The Alamange 0 LEANER. VOL. XXX. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1904. NO. 43" gWOOCXX)OOnnnnnnnn " no o IMS The Blottinn Rnnk 8 y "J ij oooooswoocxxxwoooooooo I TIE DESK ' If yon are nervous and tired out continually you could have no dearer warning of the approach - -'tnna fpmafe troiible. Do not wait until you suffer. - P Wablo pain beforeyou seekt..- t ment. You need Wine of lorilm -bow jnstai much aslf the trouble ira0 more developed and the tor hiring pains of disordered men- rtmatiou, Dearuig . aown pains, lencorrlioea, DacKacne anu iieau ache were driving you to .the nn fsiling relief that Wine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. . - Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and "banish nervous spells, headache and back ache and prevent the Symptoms from quickly developing into dan- rtms troubles that will be hard check. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep-it, send the money to tne ijaaies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co,, Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will be sent you. .. . The major was really in a most reprehensible temper as he entered his little villa at Maida Vale and consequently made matters general ren or twelve minutes afterward, which was probably Eliza's idea of at once," that young maiden walk ed into the room and said: "If it's any more fault finding 1 d rather go today, directly. I can't stand it. You don't know how to treat a woman, and" lernaps 1 uon't, Eliza," the . " fc,"-nv. i II- , ' 1 -.1 ly unpleasant for everybody and H V .a very suspicious ovprvfbin t rr, " ' . i i"" "l wars in nis eves. WiNJE Z. T. jHADLEY GRAHAM N. C. Watch o, Clocks and Jewelry Cue Glass and Silverware. WEyes fitted. tested and glasses 4 tSTABLISriED Burlington Insurant-' 6 .uul.. XUB parrot, a weird bird, had squeaked a welcome 1 vo mm wnue lifting up one foot nd distended claw, as though giv ing him its benediction, but he had only replied by flinging his muffler at it, whereupon it had burst into .a ,-enes of strident laughs, inter vened with- a few choice expletives it had learned from the major him self. The black cat had also mewed a welcome to her master, whereupon that master had endeavored to kick the "harmless necessary" one, though he had only missed his mark and fallen forward on to the coal 3cuttle and barked his shins, which did not make his temper any the more angelic. Meanwhile the cat jumped on the arm of a chair and eat blinking her green eyes at the dear major with a semicontenrotu- ous and semiseraphic appearance. . 'Here, you, down there!" the major howled, rushing to the head oi tne Dasement stairs. "Mary, Eli ia, where are you? Talking to the butcher's boy again, eh? What? Ihe postman, is it? I'll postman you. i u nave discipline maintain ed. What are you singing? 'I'm not a soldier at 13 pence a day,' eh ? I U snow you. yome up here !" Then a few minutes afterward the nymph named Eliza appeared I ain't your wife," she began, "thank 'evings, and I ain't a soldier servant, for which I says thank 'evings again. If I don't suit, I can go. Mother says I oughtn t to 6tay in a 'ouse with a man who uses the langwidge you do." "Where's your mistress?" the major asked in a quieter voice now, perhaps because he thought that be fore a future matron he had better simmer down a little. "Gone to the club. She's got an appointment. Has she ?" the major said, look ing ominously for his wife a fu ture comfort. "And as she thought I was going to be away for a week I suppose she was going to have an appointment at the club every day and all day .7 "I dunno. I shouldn't wonder. Her life isn't happy and isn't likely to be. Then she s going to her ma's for three days, she says." Yes, I don t doubt she does say so. JSrr contemptuously, ner mother! We'll see about that. Her mother's, eh? All right. You can "Pprliartfi I don't, and" "Lor', sir," the girl exclaimed at the appearance of those eyes, while her young and tender heart was touched at the sepulchral tone of ins voice, "don't take it like that. I Row to Clean the Srnla am. nave the Hair Soft and Flafl. Washing the hair Is a task most wo men dislike, and even the girl who can least afford the dollar a month neces sary to n professional shampoo pre fers to pay It at a sacrifice rather than bother to wash her own hnlr. Tet If the work is gone about In the right manner at home It need not be difficult st-all. The first thing Is to prepare a sham poo liquid. Take a square Inch of come good soap, shave It fine and dis solve It In half a cup of hot water. Then add a teaspoonful of violet am monia ana tne raw wmte or an egg. FEEDING STEERS. - . . Agencyi INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, . : WPV :: Local agency of Penn . Mutual Insurance , Company. "V . . Best j ' , Life Insur- "7 - trace contracts now -... on the market. -. ; i WW Prompt personal attention to all orders. Correspondent) solicited. JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, Agent. 1 S.'COOK, ' Attorney Law, gbaham;. ?ir 5. n. 'C OOtoe Patterson Building f Seeoad floor. . . . . , V . ML W1LU LOXG, YL ' . .". DENTIST . , v Grti. - ,. . North CrllM OFFICE MriJMMONS BUILDLSO ' -.- ' .' ' "- - ; -' - ,,,k"iiwoii. ; W. r.Brrtnt,!. BYNUU eSBTVUM, ttornta and Couimlors a,t Ln-w aAXM8B0BO. U. f regaterrr b Um eoarts of Als, A. .10SO. i. djoi 10m. and (V hi nswilnri a Imrr GEXHJLM, JL. C. - . . e ..c..v- -- ... . l.u K still i n owe a f ber I bought bet7 , v ul- t hmopht it home, "m .t..t. treasure it for mj lOTlfl.eoMWW e. t'OTT ;-TATS I the heed of the beeement lUirs., SOBT C. GTETJDWICK AHmmmy srULsrsr, - GREENSBORO, If. C Paction " i n '. ti e courts of Ale ,oance and G-ard counties. V" . . The major flung himself, aown at little Davenport, or Chesterfield, table with a caster off, which was his wife's particular property, and seized on some of her light smoke colored writing paper and her gold J mn and beean to dash off a very strong letter, full of reprimands and commands as to her future conduct. The words "I intend to be obeyed, and discipline must be maintained" brought the first page to a conclu sion, and the major turned the sheet over full downward on to the blot tinir book, which, as it had a kind of ' japanned cover with ridiculous imi tation opal bosses, or bumps, all over it, slid about like a skater who ia a beginner on a sheet of ice. Then a-hon he had cantured this wandering object he was just going to Dnng ih outstretched hand down on the back of the sheet when he uttered a hid eous grunt "What's this?" he cried, snatch ing up the buvard and rushing wun It to the window. "What's this in Matilda's handwriting? What I What! Oh, the serpent! Ah, the wretch! The minute my back was turned too. Gone home to her moth er, eh? Yes, thafs where she wiU go before I put her in something else, vn, neaven ueiy Then he held the telltale blotting paper up to the light after stamp InThis foot at the cat because it bad a painfully monotonous fit of sneezing and reaa. "My Own Sweetest Love I suppose it is Tie,' or is it an H, ZT me. Henry ? Tie, poor deluded husband, has gone away rain, for a week this time, I ex- nect (Is he? the major moner ), 'and isn't likely to come back J'tlten. Scbother the blot- Can 6" . v Vt groaned the poor major ; -7-told Eliza I am going to mother's 5. !, davs.' ('Here's another blot the major said.) Take me to Brighton. Ihavemtss- " " " ... tt - edyousol can-'t tea you A . -11 jv ih maior said. '"Ithmk. HI "llltl BOOH ,ff M end see mj lawyer r Then he looked at th. parrot, who bad gone to sleep in an 'otjepoM tion,wd at the cat, wBo wuregard tog him with a malerole glance, "inth. same, it has been a hap- pybome-forme," he mujed. re GnVl'Te been a little stem with her. She always Midi trelher rr rMnhtd recruit I oti don't mind your little tantrums. 1 Beat t686 thoroughly and strain J T,l I , ... - ' l . - . auu 1 11 stay to oblige and willing. Missis told me not to mind and that you couldn't help it, and it was only a way you'd picked up, but that your 'art was good." "Ah!" the major shrieked now. "Your mistress ! Oh, never mention her. I'm I'm going away again for a little time. I I shan't be home for for well, nevef mind. Good by, Polly," stroking the head of the somnolent parrot, which instantly awoke and bit his finger savagely. "Goodby, Tib," to the cat, who ig nored him with glacial indifference, "and goodby, Lliza. I I never mind. Oh, Matilda!" "Goodby!" Eliza repeated while weeping. "Goodby! ain t you going to say goodby to missis, who's just come in?" "Come in! I won't see her I" But all the same the major had to see her. A handsome young woman burst into the room, a young woman charmingly dressed, whose first words wero, "Oh, the sweet darling has come buck, and there he is!" "Yes",'l have come back to my wrecked h-nne mid happiness. through a wire sieve. Now stand with the bend over a basin, pour a little of the shampoo over the scalp and rub briskly with both hands. Use all the liquid in this way, rubM;i It thor oughly on the scalp. After this wash the scalp with several basins of warm water and then wash the long balr In the bantu of water. Rinse by holding the head over the bathtub and pour ing over it a stream of warm water, keeping this up until the water that drips from the hair is perfectly clean. Then dash with cold water to close the pores and prevent taking cold. Ton are now ready to dry the hair. First wrap It In a thick towel and wring thoroughly. Then spread a dry towel across the back, throw the balr back and rub the scalp well and dry. She had a kindly heart. 1 11 ,nke 8ome Ume- but " te Why, whatever for? And tart po88ible l8, 2taf the sun if possible, but never use steam. Do not brush the balr until It is thoroughly dry. Then, as you brush, raise the hair, that the strands may be separated. After this combing will not Alfalfa aa Cera HaaUaae tve StaaM OaJaa aaa Prlate Caaalttoa. The Kansas experiment station be gan one season. In the month of No vember, an experiment In feeding en silage, alfalfa bay and Kaffir eon to steers of different ages, which repre sented the average quality of cattle, such as ordinarily handled by feeders. The steers were taken directly from pasture and the calves from skim milk. Each lot was given all the roughness BUST OASTS Alt 0X0 THI CALVXS. (Total gain 00 pounds. the cattle would eat np clean without scouring. It was found that with al falfa It was possible, for the steers te eat too much hay and become loose. The grain ration was begun with four pounds per 1,000 pounds live weight The grain was Increased very grad ually, the steers getting on full feed In tre weeks. Tbi cattle arrived in Kansas City en ! be difficult, and when the hair is ready ! June M for slaughter. The packers by a viper!" the major Wrecked groaned. "My clear Samuel !" his wife cried. "Have you r;r,:w ir:'.' When yor must have ot my letter telling you that Tib had gone o'f again. A:iu now you cali t.':e swett thing a vi per." "Tib!" 1he n r. or exclaimed. "Tib! Pray, mnd.i.i, was it Tib you were going to lh-ijhton with!'" "You goose !'" Von never read the letter I turn you to the house you were staying at. You never" "I've read that," her husband said, giving the blotting book such a slap that it slid off the desk on to the light pink carpet, carrying the ink pot with it. "That's enough for any husband !" "So it ought to be. But surely you got my letter?" "No. I went on to my old colo nel's yesterday morning, but his to go up it will be soft and fluffy. Chi cago News. PEG DRESSES. A Orand mother's Hlat A beat ttnnu aad Their WearlasT. "The way to be well dressed," said grandmother. "Is never to have peg dresses.' That was my mother's rule, and I have always made It mine. "What are 'peg dresses T Why, gowns that hang In bne's closet, are not often worn and get a little out of style. They are apt to be the 'best gowns,' by which I mean those for dressy occa sions. Most of us have but one, which is worn so seldom that It becomes a problem to keep It always In style, for there Is a limit even to the changing of sleeves and alteration of the adorn ment of luce. When that Is reached the owner must be Ann with herself and discard the dress In Its present form. For this reason I think It a good plan to have this gown of rather inex pensive material and let Its beauty be In the way It Is made; then when It must step down from its high estate we can put the scissors to tt with bet ter grace, for I have always found that it takes moral courage to attack a rich wife's mother was there, so so I j gown which Is Just too much out of came home." t0 vear- "Well, as you've been looking at m"ae T'1.'" "... -LzJir. w - 1 s n a on a mnromn iiihi win Hinirwini my blottmg book, you had better do so again, or I'll do it for you." After which the wife of the major's heart picked the thing up and re peated the letter while supplying what the blots had obliterated. Ana then that bewildered personage found that the "H," as he had thought, was a lady's way of writing "Tib." and where blot No. 1 had fallen it had obliterated "we," and blot No. 2 had obliterated "and you can." At which moment the post man brought the letter itself, ad dressed to the major and forwarded from his old colonel's house.' At first his wife was terribly angry tt his cruel suspicions. Then, after he had cone down on his knees and promised all sorts of things, such as net raving quite so loudly at the uWunt and f ussinff about the house so much and promising to keep his temper better, she forgave him. And to show her forgiveness the wore the awful blouse for one whole afternoon when she was "not at home." And Tib and the parrot had a fight and then went to sleep together amicably, and Eliza beam ed on the happy home. London King. German Red Tape. . Bed tape as made in Germany ieems to be a very choice article. A German woman sends London Trtth the following necdote: A female teacher in a school ia West phalia had to make an official com munication to the minister of edu cation. She used for the purpose what is called "eagle paper having the royal eagle upon it as a water-j .nd dnlv dispatched it to Ber lin through the jchool board of Es sen. After a lew days tne iewr came beck, with an intimation that it must be rewritten, as the eagle appeared upon it head downward. Evidently Berlin smelt "Majestaet. beleidignng. ' ' In Mix the tame Beat, ; , She looked trustingly into his eyes and smiled. "Papa says I shall never nave one cent ofhis money if I ftlL the said, "but I am gUd of that I prefer to owe everything to my hus- Tint we must not f orret," he re turned nervously, fthat this will nuke it necessary for your husband to owe everything too. e Tort Press. chase a, material that will afterward be suitable to go with the rest of the wardrobe either as fancy waist, trim ming or perhaps as silk petticoat" Brooklyn Egle. : : CULINARY CONCEITS. WANTED. Special Repreeentatir in -Ibis county and adjoining territory to rep resent and advertise an old estab lished boeineas boose of solid finan cial standing. Salary 121 weekly, with expenses) advanced each Mon day by cb"ck direct from bead quarters. Horse and bnjrgy tut nished when Deceseary; position permanent Address Blew iiroe Co, Dept A. Moiwm B'l d'g, Chic ago, DL ' teyl-et Tough meat may be made tender by sprinkling with vinegar. If hard boiled eggs are placed In cold water before peeling, the shells will not adhere to the eggs. When making mayonnaise sauce se lect a very cool place for the purpose. If made in a hot kitchen It is apt to separate In the process. Cut stale bread Into very thin slices, place on a tin and dry in the oven till crisp. Store these wafers in a tln and eat with cheese or buttered for tea. Remember not to add butter or oil when browning salted almonds. They will retain enough oi the salt without Besides, the butter makes them indi gestible, j-, - ' : -w Muffins and gems made without eggs, but with more milk, and butter, the batter beaten with a wooden spoon till it is very light are said to be indistin guishable from those made with eggs. Her Meeere Pewar. Alluding to the good influence exert ed by a kind hearted woman of humble life and retiring disposition a great writer on moral and religions subjects says: "What was the secret of her power? 1 What bad she done? Abso lutely nothing, bat radiant smiles, beaming good humor, the tact of divin ing what every one wanted, told that she had got oat of self and learned to think of etberav so that at one time it snowed Itself by sweet words; at as other by soothing a sobbing child. Xone bat she saw those things. None bat a loving heart could see tbens. That was the secret of her b leased power. The woman who, whatever ber station hi life may be. win be found to trial capable of greet acts of love Is ever the one who ts always doing . Be Aarreeahle A woman In company to snake her self agreeable must always seam pkeae ed and contented. She most give the tr-ir 4"" at she M realty enjoylnf herself, whether that be the ease or got - The woman wbe wants to snake ber eeJf Hked by being agreeable most hare ewe style fee ait There mas be ne ManssdsemtSen of posttioa of par dee in this respect. The rule should be one-style for rich and poor, s fawning on the one er haagbtlnsee for the other. The woman wbe adopt this, latter One of behavior ends by be ing fl-wv ail found the carcasses of the ensilage lot (two-year-olds) of good quality. They were covered with the right amount of fat the loins were excellent end the carcasses showed very little waste and were salable in any market The carcasses of the Kaffir corn let looked like grass cattle. They were fairly well fleshed, but not well cover ed with fat They were considered only an ordinary bunch of cattle. The beat animal as to ouelity is not always the best gainer. With one ex ception the highest market price was placed by Armour 4c Co. on the choice animals. In this test the profit for the. feeder Is, with one exception, consid erably more for the best gainer than for the choice animal. It should be noted, however, that the best gainers were also of excellent quality and stood close to the choice animate in re spect to merit . ' The lot of calves and the lot of three-year-olds were fed cut alfalfa, corn chop, Kaffir corn chop and cottonseed meal..': . . .- ',. Contrasting two lots of two-year-old steers, one lot fed with ensilage In ad dition to alfalfa hay for roughness and the other without it was noticed that for every 100 pounds of gain 471 pounds of ensilage eaved 18 pounds of (rain and 156 pounds of alfalfa, a sav ing of 62.62 cents; also the ensilage steers sold for 25 cents a hundred weight more than ! the others. This makes the 471 pounds of ensilage worth, 77.82 cents, or at the rate , of $3.29 per ton. Average farm land with an .average season will produce from twelve to fifteen tons of green corn per acre. Rich bottom land under favora ble conditions will produce from twen ty to twenty-Ore tons per acre. With the modest yield of ten tons per acre there Is an Income, according to the above experiment of 922.90 par acre. The financial statement a bows that the ensilage steers made a profit for feed consumed of 14.10 per bead, while the same grade of steers on the same feed except ensilsge lost 11.47 per bead. The ensilage acted as a regulator of tne bowels. It was also an appetiser, and for these reasons the steers fed en silage could be forced more than the others. The best gains from the ensi lage occurred In the fore part of the feeding period. The heaviest loss, 17.41 per bead, was with the two-year-olds fed Kaffir corn stover for roughness. - The results show tbst by feeding plenty of nitrogenous roughness Oiks alfalfa) and plenty of succulence (most cheaply obtained In corn ensilage) It Is SUNT OAOntB AMOSH) AS Running like mad ,down tbe street damping the tocnpenLs, of hundred other accident; are every day occcrrencea. It behooves every body to hare a reliable 8Jva handy and there's none as good , ss Bnck len's Arnica Salve. Boms, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect 2.5a at the J., C Simmons Drug Ox's. - ' WX3-T1AA-014) , (Total gala MS soma. possible to make rapid gains and at the same time pot the steers la prime cocw dWon for market The results further emphasise the superior and economic vsioe of alfalfa bay. Corn or Kaffir corn stover does not contain the nutrients req aired by the steer to securing beet results un ices the grata ration Is supplemented with nitrogenous concentrates like ofl aseal or cottonseed sseal, which ts usu ally costly. Since alfalfa Is each eplendld feed. is heavy yleider and a good drought mister. Its growth cannot be urged tee strongly 'as an economical prod at or of beef as well as other tlassse of stock. Alfalfa and ensilage combined fur nish a feed that can almost Invariably be depended upon, ne mattsr what the eaeoa le. end when grain tafla will keep stock la good condition and when grain le available win enable the feed or te pot oa gains rapidly wtta a eoov parstrraty email sjtoweaee of grata. f , A Casts? anasafeeu Blanders are sometimes eery ex pensive. Occasiooslly life itself i the price of a mistake, bat yohll never be wrong if yoa take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dys pepsia, Dira'oesa, Headache, Lieer or Bowel trouble. Tbey sre gentle yet thorough. 25c at the J. C Simmons Drug Co.'s. , DeWltt'a Little Early RLtcrs. How Love Beautifies the Soul By MAURICE MAETERLINCK N OTIIIXO in the world can beautify a soul more spon taneously, more naturally, than the knowledge that some where there exists a pure and noble being whom it can UNKESERVEDLY love. When the soul has veritably drawn near to such a being, beauty is no longer a lovely, lifeless thing that one exhibits to the stranger, for it suddenly takes unto itself an imperious existence and its activity becomes so natural as to be henceforth IRRESISTI BLE. As we wander from the gods within so does ugliness enwrap us as we discover them. But it is only by revealing the divine that is in us THAT WE MAY DISCOVER TIIE DIVINE IN OTHERS. Needs must one god beckon to another, and no signal is so impercepti ble but they will every one of them respond. It cannot be said too often that, bo the crevice never so small, it will yet suffice for all the waters of heaven to pour into our souL EVERY CUP IS STRETCHED OUT to the 'unknown spring, and we are in a region where none thinks of aught but beauty. If we could ask of an angel what it is that our souls do in the shadow, I believe the angel would answer, after having looked for many years, perhaps, and seen far more than the things of the soul seem to do in the eves of men : THEY TRAN8FORM INTO BEAUTY ALt THE LITTLE THINGS THAT ARE GIVEN TO THEM." We must admit that the human soul is possessed of singular cour- IT 1 ..11 'L , , 1 ' P 1 , .1 J 1 age. ivesignediy a oca u laoor 11s wnoie me long m mo narsnnsa whither most of us relegate it, where it is spoken to by none. There, never complaining, does it do all that in its power lies, striving to tear out of the pebbles we throw-to it the nucleus of ETERNAL LIGHT that peradventure they contain. And in the midst of its work it is ever lying in wait for the mo ment when it may show to a sister who is more tenderly eared for or who chances to be nearer the treasures it has so toilfully amassed. But thousands of existences there are that no sister visits, thou sands of existences wherein life has infused such timidity into the soul that IT DEPARTS WITHOUT SAYING A WORD, with out even once' having been able to deck itself with the humblest jewels of its humble crown. And yet in spite of it all does it watch over everything from its invisible heaven. It warns and loves, it admires, attracts, repels.' AT EVERY. FRESH EVENT DOES IT RISE TO THE SURFACE, WHERE IT LINGERS TILL IT BE THRUST DOWN AGAIN, BEING LOOKED UPON AS WEARISOME AND INSANE. It wanders to and fro, like Cassandra at the gates of the Atrides. It is ever giving utterance to words of shadowy truth, but THERE ARE NONE TO LISTEN. When we raise our eyes it yearns for a ray of sun or star, that it may weave into a thought or, haply, an impulse, which shall be conscious and very pure. And if our eyes bring it nothing, still will it know how to turn its pitiful disillusion into something ineffable, that it will conceal EVEN TILL ITS DEATH. WHEN WE LOVE, HOW EAGERLY DOES IT DRINK IN THE LIGHT FROM BEHIND THE CLOSED DOOR! KEEN WITH EXPECTA TION, IT YET WASTES NbT A MINUTE, AND THE LIGHT THAT STEALS THROUGH THE APERTURES BECOMES BEAUTY AND TRUTH TO THE SOUL. '" But if the door open not it will go back to its prison and its regret will perhaps be a loftier verity that shall never be seen, for we are now in the regions of transformations whereof none may apeak, and, though nothing born this side of the door can be lost, YET DOES IT NEVER MINGLE WITH OUR LIFE. ' '' In accordance with the requirement of Section 713 of The Code of North Carolina, I, Chaa. C. Thompson, Register of Deeds and Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of . Alamance County. N. C, do hereby certify that the following state ment is true and correct, to-wit; . , 1st, The number of days each member of the Board met with the Board. ' - , "1 2nd. The number of day each member served on a Committee. , 3rd. The number of mile travelled by each member, separately. GEO. T. WILLIAMSON. 19 days com'r at 12.00 per day 7 days on committee at 2.00 per day -- 456 miles traveled - JAS. W. SOMERS." 19 day commissioner at 12.00 per day, 2 day on committee at 12.00 per day- 424 miles traveled at 6c. per mile-. J.O.DAILEY. 20 days commissioner at 12.00- 1- - It days on committee at 2.00 per day r 100 mile traveled at 6c per mile- 8. E. TATE. 20 day eominisaioner at 12.00 per day-- 1 day on committee at 2.00 per day 440 mile traveled at 6c per mile E. LONG. 16 day commissioner at 12.00 per day, 2 day on committee at 2.00 per day-- -306 mile traveled at 5c per mile '- 138.00 - 14.00 -, 22.80 $74.80 ' 174.80 138.00 ' 4.00 - , 21.20 16350 $63.20 $40.00 '. 3.00 - 5.00 ; 43.00 $48.00 $40.00 2.00 22.00 : $64.00 164.00 $32.00 4.00 15J0 Total. ' $51.30 $51.30 .. ... . $301.30 In the above is given 20 days, th total number that the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance County, N. C. was in aeasios), from Dec. 1st 1903, to Nor. 30 1904, indmuve. , Witness my hand at Office in Graham, N. C, Nov. 30th. 1904, . CHI. C. THOaTSOU, r .- Register of Deeds and Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board. fWwoowwwHM inrrioocojnoiry'oocccoccc " ' 2o4D5alrK. Good spirit don't all tom e from Kentucky. The main source is the liverand all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Ureas State coald not remedy a bad liver or the hun-dred-and-one ill effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of ste vigorous and successlul in your put suit You can put your liver in fined condition by using Greed's Aagust Flower the greatest at all medicines for the liver and stomach snd a certain cure for dyspepsia or inaigesiion. 11 nss oeen a iavonie : household remedy for over thirty- -five years. Amrast ' Flower wiU make your liver nealtbv and active and thus insure you a liberal supply of "good pints." Trial size, 25a ; regular battles, 75c. At all drag There will be no sally of Russian warship from Port Arthur. The few ship that remained are now ;a part of the late Admiral Makaroffs pbantom fleet Tva.SLaewfWiat Ta Are Takta ' When you take Grove's Tastles Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on everr bottle showing that it is simply Iron- and " Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c. I Now thai Dr. Cram ha gotten his annual appointment from the - Pres ident, let him prepare-to get bis an nual disappointment from the Sen. , ate. " . TaCare aCeW la Oae Dsgr. ... Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure; E. W. Grove' signature is on each box. 250. You are now perfectly safe to vis it St Louis. The Landlord need business. SsUASsUsUsUsUUsVsUsUAAilw emem leadaches! This time of the year are signals of, warning. Take Taraxacu mCom- Dound now. It may save you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and euro your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine araxacum Co MEBANE. 1. N. C. ooooooooooooooooo'joooc: Subscribe For jV'i" ? The Gleaner. Only v-'j-AV $ 1 .00 per year. 0000000000000000000c: ARE YOU UP TO DATE 11 If vou are not the News ?, Obex vex is. Subscribe for it once and it will keep yoa tr: of the times. Pall Associated Press c ea.; All the new -lore nestle, national, state e all the time. Daily New and CL-r per year, 3.50 for 6 r -WUv North Cart per year. 60c lor 6 nc 3. news & osszryi :; i . - V Ralkigit, IT. C. TheNort C -: AUMA5C3 (' 1 " for one ywr 1 in aiTB "'. .' ol';". Cr ' ' s

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