The Al amange -leotee: VOL. XXXIII. r- ' ". i. - ' t. GKAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 26, 1907. 10 o. o p o) m Ik 10 ft AY In Front of tine (Grand Standi at ip nn sp n p sj n sJsp if sj r h c OCTOBER 1, 2, 3 and 4. vr, FqiV Acqooiation in this section has ever attempted to present such aggregation of features. From f vilffi ' qS Wt ftSnerican Hippodrome Shows we give Six of tlieseee Acts. Among them rp,rt w nfW pypp Features will be presented by the Guthries, the World's most celebrated Acrobats, Con-, . 3e iTFedom the only peopfe on this Continent doing a Break-away tortipnists, High Ladder and Japeze f mu , 1, EXCELLENCE. . ' ladderAct on a bixceen-ruui wuuw. Mon's. Parade out of Burlinerton on Tuesday the 1st. and out of ltSSto aST tette wonderful carnival-S-sl patay 'vupon Graham on Wnesdaytne .wui blic streets: Mustangs, Bronchos, Tribes of Noted Sv do acSfe ? Wsturdy Pioneers of bygone days; Pony. Express Men, Cowboys, Vanqueros, Mexican BurrowsAetcetc A GREAT EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT ojinf tbm lparn Thev will gather more information by witnessing one of these pa ffi&ASeTtheTWofgtKe books written about the Great West and her people. Wednesday, October 2nd, Confederate Veterans' Day NO. 32 f