'he Alamance LEANER; VOli, XXXIII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1907. NO. 41 For the Children; To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How Is it with the children?. Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and; builds up the general health in every way. i (lyma -. Had. by I. O. A yw Co. , lowjll, XM. Also nwwmftiotureM or ... - 9 - IIAIR VI0OR. ,.' AGUE CURB. CHEKRY PECTORAL. V". 1it 1 JMcrot I VT. pnMiih iSe formula of..l onr medlmn,,. PROFESSIONXTi CARDS WALTER WALKER, M.D. GRAHAM, N. C. Office over Bank of A la mance Up Stairs. j-0ffice hours 8 to 10' A. M.--IS-'Phonb 80-Mand 197-a). dr. will mm, JK. . . .DENTIST . . . Graham - : - North Carolina OFFICK is MMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LOXO. -v " J. TSLMER LONG LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, . GRAHAM, N. " J, O.OOK, Attorney-at-Law, . GRAHAM. N. C, Office Patterson Building Beoond Floor. ' C A. HALL, ATTORNEY AND OOUMSEIXOR-AT-UW, GRAHAM, N. C. , Office in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up Btairer. Iohb Gba r rrt um. W. P. BYsma, J a. BINUAJ &BYNXJM, Attorney nd Counselor at Law OariENSBORO, H V, Practice rtarularly In the courts of Alk nance connlr. Au. 8, W Ij ROBT C. STRUDWICK Attorney-at-Law, GREENSBORO J. U. Practices in the eonrta of Ala niHiice and Guilford counties. Gratianli Undewriters Agency. 6COTT &5ALORICHT. Graham, N. C ' . -Offloa of- Scott-Mebanb M''g Co. - ' OTEKXIXr ' GRAHAM, N. C, Apr. U.U0T. HAg.A.BOOTT, Agent BoutlieniUT.BtocklBa.Co,- ... Onkam, 1C. C - DEAR BIB Wa beg to aaknowledga iwselpt of your firorof th. 11th. anokMii cheek No. UO foi ,160, tM Mm. being In full payment of our claim under polloy No. 97, ooveimg lomiraace oa our Iron Gray Dray Hone, wuk-o aiea oa nm aura oi tu. '". , no wis. io loans yon lor wv Y . 1 , hi wklek youreompuiy baa kandled tola tow an will aay, la mMhi, that a company of thla character ku long been n Bided In our aula, ana in new of Uie emaU premium asked, no on. ebould be without Inauraaoa aa tkalrllTaatook. ... . - awjlLfflgro Jt Correspondence' ' - orra at THETOIK OF. ALAMANCE ARE YOU UP TO DATE 7 V jonarc not the Nbw ajt Obestkb U. Subscribe tor it at once and it will keep yoo abreast the timet. Poll Associated Prots dispatch' All the news foreign, do- otic, national, state and local all f V. mile. DaHj News and Obserrer $7 Per year, 3.50 for 6 mot. Weekly North Carolinian fl per year. 50c for 6 moa. KEWS & 0B3ESYERPCB.C0., Raleigh, N. C Th JvorLh C&roTiniAn and Tk Luucs Gifatts aall 'b 'a1 one year f t Two PoIIara, Cash MadTmnoa. Arr?TatTBGLaAl OSca, Urr.1.-"! :;. c liners AT RED SAUNDERS By Henry Wallace Phillips The story of that celebrated cow puncher, some time miner and later peaceful citizen most charmingly told. Illustrated by Berneker. You have had glimpses of Red Saunders in the magazines from time to time and have doubtless split your sides laughing at his funny adventures. In this we follow Red Saunders through some hair-raising adventures with Indians, jolly experiences on the ranch and his lucky hit in placer mining until he turned up one morning in his native New England village with his pockets full of money, greatly to the surprise of his cousin Mattie living alone in the old home. You can bet your last dollar there was something doing every minute after Reddy struck that village not painting it red either, for our cow punching hero had the elements of true manhood in him. We leave you, gentle reader, to find out how it all ended. It will prove a most delightful quest, for while the story is interesting to the point of enthrallment it possesses also the rare quality of humor. It will be Printed in This Paper The wind blowa through it, and tha infantaf of it is health and joy. Ww York Sun. PRACTICAL PRESENTS. Shirt Waiit Protector, Collar and Cuffa and Penwiper. . Fire Inexpensive Christmas gifts that may be made at home are shown in the illustrations; They are particular ly suitable for girls. No. 1 is a heart shaped sachet of pale blue china silk, covered with fine linen, on which are embroidered a spray of flowers and French knots. Tiro edge may be fin- Ished with a frill of the linen or val edging. A lace bow or ribbon is put at the top. A pretty idea would be to embroider on the linen the flower of the kind of perfume used. No. 2 is a collar and cuff set of heavy linen intended to be worn with a coat, The shape of the cuffs and collar can be marked on the linen after making an outline wllfl a lead pencil. The scallops may bo marked with a half SHOT WAIST FBOTECTOB AXTJ TBATSLtSO CABS. mi.v nri thn dots with the end of a pencil. The scallops are done In but tonhole stitch ana me aoo m aou stitch. Launder the linen before cut ting. . . V. 9 la anmetnlna- entirely new, auu . .n.n or o-iri win find It. very use ful to protect the front of white shirt waists. It is maae 01 pium wuw .tti... iinnn or mnalln. At the Waist eiuni it is slightly gathered and ewed to an inch wide piece or peaain, uirvu- !-- n1 at nnnrtAt of rlbbOIl WUiCU m J aiU esaaaa e "S b ran. The edges are feathersUtched. Tha tabs on either side at xne top . . waist or flniahed with ribbon, which goes over the shoulders snd comes down ana is lasreneu w 1M. et tha waist SDOOt ona uiui either side of the center of the back. No. a H a .penwiper, man uvu. . .h.m'nia nt In as Irregular pieces vi . . ... h. A clover leaf Is either painted or embroidered In pret ty shades of green on a pkw v gcsrt, eosAAa awd curt sat leather aaed for tha top. may be bougui a aj a" .. .... No. S is a traveling caaw s - Affsrmd rrrtomae and a amp s vl"-i . ..' . i.i. KW ahaedaa TM MT1ISW1 Wl . Eekets, which are for tba breaa, comb, a roHaa.dk, WJ U with las nsoosi ao - ad tad. ' . . Gifts fiirW Caa Maha. . -1- 1 1. .n.r anado trass esi uTlb-U fined wUh ckav- Is a tboaghtrw gut. acWftrl coaJd eertaWT draw a tluii.H wrtaaisl tfesigii S oo leaVr. afwd c-umgH ,s-,y a 111 .hrp ataors sad Bntaf (ho tvo rra wi.h a hit prT est tf 1 ro tit t-iialicT ... c. S t'l err :L-mW aa a Wt re of baby ribbon tied with a bow. A very nice penwiper Is on the same order as the cleaner, except that the rounds are cnt larger and tha leaves are made of cloth, the threading to gether being exactly In the center In stead of at one end, as In the ease of the spectacle cleaner. Denim Shoe Bag. Denim shoe' bags are most useful, and to make eight bags a yard and a quarter of material will bo needed. iTear the thirty-six Inch wide denim into twelve Inch strips and, cut each of the three strips Into three pieces crosswise; double each piece over and sew the seams on the right side, trim them off closely, turn the bag and sew them on the wrong side so as t make a neat fell. Whan folding the mats rial for the bag allow one side to be three Inches longer than the other. This will serve as a flap. The flap should be neatly hemmed bt hand and button over the opposite side of the bag with a button and buttonhole. Flla Caaaa. One of the paper file cases that may oe had at any store where commercial stationery is sold can be quickly con certed into a thing of beauty that will lppeal to any one, man or woman, who ilkes to keep memoranda or clippings In a tabulated form. Tbe cover may be a strip of any pretty, suitable ma terial from cretonne to tapestry. Ruby Beauties Of Dual Merit. In color tbe Devon is a rich red throughout, except a tuft of long white hair In the brush of the tail. The back is straight, broad and covered with a thick layer of flesh. Tbe horns are rather long and slender; size would be classed as medium. In this breed the beefing and milking qualities are well developed. The steers, while not large, are quick, easy feeders. Good Words For tha Devon. The Devon as a two purpose cow gets some strong testimony from farm ers snd practical dairymen. One of tha former says to American CnlUra tor: - Along In the eighties Jn Ohio wa bad sous Durham eows, snd the first frost they wonld get a bow In their backs and get poor na bwl for mor (d' so they did not suit me. and I thought I wonld try tha little Devon. I Jnst bad money enough for one cow. I pot her by the aide of the Durham, sad she made mors batter snd got tat on one-half tha feed the Darhams tot Wathen disposed of all the Durham. Then wa tried the J eraeys giving them a fair trial-bat they would not com to the place with Devon In mak ing batter or milk to oar satlefaetlon. So Wa gave tbem np. Then we eaofht the Hohrtein f ever, aad that was worse than over. She fa) plenty of sallk. bat It would sot test with the Devon. She would eat as mock feed sad hay ss any three Derosa w had la the ban. Wa now bava so other eattJ bat tbe Rabies sad win stick to them, M they have lifted aa oat rfsooe very tight plaeea Another Devon eethoaUst writer Being ana miliars aad thehr sank of msof TMiuet aoalltr. their aad of ana Soar sad the fat wefl sae bled with the leas, they are especially adapted to the reqslreeaest of Khef the graxKr oMfca datoysaaa , Abost a year ago Jaaws Wood of Weatchaatar county, K. Y, aad Dr. J. Cbetsoa Wor rto at Weatcheater. rs, after Basking ft. 1 tMta af th ssCk of tha dairy breads nUcirJ.to. Devoos. for then? dairies. TEey found the" Devon milk superior to all Other for the production of a perfectly balanced milk for city consumption, and obtained tbe highest prices. Some years ago a celebrated chemist reported milk from tbe Devon to ba the best milk to raise babies on, as It bad more sugar in It and nearer tbe milk of tbfft'baby's mother. , Resistant to Ticks. There are three breeds of cattle that promise to be valuable to tbe growers of beef -in the south that seem to stand tbe ticks .better than the true beef breeds. They suffer from tbe ticks as do dairy cattle, but actual losses are rare. These breeds are tbe Ayrshire, the Devons and the Red Polls. I have seen cattle of all these breeds In Ten nessee, Georgia, North -Carolina and Alabama, and they seemed to be thriv ing well with ticks on then). Of course they, were not as fat as cuttle should be, but they looked to be good enough to try." Tbe three breeds are In that class that is recognized as dual pur pose. Often ,t be cows are very strong milkers, and there Is fair beef con formation. Of these the Ayrshire is somewhat the roughest breed and not large. The Devons are beautiful cat tle of dark red color, with very long horns. Tbey are small,' but quite good in beef type and very hardy. .- I have visited two or three herds of Devons in Georgia and find them In good condition, considering the feed and pasture. Southern Planter. Good Cows Well Kept There should be nothing spasmodic about the keeping of a cow. . At pas tureat full pasture all her needs are supplied, and when tbe pasture falls, either In quality or quantity, and the earth is parched "and the grasshopper is a burden" and when the nights and then tbe days tarn cold the needs of the cow for full nutritious feeds re main tbe same as when she did so well In the first flush pasture. If we would not forget that the cow makes the milk from her feed and come Into tbe clear understanding of the organic fact that milk making la a normal operation of - the properly nourished functions of tbe cow wa would have more good cows well kept W. F. McSparran. Value of Good Roads and Cost of Poor Ones. WHAT THE FARMER LOSES. No Tax So Great aa Unimproved Highway, Which Drive People to the City, Wear Out tha Horace and 0.0 real Value of Property. Ia an address on tbe Improvement of country highway at a good road convenUon a apeaker said: The improvement of country roads Is chiefly an economical question, relat ing principally' to tbe waste of effort in hauling over bad roads, the saving In money, time and energy in hauling over good ones, the Initial cost of Im proving roads and tbe difference la the cost of maintaining ooA and bad ones. - A good road economise time and force in transportation between the farms and the market, reduces wear on horses, harness and vehicles, In creases tbe value of real estate con tiguous to the roads and brings prices for farm products, because tbey can be marketed at less expense. Baral homes are sought after along good roads. Wagon highway ars the great est arteries of commerce. Civilisation Is judged by the condition of the reads. No tax is ss great on tbe taxpayer as bad roads. A bad road 1 a heavy tax on those who nee It, and tha worss the road tbe heavier the tax. Bad roads cause a decay of agriculture. They Impose tb greatest of all harden on the farmer. The roads cause people to gather In the cities. Bad roads wear oat tb horses very rapidly, thus detracting very largely from tha prof Its of the farm. The man with the boa tbe farmer wants good roads so that be may bring bis produce to market and bis family tan OOSTLX SOAD. sad himself to the a! boring towa vita lea npoodltara of tfasa, wear sad tear and treabka. In sections the coon try where tha farmer has good road he wookl not lose (beta for more than tbetr cost aad go b to the aid ystsf of having ta hanl through tha sd sad tha stones. Bo lads that tha vain of his property Is fcv tiea aad sad ha eaa hasl two r, three-time greater load la lee tlm ta market aad that ha Is richer sad better became of fas gnoa rosa wucs connects bis preporty the neigh boring town. . This cost ot heeling I s heavy tax oa the fares, ssaea of which eeald be saved. TM ssaasat ttaJd oat which coald b SToaded by aaoa road la ab sohrtely lost- The farmers ere aasbs to recover It to aay way. It la a part C their expense which tbey soast da dart frees tb graas refers a the saks of thehr prodacts, sad tb aly way that k eaa be avoided hi by the eoa rtractioo of that would eaabki farmer to haul heavier loads In lees tuna Narrow tires rn-i Band roads should ii. 1. ssnl hand Is band. SS M J were! -gltwir-eTins tkron-k tb dreasi T tsUUC wrrm. mm- Dog Pete In Hotel. The one thing we have mora trou ble with than anything else," said the manager of one of the large hotels In upper Broadway, "Is the fact that wo men insist on smuggling their pet dogs to their rooms. We have no objections to dogs as dogs. If the animal Is not too large or too fierce our guests may take them .to their rooms during tha day and may even feed them there. But we draw tbe line at having dogs In the bedrooms at night Any woman with 'a pet dog can have the beast cared for by the porter at night, and we have specially constructed kennels for all kinds of dogs, and wa give them the best of care. But owners of pets seem to think that no one save themselves understands Ffdo or Gyp.- The women seem to think that If dog gie has not the comforting assunxce of the owner's ' nearness then doggie will not sleep well. 80 women try to smuggle their pets to their rooms un der their ctoaka or by back ways or even bribe one of the porters to take it to their room, believing that we will not bear anything about It "As a matter of fact, the first thing the porter does after getting his tip Is to tip me, and a couple of hours later the woman Is called upon by a clerk, who tells her dogs cannot stay In tha bedrooms all night New York Press. , Hi Nalghbor' Cat A Cleveland lawyer tell of a man living tu a suburb of that city whose sleep bad been disturbed nightly by the bowling on bis own back fence of bis neighbor's cat At last, In despair, be consulted his lawyer. "There sits the cat every night on our fence," explained the unhappy man, "and be yowls and yowls and yowls. Now, I don't want to bava any trouble with thla neighbor, bat tbe thing has gons far enough, and I want yon to suggest a remedy." . The lawyer looked solemn and said not a word. "I am. well within my rights If 1 shoot tbe cat, am I not 7" asked the sufferer. "I would hardly say that," replied the legal light The cat does not be long to yon, as I understand It" "No." "And the fence doesf "Yes." "Then," concluded tbe lawyer, 1 think it safe to aay that yon bava a perfect right to tear down the fence." Lipplncott's. Wd Worth Million. . New Zealand flax Is on of a num ber of wild weeds that yield their gatherers great wealth. The flax, the strongest known, ' grows wild la marshes. When It Is cultivated It dwindles snd Its fibers become brittle and valueless. ' Indian bemp grows wild, and out of It hasheesh, or keef, la mad. Kef looks like flakes of chopped straw. It Is smoked In a pipe; It Is eaten on liver; it is drunk In wsterj It produce an Intense, a delirious happiness, and among oriental It takes tb place of beer and whisky. The most valuabl weed of all the wild growths Is the seaweed, . Tbe nitrate beds of Sooth America, which yield something Uks $ObVOOO,000 a year, are nothing bnt beds of seaweed de composed. Columbus Dispatch. Read For AutomeblllaU. It appears to bar occurred to many that separate roads for automobiles ta travel over Is tbe solution of the great problem caused by reckles motorists. 1 The question is on which Is now re ceiving a good deal of attention, ana numerous projects for tb establish ment of motor speed ways have been projected or talked about say Good Boads Magasln. Tbe emperor of Ger many, wbo la an enthusiastic aatomo blllst has taken np the question and aa an experiment 1m having two roads built through hi estates. These road ways ars twenty-three miles long and thirty -alt feet bread and are construct ed with cement Tbey srs used exclu stvely by eotomobUes and are Intended ss sn experiment The wee or fail ure of this experiment will be noted with much Interest la the United States. A Laeend of reelau. - Breslan, the Slleslaa capital, has a famous bell, that of the Church of it Mary. It was east la 13M aad has a legend. Tbe story la that whea hi tell wss ready for casting the founder, after his great labor, went to take food, aad daring bl absence bla ap prentice, despite a strict problWlon, opened the stopcock of tbe eredbie and let out the snoltea metal. The In furiated master, disregarding tha youth's appeal for mercy made ta Christ's nam, poalarded him oa tha spot and, finding afterward that hi ben wss eons tb worss, wss plonged tat remorse. Condemned for th erto. be asked ea his way to the block ta be allowed to hear hie baO for the hast time, aad throogh th eeotarie erst since It has totted th kneO ec tb doomed. The Gannaa post htnller cele brate tbe legead ta versa London Globe. .: ny Paten. ' U'!Utfji:i Kiler wa looking eras' a ft-n e on his farm at field of rff a hc.i a fcc'iyi'bor who was driving, by (topped his hone an J asked: "Hello. Mr. Riley I HoVi yotnr rye doing?" "Fine, finer rerJied the poet How neck do 70a expect to tiear to the eeref Oh, abent fotrr pBone" an reared Mr. Biley sobcTty&aoccsa. A Fear Palea Wane AUdroO ST SO wtfa evarythiag that tbey really knew ae In proof of thla reed these specimens f sanlalUeas written he s.MW ecbool ehildrenj -Stebtmy h) taking ears sf a stah. A ssooqette Is the ehOd e basea aad w aa.ft.U White paraata" Is tn la tsdewffli fee- treedwok," VrpestateOea hi a have the - - . - t.jttm srha kfflad a ttaw t the Bai.-Utaery DV Babaa aa Bait "Wot do ye think," said the sailor. "of usln' lire babies for bait? Wa done it In Ceylon." "Babies for-balt? Fishing for shark V "No. -Crocodile. Baby bait Is th only thing for crocodile, and every, body uses it. Ye rent a baby down there for half a dollar a day. Of course," the sailor went on, "the thing ain't as cruel as It sounds. No harm ever comes to the babies, or else, o course, their mothers wouldn't rent 'em. The kid is simply sot on the soft mud bank of a crocodile stream and the hunter lays bid near him, a sure perfection. The crocodile is lazy. He basks In the sun In midstream. Noth- In' will draw him in to ahore where ye can pot him. But set a little fat naked baby on tbe, bank and tbe crocodile soon rouses up. In he comes, a greedy look in his dull eyes, and then ye open lira I bare got as many as four croco diles with one baby In a morning's flshln'. Some Cingalese women wot lives near good crocodile streams make aa much aa $2 a week reglar out o renthV their babies for crocodile bait Cincinnati Enquirer. Has a Job Waiting. "I bear you'r getting to be a real port" a veteran in that 11ns remarked to a youthful acquaintance of the con servative sort recently married. The young man repudiated any such Intention. "Just placed a little bet among the boys in the office, yon know," be add' . "Put In f 1.60 and won $40 In a trifling pool." : "well, that's a good beginning, any how," aald the veteran. "You'll grow np after awhile, what did you do With the 94oput It on the races or open wine V "Bought a ton of coal and a set of false teeth for my wife," waa tbe re ply. When tbe veteran revived his young friend had disappeared. 'Gee," he soliloquized, "tbafs a new one In sport I If I win tomorrow guess rU bay my mother-in-law a new cork lag and some darning cotton." New York Globe. Given Her Choice. Little Harry's experience with death waa limited to tbe decease of a pet canary which bad been sent to a taxi dermist and now adorned the parlor mantet BB grandmother, of whom he was eery fond, waa taken suddenly 111. For some time after ha learned of her con dition he eat In a brown study. Then, as If coming to a sudden resolution, be tiptoed Into tb sickroom and, cau tiously approaching the bed, fixed his serious big brown eyes apon his dear relative and said, with a little quiver in his voice: 'Say, grandma, if yon die, which wonld yon rather be burled or staff ed? 'Cease If you're burled ws can't aee yon no more, bat If you're staffed we can set yon In tbe parlor." Grandma Immediately began to mendV London Scraps. Matter of Faet visitor from London found In a eafe at Rotterdam a Dutchman who bad been about a bit and who spoke English perfectly welt This Dutchman was smoking a china pipe of remarkable size snd beauty, and tb Londoner, an admirer and col lector of such bric-a-brac took tb lib erty to comment upon It "Yon could not atumbl upon a pips Uks that every day," said the English- The Dutchman took three or four Whiffs at tb pip and then slowly re moved It from bis mouth. "Certainly not without breaking It" he said, gravely -London Chronicle. aft and Light lady famed for her skill In cook ing was entertslnlng a number of her friends at tea. Everything on the ta ble waa moch admired, bnt the escet lence of the ionge cake waa especial ly the subject of remark. . "Ob," exclaimed one of tbe guests, "it Is so beautifully soft and light! Do tell me where you got tbe recipe!" v."! sdj very glad." replied the hostess. "that you find It so soft and light I made It out of my own Bead." Illus trated Bite. Hew It Affected Him. Mrs. Myles- Whoa ars yea coming to call ea est , Mrs. Styles-Ob, I really don't know! "But yo sskl you'd come soon and bring your husband T" "1 know I did, and I asked him last night to come ever, aad he aald he'd Ilk eto dream over It and, do yon know, dear, he had aa awful nightmare hut algbtr-Yenkar gtstesmaa. . SemetHln Leaking. "These big hotels ere sot so sotaV plete." "Whars lactlngf "Th eiDrees elevator arts yea to the Iftyaeeead Soor an right hat there a half mil corridor coofroats yea aad no csba'-Meatreal Star. Had Heard It Before, look very yeaag ee bar grown dsaghtse." Tea: aha was last SaUUC - "I knew.-That she waa ssarrtad rhea ah was Inst seretr uftoea years elaVv-Fittoberg roe. DieVrv. A Vest Hkew BtaQa-Wra. Janes waste a new seat Mrs. Smith looks so weO SB Jack Yea bat Joaee want slxi saaratr be caaaa Saslth looks a retry when he ss writing sea, ITsf par's Baser. It' hi ss on time advisable se employ. a night wstrbsMa to 100a aner who as aa asset a the day Is tt Loses Otooe-Dssiserst 1 The Or ha a sir. win yea grre a eeaay to S poor erpaaaT" Certainly, my heyt Baa year father bean dead teasf -, air. He's fas orphan, Thi nsasyl lor hiss." j T Ta Aheart "She hat aay frkvada to apeak at" -I Thee whet are they ferr Pack. A lr?vrt !- we fata bread art dor" Ure . Oeara He Foookt at fiettyebnrs. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: ''Electric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took; For several years I had stomach trouble, and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I began taking Electric Bitters. would not take 1500 for what they have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weak neases. Great alterative and body builder: sure cure for lame back and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. 50c. The Bofzenville correspondent of the New Berne Journal tells that some hunters in that vacinity recent ly wounded a deer and as the ani mal lay helpless on the ground one of them stepped astride the body to cut the deer's throat. Instantly the deer was on its feet and going through the woods with tha hunter on its back. Unfortunately the de ails of the ride are not given, but the hunter escaped alive and the deer was finally killed' Geel Appendicitis Is due in a large measure to abu?e of the bowels, by employing draf ic purgatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tbe safe, gentle cleansers and invig oratoru. Guaranteed to cure head ache, biliousness, malaria and jaun dice, at Grahum Drug store. 25c In accordance .with the action of the restry of St. John's church, Richmond, the historic building in which Patrick Henry made his great Revolutionary speech, official letters have been mailt d to President Hooss . velt and Secretary Cortelyou pro testing against the omission of the legend, "In God We Trust," from the new ten-dollar gold coin. I ain't feeling right to-day, Something wrong 1 must say; Come to think of it, that's right I forgot my Rocky Mountain Tea last night Thompson Drug Co. A. L. Divers, a photographer of Elizabeth City, while in a boat on tbe river Monday night, was pulled into the water by coming io contact with the branches of a tree which overhung the stream, and was drowned. ', Trial Catarrh treatment aie be ing mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Bboop, Kadne, wis. inese tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific precriition known to druggists everywhere aa Dr. Bhoop's Catarrh Remody. Sold by Graham Drug Co. About tbiee weeks ago the Peo ple's Bank.of Portsmouth, Va., sus pended payment, the financial strin gency being the alleged cause. Last week the bank was placed in tbe bands of a receiver, the directors stating that it had been mad in solvent through tbe defalcation oi the cashier. ' You never have any trouble to G; children to Uke Kennedy xatire cough Syrup. Tbe like it DfCaUSe ll UUUS nearly nao luayio sugar. Kennedy's Laxative tttugn Syrup is safe, sure and prompt as a remedy for coughs and colds, and is o-ood for evenr member of tbe family. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Imprisoned for 87 hour, sev eral hundred fctt beneath the surface of tbe earth almost di rectly under bis own borne, a a where hit wile ana cnuaren mourned for him as dead. Mi chael McCabe, of Gilbcrton, Pt., waa Wedneadaj a week taken from hit tomb in the Draper mine barely aliTe. DeWilt'e Little Early Riser are the best pill made. Tbey do not gripe, cold by Graham Drvg IO. A bulletin of tbe inter-State enmmerce commission for the year coding June 30 shows that 5,000 persons were mica in rail road accidents in the Unite ! States last rear, an increase o . - . w 7-75 aver the nrenoos rear. 1 dc ioiured number 76,286, an in- crease of 9,577, a . KiEftno:iEriiAi2 The lanre olant of Swift & Co tbe Chicago packers, waa com- . . a a r t a. pletelT destroyej dj nre il onrlsv nicht a week enlailins? a loss of $25,000, partly cov ered by insurance. The fire start A fit th smokehouse. Tbe walla of the plant fell, align tij injuring; a lew firemen. rVmsiinailoA. f ndifeatioo. dries sway appetite and stake you weak snd sick, liouister twesy unin iit Ta restores the SPDetite. drives swsy disease, build ep tbe system. S5 cents. Tea or Tablet. iDomp- soaDragCo. r:nYBim:3YCr:: Sssea -) aaa eiw a", This popular remedy never foils 'o effectually cure . Dyspepsia, Constipation, Shk Headache, Biliousness ' And ALL DISEASES arising frori a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural result is good appetite . V and solid fleah. Dose small; elegant . ly augar coated and easy to swaUow. lake No Substitute... This time of the year are signals of warning, TakeXaraxp ru mCom pound now. It mav av9 you a spell of fe ver. It will resrulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good ionic. An honest medicine '-: MEBANF, N. C KILL the COUCH AMD CURE THS l.Ur.C3 Br.U.r Her Diocovciy FtlB .A0UCH3 PHTfTR an aha VOIDS OLDS Wat Mule ffa AND U THROAT ANDlUNftTROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATiaFACAUtti OK X0VKY &KVUHD2D. Weak Hearts Ar due to Indlreetloa. Ninety-nine of every so hundred people who have heart trouble eaa remember when it ass afanpl Indigo. Hod. Ml scJentlflo fact that all east of heart disease, not organle, or sot only traceable to, but are th direct raault of Indi gestion. All food taken Into th stomach which fails of perfect dlrastloa ferments aad swell lb stomach, puffing It np against th heart. This Interferes with the action oi the heart aad la th coarse of lime thai SaRoate but vital organ becomea dlaeaaed. Mr. D. Kjrtfc. at NrrxU. O.. mi iksiatainK Inabk m vm la a M sua M I ksl kaart nwi ettkN. I took Kodak PvsjssaCsrefcTakeataai toatfk aad tt aara aaa. Kodoi Digests What Yon Eat sad lalleves the stomach of all narvoo Strals snd lbs heart of ell pressure. Maeeealy. tl.00 tt 2H M Bersf aas. antes stu. for m. . sv a o. Dswrrr a 00., eeooaao Spring Is here anc yon want your elZ harness put in C00C shape for the sum-. mcr work. Take their. to the s ; t 1 s t HARNESS CO. and have them re paired, or. better, bny a new set handmade 'and fjuarantecd not tc rip or break in cr.c 'year, U they tIo,mn ": 'aood free of cost t; yon. Try us once, j VnXD.TUILTn, P. R. Harden Sorn c r, GRAHAM, N.C T t-it-f MnM S amk-a I ,,,1 M -- - Mp il ft M f1. Wl KrtIUT WS!TTD4T uai:x::.r:;:' mum a a v . . , . J , " I 1 t. . . -. i . , . . . . 1 - - " -