HE ALAMANCE GLEANER. yoL. xxxiv. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1908. NO. 5 T utt's Pills tfamitete the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are iuh , equaled as an - . - ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, malarial district their virtoea an ' urUety recognized, as they poasesa peculiar propertiea in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. WILL S. MG, JR . . ". DENTIST . . . Qrihtm. - - - North Carolina OFFICE in SIMMONS, BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG, LONG & LONG, Attorney and Counselors at Law, GRAHAM, N. . ' 0 S- C OK, Attornoy-nt-Law, GRAHAM. - - - - - N. C. Office Patterson Building Second Floor. ..... . C A. HALL, ATTORNEY AND 00UN8ELL0R-AT-IAW, GRAHAM, N. C. Office in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. np stairs. Jon Gnat trraim. W. P. Braxni, J a. BYNUM & BYNUM, A.ttoroeye and Coonaelora at Lnr OnaSSNBBOBO, S U. Practice reenlarlT In tbe courts of Ala seonniv. ' Aug.x,iiy ROB'T C. STKTJLWICK Attorney-nt-Lnw, GREENSBORO X. C. Practices in the courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties. mi BlfEsmSi To MMer ententes the Secth foadlag araanaas cjeiiago, net trw seaioisaiso an fmlkiMakiHllNtllaaaumt BOMT SLAT. WMIT1 TOBAT. Grahan U ndewriters Agency. 8COTT &, ALBRIGHT. Graham, IM. C Offlooof Scott-Mebanb M'f'g Co. overalls. GRAHAM, N. 0 Apr. U, 1907. HAS. A. SOOTT, Agent Southern LI v. Stock Ins. Co., Graham, N. C DBAB SIB .'" Wa beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the Uth, enoloaiug check No. ISO for 1160, the tsme being In full payment of our claim under policy No. 91, coveting Insurance on our Iron Gray Dray Horse, which died on the night of the 8th Inst. We wish to thank you for the promptness hi which youroompany has handled this Iom and will say. In pwlng, that a compejiy of this character has lour teen needed in our State, and In view of the small premium asked, no one should be without insurance on their are stock. Tours very truly. BOOTT-MBBANBif rO 00, H, W.Soott. Correspondence Solicited . omx AT THE BANK OKALAMANCE ARE YOU UP TO DATE ? If yon are not the" News ajt Obesteb is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abreast of the times. Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the news foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mot. , Weekly North Carolinian $1 per rear, 50c for 6 mos. . NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., ' Raxjtjgh, N. C Hie North Carolinian and Tfc. Axakabcs Glxakxs will be sent for on year for Two Dollars, Cash in advance. Apply at Tn Gixuni office, Graham. N. C fW atr..a la aa mrr sec of the i mm r.ui.j v. n.Uta teieS wt WT Seaaeettaai U I Urn i)i Toe M neera tot tmm tm m an. Ki. Ua sav SU au Willi torn i K AeeBwee, Laxative Drooo-Quiaiae She ammo ansseaaras a oof So owST Med Saunders HENRY WALLACE PHILLIPS I COPYPJCHT.; 1803, BY McCLURE, PHIIXIPS t COMPANY f The dust settled enough so that the anxious villagers could see horse and man; the former resting easily as If he had had enough athletics for 'one day and the latter sitting In the road. Neither showed any Intention of ris ing. "What's the matter, Mr. Saunders, are you hurt?" inquired the fussy post mistress. "Please go 'way, ma'am," said Bed, waving bis arm. "I'm sure you're hurt I'm perfectly sure you' re hurt," she persisted, hold ing ner ground. "Now, do tell us what can possibly be the matter with you." - very wen,-' returned the exas perated cowpuncher, "I will. My pants, ma'am, have suffered in this turn up, and they're now in a con ditlon to make my appearance in po lite society difficult, if not impossible now please go 'way, and somebody fetch me a horse blanket" It is regrettable that the discom fiture of the postmistress was received with undisguised hilarity. The blan ket was produced, and Red stalked off in Indian dignity, marred by a limp in his left leg, for he had come upon Mother Earth with a force which made Itself felt through all that foot of soft dust "Bring that dura fool horse along,' be called over his shoulder. Buckskin rose and followed his owner. There was no light in his eye now; be looked thoughtful. He, too, limped, and there was a trickle of blood down his nose. Verily it had been a hard fought field. As both men were anxious to see tbe lay of the land as soon as possible Bed took his place in the wagon that day, after the damages were re paired, content to wait until his leg was less sore for horseback riding. There followed a busy two weeks for them. Mr. Demllt had some money he wished to put into the enterprise, but his most valuable assistance was, of course, his thorough knowledge of the resources of the country. They found an admirable site for the mill In an old stone barn which had Stood the ravages of desolation almost unimpaired. Bed's mining experience told him that the creek could easily be flumed to tbe barn, and as that was tbe only objection of the others to this location they wrote the owner of the property for a price. They were astonished when they received the fig ures. It had come by inheritance to man to whom it was a white ele phant of the most exasperating sort, and be was glad to get rid of it for almost a song. Tbey were a Jubilant three at the news. It Saved the cost of building a mill, aad, including that, the price was as low per acre as any land they could have obtained. Bed closed the bargain Instantly. Lettls' pert of the business was chiefly to arrange for the disposal of their product, and when he explained to bis partners what be could reason ably hope to do in that line the affair lost its last tint of unreality and be- lame a good proposition, for Lotus Bad an excellent business acquaint ance who would be glad to deal with the straightforward young fellow. The night after the signing of the deeds Bed said to Miss Mattle: "We ought to have a stockholders' dinner tomorrow night, Mattle. If yon could hire that scow bant girl who wears her ban scrambled to come In and give yon a lift,, would you feel equal to itr "Ton always pat K that I'm doing, yon a great favor In such things, WW, bat you know perfectly well there's nothlnsr I'd rather do." replied Miss Mattle, with a dimpling smile. "How- over, It adds to tbe pleasure of It to have It put In that way, so I won't complain. Til Just have my sapper first and then yon men can talk over Tear basinets undisturbed." "Ton will not you'll eat with the rest of us!" - Tes, bat yon stockholders" The word had on Import to Mies Mattle, a something. If not regal, at least a kin ship to the king. Under her democra cy lay a respect for tbe founded Insti tution, Impersonal, aa Integral part of tbe law of the statsla fact salnor aovareintv within on empire. "Stockholder youraolfP retorted Bed. "Dont yon coll me name." What de yon mean, WHIT asked Miss Mattle, with wide opened eyes. "I mean you're a stockholder as good as anybody. You're got half my stock. Now, held on! Just listen. This at a queer ran. Mettle, from tbe reguUUon potat of view, this company of oars. I know onoagh about fUlia and back In to know that. Tee eoght to have soon the Btym sad pofexsr and twain' around thera Boston men did before tbey took holt of tM Chance gsschoo aad made rt a stock company! On tana eras the ablest dsn foot I ever eotne acrosst I need to let en I didst aavvy earthing about tt Tow, ex plain to me,' says I to him. Toe say yea have so many shares of them stock, waving my hand to e bunch of critters ta the distance. WW part do yes taker I Bean, what's year share of each animal? and does the last man get the hoofs sad the taOT Oh, yon dont smorstaad, says he. 1H explain tt to yon. Be he starts In to ted sas that stock dfttst aneas eartly neaa beef critters and a tot tore things, whilst etd man fnrgasom, who was patting tbe deal thswogh, tood thrtramg and chewing hla ata, fhlnniig I was going to give- ear frtead Che rinlli teras bee hoe at the wtad- sjp. Bat I stood eotesna asn sarvw drew a asn lie. for fear of ejnoer- fax renweea. WeO, there war to start a compel iiMrr and ton Winded as We atot done that aad partSasa weB gw broke for breaking the rmlea, aad t&ea yecr stock wcart bo eree-Be a eooa. fto Seat two S excited a heart tt. I mated the tasatdcrs fareurje be ry resented. Pretty soon the old lad with the nose will be around, and you'll have a chance to read about the "par ties of the first part' and "second parts of the party' and 'aforeselds' and 'be blndsalds' snd the rest of the yappl them lawyers swing so that honest men won't know what the devil they're np ta" "Oh, Will! How can I ever thank yon?" cried Miss Mattle, her eyes fill ing. It seemed a great and responsible position to the gentle lady to be a stockholder In the corporation, it wasn't tbe monetary value of the thing; It was the pride of place. "If you don't know how, don't try,' returned Bed. 'Ton give tbe other three stockholders a good feed tomor- ' She feet tbnxUjhX in the air. row and' the thanks win be up to yon. Hello! There's the 'old lad now!" as a trumpet blast rang out from tne front porch. "It must take some prac tice to blow your nose like that I've beard Jackasses that eenld not bray In tbe same class with that little old gent come In. Come tnl Ton needn't sound the rally again." Thus adjured the lawyer made bis entrance, and Miss Mattle became in dne end Involved coarse of law a stockholder in the Fairfield Straw- board Manufacturing company. Fairfield rose to activity like a very small giant refreshed. Teems and :xbeir heavy loads kept the respect able dust In constant commotion. A grist mill was added to tbe Intended plant thus offering an Inducement to the fanner to raise grain, and incident ally straw, "So we can ketch 'em on both ends, too," as Bed put it The time seemed like enchantment to Miss Mattle. As a bringer of the tid ings and a stockholder In the company she bad risen to be a person of impor tance, with the result that she wss even more modestly shy than before; although .In her heart she liked It: but more delightful yet wss the spirit sf holiday activity which Inspired and pervaded the place. Bed bad Insisted on operating on the lines that are laid down with rail road spikes In tbe western communi ties to patronise borne Industries as much ss possible. - Therefore the ma rca. ma'am, but. tae damt swat the chiaery orders went through Mr. Far sal. tbe blacksmith, mltlatlag that worthy sua Into the arsttrlss of staking money wttheet doing aaythlng for tt. which sweated little lass than a miracle to hiss. Krarythlag that coold be boagbt through local people was et takeed fcs that way. It cost a trine saore. bat tt brought mors stoacy hue the ptoee and enabled the villagers to partake of the enUvsastoat without the f eettag that tt was a fanaC, The a set hi oaurt aad tt Is statafal aa cried to reran iRal pate for im.1 strata, arrams that she was s tow which Bed end set He wesnd wtnhtgry have seeds of the eUff erSM-e, hat he the teaet tested to be did not hs of tt by enes er wssssa They had s wary fenny dooata la art- CsBteeTath .watte prtaerpo by sheer velabtlfry aad fasntd tojtt dte- gtart the ttesas'MeOTt werk. Bee Ihtfeaed stoat trsevectreJly aad always ssem bsillsMs world sad thaOM ansae replied: "Yes, ma'am, trot we don't want that paint. Get us some good paint bully old paint with stlck'um In It This stuff Is like whitewash, only feebler. We're going to put on a swell front up at the mill, and we've got to have the right thing." And at last the postmistress said that she would, her respect for tbe ex-cow puncher having risen noticeably In the meantime. CHAPTER VIII. ffl HE work on the mill was push. ed, and In spite of the usual amount of unforeseen delays It was ready for business by the latter part of September. The official -opening was Vet for the 27th, Miss Mettle's birthday, and the village of Fairfield was Invited to a picnic to be held at the mill In honor of the oc casion. It Is needless to say that tbe Fairfield Btrawboard Manufacturing company did the thing up In shape. Wagons loaded with straw and drawn by four horse teams went the rounds of the village collecting the guests. It is doubtful If Fairfield was ever more surprised than at the realization of bow much there was of her, using the pronoun out of respect to the majority, "when she wss bunched," as Bed said. Ton would not have believed that struggling, lonesome looking place held so many people. As Bed could discov er no means In the town's resources to provide a meal for 300 people, It was necessarily a basket party, which struck Mr. Saunders as being grievous ly like a Swede treat He made up for it in a measure by having barrels of lemonade and cider on tap at tbe grounds, stronger beverages being bar red, and by hiring a quartet of strings "clear from town. At half past 2 on a resplendent but hot September afternoon the caravan started for the mill grounds, the wom en dressed In tbe moot unplcnlcky cos tumes Imaginable, and the men osten tatiously at ease In their store clothes. Every one was in the best of spirits, keen for the excitement and pleasure that was sure to mark the occasion. Bed rode old Buckskin, who bad succumbed to the Inevitable and only "Jumped around a little," as Bed put It on being mounted. It wss pretty lively "Jumping around," but perbaps Mr. Saunders found some satisfaction In sitting perfectly at bis ease, smok ing bis cigarette, while Book Jumped end Fairfield admired. And, at any rate, Buck bad legs of Iron and tbe wind of a locomotive, carrying Bed all day and willing to kick at anything which bothered him when night came. He was a splendid beast through and through, from forelock to tail tip, but be bad learned who was bis master snd obeyed him accordingly. It was a five mile ride, mostly under the shade of fine old trees. The road wound around tbe hills; hare and there a break In tbe arboreal border showed views of rolling country, well shaped and pleasing, winding np grassy slopes In groves of verdure. Of coarse most of the freshness of leaf wes past yet tbe modest gray green gave a silvery sheen to tbe landscape that brought It fcito unity. One member of tbe party felt that bis heart was very full as be looked st tt That was Lettls. "Blast the old office!" be kept saying to himself. "Blast Its six dingy windows and tbe clock at the end! Doesn't this look good, and doesn't It smell good, dost snd all?" snd then he'd bowl at tbe horses In sheer exuberance of good feeling, making the mild old brutes put s better foot of It to tbe front Bed cantered np beside bis wagon. "Well, Lettls," be said, "here we go for tbe opening overture with tbe fall strength of tbe company we're greet people this day, ain't we?" And tbe big men smiled like a pleased big boy. "Ob, what a bully old fellow yon ore!" thought Lettls as be looked at him. Lettls wss thinking of other qualifies than flesh, bat tbe physical Bed Saunders on horse back was do serving of a glance from snybody; tbe massive figure so well poised; tbe clear cat proud profile; tbe shapely with Its crown of red gold hair; tbe easy grace of him' by virtue of bis strength-It would be s remarkable crowd in which Chants Seecbee Bed couldn't pees for a man. He was ev ery inch of that from tbe ground up. Lettls hod come to bow down to bun la adoration, with all aa affectionate boy's worship. To those eyes Bed wss just right In every particular; likewise to Miss Mattle, who even sow was filling ber eyes wltb him from behind tbe vantage of a broad brimmed straw bat At test tbe whole party disembarked at the fiat before tbe mill and mode ready for the official starting of tbe machinery. Tbe big doors were thrown so that tbe company could see within while resting evtslde hi tbe bade, and a odor the cooling Influence of whet breeao there wss. The mill officially started. Bed dlmbsd the bank to tbe flame and raised the gate. Tbe crowd cheered as tbe tav watots leaped to freedom with a hollow rear, raletog la pttcb ss the foneteek AIM to go roand. for, snd tbe vlgoronsry protostlng Bed ems forced to the frost by has tormer Meade. Demllt and LaCUs. Than be trayed by those he treated. Bed made the best of it I sssrdetaew, toOow dtv sald ho, "the asm Is now epos to all testers. We hop to seeks tost assesses. Wo hope to see every horny hsadod. hump the eeaatry roata the hove bis ptow throngs twice ss mseh gromael as he ever did before, aad tt he senses hose with his S4amder well give him s Beware shake. Wen pay btet as nmrn aad sot 1st him In ea the bote, ea Is sisiKtojis dee. Hew, ev eryhedy res sway sad have a good for I stosrtBks to tan; tua pappi say store swan yes sum se saw - 1 By-hyr It was l They spent the newal ptente doTooaptoaT appetites, swtfl tt to Uvea the performance ey them the art of Bwarttasd spoa aa eld eew sw AS a spactacM wee a faSere. The eombtoeS eeorts of en the beotlag email boys ewetd set stake neck toward Had, es thongh saying: ptenle. M M and strictly prohibits the sale of alum baking powder So does France So does Germany The sale of alum foods has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum bia, and atiim baking powders are everywhere recognized as e . injurious. jQ fofi yourself against alum, when ordering baking powder, Say plainly - and be very sure you get RoyaL Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility ana whole- arsvrrteatl jM a r I It eh Ivhw4 - 0ngnvUW9 VS tuw dWWVIs : "Hurry up with your foolishness. bare a cud to chew and can't stand here Idle i all day." So Bed golloped by and threw the noose over her heed ss sn exhibition of how the thing was done rather than how It Ought to be done. Nevertheless picnic parties are not hypercritical In the matter of amusement snd ths feat received three encores. The last time be missed his cast through overconfklence, where at tbe old cow tossed ber besd snd tall In tbe air and tore off at an elephan tine gallop, wltb a bawl that sounded to Bed mightily like derision. "Durned if she ain't laughing at me!" he cried. But as a matter of fact it was s hornet and Its unmistakable sting that injected this activity into ber system. ITOSS cosrvsuan. Retain Competent Road Official.. It Is asserted that one of tbe princi pal causes for tbe poor construction of roads Is that tbe tenure of office of highway commissioners is uncertain and that In most esses tbe office goes to tbe candidate who can secure the meet votes. Politics, ss we have often said, should in nowise be a factor when It comes to building roads or paving streets, ssys tbe Good Roads Msgs sine. Improved road building Is a new art, and a competent road builder, like a poet Is born, not made, and when bis worth bss been proved be should be kept In tbe office ss long ss be efficient snd keepe up wltb the march of orocress In his line ef work. Bo long as the office of highway commis sioner Is elective the voters of s town ship should see thst tbe best man Is put In the office snd then re-eiectea. Much has lately been saM In regard to making the office of highway commis sioner appointive and strictly under clvn service rulee. Macb can be said In favor of this plan, bat anUl laws are changed competent officials should be retained. A Fsmeus Old Mansion. Hall Barn. In Backs county, Eng land, to big square bouse In Queen Anne style, with stone facings snd pilasters. It wss originally tbe borne of tbe poet Waller, snd tbe greet statesmen, Edmund Burke, spent many holidays there. Tbe dagger which Burke threw down on tbe floor, of tbe bouse of commons in 1700 during bis SDeeeb in support of bis aliens bUI Is la tbe ball. It was In the dining room at Hall Barn that Oliver Cromwell In a temper flung bis napkin In tbe faoe of Waller's royallat mother fr re proaching him with tbe executlw of Charles L Tbe most perfect TurLbto bath In tbe kingdom to another lemsrfc- able feature of the boose. In tbe love ly old world flower garden Is an sn dent summer boose, In which Milton Is said to have composed a great part of "Paradise Begalnod." Beauty In the Anelewwrwt. If there lo any living thing that seems to have nothing to relieve its nglrness Km tbe angleworm that era wis silmny cross the sidewalk after a heavy rain, and yet eves that Is beautiful. Pet s bit ef Its spoor skte nnder tbe mlcro beepe sad yonr Ideas ef the peer little Wwrnl will chance mightily. It sum- like tbe softest aatla aad spar- Las wltb aU tbe cotors ef tbe rainbow. cor rc st cvteiwu win uiuw bow grossing each other Ilka the cartings la vase. The Smooth Handle. Jtvwrythmg has two by by lch tt stay be ksilt cannot U yonr brother acts .osCy, de sot lay bold on tbe affair the handle of his lajnaaee. ror ay t tt cannot be borne, bat rather by opposrta. that he Is year brother. be was brongbt sp wtth yon, ana as yon win ley head on tt as tt Is to Her Ml. My dear.'' aald Mr. Brown to his wife, "where did ell those hooks on astronomy ea the Horary table come from? They are not eere." "A please at lttte earprwo tor yosv nmondad Mrs. Brews. "Ton know yon said this morning thst we ought to tody astronomy, se I went to beok- aad bought everything 1 coaM find es the subject- It was some stinwtee before be spoke. HT dear." he them seid slowly, bis eice hesky srtth entottos. "I never said we mast stady astronomy. I said stady POWDER : J 1 Washington Letter. Washington March 14, 1008. An ugly land fraud almost under tbe dome of the Capitol has been discovered within the last week whereby the Government bss been defrauded of land worth a very con siderable sum and only by a mere chance avoided losing another val uable tract. Senator Carter expos ed the transaction in the Senate and that body immediately repealed tbe law which conveyed to Bieber bis last title, the Secretary of War hav ing delayed acting under that en actment It is not known what the House will do in the matter as it is evident that in that chamber there are powerful influences at work to hush the whole matter up. For the entire parcel of land, Bieber appears to have paid about f 5,000 the par cel containing, about 20 acres, and for a small part of the land he re cently refused to accept Irom the Pennsylvania Railroad $ 15,000 cash. The Oovernment has already expended f 300,000 for improving the Anacostia River on which this land, which carries the riparian rights, abuts, and it is proposed to expend a very much larger sum. The records show that foi the last trans action Representative Bartholdt of Missouri was responsible and Mr, Bartholdt has msds a statement saying that tbe action of bis commit tee was perfectly proper and regular but there is every indication that tbe Senate will express a different opin ion. It is assumed in tbe 8enste that Bieber must have exerted very powerful influence in the House to secure such favorable legislation Bieber was formerly assistant fire marshall of the District ot Colum bia. He became ill sod through ths kind influence of Speaker Can non be secured s pension of f 90 a month for life, although be is still a man of middle age and is now in excellent health. He bss recently been engaged in an effort to hsvr ths two delegates from the district instructed to vote for Speaker Csn non in the Republican National Convention. When asked on ths night after Senator Carter sosde tbe expose in ths Seqste whet bs bad to say regarding it, Bieber ssid thst hs wss "too busy with local politics to discuss ths matter." lbs fighting in tbs Republican ranks is becoming mors snd mors bitter every day. A republics o Representative, Mr. Acbeeoo, - of Psasylrania, bas recently inspired s report to the effect that Cecil Lyon, tbs Republican National Commit teeman from Texas, wss collecting from postmasters in that Stats 10 percent of tbsir salaries for cam paign rand. Then ths President cams back st Mr. Acbeson sod pointed oat that s Republican,' bat not Cecil Lyon, bad attempted to make such s collection, that bs had been prosecuted by direction of tbs President, and that only this week tbe Supreme Court of tbs United States bad decided tbs case against tbs said Republican, who is now li able to fine of tGO.OOO and impris onment for 30 years. Tbs political and of tbs fight is interesting, bow ever, from tbs fact that this arrays Acbeson against tbs President snd rice versa, and as Acbeson is hay ing a very hard fight in his district against a prominent Pennsylvania Elk, it is now believed the Congress man will be defeated. The most brilliant speech which has yet been heard on the Aldrich bill was made this week by Senator Bailey of Texas. Mr. Bailey spoke for three and one hall hours and held the attention of an audience which crowded both the Senate and tbe galleries, many Democrats com ing over from the House lo listen. Mr. Bailey opposed tbe Aldrich measure because he believes that the banks should be allowed to issue no j money and that such issue should be confided to the government. He indicated, however, that if he could not get his substitute, providing for $1,000 million emergency Treasury notes, he would vote for the Aldrich bill. Congress seems prepared to pass the Frye resolution which pro vides that the material for the Pana ma Canal must be carried in Amen can vessels unless the prices charged are extortionate. Of course this ex cepticn makes tbe bill seem fair on its face, but the fact is that under such a bill the Secretary of War will feel compelled to pay at least 50 percent, more to American ships than is asked by foreign vessel ow ners, and even if when asked still bieber prices by Americans there will be a howl of indignation from the vesfel owners if he dares to em ploy foreign ships. That was the case with the vessels carying coal to the Pacific for the current battleship cruise, it will be remembered, si though the Secretary did fly in the face of tbe shipowners and charter a number of foreign vessels. Representative Tawney is again shouting economy and be declares there will be no public building bill this year and that provision will be made for only two battleships if he has his way. He says be is deter mined to keep the total appropria tions down to the limit for the cur rent year, $920,000,000 but it will be interesting to see if Mr. Tawney raises his voice against Ihe pernicious pension legislation whereby it is proposed to put all tbe old soldiers' idows who are not entitled to a pension under the existing lswson the rolls at 112 a month, thus in- creasing tne pension Dinigei Dy about $15,000,000 a year. That is a measure with which it is expected to make Republican votes and per haps promote the candidacy of Speaker Cannon. Cannon makes Tawney chairman of Appropriations nd no it goes. There baa been a little more varie ty in Democratic politics this week. Several representatives of Judge George Grey of Delawsre have been in Washington looking over tbe ground and the aclion of Minnesota Democratic committee in endorsi ng Gov. Johnson adds somewhat to tbe gayety of the situation although there is as yet no indication that Mr. Bryan will meet with any j serious opposition in the Denver convention. This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol For Dyspepsia. "E. C. De Witt k Co, Chicago 111.. Dear Sirs I have suffered for more than 20 years from indigestion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse tbat I could not di gest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomacn. I lost 25 lbs; in fact I made np my mind tbat I could not live but a short time, when a friend or mine recom.nended Kodol. I consented to trv it to please him and 1 was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in belter health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bot tle constantly, and write Ibis hoping thst humanity will be benented. Yours Terr truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10 1904." Sold by Graham Drug Co. Tbe Citizens' National Bank will be s new banking institution for Salisbury, with a capital of 1200,000. B)e Ne CieiS The Biotio. The first warm days of spring bring with them s desire to get out snd enjoy tbe sxbilirsting air and sun shine. Children that bars been housed op all winter ars brought out tod you wonder where they all cams from. Tbe besvr winter clothing is thrown aside and many sbed their flannels. Then a cold wave coaies and people say tbat grip is epidemic. Colds at this sea son are even mors dangerous than in mid-winter, as there is much more danger ot pnenmonia. Tsks Cbam-r-er Iain's Cough Remedy, however, and you will bars nothing to fear. It slwsys cures, ana we ne never known a cold to result in pneumon ia when it was used. It is pleasant and safe to take. Children. Lke it For Sals by Graham Drug Co, - Does Your Heart Beatl Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. ' And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. , On. frnnMfit mom of bid Mm. to . ilnrrlfh llvflr. I'll i. BradMM AMULfnattoii. Faljuaoll, ubatancM .r. then borbed lata Ui. bkMML Keep Uie boweb opes wlUi Ayer's rule. AT" flu bwT.C. Ayvr Oo.. lemwlx. Hm emlSKl wemifeotureee mf J SAlB VKM8. , yers saus cun. OKSSV PECTORAL. W. hs. bo Mental the formulae of ell e W. sebllefc e eadaches i This time of the year are siernals of warnine. TakeTaraxacum Com pound now. It may av9 you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set syour liver right, and icure your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine araxacuiti Lo, MEBANE. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils and conditions, made by Tar Heels snd for Tar Heels -and at ths same time as wide awake as anr in Ken tuck v or Kamchatka. Such a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Kdfied by Claksmci H. Pok, with Dr. W. C. Burkett,octor B. At & M. College, and Director B. W. Kilgore, of tbe Agricutlural Experiment Station (you know them), as assistant editors (SI a year). If you are already taking we paper, we can make no reduc tion, but if you ars not taking it YOU CAM SAVE 50C isy senamg your order to as That is lo say, new Progressive farmer subscribers ws will send that paper with Thb Gueaxik. both one year for t60, regular price i4.w. Addreesa THE GLEANER, . Graham, N. C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX.'OOOOOOOO Subscribe For The Gleaner. Only $ 1 .00 per year. KILLtheCOUCM au CURE ths LUriCG Dr. Hi: WTTH TO 4..J Ul.Wtflkil FTP"-! an. a l 'A WB.w l".e""'""l e au Tvr.T9tr!'r,v';T' r, i QUARAHTtiDSA I i - c v-kw OH HONET B&rVhLJL Foley's Honey bi Tcr caret colJs, prtrtau putasnoc ' n i nememne