.aaw a '. dlliE AN .1 r - - ' JIMS,. MM- VOL. XXIX. GRAHAM, N. C, HTOSDAt, JJEpgJJBBR 17, 1903. HO. 3 ! '' JJJ ..V-r BLACK.-! SXOCK iMEDICINE Stock and pc nltrr have few tooable. which an i not bowel and ii..r irreifiJ antiea. Blek-. is a bowel aod liver remedy SertioB in perfec Jetton. Eminent American breeders and keep their herd and flock. rrLuhr bT Wing them an oeca-SLMiBlyA-Dimn Stock d Poultry Medicine m their Sod. Any itock raiser mar bur a S&Snt half-pound air-tighttt 3thii medicine from hie dealer wd keep 1 vigorous rrjth for weeks. Dealer gener Ee TBlaok-Drwpht BtAand Poultry Medicine, r U youn doe. Mt send 25 cents for a ample, au, to the manutactureri.,. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Blaek-Draaght Stock ul Poultry Madloiaa ! th. bertlawrtriad. Our Itock wu looking bd h.n yoa Mnt m the nwdieln. and now thay aia GRAHAM, N. C. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. ' : ESTABLISHED 1893 1 Burlington Insurance insurance in all its branches. Ijocal agency ofjPenn " Matn&l Insurance : t Company. ,'. . t Best, 'i if , ' ( Life Inaur- ' ; ; . ance contra c(a now lit ' on the market. ' " i Prompt pononml attention to alf ord.r. Oorrespoodano. Mllolted. JAMES PS ALBRIGHT, Agent.' V Annuo! QtqtamanT. In aeeotdaaM' with the raqtrlrenenta of TUM.tka OoU ot Sorlk Carolina. I, C ThompKm, BeHeter of Deland (-Offlelo Clerk to th. Board of Coonty Oom txlogcrt of Alamance county, do honby rufytkattb. following atatement to Sro. admrraet, to-wlt: , ; 'Ta. number of aefc mnrt' oai. of County CoanMown mn tth tkaBoard. - -, ' ; f la. auaibar of i&yi each neaibar oaaonamlttea. 1 '- ' - tW auaibrr of bUm traeled by each ""Parately. f , I 0 IO. T. WILXLAMSOIf , Ch'ai'B. . 'ikatnTeiadatie, - ,. ' H Total. 7 ; . JAS. W. BOKIBS. , J?7" ""ty eowiirtpora ft. t!iraT2;m'''"'",'M' a 17 v ; Total. 1 i -. f i S.DAlLIT. X Total. ' (fW .l-TiTl., ririrty in,lwinn.r at Si . f2 Tr . v- .v JL? -J f .Total. . i - ' , - j '. e. Lcwa. J., awnity eoaiBiMioaan at ts, wa Total. abore ! "g rem 3 daya, OM total tat a OCCom.IT ConuBiaoaM r"or, K. C, wti ra mmtam. trom . ' CH A3, a TKOMPflOlf. TtU aad B-Omcio County Exhibit. 1903. WORK HOUSEConttnued. JULY 8 Oneida Store Co., by meat, flour, etc., . 133 38 xxwie Aianage, i mo team ster, . - - - 15 00 Jno Straughn, 1 mo guard, 22 50 Tom Steele, same - 22 50 Mell Holt, 1 mo teamster, 18 00 J as lerry, 1 month over- eoingnyicts,.,. - 30 00 feter Day, 20 days team ster 40c, - - 8 00 Will Holt, 1 mo work with convicts, - -' 12 00 A N Roberson, bacon, - 9 25 J A Isley & Bro. Co., by meat, flour, etc., - 9 50 Uraham Hardware Com pany, nails, etc., - 2 15 W E Hay, shoes and hats, 12 35 F W Hawkins, dressing picks, etc, - - 5 10 Geo E Nisson, by 2 dump carts, - - - 75 00 Good Roods Machine Co., 2 blades for road machine, 49 20 J H Boon, 634 lbs hay, - 4 12 A T Riddle, 20 bu corn 70c., - - 14 00 Holt & May, fuse, shovels, picks, etc., - - 7 15 Lee Andrews, 1 mo work on road machine, - - 30 70 W H Truitt, 2 bu peas, - 2 50 John Andrews, 19 days road hand, - - 9 50 Holt & May. nails, lime, iron, etc., - 91 H Total, - $543 28 AUGUST 3, W E Hay, shoes, hats, etc.. convicts, - - $ lo 00 Jos A Isley & Bro. Co,, by 94- bu corn, - 8 08 600 14 52 6 75 22 50 J H Gerringer, fodder and shucks, W L Andrews, 1 mo ever- seeing roadynachme, Mrs Calvin Foster, sewing for convicts. Jno Straughn, 1 mo guard, Jas Terry, 1 month over seeing convicts, Bode Aldridge, 27 days 30 00 driving team, 13 50 18 00 15 00 Mell Holt, 1 mo, same, John Andrews, 1 mo with convicts, N S Cardwell, harness, 6 77 J Thompson, 1 mo guard, 22 50 " 6 50 12 50 Chas Thompson, one-nan month teamster, Jas P Albright, agt., insur ance premium on mules, R N Thompson, meal.soap, etc., - 7 19 Dr W P Knight, visit to convict. 1 00 J C Simmons Drug Co., DrescriDtions, - 75 147 88 Alamance Grocery Co., by provisions, ' -Mell Holt,24 daya teamster, Augustus Bradley, pre scriptions, Oneida Store Co., meat, flour.etc., - -Joe Bason, 7 days firing engine, - - Geo Steele, 1864 Bis hay 65c -F L & J W. Williamson, merchandise, J E Simpson, 14 pr mule shoes N S Cardwell,, buckets, bolts, etc., - F W Hawkins, smithwork, Holt & May, by shovels, dy namite, etc., - ... .. 9 60 15 15 24 60 7 00 12 12 3 60 2 10 6 66 19 45 ,7' 90 Total. - 12 scrrcMBCR t City of Burlington, by costa in case of priaoneni ' . ' iwork house.- 4- 8 75 Cad A Albright, by 1740 lbs hav 65c, 11 31 Will Holt, 15 da. teamster, Sykee Bros., casting for road machine, Mrs Jas Terry, sewing for convicts, -C Thompson, 1 mo. team- ater, - -Tnkn Wash name. - 6 00 4 00 7.00 15 00 15 00 Peter Griffis, 10 daya work R lflsley" by 1 mo! work, ' 28 00 MeU Holt, 15 da teamster, -9 00 Jaa Terry, 1 mo www.'J' P V James Thompson, 1 monin wldrews, 1 too gnard, 22 60 John Andrews, 1 month v teamster, - r-im June Thompson, same, ; n w R N Thompson, groceries for convicts, . - ' .9 m F W Hawkins, smith worayxas ,ow Oneida Store Co, groceries j forconricta, - " - i T M Perkins, 1 bx meat -.. 30 iz Good Roads Machine Co, - easting for mad P; J .X S N & Cardwell, corn, etc, I? W Jo. rfUey A Bro C0 - 5 oe flour, ey ? '. ' , i JohJiRFoster, shoes and WhEHay. ! nd J 40 Fleming Christian Co, 1 bbl indaasea -Holt May. nreta .J njg Jundles, etc, - . 00 r & T1. 1 tnn WOn ? -T- a Lay. - M-W 00 p Boon, I stack W D Woods, wpt, by com. rnt of eswp victa, U60 OCTOC. 8. w ci.pp,by w"3 .rv tav for W U. ' A Bradley, prescriptions, ' 5 40 F W Hawkins,. smith work, 1 95 J H Loy, hay,; peas, wood, 15 25 John R Cary. 100 bu com. .6498, . ; 64 98 Oneida Store Co., by flour, peas, etc, - - 31 76 N S Cardwell, oats,1 rope, ' F T. Will;amr. fV. W H tobacco and soap, - 13 27 Jos A Isley A Bro Co, by 10 bu corn 80c, " - 8 00 D R Barber, by 400 bun dles fodder, - 5 00 H M Love, corn, etc, - 15 53 W E Hay, shoes and hose, 13 75 Holt A May, corn, oats, dy namite, etc., - 16 63 R W Scott, corn, - 8 10 John Sharpe, corn and hay, 3 90 John Nash, 1 mo teamster, . 15 00 Jas Terry, 1 mo foreman convicts, - - 30 00 R L Isley, foreman road machine, - - 28 00 John Martin, 1 mo guard, 22 50 W L Andrews, same, - 22 50 J Thompson, 1 mo teamster, 15 00 Cicero Nash, same, - 15 00 Peter Griffis, 25 days same, 12 50 E A Isley, 24 days work with convicts, - - 10 00 Total, - $398 07 NOVEMBER 2 Jno Nash, 1 mo teamster, $ 15 00 R L Isley, 1 mo running, 28 00 W L Andrews, 1 mo guard, 23 50 Jno Martin, same, - g2 50 R Shoffner, 1 stack hay, - 3 50 J Thompson,l mo teamster, 15 00 Jas Terry, 1 mo overseeing convicts, - - JU UU Jos A Islev A Bro Co.. Hi bu corn. - -MM A Bradley, prescriptions, 2 70 W E Hay, 2 pr shoes, - 2 25 H M Love, flour and corn, 27 60 Oneida Store Co., meat and peas, - - 47 05 F W Hawkins, smithwork, 8 15 N S Cardwell.oil and lamp, 2 80 Holt A May, hammer, nails. etc.. - - - i w Sallie F Summers, 1 cord of wood, - - 1 oo W W Garrett 12 bu corn 80c, - - 9 60 J W Cates, sewer pipe, - 2 20 Total, - , $250 96 NOVEMBER 10. J A Smith, corn and hay, $ 2 70 J Thompson A Son, repairs on engine, 40 74 1 25 W C Isley, 1 bu peas, Total, $ 44 69 ROADS, DECEMBER 1,1902. WD Woods, 1 mo salary - -- Supt. roads, Nov. IWZ, w PATTERSON TOWNSHIP. F L Spoon, work on roads, $ . 10 15 Sil Spoon, rebate onwiae 1 24 tire wagon, Total, - - $ 11 39 COBLE TOWNSHIP. t n TaW work on roads, 6 70 H W Graves, same, 6 75 8 88 Wm Isley, same, - Total, - ,.$ 22 33 BOOS STATION TOWNSHIP. J W Carter, sewer pipes for culverts, - - J B Summers, work on roads, - ,' ? jZvW 5 Total, - 58 45 MORTON TOWNSHIP. J H Tarpley.workon roads, 9 9o Totals $ 9 95 PAOcrm township. s R Rtnrv. work on roads, J W Cates, sewer pipe for culverts,, . , V ; TotaL, - rw oo ORaHAM TOWNSHIP.. V 8 Freelind, work on rda, 5 00 ToUl - 6 00 ALBRIGHT TOWNSHIP. work on ids. 3 5f;P a -n JMJJ JDoble, same. TotaL - 9 75 NEWL1SJ tOWNSHIP. E M . Quackenbtwh, twrork H on roods, - - -.- . J M McPherson, same, ,TotslH- .$ 60 2 rnouna towmiit, J W Apple, work on roads. 3 00 3 8 Thompson, aamagci lot road, , 3 00 rfTotal V VBXtUX E R Graves, work on rds, 17 90 anrinl. ama.'. . .W Jno A TroUinger, Jnmher . 2 50 forroaoa, - - Total,-' J -' 't ft W-W Z T(il for Dee, 190?. taJfw ; ' . IO03. OAKUaRYB expense lor eonv - - - FAT7TMON TOWWWIT. ' ' A t MeTbrrsen, work m- - w1 - - - - 12 4o roads. 7 6p 10 40 Total1 $ 12 43 BOON STATION TOWNSHIP. J B Summers, work on rds, 9 00 J W Cates, sewer pipe for roads, - 1 - - 23 18 Total, 32 18 v. - 1 MORTON TOWNSHIP. C R Kernodle, work on rds, P Y Bowles, same, Total, - - $ PAOCETTE TOWNSHIP. 2 88 2 75 5 63 J H Tarpley, work on rds, 1 65 A U Garrison, same, . 2 00 Total, - $ 3 65 GRAHAM TOWN8HIP. J C McAdams, wrk on rds, 2 00 V S Freeland, same, 6 75 Total, - . $ 8 75 NEWUN TOWNSHIP. W M Buckher, wrk on rds, 7 25 Total, ; - $ 7 25 THOMPSON TOWNSHIP. H M Cates, work on roads, 1 25 Total, - $ 1 25 MELVILLE TOWNSHIP. J A Smith, work on roads, ' 11 30 E R Graves, same, 18 80 5 60 J W Cates, sewer pipe for roads, - Total, $ 35 70 Total for Jan., 1903, $ 154 34 FEIRUARY I . W D Woods, Supt., 1 mo salary, i January, I VUJ, f o w COBLE TOWNSHIP. ' J A Moser, work on roads, 4 75 W LSpoon.lumber for road bridge, - ' - o oo Total, - - $ 8 10 FAUCrrTE TOWRNBHIP. JH Tarpley, work on rds, J W Cates, sewer pipe for roads, - - : Jos A Isley A Bro. Co., by shovels, etc., lor roaas, . r - - Total, : , s ''JkLBHIOH TOWNSHIP. R S Thompson, wrk 911 rds, Total. - NEWUN TOWNSHIP. : " W T Clarke, work on rds,; 5 40 Total -,, ,$ ,540 B0KLINGTON- TOWNSHIP. , l( L H Murray, work on rds, 14 20 J W Cates, sewer pipe for roads, . , - IB 7U Total r - J y$ 32 90 Edgar Longebate for wide 1 03 ure wagun, . - ; i Total for Feb., 1903, $101 68 MARCH t; ' !r W V Montgomery, t by J of roaa tax lor wiae ure wairon. - a- W D Woods, Supt., 1 mo salary, Fett., 1903t , r ! COBLE TOWNSHIP. J A Moser; work on roads, J O Isley, same, , J A Moser, same, , ;. ,. - .. Martin Shoffner, same, Total ' - ; 22 tl BOON STATION TOWNSHIP. J B Summers, work on rds, 5 10 Total . -". fV 6 JO NORTON TOWNSHIP. J W Somen, wrk n rds, 6 S3 Claude Ramseor, money . paid for roads, - So 31 Total, : -''' FACCETTE TOWNSHIP. - B B FonviUe, work on rds 9 82 J H Tarpley, same, ; - ' J 50 Total ' - ' ' f 1132 - OBAHAMTOWNSHrpT ' . I C-A.ri.Uama, wikom ady 2 25 KaLB10T TOWNSHIP.? I I M W Colie, wrk on roads, ' 23 70 Total -4ji MRWILU TOWNSHIP. M . t I 1 tu vravss worn ow rua, . to -j 0 Total ft825 PLEASANT GROVE TOWNSHlA BCEUNOTOV TOWJOHIP, J W-CateBwWork 00 toads, !-s8 75 Geo JNl Anthony, . mnber I J for roads. 1 'otal I -9 17 . '. Total lor iUr 1903, I 19 81 r APRIL ? j W D Woods, BopV 1 mo I ' -larr, - - I $5 00 Sawn, freight 00 potatoes, ' $7 J W Menefee, money paid . I .Urf copy of road law, -2 50 w pttw Tyw. i ii Auxetautt, wi oa tdm,' 4 70 r"rToUl - 4 70 1 25 " 4 50 250 8 25 " ;i. 1 00 "T3o ;75 45 00 10 61 .3 10 685 1 75 ;r ,;-i,.t ..'.!. .).. : OOBLX TOWNSHIP. JG Isley, work on roads, ': Total, - 7 00 7 00 BOON STATION TOWNSHIP. J C WhiteaelL wrk on rds. . 5 40 Total. - 5 40 FAUCXTTI TOWNSHIP. J F King, ' lumber for rds, 9 90 B B Fonville. work on rds. 40 10 J H Wilkins, same. '," - "19 32 Total j . I 69 32 OBAHAM TOWTSHIP. : ii j . 1''. ; J C McAdams, wrk on rds,, W M Mann, same, , . - - , 6 75 8 00 Total, .-' V. 14 75 ALBBIOHT TOWNSHIP. M W fcoble.work on roads, 14 62 Total; - - .14 62 j 1 ..Newlin Township. . J W Whitehead, wkonrds. 3 50 EM "QuackenbuBh, same, 11 55 Total m .4 - r 15 35 THOMPSON TOWNSHIP. H M Cates, work; on roads, 5 70 P A Skenes, same, ;- , 2 20 Total " - " . 8 00 MKLLVILLE TOWOSHIP. HC King, work on roads, ' 4 00 W H Bason, same, , - ; . ' 5 00 E R GraVes, same, ' : . V r 4 60 Henry Rogers, same, '- " 7,60 J W Cates, sewer pipe for . roads, -- - t - ' 20 .15 Total. 4135 PLEASANT OBOVE TOWNTHIP. W J Turner, work on rds, ' 5 75 Total, - 4 wtfnmoji township; I. TT Mnmf. wnrlr on rda. ( u Li Holt, same Total,' -.-;.. :f ;r-T H. Total for April-1003 1326 56 W D Woods, Snpt,; 1 mo 1 ' salary,-y sv- vf if 00 M ShoffneJ, work on roads, ! - 4 14 J A Moser, same, mwv- m 10 70 Alamance Cotton jJiills, money ipaid for roads', .7 00 Total, , 27 84 BOOK SEATION' TOWflSHTP. I J B Summers, wrfc ou rds, i42 14 J C Wbiteeell same, t - u. 19 95 . 1 Total, 62 09 HOKTOV TOWRSBIP. J B CantreL wrk oa rds, . 150 IJ 8 Morton, same, , . -. 9 87 J H Tarpleysame, .. 13 ZZ K Kernodle, same, 2 76 Total - - 27 35 FACCETTE TOWNSHIP. S R Story, work oa roads, , 1 "1 1 ; , Totals f ' -;- ' , " OBAHAM TOWNSHIP. J C McAdams, wrk on rds, J W Cates, sewar pipe for . , .jrvtoi;;:;;-;: ALBBMBT TOWMiHlP. ; - ' da . M W Coble, work on roads, 3 30 Total : ' 3 30 1'XKWUX TOWNSHIP. W J Clarke, work on rds, 2 00 A T Biddl. same. " - 11 $1 J M McPherson. same.' i '8. V3 Total. - - ' ; 22 30 '.THOMPSON TOiniSHIP. HPThomnaoii.wrkoii rds. - .13 65 H M Cates. same. .. . 5 40 ; Total , : -' J A Smith, work OS roadV,; 13 10 K K uraves. same. : - - 1, 10 ia H C Kuue. same. .;7 30 Total - .39 15 PLEASAJrf QUQYM TOWBafirP.' WBSellars. work oa rds, 8 77 , '. BCNXDMPTORt Tuwasaip; O Wright, work on roads, ." ,55 03 nott at May, same, , .- au RLLUt,, To foTl90 ::;fWf t0 . . - - JUNK I vu.Hl ; . rARtxvjff .TowBsnr. r I S L Bdooh. work oa road,- !4 40 ' t "? rt T 'lit Total- .' ' - .4 40 " coble toirsHTrLp .. J A Mor, work on nsda, , '2 55 Patterson. rebaU oav -. ' wide tire waaoo. . ; f 00 J M Shoffner, smithwork, . 1 40 boon tTAtvm Towasflir." j J 6 WliteseO, wrk oa rds,'.? -' 59 J B Sommera, same,, '. - "; 32 57 5 75 4 Kt .a aa urn 92 15 10 00 10 00 7 80 7, 70 15 50 J W Cates, sewer, pipe for roads, - Total, - -t MORTON TOWNSHIP-.- J S Morion, work on roads, Total, , v EACCETTE TdWNSHIP. 18 38 54 54 9 50 9 50 W J Turner, work on rds, s .9 45 Totol," ".. OBAHAM TOWNSHIP. 9 45 J C McAdams, wrk on rds, , ' Total, ALBBIOHT TOWNSHIP. R 8 Thompson, wrk on rds, 3 60 Total, NEWUN TOWNSHIP. 3 60 6 67 6 67 G S Stockard, wrk on rds, Total, - THOMPSON TOWNSHIP. T A Morrow, wrk on rds, H M Cates, same, 3 20 5 00 Total - MELVILLE TOWNSHIP. 8 20 Graham Hardware Co., by shovels, picks, etc., . - .7 15 1 30 5 90 14 35 W H King, by 2 shovels, E R Graves, work on rds, Total, - - PLEASANT OBOVE TOWNSHIP. wir Turner, work on rds. 4 65 Graham Hardware Co.. by picks and handles, - 80 TotaUewu - 5 45 BCBLINOTON TOWNSHIP. ' L W Holt, work, on roads . 26 62 LW Holt, same, - . - . 10 82 . vr AA WD Woods, Supt., 1 mo salary. nvA . 45 Q0 .. f .1 Totol for June, 1903, 1223 75 JULY. WD Woodsy Snptjt mo salary. . : - . i 45 00 Sarnefreight bills paid,",-, 62 BOON. STATION TWP. i J W Cates, sewer pipe for 16 85 : .Total, - faucette' Township. 16 85 J H WiLkms, wrk on roods, 3 48 ;9 28 It W ritch, same, ' - Total,'-.' ;-;$ 12.76 Mellvilla Township. , ,. E R Graves, work on rds, 6 02 Totol, " i .-1 V " '6 02 , V Pleasant Grove Township. J F Garrison, work on rds, 5 72 Total, - - 5 72 . Borlingtoa Township, G Wright,, work on roads, . 9 40 G W Anthony, lumber and , nails, lor roaa bridges, o 30 totol, 15 75 . Total for July, 1903, $ 104 72 ! Aucurrs. W D Woods. Sunt.. 1 mo aaiarr. - . L . s uu Same, money paid for wrk, . . 4 65 V: f Patterson Township. F McPherson, wrk on rds. S L Spoon, same, - , . J B Anderson, same, : ., r 7 Tptol, . - , : t Cphle Township. JG Isley, work on road, J 8 Morton, same, ' -H W Graves, same, Total ... 39 77 Boon Station Township, J B Summers, wrk on rds, - 62 53 JWatea. sewer pipe for roads. ..;- ; 00 ' Total' -a -:- 144 21 Morton Township. J W Garrison, wrk on rds. ! Total, , . ; - .. Faucetto Township. - HC King, work on roads, -8 00 Oumey Wright, r - s ,10 total - ; 18 25 Kewlia' Township. W T vlark, work on roads. J If McPherson, same; : , -Total X- ;-V C395 Thompson Township. ! J R Minor, work on roada, '- 17 85 T A Morrow, same, - - - - "' 20 01 Total - f 37 86 ! Melville Township, Wm'J Thompson, lumber for work on roads. Jas Covington, wrk en ids,' E K Graves, same, Total - 45 47 rieasant Grove Township, W J Fitch work oa roads, 4 00 W B Sellars. same. - - : .1 22 W J Turner, same, r - r E A rattan, same, - ; 7 85 300 3 00 16 51 9 95 8 75 35 21 3 00 18 67 8 10 I 00 1 00 16 45 47 50 6 08 12 57 28 82 37 07 Total, ; - ; .. . 74 18 Burlington Township. i G Wnght, wjk ra jds,, Total, . - . 21 10 21 10 Total for Aug., 1903, $520 55 AUOUBT 14. t Graham Thompson. fr' Of W S Long, two days com- v -tee on roads? .$ 4 00 W L Spoon, same, - 4 00 Total, 8 00 ' Faucette Township. E Long, 4 shovels for rds 75c.' "i ' . " S00 J P Graham, wrk on roads, 8 22 'Total, a 22 Total for Aug., 1903. $ 19 22 W D Woods, Supt., 1 mo s salary. - - - 1 45 00 same, money advanced for groceries, etc., . ? Patterson Township 8 48 W H Isley' work on roads. 8 25 40 00 8 90 32 20 J R Anderson, same, - - a u Spoon; same, - -Frank McPherson. same. J W Cates, sewer pipe for roaas, - - 12 75 Total - 102 10 , . Coble Township. J F Homewood.wrk on "rds, W L Wey, same, Martin Shoftaer.aame, Jaa A Moser, same, 1 - H W Graves, same,. - -J G Isley, same, ... . .'- . Total . 145 50 JJoon Stottoa Townsnip. J B Summers, wrk on rds, - 79 S3 J O Whiteaell same, - 23 69 Total, - - . 103 22 . . . Morton Township. P Y Bowles; work "W rds, J W Garrison, same, J M Garrison, same, , J H Tarpley, same, ; - . J S Morton, same, - '- ' Totol . Faucette Township. J W Fonville, work oa rds, ' S B Story, same, Graham Hardware Co., tools 11 50 2 00 1 28 9 50 11 63 7 00 42 91 10 00 30 66 1 25 for roads, t. OOI ?tol ,i Albright Township. 41 91 ' I 22 40 2 45 24 94 M W Coble, wrk on roads, R a Thompson, same, -. . Total, . - . Newlin Township. E J Braxton, work on rda. 21 53 47 55 37 47 24 40 19 61 G B Stockard, same, . E M Qoackenbush. same. J M McPherson, same, " ' W T Clarke, same, . V Graham Hardware Co.,tools for roads, ' - 3 60 154 20 Total, - . ' Thompson Township G E Walker, work on rds, 16 60 T A Morrow, same, . . 10 13 JW Menefee, same, - 32 70 J u Bradshaw, same, - - 7 65 H P Thompson, same, - 17 03 II M Cates, same, , -, 22 65 Geo T Morrow, same, . , 32 40 Total . - . 139 08 MelyilleTownship. J Covington, work on rds, 13 65 J A Smith, same, - s 10 74 E C Turner, same. - . . 27 92 E R Graves, same, - 24 25 II C King, same, - - 4 00 Total, .- 80 56 Pleasant Grove Township. ' W B Sellars. work oa roads - 57 65 WJ Fitch, same, - - .7 50 Total-- - 65 15 A Burlington Towaship L W Holt, work on roads, 7 54 Gurney Wright, same, . 11 96 19 50 Thompson Township, Geo E Walker, road bridge repaired, . .. . 3 12 Total'aV 3 12 Jt "".Total for Sept 1903, $ 930 24 ;' OCfOBCR . v - W D Woods. Sunt. 1 mo salary. - - . $ 45 00 Same. fLat bill aad mon ey paid for peas, ..-y ; Fattersea Townsnip. . F McPherson, wrk oa rds, ' 7 84 JK Anderson, same, .- 8 75 Total - ' - 26 59 Boon StatioaTowaahip. , '. Thos Gibson, 2 daya work on road bridflo. ... 3 00 J B Sommera, wrkbn rds; 26 80 J W Cates, sewer pipe for roads, - ; - . ,1 VTotol;-, V3130 . OONTUCEO ON fOriTH PAOE. ' W. B Sellars, samo, 7 50 6 00 40 72 9 60 61 68 20 00 -Potash ; is removed in large quantities from the soil by the growing of crops and selling them from the farm, ,. v Unless the Potash restored to the soU, good crops can not con- ,. , Wikmpat . ad a fctda book r mto- ',abU aca fata- wr-m araa. wmm vm "J a, raclaiaiaf cbarga mbbt OERMAN KAU WORKS. :, mm Wc mannfactnre " -Arid are prepared to . Faraiah on abort notice Allkindaof ' Rough and drrtscd Lumber and v -V' - Saab, Doors, ' Blinds, moulding; etc.' Mantels and scroll work Aapecialty. !" ..f; WsLsEa snos GRAHAMalN.C. AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW 3 iu oaaawH o Hon, wnuaaw a way j 3 unaercaKers -1 EmbalmersJ a BURLINGTON, N. C. ': t etifitytifiMMyMfumt? fssntaBATBnnrak , V. r.Brww,jii. A.ttoriX'y aad Coanaalon t Law eaEaoraaoao, a rraeae raralarl la tka Mfrfc af Ala- . ... !AC.Mljr 8PENCBB B. ADAMS, i JACOB A. tOS. ADA2IS UOSQ, '' ttonaara amd Cooaawfoaw at Uv, GBEKXSBOKO, M. C. Jraofiaa fa State aa PMaral Ooarta aa Wfon laf bMrtMU la Wawburwa. a V. SayaaaAZbaaartoaMataoVaairJ CI WILL S. 10, 0. NartkCaratlM OFFICE ra SIMMOKS BUILDIKG J.ts. oooz:. ' AHamayaA-Law, .. GRAHAM, ' . V' - T ' jr. C . Offioa PaH.raou BnUdlat TRUSTEE'S SALE ELON PBOPERTV. Pnraaaat to taakmw Mha DmSofTraat aaatnad to th afjd bf Hamat L. AoaaM A wlfa, radatrn4 la hook So. m of ktaa Uaada, paava to to fcW, la Ua mmem oQ kaaiMar of ImIi tor aiaawain avua ty ,usa anilailarn anUoa - - TUESDAY, THE 12th DAY OF . JANUARY, 1904, atHoMoakkL,at th aaw koaai dnoi la Grahaav . C, U a tha hlt Jhwjm at pubita aoctwa tat aaaa. taa fuuai rai atata mumlr tm Booa iutioa lowaawia, la Ajsaaaa aoaa tw - ' Adxaatac taa ktaaa of IX a. Laa. Wa, K. OaafoMI ai4 oaaan. Barlaaiiw at t la tmaaf Uno of B. Cniw and AaUocfe A vav, raaaiaa Kana alaaa hmm bmui, of -a Avaaoatwa kaaa4 aaa I f ' ti l ; th Waataaa fcaaar.a aaa ' - -o hKlMlfUntaua IXA. Uy r-nxt : tt wapa Souta tw kudMl r . a Sm() to IM bMok af a. i. ; tiraoa uh atMuiia af a d a' kat, aaa kuaana aa4 fnrtr-rr 1 t (l;ft., to iba baalaaixa. wuaaf taa taArAt SVS) of aa ara. ? cjm imiMtaw" ajui. iTvacaa. WANTED -Faithful jrsorja' - trarel for well esfabllahed bo- in a few eoontieaeail5 on re'.:.:: c r- chsnta and stents.- Loctl t-: ' -j. Salary 11024 a yer snJ e-- psyalle $19.70 a wcvk x , t ! xpeneeB advanced. Tc . i j maoent. Bosineas succ v '1 1 nhirtf. Standard IIooSair r born Bt, Chief Tog. 1-. : 1-.

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