,l..HUi. ar2S2II? 4 ..-..'.Vv.-sr 'j.t y it r ' . i." TFTV ? M's nils cicKHCADACHt, -frvFLOP "FLESH CTM No Substitute. X : C A." HAUU-i.- itlflBNEt ASD COCN3ElipB-AT-UW, GRAHAM, C. Office in the Bank of Alamance - Buldiog. .wp sUiw. ; T - w-,w - 9 : ' Attory-i- Uw, t GRAHAM, ' - " N- C. i Offloa Patterton Buildipg ' SjfALTER E.WAtKER,M.D. OfOoe in Soott,I!iiil41nc ; Office hours 8 to. 10 A::"M: J '- o-Thoke 80-b (and 4f ; QFFICKim SIMMONS BjJQlNO ; - -- JbV iwpiliriT to ,th' ocrorU 7400B i. Losa;-!.: ?,uibb1xo. r A.Uaruy and Counselor t Xw . , - 'if T T. 1-1 i" ,1 IT GREENSBORO Jt.?C Practices ia ' the woiftt of Ala :' msnce and Guilford CODiitiel ', ;,V Ona adaDted to Nbtth Carolina ejimtte, '-soils 'and t conditions, made by Tr Heels ana 'tor 'iar Heels -and at the came time as wide awake as any in , Kentucky or JCamohatkaJ uch . paper ii? Ihft5f rogrsssiYS Farcisr RALEIGH, N. C. i Edited by Clabenck ,11, .Pok, Director B; ExperimeirV. Station ,4 you, know tbemasffiistant editorsll a yearIf yoa rlatieady ;takrng the paper, e can make no ted uc- Bo, but if yon K in lauog it -YOU CAHi BAVEOC R' aiMlllMf Vnh AtifalilTWrriffi That hrto sayr neir ProRteialv ranm fBDecnoers vwe mil aena that paper with Tie Glkabeb, Utb. onTear for 1 W TregnW t - rTHK GLEANEK,' ' Graham, N, C anu the Knqw UQw ffndcrv?fiter3 Agency- ?coTT7rALL.-;iciri Graham. U, C7-"1Z i and Life :: Insnraucc Personalttsntion o All Orders. i um nr "lift VI. c. iiarii A) A Mi College rind 4 A .1 nrro:foiU;-irjpt-t. I Uusttlt8in .Jol Work it J err. s at How the Auto Did It .-: "r IKVIWG CR.AWE , Copyrisht. 1906, by P. C. Eastment Mazle Jefferson and her mother had come Into the city from their country home to do some shopping, and because the cabman overcharged them and be cause Mazle turned Indignant and said she would go to a police station .before she would submit to be swindled a crowd began to gather. s Harry Finchly was In the crowd. He promptly espoused the cause of the women And was struck by cabby's whip. . In return he pulled cabby off the box and flung him abont In the dust until the man looked like a bundle of lost rags. Then, no policeman hav ing appeared to Interfere with the nat ural course of events, the women were escorted to a hotel. Cards were exchanged and , thanks returned, and "all's well that ends well'' .would have been the finish had hot young Mr. Finchly decided that Miss Mazle was an extremely fine look ing' girl, It had been at least a year since he had met her equal. " Within two hours be was longing for another look Into her brown eyes and recalling . with satisfaction what a wealth of hair she 1ind, 'how white and even were her teeth and what a cute dimple orna mented her chin. At the end of twen- ty-four, hours romance and lore were at work, " Of course Harry had been Invited to call If he ever found himself In West chester county. ' Miss Mazle, who did most of the talking to him as Veil a to the cabman, couldn't do less than Issue this' Invitation,,, but shVfbadn't the least Idea that her rescuer' would etr take the trouble to travel their way.- A surprise was In store tor ber. He made a call within a week, and he took pains -to thoroughly Identify him self." r- ' '. His trip into the country was made In bis automobile, and It soon became a regular thing for iiim id be seen skim ming over the roads once a week. Mr. Jefferson liked him. Mrs, Jefferson thought he was a very proper man In deed, and Mazle-well, she wasn't -telling -her thoughts, Irat It they hadn't favored ' the young man In a general way be would have found ber confined to her room with a conTenleht head-.achft'rv-'f y--An acquaintance begun In 'April bad progressed to September without a thing to mar It ,It had ripened Into friendship at .least, and there were Signs that It was hearing "the critical point Then one. day Harry Finchly did an unwise thing. In his guileless and Innocent way be mentioned that he had given a HtUe dinner to a little 'actress the night before.- In an Instant the brown eyes that had been full of laughter began to harden. ' He saw that he had made a mistake, arid he began to hedge that Is, he explained that the mother of the little actress was at the dinner. The point of Misa Mazle's nose seemed to turn Up, Ifr. Finchly "further ; explained -that two aunts and two uncles of the ac tress were also at dinner. Half a mln ate later he was protesting that he would never have given the dinner but for . the fact that the little actress Seamed to be hungry and he felt sorry for" ber.. If had not been much of a dUrtner -anyhow. He had sat at one end of the dining room and the actress at the other, and tber had chewed olives and drunk poor claret and 40a fined then- conversation to the weather. - In fact, Mr. Finchly did all possible In the next few minutes to repair bli blonder. He even went the length of laying lhat the little actress bad a cast lnone eye and wis probably twenty year older than she claimed to be, but when be had finished and eonld protest no , more Miss i Made asked to be excused for a moment, and he felt' ia chill around his Wart That mother came Into the . parlor, to Atertahv him. and, although both jnada , ., treat effort, eonTersatton dragged. . . ' . . - . - When Mbs Mail walked out of the parlor abe almply wanted to be alone for ten aalnotee to recover ber self possession. She was furious at the lit tle actrees. at Mr. Mnehlr, sad at ber Mlf, bat-sbe dldnt wsnt the -second person mentioned to en suspect soeh isUto of affairs. 'She would smooth too Itoesj eat of ber face, coax back trail kad return to W and say -thai an always bad admired little aav trawseal atUMtMlH.-. ' Her totenttone were good and polW and diplomatic, but ber temper got the tMst ef ker Under the big walwrt tree iTZ MrFtochly's ante, fie always aetod as his ow tto" Tw-t, ttmie or a-a4 Uke. to. yeffersocsi ;t fl. Ml Ifaste ha. rttnd. tarn ttmotbat abe anew all about the roanlng of the machm ' - A tbr -watted "shoot fo calm ner- she caught Sight ff .. : c uu is fcr eyes as Sne Tud climb- to. h. lUUlry did to-w ecg tWng and t bd4 Mng aW gars ber a a-lpto-Jee. mUishlog K. and to the ""f" Wtauti ab- wa. whh-tat down .id otoalal eow trail to a way that laads) the tearphea pos art ap asaa ."TnrW -IWathlng m w taring sod eoaMmg raif that Jhad for the pfclg . IJTIt.. alddle of tbe roe, vm. human Telng wanted "to "harm theffl.i' Eude was their awakening. They held the middle of the road until they saw that the auto meant to run into them head-on. Then they swerved and began to gesticulate and Tell to Hie white faced girl. They said "Darn it" and "Dum it" and "By gosh" and succeed wheel atZf ' VM- ? '"f , wneel or the wagon was chODDed on by the autobowever, and as the ma chine careened onward It also carried i with It a fair sized haystack. ' "Oh, Harry I" wailed the girl as sh turned a corner and felt the machine running on two wheels, but Harry wa not there. He had Anally bade Mrs. Jefferson adieu and found his cat gone. He was after it now with "a horse and buggy. He was making six miles an hour, while the filer was fly ing along at nearly thirty. A quarter of a mile beyond the turn a farmer was guiding a drove of hogs There were twelve in the drove, and he was changing them from one lot tc another. He knew that the Spanish war had ended and that the country was at peace, and he was humming n hymn, and the bogs were grunting grunts of satisfaction when that auto came howling down upon them. Ii seemed to be standing on Its hind lega and pawing tbe air. It was hissing and gurgling and roaring and. crying for blood. "Gosh all hemlock!" shouted the farmer as he made for the fence and fell over Into the field.. . Tbe hogs had no time for words oi for athletics. It seemed to the weep ing and terrified girl: that the full doz en were picked up and flung sky high. Two of them came down In tbe back seat and Installed themselves u com fortable positions for the remainder of the1 ride, while' the' others shot' right and left, their remains to be 'gathered up by the owner later on. :iT j , The hog episode was scarcely : two minutes old when a young man In a buggy appeared a mile ahead. ' He; was a young man with red cheeks sad a marble brow, who was driving to th4 city to Invest In green goods. He held up his band as a sign that bis horse did not like autos , No good. .'.Then be rose up In Tils buggy and waye bla arm. ' He was still waving when the cloud of dust passed over him' and: left him. a wreck on the sands of time. Some day be may tell his grandchildren that he wag flung '200 feet high and 400 feet sideways, and be will not be exaggerating much either. A constable and an old wagon final ly stopped the runaway. The officer saw It coming and shoved the ancient vehicle ncroaa the road. When the col lision came tbe auto took a skate Into the bushes apd brought up agalhst tree and rested there. ' BofOre j Miss Mazle could half explain matters she found herself before a country justice of the peace, and he was solemnly say- This is certainly a case forjithe higher court. It is not .only running awav with an aoto and letting It run awev with you, but you have Jbeeu i.ii.... i.A r"flt is Miss Mazle wept , She looked so pret ty when she wept that the hear or tne constable was touched. He took I tbe nati-e nnMnnn i and was trying to tnnch his heart 4nd have the hog Steal Ing charge left out when Harry Finch ly drove up on the galtop. Ho, had traced the suto by a trail of dead bogs nd frlzhtened fanners, and be had ar nvea jubv iu "m. v f, . "Oh. Harry!" was- all .that th, girl, could say as she' threw' herself Ihto his rma anil aobbed on bis sDouiaer. v -. Thst wss quite enough. " He patted her golden head and gave tb Justice . j .-., th.t hi. hnnor was d- lo uuutn iinuu ,w. . . v- soended from 'the Spartans and arsays died In the last dltA.andte -ieWas reduced to $ltf and jfeldfTben came the brushing away of tears andjtb return home, followed by( family) re- .ii- ht - thi lamb bad returned alive, Tben-thenelConfr be btu pld. Those things slwsys turnout the same tray, aadjt to too testjry. t . . fl Arfart lb'Cl 't- i9a M IJnaiiet de la Bastille Is- ld; X jHros,"lWW hadln .the. "Correpofdence .Secrete." London, 1T88 (tolrnne'l-, page 303). f "ft u lar machlnror experlerlce of the propa gation of sound and the voice through tubes prolonged tojt et- dlstonce, If K succeeded, he announced, people would be able to maintain Ithjthelr aweetbearts and frtonds at av distance 'of some hundred of toagOes a copver atlon which jwooi& ,Vbfceoe me : what public on the way. bast bysup preMlng the name, no one Whh the secret ef tbe Interlocutors."- Tt It ia not recorded that tbe scheme was not Into oractlc In a paper puWUh- -a i- t -Tllinlrarlnn fUT - ?gr-- M. Charlea Bourseul be aaya: "Ut oa lia :rr .k- . mmh. s-MBknear to a '!!;.- -j.ta ifflMenfTt 'flexible not to i. ,. .-ut that hta nlato Interrupts ud estobltshes aecordlngly commiml MOon wrth a battery.: Then we mfM v. .t a AlataikM asjoUMT PWIS wmw would aire at the M Hroette same rrtUooa,, .An J'JZ vibrating ptotos JTl -. . v. i-rtionlnsi the aeaajra telepttente dlseorery M. Bonraenl at Hast wonMssenie-iooon - - - , RetklaC Va ihm Tviaw'-- ' ' I " Buncnm-My phyetdaar telle ae I ass working toe hard. , . ! . Marks-The M, t. evMently anew. UibnslAMS. ' r ;:'!';;: -. BBcw-Why oe ydo Iblnk aot lUrke I hare been aenirlna' " wtth few ef ear mutual frlenda aa4 I tod yen have worte-i ea w7 ira-Kto r-wi r,T 4f erak betwas hwmor a" Wtt. Pat J rat-WeO. If a lotte th' eiffareare bo tnsi wtd- tat. wolfs tulm ye am Absr flr eblA wld a abtrww ftaaa tor pro., a wtia she Wts ya.orsr Of ri vi ta1 hAwDe av wt-Jede-- 1 !fll vr-uai iftieu rwAaasa aw beto patllsMII to Km anan aAra PAiTSCav are aattoA. I arwaya tbooght ttey Tory toogh." . . - Bat rrfrra to wtfcl pArrota.- ira IMT aAod.tkm wtth Mjr xpaorar wi p INSECT.' A Novl Industry Pursued In Remote :,Parfc of. China. At the . far side ol Uhina; wnere ' it almost -penetrate ihei secret oi j TibeV anw itself, very much! of a secret to' iie'rest of the world, the ... I ... Am . .1 .... ... . V. . r novel in xbanyi respects and involves a pilgrimage ;of great .length very year, , Jt is thq racing, of .inisecta that makes wax. Tlip wax is used, in mahy'Jparts ' 6f "diinu .for ; tnaking temple1 imagciiTid Candles covered with odd raised characters; H The fcmnlo insccta'nre about the size ajod shapo of shoe buttons. 1 The Vnales are , like , miniature beets in shapo and a quarter of an inch. long. The Insects' have1 a 'peculiar charac teristic'' They 'Will riot aecrete the wa;si;in their birthjiaceS. 4 So about May 1 of each year the wily Chinese take them from the brandies of the trees .whero ; they were , bo,rn iand porters carry them many miles away across the' mountains and riyers, For hundreds of miles they are car ried to apart of the' country where grows .the flowering ash. upon which they delight to feed and to deposit the wax. There are thousands, of these porters in the province of 3ze chuenv ' ' ; '' ' " It is a strange procession which strings- out from tho Chienchang valley in May.. T Each porter Is dress eiri a rain coat of straw ( which makes liim look very much like-a sheaf Of gran.' He carries two bam boo baskets fastened together with curved; sticks. :; Tho sticks' fit' ovey his, shoulders,; one- basket being' be fore and the other behind. Hia bur den consists of gourds containing the insects. ;The' females are almost ready to deposit their eggs. There are thousands i Of ' insects in -the gourds and wrapped in leaves picked from the wood oil tree, ! it is nightfall,, when the portei sets out on his journey of 400 miles. He carries in one hand a lantern, for he must do all of his' traveling by night, Tho heat Of tbe noonday sun might cause the females to la; their; eggs prematurely- Along the rude roads ho .swings through the night, his lantern' nickering as it sways to and fro. Now he passes through a silent village or city with out stopping, 'Tho gates have been left open for his passage in order that Jber,e jnay be: no delay. At last oyer his right shoulder the hori zon begins o grow lighjt....The.birdi are tumbling out of their nests with a few sleepy notes., As be drags his weary feet along the hilltop grad ually brightens Into a flaming red and the birds are singing. . flow be seeks out . a cool, shady . retreat, where the. basket may be protected from tho heat and ho himself may curl up his tired limbs until even ing. So the porter travels bis lotto, ly way night after night nntll he reache his destination; flis journey ended he immediate ly goes to his, master and dolivers, hia burden of gourds.(t At once the j ledfy bags' aro iicdtjn the branches of the ash trees, which are only five or Hx feet high.' A Munt needle h Eushed through the leaves in each ag in order that the insects may find their war out.. Once tbo have t$tiifetij&&Ay lertap' rapidly np to the leaves oi the trees and be gin to . feed.;, Jn. a couplo of weeks they scatter along the brarjobee, and after a short 'time .the eggs are hatched and the wax is being de posited d' the twigs'. By Sept. 1 the trees look as if covered with snow. It is a snowJiowevcr, not ameriablolo the temperatures which wipeA wU ordinary jnow. ', Th orSncftea afe thcn"cuf off and theli .uarter of an inch of pure white Boating is scraped off. The wax is Rested, strained ap.tuiped into Um molds. " f Besides bejng used for illnminat ffir nurnosea this wax serves as a f polish for Jtrtn-t-tesjid iaoaed for imparting a -gloss te .sjjk- , The ustry is said to have boon originat ed 200 years before Christopher Co-, lumbus set hia foot on this conti- ntaewi.xjrrsrjAxouno.'ii''- kTwo German clippmp af peif among the items in a piaywnni s clipbook. They aro from a teo ba paper dated January, 1889, and the first one, transla ted, says : ; . ;"We stroneTv a-Msa our readers tif'sea the ,ama-Bnf -eiiidy,TTi IJercrmnt of Venice,' now being per- fVmcd at the Star theater, me a rthor, we belicTe, ia priUnancr, t Tli umml cllnnini ears: Slfr, Editor; Su-rWill yon kind. VWliil Warlr'iasuw of yoai vAlnabU Tjaner that The Merchant f Teftfcr was Bot wrilten by Orili- virr tmt bv me TVil ism bhaka- irni i s it? "W. ra arrona. aWXwara. at and correctoD, , n,t , A rood thing to os tow fa ka wort a aAome - Abe- kite kaewleag mtmm w tmcrt Chat kt aJarar Py to. be .tod- OWT.. ,,,-H a . , CSaertu bears trtendTy rarfl to rk lod to tbe WJ. It fMAlabeS AAXtoo rare aad dlfa tnt aootba and eompoee tb p afcme and keeps tbm to T :! " WAXMAKINQ. teU t prlpe fini we Jrustlir. 'KllfesVeris i wliraccept emr ryology EXCELLENT FEEDER. A Siiiij,!? Device TJtMt Ilaa Serrod Ia as i couia una m none or my papers or books a .description of a feeder to my notion, I act about to devise and build One, says K. B. Whftney in' American Poultry Jourpal. rl succeeded to my entire satlsfuctjou. , The, accompanying Illustrations and description will enable any one to build similar ones. Mine are eight feet long, twenty Inches high and twelve Inches wide, and will each (ccominodnto thirty-two hens or forty tight bnlf grown chicks without crowd ing. Calculate four bens to each foot that. Is, two on each side of feeder or tlx chicks, and build any length de tired., it requires but little more labor to build a long one than a short one, though a five or six foot feeder would be more convenient for one person to carry.. , .-, ...v.' ,' Uv; i ' Of dressod lumber seven-eighths or one inch thick it requires two pieces 12' by; ID : Inches, one' piece twelve ZSa, . ' nUUKU PABTLT SLATTED. " lut-hes wlJ? and eight feet long',- one nine ucb.'4 by l;;ut feet,, three four Inches by eight f cot and sixteen laths which aro two inches by four feet Cut notches 1 by 4 Inches In the top corners of the two 12 by 19 end boards and nail cleat i below a line five Inches from the bottom ends. Bevel four laths and nail thorn ou the twelve Inch by eight foot board, the thick edges flush with- the edges of the board. These Will prevent the feed being raked off the sides. Then set np the end boards, lay the bottom board oh the cleats and nail to them with light .nails; also nail through the end boards into the ends of tho bottom board With long nails. Then a four Inch bpard Is to be nailed Into tbe notches at. the top on each side, and the frame Is made. Cut laths Into twelve Inch pieces and nail 0 each side, Tho easiest way la to lay tbe feeder on one aldo, leave the width of a lath and nail a lath right through. Use small nails for tops of lath, so that none will protrude Inside of the feeder. No. 2 will do for top, fio. S or 4 for bottom. Finish both sides alike, and yon are ready for the cover. Nail a, four Im-h stflp on top at one edse i and bluse to It a board nine Inches wld9. Tils allows tbe lid to project over the aide one Inch, mak ing It convenient to opea. ( ... ..; : To Cnra Sealr teas. Scaly leg Is a, fllth disease, If It can be called a disease. It being caused by a tiny mite which burrows under the scaloa of the legs and toes. It lives and breeds there.. Tbe remedy Is very simple and easy. It Is only necessary to grease the legs with any kind of grease. An ointment of a third kero sene oil and two-thirds lard Is easily applied, and If well rubbed on and lu half a dozen times a couple of days apart should kill the mites, and the scalos will co:ne off. Don't pull off the scales tbat'bavo become large. That will hurt tbe birds, something aa pull log off your finger nails would hurt Ton.,: -, - ' To Drive Awer Hed BUtea. . . To exterminate rod mltee remove nesits. rooiits aud every- movable- ob ject In henhouse, coat with good-hot whitewash, a little crude carbolic acw added, celiluK. wall, nests, - crack, floors and dra;iplug boards tuorouguiy. When the boue la dry paint the roosts with a mixture of five parts of coal oil and one pjrt of carUolle acid.- Bepeat agulu t-rlcc at Interval! of ar'month, and yor.r boue will be enllrely free froui- there pjJ's, according to Toultry Bucreas.; . - , '" 1 . I Clu.ke aa Caeklee. . i Ar-your fowls-ysrded thoje daysl Have they plenty of green food aad water t See to this." i When you write to a man for price kUta .What yon . want and rwhat yen want It for had what you have to pay for It '- ! The dry mash mixture at the Malae experiment station Is made of . 200 'pounds 'wheat bran and M poanas mod of cornmea.. wsoat miouiuwa. tluseod meaL gluten meal and -beef scraps, V I Tor voaos eblcks It la always roee-S mesded that, the floo kf tbe brooders be littered wUb cut clover and the chick food o ecaUered'over that Ut ter. It U tbe Instinct of fowto aud ehlcka to scratch and search for their rl. Mif Sre but give them hair tbaaioe Kojasatebi for.aeds and grain iher wlU do their pert. N 1 k Tb staudari welxhli of aQ Wyan dotte are: Cock, 84.; ben. OHI eoca eml.:TVCPl-t, t poond wveiy. Aa a rule It la nprofluble to enr mu tot hlgber price, except la cold storage. a4 wheo, Uwry Ire sold tliey' should be sold for exactly what tber aisunnelrV preeerved - or "etored egg." Boco paopto are wUUttg te bey amI eat sock areeervad eggs, but It U tb luual experience that moat . pewi-le wooid' rather pay twtoa tb prti for a reUaMy freati egg Ibry wl9 pay for -pr-awrvoa Thick sweet or sow cream will not tBtotavbAbr etocka, rhU -lr-W Aoeav Ureaae beads autSl "". rk-Mncfiar djaui of CarVaUc acid to on poml of anlphor make, aa f- ectlr lice powder. Bio mrtm new-paprf aal over at bold b be fee :townw-xd. "If tint tbonaghly th-rul. ber featbart. Ur wlU at AO drop oe-. Tbe pacer will save tbe powder. . - - ' 1 :r.irr Arte It Sve. Wbn yirai a be'ng spaa oo boars A gwil dxal -leiv. utng tbe em-toos aa tie ter' Si rirwre"j jrbea nigwy ex rclted, tmt v-y. 1. 1 tie la tald bot tb SnAA vrlrJ -rrt a X d aftT H Jt U crer." Aa : ti c Uf.er, sot being coaititote ! I'j-u b. r-ta falct aa a wc- aa .'!- t' : a.'ier a friAit aHy Tues. in e-BH aad ottea ts give lb rml.t of I nr. eol -Derrr" tk a I ut fat Is that bis r ready t- Icivp 1 1 tber for SBAtnal m AporLl'ar' as tKroaaa. National Capitol Notes. All sort of speculation is in order now as to what Interstate Commerce Commission will do wilh the monthly- report of railroad earnings, and Operating expenses which will have to be made to them under the new rate' law'1 It will be understood at a glance ol what immense importance thtse reports will be Irora a specula tive! standpoint. They ' form the bases upon which all stock manipu latioris rest; 'and for stock juggling purposes they1 are immensely irore valuable than were even ' the cotton Crop reports which formed the basis of' the now historic Agricultural Department ' leaks. ' According to the new rate law,' the railroad j will have to submitt sworn statements covering theu earnings . ind pperat ing expenses to the Interstate Com merce Commission, and if these re ports could be gotten, at by outsid ers, they would boa remark bly efl'ec tive speculative weapon. One ol the beauties of the situation " from the viewpoint of the manipulating railroad official, is that 'with the re ports in the hands of the Interstate Commeroe Cordmission, ' it will be almost epsier than ever to give inside lips to a favored few and then i lay the blame (or such information given out upon the clerical employees of the Commission or the Commission ers themselves. - None of these re ports have yet been submitted and given out by the Commission, ' and every effort is being made to guard Xhem carefully when the Commission does get hold of them.' What effec tive precautions can be taken is still an unsolved question, and one may look for the development of some sort of abcandal in the matter before the system is reduced to a working basis. Contract for the construction of tbe Panama Canal has not jet been awarded, but itia understood now that J. y. Oliver has associated with . himself gome of the strongest backing In the United States, that he will be awarded the contract unless the Canal Commission ultimately decide to do the work itself. . Considerable surprise was expressed in Washing ton at the selection of John B. Mo- Donald, the builder of the New York subway, as the President of the newly incorporated Panama Canal Construction Company. It ia under stood that the visit of Thomas F. Ryan to the White- House on the eve pf the formation of this company had to do, with Mr. McDonald's part in the enterprise, for Ryan, , it is known, controla the New , York subway, and McDonald la bia right hand in , all engineering matters. Whether the canal construction con tract is awaided to a private bidder or not, it at least, will have shown the ability of American contractors to get together an organisation suf ficient to cope with aay engineering problem from a pao-Amerioan rail way to the bridging of Bering Strait. Tbe River and Harbor Bill ia now an aisured faeland tbe most remark able feature in connection with' It Is the Uct that Repreeentative Burton, who ia the chairman o(. the com mittee, uiled to Uke all that he could get in tbe way of appropria lions for work in his district and state. One matter ol interest, bow- ever, hss been brought up in, the discussion of the bill, and that is a demand lot inveatlgation as to bow far the wharfage facilities at Macon, Gs,are io the bands ol iotsrests that will use tbem for limiting the com petition between railroad and wUr boroe!freigb(. Tbis is an inquiry abicb very well could be mads ia many localities beside Macon, lor it has been shown In numerous bear ing before the Interstate Commerce Commission that oo nearly all of the navigable rivers (be freight rates are controlled exclusively in tbe ia teresU of the railroad and there la little actual competition between the two classes of reixbt carriers. This teawtnewbat mysteriooa aituatioo, and whldi' hai aevw' been brought out fully, but the lad re mains, and it la ofioUresi to all tbe producing indulro of the coon try that U la very seldom any company can. get a . practical -advaotae by otilisiog tbe eappoood cboapoees of river cooa petition againot tbe exac tion crailrod fieigbt ratos. I, ,It appears from the report f tbe Jidiciary Comrctttee ol the House on tbe subject of child Labor in tbe United BUtea, that Senator Beve riJgsVaitl-cirU labor bill will have a bard road to travel before H Is K trer enacted bio law! Tbe speech of Senator Beveridge on the child labor .problem i showed deplorable conditions existing:' throughout the United States. He declared that according to the census report there were 2,000,000 child . bread-winners in this country, and that of . ihesei 700,000 wore employed i1n occupa tions other thtn that of i agriculture. These , oocupations i 4ncludedyj pf course, : mine3,,mUUf and- wctonea from which i large .dividends: were drawn, because, then oheapnees , pf child labor, enabled, i the,, owners to reduce operacing expenses. .Senator Beveridge pointed oat, , the , ganger and tbe fallacy, ofw this ;(cbeapqegs not only because of its , Hurtful ef fect upon the children employed,. but because it also tended to. reduce, adult wages to the scale of payment of child labor. Altogether be. drew a very discouraging:; picture ,of the situat ion confronting this country j, something wre npt done j,eWk;. the child labor evil,..,.! .., H!R J ri;ujj rrt. '.,.,, .J it- iw'"l ' . Does Coffee , disagree ,, witti, you? Probably it doeisl Tben try iDr, 8hoopa Health -TCoffee. ""Health Coffee" ia 1 a cleVer combitlatinn of parched cereals and-nntovni Npl a frain of teal Cpflee, , rememberL in r. Shoop'a Health Coffee,, yeasts flavor and laste matches closelV old Java and Mocha ' Cofi? .If Vbur stomsck; heart "bf kidneys ' canU' stand l Coffee drinking, try j Health Coffee. . 1 Is wholesome, nourshing and MtlBiyins:.. .. lt'a. safe , even r (he youngest child.. Sold bv Blackmon-Coble Grocery Co. Ml ' Prank Bobanb6n,'vtdurdeiU,,6 Freeman Beadham1 of a Southern Rail Wai dottble franking-' force! was hanged at Greensboro1 Friday. 1 English Spavin Lltriment remp vea all hard, ' soft or calloused lumps, and blemishes; from hoisee,' blood spav ins, curbe.epliatti'.wlsen- bone, at'flea, spralnsj "all swollen throats, 'coughs, etc, Baye p $60 by the use of one bottle. Warranted tbe most wonderful blemish cure known. 'Sold bjr 'the (J. a ' Sim. moni Drug Co., Uranam, N. l i,;;;; .h iij.i i ail 1 n' unit." A i-.f.i -' Because the eohoola-in'-Frince were, dosed .in August, girmg the boys a chance' to devote their 't me to smoking; it is said that ' the re' ceipta of tbe French tobacco 'nk no-' poly increased ' 120000 for hat month. iU. yt- t.-r..i-.f3-"!';n The lglslatiire of 07. The Newi and Observer ' wtjich nnw ecu lall to over 11.000 Jub- crlbert, wni giva .ullef and Wtter reports than ever' of the proceedings nt IhaOanaral 'Aamblv ' ft la OO .. . i a i .'' i .ii I fi i-" mespov ana can sua wu ( print all the news. One dollar fill get you the dally every day during ' W . --.-. T a aa air. -. lUBEI'UU JUAflVL-B, jBsVllva t "';- Raleigh; N.IC. - .- Whan voa 'take ' Grove's ' Tasltess Chill Tonic -becaus tbe fortoulsi ia plainly printed on every bottle showing ttut it is aimnly Iron and Quinine in a taetole,,fonn..Nd Cure, No Pay. 60c , ' . . :.. : ...; ' Spurious coin ia being circulated in High Point, and It U thought. there is a den of counterfeiters in or neartbe town.' , Fond -don't digestf Because t$e atomAch lacks some onaof.tba easen- tul digeetanU or the digestive juices are not properly balance. Then, too it ia this undigested food that caus ae anilrnaM and nalnrul indigestion. Kodol For Indiceston should be used for relief. Kodol Is i a solution ofvegeUbUadda. lt digeeta what vou eat. and corrects the dificicies- Mm of tha d ideation. Kodol Conform to tbe National Pore Food and Drug Uw. Sold by J. C. 8immcma Drug CO. .. , ... U. .r.-vr :..4. ' 'I Jo Germany taa ia manufactured on cnal boats and used to supply tne engines wnicn propea m uwu Tbe system is economical and satiaV fiactof j on moderate i-aised boU. . To stop a cold with 'Preveotics is safer than to let It ma and cure it AfterwArda. ' Taken at 1 all the "vneei stage" Preventica will bead off all cold and gtippe. aad per bape aava you Iron pneumonia and bronchitis. Prerwitica ara-liule, tootnsotoe candy cold cure tab lets, telling in Scent and 25 cent boxes. If yoa are chilly. If joa be gin to soeese, tryreventica. . They wiU surely check, the .cold, and please you. Sold bj. J.C .Bun mooa Dreg Co. ' . , . - Oreooble, ! Fraace, ' probably maaufacturas more ladles kid gloves tbaa any other pkv ia the world. Paris, Chaumoot and MUIao are also laLrgeJy ngtr-d in this Industry. ..- QwnHair? I Do yotr-pin your hat to your 6 vb hair ? 1 CanV tlo it? HaVeb't'eii?Cr.H Mlrf 'If must bfl"you do hot' Inow! Ayer's Halt Viorf ' Here's an intro duction! May the 'acquaint ance Tcsttlt In a heayy growth bt Hcn,th!ck:,,i,feIossy hair! tJseK.hisus$Ie-f stop you fainhg naifr.d get rid oTou dandruff. y1Tieljtkliidoftetl-.onLl-" Sold tor over slxtr yeera." : Alto awnnfaotatara or .trnhV:;!a!i'iltiaijL CUESBV PKTOBAL. fill ..aAAAAAAAM.aAA.MA' ,,d bliif'da, Mett'-wM-ioo'J This time' of ihe ear are signals of warni ng. Take Taraxacu m Com -pound--now.""lt. may savs ybd a sDlt 'of fever.-tlf will-tegtilate your boWelsset; -your liver bright; iartcl ure youi- indigestiprf !M A good-Ton ic.1;" T" An honerst medicfhe ilf utim ml K'''''Wdpvtrt li 1 'xvmf r; fcbr.nl l-r N. C. 1rii.'i'?.lf stB'rtii.t f iqr-J UL .;jil 4ff,f-vi.-iiiM i: iiv iawajsasMrt7rn tvti- - ""-,. . . t .f... w I." ; t r 1 1 A. I Are due to todlrestlott. Klnarr-Wh of srary one hundred people who hav heart treiibtt aa remember when It waa alcnple lodlgea- It Is A adeatuto uoi taat an-asc or iiianaae sat erranio. are not enhr ',AA '.;iftli--.vi1 aniJanJuii ai kmm araxacum ii . LO araoeabl ta, bat are the direct reeull o( livii Mettock I AH foodl talera tout, the stomach ; aMek falia ef oerfact dlraatton ferrnents and awaus the atomaoli, pulling U np against tb heart. This interferes -wiio-tn ecoon n lha keart, and la the' coun of hm that gaJloale but Vital organ beoomeo diseased. aeaalaM-t kad aula as I aai W Uvmt Ml. I took KJM VTV9m w KM tar mm tor- " ' -1 " - ' ' '' ' ILoaol nxesta wbas too as aad rallere the stomach of all. nervous ftrala and tb heart At !! pressure. eabv SI- ate koMaa m Saaa SM A mm, whlck MIM tot 10. or S.O. orrrat,OMTOAOO 'Ji .C.iJimnione, Druggist - J'T jj, I,, , ... .. I la ' t a .i i.ii p'?i .'V TSfTW t f"u,w; i--!- . Dy (ii V ?rfj 3f i ci-' i ..'t-.ir.oh A xMi'ii'S the fowl j3r-'.l tf)t sensitive .tomach. car, tat J Jw, $ ciiM;tftc: ttvwihlir .-el'faned'. , la rea with weak 'x.t..rtor thrive od It. jrimdoseiellevts. Ad.lctuaAeC-ary. , ;, -if I. (!.. - " '"l if"t; f Cur ali & iomacu trot cs eand oalrby K. O l-rffrrrk CO-rhlraeo rMulaouaaMiHUiM---" -, r rmao M ui.-". m t j f K-tuiaanTllirr ' ? zr . I r . 1 Ta e. gHtsAfvtt arvl I '"e Seta M-erti-a ' gtaaaaoae CoHn, ' "I a ' ar.i 1 1 a, - - -1 ----ia-f-r. a. -i a-JJii:cii::;: : 4 I "WALL - PArEP. quality, at kalf us-.U Lne of saT7'--s to f per bacj:' st f- work -. " - n. ERAD-TUAN.'. perreu umrn.

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