X' A HE .. 1'-- - -. V v -V. . - (r . . .-.-- , VOLrXXX. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBEK 27, I90JL 7 TT A TV Wine cl Cardui .Cured Her. m Seoft Prior Street, Atlaxta. Ga-, Man 21, 1901 I (offend for foarmonfit with extreme nerroameai and laaitode. I bad a utfciag seetiag la my pfrnixj. wtltfilM mafljraiM IWnmfl to reUere, and hmag aiy appetite I became weak and loet say vital ity. Uthiwweeki I loat fourteen poonda d Beth and felt that I moat find apeody relief to regain my health. .Having heard Wine of Cardai praised by several of. say frienda, I Mat lor a bottle and was certainly very plnaaed with the leaotts. ; Within three: day my appetite returned and my (tcsnach troubled me so toore. - I eoold digest ray food without difficulty end the . semmnrm wfadoaDy dimmiahfidJfatre 'performed her fuattiona without difficulty and I am once more a happy and well woman. "'" '-' ' y ClXTE JOSEFH, : Secure a Dollar Bottle of N Wine of Cardid Today. . .J- F6J4 Z. T, HAT) LEY GRAHAM N. C. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Cat Glass and Silverware. Eyes fitted. " tested and glasses ESTABLISHED 1893 Burlington Insurance --Agency IKUaUCE U ALL ITI SBAKIIU. Local agency of Penn Mutual Insurance. ' - Companv.'. Best ' t -. Life Insxir-" . anoe contneta now -onthe market. t i ProaptMraoiial attaatiaa te an ortera. OnmMiM aotleUed. JAKES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent MM, I rvwc dentist . v ' (irakaai. . NrtkCwwliae OmCEi55rMMON3 BUILDLNU waarinraw.v 'jr. e.Brmvm, Ja. BYNUU & BYNTIM, ill r wlnnHr- CaTHgBOItO, a V. MralariT to fha eam f 1. BXatEBUWO. 7 V; loxa & iiOXG, obt a m:in)T7icK .GREEXSBORO. Jf. C. I'iactioee in the courts of Ala "x and GoUford eoantiea. . 111U1U11111... Washington Letter. Wahhihgiom, D. C, OcL 20, 1901 senator bormAn spept a few hours in Washington to-day and the representatives of the Democratic press flocked to him for predictions wnich they hoped would gladden ne nearts of their editois, but the Senatorwas extremely conservative in his statements. "I cannot tell you any more about than you know yourself" he he said, "There is ap parently an apathy throughout the country and men are attending strictly to their business and saying ooming. ret the registration those cities where it has been held is larger tban ever. What does all mean ? I have never yet "bee 4 C I i , . iu uuu a man wno could ac curately feel the public pulse under these conditions. I do not know rhow it is going to turn out but lam confident there are going to be some tug surprises. Whether it will um other side that will be surprised or whether it will be our side I can not telL And I don't think any one elee can tell you either. Four years ago about one-third of the Democratic party went over to the other side and some 7,000,000 votes were polled. Where are these Democrats now ? Have they gone back and what does the big registra tion mean? There are exceptions to all rules and this may be an ex ceptions, but no one can tell what the result will be." Surprise is expressed that the President should have had to order Secretary Taft, of the War Depart ment, to the isthmus of Panama to pacify the Panamans. This order is regardad as certain evidence that Minister John Barrett has not been telling the whole ttuth to the news papermen when he has declared that there existed no friction b tween the Republic of Panama and the United States. The truth it that the tariff of this country is go ing to make trouble with Panamans and it is doubtful if even "the great pacificator," Secretary Taft, can persuade the people of Panama that it is to their interest to have the Dingley tariff law enforced at each end of and all around the canal zone. However, the promised visit of the Secretary will probably poet- pone any outward show of dissatis faction on the part of the Isthmians. until after the election and that is the most of the administration with regard to all things now, "keep dark until after election." it By his latest public speech Judge Parker has made it plain that from now on the great issue of the cam paign will be anti-imperalism . Many of the candidate's friends and advisors believe that there are issnes which would be more profitably ex. nllted but Mr. Parker is a sincere man and is unwilling to advocate policies in which he has not the ut most faith. He has rendered un possible any active tariff reform earn paign by bis announcement that the Republicans will inevitably con' trol the Senate throughout the next presidential term so that no changes in the tariff unacceptable wuew- nublicana could be effected, even i he were elected. He has, by his speech of acceptance, shown a dis- Knatinn to adv radical anti-trust mnuit although be would doubtless do all in his power to con trol the great aggregations of capital, and now he has shown greater en- thufdasm in his denunciation of the nn-American policy pursued by the present administration in the rTiilip pioes than on say other iesoe, so the Philippines it will doubtless have to be. The most encouraging reports .. at. mt). Washington reraramg Bryan's work in Indiana. Itisss perted that be has saved his party at least 10,000 votes among vote who have voted for Watson, or Debs, or remained sway from, the noil, had not the eloquent Nebraska come among tnem ana - that, while Parker was not original ly "bis kind of a man" bs was a rut improvement over Boosevelt U i, also believed that West Vir- .. a .-I A thMM nia wiH ro DenMeratie ana v-lmimUt retarded se lUftH s -- . differ! to w ITof the country and these States ddd to the solid Booth do not ag te enongh elsctotal wtss to la V&Z: - Kv 42 votea nM lMBWGnw -J n.lwAaravlA Set tbOSS ;r- - .1- Hwbkas that the 4 TVW TfcnKKtWnfrtbey can fully solve. ' r.u, ui t eridepces of Ulaooey U is to cum a- w. vnTaffort biSrW. rig-tars is on each; box. "big Suck rifle practice to the oridinary citi xens. Volunteers, it is urged, must be relied upon in time of war to supplement very largely the stand ing army and for that reason every man should know how to shoot and straight Congress will be beceiged with petitions, during the coming session, for appropriations for es tablishing rifle ranges, loaning army rifles to military schools, establish ing thooting galleries and providing instructors, not only for the militia but for rifle clubs which will be or ganised in all parts of the country if the present plans are carried into ef fect. Such preparations tor war af ford little ground for faith in Pres ident Roosevelt's peace pretensions but the public may get some fun out of the proposition and a certain amount of that open air exerciw of which the President is such an advocate and these are pratically the grounds on which he pretends to ad vo ate the plan. Ranaom at Home. Baleigh Correspondence. Talking with State Auditor Dix on, who returned yesterday from Northampton county, where he at- tended the funeral of the late Gen eral Matt. W. Ransom, Dr. Dixon said to this writer : ''There were two things that sur prised mej: First, the large, very large, number of negroes who at tended the burial of General Ran som, and who displayed their grief on the occasion. Second, I was not prepared to see the home of the dead soldier and statesman so mod est an affair. He was wealthy and able to have provided himself with a fine mansion and all the conven iences as well as comforts of life. looked to see a fine old country mansion, with all the belongings. Instead, there was the modest old home, a basement and one story, of ancient design and lacking the re pairs and paint brush that would greatly improve its looks. l was reminded or an occasion when General Ransom drove into Jackson during court week not long ago, in an old work-a-day suit ol c'olhes, and driving a third-rate hone to a dilapidated buggy. 'A friend said to him : Why, General, why don't you get yon better team and lig ? You are well able to drive the best of turnout and fioest of horse.' . " Because it is not necessary, nor desirable, replied General. Ransom What would I took sad Ileal ike driving into town hers with and be side my old friends and neighbors with a fine rig and team f No sir I am one of you. have the right to drive just as poor a bone as any of you.'" And so it was with the great man all the time. He was Democrat in principle and practice as well as in politics. When in Washington and New York, be could, and did, , dress as handsomely and go in as good style as say of his oolleagues. He was in Rome and be did as the Romans. Bat at house -that was- different His neighbors and 'long-life friends did not sport broad cloth on the bum. No more did be. . Ha did sot wish to provide agolf that fine elotbes might have made it difficult to bridge, and caused them to be ill at ease in his presence. I la the Senate, at the big official and social functions at the national capital, there was no knighUier or courtlier guest tban the senior Sena tor from North Carolina. Lochia w. or tetanus, is caused by bacillus or germ which exists plen tifully in street dirt. It is inactive ao lone as exposed to the air, but when carried under the akin, aa in the wounds caused by pcreossioa caps or by rusty nails, and when lbs air is exeiuoea ine germ w nw d to activity and produces the most indent - poison known. These germs may bs destroyed and all danger of lockjaw avoided by apply ing Chamberlain's Pain Bala freely as soon as the injury is received. Pain Balm is an antawptie and caoaea cut, braises arid like injuries to beal without maturation and in one-third the time required by the uranl treatment It is for sale by the J. C Simmons Drug Co. .j - Hereafter parsons who enlist is nilitary eomraies in this StsU wiH undergo a medical anrssnina. m. No persons frill bs enlisted under 21 years of age and those be tween 18 sad 21 must show written consent of psxents. eaMaaMae Taks Laxativ Bromo Quinine Tablets. AS druggists refund the if it bus to cure. w. Heme The tariff question is a business proposition that coooerns every man. woman and child, for it taxes the average home $110 a year, or more than one-tenth of the average family total income. There is an average of one and one-eighth-tenths ear ners in the average home Thete contribute thirty days' labor each. or fifty-four days labor a year to the tariff-tax collectors. If this $110 went as honest taxes to our govern merit to meet necessary expenditures, and no fault would be found, though the tax would be considered extremely high. But only a very small part of this f 110 can be class ed as legitimate taxes. By far the greater part goes to million sad bil lion dollar tariff trusts and monopo lies, which thrive now as never be fore in this country. These greedy trusts levy a tnbvte of 194 a year upon the average home,' while the government collects a tax' of about 115 a year in tariff taxes; the collec tion last year amounted to $3 49 per capita, or 116.52 per family of 4.7 persons. Do the heads of these 17,000,000 families, knowingly and willingly donate 194 a year td the hundreds of trusts T Do they love these trusts mora than they lore their wife and children 7 ' If not, why should they vote to give this ninety-four dollars to trusts that do not need it rather than keep the ninety-four dollars for their own families who do need itf An extra $94 a year would mean much to the average family io the way of better food, clothing and education. A vote for the democratic party means a vote to dispense with this addi Uonal tax. Report of the Tieaaarar ' of the Daltea States- Waaanipallaateh. , , . Ellis H. Roberts, Treasurer of the United 8tates, has submitted to Sec retary Shaw the annual. report on the Uansactiobt of . the Treasury during the fiscal year ending June 38jr 1904. The net ordinary reve nues are shown to hare been $540, 631,743. a decrease of $19,746,925 at compared with 1903, and the net ordinary expenditures $582,402,321 an increase of $78.303.314.. In the receipts the principal falling off was $23,205,017 in customs, while in the disbursements the important in crease were fl4.zsi.440 in commerce and labor, $60,788,580 in the Treas ury, snd $20,338,067 fcr the Navy, Unusual expenditures were $50,000, 000 on account of the Panama canal and $4,600,000 loaned to the Louis iana Purchase Exposition Compny, which latter has now - been nearly all paid, , But for these the recorded deficiency of $4170,571 would been changed to a surplus of $12,- 829,428. . Railroad Caalflre I be Paat Tear. Waahlneloa Wasatch. A report issued by the Inter-State Commerce Commission on 13tb shows that the number of casualties to persons on railrcads in the United State during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, was 55, 130. compris ing 3,787 killed and 51,343 injured. This shows a large increase. The total number of collisions and de railments was 11,261, involving $9 383,077 of damage to ears, engines snd roadways. - This is an increase of 648 -aollisions and derailment. The ea entities ware an increase of 233 killed and 5,366 injured over the preceding year., . " The question has been asked la what an Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets auperior to the ordinary cathartic and brer pills? Our answer is They are easier and mors pluses nt to Uke and their ef fect is so rentie and so arreeable that one hardly realises that it is produc ed by a medicine. Then they- not only DOT9 the bowels but improve the appetite and aid the digeeuon. For sals by thsJ. C. Simmons Drag Co. . . ..... -,.-, ; ." . . .t ' Itaj. J. 1L Crenshaw, a successful planter of Wake county, baa given $500 towards the erection of the Wake rarest Alumni Building. - If you ever 'took De Witt's Little Esny Kisers lor DUioosoess or stipstios) you know what pfa pleas ure la. These famous little pills cleanse the Brer and rid the system of all bile without prododng wo- pleaaant effect. They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but pleasantly give tonic and strength to the tissues and organs of the stomach, Brer and bowels. Sold by the J. C. Sim mons Drug Co. Obe L. Davit wss shot and killed bylL C Grubb, a distiller living Hew the Tiweta Strike Every la the Ceaatry. Lexington. March Onrollaa Dealed Bebearlea; la BowaOaae. Wuhlnrtoe fpecfcO. nth. to the Baleica roab North Carolina will not get a new hearing in the South Dakota bond suit sad will have to meet the judg ment of lhe Supreme Court of the United States, or all her interest in 100 shares of the capital stock of the North Carolina Railroad Company will be sold at the east door of the capitol builling in this city next January. Such is the result of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States this afternoon, de nying a motion on behalf of the State 6f North Carolina for a rehear ing of the case, Theie was no written opinion, snd Chief Justice Fuller msde known the denial of the motion by oral announcement A most interesting feature of the crse is that John G. Carlisle, the former 8peaker of the House and Secretary of the Treasury under Cleveland, represented the State of North Carolina, and it was the dis tinguished Kentuckian, now resi dent in New York, who msde the motion for the re-opening of the . The petition of re-bearing was signed by him alone, , and the names of the Attorney General and the three attorneys employed by the Governor to present the case toj the court at the two previous hearings were not put down as oounseL ' It ass not until to-day that Mr. Car lisle's connection with the case be came known, although be filed his petition lor re-hearing on the 7th of this month. The document is con sidered a very strong one snd com ment to this effect wss mads around the court to-day. Mr. Carlisle is considered one of the foremost law yers in the world, and only appears in very Urge cases. The amount which North Caro lina will have to pay is $25,000 and interest What arrangements will be made for the payment are yet to be determined, but it is safe to say that the SUte will not allow the railrokd stock to be sold.. Do They Pay for Proteocloa T The New -York American on An gust 20th published an . astonishing story concerning the contributions of the trust to the campaign fund of lbs Republican party. That news paper asserted, upon what it claim ed was unquestionable Republican authority, that tbs Standard oil company bad donated $1,000,000 and J. Pierpont Morgan bad given $250,000. It also announced that the members of tbs Union League Club, of New York bad contributed $100,000 to the fund. In regard to these trust oontri botions. alleged to bare been made, the American quotes its informant assaying:. -r. , . . d "Morgan's enmity to Roosevelt ended with the sppointment of bis banking firm as fiscal agent for the purchase of the $40,000,000 of the Panama CanaL ; The $750,e 000 pledged by the Steel and Iron Trust wsa not difficult to exact al ter the Chicago convention, with the approval of the President, promised no tinkering with the tariff except byitoWends. ; ; A Mr. WMMasbeJM Aarta ef Wm. J. Bryan addressed a large out-door meeting In Elm Park this afternoon. Having been in trod oe- ed sa "tbs man who would some day ' bs President of the United States," Mr. Bryan said that he us ed to think be would be President, and that be would be the Moses ef tbs Democratic party. "But I do not think so, now." be said. Moses, yon know, was slow ef speech, and the Lord selected Aaron sa bis speech-maker. . I believe that am the Aaron rather than the Moses of Democracy. I am willing te bs the Aaron of the party, if our Moses, who baa been aa alow of speech, wiH but lead the peopls oat of the wilderness " ' There is nothing tbs thoughtful voter should investigate so closely at the govmiuncot expeoditnrts and receipts. Tbs Roosevelt ad mi nistrs tioaand tbs Republican Congress seem perfectly reckless about how tbs tax payers' money is expanded. White under tha last year of the last Dsraocratia smimat ration fha Army sad Navy coat $52,000,000, the present expenditures for those purposes are costing $237,000,000. ' Kt.-Rrinkley House, a Wake county fiumer, was seriously wound ed and his two mules killed at the railroad erossktg near Method. I thePartjr- The Peculiar E have little to fear cause NO SINGLE ade our coast Our produce would sustain in warfare. On the other hand, a stance, would be required to guarantee a food supply to England. The naval protection of the marine. The mercantile marine navy, because every nation's ships England's other chief difficulty coal supply. Wo are fortified also by a system of quick dispatch. At a critical moment A RAILROAD HAN might render greater service in moving a great army than a commanding general in the field. light ing in Cuba was no comparison in rasiness management of the war OUR NAVY IS NOT AS BE, and ww should be progressive. We will expend $400,000,000 for the completion of the isthmian canal and require $300,000,000 for protection forts, battleships WK NtIO TO SRI NO THE THE PSOPLE. MAKE IT A GRADUATE OF ANNAFOUS TO NAVY AS FOR MEN NOT FROM ARMY. Technical schools should be Annapolis in training men for wsr. Women Control the Stage a? WntOM Ml "OMEN CONTROL THE STAGE, AND THEATRIC AL MANAGERS RECOGNIZE THAT FACT AND CATER TO IT. In dear, I have tickets for such a play on a certain night," and bis wife is delighted at the chance to go to tha theater, but in this country it is different The women say to their husbands, "Don't come horns tonight without tickets for tha theater," and they don't If a play is a success, then it must be s success with the women. If women make the stage A DUMPING GROUND FOR DI VORCE OOURT8 AND THE PRIZE FIGHT, then they sas the means of driving artists from tha stage, for the stage presents only sueh plsys as are acceptable to women. The men are too busy with commercial interests to give their attention, so the standard of plays rests with the women. It should have A HEALTHFUL, NORMAL TONE, for the stage is a mirror reflecting tha emotions snd passions of the world. ; The theater can't bs restricted entirely to plays that sn suitable for a fourteen-year-old girL THE PROBLEM PLAY 19- A GREAT THING, BUT IT SHOULD NOT BE BEEN BY ALL, IT 18 FOR THOSE "WHO HAVE PROBLEMS W THEIR OWN LIVES. Evils of Modern Society And Their Correction r John a. lohc HE real truth is not that preoepts of Jesus, but that IT HAS NEVER REACHED THEM in their height or depth. Ws have never attained to the perfect practice of that simplest Christian role to love those that Lata us, to love our neighbor as cmrselves, to be purs in spirit I: Brutalities sad erimes, drunkenness snd misconduct are not eon fined to tha lower classes, but they break out among young man and women who have had tha opportunity of benefiting by our boasted education. . THERE ARE CORRUPTION, MISERY AND EMMZZtEMENT RV OUR PURUC SERVANTS. THE SACRED Tit OF DOMESTIC UFE ARE DISREGARDED. THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD IS INVADED BY SURE BIRDS OF PREY, WHO SHOULD RE WHIPPED OUT OF IT WITH LASHES OF SCORN. To correct these evils k our work. Tha remedy is not in tbs effort of labor or capital to promote its materiel interests; it is not in the fforte men make to better their eonditioM by t cation. These things wiH, under natural laws in a free country, work out their only salvation. THE VITAL NEED IS THE REUOiON OF MSUSl IT IS CHRIST IN THE INDIVIDUAL MAN. REVERENCE FOR THE GREAT FUNDA MENTAL PRECEPTS OF THE MASTER, THEIR INCORPORATION INTO ACTUAL DAILY LIFE AS CONTROLLINO SPRINGS OF ACTION. JAPAffS RELATION TO THE PHILIPPINES . y BARS KSSEKS. Jsjaat fsrssatst LtSal AsjtfesrRy ' ? IAPAN Is s small country with s large population, and if wa can manufacture things necessary. ceedingly prosperous REACHED THE PRODUCTION. Tha question with us is, Can the Philippine Is lands produce s sufficient quantity of those RAW inaterials to war sunt as act only in increasing tbs capacity of our nulls and in build ing new ones, but in snaking soma reciprocal arrangements with the United States which would give a PREFERENCE to tha products mt the Philippines over those of Java, Borneo, Sumatra and other tropical oriental oountriea. The Philippine Islands haw sad out of tbs MflOOflOO acres of sawrrrnission states that only about ferently farmed. whOo from mr should say that NOT MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF THE LAND OCCUPIED BY FARMS 13 NOW BEING CULTI VATED. " : - ; ' IT troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain's Stomach . and liver Tablets. Tbey -will do you good. For sale by the J. & Sim- Drug Co. j At Durham Monday sight a week at mid-aight the police force, head ed by the mayor and chief of police, raided three blind tigers and captur ed "three two-horse loads of whisk ey and beer." Only on arrested. Strenitth Of the United States CBOaCS W. MELVILU from Europe in naval warfare, bo- POWER could sucoeeefully block commercial reserve and ability to this nation for an indefinite period portion of the British navy, for in British is too small for its merchant k disappointing as an auxiliary to a are manned partly by aliens. would result from sn inadequate ( importance to the problem of the with 8pain. ' STRONG AS IT OUGHT TO and soldiers. NAVAt SERVICE IH TOUCH WITH EASY FOR THE OFFICER NOT A OBTAIN A COMMISSION IN THE WEST POINT TO RISE IN THE made auxiliary to West Point and UtCKAYB. other countries the man says, "My the world has outgrown the simple for sals there and m China the oriental life ws will become an ex nation, for OUR LAND HAS LIMIT OF AGRICULTURAL only been scratched, so to speak, agricultural lands tha Philippine 6,000,000 acres have been indif own observations in tha islands I AUM Would not interest you if you're Unkina-fora roaranteed Salve for Sores, Bums or PUea, Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Ma, writes i 'I suffer ed with an ugly sore for a year, bat a box of Bocklea's Amkn Salve cured ana. It's the best Sal re on nth. 25c. at tha J. C Simmons DrugCn.'s. OABVOnXA. . usLi4lM'trt .plrita. Good spirits don't all come frotj Kentucky. The main source is the liver and sll the fine spirits ever msde in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hun- dred-and-one ill effects it produces. You can't have rood spirits snd a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and nopeim, bright of eye, light of aten vigorous and successful in your pur suit- You can PUt TOUT liver in fines! condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest ot all medicines for the liver and stomach snd s certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thirty five years, v August Flower v will nalra mn lSa. L.,nl. I j"" uwwi aim acuva and thus insure yon a liberal supply of "good gpirite." Trial size, 25c. ; regular b tiles,. 75c. ; At all drug- pats. The plant of the Metallic Bed Co. at High Point was burned Friday night The amount of the loss is not stated but there was $40,000 of insurance. Taa Kaow What Tea An Tahlag " When you take Grove's Tsstless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on averr ? bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c. While operating a feed cutter , on his farm near Jonesboro, Mr. Mar vin Lawrenue got his right hand caught in the machine sad the mem ber was entirely severed from his arm. ',' ' This time of tfie vear are signals of warning. Take Taraxacum Com pound now;; It mav save you a spell of fe ver. ? It wi II regu late your bowels, set your iver riant, and cure your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine.l MEBANE. - N. C. UNIVErtSITV C0LLEC OF UEOICI!.(E,".fr.V IIIIISC-tEITISTlT-" 'T Hit III I li fiiajAraatjcfala. Bililliinrli a aSwpina, wxjcc: Subscribe For ,'' The Cleaner. Only . $ 1 .00 per year.. ARE YOU UP TO DATE Ifyonarenot the K:: Osexyss is. Subscribe f once and it wiUkeepyou of the times. FuD Associated Pres l AJU the newa l raestk, aationaL atate all the time. . Daily News and C1 per year, 3.50 lor b t WeeklT Kortn Lar per Tear. 50c for 6 rr. . NEWS&OBSERYT The North C - Alakatcs C for one yesr '. - , in a.ir- ra ' - s - leadaches I 0 T BUCK puuyj . I . LadetoaxtendtbeiKihU-fe ing