The Alamance 0 LEANER. you XXX. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. NO. STOCK a"a POULTRY MEDICINE 1 Li whinn ar w ww awvnoiea . . , i'v u jM Poultry M.eai- f.i It puts the organs of fciff in . Wect condition. i uk. hv Giving tbem an ooca 5n5fo!Blaraught Stock ppSttr? -.1. their ? Anyatock raiser maybuya Lt hatf-pound air-tifrht can K medicine from his dealer V.X Wiwd his SMC? "K"1" th for weeks. B-OB of th sad aTBlack-DraughtStoclcjuid !rV,ll,if.jii,ia ft touts does XSd 25 cint. for- sample !fT to the manufacturers. The JtEnWja Medicine Co.. Chat- ISkX looktaf whm jo. ens rZilctm d eow thy are JJtEJ K Baa. Tlrar.loolrtt 'Bl'.b'p. BBOOKIKOTOK. ; A HITCH . . 614--. , ' -t-H i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 1 j.j aone 80 really aon t leei i can lusa T i you. Uhorlie fully expected that thia stupendous threat would reduce Eva to the lowest depths of despair and bring her, figuratively speaking, to her knees, but for once was he out in his calculations, she drew up her slender figure and pursed up her rosy lips with an 'air that made him feel vaguely uneasy. Waa it to de fy him? Yes. Her next worda proved that it was so. 1 am not sorry, she said. "Wot a bit. 1 am glad. I would ao it again." Charlie (rasped. The situation was so unlooked.for that ha could not rise to it all at once. "As for kissing me," Eva went on, with a little disdaimui move. "well, you will never have the chance of doing that again, so you need not excite yourself. Charlie found his voice then. "You are talking at random now, Eva," he said severely, "a bad habit, against which I have always warned you. Will you be kind enough to explain yourself V V VU, V.V1 J . u uuu nui w. can do it in a very few words. Lord Dolly proposed to me last night, and I accepted, him." - Charlie gasped again. ' "But you are engaged to me," he ejaculated. "You , must' be mad. You can't seriously contemplate throwing me over for Dolly Dash wood. The thing's impossible 1" She looked at him and smiled. "Incredible aa it may seem to you, I do contemplate it." i " "But- but but,' stammered Charlie, "this is very er extraor dinary behavior on your part, Eva. Are you aware that you propose to treat me in a most dishonorable way, and and-r in short, very badly?" : ' Her face grew grave. "I should be sorry to do that," she said more gently. "I I don't want to be dishonorable or to treat you badly,' Charlie, ht I am only hu man, and no one out myseii unowa what I have coke through in the last few months. You Tiave tried me too hard. I was vert fond of vmi at one time, and if you had RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. Minimi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w Eva Carrington, the bride elect, I was a beauty. Eva's soft blue eyes and bright little ways wrought dire destruction In the ranks of the stronger sex, but she appeared quite unconscious of her power or indifferent to it. To all intents and purposes she had promised to marry Charlie Nel thorpe. His will was her law and to please him the chief object of her life.' In short, his programme seem ed in a fair way to be carried out. Her total submission delighted him, and he took every advantage of it. It was not in him to show generosity to a woman or indeed to anything he thought weaker than himself. He was the sort of man who is brutal to his dogs and horses and overbearing to his servants, who, in short, tyrannizes whenever he can do so without fear of retalia tion. His nature asserted itself in his dealings with the woman he loved, and ne took the keenest pos sible pleasure in trading on her for bearance, taxing her endurance to the utmost and showing off her pliant will and obedient temper to the world at large. It was all a part of the system that could not fail. Charlie went on giving his petty arrogance full play until, as was on- i ly. to be expected, things came to a -crisis. The wonder was iney naa not done so long before. ' On the omasum of Ladv Brown- Jones' bail he went the length of forbidding his fiancee to dance round dances with any one but himself, and, "though she received his com mands without a murmur, her soul rose in passionate revolt against his tvranhv. . This last test that he had devised seemed to her the worst of alL sAa a matter of fact, she had submitted patiently to far harder ones, but we all know the female ca naoitv for swallowing a camel and straining at a gnat, and Eva waa no CARE OF YOUNG CHICKS. Z. T. HADLEY GRAHAM N. C. loan innnnaistent than the rest of her sex. The gnat stuck in her (treated me fairly I should have been throat and obstinately refused to fond of you still. But you would be dislodged. There always musi oo laat Bt raw. and this was it.., When the ball waa hall over, uora ill nut in an atiDearance, and at that moment Eva happened to be nnia nlnna., Charlie had left W for a minute or two to speak to to be generous, even to Bttcn an al- a friend, and she waa looking wist- together inferior creature a a mere ll f ho ttiotb nf counies mat re- I wnman." ' volved before her.' tord Dolly ghe paused and looked critically wear out a saint, and I am only a woman. I dont. think Lord DoUy would be hard on me. He may not be very brilliant, but at all event he is a man the soft of man we call a gentlemanand knows how jr ,. . . s , . vf . .v. ' : Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Cut Glass and Silverware. - !9Eyes( tested' ;and glasses "fitted. , :y y naAa afrniirht for her. UAUUU g . ! Luck for me, by Jover Bipping ; Hb' TTava a turn?" He stuck out hw elbow inviting ly, but Eva turned away, biting her ( All DeaMatMtteaa. , The treatment of woman la 'the in iin of elvlllkaUon. Where she la re spected and treated with courtesy In girlhood, with fidelity In wifehood and with reverence in motherhood there civilisation reaches its highest expree-sion.-Bev. J-JU Levy, Hebrew, Pitts burg. . -. :,: '.-. V, V' - Ceaimu BMdUmsfc . . .. In a country governed by the suf frages of the people, everything de pends upon an honest vote and an honest count Corruption and bribery to some extent exist in our elections in city, state and nation. : Fortunately, as yet, this la not general, but what we need to do la to censure as severely the man who buys the vote as the man who sells it Bev. Stephen W. Dana, Presbyterian, Philadelphia. ' , B-altk la Haauaaltr. We must have faith -in our own mis sion in the work we are called to do. We must have faith in humanity, faith in the possibilities of an im perfect race, which has been in the process of training all these centuries and which is still very Imperfect, but capable of growth and development We must also have faith in the exist ence, wisdom, power and love of God. Bev. U. S. Kriebel, Lutheran, Penns burg, Pa, '.,; Tmmr Ba4 CtHMaa.:' . There are four kinds of people wbo are unpatrlotic-flrst, the impossible optimist who never sees anything but the stars and stripes and never heart anything but the American eagle's scream; second, the - constitutional pessimist who la like the farmer who on a beautiful day said, "Tea, beauti ful here, but it is probably raining somewhere;" third, the business men, intent on business only and argu ing that it la cheaper to pay the price of bad government than to take time to help make good government; fourth, the pious coward who looks upon politics as something too dirty for him to touch. Bsv. J. Calvin Meade, Presbyterian, Philadelphia. ':".Tae Wasr ttiHtHi. '..'f. The wage question is surely by far the most absorbing auestlon of the day. Among all the Important issues that confront ua as an American peo ple the one regarding the regulation of the wages of the laboring class la the most important I am bold to make the statement because it has to do with tbe'largeet number of men. Were it Only a question in which the rich were involved it would not be so great; were it a question in which the middle class alone are interested it would not be so important; were it a question In which the poor only were Involved it would not be so para mount . But when it Involves all of these three classes and takes In direct ly or indirectly the entire country It becomes a matter of moment and im-portance.-Bev. F. M. Gordon, Chris tian, Knoxville, Pa. ib TaaS Ta Baaaare ..: Their Daveluaataat. ' I The "danger period" ouyng chicks j to about past now. The question now la bow to care for them In a way to enhance their steady growth and de velopment aays a Wisconsin grower in Sellable Poultry Journal. : ' One of the things to guard against especially is overcrowding in roosting coops, Ghlcke that are too crowded and hot at night abow droopy wings and lack that growthy, healthy look they should have. And again a coop full of chicks la always a hotbed for Uce, and unless preventive measures are taken these pests will soon Infest the chicks and retard their growth, so I always try to prevent lice from be coming established by thoroughly dust ing the hens while sitting and with the chicks. But If they have a foothold the only way to thoroughly rid the chicks of them ta to dust them with Bee powder. 1 The food given to growing chicks Is an Important feature In their care. My whole grain ration la cracaea corn, whole wheat and millet seed, one part corn, three parte wheat and one part millet seed, by measure.1 When chicks leave the ben this Is their ration mom ma: and night until four months old. At noon I feed a dry mash made up ef one part cornmeal, two parts gronna eats and one oart wheat bran, ny meas ure. To this mixture I add about IS nr MBt beef scraDS. ' This mash Is M Arr In faed troughs. ' ' ' - ' After chicks are four' or live months Id their whole grain ration is vwo parts each of wheat and oats and ouf nut eracked corn. Oats are one of the very best grains ' for growing . . I fPlgf M wvu aa viu atw. : .. - ( Taa uniy . . I The Interest In the fine old English type of Silver Gray Dorking has been greatly stimulated by the Im porta tionr nf azMotionally fine Winning speci mens during several years past, there pelng a number of Crystal palace win ners among them. To Mr. George B, tnchea of North Grafton, Mass., la doe much of the credit of bringing up. the Interest In this grand old breed that English fanciers place at the head of their list of fine table poultry.' The first prise cock at the last Hew xora tow, here portrayed, was one of Mr. Inches' at her rejected lover, who now pre sented a truly piuaDie appearance, with all the starch taken out of him and a general air of limp depression Dervading his being- , ' - - "That itf all-she went on prea-l ently. "But before you go mere is tnat 1 snouiu iiae w tux Lxr- v.1r .nn " ah answered in I mm tliinir a low tone. '1 oan't dance with press upon you for future gdanc UMV ESTABLISHED M893 ; ; Burlington Insurance Agency ' ' v - ' S INSURANCE IN All, ITS BRANCHES.' "Can't echoed hia lordship. "HoVa that ? What's tip t Not m, axe you? Nor cross with me, ehr - . j ' Offx T .m nnt 111 Or CTOSS. DUt but I have promised uw . uk W He doesn't like to see me walta with other men.' Th nrarber charsea the empty pews and deserted prayer meetings to god- less science, corrupt political life and absorbing commercialism. He Is wrong, vat not far wrong. ' Science la net god less. Multitudes are in political life who are as thoroughly Christian as Bismarck and Gladstone, and our mer chant princes by the thousands are in toward God. and are leaden In tunuwniMit work. Political life and the strenuousness of trade are by no ai. - - tin Aanllna of nu.. , ,.. .; . , : f i I means ua w - She naused again and contemphu-1 it is simply the neglect of the ed him' with .her-bie blue eyes, but I emotional and religious element la our he said nothing, no waa wo i nature, me wum aoa w.. wiWred to even apeak. It seemed often guUty of this neglect as the jmsy k; tt,.t all thn laws of creation and energetic tU UIW V" - , were reversed and the whole scheme i i . - i i ! J I I ' . -J , $ I 1 I in, The Art Living of mtte r. iunberson er Ibe Unlvenltr of Chicago -. C 1 ' a iftm rrvnrmrf n HE AUT OF UVJJili JUS AJN Atti. wxinjii nx. ARE ALL TRYING TO LEARN. ; There are three things which we have to consider, the economicai, the beautifujl and the aubetantial aides of the subject It ia like an architect who is planning a house. ' lie baa to con- ' ' '. Good Spirits. Gfood spirits don't all come from Kentucky. -H The main source in the liver and all he fina'epirJ'.H ( ' r mado in the Blue Grass Hate I not remedy; 4 bad li vet or the dred-and-ono ill effects ir ' prod u You can't have good .spiri t ami bad lver at the same time. V our liver must be in fine condition if yon would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of tej, vigorous and succesalul in your pur suit You can put your liver in fth'esi condition by UBiog Green's August Flower the greatest oi all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion. It haa been a favorite household remedy for over thirty five, vears. Aueust ' Flower ; will- - .. . iii j . : .ider these mo., questions, and, Wess he does, he wUi fail in -hi 1 plana. Everything must have an end, but to twain mm eau we mui rQf od pintg," xnai size, voc. ; how to do. and wo must have the skill. . . regular b tiles, 75a , At all drug- .... aii trsivi irTES HIQH IDEALS. FOR WITHOUT 8""' THIM LIFE WOULD LITTLn wwnin m ""in. WHAT LIFTS US V? TO NOBLE THINOS. - Our friends on the other aide of the water have made the charge that onr idoaliam has been aubmergoa eneam our wmu!ra.ui, In an attempt to arrest Allison Anderson, a drunked negro, st East 8pencer Monday night a week Po liceman Slade was badly beaten by but It ia neverthelesa true that thu eame eommercialisnv which we the' negro, who pounded the officer possessed to ao remarkable a degree, la showing itself over Europe over m head and shoulders with a .. - . A t ! .1 1... !n mm MrU sa t a ' I 1. A xt li t n aula in the form of gmokestacko, ousy lacrones anu uiuwuug snot gun, .ureaaiug io ",a THERE ARE HIGH "IDEALS AMONG AMERICANS, EVEN The officer tried to shoot the nero IF "WE ARE AN INDUSTRIAL NATION. ' -L fttiled ,Tbe nr0 wa8 The art of living also include knowledge, and thb comprises con- arreHted. - - , tinued higher education.'1 Higher education has to be contradiatin- NelHe Fulle Denver 'My face ..i.vA t. .mnlhmnt. the hut touches of refinement whicn WM futi 0f rjimoles and black- Ajn U laat veara at the aeminary or at the college, heads. HolHster'a ' Rocky Moun- Higher education means the UNDERSTANDING OF THE LIFE gy-JJ" IVntoJ." ABOUT Ufil, ita necessities and the requirement of oar fellow ing fine." 35 cents. Tea or men. Again, we must' believe in the truth, as well as we must do- Tablets. oraaie cy tne inomp- Ueve in freedom:; Freedom comprise a broad conception of things, son Drug Co. grand and noble and elevating. It is only when liberal thought ia wt n. Wilson, a Presbyte- flunff in the public arena that the public fa protected from falsehood. fan preacher at Stanley Creek, Gas- ; all .nnifl to sm that our uvea are ail Douna logeuier or countv. died Baturaay a weea tiea that cannot be separated. Sociology teachea ua that aU men have to co-operate in order to attain to. high ideals. tuaiiam MUMBLE OUH STATION i AND SMALL ' OUR WORK, LET US DO IT TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY. WE ALL HAVE OUR FART TO PLAY, BUT WE CAN DO IT WELL. FOR, AFTER ALL, OUR TASK IS TO MAKE THE. WORLD A UTTLE BETTER AND LIFE WORTH THE LIVING. . of fever. A wife and eight children survive him. ' t .HiniiiMM1"""""" Not Inferior By CHAMJU BROOIS FATTBBJON, . . . . of niaa . . Bdlwrl Women Are To Men 'E talk about the inferiorir of the woman as compared with man; that ahe ia not capaoie ox inmaong uu -and reaching loeical conclusions.' If ahe fa not, iian rtitj IS JUST WHAT THE SYSTEMS OF wtv PAST HAVE MADE HER. If her intellect waa curpeu a .ha onld not use it. - Eow can we expect" strength WW ' w w w . . e. . I a" . of mind! It fa only through the use of the mind that u Decome are signals OT warning, trnnff and the more women learn to nae their minoa v greaw aKB.I araxacuinuum-; their mental strength will be. rarenta anouia, werworo, muviuu SXWA imember IHeadacliGsl This time of the year I i : it ia alwavs worth a man's wl to be just ana iair, even w a now. it may Uteet JpoTuothTestmoa. it that every girlha. abundant opportunity to develop her own save yOU aspe U OT .X oraf male we have ever Wef to give it praCticd wprerion, mo that she can feeWhat Ver. It Wl II re gUate asm at thia great exhibition. The kmg. 6 ,m , . , . . arrv ja vn MORE DE- yOtir DOWelS. Set yOUT SKafK JLai a rld4 Sl TdtSendent liver ;ri?ht. and cure weituf aWVSHODtllala) lOv luTUV vVWM vw- fHUJl JJJ UiXWO AJJM VaM.'" . ..Alls mH TOCtlAn spMka tarlirmatarity vr. . 0ff tteb. gfae moat bring to life the apint ol maepenaenoe-.u -.jfn nr.. - 0 1 11 I I Sb 0 ' ar a w ss man.; the cleat allver top eowr , . . u MV A to aC for heraelf. the brignt appenoagwp gen reliance wnerein sue uw u - - . Local agency of Penn , ; Mutual Insurance ; , . , Company: Best Life Insur- , -ance contracts now ' on the market. ' t i Whatever our business or trade, the temptation is ta throw our . .. Ak A, - mJm JkawawlaWklr a mn TUi. wiw vwm i v . . j i vhoia tmerfrr uisi vi-v- Lord Dolly choked down the 0f the universe iuroea.P"a""" the less insistent but essential ar to aMaWit ineleffant remark, dear- There wasa hitch in the system for th, wiritual powera. It be- avlVln1 with m tha haaa and the Jet black breast and flowing plumage of the tan. It la a1 sonrce of gratlncation io many w tbe sure Indication of reviving Interest In this genuinely valuable old Roman f owL-F. I SeweU Is Bailable Poultry Journal. There will be fewer false marriages; fewer broken hearts, fewer An honest medicine. mined Uvea when the iame telf reliance enters Into the woman a Me that fa now to be found in the lif e of man. She will follow the aic- tatea of her heart RATHER THAN THE DICTATE ur VENDZNCE, 100 oftn o0011" wben enterin8 into the marriage state. wsvwn; w -a - . r . ed his throat vioienuy "u"u1"" ,onrh hia hair. ' The two I Utter proceedinga were eigne of vera mental oibwu um rm - n n . alierhr naUBfl. - v. j.nMa ao awfully bad- ly Eva went on, with a oueer lit It w-i. in her breath. B can't uo v'-" - ..... , somewhere. Truth. It had failed- London ANCIENT IRISH FORTS. eomes ns to see to it tnat au young persons under our influence have abun dant and frequent opportunity to know mru annMciate these eternal verities, and ia carefully guarded againsr ma perils that we see and cannot under stand for themaelveav-Bev. B. T. 'ef- (era. Baptist,' fork, Pa. . . - Rattaaal gvlla. - . If our country ia to maintain the It avow occupies, certain greai AAAA WW v ' Prompt personal attention to all i srdersConespondeDO solicited. ? ' JAMES P; ALBRIQHT, Agent.' 3", S- COO . Attornay-at-Law, GRAHAM, ---- - - Offloa Pattern j Building Beeood Floor. .. . . . .. N. C Thay Are Ramaarrta of the Ags ef Cy alopsarl asaaanry.-:. na ' nt I relaildJ north. '.r : llitie wee bit He T Iiriand behind . il .11 nTT I., J T. bnnw triAH. and Still IM noioa you ".- , .Vi, lsianu. - - . rharkad. One of fe sliw me iiuu " -. . iuuuii - . . . i (.nag i i destroying nnnoiaua an ful eyes, like forgetmenoU drowned g4nd ye&n. First m m anl rfST It la one ef our in dew. V . .' T , age, come 'the defensive Jomoi dangers and pntana to sham That look flmsnea n. i uncertain oate, JTl1"?.. ZT. One causa Unlmaiiani. Aootner cauea Lw only a m -tA nrAm, fourth century v .r r- bo.u.w -Bmtlyaname. - "-T I P10"1"1 " oftn I "T T.U "nftV in to. i atatas are another are permitted for toe Aa .-ii Mav ta anaak ttSrlZ ZZTol ZX. and It la ward side. mey - "TP" Krlng tbe church Is doing aoma- of cyclopean mon7'JJh! thing to bring about a better condition Stones were - above th oiner, , with a power of resistance which yields only to the hand of man. Some of the forUare eonstructed tha well known "Ting wau yjy - . . it. T r wtMlaar Blada Va Market, A llttla fltUng will add to tbe proflta In marketing poultry. Tbe blrde ahould ha Mmflned in a semldark coop and fed nourishing food-a good, nntrltlooa Buub la zeellent-for a couple of -ka ana not allowed to move around mncb. says Commercial Poultry. Ca det this treatment, with plenty of clean water and grit, they will pot on . ranidiv and will bring a much bettor price than If simply caught up 1 UTTLg U9g r0 ANY ONt tha ranee and rushed to market. A I ?, ., ntfta aommoa sense applied to poultry col tar In a' great factor for soecaas Miit and eommoo aenae teUs OS that the aooner we get rid of tbe enUe the bettor It will be for tbe balance of the flock and the greater will be ew Am. ma think it will take swst from the chivalry of Ufe. Bet. ter that it ahould do ao than that men ahould LOSE RESPECT for women. In the most flowery days of chivalry there waa not the same degree of respect for women as there fa at the present time, when ene fa showing herself to be THE EQUAL OF MAN in many avennea of life. ... IDLI SCNTIMtNT THAT RINOS MO OO0 WITH IT ; IS Of araiacui lo. II MEBANE, n. c. ; minrnu GOLLECE i 0 F MEDICINE) WSasuf' HtOIat-eEITIITlT-PH"-tT ooooooooooooooooouoooocc: "Come witn me. - i construcimu, uc"b , ;'. . ,r UJO 1 .11v can I C -j' L IV. tiiirtl p.liffa to-1 nf tha TartMU on tne veu-. - - m on uu , y- nnU . - - - r,,. there, don't you aoww. wd tne sea, uc, o 1-" " . " . . - . : I out talk alonff. And isva wen.- hriatling I Charlie neiui , -t ... x riAm and wounaea save nnirsasfssu avaa ITi-j Tarl Brown-Joner vmu. him so far as to ait on tne mes, cenira I to our national welfare is corporals Aarocaia. - - - - ; ;-; : . . DENTIST . . .' ftaaaj -. . . Nerth Cera"" OFFICE is SIMMONS BUILDING aOaaTtorapa. W. P.Bre,J".. BVNUM &BYNTJM, ttotuys and Coonaelora a aK2(aBORO, W. ' - fles reralarlr Is Ibe eoarts of Alj. aaesenaaiy. Aaa,Baij O0S A.-LOSO. ' . aXltB UVO. LONG & LONG, -ttostteye mud Coonawlora at lavw-. -t rviniw, k. C. . l" r.,T.T; half on hour 7i.nA. Vi bimTand "IZFahan, near Bentry, had Deea a , . - .v. I . . i. EOB'T C. CTSTJDT7ICK Attorwey-at-Lansr " GREENSBORO, -V. C. Practices in the courts of Ala hBce and Guilford counties. ' m.rv visit to Eva on the dav following The fact self audi him ao fi with Lor bad oeen a a' - . . .v. tThad not jet recovered from the waa reading when ha want aaide at once. , - -Oh, Charlie, fa that your. Charlie frowned. , , ; inow often have I told JJ-, J deax Era, that. at- ina no aaaertmgr h aeaea . xr ftn? Oh, I don.t X hundred times, I dare say l0rv-rf!a1' frowned again. a an mtangible sneliing fa n am FJ Tor it But I hope ITZZ , :W from, of mmd of affaire. Tbe state also u directing Ita attention to tbe great evtt, and more stringent taws are being enacted. How ever, mncb more eoght to be done, for it la necessary to arouse pnouc mo ment end seek to curb this evil tendon- It Is a sols take to feed your eweaa oft feed. They do not need it any h. ha old ban and cannot stand tt half as well. It ta not tha sort feed tbat makes tbe trouble alone, but tbe way tt ta fed. In most eases It is t.m aa tha around and gets dirty and filthy, and for mat reason It la not k.its ia a treat many coses tt ta put M l board or a platter and kept Mmb. bat more ta loaded ea tbe board or platter than tbe chicks will eat at la tne coarse as aa mm lor Farmer's know. Ton There am the fort greed. Tbe growth of eorporaoone . .. . - iMb, -Ma iraa ooviouaiy re-- i thongbtrnl person oevma aa-- being merely nseo, aa m ossiw nuons ef weaitn ana power n cr- rora place of abort retreat during par. M bodies . aecasalty. Tbedtf- the haityraids of Daniah or eaxher ahy bowser, that sack bodW be- W0 " m ( . . - - ---- i mailiif and that ( were a aoiM""- i a - ' to be found and a careful system ot deienee, for -the enemy, entering nntracted sassaffe. if STescaped the first attack, found vunself suddenly confronted by a ii tha enlv exit being a trap door, was easily killed by the spear m above, ft i. .m. to ifinda t within tha fort. fign waa, however, usually a spring I Torn. come tOO or WQ yaroa awj. gituated for the moat part on ell, or on great hillsides t overtook- inx tha sea, these coast i w--Biand a magniflcent new. Bound them the aea birds circle, colung. The huge waves of the Atlantic sweep up, beating against them m "J7tni afar off the lines of a iBOuntainous coast stand out blue in the softened atmosphere, running down sheer into tne sea, aim . kmg line of white gTi; smoks toUing men as agents and officere of earpora ttoaa often do things that they would not do aa Indlridoala. It has been wtU said tbat corporatione bare ne son la. Ho etadent of eeonomk devatopment woold destroy corporate bodies, bwt st to becoming plainer every day tbat theme most be carefully regulated by taw and held strictly raspooslbta-Bav. David O. Wylta, .PraaDytoriaa, Kew Taaaa re TwrnUrr, Wa batleve cnlckaM that are yarsV aa aaA aratamatKally and Jadlctooaly fad do better and lay more eggs ma- that ran aU ever tbe ptaea. Oertauly they should not be crowded lato a tiny yard and a erany w i boom with three times tbe number to It that it should contain, pat gives er boaae and yara room uay aaa meticaUr free from oMeeeee da are not so likely to eatch sj-sUidSlLJMeggate ainoaar braede do not become mixed an, and all around they de better and tha re- aajto are store satlaractory. tre Pooltry JonmaL The Evil Influence of Irresponsible Wealth Br Msbea Mga V. SATTanUfl, veteatsat gplseepellaa -rr KRESPONSLBLE WEALTH, with iu fafae ideals, iU dilet- II tanteiam, ita glorification of pleasure and beauty, ita luxurious H stele of Uving, ita tendency to make amusement and social aa V ..... . . . .a t m k xra A a - euMgementa the chief buaineaa ox uie, , n,, PAST EXPEELOCE 8HOW8, aw, ii.uvv. BEDTOS ABOUT MORAL DEGENERATION , lor sucn aocuu eonditiona aap the foundations of real Christian manho6d and woman hood and honeycomb the robustness of character. - , " In the great cities of Europe there nave teen irom bh un Bemorial "a smart et," " ft aet," rough aet," and the like, and because they are yecognfaed by all about them their innuence fa Waited to a small sphere, r Here fa America It fa different Willi iur- euw CREASE OF WEALTH AND EXTRAVAGANCE claasea like theae have aprang np w'mnahrooma all over the land, and their atyle JP . of livkg, yost because it fa aenaational ana new, is no ow jq QATE . . i u la t. .Mniniv an armortnal influence, OS- f . r Madam LabamteriM h i 1 Oma Si Hi 1 DrfMfciMactiaalaaaTeaa uuajuraa Subscribe H For X, The Cleaner. Only t $1.00 per year. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO ARE YOU 9 tag abnormal attention, bat fa exercfaing an abnormal infiuenoa, pedally orer the younger people ox America. SOONM OR LATE TMI RIAl crsus THCtK W.U. SI WCO0N.2I0 AS rtA.NL.r MIIII Al I IN IUAOPI. AMD ITS POWER FOR EVIL IN EVERY C1TT " V THE LAHQIH UFE, THE 0HE ASSOWINO ACTIV.T1EI or TME COMMUNITY AND THE MOHAttWrtPEWCE P-TMeaa-wm OttEATE PUBLIC SENTIMENT - - If yon are not the News ax' Obekter ia. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abrea t of tbe times. .' Full Associated Press dj.; at : - m All tne lie w 8 luiiiv1. of Uie burcii;- kelp along their baa. prees. 1 falfM Be Ueafufla the faaaUy. .- gobbube Wba! Ton bought aa artificial ana Mrs. 8abbube Tea, dear, it was a great bargain, and--- - '. Subbubs Oreat Scott! You haven't any use for such a thing! Mrs. 8ubtmbe But, dear, you know you travel on tbe railroad a mat WL and voa can never tell what may happen. Philadelphia rue ef CaaaaeartalaV In Early Days. I . . . . . i i . nnr, a... r:n V..J l.a all hare eoia ldidim- a chait H treas into the sea after Eemedy for more than twentyr eartf ully charting the spot I furpose," be mused as be watched the bubbles rise and float spoa the water; "I auppoae th-l one at tVnaa mmoration oirates would mTI 4Kat mv ainkinr fund." nnaa who heard him afterward claimed tKe cai-ialn was one of the cionetr iu the watered capital a junet levels nn iaotT. and it has riven entire saifsfaction. I have sold a pile of it and can rec ommend it bighlr.-JosKPH Mc- ELHnraT, Linton, lows, ion ww find thU remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affbrda quick relief and is pleasant to Uk. For sale by the J. C. Eimmona Drug Co. mestk, national, state and 1 1 all the time. Daily News and Observer 7 on.- n. that are Botent In their ner rear. d.5U toro mns. A U " ' S I I - .. .. ,M-tnn and Dleaaant in effect are Weekly ortn Carolinian ruinu't TJule Earir Risera W. a Phflpot, nf Albany, Go., esys : "Daring a bilious attack I took one. Small as it waa it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took, and at the same time tbe effect was pleas ant. Little Early Kiw rs are certain y an ideal pilL" Soli by the J. C SimmoDe Drug Co. per jcar, &uc lor o tnos. Kalkigh, K. C. The Kor 'i C. AlAMASCS ("' f.r one T- :r f r in aura- . s. af e . ftPCii:: C;:iviCrffa