The Ala Gleaner. VOL. XXXIII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1907. NO. 33 MANGE PROFESSIONAL CARDS vJalter e. walker, m. d. GRAHAM, N. C. Office over Bank oT A la manoe Up Stairs. -Office hours 8 to 10 A. II. IThonb 80-b (and 197-a). R.WiLLS..MG,Jk. DENTIST . Graham. - - - - North Carolina OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONO. J. EMSR LONG. LONG & LONG, Attorney" and Ctraiwelore ot Law, GRAHAM, H. " T. S. O OOZEE, Attorn.y-nt-Law, GRAHAM, - - - - N. C. Offloe Patterson Building. SeooDd Floor. ..... C A. HALL, ATTOBNET AND OOUNSELLOB-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. C. Office in the Bank of Alamance Balding, op stain. IOH5 0KAT hTWPK. W. P. BTHUM, Ju. BY 8 VM & BYNUM, Attorney, and Counselor at Law (i iiteENHBORO, M (J. Practice regularly In the eonrta of Alh nance county. - - " " . - An. 2, 84 ly ROB'T C. STEUDWICK Attorney -at-Law, GREENSBORO Jf. C. Practices in the courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties. HOLUSTER'S Uocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Mediouw tat Buy People. Sringi Golden Health and Bramrti Vigor. A uneclflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Lire end Kidney Trouble., Pimple, Ec7emn, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluttish Bowela, Headache and Backache. It'. Bncky Mountain Tea in tab. let form, 85 ont. a box.- Gpnuine mado by Eouutib Dana Compakt, HadisoayJVi. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE roiEiisiiixiizYCDrvE skes Kidneys sad Bladder Bight MEDICAL SUPERSTITION. Outlandish Practice. Still Prevail In Part, of Germany. All sorts of outlandish medical ideas and practices are to be found in active prevalence in the marsh lands of the Wesnr. north f I merhaven, and in the Luneburir heath, a barren region between the Elbe and Aller, in Germany. In both of thlWA , . - ,wv.VO ! tOUCn of A mnue'a Vianil ic :n garded as a curative of many local J ills. In the Wesermarsch the prao- u meal secreuy into the room where the dead person is laid out and with the dead hand stroke the afflicted part. In the Luneburg heath the application is especially used as a cure for warts and for cramps in the stomach. Less grewsome is the remedy for hernia Btill applied in the marsh country. On the night of St. John the Baptist's day, June 24, the pa tient must be dragged through the split of a cleft ash tree. Three men bearing the first name of John must perform the operation, and it must Be conducted in dead silence. Some of the cures depend, on the contrary; upon verbal formulas. For hiccough the sufferer must cross a little wooden footbridge over a stream an easy matter in the marsh lands with their many drain age ditches. As he crosses he must repeat the nursery rhyme : Snip-op un lk gungen ober dat .teg Snik-op hit herln un lk gung weg This bit of dialectic German may be translated: Hiccough and I went over the bridge; I went on. Hiccough fell In the ditch. For erysipelas a fire is lighted and a pinch of ashes from it is rub bed on the skin to the accompani ment of a saying to the effect that the ashes and the sore went over the Red sea together, the ash came back, but the sore never again. Nu merous other sayings supposed to have the force of charms, usually when uttered simultaneously with some action, are quoted. The Lune burger, for instance, who has warts makes the sign of the cross on the warts while gazing at the crescent moon, saying, "What I see, that I win: what I wash, that disappears." It rhymes in the German dialect. Sometimes the formula is not spoken. The Wesermarsch 'folk have a saying which they write on a slip of paper when any one has fever. Then they burn the paper. The Luneburgers have no formula, but they write .the name, year of At MefoaLiie, N. C. Saltoday, OdofocF 12, att 2 'Clock One of these Lots Will be Given Away Free We will sell 80 beautiful residence lots regardless of price. This property is quite near to and west of the newGraded School and iS feotS islS totof ffnaSf Sn&htSts on a wide street Mebane is destined to be a great man PE?L MaSunbSof Ptonitoe Factories and one of them is one of the largest in the State, anf others are Bf actamg town lZtZtnderea.t aemand for dwellings. A fine place to buy a lot and build a home to being built. There are no S,", anj there is alsoafine large new Graded School near this property, to educate.your children SSrtiSit thereso it is a good place to live in andhaye a home. lnere are two uweu chance to buy a lot cheap and start nght. Real estate is the safest aXu?eT mvem this, athisWrty is bound to increase in value and make you big money. Don't Forget That One-iLot Will be Given Away Free. : ' feebfeeight and twelve months. 5 per for cash. . Remember the date and tlme-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th, AT TWO O'CLOCK. MEBANE REAL, ESTATE & TRUST COMPANY, E. M. ANDREWS, 'Manager of Sale. birth and WHiplace ol the sTok per son in a lonely place three nights running. Other remedies for fever consist in swallowing spiders or dust filed from a church bell. When a tooth comes out the loser must throw it backward over his head. JJair combings must not be thrown out of the window, because the birds might get them and fly away with them. In that case the person who was separated v from them would speedily become bald. -Allgemeine Zeitung. Thophll. Gauti.r. In spite of his exceptional strength and the magnitude of his desires, Gautier was a dreamer, strayed into the midst of a restless, implacable civilization which rush ed past him and over him and trod him under foot, while he, uncon scious of the fact, made no com plaint. "Poor Theol" he sometimes exclaimed, and we, his friends, knew what depths of unspoken suffering were compressed into that cry. He lived in a wortd of dreams far away, so far away indeed that he was aware the fantastic existence he had imagined was not to be realized upon our earth and therefore made the best of the indifferent circum stances in which he was forced to live. "Literary Recollections," Maxime du Camp. Beauty Everywhere. The remotest corner of the globe is full of wonder and beauty. The laziest bank in the world, away from towns, where no artists do congre gate, upon which no farm laps, where no vines hang their cooling clusters, nor flowers spring, nor grass invites the browsing herd, is yet spotted and patched with moss of such exquisite beauty that the painter, who in all his life should produce one such thing, would be a roaster in art, an immortal in fame, and it has the hair of 10,000 reeds combed over its brow, and its shining sand and insect tribes might win the student's "lifetime. God's least thought is more prolific than man's greatest abundance. Henry (Ward Beecher. Road Exhibit at Jameetown Fair. At the Jamestown exposition the state of Connecticut, through Its high way commissioner, J. II. MncDonuld, proposes to have a complete exhibit showing the Connecticut plan of. high way Improvement, Including n dlspluy of the material used In mud' building In that state. 0 JOHNSON GRASS. Tertiary Root Stock. Bore Down te a , Great Depth. The difficulty of eradicating Johnson grass on some farms Is that on corn ot sotton land poorly cultivated during the early growing season, particularly on corn Innd, which Is never cultivated so carefully as cotton land, the grass Is not killed, but Is allowed to grow up luxuriantly after cultivation has ceas ed. In thl soft soil after cultivation has stopped a large top Is soon pro duced, the plant flowers and matures seed, and these tertiary rootstocks bore down to a great depth and de velop to a large diameter. Experimental Results. An experiment was conducted on the farm of J. J. Harrison, Columbus, Tex., which Illustrates clearly the greater ease with which Johnson grass can be killed where It has attained but Blight rootstock development as com pared with cases where the rootstocks penetrate deeply. A large body of land was thoroughly infested with Johnson grass. A fence was run across one sec tion of this land In the spring of 1903, and the worst part of the field was turned Into a meadow. Hay was mown on this meadow for three years, and In the- latter part of the season of 1006 the land was pastured. On the other. side of the .fence cotton was grown for two years, and In 1005 it was planted to corn. Field Planted to Cotton. In the spring of 1900 the fence was removed, and the whole field was brolcnn in a body again and planted to cotton. This whole section was thickly set In Johnson grass. In the part which bad been cultivated to corn the root stocks hod penetrated very deeply, while In the part which had been pas tured they were very near the surface. The rows were run at right angles to the old fence line, and both portions of the field were cultivated the same num ber of times. On the land which had been previously In meadow the John son grass was completely killed out and bad disappeared long before tbo cultivation ceased. On the land which was In corn In 1005 little or no bead way was made in destroying the grass. J. 8. Gates. . Facts About Asparagus. Asparagus plants or roots can be grown from seed In any good ordinary soil If well enriched and thoroughly prepared by plowing or spading. They, however, succeed best in deep, sandy loam. As the shell of the seed Is very hard and germination somewhat slow, It la thought advisable to cover seeds with hot (not boiling) water and leave tbem to soak until cool, repeating this once or twice, when they should at once be sown, says a writer In Gardening. Owing to the slow germination ot seeds and slow growth of young plants great care should be taken that the lat ter are not choked with weeds, and aside from this danger the growth of these or of any young plants Is greatly assisted by frequent shallow cultlva tlon. It Is generally advised by writers that plants should bo thinned to two or three Inches, but I do not do this unless by accident the drill has sown more seed than I Intended, nor do I think It Is now customary with large growers. One ounce of seed will sow about sixty feet of drill and produce from 200 to 800 plants. The Boll Weevil. We are naturally apprehensive lest the boll weevil destroy a large part of the cotton planted In Texas and Loui siana this summer. From all parts of the infested district reports come of the hibernating weevil appearing In un usual numbers and finding plenty of young cotton leaves to feed on. Egg laying will not begin until squares form, but we know that the pests can wait long for this; Texas Farm and Ranch. Marketing Swine. As one swine grower puts It, It la thoroughly advisable to market swine at any early age, because the first hun dred pounds Is procured at an excep tionally low cost. But the second hun dred pounds Is 80 per cent higher and the third nearly doublo that of the first Among Her Favorites. At a reception given to a musical celebrity in New York a rather flashily dressed - woman elbowed her way through the throng surrounding htm and claimed his attention. "Professor," she said, "do tell me the name of some good piece of clas sical music for the piano. I am so tired of bearing my daughters play what everybody else plays." "Well, madam,'' responded the "lion" of the evening, slightly taken aback. but retaining his good humor, "sup pose you try let me see Eolfe's "Opus 97.' " "I am. glad you mentioned that, pro fessor," she rejoined, with enthusiasm. "It there Is anything In the world I am fond of. It Is oposesr Our Friends' Friends. Nnthlns- astonishes US. as rale, mm than the friend, of OUT friends. We Invariably look upon tbem with suspicion and wonder, especially when we bave beard a great deal about them, in what their attraction can pos slbly consist-London Ladles' Field, Able For the Rest William, were you ever whipped at school V queried the visitor. "Only by the teacher," waa the rath er significant reply. Chicago News. Tbo population of the world averages 100 women to every 100 men. Spanish Peanut.. The only province In Spain where peanuts are produced Is Valencia. There are two different sorts, one con taining two nuts probably known in America as Spanish peanuts and the other containing three or four nuts, known In England as "gluuu." The first class Is by far the most common and cheapest Eollpeea. Solar ecllpxes were noted by the Egyptians as fur back as 001 B. C. The first eclipse recorded In history was of the moon by 1'tolemy, who gives it' as taking plnco March 10, 721 B. a Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving proclamation was originated by Sir Francis Bernard, captain general am! governor In chief In and over his majesty's province of Massachusetts Bay. It was Issued Nov. 4, 1707, niul the form then used has been substantially adhered to ever since. Reindeer Skin. The skin, of the reindeer Is so Im pervious to the cold that any one cloth ed In such a dress, with the addition of a blanket of the same material, may bear the Intenscst rigors of on arctic winter's night Cyolopoan Building. The best examples of cyclopean building are at Baalbec. There are stones In the Baalbec walls thirty feet above the level, several of which are sixty feet long, twenty-four feet thick and sixteen broad, each stone weighing over 2,000 tons, nil cut, dressed and brought from distant quarries. Deaf Mute Inetruetlon. The first mention of the instruction of a deaf mute is In the writings of Beds, about 685. A Spanish Benedic tine monk, Pedro de Ponce, taught the deaf and dumb about 158a Coeoanut Trees. The coeoanut tree Is the moot valua ble of plants. Its wood furnishes beams, rafters and planks; Its leaves, umbrellas and clothing; Its fruit, food, oil, Intoxicants and sugar; Its shells, domestic utensils; Its fibers, ropes, sails and matting, , Mustard Cures. Mustard la the nearest approach to a universal cure-sn. Few pains will not give way before a mustard plaster, and a wide range of internal inflammations from colds and other causes may be stopped by Its timely application. It Is the first and best resort In threatened pneumonia, congestion of the lungs or determined colds on the chest White Ants. The termites, or white ants, steal and store grain. As much as five bushels of grata bare been taken from a single nest r T 1 AST S h LE 2JL LJ Other Insect. In Ant.' Neets. It Is certain that ants Intentionally function the residence of certain In itects In their nests. This Is the case, for Instance, with the curious ' blind beetle, clavlger, which Is absolutely de pendent upon ants. It even seems to Lave lost the power of feeding Itself. At any rate. It Is habitually fed by the ants, who supply It with nourishment; as they do one another. Trivial. "Trivial" Is derived from the Latin for three ways and means the petty gossip of the crossroads. Hindoo Girl.. Every Hindoo girl Is a wtfe or a wid ow at. fourteen. Girls bave actually been married before they were a year old, and from four to six yean they very commonly cease to bo single. Eight is a marriageable age, and twelve is the maximum, except In a few dis tricts. Ollv. Oil. Two tablespoon fu Is of pure olive oil Is said to contain more nourishment than a pound of meat or a cupful of butter and, being In a stage of natural emulsion, is digested promptly, mak ing blood, fat and weight Women In Burma. It Is a remarkable faet that Burma differs from almost all other oriental countries In the freedom accorded to Ms women. They stand In every way al most on an equality with men. Girls share equally with boys In all inherit ance. An Old Marriage Notloe. There were some very candid per sons In the time of George II. In 1781 the Gentleman's Magaslne announced, "Married, the Bev. Mr. Roger Wain of York, about twenty-six years of age. to a Lincolnshire lady upward of eighty, with whom be Is to have 8, 000 In money, 300 per annum and a coach and four during his life only." Fasting Animals. Animals are often able to bear very protracted fa.trhg. In the Italian earth quakes of 1705 two bog were burled In the ruins of a building. They were taken out alive forty-two days later, bnt very lean and weak. Public Horse Baths. In Guadalajara, Mexico, there are public horse baths, where the animals thoroughly enjoy swimming after the day's heat and dust After the bath the horses are given a thorough scrub bing and rubdown In the shallow, shady psrt of the pool. OAST' Bern Ike ' yells Kind to HlW tlwifl tHt Igaefcue ef APIA'S! AW A.l AnKllAljatJIJtlVUUUUIAltA.t--.l AJf-V-' , - Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood Is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years, n One frequent cane ef had bleed le a electa)! liver. Thie produce. eoMtlpellon, FoImhuki Mhtune.i ere then atMOrbwd Into the bloo& Keep Uie bowela open with Ajn" rill. A i tv sT. 0. lyw 0. , Is9jran, Jala Mtmntummviumn ( baw vMot. oue cvse. CSEBRV MCTOIAI.. yers We hm .eunlel Wepabllab i the forstalea of ell oaraMSIeineo. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North.Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to North Carolina climate, Boils and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for lar Heels -and at the same time as wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka, Buch a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. ' Kdited by Clarexck H. Pop, with Dr. W. C. Barkett.'ector B A. & M. College, and Director B. VV. Kilgore, of the Agricutlural Experiment Station (you know them), as assistant editors (II a year). If you are already taking tne paper, we can make no redac tion, bat if you are not taking h YOU CAN SAVE 50C By sending your order to up That is to say, new Progressive Fanner subscribers we will send that paper with Tbi Gucahkr, both one year for fl 60, regnlar price 12.00. Addrsesa THE GLEANER, Graham, N. C n 1

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