' t k bfLEANEB. GRAHAM; C., THURSDAY APRI (J 4, 1907. NO, 8 HE foh. xxxiii. ': " 'si liitt 1" Thl popular remedy aevee, faCa ttr Jffectuallycure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Saw Sadache, Biliousness ' ' And ALL DISEASES arisJnff (.-or, : mrosd ' iver and Bad Digests The".atural result Is good urfetiw Ind solid flesh. Dose small; cfcsar.t f "s.fgar coated and easy to swallow, fake No Substitute. 4a- C A. HALL, ATO)UM;Y AND COUNSELLOH-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N.' C. ' Office in the Bank of Alamance , Bulding. ,up stairS. - Attorney-t-Law, -- graham - -vN- c: Office Patterson Buliaftig-" " , Second Floor. . . - 't WALTER E. WALKER, M.D. GRAHAM, N.C Office in Scott Building Up 'Stairs.- jjf-Office hours 8 to 10 AMVH V ' 19-Tbonb 80-b (and l97la). DR. WILL S. L0iQ, JK. DENTIST v'. V Graham .T'j North Carolina OFFICK in Sjl'xiONi3'BUIi;LHiS(b" . . ..,'1 'J,. -..A 'Attorney CownBeloP et lmy(. ' Practice reifularly In the cowls" of Alt." lutice coudI,?. - ' ' An. 2, W Ij JACOB A. LOSS, " ' ELMER LONG. LONG & .LONG, '4 Attorney and Coxtiolor) at X.aW. GRAHAM, ,H. , -' "r , ROBT C. STRUDWICK ' Attorney-at-Law,; GREm&BOUO M-CXTi ,. - Practices in the courts f Ala mance and Guilford counties. NORTH r CAROLINA FARMERS" Need a North Carolina Farip v. : Paper. --i ;;. climate, soils' and" conditions, made by Tar .Heels and tor Jiar Heels and at the'-same- time as wide awake as tiny An ? Kentucky or Kamchatka, ,.Such a paper is - v st? The Progressive ; Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Kditfd byCLAEENCB : H. Poe with Dr. W. U. Burkett -ectc a A. & M. Colleee, and Director B. W. Kilgorr), of the Agrioutlural ExnerimAnt . Station ( VOU know them), as assistant editors (II a vear. Tf vnn arif Krnftdv taking the paper, we can make no' reduc- iiou, uui y yoa are not m&iug YOUAM SAVE 50D" By sending your order, rfto us Thatis to say, flew Progressive rarmer subscnbers. we wijl send that paner with . The Gleaner, both one year for flW), . regnlar pnce 12.00. Addrsesa . . - -GLEANER, Graham, N. C. Graham . . Underwriters Agency 8COTT & ALBRIGHT. Graham, N. C. Fire and Life Insurauce Prompt Personal'Attention To All Orders. rrespoBdencc Solicited. crra at THE BARK !0F ALAMANCE I are producing the beet A restlJU in Jnh Wnrk at THK QLEAMER OFF1CF yew Type, Presses, end the Know How t Easter on the . Jordan's Banks MONO the numerous pilgrims v.l:3 visit the Holy Land at Easter time by far the great er number are Russians, who hope to -win Dh-iuo favor by takine Dart in the two great ceremonies of the Greek church In Palestine that of the holy Are In Jerusalem and of baptism in trie joruau. In the waters of the Jordan the nil- grlru believes he will find sure ablution for all his sms. Therefore, after wit nessing on Holy Saturday' the descent of the sacred fire in the Church of the Holy. Sepulcher, to the Jordan ha wends his- way. The 'distance from Jerusalem Is about seven and a half hours' rldingr-as distances are meas ured in the orient. - Most of the pilgrims walk, but soma ridp'oa- donkeys and horses and soma ou camels. The aged have to be held ouvto the backs of their beasts, and the women In many cases are suspend ed ln baskets. The strange spectacle of these1 pilgrims marching to the Jor dan for this baptismal ceremony Is certainly unique, thousands of pilgrims of all ages and description traveling In a mighty band during the night through the narrow defiles of the mountains and across the dreary plains. Illumi- uating the wild scenery with' the glare of countless torches and startling the intense stillness of the desert air with penitential chants and harmonious mel odies, like a living picture of the Israel ites taking their departure from Egypt on Just such a night and In just such a manner. The view from this plain to the Jordan Is beautiful. The procession reaches the Jordan be fore early daybreak. Immediately ev ery pne prepares to enter the sacred river. As the sun rises over the tops of Sloab the river bank of the Jordan presents one of the most remarkable scenes in the world. The ' pilgrims, disrobing In great haste and rushing down the banks. plunge Into the river In an undlstln- gulsuable mass. The garments they wear ore the white robes sanctmea AS THK BUJf l:lES OVEll MOAB A BPBCTACL APPaABB, by the holy fire" and whkii will eventu aiw tin their burial shrouds. ' Here are mon of all sizes and seasons, from tot- tHn!r octoeenarinns. aided by strong ,. tn (irawllne baffles, who are Immersed ; by their parent , Some wm in cautiously, and others reflect Wniw miter ns tne muaay nun u.- " r .. -m t .1 AAO erous stream.. Others leap m iuiuv wildly and swim like eeia ana uwu rearmear upon the banks and repeat the performance three times. They an either dip or plunge In three times In mmnnratioiL of the Trinity. Many of the -women enter apneia vj meA WhO due yieiu. -y'" -r Z .t-i.: Aao and are baptized on the brink of the riverr The men, with their dark hair, of great length, present a - ;nnuranm Hoialnff to tn grass, they dip three time and then shake themselves like dogs, v Aire " . .,i n. nn tna nanKS oi u .held by the Knsstana becanse of Chrtsts napn.u. in there. Is the last point .. , h rirr dlsnlars any charm before It narrows and carries away Re brownish hned waters to the D"dea. A wooden cross mark, the spot declar ed by the Greeks to be that of Christ's "ST pilgrim, are not -MM I wjtt Led a. cr.;.nd even drink th. MM wttenofoly out .f the r owa band., btrt aUw out of tboM of tbe r tin cans with tu precwu- - - taken back to Russia for baptismal wlO, tear, of Joy, for tbnfWJ confidemt that tbey on Mrdoa by dim to tWrpO- tix-y Bnasia with of pee and Joy. rMeatM , PW Th Iodc pw" preaenis oasse Into the distance, an iw lin ladea with ton ownchaa) 7.'. baakV waving theta abov. their hcrtds as joyful trophies, while singing glad stAlns of harmonious chants In melodious tones. The aged lean on their branches as on walking sticks, and the backs of their beast bear more of the precious verdure. Thus does tills strange pageant dis appear from the valley as rapidly as It approached, leaving behind It only the silence and the solitude of the wilder ness. This immense crowd of devoted human beings arriving In deep humili ty and leaving in gladness, shouting songs of triumph, has come and gone. But no trace of the visit Is to be seen except the strewn leaves and the foot prints on the clay banks. Cincinnati Enquirer. STANLEY'S EASTER TREE. Springtime Suggestion For the Lit tle Folks. Stanley Ober stood at the window looking across themendow at the small evergreeusthat skirted the wood be yoml and wishing It were Christmas time again, for the tree had been sucb delight, but It was nearly Easter; and there would be Easter- eggs and Easter cards and a small party, when all the cousins would be there. "Mamma!" he cried suddenly. "Well?" asked mamma. Stanley went nearer ond talked ear nestly for several minutes. Then mam ma's face wore a smile, and Stanley was beaming and mysterious. The party came off on Easter Mon day, arid all the cousins wre there. A merry time they had of It, with all sorts of Easter games, and then came tea, with pretty sandwiches and cakes Umd i$es and fruit, and then a door was opened into anotner room wuero siuuu tree hung with the most charming of Easter tokens. Dainty bnskets ot flowers, one for each guest; painted eggs suspended by gay ribbons, beautU ful cards and homemade trifles, and at the top of the tree were sprays of love ly Easter lilies that looked so pure ajid White against their background of dark green. " - . The Easter tree was a great success. and the cousins voted Stanley's Easter party to be the most delightful they bad ever known. Youth's Companion. Jack Horner Pies, Jack Horner pies of all sizes are fashioned for Easter entertainments. A huge one Is handsomely trimmed and decorated and filled with the four and twenty, not blackbirds, but downy lit tle yellow chickens, each noiaing a no bon in its beak, Jo which Is attached some Easter favor. - These pies are rather expensive when purchased at a shop, but would not be difficult to ar range at home, as the chickens can he bought by the dozen at various places where cotillon favors are soia. -ou hostesses will use a -pie filled with Easter eggs arranged in duplicate col- nr na a means Of sorting partner. When the pie Is opened each lady picks ont an egg, and afterward it is nanuea around to each man, who mwst find his companion for the evening In the lady who has chosen an egg of the same color as the one selected by him. -Ittsburg Dispatch. Easter .K Th Knxons. and In fact all the Teu tonic races, worshiped Easter and kept her feast day about the time oi wo spring equinox.. Unbridled license was Mowed on this occasion and Jests of every kind played. Many Of these sur- nntnhlv . that oractlced by the sturdy codntrywen north of the Hum- ber, who, during easier, mm, into the rtreets and claim a kiss or a silver sixpence from every wuu,a they meet. Not long ag3 in me owu f Redllnirton. Northumberland, a coal -miner was sueil for kissing a woman on Easter. He pleadea tne om cuvuu. and was Immediately released.-Chica-go Inter Ocean. . ". A Singular Egg Triok. With a large decanter and a hard boiled egg a novel trick -can be per formed. The decanter, however, must be quite dry, and the egg must be shell- . ..,. in the decanter a piece of lighted paper and as the flam the neck of the decanter after the man- . .tnnnpr. In a few minutes tb. riioa nnt nm one euu i i air will cool In the decanter and con tract In volume, when the superior pressure ef the atmosphere wUI force the egg through the neck down Into th decanter without breaking. Throwing the Egg. f 4 , . n.rt of Eurone there Is an Easter gam wbicn is w.. rj though It Is bard on eggs. Th children atand toeing a lln on a smooth plac Jrhcr the ground Is soft, and then on. nyoneTheythrow their eggs, each on. ifming toVe bow far h. or aba , can i,Kn, breakloc or crack fag th m mum -- - - 17 Tb skilled players aim to throw SeVr eSaao that they Sbs flS k.m atong tb ground and land Anally on their imallerenda, which are th bardct- Oeveland FUln ueaier. a a. Ola Easter Cuatom. .. tk kmc aco for men . Easter day. hot to latter repaid tb. eomp!lmnt tb next a.. This ceremony, as far aa eaa b learned, was not " ..K, StaW aeparatlori. and w mo doubt, ' - .ua.iva nr lew t mere loving castigamm- u . mmd the LWk -Tin. 1 fancy Biatory would aav been rery .m, it tha Time newspaper had bea rotng all th tlm. On eaa fancy tb loUm tetter that would bar ap peared la it. -Str-My attendoa has bMSt called to tb report that. I BPd to murder Julio Caeear to U eapitol, . w which baa bo foondaUoa ta ict I shoold bar. tbjmgbt tbatth friendly relatlona which, I anproad to mT. always eobatetad betweea a k. mtoed asck a alander bnooaaibia. Tours, At, Brotna." O. w cheatartoa la Illustrate Loadoa Kewa. m. k.v nrrmoaoced IIol- .. . Mnnlain Tea thS lisver s n-- - rth im nr Dower on aru- -bea medical science frils itaoo ceeds. Makes yoa well aod rT ii ftSienta Tea or Tablet. - Thompson Drpg Co. Eirht candidate are already an- j nonnced for tha msyoralty race in . t- r.;n nrimariea in Ashe- toe irtuwv."' r Tiile. AN EASTER LILY Once, tn a mosey earden old, -Che angel of the flowers , dallied tn the silver mlet Sf dawn Hnd watered tt with ehowcra. Be aaw an Caster Hly there, ; " Coo"beauttfutlo fade, nd changed o fragrant love Jlneee Into a little maid. ' BEBOT.D DEB HOBED IN P1LMY WBIlli ri ..'i 0 Behold he robed In filmy white Where tn the enurcb she , V' V y etanda," " ' Che long stemmed lilies In her arms, r! Che psalter in her hands. ' Ber face ,1a lifted to he morn j Its glory round her Ilea, : Hnd all the brightness ot the day Is mirrored In her eyes;: . On erery Vltar tn tht land v Che Illlea bud and blowt , Che air la beay with perfume, j . . from ehtfct of anow j 1 H dewy garland' round the worlds Che bloaaoma stretch awayr . But she Is still ths sweetest v flower ; Chat blooms on 6asUr day. Minaa lrviog m Leaie't Weekly Egg Rolling at tha White House. The egg rolling of Easter Monday at Washington Is the most Interesting of American-sJSaster practices. The fete Is held on the Whlto House grounds, aS Thmuands of children .....i., l fha lirnflil BTwn,SlOD- l nrw uumw w . lng lawn W inuuige iu..-uuji:i'' rolling, egg knocking and other games, a scene unrivaled In picturesque and bnppy interest 'This Easter Monday celebration bos leen emulated In other places In America. .In Atlanta,' a, recently the park oommlssloners their own expense procured 10,000 eggs, bad them prettily decorated and bid tbetn in one of the dry parks, con cealing them Just sufficiently to give eest'to a hunt, to which aH the children tn the city were Invited, EaaUr Clothes. Tha mm of having new articles of dress for Easter seems to-be the one wn,cJ through th ages baa mnmt laaunaiv orroi"i " U not very probable that all of th many young ladles who could not go to church on Easter without aew bon net or of the young gentlemen who so conselentloualy visit ttielr tailor a few weeks before Easter know of tb .7 .nruircl worn OKI uper.u- ."--r'7--. . . . i i mnrji eriuna In en Easter wouiu utm lov affair during tb ensuing year. (O5 . "T ,u. Aaaala. ha aaJi i tte SSalM i aa sawJasn : VV if ttewser. -Tb Oataask. f II l afer of IHlitbry By 15. Kxilllp OppenHelm ( it " ..t. .TV. wacw Viiniiner.M "Tba 1 MIS: If they did. the crush at the tailors and the demands on the dressmakers would probably be something enor mous. Washington Star. , 1 Easter at Christ Chureh 8ohool. In Ijondon there Is au old and felic itous custom on Easter Monday, when the boys of the famous Christ hospital school repair to the Mansion House' to receive from the lord mayor what are known as "Easter bobs." Each "Gre cian"1 receives a sp reign, and the others, according to their" relative stand ing, are given coins of lesser value. Refreshments of lemonade and buns are served, after which the mayor and the civic authorities conduct the boys to Christ churtb. Newgate, where they hear a sermou. I v, , - FUffWITR' EGGSHELLS, Ml Sorts of Thins May Be Made With Dabris el Esater Breakfast . ' There Is a rollk-klntf lot-of fun to be had ont Of eggshells and scraps of egg) aboil. - '" , You mliy use whole eggs for the bod ies of animals.. If these should prove to be too. heavy for thut purpose, bore a sniiill hole In each end with a sharp pcnkulfe aud blow .out the contents. Eggshells emptied In this manner wlU servo admirably In a, number of In stances. -'V, ' ' Bits of twigs, .matches or toothpicks make, excalleut legs and arms. The les of a tulghfs harse may be made of pieces of twigs, and so may the legs and arms of the knight himself. ID one anluiaIr-"Cocop" a bit of a root was used for a tall, and a ridiculously fun ny tall It- made too. Two pieces of timothy were used for antennae. ... Ap proprlntely enough, chicken : feathers are a great feature In this fun. They may be "psed for ears or wings oi plumes or tails. In conclusion, use any and every material thatis at hand. The more absurd It Is the better. ' Small scraps of shell fastened to the ends of the arm's and legs make ex cellent hands aud feet. Make all fas tehlugWltu sealing wax and paint features on your anlmnls with Ink. V The half shells may' be fastened to gether In various ways aoms slipped Inside of the other and some fastened, together aoSs to make 4 whole shelU Woman's Home Companion. ; ' A QUAINT OLt) CUSTOM. Sad Fata of Youii Men Who Triad to Afd Eaater -Heaving." A very pecnJtar' K""'8" custom whose orfelu It-Is difficult to traca Is that of ."heaving," practiced on Easter Monday uad Tuesday.' "Men would heave or lift womeu seated chairs jibove their heads; and women would henve-men In similar fashion.. Those who refusal to b heaved.or to heave bad to pay a fine, v Sometlmos men ana Woriieu would BIO sway IQ aacap uiw ordanl'sad the fine, and at times the rem.i wtu dlstrous-as, for Instance, la ,, the' caaa-referred toiby Taylor In bIS manuscripts;' r'- ' , HK8-I). - Tills yera the. tueaday after Ester bollydajs two yonga men of Salop whose namea. wtro Edmonde rtovnalds & ltobart Clarka were smoth ered under tha biding themselves from. n,fi tha hill falltna part tne ror nnoii them."!." i- 1i;-'.-.v- There may; have been many- Others wha anffarcd mora from1 evading the heaving, bur hlatory ; U silent about tbem-New York l'ree. - THE BURNING OF JUDAS. A Strang. Eastar Ceremony Still Pra. . , v Used la M.xfco. - " Of fh -many ceremoule of Easter week the one which most excites the Interest of lb stranger In Mexico Is that of the f'Sabado d Gloria.", the tutiirdav before Eaater. ' d" On tliat day th arch traitor Judas i. hold tin to nubile execration by tid ing burned In th shop of effigies stuffed vICi flreworia These emg'.eJ are n.nullv riliwhunou mounter SUd are hawked about th. streets on tb. days preceding th. -Saturday of glory." fh artifleere alv fre play to their fancy, and soma of tb result are, to eay th least, MionisniDg. wwt " ei.. hara noma, claws and other On Saturday morning the largest Jo dass are suspended on wire stretched cross tb street ana ar Durnea w tha wild excitement Of in crewm 4 , -tt ia et .rut to WltOeM th. eniDonr. - N.w York Evening SING I prtac of Blnnera," "MyeUrlooa I f Mr. Sabln." tc, etc i ILLUSTRATED BY BERGER AND COPYRIGHTED Athrtning T of snyatory. A young EnglUhma goi7hVerUt arUctotpt ot a vaJnabU tota aecret. Sought by the se ems nolio of feaeia, Fraao aod Oermany, who ar ZLEZZi Zotr the papr, the yog . dta rtoKrU. Hie at wko J"? tnu of strong taasaiona, awnda bis frtaad to loosia Toisel EtowttaU UavA out yoa ca team from riding the atory ahorUy appear In Our Columns -rVjrooxhly rdbl. and exciting. Carrie tlera along brmUJe-Jy. hew York Bun. Tb. fytn. from f j LOOK FOR IT These. Hustling Americane. . At a ft cent gathorinr in Balti more two moil -from different sec tions of the country were discussing Ihft capabilities of "nervous, restless Americans" i'cr boiuij most.Blow and ilelikiratc.' The Maylander claimed the palifr flownoss for the in habitants of .th o lantern, Shore of his state. , '. ' ; '.'It b e fiayiiig hereabouts," said he, "that if oysters had been cre ated with legii the pcoplo of the Eastern Shore woud all have starv ed to death." , "Tho folks around Mount Monad nock have a saying that beats yours' remarked a. Vermont man. Of one, maa up there; it used to be obsessed that if you vera to giye .Hiram Ilipgins forty yards start stock stiU wonld cntchnral'V-Har-.pef's Weekly. ' " . :";-,A Verbal Puzzle. '. - '' -Lieutenant coloncK is probably the - worst verbal puzzle that con fronts tho .child- says'a writer. "Our pronunciation' is a heritage from tho sixteenth ce'ntury spelling 'coronel.' w"hich represented the "Spanish form, wherein the change of 1 to, r was wngmsticaiiy nat- ura-1. tho'jffh Donular etymology wrongly; connected ths word with corona", a crown. It is really front the Italian 'colonna,' a column, tho 'uipagnia colonclla' having been the first company of an infantry regiment, ' the -little column which the 'colonel', led. la the seven teen",!!, century 'colonel' had three' syllables, as in "Milton's lino 'captain or colonel, or knight in arms,' but in Johnson's timo tho common pro nunciation was 'cornel ' . . , Bays' Four Season. .. - "Spring," summer, autumn and' winter, ..those are the lour seasons as the 'man sees tbtim,". said 4 schoolteacher a, few days ago,, "Tha boy lias another way of dividing tha year, however, -and when he docs not watch the seasons of Ms year on a calendar above his desk he never forgets them. His division i maN Dies ball, ahinney anu sKaimg. jiur bles come in place of spring, base ball in summer, slunney-xh the fall and skatjag itf the winter. you can toll "what' season is is by5 watching a group of Joys t play iiist as well as by an almanac. '--Kansas City star. v . j ... f . ' . - i . ' ' ' ' ''..To DIs In th Last Ditch,", i Till, purl ips t use of the expression "to die in the lost ditchj' was raado iv William of Grantee, tho stadt- holder oJhej Dutch republic, .Wbilai no was carrywig uu ,uw ojijcui,y hopelossV rftniggle V against f Louis XIV., Buckinghsm, wha ws urging him to yiold, askdd him Whether he did not .B-he..ntiuai)iifaiot his country that was impending. . "There is ono certain means, ru nliorl William, "bv wliich I cap, be sure never to see ray country's ruia I will die in tbo last ditch, r , , " An Irish Easter Gam .. I In Ireland Children play a gam caU- ed "bunching eggs." im ". with a pan filled wun anna " dust, which is set on n table, around which the children stand, each supplied, with egg The egg of each player ar all of one color and are nllk those of tb other players, Th object of th gam I for eocb player to so plac the egg etaudlng upright In th and a to bring 0v In a row touch big each other. In turn each player pull down o egg, sometimes fllilnf out a row f or, herself, at others cut ting off the lln of an opponent The on who first succeeds In obtaining tl desired row calls out:- ' , ""I, raven, ehmiati aod .tow" , -i ; Lay Ova tn a row." : V- - Tfca aldest and biggest carving fork in tha world I -kept In tba.old castl of Bu. In Krance. It was tb property of King Henry of Nsvsrr. . Wsltreae Pkl you say th meat was tough, lrT Customer-Tough I Why, I &n't tlck my fork la tb gravyV-Illos- trated Bits.-; I Cared of RheumalUm. . . Wm. Henry of Chattanooga, Mr. Tenn., had rheumatism in bis left arm. "The strength seemed to have gone put of the muclea so 'that "it was useless for work, V he says,, '.'l applied Chamberlain's Pain- Balm and wrapped the arm in flannel at night, and to my relief! found that the pain gradually left me and the strength returned, .In.three weeks the rheumatism hud disxppeared and has nut since - n-turned." If troubled with rheumatism try a few applications of Pain-Balm. You are certain to be pleased with the relief whichit afford. For sale by4 Simmons Drug Co, . ' ; r Woodward, Ala.,1 last week a por tion of 1 he furnace of the Woodward Iron Cj. fell and buried a number of me.i." At laat accounts six dead bodies had beertakien out.' 'MYheB'jrbu need a pill,' take a pinw and be sure it's an Early Riser, De- Wilt's Litt e Karl? Kisers are sale, sure- satisfaoU ry pill,, The pills with a renniation. iney ao noi tripe orsicken They are sold here by J, C. Simm-ns Drug Co Dr. A. II." JDreher, a dentist o( i Salisbury, died in a hospital in Philadriphia Sunday, . from the ef- (ects of blood uoison contracted last i Deo; while eating pineapple. He was about 40 ytafs old.. , . C Kodol For Dyspepsia 'clears the stomach and makes the 'breath ai sweet as a rose.; . Kodol, is sold" by druggists, t on a guarantee reiiei plan.- It conforms strictly , to the National Pare Food and Drug taw. Sold by J. C, Simmons Drug Co. . Rl.Mlhw ' has voted 1160.000 of ;- ....... bonds 1- for public z improvements-- waier works and graded soboois.y, Harness Shop 1 FIRST-CLASS V "CP-TO-DATE Stf '"HARNESS ; MADE TO QBDER, Repairing . a Specialty AU strictly hand sowed , No machine work, . Patronage Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' ' , WILL D. TUIlffiR P.ILUardcn Corner CRAIIAP.1,N.C . J . i i i ' . . . Mortgage Sale ! , Torsuant to the powers TciUvl la themort-, f!Im bv ilrttie oFa certain mortma de4 b,Tj. K.P end VIJ.W b ,if. to Thoraa. W. Coqk and Eraatue r. z ii,. nr Juna. lw. ana auiv ltawd for Alamenoe oonnly. In Book Mo. Vm-th- --I. at publl. a.-"- f" - m .. a .tn I.. .1.. ana .DWrVHlini eaa, at we eour. mm -.. SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1907, i -inrk. noon. eertalo tract of tar Trtna and twins In tint eountr ot Alananoa, I Kali "71 Horti T Carolina. In grille wn ahliTadjolnlnBtbe landa at . W. Tbomj nip'iVi. airaajutottaara. and bounded as i&SZZ, iod bounded follow: I . a. I1IIM nBDfl VIIU COftWfft ik. B. W. Tbjmipetm, rJL.T..l links a rock. M. - n'r irn. tb.no. H..UT B.. M.U w tb hasinnin. mm w" " ay eerae pw ' .t. .t. hot f he mono on - , TenMOf aaleceafe. TMOMA w. March BL HOT. li I J 1 ' ' ?T7Jk n 1 1 r fc-v i v-rrTX 1 ... irm Wt. AT jTZ- aaV 1 M mm Mm Ml wmr-mm-Fr---' mm I 'I ... ia aw a.aaU I ftwwMMW ." I iitfcumtoziax. I :ffj.VW;llv boeartl UX.wlU pnlrafewrae 'l.;,, fl aaoobrmplow. ow,aiennjB VI , n IMN tertu ira for apenf ijara. Maaa u i I , j.Ul Jvjjj.. . I ! VLUU-CeiroUa" CbaHnicaJ Ca., j hAcr. I mill (( .IfMk, I if i l aSS- iJ 1 We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. rtiili-M Ihere If daily mile ot ! '! poi.oiiom product Bra b,Tb, cmuwnr na aclio. uihu.iies, 1ll,u.6, dr.pP.U miia-tlilll prm-eulfliff the H.rs.pril l II mm lolns It. best Act genu; AaAAaAAASASiAAaAAAAAAA ieadaches This time of the year am signals of warm no. TakeTaraxacumComv pound now, . It may av3 you a spell one-. ver. it win reguiaxe your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion Aerood .Tonic. V -' ' Ai . An honest medicine ,y araxacum work. Aver'f iIU ra lt Bill. all voKeutiMO. . i Made brJ.O. Aye Oo-.lWi'l-W"' B if B ' hair viooa. I dL. O CHEWV PECTORAL. I . W ha no ttmt I W-Fbu,fc ' j "aaMaagMDMaMaaarT .0. MEBANE. N. C. ' ; iWeaR Hearts, " Ar 4u l tndlgeatlon. Nlnety-olB of rrery n hundred, people who have betrl trtroba, eaa remember when It was simple indiges tion. It I a aotaaUflo fact thai all cast o kart disease, not erganlo, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of lodi gesuon. All food taken tot th stomach which (alls of perfect dlgasuoa torments and trails the stomach, pulling tt'vp against tb. bsart. This Interferes with tb action at th. heart, and in tnev course oi nme on SeHoat but vital organ become alaeased. se&eSGSStSi'&s Baaatks aai a ewe m. - Kodol Wsests What Toa lat ad relieves the atomach of au nerve strain and the heart of all preamrs. . tstttesealr. Sl.00 Stae aatdta 2M ames Skew "" aUe.oStckstUeierSOe. mperif BV . 0. DWITTOO.OMHMOO J. C. fiimmons. Druggist. n s Dp ia Curb ..t v6a cat. This r ' uins all of the a'l kind of -.t- a'.lt;f and never . "dm to eat all alostserjaltlre rjlgcsUi' flilS t'J.t. tNrsan(ls cf C .Hit:-; oeeo !'i;:t--:;ni.rjr era uut a..e-i I : t'j-3 wowaoa. . e-uiiu ren witttwcak ft.v-. thrive on IU First dose rtilercs. A diet unnecessary Cores bsI ittffu&ch trocL!39 L.i.Ih,u muaLbcaucaaW w. anaMl, aMain V. a end Fon-ira r ' ' mil. r- Start amli.acaor r.lo inTmu . ...... r ararda la - (Mlac. raat e rv -. a pe eve Is aaaik eaea " BOITTl-r. WSITS T l-.I iiiiim i. "i p-r ir-- - WALL FA PER Fir.-t quality, at half usual r r: " line of samples to t f. Pr hanging at rea.r ; work pati-r;ift-rj. BRADS II A W. 1