' 4i50 300 nie Murray, W A Murray Co., by meat. flour, etc., for Alex f ul ler and wife, Same, supplies for Eliza Hunter, -Same, supplies for Alex Fuller and wife, -Same, supplies for Eliza . Hunter, - - .'Total, ' :v - V,;-;; $ . . MARCH M - H A Isley, by meat,' flour, etc., for Malinda Thomp son. - ' - Cole & Flinton, by meat, floor, etc for. E ShefR. mrd. - -1 Same, supplies for Roddy Thompson, - flam" mrmliMife lira. . II T l l 1 . u. , . t floor, etc.. for Henrietta 1 MurrsT. i D F Carter, by meat, lour, . i etc, for Nancy Lsahley. LI 4 JauniU' Cotton Mills, by meat, flour, etc, for Ida rs ftmui mnrJiM lor LLa. A1- 1 ' ' lea,- j - i -- i'-t o 491 B N Thompson., by meat, . i - nour,excDTaocy sun- j s i B0aV.J y -Jt . r ' -J ' 4 50 Same, supplies for Nancy Sanson, 4 50 Same, supplies for Rena'' ; ' Baclntr. ; - - i W game, supplies for Mary B: -, Elxmbymat,fbnr,etc, J ? foTllrarriiasos, $ - 5W Jas Johnson, by meat, floor, . tic, f f LttbeOj Gates, r J J 00 0 D WiileseD, by ' meat, .' lirmr, ete scar aacis i - WkitselL - - 3 3 00 John liayea, (coL.) by ft, ' ! flour, etel for Jack Jonn- , son. (coL) - - g 4 50 J R Foster A Bra, by f-rt, floor, etc, for Mary Vc DanieL - - 3 75 Same, supplies for Eliza 50 00 50 50 50 00 00 beth Chavis, - 3 Same, supplies for Martha J Weaver. - - 3 A B Tate, by meat, flour, etc.. for Caroline Wil liamson, - . - 4 Same, supplies for Amy Trice. - - - - 4 Same, supplies for Jennie Clendenin. .,.'- 4 W J Nicks, by meat, flour, etc.. for Emily Turner. 3 Same, supplies for Emily Turner, - - - 3 Alamance Grocery Co., by meat, flour, etc.. for Mrs. Emery, - 4 00 50 Same, supplies -for Jack Anderson, - ' - - 3 G D Vincent, by meat, , flour, etoz. for Jake Vin cent. - - - 4 0 F Rauhut, by meat, flour, etc.. - for Mrs. . Mary A Boon, . ; : - v . 3 W H Kins, by meat flour. etc., for Laura Foust, 4 White & Co.. by meat, flour. etc.. for Eliza May. - 3 A B Tate, suppliers Isa bella Trollinger. - 3 W H Kins, by meat, flour, etc.. for David Herbin. 3 Same, supplies ; for . Rose .., Kirkyatnck. - 3 Same, supplies for HO Wilson. - - 3 Same, supplies for Sarah TarrJey. - - 3 Same, supplies for Morgan - Kirkpatrick. - 4 Oneida Store C04 by meat, .1 flnnr. rtc.. tar Ritta Sim. mons. n . - v 5 Same, supplies for Mrs. J G ' Herrins. - - 6 Same., supplies for Julia Terrell - - 3 Same, supples for Ritta Simmons. - - 3 00 Same, supplies for Cather ... ine Furffeson. - ; 3 Same. . supplies for Julia Terrell, - . - 2 00 Same. - supplies for Eliza- betL Isley and son. - 7 66 Same, supplies for John , Underwood, t 5 64 Same, supplies for Mamie Mebane. - - 1 00 Same, supplies for Cather. be Ferguson, ' - 3 00 Graham Garrett,' by meat, flour, etc., for Rebecca IsleV. i ;:?'r..a. '. r 3 00 JO&EC Dailey, by roeaU 1" flour, etc., for Jaim now- ,( ard. ;tii A li 4 50 Same, -'supplies ..for John . . : ' Howard, i-. ;-'1 t-f . 4 50 C F Rauhut, by meat, flour, . etc,,, for Jobs Howard, 6 00 Same, supplies for . Wil . liam.JSnaa. . .7-50 Allamance Grocery Uo by )t meat, flour, etc.. for Sal- lie Raines. - . ou Total, - 1207 80 ; APIL Bth ' Ilica' Furniture Co., by coffin fof Wm McVey, ' " 3 00 Holt, Gant A Holt, by meat, " : flour, etc., fof Bell Rudd, 4 50 Same, supplies ' for Bell Rudd. - - 450 Same, supplies for Bell . Rudd. - ' - 4 50 4 50 6 00 6 00 Same, supplies for Bell Rudd, - ' - Same, supplies for Tbomsas Beaalev. ' " Same, supplies for" Thomas BeasJey, , . Same, supplies for Thomas Ueaaley, . 0 00 7 50 Sp .e,M0Ipli. it STt MitghM ii VCef Same, supplies for PoDy Hughes, - W-B Aldridge f, by 7 50 7 CO vmeax,noor,eWJOT imim - . sMiks. J - 300 Sama, .supplies for Eliza too 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 50 6 00 1 50 3 00 Miles, - -Same, supplies for Eliza ' Miles. - SsroA-supplies fori Eliza '.Miles, j- j , -. ' Same, suppllc for, Eliza Miles,' . v ' . ' . UMRertzelLlryxMct, flour, 1 t for Maty Ann ocepn- ens.' t'p-.t ' ; Same, supplies for Mary . Ann Stephens, A N Robertson,' by meat, tor,ete.,lor Jas Rogers .aAwife, ' 3 A.Fousi. by meat, floor, . etcfor Wm-Foust, Geo D Smith, by meatlfloor. l etc. for Sallie McBnde, COlSsateV suppfies for" Sallie ' . t ill McBride. W ,4 60 i taMVppUa lot i tudlf Jicllride. .-i .4 50 Sarosv. nppues far Sallie . , ' HcBride,- 4 ' " 4 60 A T Riddle, by" meat, toot; ;V I . it2 tat BetewiiZickard- -. Same, suppliess for Line Uark. r-rr rf: w Virginia Cottoil JClIa, by meat, floor, eta, for John ': Teer, .-, Same, supplies for John R . ; Teer, .v - , r . ' -Same, supplies, for, John R i 450 4 60 -t t 4 50 Teer, Seme sppfos forfohaR".""t !. Teer, - ' -'' 4 50 Same, supplies for J0L1 E , . ..;.Tesr. '.:..t:- 'A -60 T J Boone, by meal, fW. . 'Hei tor Uary Booiws, ; - . 50 D F Carter; by ccCa, rl I ' i : etc, for Mary W W. -0?; Bon Clark, by R R ticket T 00 and per diem for pauper, . 6 00 Total, $159 MAY 4th J'A Isley A Bro. Co., by meat, flour, etc., for B F Hurdle and wifo, Same, supplies for Kizzy Guy, - - - Carolina Cotton Mills; by meat.flour, etc., for Annio 50 50 6 3 3 4 50 00 Murray, 00 Eugene Teague, by meat, flour, etc., for Elizabeth Shriedan, 50 Jounita Cotton Mills, by meat, flour, etc., for Ida Allen, . ' - Glencoe Mills, by meat, , flour, etc, for Nancy Hawkins Jones, Holt, Gant & Holt, by meat, flour, etc., for David Her bin, - -White, Williamson & Co., by meat, flour, etc., Sol. Alston and wife, .r A T Riddle, by coffin, robe, etc., for Jennie Moore, 00 3 50 2 00 3 4 3 50 00 75 Total, $ 33 00 JUNE 1st 00 J. C Simmons, by prescrip tion for Ritta Simmons, $ Jas Johnson, by meat, flour, etc., for Elizabeth Cates, Alamance Grocery Co., by meat, flour, etc., for Sal- '. lie Rains, i - . E Long, by meat, flour, etc., for Henry Mason, - . White, Williamson A Co., by meat, flour, etc., for . Solomon Alston and wifo, ', G . D Vincent, by meat, flour, etc., -for Jake Vin cent, : .":.'. --.-.. A N Robertson, by meat, flour, etc, for Jos Rogers and wife. - 00 3 00 50 4 3 00 00 4 00 300 7 50 3 00 00 Geo W Pickett, by moat, flour, lins, flour, etc., for Julia Col- O D WhiteselL by meat, flour, etc., for - ranme Whitesell. '- - -4 J A Foust, by meat, flour. etc., for Wm roust, (col), , 3 v 3 White A Co., by meat, flour, etc.. for rJiza May. W H Kincr. bt meat, flour. etc.for Rose Kirkpatrick, ) o Same, supples for Laura roust. , - , - 4 4 Same, supplies for Morgan Kirkpatrick, - - , R N Thompson, by meatj flour, etc., for, Nancy Stinson,' -! 4 60 Some, supplies for Rena1 Buckner. ' - T 4 Same, .supplies for Mary Curtis, . v. 4 06 Oneida Store Co.,-by moat, flour, etc:, for Alexander 1 Long and wife, ' ! Same, supplies for . John Underwood, .' Same, supplies for Julia K Terrell. - 4 60 4' 60 ; 3 oo Same, supplies" for' Ritta '' ounmons, - 3 00 3 00 0 00 Same, supplies for Cathor- Sne Ferguson, -Same, Supplies for Mrs J G ' Herring, ' -: -A B Tate, by meat, flour, etc., for Isabella Trouin- 3 73 Same, supplies for Caroline Williamson, - v - 4 60 4 60 Same, supplies for Amy Trice. . Same, supplies for Jennie 1 Clendenin, (colored), Jos A Isley A Bro. Co., by 4 meat, nour, etc., for fuz zy Guy, Same, supplies for, B F Hurdle and wife, J R Foster A Bro., by meat, flour, eta, for 'Mary Mc ; Daniel, , :,...-" -Same, supplies for Martha J Weaver, Some, supplies for Eliza-: beth Chavis, -J J Lambeth, by meat,floor, etc., for Moses Ratliff, Sum. suDDlies for Moses 3 6 i 3 3 3 ' 3 .Ratliff. - 3 Total. - H1 i - JULY Bt Oneida Store Co., (Belle mont,) by meat, flour, -etc for Elizabeth later and son. . . .. ..,K r $ 12 W G Holman, try meat, fllonr, etc, for Elizabeth Allen, -Same, supplies for Rachel Moon, -Same, supplies for Eliza r Allen, -Same, supplies for Rachel. ' A TKddWby meat, flour,'' etc for Betsy Richard- 4 3 . 4 3 son . - . .300 Same, supplies . for lins II A Thomrjson. bv meat. flour, etcfor Dora Lewis. 4 J O A E L Daily, by meat, : : . flour! etc for John How- . ard. - - . - ' ' 4 Eugene Teague, by meat, , AmT tc for Uizabeth Sheridan.' - - 4 T J Boon, bv meaf!xloorwetC for Marr Boon. : - -4 H A VaucfuL by 1 eofEn for Bla Graves' child. ' r 1 Freeman Drug Co, by pre-. " ' scriptioBS lor paupers, 86 A J Thompson A Co, by'J i preaenpuon for Jaje ; lloU's wife, - - - - "1 45 Total, $ 56 81 AUGUSTS J C Durham, by tkketa to ; Morsranton for. Amos 40 if- 40 Rippy, - - $ 11 total, ; ,' - $.11 nrvrrunrsi Ttk ., ;' t 00 00 00 50 meat, flour, etc., for Ida- ' ...V Allen, ' - j " - ;. 3 HA Isley,' by meat,- flour son, - ' ' ' - ,4'56 0 D Whitesell, by ; meat, flour, etc., for Fannie ' wmteseu, .4 G D Vincent, by meat, flour, etc., for Jake Vincent, ' (colored,) ,' - , GeoF Thompson, by meat, flour, etc., forGeo Hes- ter ' '. - Goo W Pickett, by meat, flour, etc., for Julia Col-' lins, - ' -Jas Johnson, by meat, flour, ' etc., for Elizabeth Cates, E Long, by meat, flour, etc., ' for Henry Mason,' White, Williamson A Co., by meat, flour, etc., for Solomon Alston and wife. Same, supplies for William Forsett, J R FoBter A Bro., by meat; r flour, etc., for Mary Mc Daniel, ; -Same, supplies for Eliza beth Chavis, - t J G A E L Dailey, by meat, flour, etc., for John How ard, - '' - ' Same, supplies for. Will Allen, ' i ' Cole A Flinton," by meat, ; flour, etc.,' for Ruddy Thompson, - 3 00 75 2 00 4 00 50 80 3 3 55 '6 3 .75 3 75 00 3 . ... i "4 50 00 2 50 1 Same, supplies for Mrs. Vanderford, - - 4 4 '4 Same, supplies for E Shep perd, - W H King, by meat, flour, etc., for Laura Faust. Same, supplies for Morgan ' Kirkpatrick, Same, supplies for Rose i Kirkpatrick. . 4 60 .i 3 00 3 00 . 2 00 4 60 : 460 u'4 60 Alamance Grocery Co., by 50 meat, Hour, etc., for Jack Anderson ; r .x - 00 00 Same, supplies for Jack Anderson, - - . , Same,, supplies for Sallie Raines, , M M Wrightoell. by meat. W nou.r etc.,' Tor juary Ann Stephens. ' - -.-i 60 50 Same, . supplies for : Mary i Ann Stephens, - -R N Thompson, by meat, 1 nour, etc., for , .nancy fitfnann . . 4 i 4 4 i 3 4 4 Same, ' supplies tor' Rena Buckner,' u , . Same, supplies for Caroline Williams, A B Tate, by meat, flour, 60 etc., for-Caroline Wil liams, i ,' . - , Same, supplies for Isabella TroUinser, u - Same, supplies for Jennie Clendenin, t- Same, supplies for Amy Trice. - - Oneida Store Co., by meat, nous, etc., for MrsJU Herring, t 6 Same, supplies for Ritta Kmrnons,' n v 3 Same,supp)ies for John Un- i derwood, 4 Same, supplies for Alex - Longandwlfe, " t Same, supplies for Nathan ... ' .... walker, . - - - Same, supplies for Julia TerrelL - . - 3 Same, supplies for Mrs. - 60 00 00 Cjnery, - - Same, supplies for Cather- ine Ferguson, - 3 Total, - i 1155 75 cojrriKCEB &i 2xd ro. 00 00 00 One HanaMd DsHwr . Is the ralo H. a Tiadale. Summertoo, 8. C, places on WiU's ; Witch llaaei. Balve. - says: "I had. the: piles .for years. I tried many doctors mad id nan. bnt all failed sxcetA 00 Witt's Witch Haul Sal vs. it cur ed me,V : It Us combination of the 31 healinf properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics sod emollients ; fsv Usvea sod permaneQUy cures Mind, bleeding itching and prUroding piles, sons. cots, brnisss, eczema, 00 salt rheum and all skin diseases. Sold by the 3. C Bimmons Drag 60 00 i . 60 00 ; ., ;.f Wilkesboie . Chronicle : Wiley Rbodssrof Dshsrt, this county. accidentally shot himself while squirrel hunting last . week. The load of shot took sQect in the rignt arm, teariagoffthefleahy partof tb arm above the elbow, and part, the right eheak and tar, clear te akulL The wound la a serious oasv Theyoongman it about 15 yean 50 old. ,i m . Tneiewe 50 Down in Texas at Yoakom, is a bis dry roods firm of which Mr, J. If Hal Wfaf the bead, ... Us. HalJer 50 on) one of bis trips East to boy goods 50 aid te a friend wbo was wita bun in the palace oar, Hess, take one 00 a these littls Early Risers upon re tlrlrje and yon - will be ap early in the morning .foaling good" For th "dark brown" taste, headache and that tngy feeling Ds Witt's Utile Early Cifrs are the best pills to we. 8old by the 3. C. Simmons Drug Co. - 25 25 if Mf ! 73 .y ",' Our noney wlnnlnf book, written by men who know, tell ft; yon all eDoux 5Q - ( ' They are needed by erery wun who owns a field and a plow, and who deiircs to get the t out . Tatimrt. fi(MMlcanL - ecnMA kau wrasa Stow 1m at r as-ia,-aaxsawUsa 00 50 00 00 00 00 We tnajuifactttre ' v And are. prepared to Furnish on short notice All kinds of . Rough imd dressed ' Lumber and' v 00 , 60 00 60 50 50 60 Sash, Doors, : Blinds, monldio;, etc ' ' Mantels and scroll work' A specialty. ' 1 GRAHAM4N.C. aaMi4laaaaAislIAmi 60 60 50 50 75 50 60 Embalmers, BURLINGTON, N. C. ' . , ... raoMisj. ff ffVVffflVffVVfffVVYfff ... . lomtCtauynravM. . W.Mnm,Ji BYNTJII&BinrulI, A-ttorwf a and Conn lora at ORKXMSBOBO, Ck rraeuee recalattr la tha eoerte of Ah 00 IT. , . AaX.S,MJ 00 60 SPEXCXn B. ADUU. , - JACOB A. XX ADAMS ft LONG, ' ttodMyw and ConnMlora at Tiv OKKEirSBOlO, X. C. rraetlee In State and Ttdrnl Court BefoM le Dprtanw to Waalnruo. o. . Mr. long will bo la Orakem mnrr katr faraaSMonoartoaMetaU waSwIA lea bU eA w ' ' 00 . DR. WILL S. LOXG, J: vf s . , DCWTIBT . .... 00 25 - North Cerelli OFFICE ix 8IMMOK8 BUILDLN ; " i atBa jtmk alSSk dBBsj! o"Al Sk dw'A dw'Jfc Ba jBan jWfc, 4 De - IJe ?0 and D Fruit Trees , ; That Grow and 1 ' i Bear Good Fruit. ' WHto tor our ftpof n tootfataS eotoiot aad o.' nwphlH. "Htm to PUat ao4 CvlnTeto aa (MtenL Olratrootaal aaformatiao 'voothavoM kunaK . Wle roo U aboot taoao ki ' ra4 appko. thorn Inrtom f until, aad Jkpaa pluu wtta (Mlr orlwMl BMaUofwkktk yon ortoa won and a onaa Inrl Wharo tho MM mmm from teat prodaoMI taoakg - ErerjtJtlks Gaol IiFnlts. r alUao of SM Wm El .4 ' I ( c ( . mmoothmm4 t ' kMd that m,f vail, ko . at, kmc a a i m Thw K ' - mome4 arvvlnc wiio C .. . b4 oo ot tM mat ' ua tkmiim trM. nve t) ' yn,i " ui ot of the - rOKOXA, M. C. i czzzzzzzzzz eeoe)eees ess ess e s eeeeet r - and the Kn c:?JZ: : - i prodat tuU la acirj t ! reatuta la Job o. i t ' 'ttf f f tM mil 1 ( i rvwe. .... -