i v Gleaner. HE "it! ' i0 Alamange VOL. XXXI. Vial A0B V.esuqr 816 "Wells Street, . ' - ; ; " MAsnrarnt, Wb., SqL25,1908. I vu all run down Cram miik' J ...... mkmil had toreaum bit position and take a rest. I I fouadthat I was not gatoingmy I atrength and health uMilIJ KfwiA. and TonrWhw ol I , Cardui was reoammmdad as such a aood medicine for the ills of our Sex, I bought a botUe .bega wing it I was satisfied with The remit from the us of the bat bottle, and tookthree more and then found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed Yigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, uestous condition, and am pleased to en&nmii. AGNES WESTLET, , ayarttWapaaaaaHoUaaatli ailf. ftaflXO bottle o! Wine Cardui and a 25c package of Thedford'g Black-Draight today. winexardui UNIVERSITY Of North Carolina ' 1789-1905 Read of the Slate'sJlaeationa! System. . , DEPARTMENTS: COLLEGIATE, . - - ENGINEERING," - ' GRADUATE, - ' ' . MEDICINE,""" -. LAW, " -. v PHARMACY. library oontaint 41001 volumes. Hew water worm, eiect.no ugnca, central beating srstem. Mew donnitorte,gyiar Duium. T. M. C. A. , . " building-. - 667 Students 66 Instructors The Fall term begins Sept. 11, 1904. Address ; Francis P. Venabl&v Presideht, CHAPEL HILL, NT a - JunelS-8t . "" FOLEY'S- HOtJEVTin PrmotsSerI:nC:.i!!3 EreaaC:!j. Remember the name Filly's luij ul Ttt. Insist upon having the genuine. r MM aso, eoe, i.o Prepared only by " Foley Company, ChkMVO. , s. c ops:, AttenMyat-Law,:. GRAHAM. N. C Oaee Mtenoi Bnflalac DENTIST , . e ... " - - - tit Cnroiloo is SJMM0N3 BUTLDIKO UM ft BYNTJjII, 2fa?na1arl, . U. aovl. of Ala T" - y J. ELMXB TjOHO. L05G ft IX)XQ, ?BTC.STEUDT7IC2 .j- U tte ewirt. of Al GniUDtd countiea. , ryM"Mw ifcat&fc-i J:: anthenov,iiow J Ta. Work at (MitlUtHt! COUNTRY HIGHWAYS SOME POINT8 ON CONSTRUCTINQ AND IMPROVING THEM. U Prerlr Bailt, Dirt Km. Ma 7 B. ; Kept I. Fumm. Caitlo. I. All aeaom.-Dr.!,.,.. (k. -f ,,',,M. 'tglrflaeM eeea. LThere. la a growing diapoaltlon among road office, engendered no aoubt by the constant agitation for tone highway, to permit the earth toada to go by default or at least to gire them scant attention. This would be aU well enough if it were possible wlthla the next few years to trans form all of the main earth roads Into permanent stone highways, but every one understands, of course, that this Is entirely oat of tbe question, says a writer in uooa tfoaas Magazine. At least nine-tenths of the rural roads in this country are of tbe variety com monly known as dirt, and it will not only be years, but probably several generations, before eTen the main roads connecting the principal towns can be converted Into macadamised thoroughfares. Tbe dirt road baa its limitations; it is at best but a weak link in the chain of transportation, but it is here to stay during the lifetime 01 every one who reads this article, and it is highly important from the standpoint of both economy and coa Tenience that It should be maintained at its highest state of efficiency. If It were impossible as many peo ple believe to keep the dirt roads in good, passable shape, there would be some excuse for giving It up to the mercies of tbe elements, but experi ence has shown that any dirt road that la reasonably wait located can be kept in passable condition during tbe entire twelve months of the year and can be made a first class highway for tbe greater part of that time. There are few people accustomed to traveling by wagon, bicycle or automobile who have not noticed tbe difference between a good and a poor dirt road. The first is smooth, while the latter is rough. Tbe one Is free from hollows and bumps, while tbHther Is filled with ruts and stones. - The one shows evidence of care, while tbe other has neglect writ ten all over it in letters that can be boa seen and felt The fact that there are. some good dirt roads In existence shows clearly that ft Is possible under proper con ditions to build them, and it may net be out of place, therefore, to study some of the elements that enter into the construction and maintenance of a good earth highway. .The secret of success in the building of a dirt road, or of any other road, for that matter, in drainage. Water has no more place in a road than it is supposed to have In a Kentnckian's list of beverages. It is the Madmaker'a worst enemy, and unless he can find some way to get It off and away from tbe road as soon as It fall he may expect to have trouble. It will be admitted by all practical roadmakers that it is possible by the Judicious use of tbe modern road grad er to put any dirt road in good shape. They will agree, however, that the main difficulty is to keep tbe road this condition. As long as there is proper slope, extending each way from the crown of tbe road, with no impedi ments, such as bumps, ruts or depres slona, tbe major portion of toe surface water will run off, and tbe highway will remain in good condition. Any soft material, like sand, clay or loam. however. Is susceptible to the action of traffic and tbe elements. Wagon Urea and horses' hoofs will cut up the roadbed, and water will work into these depressions and thus destroy the shape and solidity of the road. The ditches or the channels through which tbe water must be carried away will, unless closely looked after, become clocsed with dirt and trash and even tually wUl refuse to perform tbe duty for which they are intended. Tne ques tion naturally arises, therefore. How is It possible to keep a dirt road in soen bapo that it will shed water readily thus remain smooth ana sexia 1 The answer to this question may oe stated- In a single sentence: Constant watchfulness Is the price of a good road. . Care, Intelligence and machinery are the three dements that enter largely Info the maintenance of a dirt road, The nasal practice In many sec tions it to run the road grader over the roads In the serine and then give tnea little further attention until the follow- in rear. How well tola pun worse m v1denced by the ruts and hotel that abound In meet country joaaa, ospecw lv dnrinv the winter months, irarau- toad company should send its section r over a line of trees 001 owe year It would undoubtedly see the re- nit in heavr damage owe, " w keeping men busily engaged in waica faig too roadbed and track ita one kept m excellent eoooiuon. m entem of care and watchfulness twMibt ha aratdsed on a la the maintenance of the oubUe roads, after ft road has been graded and trued' u to the aprtog a heavy roller Should be run over It to pack ana asra- tbe surface. It sboum men ew - bosinese of a man or of a act et men w -mtrt th road rloseir. There Is nhlng that responds better - tmt imsnectiea and to email ana seemingly Inalgnlflcant repairs than a dirt road, and wnea luedisiiers to fuOy nrnon thai fact in ha a -J-- bBI la ta anatltv of the-dirt highways ef this country.' - - nw reeds UMveowaf m uw . t.M fa a satirfaetory " " " ui- i..ialar bmt. The ranaera mr that the saarfcst I saoaght atosar CsotamlVthetTsanaa. - ' - -aaaaBBaaaaaBaSBSSaaaaBaaBB Each of t ram! tout--aaateerfhlrefcafr lag the average los to the fh arawatien ef a atogle roato. Thi coaae a total aaaual of rural 4.MJ for was established mere have dad af Alia mrtrtioee xor 1 which 1U5 have tM ratal i m .fc i mm II 1.11,1. ... n- ii . mi mi. , im mm. I fl n I UmBlaTJfc Im 1Uil " I - A WaKw. aTVaaawV WAn... 1 Success In Stock Raising The breeding principles adopted by L. H. Kerrlck of Illinois, tbe world re nowned cattle feeder, hi esubliahlng a type of steer for the most economical beef production should be adopted by the breeder of other kinds of live stock, says National Stockman, and then con tinues: Mr. Kerrick said hi relating the story or bis success at the Iowa stats insti tute that when be commenced the feed ing business be could not find a bread of cattle that produced a typo of steer exactly to Ma liking, but be could see all of the beef points In two breeds viz, the Shorthorn and tbe Angus. 80 he procured a lot of the best grade Shorthorn cows that be could pick up. Then he got an Angus bull as near his Ideal type as could be bad. From this stock he procured his feeding steers, keeping the best heifers for breeding stock. In all his after breeding no used the bull that was nearest his Ideal beef type. Every one who baa kept in touch with tbe great cattle feeders of tbe country knows of Mr. Kerrick 's success. He commenced about twenty yeara ago and waa soe cessful from the start. Was not his plan a shorter and hot ter route to success than to have triad to get his type of beef steer from some breed that did-not have the type de manded except hi very rare and re mote Instances! Tbe fundamental prin ciples of brooding are the same wher ever applied. Blghtly applied they mean progress, but If not they mean retro gression or at best Utile progress, ntsla rUa CalVM. Answering tbo query, "Are doubt standard Rilled Durham bolls as sure to get polled calves from homed cow as are Angus bulls?" F. & Hlae say in Breeder's Gazette: Without knowledge as to the per centage of polled calve got by Angus bulls used on homed .cow it would naturally seem that the Angu bulls would be tbe surer debornera, as they have been bred hornless for many gen erations, while Polled Durham not many removes from borne. How ever, there axe many Polled Durham bulls that have made excellent record as debornera, some having a high aa 90 per cent of polled calves from hom ed cows. If your correspondent wishes to breed polled calve his beat course would be to buy an aged Polled Durham buB with a good record a a There Is a great deal of the about this T5reeding off the jost as there I In breeding la general, and some bull with many polled ersss a are not as sure deborners as the with only one cross of polled blood. Therefore I should advise yow'eam spondent not to try. a young bun, but to get one that la known by hi works. One of the signs of the times Illus trating the change of method In rais ing beef cattle Is the passing of the lanky, long homed steer that ' eace roamed the Texas ranges. Ho Is tan- idly giving way to ai better fitted for the purpose ef nroduction and soon win be oary mamorr. The Bieture herewith sbowa of the fast disappearing Texas lonf born is reprodaced from Breeder's Ga it seems strange that while the saw- ply of cattle and bogs I aa areas la this country the rti.an la 4- aaV Oritsrlon. This seems more stmago vvm ana ataoa to coMer how ten are and now quickly to euppry la the. United States might be doubted IT stocKmen wvus m m ttontott KstatnacsretiB imattabl animals the tarsaer tsar hi and year oat there I psslflvsfy re money la sheen than eayouag the farmer can prsdasa Mr. Farmer, tf you dent rata ah am overlooking ea opportunity . la the fan when we hrosdmff sows wo do not or fheyara froja sow ranrodae or Trent H. K. Ok a Ofttime S sew secy hove oary A osektog tub aaay ho flag eel aliiat on rest sf a Brat, fhjht sorrev fllea wttb to ton. An hoar.or row of dafly hi 1 for dry. Ctaaet-Thle ha of I la M I eat asms steed at aJt lr y-1 am orfsetrr,a' " Tarter. rst-WrS, beiWs wfcer re BvevKaaa I a nowi Kiso-j the aora first and taxaa voma mam. beef saaa. thro or foor'pigs. and they Boasss fan grown on am seat of Ptoacyaf cn. Jfc.Iwoatafc-f-aara vouag sow freja aMcheef gtvhaf fak Mtars eroa tf wot a a tat ao sbsm they am fm a aaOhv er. just wt wowejti t Bamofor ear jaark the pa st the arte to a thef as sama a4 reaed tbe aanabem. saakhtf toaV etea silscflna tissftils GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY The FllgriBi. There are no manufactories in the country. Each home is a factory and every member of tbe family a hand. Shoe are made from goat skins. The long stockings worn over these in wading through tbe snow axe knitted by tbe women and children, and' the beautiful broadcloth comes smooth and perfect from the hand loom tonnd in every home. The sweet simplicity of their na Uonal costumes does away with the necessity oi fashion books. Young girls who are about to be married need take no thought ss U "where withal shall they be clothed. When they array themselves in the weddieg garments of their ancestor, two or even three generations re mote, they are perfectly up-to-date in the matter of attire. This simple, life is conducive to state of high morals, higher prob ably than in any other part of tbe world. There is not a drop liquor manufactured on the island and for the 78,000 population there is but one policeman. There neither a jail nor any place of in carceration for criminals; nor yet there a court in which a high crime could be tried. ibe percentage or crime u so small that it does not warrant the expense of keeping up a court. When a criminal trial becomes necessary, the offender is taken to Denmark to answer to tbe law for his misdeeds. Tbe women are among the most advanced in the world. Their Wo man's Political League has a m oership 01 7, wo, and they enjoy more civil rights than tbe women of almost any other country, having a voice in all elections have that for members of their legislative body. Canal aaeltcalag Mai wTaraaga Batalac ta Ty It. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recocniied as a certain and sure cure for Eczema, Itching Skin, Humors, Scabs, Scales, Watery Blisters. Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Carbuncle, Prickling Pain in the Skin, Old Eating isoree, Dicers, etc Botanic Blood Balm taken internally, cures tbe worst and most deep-fleated cases by ennching, DurifVinif Ifia vitaludnjr the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood tap ir to the sun. isotonic isiooa aim is the only cure, to stay cur ed, for these awful, annoying akin troubles. Other remedies may re lieve, but B. B. B. actually; cures. heals every sore, and gives the rich elow of health to tbe skin. B. B. B. builds np the tafoo-down body and maker the blood red And nourishing. Over 1000 voluntary testimonials of cores by Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.V Dnurdsta, fl. Trial treatment free and pre paid br writint: Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical advice given until ear ed. For sale by J. CL Simmons Drag Co. News came from Greensboro that a new building under way there is being built especially for Congress man Black man's Tar Heel paper, that the paper will appear October 1st; will be 12 pages, issued seven days in the week, and that Col. W. 8. Pearson will be editor-in chief. It k also stated that tbe other Bo publican daily, the Indostrial News, win appear two months earlier with Cyrw Thompson and B. D. Doug las as editors. KOTBJIN RISKED, GAINED. NOTHING Ton risk notbiisg, ia baying Elliott Emulsined Oil Liniment, because yon ret your money back if not natkfied. Yotrr gain is rreat, becaoa too get the beat liniment ever mad. Best lor Bhcumalinm, best for Sprain and SweUings, best for ns in tbe family and eo your stock. A full I pint bottle, enats bat 25 eta. No risk, all gain. 1. CL Simmons Drag Co. Dr. R. H. Speigbt, who time ago taDdorod bis reaignaUon aa coe of the pbyaklsns at the State Hosintolatliargsaitoa, to take op privati practice at Becky Mount, moosidered and decided to remain with the hospital 1' TawOawyWarteCao. To eon a yoa have mo oogb---tecare a coogb when tov bare ) cold to ewyoaiatjlfwbesj you! haw tetk--4nk Jnnedy-s LazaUv Doney ndr Tsz, 'Acts OB tbe bowtk. - Best for ewyjhs," rUa, croup, wboopicf eootjia, stc Keo nedy'g Laxave'IIony and Tar ts the) origvial Laxatir Coogb Pyrtrp. It contain nd eiilum and cores try suentMcing ue nxzirn, throat and cheat, expeTiflg eoJJs fnxn tbe eystaoi fey geouy monng tbe bowuK and aa ideal letsedy for yovrg or oU." Once a care via be roconuBeadea as a core care, coia by Tbe J. CEnmoas Drog Co. Oreeosbore Beeord, (th. Colored people who think tbey have no showing in this country can learn something by tbe career of M arinda Mitchell, one of their race whose remains were brought back here for burial today. She was an ordinary servant and received ordi nary wages, but she saved something and invested it in real estate and was worth several thousand dollars. When she took service with a fami ly she made herself indispensable and she always had a place at an increased salary. She was never known to quit one place to accept another, a babit too prevalent with her race. It fact, the average ser vant is heard to say she would not live with one family longer than a few months. This clsss is usually in want, if not in life, then in death, and half tbe time the public has to bury them. Opposed to Receiving latere!. Philadelphia Bulletin. A swarthy man drew $500 out ol the saving fund, and the cashier said on nis departure: "it an our depositors were like that gentleman our concern would soon become neb, Murad All is an Indian, native of Calcutta, and his religion forbids him to take interest on money. He has bad a savings account with us for twelve years. His interest alto g ether has amounted to $700,' But he has never accepted a cent of it. It has all flowed back into our oof ten aeain. All Mohammedans are like Murad Ali. They won't take interest on 'their money. Hence India, I think, must be a grand country for the banking business, and how glad our bankers would be if Mohammedanism' were to spread a little." Good Spirit. Good spirits don't all com irom Kentucky, Tbe main source is tbe liver and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the bun dred-and-one ill effects it produces, Yoa can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver most be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and nopefru, bright or eye, light ol ate vigorous and successful in your puf suit You can pat yoar liver in finest condition by . using Green's August Flower the greatest ot all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain care for dyspepsia or indigestion.' It has been a favorite household remedy for over thirty-five-, years. August Flower will make yoor liver healthy and active and thus Insure yoa a liberal supply of "good pints." Trial size, 25c. ; regular bstUes, 76c. At all drug gists. At Washington Monday night the weather bureau announced that there was no prospect for several days at it of a let np of the extreme beat which has extended over tbe coun try from (be Mississippi valley east ward to northern New England and the Florida Coast is in tbe midst of a well marked midsummer bot spelL "OoKTo.aoy." The time-worn injunction, "Nev er pat off 'til to-morrow what yea can do to-day," is now generally presented in this form : "Do it to day I" That to tbe terse advice we want to give you about that backing coogb or demoralizing cold with! which yoa nave been straggling for several days, perhaps weeks, r Take some reliable remedy for it to-day and let that remedy be Dr. Bos- cbee's German 8yrap, which baa Dean in use lor over imrty-nve years A fnr doses of it . will un doubtedly relieve yoar coogb or cold, and its continued use for a few days will core yoa completely. No matter bow deep-seated coogb, even if dread consumption has at tacked your longs, uerman eyrup will sorely effect a core eg it has done before in the thousand of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c: regular sixe, 75c At all druggists. 4 1 .. Wheeler, Bang A Dicky, Char lotte architect, have been awarded the contract to erect a 140,000" high school building at Durham. - '1 Tbe pills that act as a tonic, and not at a drastic porge, are De Witt's Little Early Bisers. Tbey coral Ueadacbe, Constipation, Bilioae- l etc Early Risers are small, I aaey to take and easy to act a sale pill.1 Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley aty, N.D, mp: Two boUle of thee Famous Little Fills eared me of ebrooie constipation?' Good for children or adults. Sold by Tbs J. C 8immoo Drag Co. .-; Disease LOxs bo uioxatt vacxSon. : tf yoa Med Cah tad tfrw!t 'Scctt's r.ddon fa winter. hoaTa 27, 1905. Ayers Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why -don't you use Ayer's Hsir Vigor and Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything better? " lnr Hair Vigor la a araat lueem with BL Ml hll, u filllti, am ,my hadli.bt Vtm Hftlr Vigor atoMi Tt and mow Mf hnlr la U ri(IH. W. ly. UNI fl a a kottlo. 1. e. a vsa 00.. All Ororil.U. r lyiw.ll. Ma. ' ' " lur aaaaaaaaaaaaa-i Thin Hair Extremely Low Rates Announeed Via Southern Railway. Extremely low rates are announc ed via the Southern Railway from points on its lines for the following special occasions : Athens, Ga. Summer School, June 17 to July 28, 1905. Atlanta, Ga. National Association of Manufacturers, May 16-18, 1905. Bristol, Tenn. Annual Meeting German Baptist Brethren, June 6, 1905. Charlottesville, Vs. Virginia Sum mer School of Methods, June 26-Aug. 4, 1905. Fort Worth, Tex-General Assem bly Southern Presbyterian Church, May 18-26, 1905. Hot Springs, Va. Southern Hard ware Jobbers Association and American Hardware Manufactur ers' Association, June 6-9, 1905. Kansas City, Mo. Southern Bap tist Convention, May 10-17, 1905. Knoxille, Tenn. Summer School, June20-July 28, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Mooteogle Bible Training School, July 3-Aug. 15, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. -Monteagle Sun day School Institute, July 17 . Aug. 6, 1905. Monteagle, Teen. Woman's Con- grese. Aug. 1-15. 19U5. Nashville, Tenn. Peabody College, Summer Schools ; Vanderbiit Biblical Institute, June 14-Aug. 9. 1905. Oxford Miss. Summer School, Uni versity of Mississippi, June 14 July 26, 1905. Richmond, Va. Farmers' National Congress, Sept: 12-22, 1905. Savannah, Ga. National Travelers' Protective Association of America, May 16-23, 1905. Savannah, Ga. Southern Golf As- sociatioo, May 9-13, 1905. St Louis, Mo. National Baptist Anniversary, May 16-24,1905, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, June 16-July la, 1905. Rates for the above occasion open to tbe public Tickets will be sold to these points from all stations on tbe Southern Railway. Detailed information can be bad upon application to any iicket Agent of tbe Southern Hallway, or Agents of connecting lines, or by addressing tbe undersigned : R. L. Vernon, T. V. An Ubar- lottev C.; Jli Wood, D. P. A., Asbevilie, N. C; S. II. llardwick, Pass. Traffic Manager, W. IL Tay lor, Gen'l Pans. Agnl, Washington, C. About 264,000 acres of land in Germany are devoted to grape cult are. Inaif oetlon Sarar, There is no case of Indigestion, Dyspepsia or Stomach Trouble tbst will not yield to the digestive and strengthening inflaeooe of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I bis remedy takes the strain off tbe stomach by digest ing what you eat and allowing it to rest until it grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure affords quick and permanent relief from Indiges tion and all stomach troubles, builds op tb system and so purfies that disease that cannot attack and gain a foot-bold as when in a weakened condition. Sold by Tbe J. C Sim mons Drag Co. Tbe eyelids of tbe average man open and shut four million time daring tbe year. Taw SLaav.Waa Van Are Taoa Wbsn yoa take Grove's Tastless Chill Tonic becaues tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. fo Cure, No Pay. 50c Tbe Turks, it is raid, have no war songs except those translated from other tongues. English Spavin Liniment removes an bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from b 01 sea. Mood spav ins, curbs, splints; Sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throat, eongbs, etc Save 150 by tbe us of one bottle.' Warranted tbe most wonderful blemish core known. Sold by the J, C Sim mons Drag Co., Graham, N. C Original Obeervarkma. If some people could do as please tbey wouldn't do at alL tbey In choosing between - two evils some people compromise by taking both. v Some people are curious to hear the truth told just to know how it sounds. There is a class of men who would like information on bow to appear to be working though idle. l. me ouDcn 01 flowerets smell as sweet as honey, moistened by tbe showerlets and warmed by raylets sunny. When you hire a servant in Mex ico it is with the understanding that ber entire laruily reside with you, nirnng a servant in Mexico e a bad as getting married in this coun try. Orange (Va.) Observer. THE "LAZY" MICROBE. A learned Profeosor claims have discovered that "Laziness" caused by a germ If the Eminent Doctor is right Rydale's Liver Tablets can rightly be termed Microbe Killers, because they al ways remove that tired, lazr. slug gish feeling that baa usually been attributed to a torpid liver or con stipated bowels. Ryndale'a Liver Tablets are guaranteed to cure con stipation and all liver disordors. They are small compressed choco late coated tablets, easy to take, pleasant in effect Reliable, Any dealer in our remedies will return your money if yoa are not satisfied with these tablets. 50 tablets 25 cts. J. C. Simmons Durg Co. Southern Handling Georgia Crop. Salisbury Pott. Yesterday ten solid freight trains ranging from eighteen to twenty cars eacn passed. tbreugn Salisbury en route to New York. All these trains were loaded with peaches from the Georgia markets and the shipments were being made by extra trains order to expedite the delivery of the fruit. - Yesterday's record was but a repetition or the rush of every day lor a week. Eacn morning Na 11, the local Southern passenger, goes down as a double-beader, one of tbe engines being used on an extra freight The season will be on for as long as two weeks yet and tbe Southern will be taxed to attend to tbe immense shipments. RCLICF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing kidney and bladder disease relieved in six hoars b "New Great South American Kit ney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its promptness in re lieving pain in tbe bladder, kidneys la. a " or back, in male or female. Be lieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick re liof and cure this is your remedy. Sold by the J. C. Simmons Drag uranam, ss. u A very peculiar incident occurred Monday a week at Tburmao, a small village south of Newborn. Mr. J. W. Carr, a farmer in that sec tion, reports that from a cloud hang ing over his neighborhood, without any warning whatever, a single stroke of lightning shot forth, strik ing an employee named Henry Jar man and a mule, killing them both instantly, after which the cloud im mediately disappeared without drop of water falling to tbe earth. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Tbe term "Ilyspepsia" means a lack of pepsin in the stomach. In digestion is rightly used whenever food is' not properly digested, regard lem of tbe cause. It is immaterial, whether yoa can yoor ailment Dys pepsia or Indigestion when Rydale's Stomach Tablets are used. Tbey are guaranteed to core all forms of stomach trouble. Bay a trial box, (price 25 eta.) and be convinced. J. C Simmons Drug Co. A Dorlb bound freight train, load ed with Georgia peaches bad a miraculous escape from being wreck ed two miles north of Spencer Sat urday afternoon. While running at 60 miles per boor, tbe engine struck a hand-ear just before reaching a long bridge across tbe Yadkin river, derailing the pony track of the en gine, luogineer ulecn, who was ai the throttle, applied tbe emergency brakes, bat tb speed wag so great that the entire train and engine, with its front wheels off the track, ran across the bridge and coo tin nod a quarter of a mile before it could be stopped. Not a cent wanted, aniens yoa are cored. If you are sick and ailing, take Holliaters Rocky Mountain Tea. A great bleseinz to tbe he- man family. " Makes yoa well keeps yoa well. 35 cents. Ten or Tablets. Thompson Drag Cc - A negro who aaueulted Mr. Ben jamin Roberto near Colinda. Texas, Tuesday, waa lynch ey Friday by a mob of 500 men. . ASenoethArtiolo- - - When yoa find it necessary to a salve ose DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It is the purest and beet for Sores. Burns, Boils, iycxerna. Blind, Bleediog. Itching or Protrudire Piles. Get tb genuine DeWitt's Witch nzel Salve, Sold by jThe J. C. Simmons Dreg Co, NO. 23 W V J I .Potash ii Neccasai7'RALl Tba quality and qnantlty of the ' crops depend on a snmclrnry of : ; in the soil " FertltUers which are low in Potash will never prodnco aatifactory results. 'Ever, farmer abaakl St BnaawM, proper proportions oi arndaiK BUiaa aak. Die best terUUi im fa, kin at crop, wi bar, paoimna sem. at om. con taurine at. blast iaiawi.hu aa Wa alU if yoa aafc. Writ, i It IS BW lBtportanl aaDwci, wraoa w. win a , aaaila roa ana a I OEUBA KALI WOBKS V rw Tar Maaaaa Sum. aa , AtlaaM. aav-gtt Sostta Baaa Slull. RYDALE'S TONIC A New Sdcatlfle OUeeoary . far the '? a BLOOD and NEQVEft. , 1 . . .. .. It purifies the blood by eb'mlnating the waste matter and other impurities and by ' destroying the germs or microbes that-'1 infest the blood. It builds up the bUmd by reconstructing and multiplying the rrd corpuscles, making the blood rich and red. It restore end stimulate the ue vtt, causing a full free flow of nerve f or, e ' throughout the entire nerve syatam. i speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous- ':. new,, nervous prostration, and all other diseases ot the nervous system. EVDAl.E'S TONIC is sold under a post. . ' tive guarantee. . , TrM she SS esets. rasaty e Sl.se if ANtrrACTUKjen ay Tbe Radical Remedy Company, . ' ' HICKORY, . O. - - Sold by J. C. Simmons Drug Co Graham UndertwTitero Agency 8COTT A ALBRIGHT, ' Graham. N. C. ' Fire and Life Insurance PrOITiDt Personal Attention To All Orders. Correspondence Solicited.., orrcx at , HE BANK OF AlAl.At.CE This time of the year are signals of warning, TakeTaraxacum Com- Dound now. It may sa va you a spell of fe ver.' It will regulate your bowels, set your iver rirrht. and cure your Indigestion.' v A good Tonic. An honest medicine MEBANE. AGENTS I f ZZ 1 1 LZ;T3 , r Do. X. Vaiua StC-aaaaal Sap, la. aaa1 mm Va.-V4UaBkaaa, k TXX K11TO tgnTqi :Unt a. Ca. temember aaaaaas '' 1 " W '.:ifn ' "t ) - Taraxacum Ta t 11 I aSiatOaa Saa fhsMSaaaaa W a V a- -- aaW-4 a a - a B-a VI ' - - ' On March 1 far tb fjo delivery