1 1 VOL XXX. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1901. NO. C7 IC3E05SI If too are nervous and taxed oat conturasilr vou could have no clearer warning of the approach of ssruws female trouble. Do aot wait until you suffer.. bearable pain before tod seek ti .j not Ton need Wine of Cardui now jnst ai moch aJ if the trouble were more developed and the tor taring paint of disordered men struation, bearing down paint, leaoorrhoea, backache and head ache were driving yon to the on failing relief thatWine of Cardui" tat brought hundred of thonmndt of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back ache and prevent the symptoms from quickly developing into dan geroos troubles that will be hard to check. Secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies'; Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn.and the imxluriiwt will be tent you. .. . a 9) M' F614 Z. T.i HAD LEY GRAHAM N. C. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry jf. , Cut Glass and Silverware. " f.';. i.T-ti i.'t.i'Jj'V. sm-S oEyes. tested and glasses ; ESTABLISHED - 1893 ' Burlington Insurance ' ' Agency ' ISSUUBCEIS MX ITS MaSCHES. Local agency of Penn ': Mutual Insurance s , Company. ' Best Life Insur ance contracts now '! r on the market. . . 0 P t W. all ) olers. Goneepoodenoe solldse. ( JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent. 1 Attorney-at-Law, J GRAHAM, :- W... 1 - N.,a Osu. Patterson EUYILL&LQJUR. a oewnsT -. - aasn."T"".V Nawtt CeireUaa OFFICE 8 JMMOKS BULLDLSU . ' V V. aaaf t'rsca, W. t. Btxoji. 1 a. BiXUM &BYNUM, Attonpysaad C nslrisw a -?w . ttaXE&liBOBO, ti. ' laiiii m. ... . . Aa. . IT i- - ' - ' - Jaooi a. loss. - ; j. max iota. IiOXQ & LONG, oirr a cthtjuttick Attorney nt-lawr.- GREEXSLORO, Jr. c. x ' . . " ' - : Pmctioes in the courts Alsv- end Canard counties. - TRAIL OF THE JAGUAR. His Method of Killina Anim.1. and Cstching Fish. The trails of the jaguar are many, but they nearly all lead to a nver, for water appears to be more needful to the tiger than to any oth er of the cat family. And this is not that he actually drinks more, so far as I can learn, but rather be cause along the waterways he finds an easy and abundant food in the river hog, in the small deer that come down to drink and in the fish that swim plentifully in all these streams. In the Rio de la Plata, just off Buenos Ayres, is an island where at one time a number of jaguars lived and thrived practically on the fish they caught, for there was nothing else on the island, id no one ever heard of their visiting the mainland because of its settlement and not on account of the distance to shore, for the tiger is a strong, bold swimmer and minds no river of South Amer ica, not the widest, if he wishes to reach the opposite bank. He is a patient, unerring fisherman, watch ing for long periods from some van tage point, which may be either a fallen tree trunk extending into the stream or at the bank's edge, until a victim appears, when with a light ning blow he hurls the fish out on to the bank or clutches it as it swims past While the swampy jungle and the water courses are his habitat, yet the jaguar will make incursions upon dry ground if cattle Or horses or dogs or poultry offer and river food happens to be scarce or for the time being more difficult to secure. I heard several trustworthy accounts of cattle and colts killed by the jaguar, though his ravages are not so frequent as once they were owing to his further inland habitat His method of killing animals of this size is literally to stalk them up wind, that.no scent may reach the victim and then to spring on their back, fastening teeth and daws in the neck. With smaller animal. the jaguar springs for the neck at once and appears to prefer the hind quarters to the stomach, which is left for the vultures that are omni present in the open country. The jaguar is a noisier animal than any other of the feline family, particularly at night, and roams the jungle disdainful of lesser beasts in his manifest superiority. And he is without doubt absolute ting of the South American forest There is literally none to dispute his do main, none even worthy to do him homage, for the puma, which is fair ly plentiful, has as little the cour age of his convictions in South at In North America. Uutmg. MARCUS AUREUUS. A Stew Who Was Called the Christian of Pagans. Marcus Anrelius, who has been Jlfld the "flower of stoicism and the "most Christian of pagans," was born in Borne early in the year 121 A. D. He was brought np by his grandfather and in 137, at the re nuest of the Emperor Hadrian, was adopted by Marcus Titus Antoninus Was, wno was nor w me mrauo. TT twimo Caesar in 139 A. D. About 146 he married Faustina, the beautiful sister of Lucius Verus, whn was Caesar with him. Marcus became emperor along with Verus in 160 and sole emperor m tha fetter's death in 168. He AiaA f illness brought on by ex- TMsnre in a campaign on March IT, 180A.D. As he was the best man m.t t,;. Hnu aha was the worst wo man. Her son, Commoans, iouowou in her steps, not in his father's. This emperor-philosopher Tegara a Hmolf in fact the serv ant of alL It wss his duty, ha be lieved, to confront every peril in his own person, to be foremost in the hardships of war, most aeepij -mereed in the art of peace. He practiced what ne P- He was one of those wno new u nothing should be done hastily end that few crimes were worse than the waste of time. - . His "meditations" were composed only for his own eye and ware jot ted down ub found time. The first hook was written while he was actu ally in the field fighting the Quad, a tiennan wiue. . , . From an early age he had been S atoic, but instead of becoming eynle JT end caress he softened stoicism toward others, though not toward himself. He learned to wora toden7hinet? alander, to endure huiw rrsve wiinow. - w nar to any -X7n a letter that r have no W- or continually to exenos u 2d "rfdinT7dtie. by .Def- HTZm the be pagan that ever ayea ti .. u muse of vaneewver . prftothePJ- bers wero entertained aT dinner .i Yalpara-o by the the the m niiLi w 4 told Arebibali Mem of the expedition, ; aeeds of the w P, . doctor, being wta KTFrom than. IV., who neveFlsHed to point it out to visitort when he happened to be ai jvew. The kingt interest in it first arose perhaps from the fact that Menzies had been a shipmate of his. This historical tree died early in 1893, ana iu sand, vnich stand the British climate fairly well, are known by the name oz monicey puzzle. Har Parents, The mother of a young girl re cently secured a divorce from her husband and married another man, tne terms ol the decree providing that the daughter spend half her time with her father, who had also remarried, and half with her moth er. Meeting a friend of her family after returning from a visit to one of her remarried parents, the little girl was asked "how she spent her ume nowaaaye." "WelL" she replied "I spend a month visiting my father and my .ul.. fm. v. j. . 41 V "uh. men uie nut moma i go on a visit to my mother and my iauerr uarpers Weekly. The American Servant. Sir Philip Burne-Jones gave the following amusing instance of. the lengths to which the efforts of American menials to preserve their own gentility extend: A Inend of Sir Philip's asked a waiter on one of the railways to perform some service. "No, I can't" was the re ply. "The other gentleman will at tend to you," referring to a fellow servant a few yards ofL The first waiter then strolled serosa to the second waiter and was overheard to say, "There's a man over there wants you to attend to him!" Swallow. Attack a Cat. On the top of a disused chimney in his hack premises a man in Maid stone, England, observed a huge cat endeavoring to teach a swallows' nest built under a projecting course of brickwork. The parent buds flew around the cat, endeavoring to drive it Kot baing able to do so, :... j ; LPi!" ". moments with nine other swallows. These in a compact body charged tne cat with such force as to almost dislodge it, and it hurriedly de scended to a place of safety. Ivan'a Ad. "In Moscow," said a traveler, "I saw a little child crying miserably one afternoon, lie walked slowly down one of the principal streets, and his howls soon brought a big crowd around him. t "'What is the matter, my child? What troubles you r every one ask ed. "The boy paused finally. He look ed st the multitude which had as sembled. Then, lifting up his voice. he shouted in a sh nil treble " 1 am lost Will somebody please take me home to Ivan iroubetskoy, the champion clothier of the south end, who has just got in his new stock of spring overcoats, suits, neckties, shirts, hats and umbrellas, which he will sell cheeper than any one else in the city? "New York Tribune. ; In Mwnoriam. "Bather handsome young widow, isn't she r "She's more than rather hand some.' I think she is one of the handsomest women in town." - -- "Too bsd she has such poor taste.' "I can't agree with you if you think she has poor taste "Everrne of her diamonds is nothimr more than paste." . . "Oh, that may be sot She prob ably wears them in memory of her husband.' He was a billposter.'' St Paul News. , Not at AH Suitable. SheXlt cannot be. I am not worthy of you. He Nonsense! "It is true too true,- ? ' "Impossible. You sre an angel." "No. no: yon are wrong. I ant an idle, silly girL utterly unfit to become your compaawa ummtn life." , ' -' Th'u is madness. What sort of a wife do yon think I ought to haeP? "A careful, calculating, practical woman who can live on your small WMhst the DMta Hdsk ------', There is a Ule of a traveler in the lake district in Engtsnd who, heart ing that a partioular Tillage was in winter almost entirely rut off from the rest of the country by snow, aak ed bow they manafed to get a doe- tor if any one was taken iu. "On, at that season,'' was tne rwy, -fcee people die nature death 1 . W a bench of snacis- the oresidinc testies at vhich was wQ known oQcer C Militia, whose nrido in Lie Tigimsat was the sabjeci i pnhlic eomment, On iweeiving her sentence she thus addressed tie bench: "Well, tow worships, my father was lagjed fer Bfe, and soy husband is doing tea rears' "hard,' and I have a brother and a sister that are two out and est bad ones, but I thank tho Lard that made ma that nobody belong ing to ne was ever connected wf the jaUiahy T "London Tit-Kia. at aay wen wB aty far, feet pare si side W the Vat as kaep, as m saw a staadard UfVj. U jwm Cvwbj are m s the seaadard. ra xbww tfcer arv aot at tketr fen; prisonment rates' Aetolnj aartaaaty LADY JEUNE. mm mt Culiili tr Wi.n Tnwam SmMt CrMaa. Lad Jeune is one of England's fa tuous women, a reformer whose oot- spokea opinions have made ber a name on both sides of the Atlantic Lad Jeune Is a sodetv critic who writes from the Inside. Bhe Is one of Lon don's most successful hostesses, Inde fatigable with ber pen and In ber love of entertaining. She Is the wife of the Right Hon. Sir Francis Henry Jeune, a Judge of the high court and a brilliant member of the English bar. Her first husband was a qolooel la the English army The daughter of the late James Stewart UacKenale, Lady Jeune began writing in bar early girlhood. She has published a collection of nanr imn titled "Lesser Questions,'' but ber chief literary work baa been frequent eoo Mbudoos to leading newspapers and mags si nee. -. Lady Jeune is confessedly food of Americana. They are her frequent guests at ber country place, ArUngtoo Manor, at Newbury, Berks, and In ber delightful London home In Hariey street The Society of American Wo rn In London has no better friend than Lady Jeune, who is the frequent guest of honor at tbe society's tancn Lady Jeune Is a trenchant critic who does aot hesitate to speak ber mind freely, but ber occasional rebukes to society have la no way endangered ber popularity la tne cultured literary and sodal circles of London. The Bwlr Tralnlaa There Is no ' lesson that; mothers should strive more earnestly to teach their children than that of self re straint It is from the lack of self control, from self indulgence, that all tbe sorrows and troubles of life are sure to spring... Tbe first lesson la self restraint must be taught very early in hfein fact within a very few bows of the birth of roar child, Tbe boy who Is not in dulged la an hla whims le learning tea that will aid him te avoid setf todnlgencns la after life that would be imprudent and bsrmful, and his char acter will be ell the nobler for the self restraint that will become more and more easy for him to practice as the years roll by. While yoa are teaching this lesson te roar caiid- yoa are strengthening year owe character If yea are wise and just, and yoa will ktara to conquer assay nana that nave neeosoe great through Indulgence for tbe sake of tbe little one whom yoa so dearly love. Do aot let your love, and sympa thy for yowr little child lead you tats lndalawnces that will after years prove bis undoing, but learn to restrain aim for his ewa good. It Is an old say ing that aa snseinsh mother makes a selfish child. There Is a great deal ec truth to this, and It Is wiser for tne ether to conquer her own antnlfisn than to give way to the child Table Talk. ... very Wtle while one seas a mass of dated advtee to mothers, tadadiBg the charge, "Don't be la a starry," ec, "Take yeew time la overyttriag yea de and thus inserts your nerve force," eomee at. last to wonder u tne writers of all this eerie ever un dertook to take care.ef a family. Did sack pereooe ever sttenpt to pet brek' fast for a man wbe elzoply must be at hat dally work at 7:80s. av.1 Meantime the baby cried distressingly, and aosse ec the ether children wbe were dress ing cbjmered wOdty for beep te find teas er to have tbetr dotnlng or battonsd If st was saw Mean while the leeesaa poeaaod at tne deer, and the aaflksaaa was late, and there i cream for coffee, tbe tenet tbe eoffse boOed over, tbe good to be lets to bat wwrk, sad-end en, a things store bb tbe way ef Wa nt And n these people wno wrRs se soothingly apoa tbe "dost berry- senUene wil kindly pat to tbe pises ef tbe r eartata 1 saw and sady thing to do Is to 1 ry, sssrry, hnrry 1 that tbe la ta and soda. Caffl yea bare trtod tills yen wfll set feanse what a affar- K wll aaabe as Che brtniasjee ef fhengnt It M not ataH aa snsBeaunaa thing for wsaien wbe are vary fsaridl- tter pertanatag as tbe baaptasT of the basse m perfect er- ar to pay Bttis er as srtantias to Che IS taam wwas easy ere empty er trha tbe wicks when tbay tt. Laospe asast be aapt par- fartly ctaaa ea the saatde ae wan as tbe satalflt If tbrf are te gtve gead Et sDonilag oey aneaie ae tbareogmly niahvl and cieeaed eat essays ea 'saay fiiaitly asp ansa ee heart and disss isi that teehanaw. tt is tbo"snd aw U e'kiritiat am. If tale is tbe eastern to yea ante see to at sarssaany w sarts are takaa eat and boM as aooa ss flre I. a SiMytrWrn af the gathering af AjX iCJc. - - thing th:il tuuxtlie'looUd after. Iloat of tbe bother wl . lamps to caused by tbe flnlug up ot t -e small holes la the gause, thus preventing the free pas sage of dr. These little boles must be kept free from accumulations of oil and dost The "tube for veatilatloa must also be carefully watched sad cleaned oat whenever It seems nee eery. ; The dirt ui Stor In furnishing ber room a girl should bear la mind that quality, aot quan tity, to the keynote to beauty. She should decide on a color scheme and stick to it or If she departs slightly from tt tot ber go In the right direction and choose a color which corresponds well with the main color scheme. Iu the first place she should sveld top many personal photographs, half a dos ea of her dearest friends' photos sad no more.. Her room should contain at least one picture beautiful enough-to raise her to a higher plane whenever ber eyes fall upon It She should be cautious to dealing with posters, brle-a-brae and gewgaws. Simplicity ef hue and on tune should be ber mala Idee, striving rather to have a few good things than a great many inferior ... SnSe War So CI sen Ca ' An experienced chemist says the fol lowing recipe to warranted to remove soil and spots from the moot delicate carpets without injuring them: Make a suds with a good white soep and not water and add fuller's earth to this until tbe consistency of thin cream is secured. Have plenty of clean drying cloths,' s small scrubbing brush, a large sponge and a pall of fresh water. Put some ef the cleaning mix ture to a bowl and dip a brush In tt Brush s small piece of the carpet with thto, then, wash with the sponge end cold wstee. Dry as much as possible with tbe sponge end finally rub with dry doths. Con tin no this till you are sore that an tbe carpet to dean, then let tt dry. Chicago Journal. la th Do yea ever pot money to mouth! Do you ever take the nickel for carfare between your teeth while you replace the glove you removed to search fer tbe ulcketT Did tt ever oc cur to you what goes Into your mouth with the nickel 1 Where has the nickel wandered since It eetae from the mint? Imagine its Journeys and perhaps you wont care to thrust It between your teeth or to bold it hi your lips for even tbe fraction ef a second. Wbe else has bold tt is his moots? In whose pocket It reposed? from what filthy gut- tor has It bean rescued by s sharp eyed youngster and who lost it, there raiisaoipnia inquirer. Severe headache and colic are fre quently sttrlbu table soMy to bolting food. Indeed. It to quite within tbe bounds ef possibility that tne continu ous swallowing of Indigestible lumps of anenewed food may, by the Irritation tne latter cause, pave the way for can ear In the stomach. Mot only 4b the stomach endaagered by the habit of bolting 0000 food; tbe sppeadtx to slse Imperiled Appendicitis to very much common than at used to be, and aason for. Its prevalence to tbe hurried swallowing of mimes of aa asseticstsd food. '. The only remedy that we know of for limber neck Is tbe proverWal ounce of prevention. If we would not loss our chickens from this cause we must be watchful 'and aot allow tbe ageociee that produce tt to gather about as, ssys a 'Tennessee Poultry man hi Farm and It to so assy te start it and the results are se sure to come. Daring a showery week one July we a email rooster and could not find him high or low. Finally we de cided that be bsd strayed off or been la one of our yards of breeders there wss a bswa log about tea feet long tying near the fence. Tbe skew ers aad tbe beat continued, and one evening we noticed several of tbe bene te that particular yard sitting about la a peculiar manner, some of them with tbetr bases ea the ground. Aa Invest gatioa revealed tbe missing rooster, dead and feeterlag between tbe tog and tbe fence, bat tbe hens bsd found Urn first end ere toot etx ef them end tne aid cock la the yard with them ae s re sult ef ear oversight - la writing on gapes Mr. Tigttutsltr states as follows: "Kaowmg tbe active tnflnsaoss ef earbeOe add ea tbe lower forms ef estates Ufa, I determined to try tbe effect of tbe auhaletioa la tbe ttos. I operated ea chicks and tarkeys several tunas that had suffered severe ly frees gapes, being always choked by tbe worms. Each bird was pieced la a deal has. the epea top being eov- wtth a doth. Te fumigate I then placed at sot a dosea drops ef carbolic add to a eeaan ssstsl ssacsr heated by I at the bun and pot the apparatus to tbe latsrler ef tbe box. Danes white fames seen filled tbe box ef a i penalty breathed by tbe The to ovary mt af suf ocatioa. They see ered, however, ea exposals te tbe ah ead en tbe day following tbe tiwstntoot ebeat petfauOy free from af disease." Feathery pallet tbe follow. W0 probably be cleat, ears imsrtesa reaitry Ict a eatej aaaatity af ettre ed and gaotty sts alp male the parts. After ward giro renting feeds, sad If bans are toe fat radaec the ratten. la cane tbe egg rsaaet be cxpeOed by tbe as sort ef tbe body to as caa be need eta set tojory and hake tt there balf aa bear er ssere oats tbe parte are relaxed.' Then an Jnet en ead eadsster ss seals tbe btfd by eajafat er by dflstion of the ! Whan tbe pallets nee snated te tbetr stra the seat cocker ahoold be saeted te tbe aid bene, tiros forming two dV sf tbe ttaa.-EeU.Ue reaitry ereraaahtg Fer tbe egg stead Which End of You Is Uppermost? Br ' ""V VERY stick has two ends. f Laaaw So has every fact Jf trait and every action, . sasw t diversions to find out what the) other end looks Eke. c : ' NOTHING US THE WORLD IS SO nSTTEREST lNaTO A MAN ASHIS OWN SELF. I goW't'ltoids man who has an album filled with pictures of himself at different ages and In different costumes and who declares, with a somewhat brutal frankness, that it Is to him by far the most interesting collection of ptigwrnfi the world oould produce. , ,i Another man, far- from handsome, but very bright, cynically proclaims that he lives to the glory and for the advancement of Mephistopheles or Iago or by whatever name you choose to supply his ml name. ;;.Ki;j.!.f:...-..ri ;rv. -V; v-;v St St H - Vv ' Well then, granted that the most captivating study of mankind is himself, ' I WILL SUGGEST TO MY FRIENDS PINING FOR AMUSEMENT ; THE LITTLE GAME OF HUNTING UP THE OTHER END" OF THEIR OWN PET VIRTUES, find if they hare any faults or can get tome friend to point out one or two they may solace themselves by discovering that every f salt has its alternative virtue. .. - - For instance, our friend M. L, who lives for his own glory and advantage, is only the other end of the man who lives to spread abroad some great discovery and advantage to the world, which be comes incidentally glory and advantage to himself. ' The "lovely woman who stoops to folly" for love's sake is one wno V HOLDING THE SCEPTER OF, WOMANHOOD ; BY THE WRONG END and misusing the noble virtue of love and elf sacrifice. X The lawyer who sells his gift of eloquence and defends the criminal who pays him is only holding by the wrong ead that weapon which it mightier than sword or pen the tongue of the ready speaker. - m When you ran and helped grandmamma up the steps and seated her so prettily in the easy chair and brought her some tea and waited upon her, ss she said, "lie an angel,' it was very filial and sweet and affectionate and dear, wasn't it ? At any rate, you felt yourself very good while you did it and were not surprised at her praise and pet ting, but didn't yoa know, in the depths of your deceitful little heart, that a nice young man wss looking on and that he declares sweet ness, docility and domesticity a woman's chief est of charms t ' NOW COMES THI tfTTLt OAMK. ' THAT ACTION MAO .TWO ENDS, ONE OF THEM ALL, ABLOOM WITH THE PAM UUEfi Of WOMANLY VIRTUE AND THE OTHER CARVED INTO THE SIMILI TUDE OF A ORINNINO IMF OF FAUEHOOO AND PRETENSE. WHICH END REALLY WAS UPPERMOST ' A queer thing about this is that very often we see one end of the staff while the world cries out fit the other. , Did you never find your-; elf blushing and ashsmod at praise and laudation and popularity be stowed most lavishly spoil some action which the world considers very self denying and generous when YOUR OWN CONSCIENCE told you the motive wss to gain this very laudation or perhaps money or position or some other price t : And were you never setonisbed and grieved at finding yourself ooused of just these same base tnoti res when really you had for enoe lost sight of tiresome self and been working purely and simply for other people I V'" :,:r:-':;''''V-'!Z- 1-" ' WELL, IT, WAS IN BOTH CASES BECAUSE THE WORLD OOT MOLD OF THE WRONO END OF. THE STICK, WHILE YOU KNEW MORE ACCURATELY WHICH END YOU REALLY MELD. America Has Many Women Tochers - Br Bar. MULBSBT B. CStAY. WsrSea af BrtSasH CiBajs. Bsslial TT" AM credibly informed try the master of a well known .; II ondary school in New York that not more than 7 per cent iL, of the male teachers stay in the profession more than five ' years, and not moiw than ft per cent msJte it their life's vooa fion. The result is that even in the secondary schools in the does THERE HAVE BEEN A GRADUAL DWINDLING AND EJ3ONATI0N 5 OF MEN HEALTHY PREPONDERANCE OF WOMEN TEACHERS. ' I think that it is not straining point to say that THE PRE PONDERANCE OF FEMALE TEACHERS in the higher ot secondary schools I ssy of set vnAa AN EFFEMINATING EFFECT ON THE CHARACTER OF AMERICAN BOYHOOD. There it a tendency for women teachers when dealing with boys of such advanced age TO INSTILL UNCONSCIOUSLY, NO iDOHBT, SENTIMENTAL VIEWS OF FACTS rather than to rwerie the prindplee of eondoct What Our Navy Should Be . : Br (be tiea. A. MOnsOSI. Itsrilsrr af tna Mnvr CHE NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES OUGHT TO BE A FIRST CLAS3 FIGHTINO MACHLNEL IT OUGHT TO BE THE : MOST - FORMIDABLE ONE IN bTtTHTV.XfiK. Its military watchful ears, and after the proper ships end weapons have been pnrrided k should U the atady ships are bandied right . - , There should be unlimited inanenvwring and tnrf p the rimnera saav shoot strsirht. rnnv Tire ADMIRAL DOWN TO THE TAB SHOULD 12 THE ACME -OF CO-OPERATION. If troubled with a weak digestion Cmheriaioa ctotnsch and ver Tablets. They will do yoa rood. For sale by the J. C Sim- Drug Co. : Mr. Flea Hampton, an aged man who lived on IiUle Horse creek, Ashejcouoty, fell or was thrown from his horse on the 15th 1L snd was k Hied. He was found with his skull fnctored snd never rertin- Mrs. (RANK LB LIB and every truth. So has every and it is one of the most amusing Too , TEACHER? AND AN WSt- purpose preponderance and not from them. eficieney must receive the most ef those in charge to see that the whUe AN ESPRIT DE CORTS Would not interest yoa if you're a? looaior tore rnsrenveen cejva ' KnTPffbal rm t llsnsn II. iu of Ponder, Mo., writes : VI suffer ed with an og!r sore for a year, bet a box ol Bncklen's Arnicn Jve cored me. It's the beet Salve on errta. 25c at the J. C tusmocs Drug Go. 'a. Spirits. Good spirits don't all come L -Kentucky. The main source is 1 liver and all tbe fine spirits f made in the Blue Grass te'9 coi not remedy a bad liver or lis hu dred-end-one ill effects it j . jc You can't have good spirits and bad lver at the same time. Y o liver must, be in fine condi you would feel buoyant, happy se hopeful, bright of eye, light of ste vigorous and guccesslul in your pu suiL i Yon can put your liver fines! condition , by , using Greer, ADgU8t Flower the greatest ot l medicines for the liver and stomac and a certain cure for dyspepsia i indigestion. It has been a favori household remedy for over tLirt; five years. August Flower ; w, make your liver healthy and acti' and thus insure yoa a liberal sur of "good Bpirits' Trial size, 2c regular b ttlea, 75c. ' At all art- gists. The Central Chrolina Fair i Greensboro will -embrace Octob: 11, 12, 13 and 14. It will hat many attractive features and tt managers assert that It will be on of the best fairs ever held sni where. . a'en.n-nea'Wsnt ten Ars.Taatma- When yoa take Grove's Tastlei Chill Tonic because the formula i plainly printed on every bott showing that it is simply Iron an Quinine in a tasteless form. E Cure, No Pay. 60c. The Republican 'executive core mittoe of the seventh district hi named L. D. afendenhsIL ot Rai dolpb, as a candidate for Coegre to oppose Corigressman Page. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa leailiee This time of the yea: are signals of Warning TakeTaraxacum Com Dound ; now.' ?f It ems' save you a spell of f o ver. It . will reiu!at your bowels, set you liver right, and cun your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine Co MEBANE. 1 N. C. UNIVERSITY CwLlL of imz:::t : Subscribe For The Gleaner. Only . $ 1 .00 per year.; ARE YOU UP TO DATE 9 If yoa re not the Ketts Obextex w. Subscribe f r t t once nnd it will keep yoa tl of the times. Fn3 Associated Frcss C AH the news fort' osestic, national, state ai 1 1 all the time. r Daily Kcws and CL'n r per year, 3JL,0 lorecci. per Tear, SOc for 6 mos. NEWS & ti C n.8 r. . c r r-e v r i - Ililir f Milne UiiiiiI i tdW.a-aiailia. IMUiaMlaibaivallxM - kave me re c aara scmcM to sw few trtsawSa, The. bnrner U. 4 vcrae -U mtfm od