THE "GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. 3The editor will not be responsible lo bo vIowh expresaod by correspondents. . $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISING KATES Une square (1 In.) 1 time f 1.0 ' r each gubr ouuent Insertion 50 cents. For more space na longer time, rates furnished on appllea lon. Local not cos 10 cts. a line for first nnertlon : subsequent insertions 6 cts. a line. Transient advertisements must be paid for n advance. Entered at the postofflce at Graham, N. C. as second-class mail matter. GRAHAM, N. C, Sept. 19, 1907. Attorney Kellogg in New York is digging deep into the financial do ings of the octopus the Standard Oil Co. and is bringing forth sur prises. Hon. J. Allen Bolt HImsell. Announces On last Thursday afternoon the remains of Dr. P. L. Murphy, late Superintendent of the State Hospit al at Morganton, were interred io grounds of the institution over which he had so ably presided since its foundation. The schools and colleges over the state, as far as heard from, have opened this fall with larger numbers of pupils than ever. Such an awak emng along educational lines gives joy to every educator in the state It means much more than can be estimated for the general uplift of the state at large. Joshua Harrison, who was con victed of kidnapping the son of Sen ator S. M. Beasley, of Currituck county, in 1905, and was tried, con victed and sentenced to the peniten tiary for 20 years, appealed to the Supreme Coutt On Tuesday the judgment of the lower court was at firmed, and yesterday, in Norfolk, Harrisonput a pistol to his head and ended his life. Senator Simmons says, or words to that effect, that Mr. Bryan ought not to be the next Dem- mooratic candidate for President. Hon. Frank C. Robbing, of Lex ington, writes to the Charlotte Ob server and says that Mr. Bryan's government ownership of railroads nor some of his other notions of government, won't do. Mr. Rob bins is against centralizing tendencea, and he will find many to say amen. Interesting Railroad Statistics. Mew York Dispatch. The gross earning of the railroads of the United States during 1906, according to the fortieth annual number of Poor's Manual, made the enormous increase over 1905 of 1234, 442,516. The net earnings increas ed 1104,728,224. This was done in spite of a heavy increase in operating expenses, due to higher wages and increased cost of material. More than 71.000,000 To l he Democrats of Guilford coun ty and the 6th Congressional Dis trict: In response to the earnest solici tation of my friends in the county and in the district, I have decided to ofler myself as a candidate for the 'Democratic nomination for a seat in Congress I cast my first vote for Samuel J Tilden, in 187C, and have consist ently voted the Democratic ticket ever since. I have supported Deru ocracy faithftilly all these years both by my influence and financial con tributions to the success of the tick ets. I have served the people of uuutord county, the county ot my birth, and the home of my parents faithfully as a member of the Board of Education (and as its Senator) for the last twenty-five years (with the exception of the two years the Republicans were in Dower) and have done this at a large outlay from my purse, as it is well known that neither of these offices is remu nerative; but on the contrary that whoever holds them must do so largely at his own expense, If ydu think I have performed my work faithfully, I would like to have your support. I shall ask it clean-handed. I do not want any friend of mine to strike a Democrat below the belt in my behalf. If cannot win honorably I do not want to win at all. I appeal to those men in the county and in the district who be lieve that the government has been in the hands of the professional pol itician lone enough; to those voters who honestly believe in equal rights for all and who are opposed to those special privileges which enable the favored few to exploit the people to those voters who oppose the trusts and who would root them out of our body politic; to those who stand for the right of the State to make laws and see them executed when not declared unconstitutional by the proper courts; to those who are opposed to a high protective tariff which is, in effect, a heavy tax on the common people and a light one, relatively, on the rich man, and is consequently an unequal ouraen my appeal lies to those farmers who have felt the heavy nana or monop oly: to those merchants, wholesale and retail, who are entitled to fair freight rates without the djscrimina tions which eat up their profits; to those 'manufacturers of cotton goods and furniture who feel most acutely the burden of a high tariff on their machinery and the heavy railway discriminations in freight rates; to the laboring man, whether farmer or mechanic, upon whom the whole burden of the creation of wealth ultimately rests, and who, whether producer or consumer, is most un fairly discriminated against both in his labor and . his living; to every voter and to every man who would rectify those laws which cause the unequal distribution of the burdens of productions and of government 1 oner my character built up through fifty-four years right among you and my record publio and pri vate as well as whatever ability you may think I have to your service. In my public life, I may at times have erred in judgment, but I have stood in open and hare dodged no responsibility. ... Believing that I people traveled by rail in 1906 in I represent the interests of the plain excess of the nrecedinir vear. while I people who remain at home and k 1 irt noo coo I must hare confidence in their repre . . 1 hoi Jsentatives, I ask their support ith tons, as compared with 1,435,321.- fu that if j. git x ioo ions in too preceding year. be nominated and elected. The total assets oi all railroads I Thanking you for your support in are renortnd as 2 17.S34. 881.822. or the past and assuring you tnat 1 mn ih.n . K ! mnn.. have no other ambition than honest tn inL.i,.n u .i. npmmt Tour interests, am I - Keepectiully yours, The average receipts a passenger ' J. ALLEN HOLT. m mile in 1906 was 2.011 cents, as Oak Ridge, N. C, Aug. 27, 1907. ad. against 2.028 cents in 1905. The average revenue a ton a mile I Davidson College has begun its in 1906 was 0,766 cents as aeainst 171st session with the largest attend- n 7Ai tn ions "': '- - I ence in its history, The number of Tfc.ii-iiJa4fcrf-nJBd"?w.wtod the open m v twwu ivutu vw bwipiii a wwa ins is 297 and others are, arriving daily. I his is one ot ir.e largest bodies of regular college students in the southern states, as Davidson hat no departments of Law, Medicine, ThAftlnvv Phirmsr. ali . all nf har ...... I m,j m J I . low construction during the year Undents matriculating for the rego wa 5,516.70 miles, but but the net liar college courses in Liberal Arts increase was smaller, owlnir to mils-1 and Sciences. completed on December 31, 1906, ' was 222,635.18 miles, as against 217, 841.02 miles at the close of 1905, an I Increase of 5,294.16 miles. The ao- A SHY SCRAPES RIGHT. Building 611 It. aad 4.7 S lor lea Bclaa Erected In New York. New York Diapatub. Piercing the sky-line of New York far above all the other sky-scrapers of the down-town district, the lofty Singer building, fast nearing comple tion, will, within the coming week, exceed in height the Washington monument, whose solid shaft of granite rises 555 feet above the ground. When the structural steel workers rivited home the last steel beam Saturday before ending their day'e work, the steel frame of 36 floors of the building had been com- l pleted. Eleven more stories remain to be built and when the towering pile of steel and masonry is finished it will be 47 stories high and 612 feet from the sidewalk on Broadway to the pinnacle. This giant sky-scraper will be the highest occupied building in the world and will overtop all other ex isting structures except Eiffel tower in Paris. When completed a time ball will drop every hoar from a pol on top of the building and at night the falling hour globe will be illumi nated by three lights which will play upon it constantly. Tho foundation of this colossal building is set in solid bed-rock 96 feet below the level of the sidewalk. A heavy steel body laid over the caissons forms the under body qJ the structure, fourteen floors of which comprise the main section of the building from which rises the tower up to 47 stories, with its scores of office rooms. The engineers say the total weight of steel and mason ry in the tower is 18,365 tons while nearly 10,000 tons of steel have been used in frame-work. Eighteen ele vators will carry the 2,500 tenantB to their offices. Ftfteen thousand incandescent ligbto, sufficient, the engineers say, to light a town of 25,000 inhabitants, will illuminate the rooms and hall ways for late workers. Fifteen miles of pipe will be required for steam and water purposes. An immense copper lantern will form the pinnacle of the building from which at night a powerful searchlight will flash forth, furnish ing a beacon to mariners and will be visible more than 60 miles at sea. . "Is Ul '.Worts' Uvlno." Great Bridge Collapsed and Near ly 100 Killed. Quobeck, (juokock Dispatch. Tho great Quebeck bridge collap sed late on the afternoon of Aug. 29 and now the vast mass of Steele work lies a tangled wreck across' the St. Lawreiitu (hannel. A careful esti mate of the loss of life is 84. The bridge fell at exactly 23 minutes to 6 Ibis evening just ss many of the workmen were preparing to leave. The accident was so terrible in its ef fectiveness in wiping out the lives of the men employed that very lit tle is known as to the cause of the disaster. The bridge was about a.mile and half in length and hall of it, from the south shore to midstream, crum pled up aud dropped into' the wa ter. Ninety men were at work on this section of the structure and the whistle had just blown for the men to quit work for the day, when there came a grinding sound from the bridge midstream. The men turn ed to see what had Happened and ah instant later the cry . went op, "the bridge is falling." The men made a ' Amid the sorrows and the sighs, the heartaches and disappointments, and the misery and woe of the world, many people are prone to ask them selves, after all, is life worth living? And that is where a great mistake is made. T,hat question should nev er be allowed to raach the point of discussion. We should turn from it as we would shun evil, and in a far different spirit earnestly ponder over the worth of living. Selfishness narrows our minds and dwarfs our souls. ) We become de spondent and grow tired because all that we crave does not come to ub and abide with ' us, Bimply be cause we crave it. That is the surest road to misery. Living with such a view forces one down where it is-dark and dreary and cheerless and cold. It does not invite sym pathy or love. A struggle to get away from such a life brings help to abandon that which is pulseless and dead. : ' ::x To realize that life is worth living is to know and practice the worth of living. Its true value liesfnhelp- Cocannt Milk Remedy for Burns. Nashville Ten neraeean. v '.'The milk of a fresh cocoanut is the finest remedy on earth for burns, " said Antonio Gilandi, of New Or leans, at the Maxwell. "Several years ago I happened to be in Cen tral America, shipping fruit to the United States. While there I first learned that the cocoanut milk was the very best medicine in case of bad burns. In a severe case where the flesh is so badly burned that it sloughs away from the bone the co coanut milk will relieve the pain and stop the inflammation. I know many people in Central America who had used the milk for burns and pronounced it excellent." To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Uandy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dis- penning Preventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt, rrevenuca contain no yu nine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneii monia, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good ing others, not depending always on for feverish children. 48 Preven others belninff voir. A word of " cents. Inal D0X68 O Cts, u.hianr1 W anrl hnn for I h Sold ' J A C. Simmons Drug Co. weak and faltering, ""charity for the morally frail and erring ones, sym pathy and love for .the despondent and sorrowful. ' Life is worth living to a man of whom at the end of the journey, it may be truthfully said: "He lived to "bless mankind. He found and knew the worth of living. If the world is . ever -dark, it is dark with such a man .beneath the sod," Life is worth living for the oppor tunity it gives for doing good, for ' ' A passenger train on the Southern railway was derailed near Tryon Wednesday night and about a doz en passengers were slightly hurt The railroad people claim that the wreck was caused ? by the track "buckling" from intense heat. Bad Tetter lor 30 Years, ; I have suffered with tetter for thir ty years and have tried almost count less remedies with little, if any, re smoothing the rough pathway of the I lief. Three boxes of Chamberlain' wanrv nnrl Knavv.lnrlnn for refine-1 balVO CUred me. it W88 a torture. nirin th hrotherhood of man and 11 V.688 oxA. a V"1" metimes, but ..... I nothing to what it used to do.-D practising u in our oaiiy iniercouree H. Beach, Midland City, Ala. Cham in social ana ousiness me. : i urn i oerlain'B Salvevis lor sale by J, irom gloomy and moody selfishness, I Simmons Drug Co. and get out where thtre is light and love and cheer, and blessings will follow surely as the earth is refresh ed and clean and sweet after the storm and rain has passed. New Bern Sun. - - v Beware of Olatmeata lor CatarrMnat Coatala Mercury aa mercury will surely del troy tlie cense of smell ana completely derange the wnoie system when entering It throuKB the mucous surfaeea. each articles should never be used except on proscriptions from reputable pby-j Sicians. aa in uumuKU wey wiu ue is usu fold to the good you can possibly delve t rom I hum. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Vo., Toledo, U contains no mercury, and la taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muoous surfaces i oi lue system, in uuyuiK nan s uuurm uure ue sure you getiiicgeuuine. ii is lukcu in ternally ana made In Toledo. Ohio, by i, J. Chenov ft Co. Testimonial free. oia dv urugpisGS. rnce ioo peruuiuo.; Take Hall's Family Fills for coustlpatlon. At Briery Swamp Primitive Bah tist church, Pitt county, Sunday;8lh while candidates for. membership were, being immersed .near the church some one entered the ch urch building and stole a part of the com munion wine; ; " " OASTORIA Bears tie Yon Hiiro Always Bought gigutui - of Women as WeJl as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. The next examinations tbrou gh- out the State for applicants for State license for teaching in the public high schools will be held at each county seat under .the. supervision of the respective county superi nten dents October 11 and 12.. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courage and lessens ambition' beauty, vigor iij' . ana cheerfulness soon -i m 7i - disappear when the kld- i.x -ney are out ot order ji vr iiiiHwacq. ,. - - " Kidney trouble has become so ' prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the English Spavin Liniment removes "rin ". when the child n i -a ii j j . .. - "" " ii naro, sou or caiiousea lumps anu i control tne passage, it Is yet afflicted with g, aepena upon it, the cause of ity is kidney trouble, and the first blemishes from hoises, blood spav ins, curbs, splints, Bweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. . Saye $50 by the Ube of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known. Sold tor"tbe J. C. Sim mons Drug Co. graham, N. C.:;V: Chamois leather, is not, nor never! was the hide of the Chamois, but the flesh side of sheep skins. age abandoned, transferred to side track or equipped with electricity. Fire in the Southern railway sta tion at Charlotte Webnesday destroy ed valuable records and damaged. the building to the extent off 800 The fire started among the docu- The students represent practically every state in the South, and quite number io the Wen and Worth east. The Freshman class numbers something over one hundred, enter lot at the average age of eighteen years and six mootbs; fifty of tnero are from outside of Nortn Carolina, and the class repsesents ten states manta In tha 61a room and ii ann. I and territories. a, !!.. a Several new professonhipe have .vn. , recenUybeen established, including uivuuug uiswiks. a full professorship of Thysica Calvin Westmoreland was arrested 1 1 raining. in Winston-Salem recently aa an es caped convict after he bad been at liberty for a score of years. He was sentenced from Danburr, Stokes county, February 2 1887 for larceny, and served two years of his three year sentence. In 1S87 he escaped and for the past ten years had been living in Winston, where be work ed as a carpenter. The Lexington Dispatch says tha llr. Bob Conrad, a Thomasville merchant, was A woman needs no. eulogist; she speaks for herself. One way to forget other people's faults is to remember your own. Ill humor, Jike the chemical pre pa rations, often comes from a retott. It is impossible- to down sorrow; it has been (a the swim too long. - The man behind the white apron may be bartender or a bar tongh. A man s narrowness is one of the f Vi i n rrm m ilnMn'l want IimUI accidentally shot broadcast mrongti bom legs a lew days ago In lhU worM h... k . , and as a result to conGoed to his bed w, & , delivered by onr snrpo- a i'reu uau euaj. waa an- l fneodj. ting on his counter, with bis legs croed, when a 35-cI;bre Colt r-l At Enoch Til! e, Rowan ooanty. Tolver dropped ot of the pocket of J Friday, Fred Lipe, 1 6 y far-old sou Chief of Police Hilton, and waa dis- lot Mr. and Mrs. John Lipe, was rid cLarred. l he ttu vt&ea clean ing a none la ins Eeid wben the lbroch both lea. I horse stumbled and threw the boy into a ditch and then fell on lim, I a, ... I I ha T-w-. a saw m m m - KsI'w jm.. . V. J ii a -ii iarniprs coia an avrir I w uuw uiai c: iax..y. I he tiled Uter, . TIM Tosseh Thai Steal -. - v , . - . Is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica rush shoreward but the distance was 8,11 ve- lv tne happiest combinstion i,-, mm . . mu. V Arnica flowers ana neaiing Dai- W BW Vl IVI MJQU1 J VQVfllllsfS. AUDI 1 - VT I If , 0.9 t 1 I OUUJO fl WUJ PVUUUCU A' V tAJt.vf iien secuon oi me oriuge dragged how oM lhe , or alo j, ,thi8 oibers to It, the snspping girders Salve will care it. For burns, scalds, and cables booming like a crash of cat wounds or piles, it's an absolute artillery. bed-wettln the difflcu! step should be towards . the treatment of toese important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. . .-. Women as well as man are made mis erable with kidney : and bladder--trouble, ana win neea me same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. Yon may have a sample bottle by mail ires, aiso pampniet tell- Ecm at BmBot. ing all about H, Including many of the thousands of . testimonial letters received. trom suitor ers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer 8c Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and menUon this paper. '. u - ; Don't mtko any mistake, Ibut renembe uienams,wamp Kooc, Llr. Kilmer's Hwam Hoot, and the address, .Blnxbampton. N.I one vary bottle. . , t A Humaaa Appeal.' r A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind.,Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St., says:" 1 ; appeal to all persons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New Discovery, the only remedy that has helped me and ful ly comes up to the -proprietor's rec ommendation:" It saves more lives than all other throat and rung rem edies out together. Used as a cough and cold cure the world r ver. Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whoop ing cough, quinsy, hoarseness and phtbisic,8to8 hemmorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaran teed at. J. C. Simmon's drug store. 50c. and $100- Trial bottle free. The Boone Democrat Pays that Hon. R. Z. Linney spoke a gainst the Appalachian park at Wa tauga court Monday " of last week and Mr. Shepherd M. Dugger re plied. The Democrat' is' with Mr. Linney and thinks the park project an "absurd proposition." . There are a great many . people who have slight attacks., of indiges tion and dyspepsi nearly all .the time. Their food may satisfy the appetite but it fails to nourish the body simply because the stomach is not in fit condition to do the work it is supposed to do. It can't digest the food you eat. ilhe - stomacn should be given help. You ought to take something that will do the work your stomach can't do. Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia, a com bination of natural digestants and vegetable acids, digests the food it self and gives strength and health to the stomach. Pleasant to take. Sold by J. C. Simmons Drug Co, The Morganton Herald says that Mr. Robt. Winkler, ofr 4 Bridge;" water, is perhaps the largest- wheat and porn raiser ib'v Burke county. His wheat crop this year threshed out 1,838$ bushels, and he says from the present prospect he will make near 4,000 bushels of corn." : WW a . lhe t analZone .' The high wages iwi(i m . . mighty temptation tl, .' artisans to join the ir(.. . ""g workmen; needed to ..,,, M1i Panama Canal. Ma,!"4 however by the fear o j ones-. malaria. It is the those who have used E i. ""owing who go there with. ,u: , mn l . UJ1H Mil. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kid ney ailments, can be quickly correct-' ed with a prescription known r to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The prompt and sur: prising relief which this remedy im mediately brings is entirely , due to its Restorative action upon the con trolling nerves Of the Stomach, etc. A weak Stomach.causing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with palpitation or in termittent pulse, aiways means weak Stomach nerves or weak heart rjervea. Strengthen i these i inside ,or con trolling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Re storative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr.- Shoop of Racine, Wis. "will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by J.:. C. bim mon's Drug Uo. ' . . I knowing they are 8afe U' lous innuence with Eiectrin r-7 . ' onhand.:rCures.bl0o(iep ' biliousness, weakness and mJ? ach, liver and kidney tio bl ' f 'D anteedl.vJ n ad. ' m"t- Jr!! Co. A convention of North CBrolina postmasters, both presidential and fourth class, wilj be held in Raleigh October 15 and 16. There are 105 presidential and 2.100 fourth class postmasters in the State. Lost and Found Lost, between 9.30 p.. M jester- day and noon to-day, a ' bilious at tack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finding at-J. C. Simmon's drug .store a box of Dr. King's New- Life Pills, the guaranteed cure foa biliousness, ma laria and jaundice. 25c. ' "v Occasional headache.; belching, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appe tite and slight nervousness - are symptoms of indigestion which, when allowed to go uncared for, will develop into a cape-'of dyspepsia that will take a long time to get rid ot. Don't neglect your, stomach. At the first indication of trouble take some thing that will help it along in its work of digesting the food you eat. Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspep sia will do. this, Kodol will make your food do you good and will en able you to enjoy what you eat. Sold by J. C. Simmons Drug Co, ' The Herald says thct Mrs. Eliza Patton, of Morganton, 90 years old onHhe 6th, is hale and hearty. "She says she was never sick a day in her life and was never prescribed for by a doctor." ' 0AS7ORZA. Bean the - ll Kind Yoa Haw Always BoajW Blgnataz or , - Tin Kind Yoa Han Always I Ai cnarlotte one day la8t VlA Lloyd Gribble, 9 year, old, clinibe; up 47eetona tower ol the South "D PkWer ? 6quteztd through some bars and climbe(i m four feeth an arm to tounh ,!.. trie wire. He wanted to Heo what pubui. lyuuning tne wire ff(ml( h and he' was killed. ave Ifreal-coB'ee disturlw ,,. ... hach, your Heart or Kidu'T try this clever Coflee imitation-!) " Shoots Health Coffee. Dr. Snoop has closely matched old J-a ami Mocha Coffee in flavor yet it has not a single grilill Lofieeiult. Dr. Shoo,,' neal,; Coffee Imitation is made from pUr" toasted grains or cereald, with Malt Nuts, etc. Made in one minute No tedious lone wait. Ym, B.;ii ,... ly like it. Get a free sample at oui store. Mackman-Coble (irocery, Co It is claimed that Lake ! nrn. duces more fish to the square mile than any other body of water in the world. Itch cured in 30 minutrs hv vl ford's Ganitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J. C. Simmons Dr.. nn' Uraham, N. C. OvWilt Little harly Risers, r Scott's Emulsfon strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force ' " . " .v AM 4 4 : It provides baby, with the necessary fat Q and mineral food for healthy growth. 4 ALL ORUaa!8T3l 60o. AND St.OO. X J'.7cet Ready for the Big State Fair,., . fc . . . Get Ready for' the Big State Fair, Richmond, October 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12 everybody u looking forward to it. The wonderful success of last year has led to , UX SJOCK. j -$30fi00n - 1 AGRICULTURAL J GREAT RACES I EXHIBITS IN PRIZES . DISPLAYS ' ALL CLASSES B,ffiSr!AYWS WoMr 'SPECIAL SALES A BIG TIME I EVERY DAY ATTRACTIONS FACILITIES " ' ALL WEEK LOW RATES ON ALL RAILROADS ASK YOUR AGENT Tasteless Chill Tome cure. Qaranteed by J.C Simmon'e Drug Co. 'Zbc. It is claimed that (be skins of more than 100,000 animals are used annually in binding Oxford bioles. At 10 o'clock tonight 16 bodies had been picked op and of the eight men in the hospital two are not ex pected to live throogh the night' TheQueleck bridge was begun be finish U, ,909 Subsidies lJ 5 vera graveu vj lue r euenu ana pro vincial governments and the city of Beethoven became deat and long f n.kL .J iL. a A.J A rl m mm . . Huoun-K uu ujs numiw coai oi i oeiore .tu . dealn could not even the work was 1 10,000,00a hear the drums beat inibeorchee The Phoenixrills Bridge Com pa I trj ny, of Pennsylvania, had the con tract for the construction of the JjOlEYSnCIiETIl1 bridge and were woiking from boLh I trj7rrtH rn-a hV1lr-af sides of the fiver. As lusters, tne sect of Jams, in Sick HeataclM. ' I India are far ahead of all rivals. This disease is caused bv Ai rangment of the stomach. Take a FOlevS nOtieV mad Tar J -1 rt t i . . . . . I uutm w tiumuwuui oiomacn ana Liver Tablet to correct this disorder and ibe sick headacbe will disao- peir. For sale by J. C. 8immon OrufCo. Executors Sale of Real and Personal. Properly, The undenlgned Exeotiton of th Ut John X bmptuo, duoaataed, will aell oa the prcml- n id, ua Hem or deoeaaea in Mwlla Towntalp, Alaawnoe Oounty, all tkc landi and paraoaal propartr beiorjglCfto aald ca- uii u SATURDAY, SEPT, 28th, 1907. Taa Dnmartr la naar Rolmaii'a Mllla. Mid (ha landi oonsM of about tM acres, and tne penonal propertr oonaina ot bouaebold and Irtobea furnUura, ooe borao, and aoma old wa n. bunla and fans Implement. lerm ot bale: I na peraonal propertr 1 ba auld rr caab, and landa wilt be aokl roc ooe-tnlrd eaah. ooe-thirtl to ba paid la aix monUii and one-third In twelve moatba and uua reaprrea uu an tne pureaaaa aiioak la ,..(,-., HlMKOrT THOMPSOW, . ' D. H. THOMPmlM. . JONATHAN THOMPSOH. . . , t . WH. J. THOMPSON. i ' - . . . ... . - - Kxacnlora. Na. MM cwrts coldav prtrtmtM pamuraoalA Consiipalion boro complain - that aotomobiliste if are injuring the leaf tobacco market ,,tJZ Ei-aTituS'j; Tby ay,eo many automobiles run it tr. . ... 1M Luk ni A ... uu ui iwua jtmuing , oui irwa I aaamaa f.ffa a tmwt rowltwa awl to tha) Greensboro and frighten stock, that I a-r i .'Z4 many urmers are taking tbetr leaf I f- to rma n wolher markets. l" iZTlZZl " rai Ka Mta, o ( i4. Trcuwry Dcpartneal Ofll ee of Comptroller ol tkc Carre ey. : Waahloaio. D.' T.' Aoaat a, MOT. WWraaa. by aaUafartorr Teee) praaent I ed to tbe undt.rMnd, It aaa beea anade to anpear tkai Tte Hatleaal Baaaaj ad Am aaaaf a ad if abaaa, lu liia tow u of C ra lui m. la Uie rtoanty ot Alaamanoe, and to tab of Port Carolina, ba compiled alta ail the nmrisloctt of tb atauta of the Lotted hum. rrqul red to buaa piled Kk tjefor aa taoriauuo ahall ba autaeriard to onav aaeno tNMfoeaaaf lfnaina. how Therlore 1. Wlluaia B. RldfvlT. Oonitrntlrof the Cnrrencir. do berphr rerU tj that TIM Ntl al aak ad ' ed fcrabaaa. la tba TowauC Grahaiit. In tae t.Kjr.iy ut AJaaiaare, and btate ot Nona Carolina, la autaorlaad to maaianw tbe bustaeoaof Baa kind aa provided la fceetJoe riftatone feundrrd andairr miom of htatue of the l aited titakae. CooreraicNl of La ijana of A lamauoe. la t-eeuimwy wbareof witoeM in . band and ai of oftce thit t wen 1 7 turd dar ot August. W M. K KIDOELT, lhe Old Standard has stood the test 25 yccirsy Average annual sales I . v " iiiuiiun Doiucs. - allocs unis recora of merit appeal to you ?!: ; No Cure, No Pay. 50c. ea.mrigigigifjo BLACK ROOT UVXR. P1XS. wrwiaajpawai """ CTni nr? THE CR16IXAL LAXATIVE ,EI1I!0DY5 fflflTM 1 1 - .. f . . i k. .. I i w UU-r liores tti BoieU t I ! I CQU6H DDEYs Best IDT CilliTtl IJ J IWCkRiaMainUilt J. C. Simmons Drug Co . AR ,Hbmiu I fJaUM Cures Coughs, Colds. Croup. La GriDoe: Asthma TVi mar at"1 Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption ' ' - - . J. C. SIMMONS DRUG CO ; , " CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DIvCIGS Th Oenoioe is in tbe PACKAOJ iTreeeurv lH-irl aient. bol ol lb ff enptmier of (te ttirTnCT. lef CoaipUoUer of lb Oar rooty. 4na i anaWaaaol afba- arVp. and I i m j ia .. v ...j Tbe FwJeif,h Timeaj dedares ih'.ty Horn lor Gortroor. for a- bux. r-e e-Ha. m a bos of Tbs rbinxeroa bs the ,irkt v:n of any it .rzr 1. tv.z i. c t: .3 C"'Jj CD. I. WISSBIRG The Tailor SCOTT Euimo UP STAIRS Suite HJt to Order. -Cleaning and Impairing. Cinirg and rrear-ing a suit 50c. i ICILLthi COUCH and cure th Luncn wrre Dr Ffinfy'i C':v; Discovcrv roNtuarTtoi 0UGH1 umi rrfta 6H1.00 Feae Trial bore And UuicAaat Car for aa THROAT And XAJBQ XXODB. LSa, or MOMXT XACX. I Strio Typc, Presses, I and the Kno w IIoio are rrodacins the bnsf a results in Job Work at rilK OLKANEK OFnt'lj : '"" n GOOD COITPMUTI . , CARLt ULLY WElTTIlli. A part of your business will be appre ciated KSA11 kinds of insurance. : : CHAS. C. THOMPSON, GliAUAlT, - - - If. c. 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