? n a ,. v.. v.f J) J; J.i ..-. .. . HE EEANER. VOL. XXX. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1904. 170. C3 0 GUDB8 THE body gets' ita IJto fiwrnfj food proporly ,'4igcated. Healuiy aigesuuu . uraui pure blood far the body, but stomach . kMiii arloA from carelessness in eating and stomach disorders i HpM We enuxt) mynwui uuyivy- erfy masticated food sours on tbe tomach. causing - distressing paint, v belching .and wwa. When over-eating it persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn - out- and dyspepsia claim the ytoton.v-' vi .Thedford's Black-Draught cores dyspepsia, u w (tomaoh and bowels of congested niatter and gives the stomach new life. The stomach Is quickly invigorated and. the natural Simulation results in a good .nnetite. with the power to thor oughly digest food, r You can build up your stomach with -4bU mild , and t .natural Trv Thedford's Black- Draught today. You can buy a package from your dewer . tor ' 25c If he. does not keep it, send the money to The Chattanooga Medioine Co, Chattanooga, Tenn.. and package will bo ., mailed yw. - -' " 'j THEDFORD'S Diarir.nmiHiHT ia wama.y ' -F6I4 Z. T. HADLEY GRAHAM N. C. Watches Clocks and Jewelry . . ,-i .; ', .t .( . . Cut Glass aad Silverware. KTEyes fitted... '. tested ; and glasses ESTABLISHED : ; :11893 Burlington Insurance ' t-Agency -. . INSURANCE IN All IT BRANCHES. J ' ' aaaa t ' : "'.'"'- . ' ' i Loca agency of Penn -.", Mutual Insurance Company. ' . " '- ' ' TJeet , -r Life' Insur- -i - ance contracts now - . : k on the market. WW Prompt personal attention to all orders. Gurrotpoodeooe sollolted. JAMES P, ALBRIGHT, Agent, i -3 S.;qO;OE, -. s Attorney At-Law, GRAHAM, ' . - - - N. C. j - Offlos Patterson BuUdloc -Beoood Floor. . . DR. WILL S. LOXG, JR. bCNTIST Caaham. . . . Nartk Carolina OFFICK is SIMMONS BUILDWU taraeaar n,uau. W. r. BT,J- n BNUM &BTNUM, ' Attorasrs ud C imiii li'ia avt Zsiw ' tiaftSKBBOBO, H tfc " fneOtm raniarlr ia tba eoarta of Ala watT. Aat,Mly Ucam a. vo3. J. SLMKB WHO. LONG & LONG, A-ttoriKryB and Oonneelors at Iw-, ' fe,"- SB A HAM, n. C. E03T C. CTEUDWICK . Atteraf -at-Law, GREENSBORO. Ji. C. Practices in the courts of Ala Anoe and Guilford conntiea. HOW SHE GOT EVEN. One Woman's Method of Humbling a Careless Conductor. She was one of those women with a righteous lofck and firm chin. "Please sto at Thirty-ninth street," she saicTMo the conductor as the car whizzed past Thirty-sixth street. At the next comer Bhe rose, to be n-auy u angnt, Dut the car did not .slow up, the conductor being busy doing the hospitality of his car to a chance acquaintance. Before she could catch his eye and stop the car she had gone a block past her des tination. She put her foot on the step, then drew it back and calmly sat down again. The conductor, his nana on tne bell rope, waited, the picture of vigilant duty. She gazed straight ahead and made no sign. With a profane remark he jerked the rope, and the car moved on. Two blocks farther she arose and caught his eye again. This time he managed to stop at the first corner. But she apparently changed her mind and sank comfortably into her seat, while an appreciative smile overspread the faces of the other passengers. At the end of another two blocks she once more signaled to him to stop, and, though he was bursting wim wrain, a aozeji pairs or eyes were upon him, and he controlled himself. The car came to a stand still, but she did not move. "It's the next corner I want," she explained in a clear voice as a titter went around the car. "When I ask ed you to stop at Thirty-ninth you carried me to Fortieth, so I sup posed if I signaled you for Forty- thira you'd carry me to Forty fourth." And at the next corner she smiled graciously at the conductor as she stepped down and out. Chicago Inter Ucean. THE SEA CUCUMBER. A Monster Worm That Is Eaten With Relish In Asia. An important food of the teeming millions of Asiatic countries, partio- ulaTlv China,' is trepang. Other names for it are sea slug, sea cucum ber, sea pudding and beche de mer. It looks like a huge worm. Off the coasts of Queensland and .New Guin ea great fleets of Malay and Chi nese vessels search for this creature. It is secured in various ways. The Malays on the Queensland coasts emnlov (Treat numbers of the aborig inals to wade about in the water, the blacks detecting the trepang by standing upon it and also by prick- lnsr tne eanav bottom witn .ineir snears. ' The natives also dive, with great skill and success, in the deep er waters and hring up the fish. Tre pang variiee- in size, some specially large slugs being nearly two feet in length while alive, but when proper ly prepared for market they are much shriveled up, measuring from four to ten inches. Every few miles on the Queens land northern coasts the traveler comes upon bark huts, with places for the drying and storing of tre pang. It is first soaked in cold wa ter, then carefully scraped and cleaned, then boiled all day and again scraped and cleaned, then once more soaked in cold water. Then it is split down one tide, then nreseed under heavr stones, tnen stretched open with bamboo skew ers, sun drieoV smoked for . some days, then stored away, to bs con stantly looked after and son dried again to prevent mildew. - When cured, it has a dirty gray or dark brown color, is rigid and ugly look inganything but tempting. There are many varieties of tre pang, and the fishermen forward them to different markets, where preference is given to particular kinds. The red and white are con sidered inferior, and these are pur chased and used by the less particu lar people of the north, while the brown and black sorts, full of juice and flavor, are supplied . to the wealthy people of the south. Some forms of trepang are said to be eat en raw by the Japanese. Soup made from it is palatable and nutritious, being little inferior to turtle soup.' Whan His Head aWlad 1 ; As illustrative of the exhilarating effects of liquor, a railroad official tells the story of s switchman who took a drink and felt that he ought to be section boss. He took another .nA aafcL 1 outtbt to be a division superintendent. He took two or three more and felt that ho oognt to be general manager of the railroad. Then he took two or three more and thought ho' should bo president of the road. , ' . In a. few minutes the fast express was approaching. The switchman raised aloft ' his d lamp and brought the train to a standstill. Tfhat is the troubkr inquired the conductor. , The switchman slowly pulled oux his watch and said: "ton are two mirmtMlate. Dont let this happen agam, New York Times, r Lt la AesiaMa. Once upon a time tiers was a woman who, being insrriod, had ber husband to talk to, and she never lost an opportunity to jito a lengthy, fufi and couple account cms Various things that interested 1Her husband had been trained la- in the least interest him, thou, b the consumed a great amount I time with. details-Agi. I01 that might nave caused a show of impatience on the part of a listener less wise than he was. - Moral. Some persons are never short in their accounts. New York Herald. A Silent Argument. A wanderer through South Caro lina watched an old negro fishing in a brickyard pond for forty minutes, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, dur ing which time the hook was not pulled up. "Do you think there are any fish there r he asked at last. "No, sah; I reckon not" "But you seem to be fishinir,'' : "Yes, sah." "But perhaps you are not fishing for fish. What is your object V "De objickvaah, of my fishin' foh fish whah dey hain't any fish is to let de ole woman see dat I hain't got no time to hoe de truck in de jryahdin patch!" Sallowing Directions. Mr. Qrogan Oi tuk the powders, docther, but it is sicker Oi am than Oi was befoor Oi began. ' Dr. Bowless Did you follow the directions as much as could be heaped on a ten cent piece every three hours? Mr. Grogan Oi followed thim as near as Ut cud, docther. Oi had no tin cint piece in the house, so Oi tuk as much as Oi cud heap on a nickel every hour and a half. Entitled to a Pardon. Many anecdotes of General Sa:n Houston are told which show that his tongue was by no means slow or his wit dull. As Ueneral B. had been financial agent to the peniten tiary for a number of years and warmly opposed General Houston's last election as governor of Texas he feared he would lose his desirable office. He therefore presented a pe tition in due time asking' that he might be retained, his "long and faithful services" being urged as a reason for granting the request of the petitioners. "It appears from this petition, general,' said the governor, "that you have been in the penitentiary eight years. "Yes, sir." . ; "And you say that you have per formed faithfully each and every duty imposed upon you during that timer "Yes, sir." "Then, sir, said the governor, with a twinkle in his eye, it seems to me I ought to pardon yon out" Detecting a Thief. ' A gentleman living in the West Indies bad a large sugar plantation with a great number et native la borers employed on it. He found that he was often robbed, and at length, after losing a considerable sum, he called his servants together, "My friends," said he, VI have had a wonderful dream in the night. I dreamed that the person who stole mv money should nave at this in stant a feather on the tip of his nose." . The thief on hearing this imme diately put his hand to his nose to see if the leather was mere. ' "It is you," cried the master, "who robbed mer ' : , The simDle neero. confessed the theft, and the master recovered nis . . . s I money. - " Impudsnt. " A certain seed banker , in the course of conversation the other day made bitter complaint of the flip- nancv. not to -say impudence that passes for wit among s certain class of youtn.- "1 was talking F" yong nan of my acquaintance, " be said, and out of a desire to help him I gave him a few bits of advice. I-told him that -'economise,, should be his watchword and mentioned the fact that I had laid the foundation of my fortune by saving street car fares. And what do vou think the impu dent dog said? Why, he grinned and .remarked, 1 never knew you were a conductor.'" Kansas City Independent. :' Mathematics and Meney. . ( Husband According to your own flonrea vou soent over 1100 this year in cheap fripperies which had to be thrown away arte once wear ing. . That f 100 would have bought a niece of lace that would have last ed s lifetime in fact, could be used by your descendants for generations. 'Wife WelL "a m 1 will buy the lace let next year. Husband Um never mind. : I I don't think lace is very becom ing to your style of beauty. Here's 10 cents for snotber raffle. ' " fleeete la CSjJeka. Wbaa DewaJ treobis attacks ebJeks, feed then seme stnan, Drofcea enar eaal er some rice that baa basa boUad Imoet dry ia sailk. Equal parts of ground glnsw. etores. dnnamosj aad cayeoM pappec soay bo soUed, a tas tpooatrx! tor each doaea chicks, la tbetr saaaa, aays the faatbar. Ttla saay be gtraa tbeoi once a day t at twa or three oaya. It la not only food for bowel traobea. bat it la a tacJe aad acoaOdaJ for yocnf ebKa and tortwrys tbat bae basa exposed to condoned damp, wot ays er that have takaa cold tress oa ffae that the water tta dry, and tf that are no create or soppty grtt la aDanoaaea, Oecae are very prodUMa, as they re quire little attention, aerer bar Bee aad seldom have dlsassa Graia Is sot good for docks, aa they bar do crop tn whki to grind It Mash at the beat ratio. fveUr wltk tba inserts aad green food that titej toraga for. THE TURKEY INDUSTRY. Am AetlT Market Deaaa aa Pm- . elbilltlee of Go4 mate. Washington. In view of an Increas ing popular Interest In the production of turkeys for market a paper has been prepared by Mr. T. E. McGrew, an ex perienced Judge and breeder, and pub lished as farmers' bulletin No. 200. As to the present condition of the Indus try, it ia told that the growing of tur keys seems to have improved within the last few years. '-. Throughout the country the attention of turkey growers has been called to the successful production of market ' ?u ASiiAwaaif nmaax (stujQ. turkeys In the state of Bbode Island. Unqoestionably some of the best marV ket turkeys - produced la the world bare bean sent out of Rhode Island. The market statistics show that there has been aa active demand for turkeys for many years past The records of the winter of 1808-04 perhaps show the highest prices that have ever been paid for the -turkey crop, which seems to have been considerably leas la propor tion to the demand than for several years past . The wholesale prices paid la the western states ranged from 10 to lo seats a pound dressed, with the head, feet and entrails. The average wholesale price as recorded la New York for the paat tea years has ranged from 8 to 20 cents s pound. Boston shows a valuation higher than this la a few instances only, and the Chicago market has recorded from 0 to 18 Cents. .,:"' J-;- 'rf-v; '.; i-y,-u Bbode Island turkeys sold at retail la the markets of New York city and Boston during the Thanksgiving and holiday : weeks of , last winter for as high as 88 and 40 cents a pound, while other turkeys could be bought at 20 to 25 cents. ' There Is no other kind of live stock. according to Mr. McGrew, that will return so large a profit to the success ful prodacer as will poultry, and no kind of poultry Is more profitable than turkeys when properly handled. The fact that turkeys will, from the time they are six weeks old until winter sets la, gala the greater part of their entire living from bugs, grasshoppers snd wsste grain that they pick np ia their wanderings over the range assures their existence through this period with tittle cost to the owner, r Turkeys are now aaed not only for roasting, but to as increasing extent for cold cuts and salads, aad large numbers of late batched poults are used for broilers la the large does. : The broase turkey holds the poet of honor la varlenes. The arragansetts ' 1 : are next none M more desirable for all pwrposos, 'Boom spwwers claim that i Namgaaeetts will reach market stoe and condition m lees time than the rosea M,r. , i . . The bun tarter W not 'generally frown la tale eoaatry, bat la some le eaiKlae It Is highly versed for owlek growth and attract! re appearance wbaa drama. .Borne of the Bbode Iaiaad growers are paying attention to this va riety of late experimentally, '. Bariy Im Taralaa, . " Early . sown tarnipa, esporlally Bwedee, are vary apt to grow tough sad Stringy.: The usual canes Is a do- UAcsency of phosphoric add. Chemical tertUieer containing this element la ss available, form sprinkled along the rows sad worked la wffl do bocs) to correct taatr dafldeary. The eh aa peat tona la which to pore baas tela data eat to add phosphate er dissolved phos phate rock. A dressing of 000 poaads per sere win be easBdant " - - : i..?s..S realtor aa (ae The farmer who doss sot keep poul try sot only loses sa epportonlty to leasarabry to his moots, but be to avail hlmeeJf of one of the tmportaat ptltfleges that aare rany belong to the tiller of the sod. the opvmtunlty to provide for hie table at nearly an seasons of the year the Inxariea af freeh new Uid eggs, wait fad csdefceos and wan fattened fowl hs tarty Oaya. . Captain Eidd had just lowered s chest of treasure into the sea after carefully charting the spot - "l suppose,' bs mused ss ne watched the bubbles rise snd float upon the water; "I suppose that one of those corporation pirates would eaD that my sinking f ind." These who beard him afterward claimed that the ca;.taLn vs one of the pioneers in tlu- ws.cd caiiilal game. Clcveior.d Luukr. .t r boss vusjanv ansae.' s RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. aeaee OleaaeO freaa the Teaehlasni af ill Deaeaelaatleaa. No man truly comprehends the value of "I" until be knowa the meaning of "we." -The universal fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man are the conquering truths In religion to ssy. Rev. T. E. Potterton, Episcopa Han, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' '"'-.v '".'''me Shirker. The world is full of shirks. . They are In churches as well as anywhere. They don't come around when the debt Is being paid off, but when the Jubilee Is being celebrated they are on hand, and drink more coffee, and eat more and make longer speeches than anybody. Rev. Thomas Uxxell, Independent Den ver, Colo, . i f : , j ? ;m ' Chrtet'e Orewlaa Wastoa. ; Every where there are seen evidences that God is giving to his church a lar ger conception of Christ's .commission than ever before and that it Is the di vine purpose to save souls by saving men and so bring about a more perfect manifestation of the kingdom of heav en, Bev. "D. B. Martin, Congregation alls t, Asbury Park, N..J. : Am OatsMe Tlew. ' " V V I am impressed with the greatness of the United States, but I am subdued when I note the agencies working to ward the destruction of your nation. Undesirable Immigration, outlawry In dues, legislative corruption sad the saloons are the chief vices that are sapping the strength of the republic Bev. Charles H. Poole, Methodist Mew Zealand. ' TheatoST Ret Btallalea. ' ' If the world should sicken of theol ogy and resolve to have no more of it man would still be incurably religious. Theology and religion are not common surate realities. Yon will find men who have much theology who have very lit. tie religion, and you will find men who have much religion whose theology Is not an appreciable quantity. Rev. J. W. Cbadwlck, Unitarian, Brooklyn, N. Y. Peaee Is IatenuO. Peace dose not dwell In outward things, but within the souL There are depths In the. ocean never stirred by any storm, and there are heights above unruffled by the tempest Bo with one who 'trusts In God. There Is a deep peace wnicn we storm or uie cannot disturb. . Faith does carry one above and beyond the distractions of life. Ber. Matthew MuIUn, Episcopalian, St Louis. , " , i TalaktasT itbeat eaV i Moat " men ' considered ! worthy' ' of special remembrance' by the world have been those noted for a considera tion of the subject of God. The whole I t.l.M lata HalwH, and PhrlaHatt 1 mentions, only the names of four nten who have made lasting rtmembrsnos for themselves. They are Coufudus of China, Buddha of India, Zoroaster Of Persia and Mohammed of Arabia. All of these are honored by the human family because they were men who thought pre-eminently about GodVRev. John Howard, Presbyterian, Washing ton. ' i. ' ; !';. Faaelaeaa Were laasallHa, - j The Pharisees were good men. They kept the commandments. - They gave large sums to the temple snd to the poor. Christ never reproached them for any tightness of purse or say laxity of morals. Bis condemnation was vis ited upon them because their righteous ness was centered all upon self; they eared nothing for the world; they sbeght only to be good; they never dreamed of being useful. They wore so good that they made heavy the burdens of ceremonial law and tradition upon the laboring man and the peasant; they were so useless that they would not with so much as with a little finger help men to bear the burdens they lav posed-Bev. Robert C. Huu, Baptist Taylorvllle, I1L - . :. 5. ' staa Create Than Tataea, The progress of the world has been mainly In things mechanical things outside the man and unessential to him. , Emerson said, "Things are m the saddle and ride mankind.' Bat we only roach oa Into the hfe of light and truth and beauty when we shake oursdvee loose from the tyranny of things snd sre monsrehs of all we sur vey. : Maa Is himself greater than the universe which surrounds him. When this truth Is once admitted then the place sad potency In our development of the principle of faith la st oaee evi dent What Is faith? Faith Is the conviction of the unseen, s vlaloa which Uves la a man's own soul, giv ing inspiration and strength sad cour age ss be slim be the hill Difficulty to view the delectable mountains which he in the haiy distance beyorxL Rev. H. L Lindsay, Presbyterian, Allegheny, Ps. - t ' .... ' tied aad llaeaeeea. Christian morality enables the rich man to escape the perils that menace his class snd to make for himself friends of the mammon of Iniquity, Bo must eoncotvo no. base notion of the great virtues of charity. An alma bestowed upon a deeervlng poor broth er is sot bone thrown to a dog; It Is the fulfillment of a most sacred duty. When oat of the supsrtuity of wealth which has sowed to him by the par tiality of fortune sftoaer by the favor of aa Iniquitous legislation dictated by relieves the needs of the poor he Is dmply making a restitution that IS more beneficial to bio own soul than to his neighbor's body, aad there Is small reason why he be proud of hie action. , It should rather humble him that he sub- natttod bis fellow maa to the bumllla- Uoa of begging what religion aad son ad reason suite la proclaiming the patri mony of the poor. Let Divas, while there Is still time, bridge over the un fortunate chasm which separates him from Laseraa, - the favored, aot of men, but of GodVBev. James F. Lenahiia. CathoUe, Phfladembla. Ho had Just consulted a story book detective, who told him how old bo was. tbe number of his watch, the' size of his shoes, how many children be hod and what ho had eaten for breakfast Oased, ho grop ed for tbe doorknob and started to "What's the matter y ssked the eagle eyed pursuer of the guilty. "Dont I get tbe casef "Ao, was tbe answer. 1 want a detective, not a fortune teller." Washington Star. Capital and Labor Must Unite Br ft ft O MAN WAS CREATED ERFUL MAN CANNOT SAY TO THE POOREST MAN, "WE NEED THEE NOT." If A MAN BE AS POWERFUL AS ALEXANDER AND NOT SAY TO HIS POOREST HUSBANDMAN, "I NEED THEE NOT.' If you journey to New York you will see one of those ocean leviathans at its dock, idle, quiet, without strengthti hulk. The crew, officers, stokers and scores of other humble workmen come Aboard. The captain touches a button and the great thing glides into the water and rushes to the ocean like a monster of the sea. bearing its burden of treasure and meaf THIS IS THE UNION OF LABOR AND CAPITAL, AND WITHOUT THIS UNION THE WORLD MUST BE LIKE THE HULK OF THAT QUIET, SILENT LEVIA THAN. All I have said goes to show that the strongest man is weak without the help of his neighbor, .y.- ' Whatever bo your power you are but a link in the chain of hu man "society. Take the influences of the moon on the tides and its pale, white light that we receive as blessing. , Are not these but portions of the sun's rays! Every one should co-operate with one snother and no one should stand aloof. J ; Cain said, "I am not my brother's keeper." If Christ had put forth that doctrine we would today be groping fat darkness and the shadow of death. YOU ARE YOUB BROTHER'S KEEPER, AND HE HAS A CLAIM UPON YOU. You cannot imitate Christ by performing miracles as he did, but you can perform mir acles of grace and blessing which rejoice the heart of God, give pleasure to others and thereby bring more pleasure to yourself. . . .. WHEN YOU CAUSE THE FLOWERS OF JOY AND GLADNESS TO GROW IN THE' HEARTS OF OTHERS YOU HAVE PERFORMED THE CROWNING MIRACLE OF A OOOO LIFE. MUTUAL FANCY 15 NOT REAL LOVE SB M I'v '(...," ' aaja. jama aei. .Krk, ;.-y tCfMZUNY persona, M least love, or, at least, from a mutual fancy and sympathy which they iniatake for lore.' Ia many eases the sym pathy is not rery deep nor the fancy Yery permanent but at any rate the two people really BELIEVE that I marris ge with each other is going HdoesnV Why! . at -s) - at ;it";yjv;::;:;r7'v'i7:f:. Well, the great reason, it seems to me, because in small natures and shallow hearts the only strong and enduring lore is THE LOVE OF SELF, and as soon as the outside fancies come in conflict with this REAL passion they go to the watt, "The man sees s pretty girl tn the freshness of her youth, and he wishes to make her his own. She is sprightly, full of fun, makes every effort to be agreeable and amusing, and be feels that her society is a rest and refreshment site the monotony of business. Perhaps she has or is to hare Some money, snd this added to his own will keep s comfortable home, where he can be free from the annoyances of boarding house snd the min istrations of s laundress. , . -' . f . - ' -, . ; NOW, ALL THIS, OF COURSE, IS FURS SELFISHNESS. THE MAN MAS NOT ONCE CONSIDERED THE CLAIMS AND RIGHTS AND WISHES OF THE OTHER PARTY TO THE BARGAIN, AND WHEN HE FINDS, AS HE WILL FINO SOON AFTER THE WEDDING, THAT THESE ARE QUITE AS FHOMINENT AS HIS OWN HE IS AT FIRST SURPRISED, THEN INDIGNANT ANO IN THE END PROFOUNDLY DISSATISFIED. '!.. ' For the bride may be in her fashion quite ss selfish as her groom. Bhe has married to gain independence and s freer use of money, to have the position and dignity of a married woman, TO AVOID BE ING AN OLD MAID, even for the sake of s smart wedding, s paragraph in the newspaper, new clothes and wedding presents. ' A year later the clothes are eat of fashion,' the presents an old story. She doesn't find that she has any more, if as much, independence and freedom as she enjoyed while s girL and her husband Is far more requiring than her father and rnother used to be. , ,r i .- So the poor little veneer ef mutual faif-y and sympathy they dig sifted by the name of love b worn off, tbe unshaken selfishness of both man and woman comes boldly to the front, and the man cynic ally declares that MARRIAGE IS A . MISTAKE and divorce a happy thought, while his wife shakes her head and gloomily advises ber young friends to know when they're well off and not be in too great a'hurry to get married. ...J; Yl'':':"' :": 's. ' ' I DONT KNOW THAT WE CAN SAY MARRIAGE DESTROYED THE LOVE IN SUCH A UNION, FOR LOVE WORTH SPEAKING OF NEVER EXISTED, BUT CERTAINLY MARRIAGE DISPELLED THE IL LUSION THAT THERE WAS ANY VANISHES, .if Both Japan and Russia ; : ; Are ASTSJUM, Vja -ft- ' If.the tt f4Yr at ssbbo between Rneaia and' Japan were snb- mltted to The Ilagne tofiunal, THAT BODY WOULD DE- CJDS AOAETST DOTH tllnc lor the eontrol of s third tribunal wQ yet hare to be invoked to settle this war.. I believe further that die war wQ bring as vanquished that all nations wl of terrors, j do iter loss hotc. . the THE WAN DRUMS WlU. SE' HEARD NO LONOM IN THE LAND. If troubled with a weak digestion Sr Chamberlain a Stomach , and ver Tablets. They will do yon good. For sale by the J. C. Sim moos Drag Co. During the races at the Forsyth County fair, Mary Dell, of Roanoke, driven by air. Nicholson, broke the record for North Carolina tracks Friday, going a mils in 2:142. CARDINAL GIBBON , r FOR HIMSELF. THE MOST POW AS RICH AS CROESUS HE CAN la our own oountry, marry for to lead to lifelong haprrfrras snd LOVE, AND THE PRETENSE SOON In the Wroncf NATIONS because they are bat- nation. I believe that The Hague such destruction on victors ss well look trpon warfare as the greatest time wla come soon when - Would not Interest you if you're looking fcr a guaranteed Salve for Hua Rnrne or Piles. Otto Dodd. fn vritM "I anfTer. ed with sn ugly sore for a year, bat a box of Bocklen's Ami Salve cured me. It's the bet Salvs on errtb. 25c st the J. C Simmons Drog Co. 'a. aw y!4l 1 ' ' ' : y. ' OoodlSairHa. Good spirits don't alf come fa Kentucky. Tbe main source ia t liver and all the fine spirits t made in tbe Blue Grass Bute cot not remedy a bad liver or the hu d red-sod-one ill effects it produc Yon can't have good spirits and bad lrer at the same time. Yo liver must be in fine condition you would feel buoyant, happy ai hopeful, bright of eye, light of Me vigorous and successful in your u suit You can put your liver ; finest condition by using Green AuRuet Flower the greatest of e medicines for the liver and stm, snd a certain cure for dyspepsia i indigestion. It has been a favori household remedy for over t!.H- five years. August Flower wl make ronr liver healihr and actn and thus insure you a liberal suppl of "good epirits.,r ' Trial size, 25a regular b tUes, 75a At all drur gists. . , . f. The residence of John A. Stewar of Asheville, was entered Wednes day night and $10,000 worth of dia monds stolen. The prorwrty ws insured.1".''' ;;';"':.''-:,i-';.f rea.eTaearWaat tea Are.TeSjM When t6b lake Ormra'a TaatlM Chill Tonic because the formula i plainly , printed on .every bott; showing that it ia simply Iron an Quinine in a tasteless form. N Cure, No Pay. 50c. The Waccarnaw Land & Lumbe Company recenUy purchased 171, 120 acres of land in Brunswic! county at a cost ot' 1357,000,000. atiiMMMHtllHIIIHIIH ieadacliss This time of the ycz: are sirrnals of warning Take Taraxacum Com- Dound now. It ma'. save you a spell of fe ver. It .will reulot; your bowels, set you: liVef right, and cun your indigestion. Atrood ionic. An honest medicine J Taraxacu r; .MEBAN&i UKIVERSITY CCLtL of liedisi:::::: MittttSt-MTtmT-PM- IA. Subscribe For The Gleaner. Only . $ 1 .00 per year.5 ARE YOU TO DATE .9 ' If yon are not the News ax Obekteb is. Subscribe l.r H i once snd it will keep you t ' ot the times. FnD Associated Press t . es. All the news fort' , -mestic, national, state e l 1 all the time. . Daily News and Olrrrrrr . per year, 3.5U lor b rr-s. Weekly fxorth larc i per tw, 60c for 6 rncs. NEWS & V'C : C . EALEiaa, N. C. The Nor h C - Al1CA 1 C: ia for one yejr ' r T 5 emember o