nn Alamamce Gleaner YOU XXXIII. GRAHAM, N C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, L908. NO. 49 HIT il's fills .JTarflBe. person of a bilious habit .jkv if von have Been " Turifl promptly reUeve the nausea, which follows, restore ". .-.te andremove eloomv feek ,sry sugar coa "pjOFESSIONAIj CARDS WALTER !'i':i"anA E. WALKER, M.D GRAHAM, N. C. Office over Boni of A la- , finance - p owaax-B' aj-Office hours 8 to 10 A. M. . jThoke 80-b (and-197-a). iHWILLS.MG(JR. V , . . DENTIST ... Lhtm. - - - - North Carolina OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING UOOBA. Wm. J, EIMEH LONG, ' LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Ootmeelora at Law GRAHAM, it. "' T. S. COOK, I Attorney-t-Law, GRAHAM, N. C 3 ! r Office Patterson Building Second Fleor. , . v C. A. BALL, - UTOENEY AND OOUNSTLXOBAT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. 0. - - in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stain ioHKGRAT BVHUM. . . . W. P.Btxom, Jr.' j BlNUaT&BYNTJM, Attorneys and Gounsjelora at Law G.vkENBBoAo, M O. . f Practice regularly la the conrU of Ala twice county. Aug. 2, 94 ly ROB'T C. STRUDWICK Attorney-et-Law, i" 1 GBJUEJVSBOBO Jt. U. I :- - - I Practices in the courts0f Ala mance and Guilford counties. . . : to tetter advertise the Soatn'i Laadlaa , SulaeM Collage, Jut tow whoUnhlp art ttmt la Mh Motion at Uu th eoet. .. DOST DKLAY. WEITa TODAY. " M. JUL .;. i Undewrlters - . ....... i Agency; 6COTT & ALBRIGHT. Graham, N. C Offloe of "'i i ";: Scott-Mebane M'f'o Co. - OVEBA1X8. ;r;: ' GRAHAM, N. C Apr. 12,1907. 8 A SCOTT, At -, Boutnern Live Btock Ins. Co., - Graham, N. 0. DEAR SIB " ' ' . We bg to acknowledge rooelpt of JJM favor of the 11th, enoloalug obeok No. inu, uw BS1DO DeiDff in IUII payoieu. "our claim under pollor No. 9T, ooveilng on our jroi on our Iron Gray DrayvHorae, iromptiieM ill tay, in paaalng, that a company of S1 character haa lon been needed in our r't nd in view of the am all premium unaipw LTTrP0..'" "ould be without lmuranoe their Ureetook. Tonr rery fruly. H, W.BOOtt Correspondence Solicited. OFFCI AT THE BANK OF. ALAMANCE ARE YOU UP . TO DATE ? Tf . .. 1 jtu are not tut kewi as- i Obebye i. Subscribe for it at . " and it will keep yon abreast tie time.. V1 ' Foil A...JT.,:of,-ri. All the sews foreign, do- -jc, national, state ana iocai Dthetime. Da3j News and Obsenrer $7 Per year, 3.50 for 6 moi. eeUj North "Carolinian fl Tear. 50c for 6 mos. KEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO, Raucigh, N. C ' Tbi North Carolinian and TBa LAjUBc, Gliawts. wilT be sent year for Two Dollars, Cash "drsnce. Apply at ThbGixajtib 3. GraUm if. C J" tah to thank you for the t which your com Dan v hai handli tive BrcncKkiiaiae iw- 'J tkM mmtm a mm4 mm mam aW . . By . . . ( HENRY WALLACE PHILLIPS COPYRIGHT.;: 1902. BY McCLURE. PHItUPS fc. COMPANY ( 'Put your foot on the lines and they'll make. That's the main and only art of driving on the prairie-not to let the lines got under the horses' feet. All the rest is just git still and look at the scenery.' "She held my hat for a -windbreak, and I got uiy paper pipe together. And then fiot a match! I searched every pocket. Xot a lucifer. That is more of what I got for being funny and changing my clothes. And then Rim rinnnoiiorl tr Mnl.- p A -i. - It-"-'" .-v iu.uix Ul u UUl DUO had .for traveling and fished It out of uer grip. " 'Youncr ladv .' I snvs 'until lr iobe your bad luck which I hona wBn't ever happen to be very much In loVfi with fl innrt tvhrt wnn'f rlotr honlr you'll never properly know the pangs Of n man that's p-ot nil tllo mntuHnla to smoke with except the fire. Now, if I have a chance to do as much for you uuiue iiuje i m mere. me time i m mere. 'She laughed and crinkled up her PVPS flt mp. 'All rifht Afp Snitndnro When that obdurate man disdains ma I'll call for your help.' " 'The place for the man that would disdain you is an asylum,' says I. 'And the only help I'd give you would be to put him there.' She blushed real nice. I like to see a woman blush. It's n trick thnv rnn't lpnrn. "But I see she was nut out bv mv easy talk, so I gave her a pat on the back ana says: "Don t mind me, little eiri. We fellers see an eicrhteon carat woman so seldom that it goes to our beads. Tuere wasn t no offense meant, and you il be foolish if you put there. Let's shake hands. "So she laughed again and shook. mean shook. It wasn't like handing yon so much cold fish, the way Borne women shako hands. And Loys and me, we were full pards from date. I made one more bad break on the hnmft trln. " 'Joncsy will be powerful glad to see you,' says I. "'Jonesv?' says she. sarnnsea Jonesy? Oh, is that what you call Uncle Albert?' " 'Well, it does sometimes happen thaf way,' fays I," and then my anti fieorffe WashlnBton blood rose again. 'You see, he was kind of lonesome out there at first, and we took to camng him Jonesy to cheer him up and make him feel at borne,' I says. Oh.' savs she. And I reckon she didn't feel so horribly awful about it, for after looking straignt towara me niif of Mexico for a minute suddenly she bust right out and hollered. It seems that Jones cut a great aeai oi prass to a swipe when he was back home in his own street It's astonish ing how little of a man it takes to do that in the east We had an argument once on tbo subject 'It's Intellect does says Silver Tompkins, -un, inav hr nira wind River Smith. TVell, 'm glad I'm not troubled that way. 1 rather have a forty-four cnesi uiau No. 8 head any day you can find In And I'm with smitny. rrMa tnnminir no much It makes you sick ain't any better than being so healthy you don't know nounuK, up sides being square miles less fun. An other thing about the eastern folks Is they're so sot In their views, and It don't matter to them whether the facts bear out their idees or not "'Here, take a cigar,' says one of the board of directors to me-a little fat old man, who had to draw In his breath before he could cross his legs- them cigarettes 11 nun your nuui, XT you, he was .always J kicking and roaring about his liver or stnmmick or some of his works, rm a little over six foot three In my boots when I stand op straignt, ana a .ww and gazed down at that llttlo man. f i i was raised on at that little man. r cigarettes. When I wB. two year, old 1 QKcU IV UO v a - s and then my cigarette to aid digoetloQ. I used to nave . TL It may be conceit on my pan, but I'd rather De a wreca than a prize fighter like you.' oneer. Ton'd think that that little fat queer. " . . France man would nave noucw. without my pointing It out to "Wen, I don't hare to mention that liy? .tlrred thing. W coaalderabto und the Chants Beechee and Tlcto STceel What dirlBg Into gin, and fetching out of good Se, there was! And tradtof of Si coat, snd thi igs for "" Sowttag sD handkercher. snd lad what a hair cutting snd whisker trimming! -But Kyle was the man from the go to. And it was right It U ever two young j" to make trouble for each other It wss "A nice, decent fellow K Nothing rwmarkahie, Jf and that was on of U. fc0? HowIot. b a that corJd do Plain tttakln; a V hecklers that doorared yottat lTbe was ss sqoar-S P"f cams Nttti factory. - nTSd sis BMoey, sorer gos mtha-rood -.tared loads STrUto anything that bad Um rl from a sswborss to oU tin wUi kk wr turrop. and r-charcd and Wte yoo hi tie sn rf theback quick that the boyswotud bPP2f hto front soofs oat of your fere ToCd reelbw that the canter bsd Bllver .ad cosld get Lord, the soends Bade mf Wood r Old Bock PZ pig to a wolf trap, a ad Jeoeey re tol -Help! Unrdert PoHoer Kr thTt did sot ear. Jones fro- stidttog hi. so- "a t Whr aoca But rhander. ft wovM Ui M whOe to ten yon ail tUat harrla to domrm. jn, ttUg that dWatBTt Kris ... ...... tHunjmjju yy UO UJUL U HUB most as good looking for a man as she was for a woman. They made a pair to draw to, I tell you, loping over the prairie full of health and young ness! You wouldn't want to see a prettier sight than they mode, and you could see It at any time, for they were together whenever It was possi ble. Loys was so happy it made you feel like a boy again to see her. She told me in private that It was wonder ful how the air out here agreed with her, and I said It was considered mighty bracing and never let on that they proclaimed their state of mind every time they looked at each other. I reckon old Smart Aleck Jonesy was the only party In the township who didn't understand. Kyle used to put vinegar In his coffee and things like that, and if you'd ask ftm, "What's war renow's name that runs the dom ing store In town?' he'd come out of iu iunm usu wuic mi ui hls trance ma Ba? 'Tes' and Bmlle very amiable to show that he thor oughly admitted you were right "Well, things went as smooth and easy as bobsledding until It came time for Loys to be moseying back to col lege again. ' "Then Kyle took me Into his confi dence. I never was less astonished In my whole life, and I didn't tell him so. 'Well, what are you going to do about It?' says I. "He kind of groaned and shook bis head. 'I dunno,' says he. 'Do you think she likes me, Red?' I felt like saying, 'Well, If you ain't got all the traits but the long ears I miss my guess,' but I made allowances, and says I: 'Well, about that I don't think I ought to say anything. Still, if I had only one eye left I could see plain that her education's finished. She don't want any more college, that girl don't '"Think notr says he, bracing up. And then by and by they went out to ride, for Jonesy was good to the girl, I'll say that for him. He was willing t? do anything for her in reason, ac cording to his views. But Kyle wasn't In them views; be was out of the pic ture as far as husbands went "They came back at sunset, when the whole world was glowing red tne same as tfiey were. I reached for the field glasses and took a squint at them. There was no harm in that; for they were well behaved young folks. One look at their faces was enough. There were three of us In the bull pen-Bob and Wind River Smith and myself. We'd brought up a herd of calves from Nanley's ranch, and we were taking it easy. Boys,' says I under my Dreatn, -tneyve maae the riffle.' " 'No,' says they, and then everybody had to take a pull at the glasses. "'Well. I'm clad.' says Smithy, and darn my buttons If that'old hardshell's voice didn't shake. 'They're two 01 as nice kids as you'd find in many a weary day,' says he. 'And I wish 'em all the luck in the world." " 'So do I,' says I, 'and I really think the best we could do for 'em would be to shoot Jones.' "'Man! Won't he slzz?' says Bob. And you can't blame us old codgers if we bad a laugh at that although it was such a powerful serious matter to the youngsters. " 'Let's go out and meet 'em,' says I. And away we went They weren t a particle surprised. I suppose they thought the whole nnivorse bad stop ped to look on. We pump handled away and laughed, and Loys she laughed kind of toary, and Kyle be looked red In the face jtnd proud mrA nanamed of himself, and we all felt loosened up considerable, but I told him on the quiet, Take that fool grin oft your face unless you warn sees you.' . - . thv onlv bad three days left to get an action on them, as that was the time set for Loys to go back to college, iwr h.t thtrt held s council be hind the big barn, snd they called In Uncle Bed-otherwise known as Big Bed Saunders or Chants Beeches Bed, which means 'Bad Heart Bed' In BIoux language and doesn't explain me by s dura sight-to get the benefit of his valuable advice. " Skip.' says t Tly for town snd get married and coma back and tell Jonesy about It It's s peaky sight atronger argument to tell Dim what yon bars dons than what you're going to do.' "They couldn't quite agree with that Tbey thought it was sneaky. "8o it to,' says L "The fl rat art 6f war Is understanding bow to make s grand sneak. If yon don't want to take my advice yon can wait' Th dldnt bit 'am Just right either. "What will we wait forT says Kyle. -Ti,ln anit tha kind TOO won't take when you get as old snd ss sea dbte ss'sas. Toots tatting long chances, both of yon; bat It's jnst like playing earde, yon might ss well pot JQ your money oar the first ram. wis or toes, as to try snd plsy system. Brstema don't work In faro nor love af fairs nor any other gams of ehanes. Bs gone. P"t your marker on the grand raffle. Is other words, take the first 'bores to tows snd get married. Ten ebaaces to eos Jonesy wEB bars the taogh os yofl before the year s oat' 1 doa't think yos are a bit nice to day. Bed.' says Loys. -'He's Jealous. says Kyis. 'That's what 1 am, young man.' says L If I bsd tea years off my boulders sad a tittle of the glow off my hair rd give yos s run for toot aOey that woaW tears yoa bresthless t tbs wind P.' 1 thmk your halrTS s beastlfal color. Bed.' says Loys. Many s wo man would Bke to have It' Of coarse tbey woold I saswered. Bar tbey dost get It Tm foxy, I am.' BtflL I was tooched ta s tender apot "Thai yooaf wotnaa knew Jnst toa right thing to say,, tstnrs. Wcll,"what are you young folks going to do? I asked them. "They decided that" they'd Ihlnk It over until next day, but that turned "Red, you're a brtcJt. i'ou'r tfto bett l fellow alive,'" ay Kyle. out to bo too late, for what must Kyle do but get chucked from his horse and have his leg broke near the hip. You don't want to take any love affairs on to the back of a bad horse, now you mark me! There was no such thing as downing that boy when be was In his right mind. "Now, here was a hurrah! Loys, she dasn't cry, for fear of uncle, and Kylo, be used the slnfulest language known to the tongue of man. 'Twas the first time I'd ever heard him say anything much, but he made It clear that it wasn't because be couldn't "'What will we do, Red? What will we do?' says he. " 'Now,' says I, 'dbn't bile over Ilka that, because it's bad for your leg.' "He cussed tho leg. " 'Go on and toll me what we can do,' says he. "When you ask me that, you've pulled the right bell,' says I. Til tell you exactly what we'll do. I go for the doctor. Savvy? Well, I bring back the minister at the same time. Angevlnc, he loses the Jersey cow over in the canebrenk, and uncle and Ange vlne go hunting her, for not even Loys Is ace high in uncle's mind alongsldo that cow. The rest is easy.' "'Red, you're a brick. You're the best fellow alive,' says Kyle, nearly squeezing the band off me, " 'I've tried to conceal it all my life, tint I knew it would.be discovered some day,' says I. 'Well, I suppose I'd better . break the news' to Loys. Twouldn't be any more than polite,' "Oh, Lord! I wonder if she'll bo willing? -says he. " 'No reason I shouldn't turn an hon est dollar on the transaction. ,1'U bet you a month's wages she Is,' says L He wanted to do It, thinking I was la earnest, but I laughed at him. "She was willing all right-even anxious. There's some women, and men, too, for that matter, who go through life like a cat through s back alley, not caring a cuss for either end or the mlddlo. They would have been content to wait. Not so Loys. She wanted her Kyle, her poor Kyle, and she wanted him quick. That's the kind of people for mel Your cautious folk are all tho time falling do wells because their eyes are up In tl.e air, keeping tabs so that tboy can dodge shooting stars. "Now, I bad a minister friend up In town, Father Blade by name. No, be was not a Catholic, I think. Tbey called blm 'father' because It fitted him. His church bad s steeple on It anyhow, so It waa no maverick. Jnst what particular kind of religion th old man had I don't know, but I should say be was a homeopath on a guess. He looked it Twas s comfort to see him coming down the street his old face shining In bis white bair like s shriveled pink apple In a snowdrift God blessing everything In sight good, bad or Indifferent He bad something pleasant to say to alt Ws was quite friends, and every once In awhile we'd bare s chin about things. "'Are you keeping straight Bed", he'd ask when we parted. " Urn, Td any, Tm afraid you'd no tice s bend here snd there If you slid your eyes along the edge.' - " "Well, keep as straight as yon can: don't give op trying, my boy,' he'd tell me, mighty earnest snd rd feel ashamed of myself .clear around tbs corner.' "I knew tbo old man would do me s favor If it could be done, so I palled oat easy In my mind. "First place, I stopped st tbs doc tor's, bscsnsa I felt tbey might fix no tbs marrying business soma other time, bat If s leg tnsfs broke In tbs upper Joint ain't set right yon can tes s Urge dark complected bunk of trou ble over tbs party's left shoulder for the rest of bis days. Tbs doctor was oat so I toft word for blm what was wanted snd to be ready when I got back snd palled for rather telade'a Tbs old gentleman bad tbs rheuma tism, and bs groanod when I coma tt. Rheumatlam's no dlsssss for psopls what can't swear. -How are yon. my boyf says bs. Tm glad to sea yon.. Hers am L an old man, nipped by the leg ana macn wantinc to talk to someDoay.' " 1 passed the time of day to bins, but felt kind of bins. This dldnt took tlVa kaMtinv mv word with the kids. I really bated" to ssy anything to tbs aid man, knowing his disposinon; sou, I felt I had to, and I oat with my story. - Dear, dearr says he. Tbs hwry and sknrrr of young folks! How Idle It seems when yos get arty years away from It and eee how llttto any thing counts! For all that I thank Cad.' says be, that there's a UttJe ted toft fat my blood yet which makes ma sympathise with them. But tbs ghTs peopto abject yos sayF T made that all dear to him. Tbs gnTs always all right father, says 1 ad as for the maa ta this ease, my word for him. -Sow, it ain't Jast the fight thin for me to ssy; but seeing as rra sav er bad anything ta particular to bs modest about and I'm prood of what the old aTentieaiaa told me, I'm goUg to repeat It ' - Tour jrj U gJ t-t . Bad. ; ays be- 'You're a rabvUlevous boy af times, but your heart and your bead are both reliable. Give me your arm to the wagon Then I felt mighty sorry to think of lugglrfiT.that poor old man all that ways. '1 " 'Here,' sars I. 'Now you sit down again. Don't you do anything of the sort . You ain't fit' "He 'put bis hand on my shoulder and hobbled his weight off tire gain e leg. "'Reddy, I was sitting there think ing when you came In thinking of bow comfortable it wdb to be 1ft 'en- easy choir with my foot on a stool, and then I thought, "If the Lord should send me Borne work to do, would I be willing?" Now, thanks t io him, I am willing and glad to find myself so, and I do not believe there's any work more acceptable to him than the union of young folk who love each other. .Ouch!' says he as that foot touched the ground. 'Perhaps you'd better pick me up and carry me bod- "So I did it the old housekeeper fol lowing us with an armful of thing! and Jawing the both of us, him for a fool and me for a villain. She was a strong minded old lady, and I wish I could remember some of ber talk. It was great "We went around and got tbs doo tor. " noor says he. 7s it as bad as that?' "I winked at Father Blade. " 'It's a-plenty worse than that' says I. 'You won't know the half of It till yon get down there.' "But of "course "we : bad to UMl&ia, and he was tickled. Funny what an Interest everybody takes In these hap penings. He wanted all the details. " 'By Jove,' says he, the man .whose feelings ain't the least dimmed by S broken leg horse rolled on him, yob said; splintered It probably that man Is one of the right sort He'll do to tie to.' "When we reached tho ranch the boys were lined up to meet us. Hur ry along!" they called. 'Angoy can't keep uncle amused all day I' "So we hustled. Kyle was for being married first and then having bis leg set but I put my foot down flat It bad gone long enough now, and I wasn't going to have blm crlpplng It all his life. But the doctor worked like a man who gets paid by the piece, and in less than no time ws were able to call Loys In. "Wind Blver Smith spoke to get td give the bride away, and ws tot blm have It "We'd Just got settled to business when In comes Angevlne, puffing like s buffalo. 'For heaven's sakes, ain't you finished yet?" says be. Well, yon want to be at It for the old man ain't over two minutes behind me, coming fast I took the distance in ten foot steps. Just my luckl Foot slipped when I wss talking to htm, snd I dropped a remark that made him sus picious I wouldn't have dons It for s ton of monoy but It's too late now. I'll down blm and bold blm oat there If you say so.' ' "Well, sir, at this old Father Blade stood right up, forgetting that foot entirely, " 'Children, be ready,' says be, snd he went over the line for s record. . " Hurry there T boilers old. Bob from thenxslde, where be was on watch. Here comes ancle up tbs long coulee! "What are your names?' says Fa ther Blade. They told him, both red "nlng. " "Do yon, Kyle, take this woman, Loys, to have and beep track of, corns hell or high water, her heirs snd as signs for everr ot such , a matter says he, all In one breath. : Tbey bot said they did. - . "Things flaw till we came to the ring. There was s hitch. Ws had plumb forgotten that Important arti cle. For a minute I felt stingy. Then I cussed myself for s mean old long born and dived Into my box. "Here, take this! I says. It was my mother's r - "Oh, Bed, you mustn't part with that! cried Loys, ber eyes filling up. "Don't waste time talking. I put through what I tackle. Hurry , please, fsther.' " Has 'anybody any objections to these proceedings?' says bs. -1 bars,' says I, but I wont men tion 'em. Giro them tbs verdict' 1 pronounce yon man and wife. Let as mar.' says be. " "What's thatf screeches Uncle Jonesy from the doorway. And then bs gars as tbs queerest prayer yon ever beard In your life. Hs stood on ons toe and clawed chunks out of the sir wbils bs delivered it "He seemed to have it in for me In particular. Ton villain! Ton rascal! Ton redheaded rascal! Too did this! I know roo dldf On. ancle.' says L forgive mef With that I bogged him right ap to ma. and hs filled mr bosom roll of smothered Isngnags. "Cheese it yos little cues,' I whis pered in his sar, "or 111 break every rib in yoor poor old cheat T I cams in on him s trine, Jnst to show blm what I eoold do if I tried. "Nuffr ha wbeeses. Muitl HoffT Go op snd congratulate 'em,' whispered egala. I won't' says- he. Oochf Tes, wffil I wUir Bo op bs goes, grinding his teeth. 1 wish roo every happlAeaa,' hs Brunts. . "Wont yos forgive me, ancle f begs Leys. Boms other time; some other timer hs rsoDers, snd ha praaesd sot ef the boose like s bosstyto spider, the maddest little man m tbs territory, -Loys bsd s bard Urns of It until Kyle got so he could travel, sad they want no to the .Teuowstoos wiw a team for a wedding trip. The rest of Loys foots wss la sa anplrsamnt frame of mind too. They ant oat her brother, ssd while, rd bars took most anything from Lays brother, there cornea a -place where hsmss nature to hsmaa as tare, and tha apshot of tt was I planked thai ryaaag man genUy bat firmly across my knees, gaffeetng IU bus so waa warn assy young mas! Howauwoter. the whole eutnt cams round fat time all except uncle and ma. Hs ased to grtt hto tsctk together tUI the sparks are when ha saw ma. I was afraid he'd bast s Mood vessel hi ewe ef them fits, a I salt I hated to tot ga of tha eld ranch, but rra pretty well fixed-Tea superintendent hers, ire Kyle's ranch, J you knowVw That's his brand the queer. looking thing on the left hip of that critter, over the vented hash knife. Loys' Invention, that Is. She says it's a cherublim, but we call 11 the flying flapjack.' There's a right smart lot of beef critters toting that signal round this part of the country. Kyle's one of the fellers that rises like a setting of bread quiet and gen He, but sftiidy and sure. Hes going to the st hto legislature text year. Twon't do no harm to have one honest man In the outfit. Y'Now. perhaps if I'd married soma wee., woman I might have had 1,000 steers of my own and a chance to make rules and regulations for my fel ler citizens and then again I might have took to gambling and drinking and raising blazes and.broke my poor wife's broom handle with my hard head. So I reckon we'll let it slide as It hv'Now, you straddle that cayuse of yours and come along with me, and HI show you some rattling colts." to bi cotrrntuzp. fxxocKX)xxxxx)ooooooocxxxy Washington letter ooooooooooodoooooooooooooo Washington January 18, 1908. Senator Bacon of Georgia intro duced irAhe Senate this week the first, comprehensive financial bill which has been presented by the Democrats. In many of its features it resembles the Aldrich bill, but a radical difference is to be found in the provision that in times of finan cial stress trust companies and state banks shall be allowed to issue the emergency currency under restnc tions and supervision similar to that now exercised by the federal gov ernment over national banks. In the Finance committee, Senator Daniel has suggested that the tax on Stale bank circulation be removed during an emergency but he did not press the suggestion to a vote. Senator BaiJey, however, haa proposed that in placs of leaving unlimited discre tion to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Comptrollet of the Currency and the Treasurer of the United States to say when and where emergency shall be issued, limitations propor tionate to the banking capital and within certain geographical divisions be imposed and the suggestion has met with the respectful considera tion of the committee which has asked Mr. Bailey to formulate, bis proposition in legal language. Senator Aldrich, who has been off the passage of the Culberson re solution calling on the Secretary of the Treasury for information rela tive to the sale of Panama bonds, from day to day, promising that a comprehensive statement from the Secretary would reach the Senate on Wednesday, was finally obliged to permit the resolution to pass as Wednesday came and there was no statement from Mr. Corlelyou. It is expected to reach the Senate this week, but it is entirely probable that the Secretary will be reti cent on tbs subject concerning which Mr. Culberson's resolution inquires. Mr. Culberson is convinced that when s report on bis resolution is mads it will show that Secretary Cortelyou bas been guilty of viola tion of the law. Senator Tillman of South Carolina at mass meeting this week called for the purpose of bringing together all associations in tbs District of Columbia in tavor of prohibition, enthused his audience by declaring it bis opinion that the people of Washington can hare prohibition if a majority' of citizens sppsal to Congress for it ' 'You know what you want," hs said, "but the trou ble with you is you don't know how to get it" Tbs Senator proceeded to give bis hearers ons of his practi cal common sense talks which excit- sd the greatest Interest and no little enthusiasm. Tbs recently sppointsd Jspans? Ambassador to tbs United Slates, Baron Kogoro Takahira, at present Jspaness Ministst) to Italy was minister to this couotry during tbs Bosso-Jspaness War, and previous to this doty hs bad set red as consul general at New York. Hs wss ons of tbs plealpoteetiaries ef Japan at the Portsmouth Dacs conference in 1905. Hs has been in ths service of bis gorsrnmsnt since bis graduation from ths Imperial College at Toklo end sneaks English. French and German floently. - - President Roosevelt bas been ss- sored, very rsosoUy, by several Southern politicians that Secretary Tail would reosirs most of the etmgtbwooth of Mssoo and Dixon's line which bad been preparing to swing into line for Mr. Roosevelt wbso bis no third term declaration knocked their plans sky high. Senator TUJmaa this wsek offer ed a resolution which has been adopted by tbs Senate, directing ths Interstate Commerce Commission to inform the Senate whether any cor porations engaged in interestate commerce are the owners of any stock of other corporations which are transposing passengers and freight. If so, the commission is farther di rected to transmit a statement show ing the extent and details- of such ownership, so far as the facts now appear in the office of commission, and to state in what cases the cor porations whose stock is so owned have been competitors jbr traffic with the corporation owning their .stock. When Mr. Tillman first pre eented this resolution, senator Aid rich offered an objection to its con sideration, but this he withdrew, and it was adopted by the Senate. The differences existing between Minority Leader John Sharp Will iams and his political colleague on the Committee on Rules. Mr. De Armond of Missouri, which caused a personal'enconnter just before the holidays, were further emphasized this week in the course of the con sideration of th'e criminal laws. It wis thought that these ' -o Repre- senatives bad patched up their seem ingly temporary difference but evi dently their viewpoints are totally different and there may bo wordy contests between them many ' times during the session. Bank foollaaaess. 'When attacked by a couch or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. Kings New DiS' covery," says V. V. iMUridge, oi Empire, Ua. "1 have used new Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. My chil dren are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every at tack." Known the world over as King of 'hroatand lung remedies. Sold ui - guarantee at Graham Drug C 50o. and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. Some time ago Di. J. S T. Baird.of Aaheville, charged one J. B. Eller With appropriating to his own use certain turkey, the property ot the plaintiff. The case was tried and a . jury acquitted Eller. Now Dr. Bain! finds himself a defendant in a dam age suit, Eller being the plaintiff, and tho sum of $5,000 is asked for malicious prosecution. Bad Stomach Trouble Cured. Having been sick for the past two years with a bad stomach trou ble, a frind gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey did me so much good that I bought a bottle of 4bein and have used twelve bottles in all. To day I am well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs John Lowe,. Cooper, Maine. These tablets are for sale by Graham Drug Co. .The Kentucky Legislature, which s Democratic on s close vote, is now balloting lor Senator. E Gov. Beck ham is the Democratic candidate but it seems that two or there of the Democratic members won't vote lor bim and there is a deadlock. The Republicans are voting for ex Gov. Bradley 100 Du. E. Dctchoh's Arm- Diuretic may be worth to you wore than 1 100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. UU-" old ana young alike. It arrests the Uouble at once. II. Hold by the i. u Simmons Drug Co., Graham, N. C. The State Firemen's Association and tournament will be held at Wil mington this year, on a date to be named. The association met fit Wil mington last ysar. Asbeville and Salisbury ssked lor ths meeting, but Wilmington was selected. Tbers is somethiDff about Kid ney's Laxative Cough Syrup that makes it different from others, as it causes a free yet gentle action of the bowels through which the cold is forced out of the system. At the aame time it heals irritation and al lays inflammation of ths throat and lungs. It is pleasant io isse. Children like it Contains no opiates w norcolics. Sold by3ra- bam Dr.' . Ths J- mal of ths Western North Cai j Conference, M. E. Church. South, recently issued, gives the total membership of the Church io this Conference st 85,072, an increase of 3,000 over the pre vious Conference year. - . . Every person should know that good health is impossible if ths kid iwii are deranred. Foley. Kid- now Cora will curs kidney and blad der disease in every form, and will bnild no and strengthen these organs so tbey witf perform their functions properly. No danger of Briht's disease or diabetes if Foley's Kid ney cure is taken in time. Gra ham Drag Co. ' For that Dandruff There is ons thing that will cure it Ayer's Hair, Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhef " hy scalp becomes healthy. "5 dandruff dfeark pears, hr r v disappear. , A health vsr jneana jpreatdsal to you :r' -' hair no dm- j i . 'a The beat kind ot i t atlmonlal "Bold f- over si-ty years." tluJMtuvwr of SARSAPABIL A. O PILLS. O CHECJtV FEC10KAU wfenaaai m QAAAAAaA4AAa,aAAAaA A.AA Thistir a. of the year' are sigr ds of warning, TakeTf xacum Com - pound ,ow. It may avs you a spell or te ver. It will regulate your be Js, set your liver n tnt, and cure your in. gestion. Afirood .onic. An honest medicine MEBANE, ' N. C. - NORTH CAROLINA I;--:'- FARMERS;f5i Need a North Carolina Farm One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils and conditions, made by Tar Heels snd, for Tar Heels and .at the same time as wide awake h any in Kentucky -r Kamcha ' . Such a papc is Ihe Pro :?ive Farmer RALF C M N. C. Kdited by Clam: No. H. Toe, 3 with Dr. W. C. Buikett,aector B. A. & M. C -"a, axe Director B. W, Kilgon f j j Agiicullural Ex pen men ion (you ! now them), s . .nt editors di a veari. If Vvu are already takira the paper, we can make no rr (fic tion, r"t if you t re not tai 'ogit YOU CAN JAVE E C R7 se-.inj tou- crder '. ue T ialis to ny. new rror seave Farmer o sonb r' tre wi. send that Darter with The Gu: xeb. both one year lor ll ou, regular price 12.00. , ' Addrsesa ' ' THE GLEANER. . Graham, N. C iOOOOOOOO J Subscribe -, For ,: .. The o leaner. Only ; ; $ I .C per year. oocwooocwcooocooooccoooooo KILLthe COUCH ao CURS TM3 LUNC3 mUJ U.WWJ.Vi rn aT"w JllS a a n 'V VCLDS Trtfc... SB AtlTHRrATAsOtrKfiTPl'"'' QUARAfc' TiJ 9 BAI1SF Aw oa aoKtv ;jjui.ciu 'rsassssssMaaapwr MesaUieem'.a4 beali Headaches araxacum n 10.