THE GLEANER ISSUED BVBMf THUKSUAT. J. D. KEltNPPLE. KtlU.or. USTTlie editor will not be renlxmsUiU- lor fee views expressed 07 uurreBjiumn.-Hi.-v AAA AaAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAaaA I Washington ""Letter. TYVTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTYT Washington', Mar. 20,. 1907. While the Waterwaya Cimmii 8ion appointed by the President lnei 1 week ia not yet even organized, Chairman Burton of Ohio u expect Transient advertisements must be paid for a advance. Entered at tbe postofllce at Orahnsi, N. C. aa leoond-ciaM mall matter. GRAHAM, N. C, Mar. 28, 19C6. Mixed or Straight. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVKBTI81NO RATES kna anuar (1 In.) 1 Mine 1.0 r i a. li gtib- Miunt nut. nn ftii i.nrira. I tir mum w and lourer time, rates furnished on apullca- ej back ill WashinZtOti Within a few tin. I jnm 1 i..'n..a III DEI. B. Milfl HIT 11IBI 1 - Insertion : subsequent Insertions Sets, a line. J ray8 and then the Commission Will T-Mnatnnt nilvnvtlinlAllt.l III 1 1 M T. hfi Dftld lOT t J ' meet to see what it can do. People in many parta of the country may not realize what an enormous task the commission has bef-ire . it and how much good it will be able to do if it plans wisely, an J if its wise plans are carried out. The schemo is nothing less than manninc out an Whether or not the administration efficienl 8y8tera of internai water of the affairs of the town of Graham trausportatiorj fot ali of tbe C0Unlry for the next two years snail oe mix- thilt can be now reached by water ea or Biraigm m u ijubbu..:. " and in fact duU nir in cana s where stirring the popular mind just now. they wil Jo lhe m08t good. To A signed call for a "Citizens Con- , , h f vention" was issued the latter part work seem8 ike a 8tUDendoU8 la!jk. of last week. The signers are lie- It ig tim0fjtM thoug(l tha hoy0 publioans and Democrats nHrailroad system of tbe country were wiched," ana tne aggregation pre- iackin .., a fflW HniUflr hnr,a.r . o sents a strong comoinauon arm wui ,ineg doing aU th hauing an,i some one in auth ority suddenly pro posed to extend the scattered horse car lines into the present steam road system and equip it for busi ness with the latest improvements of engineering skill. Of course what the Waterways Commission can do is only to make a start and prepare a comprehensive plan for the approval of. Congress to- be hard to down, if it bangs gether till the election. - On the other hand the Democrat- organization protests against Demo crats taking a hand in the "unholy alliance" which means but a repeti tion of whet happened two years ago and a continuance of tbe same, The call and the protest follow. CITIZENS CONVENTION We. tbe undersienea citizens ana i urn one 01 me tninjM it is to aa in a tax payers of the town of Graham, I general way is to map out an e flic believing the affairs of said town will lent auxiliary system of water trans- be best served bv having their ad- portation for slow freight that will ministration in the hands of busi- take off the shoulders of the rail- ness men, regardless of their political roads the burden of moving the ira beliefs, hereby invite all the citizens mense crops which they now frankly of said town who believe aa we do to I confess they are unable to handle. meet with us in a Citizens Conven-I The people of the middle west real- tion to be held in the Court House ize the need of water transportation next Thursday night, March 28, perhaps more keenly than any other 1907, at eight o'clock, to nominate part of the community. St. LjuU s ticket for Mayor and five Com mis I is one ol tbe greatest jobbing cities ered by the Com mission. It is esti mated by the members that from this source, the coal consumption of the country can bo reduced a third, lengthening by just that much the producing life ol the coal mines. ''.';'. it is a great vision, and one in which a scientific imagination can revel. Just what the ninemembei of tbe commission will be able to accomplish in the way of outlining a plan before Congress meets again is uncertain. .The mere working out of the details will be the work of years for experts and the turning of the plan into an accomplished fact will be the work of more year still and will mean the expenditures of vatt sums of money. But there were 300,000 letters sent to Congress last year from the Mississippi Valley alone on the need for such a com mission, and it ought to be a satis faction to the writers to know that the plan is taking shape. President Mellen of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad was at the White House this week to see President. Roose velt about the railroad situation Nothing touching the interview - has so far been given out. Tbe. Presi dent has also talked with J. Seligma of the big banking house" James Spyer ol Spyer Brothers, -and it is understood will have conferences with a number of othei big bankers and railroad men with a view to shaping legislation for the next ses sion of congress that will tend to the better control of the interstate railroads. Nothing definite in con nection with the plan has yet been given out. But there is talk of fed eral charters for the railroads and government supervision of their Capitalization, all of which will tend to put them more tinder government control and will be Letter for the protection of the small stockholder. loners, composed ot three Demo crats and three Republicans. L Banks Holt, W H Holt, E S Parker, A B Nicholson, J L Scott J D Albright, W E White, Z T Hadley, II W Scott, W J Nicks, E S Parker, Jr , J H White, . B S Mills, J V Pomeroy, C L Ezell, W A Moore, T C Montgomery, W B Ureen, C It Robinson, E P MoClure, ' F M Miller, M R Rives, Thos O Coble, J R Thompson, A M Hadley, TO Pomeroy, M O Elannigan, A R Heritage. Kobt B Mebane, W T Kzell, W 8 Vestal, of the country, and a member of I the commission suid this week that he was assured by the big merchants thnre that they had not shipped a them. HalfsCatairh Cure, jfianufaotured .... . , . , ., by P. J. Cheney at Co., Toledo,")., contain no uiu ui gouus in tua past year who out a proviso that they were not to be held responsible for delay in de livery. The fanners of (he middle west and northwest know to their sorrow the impowibiHty of getting thai n ma t nviptrat wr (Ka am II. roads as now run, and thouun ls of,,. , bushels of last seasons grain is no Beware ol OlatBacnta lor Catarrhtfcat Coatala Mercury aa mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ami completely aentnge me wuu KVHtom when enterlhir It throuirh the mUOOUl surfaces. Such articles should never be used L except on prescriptions from reputable pny- BioiKRS. as toe uaiuiige uiey win uw wju fold to the good you can poeslbl delve f rom mercury, and. Is taken Internally, 'acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces oi l tie system, in buying nan s uatarrn jure tine, it is uiaen in- F, Cheney & Co. Testimonial free, , FlauU Report oa Ike Colloa Crop. Washington Clspatoh 20. ' ' : f The finatcepsus report on cotton for the year issued today shows that 13,290,677 bales. Dfcottoit. counting round bales as half bales, includint; linters, have been ginned, i The number of active ginheries this year is 28,702. y;: The 1906 crop is compared with 10,725,602 tor 1905, and 13.697,310 for 1904. Tbe average gross weight of the bale for 1906 is 510 7 pounds, and the crop, expressed in 500 pound balesT is 13,576,226, The quantity, of cotton estimated by ginners and delinters as remain ing to be ginned and included in the report of 1906 is 155,704 Southwest Alamance Cor. of The Olcanor. .r . 1 Our . clever mail carrier has resign ed hope we will have another that will be just as kind and obliging. ' Grover Sboffner and Lula Alexan der were married on the 3 rd inst., J. E. Stroud, J. P., officiating. . Mr. S. J. Buckner lost a valuable horse the other day. ' ' , Oakdale School closed the 16th with an entertainments - Phones are being put in several residences near Oakdale. - - Our nursery men are getting their stock ready for spring delivery 5 " "Pineules" Cnon-alcoholic) made trom resin lrom our pine forestf, used for hundreds of Tears for blad der and Sidney diseases. Medicine for 30 days $1.00. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refund ed. Uret our guarantee coupon from Thompson Drug Co.' Arthur Cole a young man living near Shelby, was employed at a saw mill and made it a habit to ride on the carriage of the mill. He had been warned but did not heed. A few days ago he -rode too near tbe saw and his foot was eo badly man gled that amputation was necessary 1 be sure tou vet theaenu ine. i ternauy ana Due in xoieuo. univ, uy uneney a uo. -testimonial iree, Hold hv Tli-iire fifes. Price Tfto oar bottle. Take Ball's Family Pills for eonatlpatldn. The Asheboro Courier says that 'a Chaa A Scott, T A Albright, Hal B Mebane, C P Harden, C B Irwin, 7 A A Clark, WRGoley, A C Hornaday, J L Scott, Jr., CO Guthrie, Jaa K Mebane, WHAusley, Joseph Boggs, Robt L Holmes, Isaac Holt, RRBain, C P Foister, Walter E Walker, R U Foster, Edwin II White, Geo Coble, O II Henderson, J W Lashley, Heenan Hughes. rotting in the fields and beside the railroad tracks becaus-i of the inabil ity of the railroads, real profcsjeo, to cope with the traffic. If the Commission is able to map out a comprehensive pi hi of water liigh ways that will serve the neeJs of the people in moving the heavy and bulky produce, the railroads will be left free to handle the fast freight dolph county, is wearing an apro the thread for which was spun by her great grand-mother 90 years ago, Tbe cloth was -woven and the apron made by her grandmother more than 70 years ago. , The apron is yet in good condition. Foe) Colammalonars Report The Minnesota Dairy and .Food Commission's analysis shows that Kennedy's Laxative Horiev and Tar and passenger traffio much more and Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar effectively. contained opiates and croton oil But this is not all that the Water UP a M ?re P0,8on8 8nalon 18 m viuieut uu3wuifus purgative. I WKtl VjllllllUlHlllll III si liniTLami U fill I GRAHAM DEMOCRATS All Democrats of the town of larger atrrams will be a large and Grabarr who are in favor of a ma- Important work but it is planned al jontymut ciuzena oi saia inwn 0 (o ,0 farM DCtfaUe .11 vunuuiiiuit lb piitii uu ft uv i t . i opposed to one or two men diotat- 8"0"lu" UI . J w"n uu ins- ita nolieiM am hereby warned thllS save the mill 10 18 of do liars lost not to taYe any stock in the so called I annually by floods and the incalcu citizen's convention to be held next I ably greater loss by washing and ThursdaT night. Calling that con- erogion of ,he firm hnda ot the renuon is oniy anotoer lorm oi woai occured two years ago. At tbe pro lit. W,V. amission is expected to do. fuge to acceDl anv-but Foley's non To make effective and navigable the ley and .Tar in a yellow package roley'a lloneyand lar contain no opiates or dangerous drugs and is the best cough and cold cure. J. V. Simmons Drug Co. - .A supposed incendiary fire on tbe farm of Mrs. M. ' A. Kendrick, in Mecklenburg county, burnela barn Friday night with two mules, ten head of cattle and a lot of feed. Tbe country. This is g iing at the prob . i - . i tn l I Inm nl alraiin cinlrnl arilh ran jwr iiuia iucii iu ua m wureiiuuu i .... . ., , called to nominate a ticket that will geance. Gifford Pincbot, Ue chief we " " Pf P"7 woo uvea .on me The barn was insured for not represent any ring and will not Lf the Forestry Service, bono of the John K SmUh enm mission ami plate. 450. be named before the convention i I lh. ... . . i - ww. I. r.i ii- . By order of the Democratic Emc. "oou' in" P"""-:'" P' r Ar .u. . r r i I fur lha Minimi nfalmam sniainn anH vuiuiuiiiea vi mo mwu ui uiiuaiu, i ---- - - .. . J a mnir lfln,i in !i,- i .-r.,i I lommie upic, wno uvea V ae i vw iusiiimi 1 W I1WIV1II I March 23. 1907. Secretary, th. headwater, of the streams and ne,r DaI'"n P,88fd thus nreventinif the sadden down ne burning l,rusb heap, her morally osrtain ingle-handed, have made any con oeaaions ? InsUnoea of Republi cans in the ascendancy making con cessions are rare. clothes caught fire and she was burned so that she died. Two per . . i w.ij v.. d.ui: v.. J ,k pour oi meueu snow ana ice uiai 1 vuiu in, iwjiuuiiuui umM I n , . . J i. . . . - i i oiiih ins uihi ia in ina annn; aia mi moraiiT eenain oi winning. .... ': .:. I.A .,i:n.n.h uaa iusi cmuac-a iuiiy azii uuu.iaaj i r n of loss around Pitisbura and the lhe fl-mere badly burned on tbe tO YOU GET UP WITH A LAJIE BACK ? 'tiiMj TrtsMs lakes Tea Bicrabk. 3 Q set evar.Wr vhe read the apart Is sore to knew el the voi II . -pWH, I ue rreal aktoey. aver ItaAaWdder remedy. iihim peal anedV caj triumph o Dm alne IseaUi centorr: dia Offverwd after rears o Jv Dr. Kilmer, the JrL eat fcldaor ne hlad oer apertallsl. and la ul ta aremMhr earbwr Metdarfanr lame keck. kVtaer, bla4der, mho aci4 trov htm aad BrtrlU i Dtaaeea, which Is the worst form f kkteey troubw. Dr. Kilmer's Swap.Rt la not rec esMnanded lor ewerjrtntac bwt If roe have kid Bey, krer or bladder trouble It will be ioaad yaet the remedy yve Bead. It has beea tasted saaemairy wsys, la kovttal work, ta prtvms praetioe, amour the heheai too poor ts par- i rattel and hat arered a successful la aa that a apeciai arranrwmanl has maoa oy vuckaa reeaers of this paper who hrr sot already Mad It. may hsv a m'V bottle aeat tree by mall, akae a book f mere about Swamp-Root and how ta f -d out S yo hTkklneyfblior trouble. V .tea wTttinf mentioa ins this rwAeroua ef:er ta this pper and efd yoar ailreaa lo t. K umtr k Cot '-f -fc.-rca, N. Y. Tae r- Jtr f .fry eert and 6 .it t .- "s aoid fcj ail rood drapsta. J ' - f - I - tr-V ft r9 wt'"-a e ft - i, ! ' ..(mbwV. l -Si Ohio valley Tbe people of tbe South realin this loss also and ban . a oasUot object lesson before them in the dee ructkn of the greatest rice belt U world tbroagh the two Carolina where the field were washed out after the forets aad bean, cot on tb head waters nT lhe streams, Tb same was true of ilia "dead field" of the cotton Lett whirs washing by ralos destroyed tens of thiuundii of acres of land before a partial stop was put to Jt by "contour cuMva tion". The problem of erneion presents ilst-lf to the commission in a differ ent form in the arid west where the North Platte, the lliarouri and down other strrarrs all carry down hands and face. Const . a ipation hW sunt avabe. with imm wnW aroBpt ftIM lor (onKipatkai. Witii othws. enans au-wMM oread wUl Bare the same cecs. MuwreaweouhMdlf tea a WwXable fmlr ts enrTllaMnt kaowa lo ama. II phnfleM aaa M Bad Nature a m to Lu liKkk atnkhietr tras wah Mud to CtMlmiKa. The bare ol a etua tne ts Lkltlomi Tha. i tarrsrto ntmi a aca mlliat aid so thai lua. meibiMvl wHh CarMiaa Raaa,Fha ' tlm Bark. HoIhI Kiuac of lliawa. tc. this aCeaoaJB bmrk Is fins Ma siMiial raibta aoww Jo mt eoMipaiina. A annUHnane Uadr TaMax ealM Laaa. la aow snada at the Dr. Kaon Labmuir4a. traas this taawiuous and as aWtlTe awarlwloa. lla Him aa auu. CUoa. Mloaaaa aow eomrti,-4Bl Biwa. itow Ooaulauoa. aas- la - ' 1 saUarrine. o crifloaT. ao aaotmaaat altar effwtj an ra. Burtaawl. anS Lasses are ut wa la bmuutul luiiorrmpead aiil baua at t oua aud a eaua a. Tm iiaailkliia svw. sdes eSxtlia, try a aoa ol - tua.iy ftiuionsoiUmeoftDench- THE J S0S DRUG CO. est sou lo cbuk tbe chaanel of the aiiMUsippt and put the sediment where it will do tbe moat harm. The Reclamation Service, whose Di rector, F. II. Newell is a member of the CommUsion will; undertake to handle that end of tbe problem eritb immenre settling rereivoirs that wiU send tbe waters of lha westrn streams down clear and free of i meet to join tbe Hiiippi and free also of tbe di astro a floods that ruin tbe arm lands arong their course. The problem of light and power from water flow will also be confid- Dcwrrr noLT Real Estate end" Insurance Graham, N. C Ctfle la Vestal HotrL. There are now 1,180 rural deliv ery mail carriers in . the Ktate. Those on routes of standard length 24 miles get $60 per month. After July. 1st they will get $75 per month. -v Danger of Pneumonia. A cold i t this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is so often fatal, and even when in patient bag ncovpred the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly Kiinceritib In to tne- development oi . . . . , . - consumption, f oley s noney an Tar will sl"p the cough, ;htal an strengthen the lung-t and preyei nneumonii, La ; ripper cougl vild ouick v to the wonderful cura tive qualities of Foley's Honey. and Tar. There is nothing else "jufltaa good. J. C. Simmons, Drugist. In an affray near Andrews Cherokee county, Sunday night week Avery Pal liam, aged 2t years. shot and Instantly killed his brother Elbert Pulliam. The survivor claims self-defense. Nd eye-witness to the difficulty. , - That's tbe bouse the doctor built, The biggest house you see, Thank goodness he don't get our money. For wo take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Thompson Drug Co, Wilkesboro Chronicle: James Wagoner, aged 70, and Susan Brown aged 22, of Mulberry township, were married Monday a week. ... - .. Clears tha Complexion- Oiino. Laxative Fruit Sprup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the the complexion of pimples and blot ches. It is the best laxative for wo men and children as it is mild anc pleasant, and does not gripe or sick en; Orino is much superior o pills,. aperient waters and all ordin ary cathartics a it does not . irritate lhe , stomach and bowels. - J. C Simmons, Druggist. " ? Revenue officers captured an illicit distillery, 20 gallon capacity, in the home of Alfred Anderson, in Char lotte week before last. Faster and faster the pace is set By people of action, vim and get, So if at the finish you would be, - Take Hollisters Kocky Mountain .Tea, Thompsons. Drug Co. , a i . i i i mi ai-i ' Fire at High Point Saturday night destroyed ten buildings, including two halls and a church. The fire originated from the explosion of a lamp. I a V.0f e C Sweet to Eat tua WU U A Candy Bowel LauUve. , ' A ..Boston schoolboy was weak and sickly. tall, His arms were soft and flabby He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. ' ; ' '. f - The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scolfs Emulsion. - " NOW ; To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a . ' blacksmith. , . ALL DRUOQISTSl BOO.. AND SI.OO.. O0OO0000OOO0OOO000OOOO o o o t o A press dispatch says that Sena for Tillinii", while doliverinyta lec ture before the Business Men.'s Club at Mtrlinhurg, W, Vs.- Mmday uight of last week, applied an epi thet to Pres. Raosuvi It which aliUost c-iusid a riot. . The majority of the members ol the flub "a re Re publicans and '.admirers of the Vm The remark was 'at once resent e'd and a general free fight was immi iitiit, when wiser ounst-Is prevailed. Tillman relused to withdraw the ob nctionable remark. ' .- Saved Har San'a Life. The happiest mother in the. little town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs,.; S.JRup pee. She writes: "One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unable to help him; when by our druggist's advice I began giving .him Dr. King's New "Discovery, aftd I soon noticed improvement. I kept this treatment up for a few wetks when he was perfectly well. He-f. haa worked steadily since at carpen ter work. Dr. King's New -Discov t r . 11 i - . 1 ery saved ms we. uuaraniBBti ... . m r bent cough" and cold cure Dy j. j. Simmons Druggist. 50c and J 00. Trial bottle free. ' .- Charlotte Observer: Hell has broke loose in Charlotte as well as Georgia a citizen killed a fellow man, a Sunday school teacher has skipped with $68,000, a' whiskey still was captured in the heart of li e city, a bawdy house discovered on a main street and a chicken thief ar rested, all inside oi a week in . tne Queen City and hit pro high bi tion town.-with tt revival tin full blast.. . " DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM Ot TARTAR BAKING POWDER It does not contain an atom of ph phatlo acid (which Is tha product ofbon' digested In sutphuNo add) or of a (which Is one-third sulphuric acid), o healthful substsacos adepts J for othorh' king powders because cf fsdr cbssnnesa RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. . distressing kidney and bladder disease relieved iu six hours by "New Great South , American Kid ney Cure. "x It is a great surprise on account oi its promptness in re lieving pain in. the bladder, kidneys or back, in. male of 'female. Re lieves retention of water almost im mediately. . If you want quick re lief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by the J.- Cy Simmons Drug Co., Graham, N. C. ' . " Causa ol Stomach-Trouble- - When a man has trouble with bis stomach you may know that he is eating more than he should, or some article of food or drink not suited tp his age br occupation, or that his oweis are habitually constipated. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate the bowels and improve the digestion and see if the trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free sample.. Sold by J. C. Simmons, druggist. Rev.. Waller Holcombe, evangelist closed a meeting of three weeks' du ration in Charlotte Sunday. The number ot converts is estimated at 500. ' OASTORIA. v Bssntha j?mtMW Haw Alwar BaqgM Bignatva af The New Berne Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Mill was burned Friday nighULoss estimated at $40,000, partially covered by insurance Harmon, of Lizemore, West vs: "At last I have found the Saved at Last- J. A a., says perfect pill that never- disappoints me and for lhe benefit of others af flicted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pill." Giirn. teed satisfactory. 25c at J. C. Sim mons Druggist. j . Ala gathering of colored people in Lilesville township, Anson coun ty, on the nighf of the : 2d. Jas. j Hough was shot arid killed by Chas Rorie. Rone-has not been arrested, How to Remain Young. - To continue young in; health and strength, do as Mrs. N F. Rowan, McDonough, Ga. did. She says : "Three bottles ! of Eleotrio Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stom ach trouble, complicated with such an unbea'thy condition of the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. I am now practically 20 years youn ger .than before I took" Electrio Bit ters. I can now do all my work with ease and assist in my husband.s store," Guaranteed at J. C. Sim mons Drugstore. Price 50c. In the case of L. E. jCffl Eederal Court at Greensboro jj Boyd allowed Da via inoi..k..,l air rn . - . ' B"- utina. eo.wu 10 appear May 1, sentence is to begin. The lowed is.for Davis i Krrail(,e business affairs. Judge B0J first refused to do this hut lite, lented. ' j-Tho a.inrlo n( Xti.l. , .n.iUI in "mromiitve no li Mir iu iiib user or UeWm's Cart, liou ruuu nazei salve It quiet heals chapped and craftked f Good too, for boils and "Was J uuuuuuicuij me om relief lor Rt Sold here by J. C. Simmons M gist. It. was recently stated int pers that Mr. John C. Drew M disposed ot his interest in the K eigh EveniDg Times to Mr. Geo. Crater. The announcement it el tradicted. Mr. Drewry retains interest in the paptr. Congressman , Uiawtord . was thrown from a carriage in - Waynes- villa Thursday by a runaway team. His shoulder was dislocated and he received other injuries: '' "lJ:-:-virfi;- I am clad to inform vou that I have a full stock of the latest designs and makes in ready-to-wear clothing, for both men and boys. I am glad to say that lam complimented all around on the class of clothing I am sellincr. While I am still sticking to my old motto of selling goods on a close margin, 1 have the best values to be found anywhere. I euarantea vou satisfaction for vour monev. - : : : . ' ' A. Tfi. HABILEY, One Price Clodiss, Dry" Goods, Shoes, Mrs". Charley Greer, of Watauga countytied her baby in a chair be fore the fire and Jeft it alone. W'hen she returned the child had fallen in the fire on its face and was burned to death. Pine Salve Carbolizecl cts like a poultice; highly antiseptic ' exten sively used for eczema, for chapped hands and lips, cuts and burns. soia oy 1 nompson xrug jo, - Ex-Congressm'n BlaSkburn ar rived ia Greensboro Saturday from Washington. It has been rumored that he would locate jn Greensboro for the practice of law, , J ' " . , Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J. C. Simrrjpne Drug Co., Graham, N. C. - . " It I I m than anv I 1 1 tlnn inud In this oountrr. aiusi I M ATrr : - -1 11 ffse on reqoent, WrltefMll. saaSftw ) T.W.Wood & Sons, Seto flTFc Old Teller. Sail Rheum and Eacat. These are diseases for whi Chamberlain's Salve is especia valuable. It quickly allays if ltcmng and smarting and tm fects a cure. Price 25c. For a by J. C. Simmons, druggist Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VECt TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experieoM our own seed larmi, trill grounds and large warehooN capacity give us aa equipment that is unsurpassed anywhen for supplying the best seedi obtainable. Our trade in seed both for the Garden and Farm b one of the largest in this eonstrc We are headquarten for Grass and Clover Seeds, Setd ' Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beam and ; other Farm Seed. ' Wood's Detorlptlve CttsW bHtm roller -and more complsl; M maUon aboat both Garden sod IM let slmliai Standard. ' Tasteless Chill Tonic hasistpod the test 25 years. Average annual sales oyer One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record Zty0 yu f No Cure, No Pay. 30c IDEA , , lot UoiblHAL LAaAUYE HH C0U6I STBUP Best tor tmn L-J LJldam.immmt)w L-T&' "J. C. Simmons Drug Co. Trnstes's Sale cf Land i Ily rtrtoe of the antkotitr mm i k. ea Ike lAtt oar at "7Jt book NoT4 of H li 'r11.- I" UKSJ, tfB . . - - Saturday; april 13, 1907. at'peblle eatery, to tbe beat Motor raaulrnoqeT. tbe foIlowingVraontKrf' ! property, lo-wti: onoee ml A tract or Miwlvt.i ' weaorra.1 T'ko. . T7:",n raw. -Jaa. P.r S.7 iL'5V'0r. tot- - " ' " -"' ia iae orta Ctimlt ' Bae tie of at .V " a A. PaitK. kaa torn - -Iw4 aUrlauaa tZmLT2-l -T? T asxl land. ' aare la War Infm rnatloe asnrv la . SUoraara, Ormaam, i t. rm"w' HSHBTA. WaRD, . Traetae. Mar. a, tan. Dake Williams, acolord bor.wu illed near Newv Berne Wedoeedaj ight by a san bank fallinc on him and burye4 him alire. He was not mused until next mnrnin. J . -"a ben fiieoda were lookiof Jbr hi they aa where the earth had car-xl in and tbe eoggeeiion of an outline ot a human farm. They dug out the and la abort time and found lhe boy covered with dirt and ln a kneeling position. , Fire MlIilasMB 1 GOOD C0IIPATJTF3 I F0TJCTES rv A 1 1 A part of your business-will be appre- dated. rsAII kinds of insurance. : CHAS. C. THOMPSON, j J GRAnAM, - - - N. C. 4 """ tt M ICILLthi COUCH m CURg thc LUriC3 wrn "TV 1 w Dr. Kb awti UiwWWtwJy rri Pcnr-mCM- frit. C--t a4 r?a tt co free Trial. t-iirwt and 1 tauMJlaat ture l. r a.i d II VI TI ITT Q f.OAT ADMINISTRATOR'S SOflC LeUaneTaSailnlstratloa ifTjaa ' aiw4 ao ta anacntfiMrf "T.i ak laiiiMOiaM safasfiS TZl.mP. ca.av ao"o "flT inrm u,t aoUKtteaaae. L w ' piea4 te t&r of ier receierf. r, .it rTf rc tei fmsatfiaic row