LAMANGE (jLEANER VOL. XXXI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY; MAY 18, 1905. NO. 16 HE TAKG at Home Are you a lufferer? Has your doctor been tmsuo cessful? -' Wouldn't you prefer to treat younelf AT HOME? Nearly 1.600,000 women hare bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of . such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor rhoea, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and despond ency, caused by female weakness. These are not- easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. , Wine of Cardui does not irri tate the organs. There is no pain; in the treatment. It is a soothing tonio of healing fcerbs,aree from strong and drastie drugs. It is successful because it cures in a natural way. . Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at $1.00 a bottle and you can begm this treatment today. Will youtry it? In canes requiring special amotions, addresi. gWlug symptoms, The Ladle' IdnsorF DeP'-i Chattanooga Medietas Co., Chattanooga Venn. afTHB Z. T. HADLEY GARHAM N. C. Watches, Clocks " and Jewelry Cut Glass and Silverware. faTEyes tested -and glasses fitted. FOLEY'S IIOQEV"TAR Presents Series J Rexs.iT Frca a Ccld. " Remember the name Foliy't Rotif and Tar. Insist upon having the genuine. Tnrao sues iso, see, Prepared only by Foley Company, Chicago. W. promptly obtain D. 8. and Foreign Bead model, sketch or photo ol invention te JT report on patentability. For free book. 3", S. COOK, Attorney!. Law, GRAHAM, N. C. Offloa Patterson Building second Floor. R. WILL S. LOSG, JR. DENTIST . . . ;. - - - : North Carolina Cretans. OFFICE lis SIMMONS BUILD JJTU "tai eveon. - W. r. Btjttjk, Js, BY SUM & BYNUM, Attorney and Coaiualon at Lew OAkXMSBOBO, X U. J?0 "IPdarly ia tbe eoarts of Ala oc county. aaK.t.eHly JACOB, loso. J. BXatEB LONG. IiOJTG & LONG. Attorn,, .ad Counselor at Law, -GKAH13C, H. C. ! 0B'rc.STRUI)WICK Attorney-at-Law, GREEK SBOROX. V t . Practice in the coarta" of Ala "nce and Guillord counties. SPACE ECONOMIZER. C.n.blntio. Roost and Dro.Dlaara Board Flxtara. A simple device to economize space ana labor Is described by James Hady of Indiana in Reliable Poultry Journal. Mr. Rady says: The roosts' are ten feet long, 'three In number, and made of 2 by 2 Inch hard pine with the corners rounded. They rest upon 2 by 1 Inch atrip three feet six Inches long, the back ends of which are hinged to the wall of the house. These are suDDorted In front by uprights of the same dimen sions, also three feet six Inches long, nd are fastened to them with one bolt so as to make a swing Joint. The platform or droppings board la also ten feet long and two feet nine Inches wide, set with Its back edge nine Inches from the wall and standing nine Inches from the Boor. The cleats upon the underside of this platform, which support and bold It together, are hinged at the rear to the side of FOIiDINO BOOST AND KiaTVOBIC. the building In the same manner aa the roost supports. At the front they are fastened to the uprights with the swing Joint fastenings described a bore. Two V shaped troughs, each live feet long, are placed on the . floor against the wall under the rear of the drop pings board. To the middle of the roost farthest from the wall Is attached a half Inch rope, which la passed through a pulley on the wall above and furnished with ring at Its other end. By grasping this ring the roosts and platform are pulled up and folded back against the wall, where they are out of the way, and no birds can roost upon it in the daytime. The ring may be slipped over a hook screwed to tne underside of the platform to hold the fixture in place. The platform is sprinkled each even ing with sawdust and slaked lime, so that when It Is raised In the morning the droppings slide off Into the troughs and are easily removed. This fixture folded up leaves the en tire door free from incumbrance for a scratching room. The cost of making is not heavy and the labor of cleaning la somewhat reduced. HEROISM IN ANIMALS, It la Hot Move Uncommon Tham la Brat Bfateraal Affretloa. A writer on natural history complains that men are prone to regard mascu line courage in defense of others aa a virtue purely human. In reality self sacrifice for the female sex or for the young Is part of the scheme of nature, and every male thing is strong and splendid in appearance because be ia the descendant of those who have proudly held and guarded "the privi lege of death." Another writer tells a story which illustrates this point Two entomologists,' hunting at night, clam bered over a gate with their -swinging lanterns and found themselves in a field filled with sheep. The result of their coming was panic and a furious stam pede. The sheep charged belter skelter away from the lanterns and huddled to gether at the far end of the field. BuJ there was a ram among them, and aa the flock scurried away this creators stood firm, Covering the retreat Then, steadily and majestically, the huge ram advanced with lowered bead toward the mysterious lights and pressed them back to the gate. This Is only one graphic story of many that might be told of masculine courage throughout nature. Man has some virtues which animals, so far as we can Judge, know nothing about; but heroism the pride of affording protection to the weak and daring death for the security of the flock Is not a human attrnrat alone, any more than ia maternal af fection. . ' A WOMAN'S NAME. , Oriel a at the Caateat of Caesar It Wsea Bfea Harries. The eustom which makes It proper for the wife to assume the name of her husband at marriage is Involved in much obscurity. A recent authority advances the opinion that it originated from a Hnuo custom and became common af er the Roman occupation of England. Thus Julia and Octavta, married to Pompey and Cicero, wi ealled by the Romans Julia of Pom pey and Octavla of Cicero, and In later times the married women of most Eu ropean countries signed their names in the same way, but omitted the "of." In spite of this theory it la a fact that aa late as the sixteenth and the be- arinnins? of the seventeenth century a Catherine rarr signed bar name with out any change, though ana naa oeee twice married. We also near of Udy Jane Grev. not Dudley, and Arabella Rrnurt not Bevmour. etc. Some think that the custom originated with the twinrnral Irlea that the DttSDana ana mHfm art, Ana. ThlS Wlf the rUlO Of law aa far back as 1268, and It was de rided in the case of Bon versus ennui In the reign of Elisabeth that a woman by marriage loses her former nam. and legally receives tne name ot mm husband. New fork Herald. Siaeerltr. n.. nrLt lOata a man who rings tne. We may not agree wkUA but we admire his sincerity. Tolstoi does not and the world la penecx acc with his philosophy of Ufa, but tns world la deeply sensiwe ox me - found earnestness. Boaery tt customs which smack of Insincerity. Church attendance aaaf be practiced for the Bake of clal star rate funerals may be held for the take of making aa Impresslno. Base) may Indulge m ulaone flattery to gaM personal ends and beer to the maa of Sahour becauee of Ua posttto. and not his worth. A large porrJos of tne) world feels obliged to keep ap appear ances beyond tta saeana. JJ1 riagse, operas, fine raiment and travel rs foot klways indulged ta by P who ea afford them. They may asl an be insincere, bet tr-enstota kas ruined many livev-He. Wnuam Hath .wPound, CongregatJo-allst. Chicago- ' ' NATIONAL ELECTION DAY. War It'a tka Taaadar After the rirat Meadav la N br. Why should the law prescribe "the Tuesday next after the first Monday In November" Instead of saying "the first Tuesday T" Like many other small things this provision Introduces an In teresting picture of the past Although the constitution requires the electors In all the states to meet and choose a president on the same day, it was not until 1845 that a law waa passed by congress providing that the electors should be chosen on tha lame day throughout the United States. When William Henry Harrison was the Whig candidate, in 1840, New Vork began to vote on tha first Monday In November, and the polls were kept pen until Wednesday night . Election day in Massachusetts was the second Monday, but before that day, In this Instance, enough states had voted to de cide the contest The National Intelli gencer of that year records that several thousand aged and Infirm Whigs In Massachusetts did not bother to go to the polls. Delaware voted a day later than Massachusetts. Illinois, Indiana and Pennsylvania were among the early voting states. Alabama waa one of the last This diversity, combined with slow methods of transmitting news, left the election results in doubt for many days. The system was not satisfactory. The states that voted early had an undue influence on the result Especially waa this true as communication became more rapid, and by 1840 an enthusiastic editor told how tha news from Pitta burg bad been brought to New York in thirty-five hoars. "This," he added significantly, "la a sign of the times." Congress accordingly decided to es tablish a uniform day. The original bill named the first Tuesday in No vember, but It was found necessary to harmonize this with the requirement that not more than thirty days should elapse before the meeting of the elect oral colleges In the different states, which hnd been set for the first Wednesday In December. When Tues day Is the first day of November, De cember will have no We'.'.nesdny till the seventh. The Interval Is thirty seven days. Under tlie law ns It was passed In 1815 not more than twenty nine days can elapse between election day and the first Wednesday In De cember. Under tbe law of 18S7 the electors do not meet to give their votes until the second Monday In January. Tooth's Companion. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. If you don't want to Jeopardize friendship don't lend money to friends. When we bear of a person who re fused to submit to an operation and got well we feel Ilka cheering. The youngest girl In a family la lia ble to put on princess airs long after her alxteen-year-old complexion fades. Elderly men should not Judge young men by themselves. Young men and elderly men are entirely different prop ositions. The colors In a tree dent appeal to a maa so much as the lumber la K, and all the poetry In the world' will not change -him. Famftie should be good and large, so that -every member will bear the real truth about himself from at least half -4oserj persons. OW fashioned hospitality la dying out ' Perhaps you are to blame for killing off some of it Did yon ever visit often and too long? Atchison Globe. .JTapaace Caaraca. The little men of Japan can give tbe world many thrilling stories of courage and many of clever stratagem aa well. One of the powerful nobles of tbe olden time waa forced to flea from his enemy in haste. He hid in a barrel and was borne away by- servants, who. meeting the enemy, declared that tha barrel contained food. "If there Is anything living In It there will bo blood on my sword," said the nobleman's enemy and thrust bis weapon Into tbe barrel. It want throuab the hidden man's legs and made a terrible wound. But be, with quick thought wiped tbe blade on the hear of bis garment as it waa orawn out ao that it went out clean, and he waa not discovered. A , : ti A Vaat Vertaae la Be Bdeees. To be engulfed In one's occupation. swallowed no In a complicated lua. harawd by tbe striving and straining, tha worry and anxiety which accom pany a vast fortune, ia not to no ncn. Time and opportunity and incline tloa to help others are the most valuable thinas In tbe world, and if yon cannot adze these. If yon cannot ntllise them ta vonr own enlanement your ot hartennent von are poor' indeed al though you have million la the Bank. rattealM Ta BectanlnaT to fatten shot to SB iS- tlosure, saya a Washington correspond ent of American Agriculturist. Always have water and Brit before them. Vsed all tbey will aat daaa of soaked core aad wheat a stiff mash made of bran, aborts, eornroeal and a little salt; alee wa stuff from the gmraen. . aeep a oulet and feel regular. Keep quarter rtean aad dry. and there will be do trouble ta fattening feat I have marketed over IfiOO in one sea- aoa la ftoofcene. all Batched ander bene. Now I aee Incubators, aa I warn me bens to hatch the gosling. It isn't a bad idea by any means to pot a BttM ptne tar la tne inuoi tms ilt at thai time of the year. It wfll help to ward off disease aad keep tbe fowls baatthy. Provide plenty of duet ta the poultry bona aad rone for the winter. . Toe mods salt la the food predaeaa M great thirst often resulting la naptereoT crop, taaoa aaaaa as tor your ewe eating. The object la eapoMsmg as ur Ha rare the quality and Increase tbe (joaadty of the fiesa n rownj aua mho receive better pooaw , , It tbe moat protl&eUBrti- ad tad tbe snoot wot oil sea ones mar keted, a greet tmpieromsaT weald re aalt It Is the seeping of drones that takes too expanses largo and tne rs WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. How Hareaal R.eelred Hie First Traaaatlaatla Maeaaav. One cold December day in 1001 Qu- gueiuio Marconi aat still In a room ia the government building at Signal bill, St. John s, K. F.. with a telephone celver at his ear and bis eye on the clock that ticked loudly near by. Over head flew bis kite bearing his recelv lng wire. It waa 12:80 o'clock on tha American side of the ocean, and Mar coni had ordered bis operator in faroff Poldhu, 2,000 watery miles away, to begin signaling tbe letter 8 three dots of the Morse code, three flashes of the bluish sparks at that corresponding nour. For six years he bad been look ing forward to and working for that moment the final test of all bta ef fort and the beginning of a new tri umph. He sat waiting to hear three small sounds, the br-br-br of the Morse code 8, bumming on the dtajmragm of bis receiver, tbe signature of the ether wanes that bad traveled 2,000 miles to Ma oatenlng ear. Aa the hand of the clock, whose ticking aldne broke tha stillness of the room, reached thirty minutes past 12 tbe receiver at the Inventor's ear began to hum, br-br-br, as distinctly as tbe sharp rap of a pen cil on a table. Tbe unmistakable note of the ether vibrations sounded in the telephone receiver. Tha telephone re ceiver was used Instead of the usual recorder on account of its superior sen sitiveness. Transatlantic wireless telegraphy waa an accomplished fact From "Storlea of Inventors," by RusselLDoubleday. THE PORTABLE WATCH. it Waa PvakaMr BHvat Heed la the Btsteeath Caatarr. There la uncertainty aa to when tbe portable watch, aa we understand It to day, came Into use. It waa probably at tbe close of tbe sixteenth century. Queen Elizabeth owned a large num ber of watches. Mary, queen of Scots, was the possessor of a skull shaped watch. Id fact the "death' head" pattern, was at that time mucfc In vogue. Endless were the styles, for there were watches shaped like books, pears, butterflies and tulips. The Nuremberg egg was a special shape and was first made in 1600. Those queer shapes of watches prevented their finding a place In the pocket When was tbe fob first used In the drees of man? The German of fob la "fuppe." and It Is believed that It cams from England through tbe Puritans, "whose dislike for display may have Induced tbem to conceal tbeir time keeper from the public gas." This conjecture Is strengthened by the fact that a short fob chain attached to watch of Oliver Cromwell in the Brit ish museum Is In point of date the first appendage of tbe kind known. Tbe watch Is a small oval on In a silver case and was made about 1628 by John Mldnall of Fleet street ORIGIN OF PARISHES. Thar Wore Feeaded la M ar Arehalshee ef Ceateawjr. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury In 668, ia regarded aa tha founder of th parochial system. Parishes war originally measured by and made to follow the lines of existing townships, a pariah being. In snort, the township In Its ecclesiastical character. Where a townablp waa too small to require or to support a separate church ana priest two or more township were united to form on parish. In other cases the clergy of manorial churches built by the noMea bad no Jurisdiction over a parish extending to th limit of their lord's estate. Thus no legislative act waa needed, and par ishes were mapped out gradually, a the multiplication of churches and cler gy, which Theodora did ao mocb to ef fect made It desirable to define deafly tbe area within which th clergy bad to work. It waa not till kmc after Theodore's death Green says about tne middle of the eighth century that this division of the country Into par sfbes waa completed. London Tele graph. NAST'8 SURPRISE. Ovaaaatl CMaaas la the Ceaveataeai Whleh. Beaalaaaed CMUM. Ia May. 1868. the Republican na tional convention earn along. Naet went to Chicago to be present It waa settled beforehand that Gen eral Grant was to be tbe Republican presidential candidate. The great sol dier bad maintained a calm aad noble dignity through all the trying day of conflict between esagress and Andrew Johnson and was now honored almost as much for his diplomacy as for his at arm. Indeed tne mantle of sweet twaewa left by Uaeola would asm to bav bean laid upon the shoul ders of Grant and be wore It with be soming grandeur aad humility. p.Hing that the eoBveotloa would name Grant aa Its choice. Naet pre pared a little surprise for th event He painted upon a urge curiam to Whits Boas entrance, with two ped- astala, on on each aid, bearing th words, "Republican Nominee, Chicago, May 30," and "DemocratJe Noealaee, Mew Tort. J sly 4," respectively. Oa th Republican pedestal was Basted th Agar of Great while Columbia stood pouting te tbe empty pises opposite. Below were th words, "Match Hlair This cartala, with a blank eortaia be lt, waa saspeaded at tho hack eg tbe soaveatloa stags. At the lastaat when Oeaeral Grant wa announced as the ananlmoo ataaideatlal eaote ef kls party the blank eartala waa lifted, aad the great cartoon. "Match Hlra!" ores suddenly exposed te fall flow. The sw-wieaes waa a unexpected that the throng wa sliest for a mo ment taking It in; then, reallslag that It waa a apectacalar climax, the plcts- tfal express loo of a anivarsal esao-aient- the sseemMed multitude gave vent to aa eathasUsas that tamed the great ban Into a paadBwaiual of exul tation. Albert Blgetow raise ia rear- Bk aOreO, aware, Tha saUk of spayed cows taaiajblaa of sow ta general which hava ta the anaoeat ef fat aad ad to boom extant ta tha of easeta or cheesy metarlaL Bach atflk hp oftea recommended by phyeaalaaa as a food for' mfantsv Cultivator. A WINNING SCHEME. rha Power af Tlaald Beeetr te Die oral Waatafel Sao.ra. A woman whose stern visage spelled trouble, ssys tbe Philadelphia Record, stepped up to the complaint desk In a big store. Back of th desk waa a timid miss-on of tho Dresden doll girls who never aeem to lose their baby way and at the sight of th wrathful shopper aha seemed to shrink a bit while Into her wide blue eyes cams what th poets would style tha look of a startled fawn. Tbe indignant cus tomer began a tirade about some mis take that had been made In connection with a purchase, but ber anger disap peared when h saw how much the shopgirl seemed to tak tbe matter to heart Finally, after calmly explaining tha fault sb went away smiling. "If a a great scheme," remarked the observ ant manager with the air of a man be stowing bouquets on himself. "Ton see, in every large business establish ment there are bound to be mistakes occurring all th time. When aa tomr com back and kick about er rors they are usually in an unreason able frame of mind. If there waa a man back of tho complaint desk or ttrongmlnded woman, we'd have all kinds of trouble smoothing out th kinks, bscause th customer would keep tblr fighting mood n when they encountered somebody who looked able to tak ear of himself. But to go up against a pretty, timid girl dis arms them, and In a minute they are coal and ready to talk over the si tea tloa peaceably. The men kickers could not raise a row with a handsome girl, and the women well, their .motherly Instincts are touched and they become good humored." ABUSE OF HOSPITALITY. The War It Waa Babakad hr ai Orieatal PhUeeeahev. "Hospitality ia an excellent thing,' aid th story teller, "but It 1 open te abuse. Let me toll you bow the orien tal hospitality of Nasr Bddln, a great man of the east, waa abused many years ago. - "From a distant village a poor maa cam to Nasr Bddln and made nun a present of a hare. Near Eddln waa de lighted with hla gift Tha poor man on tha strength of It stayed with him a month. "A short time after a arranger cam with hi entire family to Nasr Eddln'a house. " w,' th stranger explained, 'ar friends of tha man who gava you the hare.' "Naar Bddln welcomed the visitors warmly, and they stayed two weak. "Tbey bad not bean gon long wbsa another family of stranger arrived. "Whom have I tha honor to re- elver said Nasr Eddln, " Friend of th friend Of th maa who gave you the bare,' was th reply. "Naar Eddln looked grave. Bo did not Invite the , guests Indoor. Hs served th.m on the lawn with cops of some clear fluid. Tasting this fluid, tbey mad wry faces, for It was noth ing but warm water. . "What la this you offer as, oh, Nasr Eddln r tha strangers said reproaoh fally. "The host replied: "Ob, that ta th sane of the saoos of tha bar,'" Boccesslv pictures bav been taken at intervals during aa ocean voyage to show th life aboard ship, the swing of th groat seas and th rolling aad pitching of the steamer. The heave d awing of the steamer aad toe mountainous - waves have been ao realistically shown oa th screen la the theater that some squeamish specta- tora have been mad almost seasick. It might be comforting to those who were id unhappy by the Bight of tha heaving seas to know that the operator who took on series of sea pictures, when lashed with hla machine la the lookout place oa the foremast of tbe steamer, suffered terribly from sasalck- a and would have been glad enough to set his foot on solid ground; never- Mesa hs stack to his post and com pleted th series From "Stories of In ventors," by Bussed Doubledsy; The Chief Attraction. Ifaterfamiliaa I hoDe. maior. 70a are coming to our little musical party. Tbe programme is very cora- Ehentive. Mv Emmy will plaj piano, Sophia tha harp. Eras will ting g song, Annie will giva a recitation Major And Mis J alia, tout prettj niece? htotnex oat wiu cook. Major Ah. very well. then. I wQl some in time for Mis Julia's performance.- Berliner Fremden- Fceis Are Stubborn Things TJnifana xaoDat quality for OYr a quarter off Century has stettlihiaeraaaed tha alas of LION COF7EE, Thm leader of all package coffees. lion CcHee faaoorusediamCSouBf aoraea. Book tKwohraqaeaag Bpsata tat itself. It is a fMThrc fTMl thai UCJ CtIT3 h-tha of fZte people. - Thsanifona aht&tvof LION ; OOITZX survivas ail ojrpoaitioB, UZ'i CC7HE Thdai tKCOmXm MdeaJrvtalBvi fry Ba caaaaaaaad Is Cat antes 4 art aaar I a easel ea am a y tsi t taJ t aaaici sold by cniccEns EVErnvnniE STRANGLED FEET. Boase of th Evila That Wait I'paa Tisht Shoes aad Hlark "High heels and narrow toes ought to be legislated agnlnst" Kild a foot surgeon nud uiuhhpuso as she rested and rocked and waited, watch In baud, for her next patient. "Tie the feet of a healthy woman Into a pair of tight narrow, thin soled shoes, stilted up on spool shapod heols behind, and the result of their steady wear will be almost any disease that feminine flesh Is heir to. "Fifty years ago." she continued, "It used to be tbe fashion to cut a faint lng woman's stuylace, but only last week I discovered that when the twen tieth century girl threatens to faint the shortest cut to- her restoration Is by severing her shoe string. "It was during the sbopplug hours that a pretty creature come atagger Ing In here pale as a ghost and beg ging a drink of. water. She dropped on my couch, and, while I aent my assist ant running for water In the back room. I took the case in at a glance. ' ' "Before the sufferer could protest I hsd pulled off ber tight shoes and he. stockings, and, taking her bruised. Ice cold extremities Into my lap, I sut on the floor and massaged the blood back Into tbem. The poor child simply sat ap and cried with relief. "When the faint feeling was over and ber spirits In a measure restored, I gave ber a generous piece of my mind. "I threatened her with nervous col lapse, chronic dyspepsia, spinal neu ralgia and consumption if she did not cease wearing those abominable little shoe, and I can assure you I was not talking nonsense, for It Is my business to know what's good for a woman's health." Brown Book. WHITE COUNTERPANES. Hew te De Up aad Hava Thasa Leek Like Maw. One of the housekeeper's heavy tasks la doing up the white counterpanes now so universally used. Tbey are so big and heavy that they tax her Strength to the utmost . Tbe best way is not to let tbem get ao very dirty. Then make a good suds of warm water, white soap and borax, soap the most soiled places (usually along the sides, where It ' Is rubbed against when on the bed) and any spots there may be and put to aoak In the suds. Wash It out rinse thoroughly, put through n bluing water and hang In th sun till almost dry. While atlll moderately diiu p bring It in, fold It not too small, l.iy on the floor on s clean sheet, place on it a heavy board and weight v.ith flntlrons or book let it stay In this homemade pre.w fot twelve or fifteen hours. Wbou taken out It will be smooth and bamlsomu as when new. In folding be uure all wrinkle ar smoothed out The fringe on couuterpanoi may b combed out with a coarse comb add made to look fluffy again. Hut even tually the combing process weal's out the fling. Then tbe counterpane may be hemmed. When inarselllea counterpanes be gin to break, darn the thin places and tbe rents on tbe wrong side with whits darning ootton. If neatly done th mending will not show at' all. Ex change. THE HOME OOCTOR. An Invalid's desire for orangeu, flg or grapes may usually be heeded. A saturated solution of epsom salts 1 an excellent remedy for bum.i. Ap ply as soon us possible and keep wet constantly until the pain ten mm A level teaspoon of boraclc add die solved in a pint of freshly boiled water and applied cool Is th Vat wash for Inflamed sore eyes or granulated lid If you get a fishbone In your throat and It continual to stick there, swallow an egg raw. It will be almost certain to carry tbe bone along with It For corns a homely and useful cur Is mad by crushing some washing soda and dissolving a much aa possible of it In not water This may be bottled and kept oa the wasbstand and applied with a Uttl brush. Utility la Baaatr, Beauty has a distinct mission. God loves beauty and baa made th little Alpine flower to grow where none but h and th can see It There Is something better in lif than dollar Bad canto and straight lines gad angle Bad neutral color Rev. D. B. Bad cliff, Presbyterian, Washington. Bllad Dtaatallalae. Th ideal young maa will cultivate hi mind. There Is a growing demand for disciplined minds In every calling In life. Iam l. think logically; eiamln I', nor t.i .-.'ully Defor you give up 1 i) :. '. poMtlhllltlee of tbe blgb- si i i i- unmeasured. Bev. Mftltodlst Chicago. avttk hwatate pantry ad asweaw. - GJ ! I nha,trt.' I jiaarVafes. Hon held oa every package. i rase- H W00X40 BTICX Oa, Toledo, OUo. North Carolina News. Deferred from last veek. Charlotte has petitioned Governor Olenn to name that city as the place of encampment for the North Caro lina National Guard this summer Governor Glenn offers a reward of $150 for the capture of Charles Price, who killed Robert Odell, in Kockingham county, near Leake ville, a few days ago, The reward ia offered of tbe request of Sheriff Pinnix, oi Rockingham. At Newbein F. H. Hilton and J. C. Thompson, of Indianapolis, Ind., have purchased aaite and will erect 130,000 stave factory, equipped for a daily capacity of 200,000 slaves. VV. B. Blades and others have incorporated (be Neuse Lum ber Company. The bond issue for good roads in Gaston county waa carried Tuesday a Week by a majority of 115, 1,601 of the 2,972 votea being cost for the istoue. The issue will be $300,000 4 per cent, bonds, payable in 30 years, for tbe immediate improve ment of tbe county roads. Robert Odell was fatally shot at his home near Leaksville last Wed nesday by Unas, rrice. Tne men quarreled over a garden rake, Price firing on Odell and the loads taking effect in the back and just above the hip. Both are men with families, respected in their community, Odell will die. An insane woman entered Eden- ton Street Methodist church, Ral eigh, last week, while tbe choir was practicing and badly frightened tbe choir. She assumed charge of the music and the choir sang as she commanded. Finally the myste rious woman withdrew without ofler irffc any violence. At Rocky Mount on 4th inst,, Mr. Tom Cutcbin, while holding croes tie against a detailed car while an engine waa pushing it back opou the track, was killed by the cross tie which turned in bis hands and struck him violently upon the head Others who were also grasping the beam escaped. Everything is about ready for work to begin towards the erection of ibe mammoth German-American Mill in the Meadows section, just beyond Spray. When this entei priMo begins to turn out its product, the pay roll on the bunch of mills in that immediate section will have reached more than a half million dollars per annum. Raleigh Post : Many an hour is fritted away on small farms that with great profit might be spent in caring for chickens and ducks. - We see from a Carthage paper that a man at Cameron who is engaged in the chicken business in s small way has just made a shipment of 1300 worth of fine chickens to Mexico. A man who gives big name as Michael Freeman, of New York City, is in Wake county jail in de fault of a 1500 bond charged with violating section 71 of the revenue act, which imposes an annual tax oi 1200 on every person engaged in procuring laborers for employment out of this Slate. Freeman had en gaged to take over fifty negroes from Raleigh to New York City. Raleigh Post: Greensboro ia a fonqidaable rival of Durham on sen sational matters. In lGreensboro tbey era now wrestling with the question of "corkage," which is a product of the existing prohibition laws, and is in the nature of ao ad roit scheme for establishing a sub stitute for the saloon. Tbe out come will be watched with interest. Chief Justice Waller Clark, in ao opinion handed dowu last week in the Supreme Court, holds that the sidewalks of a town are simply parts of the street which the town au thorities have set apart for tbe use of pedestrians, and the abutting pro prietor has no more right in jht sidewalk than in tbe roadway. In other words, the city or town owns tbe sidewalks in tbe sama way aa tbe rert of the alreet. Tblat aaaBaeaBafaeaV I fBewfssjaaaBBj- cfractaaily ca yspepsia, Constipation, Ski oadache C3ousness Aad ALL DISEASES arlsatg tress orped Liver and Bad Digestion Th aarraral raeatt Is fwa apartfe ad seta neea. Dees saaaas eaegael. fv aatar ceetad aad aaav te swattaw dke NO DUOS o hears Be ABVOHXA. la tat la Rm kHrrn fctt In Mecklenburg county a few days ago Mr. Albert Derr, a Lincoln county farmer, while driving on the public highway met ao automobile. His mule took fright and overturn ed the buggy, injuring Mr. : Derr so that he has since been confined to his bed. Better Fruits-Better Profits Better peaches, apples, pears and berries are produced when Potash is liberally applied to the soil. To insures full crop, of choicest quality, use a fertiliser containing not less , than 10 per cent, actual . Potash Send tar oar tMYartiral toolci of bifeMtBaarirm f k they m not ad re rtuiih; piraphkta boormnc , special aOTiuien, nut an aaoiofuabvc t tmuNH bcmuMwctnmiukum. RYD ALE'S TONIC A New ScWrfiyta I BLOOD aod NEQVE5. It purifies the blood by eliminating the waste matter and other imporitiea aod by destroying the germ or microbes that infest the blood. It build up the blood by reconstructing and multiplying tbe red corpuscles, making the blood rich and red. It restores and stimulates . the nerves, -ausing a full free flow of nerve force throughout the entire nerve system. It ipeeilily cures unstrung nerves, nervous, neas, nervous prostration, and all other diseases of the nervous system. BYOALE-S TONIC is sold under a posi tive guarantee. - Trial size SO easts. raselyaU UAMUTACTUUD BT Tbe Radical Remedy Company, HICKORY, M. Oe Sold by J. C. Sim-nom Drag C J Graham Underwriters Agency 8COTT V ALBRIGHT. Graham, N. C. . , I Fire and Life Insurance Prompt Personal Attention To All Orders. Correspondence Solicited., : orCE AT i THE BANK OF ALAMANCE eadaciies This time of the year are signals of warning. Take T araxacum Com pound now. It may savs you a spell of fe ver, it will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine , araxacum MEBANE. N. C. arirvTg!""rTE I AGENTS laiLaiiuar tain book or ni iut msT in ti:e ca: :: Bt Dr. Jiuaam Joma Ak-wwwal Pro, lee. -1 7 n? &i4 Vfc HBoH 14 ia 11 kmr." L. P. Tim TT OKkad M oay, tot 12 oruasra. AwtV AT ONCf TO TTXrUrmXEOTTCOa' r i 0S t , J 1 treatises. Sent free tar the mskuac. jk Xlyj OEIMAN KALI WORKf . fCt I 1 Atlenta. pj. , Jp ' 3-3' ' aVOiBroa4": g ' IJk ft a a . special fertilisers, out are antnotusbve a iRememb-e 0

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