Gleaner. VOL. XXXI. GRAHAM, N. C, THUBSDAY, JUNE 15, 1905. NO. 20 The:':LAMANCE- IDE 05SI ' If yon are nervous and tired out oontinaally you oonld have no clearer warning of the approach of serious female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer-aO -bearable pain before you seek fc j ment. You need Wine of Cardui. now just as much as if the trouble were more developed and the tor turing pains of disordered men- etruauon, bearing , dovnr pains,, leucorrhoea, backache and head ache were driving you to the un failing relief that Wine of Cardui hai brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back ache and prevent the symptoms from quickly developing into dan eerous troubles that will be hard, to check. Secure a (1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the .Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will be sent you. : : ST Z. T. HADLEY GARHAM N. C. Watches,. Clocks ; and Jewelry Cut Glass and Silverware. o - - ""Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Prwt :r!::3 r.:::I!J Fr:naC::J. Remember the name Foley's Iomt t:i Tir. Insist upon having the genuine. Three elsee ISO, f Oof ei.00 -Prepared only by Poley Company, Chtoagtv We ammptlT obtain D. 8, and foreign Send model, tketuh or pmxaot mrennon lor tree report on wtrotnw Htj. For free book. How to Securer ! I r T r'I'VO write Patron and If t-f "XS to Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, ,' - . N. a Offlos Patterson Bunding ' " J Seoood Floor. ... . . ' " ';' BR. WILU L5.WJR. DENTIST . ."". Grehan.. . . . North Cerellne OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDLNQ Oaa oratm. "W. r. BrjrtM, Jo. BYNUM & BYNU2I, A-ttorn-ya and Craamdon t Lw bN8BORO, v.. , . ' "' 'fatttoe rerularly la the eourta of Al oeeeomuT. .- Aaftt,Mly JACOB, LOSO. J. KLJfXB LOlfG. LONG & LOXG, Attorney, nod Counselors nt Lnw. " - GRAHAM, K. C. . E0B;rc.cTiiin)7icK Attorney -at- low, GZEEXSBOBOX. C. Practices in the courts of Ala bnce and Guilford counties. r r 11 'IJ i MAN WHO ONCE MADE DIAMONDS Bjr Cutctifft Hynt Cttrlth, IMS, h) Cl.ll, II,, T is a remark past doubt that Conrad Macdonald waa most wonderful chemist XfvunlP 1 1r n n .1. I . aaaaaa "jni. a uivff UUB, UQQ that's whv T aqv tf tti- ii ' - - "-rf w uu vulaM KUOK of acquaintances are, with few excep tions, entirely ignorant on the subject Even the Hatton Garden people, who ought to know, have overlooked this talent in their awe at one another of the man's peculiar attributes, i Pedantically Macdonald waa Ph. D. of Leipslc and i D, 8c. of London, which, of course, does not go for much, and he was also a B. A. of Cam bridge, first class Nat Science Tripos, both parts, which naturally gees for nothing at all. Honors men are no torious fizzles In attar lira mnA a none of tnese things In the leaat proves that he was usefully and practically clever. Even the post at Burton-on-Trent, from which he derived a living during some sixteen preparatory years, " uv v&ikvituu ui uis powers, wan mprplv nniilvaf tn Kmwam flcially that may argue certain niceties lit mflnlnnlntlnti unA ' an r kuu uu nvynuvu; knowledge of organic work, but no op- oauuua uv Twuirti wtucu an uut ex haustively remarked upon in the text ooou. - unginai researcn is entirely foreign to that branch of the trade. PYr tha atvla nf wnflr ha Aram m mMA Iniyime fawlnnrnavman im!tii Anntil boast a better but the exoteric public uweu iu nee now no spent it. ns xarea on Spanish claret Camembert cheese, brown biscuit and plug tobacco entire ly; bought one Inferior suit of black per annum, which became many hued with hlpflfh flllfl nflri hafAra thA Aa rf discarding; t never , purchased- letter press, amusement or new nats, ana yet wore hla manfiv down tn tlut hrnakin strain.: The local bank manager while sending nun uncivil letters anoni over drawing his account used to wonder whether Macdonald waa supporting an Invalid mother In luxury elsewhere. Macdonald knew very few people outside the brewery: Myself and one other man made ap his list of callers: As the other man pinned himself to travel 18,000 miles per annum, mostly nn foot nr hnraehack. ha did not often turn up at Burton-on-Trent end, else because of wanderlust my own visits rarely amounted to the - blannusL Neither Macdonald'e residence nor his menage was attractive enougn to a raw more reanArtAbla-sloitora. He Inhabited then a large rectangu lar barn, standing ty itseir m,a neio. It had originally been a grain store, possessed no chimney - and had win dows only in the roof. When necessary Manlnnfllil nroenred heat br exaltma a brick over two roaring Bunsen burn ers, light by inducing toe said uunsena to cast forth yellow, smoky flames. A canvas . hammock - slung across one angle and a blanket sleeping sack sa v ed the formality or Deamaaing. i floor was a seat which never required Araaaina int It , nnaition. IV These tbingSk when reported ; in Burton-on-Trent, were looked upon aa the adjuncts of a savage. Moreover, there, waa usually free chlorine in the air,-which, with the other stinks of the place, bit bear ily into a stranger'e long. ' Consequently Macdonald became a pariah and waa left severely alone, which was what he wanted. He nat nntiitf anrned the renntatioa of being mad, which be was not and of being unclean, which was oniy bp modification. For Instance, he had a tank in hit barn and dived there thrice daily. - '' , ' The other attribute which I hinted at aa belna- his was a' business talent which enabled him to bring off the big Kiaofcmaiifn eonn of the century. n-tnci hail ha keot this np his aleeve that not even I and the other man knew anything anoux it. exhibited himself up tUI then In all Mwnmardal aa the moat nn- luatme methodical creature nnaginaoi Aa it chanced, I did not see mm u -mm. -u. ki.wmaiiinar ehema had been laid before the diamond ring, and they were beginning to enow ineir oi" for tts proposals In violent form. y V.. "ZZLi m kick on the doer DO OUO w panel with a anarp -yui viver nlxed my voice ana i m t tn itit snrDrles. an easy . .k ,a mmitl with point upon lIC.UJ MM. " , the unwonted clearness or we v ti ..vai if I nan a Dinn. "No," I said; "never carry one, al ways too much afraid or euoouun eelf. And what the deuce do yon want aaV.l ai anraiTT Zw tn, mraelf. bat t ttongbt - imi. vm - " - !, a it Mnvenieni to d m- d also-beeled., don't yoo call It In yourstangr . "But why? wnat nee bst. " . . t nrhv ever sbomld IS TOOT BWUW " - . yoi of all people, take to -Of. terT because: my good McHlnrJe.a4.yoe . .iiuK. the atmosphere mnsiacu v j - - of thia place nas cnangeo. J' " evil smells la past; . h. a Fiorina OB the xneree uww . . . roam round thU bam for three mortal Bontha. Here: don't your pipe at the Bunsen. Try a spUi." - He tore a leaf from a -x. . -taiWraihT and 4.i w .n T tared at hint wttk a pocketed bead. He flung the book wttt JTerasb at a re of tset tubes and laoghed.. Tn not mad or aaywbers jjeai jt, be explained, -bot Tre done with ieria inal reeearcb tn eaetwerry kal physlce for ever ""TrZ At the present moment Tm trylngto ieeTand tt - not aa easy job. There's a atrong gwDbabinty that I phaat earn more tna a eomn eoroBer-s toque By the way kare Toe been these Hat months?. . CollectiM bird. J2Z Kadagas Bot never aaiad met Try yoe-re been at recently. It Issrt tM manriiig tack, "?J - . . took something from Ue pulled eot nw wa andjstd-e4e be the word TecT an buf traggUngv angular Jfff; mm The deoce yon o -r-. me look. Shade of Solomon! This can't be a diamond!" "Xou cant prove it to be anything else." "An expert oonld, perhaps.' : "An expert couldn't For oDe reason, it happena to be a diamond a gem like those of the mine and the shop, McHinnle, neither more nor less. That is a rhombic dodecahedron, morpholog ically and chemically the same as a diamond from Klniberley or Brazil. Not counting experimental labor, the actual manufacture of that cryatal cost me 9. On the market as you see it how, the stone to worth fully 1,900." "And this is what you've been peg glng at all these years?" "It's what I have had In my mind aU my life. It's what I've worked for ever since I could read or reason, j It's been my one Idea for making a fortune, Just aa other men try for their millions in coals or cotton. I'm there now, assets ready to realise, but I tell yon, old man, the apprenticeship has been too bad to even remember In detail. The original outfit before even I touched work was enormous chemistry, miner alogy and the whole of physics, crys tallography, geology, mechanics all to the utmost verge that any-man bad ever worked before. They took np years of ferocious labor and almost all my capital. The balance of money went In buying diamonds to experi ment noon. Then I had to work for more funds and got this Job of analyst here in Burton. It's been an awful time. You know I'm a luxurious mind ed chap, fond of purple and soft living, and yet I've not spent 50 a twelve month on my body through all these years. Except the odd momenta when I had my swim in that tank, I've been biting against the fatee from waking hour to sleeping time. : "The big mistake I worked under for a long time was In thinking with other chemists that diamonds were nothing , A erasb and a Minding oratorio. but pure carbon. I did crystallise that though I didn't say anything about It Another man Mr. Hannay of Glasgow also did the same thing and publish ed his results In 1880. He exposed a mixture of paraffin spirit and bone oil distillate with lithium in a strong iron tube to the prolonged heat of a re verberatory furnace. He got speci mens of dlamantoid carbon, but they were small In size and when placed on the polishing wheel Immediately cram bled. I was about aa tacky, except that in addition I had a bed blow-op which cost me half a femoral muscle and will make me limp to my dying fliy. Afterward I f dhnd that there was something else In natural diamonds be sides pure carbon, and, working -with that something else and a mechanical contrivance with electrical adjuncts" "Oh, look here," I cat In, "that'll do. Ton make me tired." "Greek, still Greek to yonr "Emphatically; so come to results. Ton say yoo know bow to make dia xmuIi f tanm alu for half nothlnc a carat-diamonds which will stand cut ting and which are in an respects equai to the dog up animal V Macdonald nodded ana rnDoea me bands softly. - "And now you're going to put them on the market? Well, don't flood It and you're got the softest thing any one man ever owned since nom naa toe monopoly for live stock," "it's hlchly Improbable that I make or sell a single crystal' - I turned and stared at nun. was us man craayt,..., "There's a much better dodge than netting np a diamond factory.' He paused again ana taagnea. -"flnaak nn acoondreir' I shouted. "Don't keep me In the "thumbscrews ere." Wbafe betterT - "Why. not doing It and being paid for that same. Don't yea knew that h h diamond doodIo bare crabbed together tnte the biggest ring or treat or comes er whatever yea choose to man I tt uv eemmerelal fraternity in ail the world 1 This ring either ewms or has a governing Merest b an me hto mines fce Africa, uraau ana uaur. and even the lesser eaea la Tii-glale and Boraee and those places, ana n kiai the aatoot Bad brines the price to what it exactly kkea. Doyen tbiair fkat ring woum eanmw s navina eat trying Tory bard to have two fla- rs and a ararea sa k- n aid And so yon offered to trade with the tlagr "I wrote to two Battoa uaraen sea raw I knew-tbey were sserehantt I aa, an an oUamoaMta ftp tO OX- parfents Has erlttv- and brritad them lo oome aowai mwn w Mend. Tbeycasaeaadbreagfataanaa with fbeni who en paper, at any rate- one of the Brat enenuets ec we nay. see be a soon sewn no ota ted sense facta and shewed snsrimr-T iTbea before av v laaiiaal an m aamall era asetal eynader with varlooe tldngs, eerewee the top ana seeiea a. Kew. Mr. Ivenetetn. eaid I to . M than. Tee net that In yeor aha aai ata ft IVtT With If Tmmr aa at ss the tt lag's ears m pevtot stone. If yoo try to an erewtt before a week's eat yort here explosion wnien aa aarcn a mf aaat wkatjevnr ease ban- ponate theeamosd ring, tbetr snbee oneat nnceedingi won t buaraet yea any more. But 1f at the end of the week you take out the atopper, which you can do then aa aafely as I put It in, you'll find a colorless liquid and rather a good diamond. I'll make you a present of the lot to do what you like with.' . "They went away then, and I beard at the end of the week they'd found the diamond all right a gem, I guess, worth about 150 and that they sent to Amsterdam to get It cut Into a bril liant "Well, that specimen gem took Its facets all right and then I didn't hear anything more from the diamond ring directly for some time. They commu nicated Indirectly. First a pyramid of beer barrels took the opportunity of collapsing aa I was crossing the brew ery yard. I escaped by the skin of my teeth and thought It waa an accident Then there waa a gas explosion In my laboratory, and the place waa wrecked body and walla. By the greatest mira cle on earth I'd Just gone outside, and the only victim waa a strange man, who was blown to rags. That made me suspicious, and when walking across the fields here tonight a man came for me with a knife. I'd this re volver ready In my pocket and shoved blm off with that" "Shoot blmr "No; what waa the use, poor rogue? He waa only a paid tool earning bis dirty pay, and, besides, I didn't want to get myself Into a row with the po lice. Nice snug place to spend the even ing In, this, MoHlnnle, Isn't Kf Don't j mi thlUc you'd better go and sleep at the hotel, like a sane Chriatlaar "I do, most distinctly. And I'll go If you'U come with me." "No, I won't thanks. Lock on the hotel, for one thing And, besides, I'm going to see It out here. I'm not going to let those scoundrels think they've scared me Of course they deny all knowledge of these outrages, and It would be impossible to father them on Hatton Garden. Indeed, tevensteln has at this moment a libel suit pending against me for an open letter I wrote to blm on the subject But there's not the smallest doubt that that's What they're after." "But my good fool, they've oceans of money, and If they go on long enough they're bound to bag you at last" ' "My dear McHinnle, they won't go on. They'll get my ultimatum tomor row morning. That points out that the working details of my Invention are written upon paper and bestowed in safe keeping elsewhere. In the event of my death that pithy MS. will be forwarded to Printing Bouse square and form a column of very Interesting reading In the Times newspaper next morning. To every one above the grade of oostermonger that disclosure would be the sensation of the century." "Quite so. What figure do yon charge for leaving things as they were?" "A pension of 200,000 a year so long as I keep the recipe to myself. Tomor row morning they'll know of this and the conditions, and they'll be bound to accept Tonight they don't know, and so assassination still strikes them aa sound business. But as I say, tomor row there'll be a meeting of the availa ble chiefs of the ring, and they'll snap up my terms. I'm dirt cheap at the price. They'll have to screw that 200, 000 per annum out of the diamond buy ing public for a good maay years to come yet Ton see, they wouldn't cut short the pension by slaying me, be cause, Ipso facto, they would smash their own trade by doing tt. Asa very necessary life Insurance I naturally stick to the publication dense In the newspaper on the day of my death. Bo I fancy, McHinnle, I've get that dia mond ring as nicely on toast aa ever yet blackmailer" , A crash and a blinding explosion cut short Macdonald's sentence. The far ther wall of the place awept bodily to ward ns In a whirlwind of smoke and flames, and as the blast smote me on the bead life appeared to tear Itself away with a Jolt and a Jerk. It was by a eery marvel of marvele that In that moment we were not transmuted to the clay whereof our corporeal bodies were formed. Noth ing but the tank had saved us. But the advancing breath of the explosion bad driven ns ever the brink, and the wa ter bad acted as a cushion against the shock. So violent bad been the power of the bomb thrown against tt that of the building nothing remained bat a cattored monad of dusty rubbles Br tbetr a mots the diamond ring bad lifted tbetr bands, agalast Macdonald with mat to amy, aad by tbetr s gents the seme coterie drew- ble nntoastloaa form and mine also ant of the chilly baven-of -that -water tank. By a curt, ana irony Mr.Xeveneteln waa the first person to bring ns aealitance. He bad just arrived la Burton by special tram to aay that the demand for the 200,000 annuity waa agreed to. I bare never aeon any one so effusively genial and dvll aa Mr. Levenatein made himself while be attended to ear physical neeos after that explosion. The preeese of blossoming eot mte a at aseena waa one I om box see. the rreacfe ware going ap to Ttav bnkta Just then, and I wanted to go with 'theas to see whether the place really extoted or whether tt waa only asaanlasd Joke. Aa K ureea ear. tbosawgbberbood proved mteneely In teresting, ae I stayed there a toagiab time, aad when I got aacx ta nmgiaaa sSfdoaaM bad quue eetoea down to the new order ec tbntga. That tank, (be only cieauue eetaxen of hie working days, waa a forerunner of what is the aaaa'a abMiag puce new that he baa come tato eaorateos weattb. On the flank of hie more stable resi dence be baa built bias a bage beano of and Hied tt wttb aalma and ae and palmettos aad other tropical foliage plsata and fssan, There la ae method or order ta taetr pfcvoag. aer re teausto watte a boot tna place, lome uc toe Boer m eert anon grass, the rest wessr wiaamg sa aesn, narrow ebaanebv La and set of the sttettorfottaan. The tomporatare stays aa tbe eighties. Here Conrad Macdonald, aa fan gar Chat nature gave aim. beaks aad swans and divea for six beere of tbe day and saodJ tales ever aa alrsblp baltt en nas nrJ prtaciplaa. Be etadlee tbe fllghta of Wide and bntterfUso and Usecta whieb skim aad flatter to tbe warm air areejad blaa. bot tin are be baa aaede no practical effort to pat Me eo servatloao tote shape. Tot 1 fblak be win make that alrabip. If yea don't know Macdonald aad do not believe die tote, go rooad to Hat ton Garden and aak any diamond mer chant there bow much he pays toward Conrad Macdonald's pension. He may wax eloquent but the odds are be re fralna from giving a civil reply. The Wife, the Cknreh.the rive Dellnae Irving rarke allowed himself to be persuaded to accompany his wife to church, and, of course, after be got there be found that part of the service waa devoted to ralalng a small fund for church repairs. Hla first feelings of resentment wore away under the plead ings of tbe preacher, and when bis wife banded 95 to tbe usher be thought of the economy she must have practiced to have saved that much out of her al lowance, i Bnt the fund still lacked a small sum of being complete, and as other men spoke a good word for tbe cause, at tbe same time giving from their cash sur plus, Mr. Parke felt the spirit possess. Ing blm. "We all want to see ear church kept in good repair," be said, "and I wlU supplement my wife's gift with fS more." As he said this he felt In his fob pocket for a Ave dollar bill which be bad placed there tbe night before. It was gone. He felt in other pockets, his embarrassment growing each moment, and then, as If aa Inspiration bad coma upon blm, be turned aa accusing look en bis wife. . Mrs. Parke flushed; tbe congregation, which bad been enjoying the scene, burst into laughter, contribntlona were called off for the day, and tbe preacher pronounced the benediction. Chicago Becord-Herald. , Keaalnded Htm of Old Tlatee. . ' An old man whose millions were all tbe time rolling np ether mllllona for blm not long since happened to notice the tin lunch pall of tbe new office boy whose borne was across tbe ferry from the big city. : It chanced that the lad waa the newest and youngest of the numerous boys employed by tbe firm of which tbe old man waa tbe bead and had not bad time to become acquainted with tbe personnel of tbe oOoe. He waa out at the moment, aad a certain reminiscent half tender curiosity tempted the millionaire to lift the lid of the little round pail. There wet two sandwiches of homemade bread, a doughnut and a piece of apple pla Tbe eld man amlled. For a minute be waa a boy again, and tbe little tin pall before blm waa tbe one be himself bad carried fifty years ago. Tbe new office boy's face was a study when bo die covered this tableau behind tbe big "That's my dinner you're eatlngr be exclaimed Indignantly at sight of tbe strange face. ; "I know It my boy," returned tbe other, still smiling, "bnt yon moat let me finish It now," taking another bite of the pie. "Here's enough to get yon another dinner" and be banded tbe as tonished youngster a five dollar bill- "only It won't be aa good a one as this," be added, with a twinkle ta his eye. ' Faiq mm Teaolr Schoolmaster (to bis wlfe)My dear, I wish yon would apeak more care fully; yon aay that Henry Jones came to this town from Sunderland. Wife-Tea. :;, -- " Schoolmaster Well, now, wouldn't it be bettor to say that he came from Sunderland to thia town? Wife I don't see any difference la tbe two expressions. , v- Schoolmaster Bnt there la a difference- rhetorical difference. Tea don't bear me make use of such awkward expressions. By the way, I bare a letter from yonr father In my pocket" - Wife But my father It not tn your pocket Ton mean you have la yonr Pocket a letter from my father. , Schoolmaster There yon go " with your little quibbles. Ton take a de Hght In harassing .me. Ten are al ways taking up a thread and repre senting it aa a rope. Wife-Bepresentlng ft to be rope, : Schoolmaster For good nose aake be outlet I never saw such a quarrel some woman la my llf st London Malt 8TOP IT. . Boasting of what yon can do Instead doing It Amktng that life k a grind and not worm nrtng. Exaggerating and making mountains out of molehllla, : Talking oontLnnany about yourself and yonr affaire, . . Baying unkind things about acquaint ances and friends. , Thinking that all tbe good chances and epportnnltles are gone by. Thinking of yourself to tbe exctaaioa of everything and every one else. : Speculating as to what yon would do nv some one eWs place and do yonr beet In rour own. OeetnaT Idlr tato the dmamlno about tt tnetoad of tbe meet of tbe present ' teagmg for tbe good things that oth ers have tnetoad of going to work and earning thaw for yoorostf, Soccees. Tbe torroreof tbe deep were perhaps ever more tbruMngty est forth than In tbe deeerlpOoa by a young tody who tost year aaede bar Brat trip abroad, tto kept a diary, very much, says tbe htew y Herald, like that of Mark Twain, when for eevea days he recoroVi Od the feet that be -got np, waaeo ana went to breakfast" There wee one Important exception. When ebe crossed tbe channel tbe ex perience wee so trying that sbo fett Impelled to describe It 1 flrmly resolved to stay en deck." she wrote, "although tbe tempest In creased to sorb a frightful barricese fcat at waa ami. tth the nreetest diffi culty that I could bold ap ary paraaoL" A W. Bnrteaotae, the Somen orator, could repeat word for word a book bo bad root read. Oe one sirs si en be Bade a water with eoc Sienna aad to wto It went to aa auction, wised an day aad la the evening gave a Hot of aU tbe antes of tbe pnrghooers. Tbe of hie mem ary wee la tble by tbe auctioneers ctork. who feOewed the rocepttaJation with hfc book and foend that hi ae ease bad tbe maa of wonderful OMmory aaade a Are Ton T St. Louis Bepublk). Are you a time kuler 7 JJo you stand about talking when you should be disposing of duties that press you? Do you hang around home wheo you should be at your office ? Do you put off until 9:30 o'clock the things that might just as well be done at 9 ? Do you lag through a task instead of attacking it with all tbe steam on and pushing it through briskly ? Do you ftitter away a single hour of the day that might be made use ful in benefitting your health, im proving your mind or helping your business ? Do you squander in selfUh idle ness moments that you could use in bestowing comfort upon others? If so, stir yourself. You are out of tbe American spirit. You are not even standing still. You are going backward. If you do not look out tbe rest of America will leave you far behind.' If you live long you will live about seventy years. That is. a short while in which to accomplish much. You should be firmly established in your career by the time you are forty. Tbe years sweep past and you will be forty almost before you know it. So, getbufcy. -Get into the American spirit, ; Learn the value of an hour. Do not allow a solitary one of the precious hours to flit past unultia- ed. If you are at work, work hard and reap the reward, if not at work. pick up a good substantial book and add to your learning; if you are not reading a substantial book, take some physical exercise and benefit your health. But do not lie around and kill time. Stir yourself to-day this mom ing. Queer Waye of Oblaamaa. The ways of the Chinaman are very different from those of any oth er nation. When two or more friends meet they shake hands with themwlves, not with their friends. The man wears the dress and the woman wean the trousers. In walking tbey never keep step At their meals they all fill their mouths full and tbey begin talking. If fruit or desert of any kind is oa the table they eat that first. Tbe Chinaman has as many wives as he can afford to bay, and tbe more h pays for them the more he is looked up to. A Chinaman always buys his wife and if be has i ot tbe nmney to buy the one be wants be must buy a cheaper one. A Chinaman nwr walks beside big wife or sweet heart; he walks in front and she follows him. It takes a Chinaman about a week to get married. A very common weddiog pnsent is a coffin. - If a Chinaman commits a crime for which bis bead is to be cut off, be sometimes hires another China man to take his plao. China is a good place for a China man, Japan is all right for tbe Japs and the Philippines is a good plate for tbe Goo Goo, but there is one country that beats tbem all, where you don't have to be thinking whether the maa behind you Is go ing to stick a knife in you or not, and that country is your country. my country and God's country. Tbe Solve thet Penetretoe DeWitt'g Witch Haiel Salve pen etrates tbe pores of tbe skin, and by iU antiseptic, rabifocient and . heal ing influence it subdues inflamma tion and cures Boils, Bums, Cuts. Ecsema, Tetter, Ring Worm and all skin diseases. A specific for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles. Tbe original and genuine Witch Basel Salve w made by K. U. DeWitt 4 Co. 8old by Tbe J. C Simmons Drug Co. Urn. Win. Guthrie, a widow liv ing near the Cape Fear river at Wil mington, tried to drown bcrseli last week on account of griel over the arrest of her son, will Uuthne, charged with highway robbery. When the woman's purpose was learned, friends pursued her and by force prevented her from drowning herself. - ' DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. The term "DTSDepei" means lack of Derjein in the stomach. In digestion is rightly used whenever food ieyx properly aigeswa, regara lean of the cause. It is immaterial, whether yea call your ailment Dya pepaia or IndieeeUon wheoRydefeo SLomaofa Tablets are used. They an ma ran teed to cure all forms of stomach trouble. Buy a trial box, fDrice 25 eta.) and be convinced. J. C Simmons Drug Co. North Carolina News. Deferred from last week. ' Got. Glenn deliver the address at the closing exercises of Cat awba College, at Newton. Fire in the retail dry eoods aisinct at ivnoxviiie, ienn Sunday caused a loss of about 5175,000. Gen. H. V. Boynton, presi dent of the Chickamauga Park commision, died Saturday at Atlantic City, N.J. While bathing in the river at High Shoals, Gaston county, Saturday, Clarence Kobinson, Id years old, was drowned. The authorities of Gastonia will beginning June 11, prohibit the sale in that town of cigars and cold drinks on Sunday. An entire negro baseball team was arrested at Maxton tbe other day for vagrancy. Two of the nine were found guilty and fined $15 each. Gen. W. R. Cox, tf Halifax county, prominent citizen of tbe State and Mrs. Herbert Clai borne, of Richmond, will be married on the 27th. Mr. Horace W. Connelly, a prominent citizen of Burke coun ty, died suddenly at, Connelly Springs Saturday night from a stroke oiappolexy. J Five negro convicts serving short sentences on a county chaingang in Florida, were blown to pieces Thursday night by an explosion of dynamite. . The Winston correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says the friends of J. T. Benbow, of Wins ton, will push his candidacy for collector of internal revenue in that district. : At Conyers, Ga Friday Will Sims, a negro, was hanged for the murder of bis wife Last April. ne ODjectea to any ettort to se cure a pardon or commutation of sentence for him saying he was ready to die. The Sentinel says one of the jurymen who served at the last term oi rorsytn superior court drew bis pay $10.25 and turn ed the whole amount over to the jailer to be used to buy tobacco tor the prisoners. During a storm in Chicago bunday three churches were struck by lightning and two of them were destroyed. Other buildings were damaged by lightning and the total loss from that source is $200,000. Tobe McKay and Will Town- send two nergoes employed at a saw mill hear Maxton, disputed as to which weighed the more The dispute ended by McKay crushing Townsend's skull, which ' McKay alleges it was necessary to do in self-defence. The 'Milwaukee exposition building, at Milwaukee, Wis., occupying a city block, was de stroyed by fire Sunday evening. The loss is $300,000; insurance $500. . Fire supposed to have been caused by electric light wires. A great storm which has swept over Pinetowo, Cape Colony, Natal, the center, of the sugar plantation of Natal, caused the reservoir to over flow, resulting in the drowning Of 200 Hindoo laborers. The storm l resulted : . in numerous casualties elsewhere. Sunday morninsr Calvin Un church, 56 years old. was found unconscious by tbe road side near his home, a half mile from Goldsboro, and a few hoars la ter be died without regaining conciousoess. lie bad been to Goldsboro and it was known that he had about $60 on his person. The evidence indicates that be was beaten and robbed. A correspondent writing from Siloam, Surry county, to tbe Winston Journol says that J. C Flippin, a fanner of that com munity, committed sucide Sat. by cutting his throat with a ra zor. He was plowing and his two little daughters were in the bclu with nim. They missed their father and on looking for him found him with bis throat cut. A church row is assigned as tbe cause for tbe deed. . ' The Tlaaee Cooler- It is ten times easier to cure couch, croup, whooping coogh and all lung sod bronchial affections when the bowels are open. Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tax is tbe original Laxative Cough Syrup. Gently moves the bowels, and ex pels all cold from the system, cuts the phlegm, cures all coughs and ttrengfatens weak lungs. Kennedy' s Laxative Honey and Tar contains no opiates, is pleasant to tbe taste, and is the best and safest for chil dren or adulta. Sold by The J. C. Simmons Drug Co. wjaMawlNMtaHw"aSaaaBmataw I IiaiiaaMM, ST n . -i n-:- f oiasn as netensory uruuu ' The quality and quantity of the crops depend on a sufficiency of Potash . In the solL Fertilixers which are low in Potash will never produce aatisfactory remilta. - . Kranrbrmcr atuxiU ba fcarifiar wtdi Ow proper proportioM ot intrtdieau ' tf " trukatfM bert lertilinr. lo erT kind of crop. W h.wpublWialarieaf boob, eonulnlnc the blew marches pa Om.II (rapomnt ab. arbidi will ifyoauk. WrlM turn whils yoa tUink ot it lo lbs ' r tuimuuwHi Hr Tar Saaaaa Slra-l, ar Atlanta. Qts-O'A Snath Broad SUaat. RYD ALE'S TONIC Jk SI . . aStrt a ml i a nan JW eMSrweT)tJ PIMtPwVs7f BLOOD aod NEDVEft.' , .. .. . . It purifies the blood by eliminating; tbe waste matter and other impurities and by destroying- the aerate er aucrobee that infest the blood. It builds np tbe blood -byrectMistroctinrand multiplvine the red corpuscles, making; the blood rich and red. it rcstorea end stimulates too ncrvee, causing a full free now of nerve force throughout the entire nerve eystem. It ' speedily curee unstrung; nerves, nervomv neas, nervous prostration, and all other diseases of the nervona system. BYDALE-S TONIC is sold under a nonV five guarantee. Trie! else SO seats, raaatjr alee SMS) ' MAITDVACTtraXD BT Tbe Radical Remedy Cetej, HIOKORY. m. o. Sold by J. C. Simmons Drag Co v Qraham Underwriters Agency 8COTT & ALDRICIIT, Graham, N. C. Firfe and Life Insurance PromDt Personal Attention To All Orders. Correspondence Solicited. . N orrc at THE BANK OF ALAHAKCE o . . .. o eadaches This time of the year are signals of warninrr. TakeTaraxacum Com- Dound now. It may 8av9 you a spell of f e- " a ft t A. ver. ii win reguiaxa your bowels, set your liver ngni, ana euro your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine; MEBANE, N. C. AGENTS H: aST am. B Do. J. Wbaiam Jonas M fL "WartaJ aaaaWv. laiatiaj Am. Kialraa rroa, ! caaca. a, , ... Va. "BoH 14 ta U bamra.- L. p. nv r. a--iv.T tmc to TBI KAJtTtl EOTT CtL, AtUat a. BOITT naUkT. Q-iUXZ DeWltt'e Witch I Ceres FUaa. emembe araiacurn To blllir aarwttaa th BavOt a I Oaaanaaa Q,ll,a . )aat a tn tBun aara ka aaaa BMlaa M taa, tK. a. atTl T04f t .J .