"he Alamance, Gleaner! VOL. XXXIV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APKIL 30, 1908. NO. 11 Advice to the Aged. Are brine Infirmities , such as slu( 4 rlsh bowels, weak kidneys and buu ' der and TORPID LIVER. - . II. .4-1 uu nave specific enact on thesa organi , stimulating the bowels, causing them ' to perform their natural functions as inyomnanu IMPARTING VIGOR. to the kldnevs. bladder and LIVES. t Tney are aaspren to oia ana young, PROFESSiONAL CARDS DR. WILL S. LONG, JR ... DENTIST . . '. Graham. - - - North Carolina OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONQ. J. ELMER LONG. LONG & LONG, Attorney, and Counselors at Law, . GRAHAM, N. t, s.. ovo.o-k: 1 Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - ... - N. i Offloe Patterson Building Seoond Floor. ..... C A. HALL, , ATTORNEY AND COCNSELLOB-AT-LAW, , GRAHAM, N. C. Office in the Bank of Alamance Balding, up staira. IOHS OxAT Km DM. .' W. P. BTMU1I, JB. BVNUM &BYNTJM, Attorneys and Counselors at Law UaISENSBOBO, M xi. Practice regularly In the courts of Ala nance county. Auk. , W ly ROB T C. STRTJDWICK Atterney-at. Law, GREENSBORO ft. U. Practices in the courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties. Te hetter advertise Ik. Seeth-a kVeadlaa IiiIum Gellec. Inst a few sehelatahipe ax ttHnlUMoinwmiHiwauMn. DOMT DBUT. WBIM TODAY. . 6A-ALL BnSHES2 COLLEQE, lacCD, Gl Grahan Unde writers Agency. SCOTT & ALBRIGHT, , Graham, N. C . -ojBoe Of1-- " Scott-Me4ane r M'fVcVv ''' '.a ;3 v""'- 6yBmjw.v 7 I GBAHaIm, tJ.fVApr. 1S.1WT.-' HAg. A. BOOTT, Agent - ' Sou tuern' Live Stock Ids. Co., ' ' ;."'-' ' i-f Graham, N.O. drasbirs , . v''-r ' We beg to acknowledge rwoelptof your favor of the Uth, encloatug cbwk Ho. 120 fot $168, the same bring in full payment of our claim . under policy No. BT, coveting which died on tb. night of the 8tb Inst. WftVllh tst th.nV vnti fnr t)t nmmn nsu ranee on our iron umy umy Horse, In which your company has handled this low and will eay. In passing, that a company of this character has, long been needed In our Btaut, and In new of the small premium asked, no one should be without Insurance on tueir uy. stock. : -. , - Tours very truly, '' ' ' " , -y- sooti-mbbam ihtq co , 1 . - - j " . . H.W.Boott. Correspondence Solicited. I' ' brfci at THE BANK OF ALAMANCE ARE YOU TO DATE ' If too are not th News aic Obestes ia. Subscribe for it at once and it wfll keep yon abreast ui iuc mnea. Foil Aasoeiated Press dispatch' es. All the news foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Obserrer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mot. Weekly Norti Carolinian fl per year, 50c for 6 moa. VTJtto O- ircT-rTTT-n ttti rvi Raleigh, N. C Tba North Ckrolinifui and Tii aulmaxci Glbaitkb will b sent for on. year lor Two Dollxni, Cash Inadraaoo. Apply aiTraGixAxn odoe. Grmhitra K. O OABTOnXA. ia la laf rat to fi IssjM rW AT. Another letter from Paris. To The Gleaner from Dr. D. A. Long. Paris, April 8th, 1908. Just a few things about the moat beautiful city in the world. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower on the bank of the Seine, and look down one thousand feet at the city of 2, S0,000 people. The broad clean streets walled with magnificent buildings and lined with great for ests of trees. These are the famous boulevards of Paris. The streets are washed with hose every morn ing. As you cast your eyes down to the Seine, ' you see a little island farther up the river, with a great church upon it. That is the "Isle de la Cite" -upon which the Parisil, a tribe of half-savage men, had their chief town when Ceasar subdued this part of Gaul, almost two thousand years ago. It became an impor tant settlement under the Romans, and centuries later was made capi tal of France, having been the resid ence of the French kings for almost one thousand years. When you start out on the streets you will find that the French love the open air, walks and drives. There are benches and chairs along the streets. The benches are free If you take a chair, you will pay for it, whether you are seated for a moment or an hour. The girls and women take their sewing out on the streets, and chat and work while they watch the go by. Each of the public gardens and parks looks as though a picnic was being held in it, especially on Saturday afternoons, when many families eat their lunch eon under the trees. The Arc de Triomphe (ark d'tre- onf) is one of the most beautiful monuments in the world. It was begun by the great Napoleon in 1806 to commemorate the glories of the French in some of their wars. Then, you can go to the Camps ?Elysees (shorn za-le-za'); then - to the Place de la Concorde (kon-kord) But there is so much to see. You will linger at the Garden of the Tuileries (twe' le-riz), where the Kings of France used to live, and just beyond are the Grand Museum and Art Gallery of the Louvre, one of the finest of its kind in the world. As we turn and look in the opposite direction, we see the tall, round pil lar of the Colunm Vendome- (von- dom') with Napoleon's statue on toD made from the cannon which Napoleon captured from the Aus trians and Russians: and that church to left is the Madleioe, one of the most beautiful in the world. We go a little farther and see one of the finest opera houses in the world , Then take a little time to look at the beautiful fountains, the great Egyptian, Obelisk,' and the statues reDresenting the chief towns and cities of Trance, ! Now watch the boulevards arid see how the shops are lined. We seem to be going throueh a . eieat ' exposition. The latest styles in bats and gowns come from" Paris." Merchants Irom all na tions are here, Now come, Mr. Edi- tor, andvisit the Halles Centralles (al son-tral) and see the greatest markets in Paris. They cover about twenty acres. The principal things tb notice outside oi what you would notice in New York or Chicago, are snails, horse, mule and donkey meat for sale.' -The heads of the animals at the stalls. About a milllion lbs. of snails sold annually. Now we go into Notre Pame and stand and look at the spot where Napoleon put the-crown on his own head. Then to- the Pantheon, where so many of the noted Frenchmen are buried, and from there go to the Hotel dee Invalides (o-teP da-tan-ri-led') to take look at the tomb of Napoleon. - This place was founded centuries ago as a home lor the old soldiers of France it is situated on the South side of the Seine, and is inhabited by many French veterans, one of whom comes forward and acts as . v , , I a - . 1 our guide. lie leeas us wu m. church and abows as the great cir cular crypt under the dome, where Napoleon's sarcophagus lies. We over the marble baiortradt and look down upon an immense block of reddish brown granite, thirteen bet luce, fourteen feet high, and six feet wide, resting on a pedestal f polished green stone. It i a gi gantic conn wnicn was cut irom one solid block of stone, and brought here at an enormous expense. The crypt is floored with noaaie, decor ated with crowns of laurel ia atone, there are EDOoumeotj about it, and the old soldier point out the altar on which is carted this quotation from Booapart's rill -I desire that my sabee may repose on the banks the Seine in the midst of the French people whom I have ever loved." France is a Republic. Their laws are made by a Senate and Chamber of Deputies, the latter correspond ing to our house of Representatives, the Senate Chamber is in shape of a half moon. The members sit in semi-circular rows rising one above the other. The President of the Senate sits on a . rostrum in front. In front of the President is- a little desk. In our Congress at Washing ton the members rise and speak at their seats. In France, they have to come, wnen tnev speaK. one at a time and stand at this little desk. AVVoman Tells Howto Relieve Rheumatic Pains I have been a very ereat sufferer irom tne dreadful disease, rheuma tism, for a number of years. I have tried many medicines but never got mucn relief irom any of them until two years ago, when I bought a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I found relief before I had used all of one bottle, but kept on applying it and soon felt like a different woman. Through my advice many of my friends have tried it and can tell you how wonderful it has worked. Mrs. Sarah A Cole, 140 S. New St., Dov- er, Del. Unamberlain'a rain Balm is a liniment. The relief from pai n which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes rest and sleep possible. For sale by Graham Drug (Jo. ' ' : . 8ir Frank Lockwood's Wit. Sir Frank Lock wood once began cross examining a lady with a few Irrelevant questions to put her off her guard. This would have been very well if, like most witnesses, she bad meekly submitted, but she upset every thing with "Don't you think that Is a very silly question, Sir Frank?" "Upon my word," he replied, "I think it Is." In a breach of promise case he once rallied the Jury with: "You, gentlemen, cannot seriously think that this charm ing lady's matrimonial prospects are forever blighted. Surely not one of you could be .nngallant enough if sin gle to be averse to the acquaintance of so attractive a lady. ' I myself am no longer available, but you!" Be Got What He Needed "Nine years ago it looked as if my time had come," says-Mr. C. Earthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Xer. I was so run down that life bung on a very Blender thread, it was then my druggist recommended Electrio Bitters. I . bought a bottle and got what I needed strength. had one foot in the grave, but Elec tric Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I have been well ever ainna " flnM nnai aTiaronfaa fiv Graham Drug Co. 50c. First Mississippi' 8ta'mboat The pioneer steamboat on the Ohio and Mississippi was the New Orleans, 138 feet long and 800 tons " burden. She was built at Pittsburg, from which place she started for New Orleans en Oct. 9, 1811. The first steamboat to ascend the Mississippi and Ohio was the Waabinston. built at Wheeling. The Washington made the return' trip between Plttsbarg and New Orleans In forty-one days In the fall of 1816. ATwraty Yea "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed oy Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cur ed me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, of LeRoysville, N.-Y. .Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals tne. worst sores, buils, burns, wounds and cuts In the shortest time. 25a at Graham Drag Co. - ,- . .. Plate. That Would Last. ' ' "John." Bald Mrs. Jenkins, looking op from the paper aba was reading, "you know how many dlshee Kate has broken latelyr ; ' " - Tos," eald John. "What of ltr "Well," con tin awl Mrs, Jenkins, there is sotd. thing in me. newspaper here abbot steel plates. I don't know ost what they are, but I should think they might be todesrtroctlble." liver- pool Mercury. -. - v A bin cut or a little cut,' small scratches or bruises or big ones are healed quickly by DeWitt's Car bolized Witch Hatel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Get De Witt's. Sold by Graham Drug Co. . ' asaaasasaBs-ass)sasiBMssatssssM' Jeffreys Hew dees 700r brother take married life? Esther Accossduig to oj rectlons. Bis motber-ln-law la living With aim. English Spavin Iinimeot removes II bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from hoi sea, blood spav ins, curbs, splints, Sweeney, ring bone, stiues, sprains, ail swouen throats, coughs, etc Save 150 by the nee of one' botUe. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known. Sold by the J. G Sim mons Drug Co., Graham, N. C TommyPop, what Is the difference etwaea fame aad awtotsy1 Tose- xy-s Pci--osjortsy lasts tegsr, say assi Phfla-lrtT''' Eeeord. tael iHexfrwn A weD-koown Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker i una ChamberLun's Stomach and Liver Tablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedentary Ufa, their action being gentle and effective, clearing the digestive tract and the bead.' Price. 25 cents Saarple free. Graham Drug Co. Washington Letter. Washington, April 25, 1908, The President's policies have re ceived a severe jolt in Congress dur ing the past week, the Senate lead ers having practically decided to do almost nothing which the Executive has recommended. The Steering Committee of the Senate held a form al meeting to decide on the legisla live programme for the remainder of the session. The first decision reached was that adjournment should be taken on May 16, unless some thing happened in the House to pre vent the necessary cooperation of that body. - It was further decided that no action' would be taken on any of the proposed amendments to the Interstate Commerce or the Anti-Trusts acts; that only two bat tleships would be authorized; that no anti-injunction bill would be considered; that no vote would be had on the Brownsville resolutions arid that the Senate would make no concessions to the House ou the sub' ject of financial legislation. In this connection. Senator Aldrich told the story of two men in a boat, one of whom wanted to go to sea and th other to cast anchor. Finally, the one said "Well I'll anchor my end of the boat and you can go to sea with the other and be banged." That, said Mr. Aldrich was the po sition of the Senate. It would an chor all financial legislation to sound business principles and the House could go to sea with its end of the boat if it could find a way to do so The week in the House has been marked by the most extraordinary and outrageous ruling every perpe trated by a Speaker of that body. In the face of an explicit demand for the yeas and nays preferred by the Democratic leader, Mr. Wil liams, the Speaker declared the House adjourned on a vive voce vote, despite the constitutional pro vision that the minority shall al ways have the privilege of demand ing the yeas and nays. Mr.- Wil liams introduced, the next day, resolution censuring Speaker Can non but his cowed supporters promptly voted it down. Mr. Wil liams said later that in all the his tory of the House no Speaker had so deliberately struck at the dignity of the body as a -deliberative as sembly as had Mk Connon who by this piece of tyranny fairly outdone anything iUejipted by Speaker Reed at the time when he won the sobriquet of "Czar" of the House. The Republicans in the Senate have struck a snsg in their Browns ville plans. The Steering Commit tee, as I have said above, decided not to permit the natter to come to a vote, but the rank and file of the Republican Senators have organized a revolt. Senator Borah in a pow erful speech denounced the effort to play politics with the ' Brownsville outrage as pusillanimous to the last degree, but that is a form of pusilla. nimity which the Republicans seem unable to escape. Of course the great flaw in their system is the fact that tbev have long catered to the negro vote and counted on it to carry cer tain districts which were normally Democratic Now the negroes are demanding that they whitewash and restore to the army the soldiers who shot up the town of Brownsville and many Republicans are afraid to say them nay. They have Senator Fora ker to thank for this situation but, as Mr. Cleveland put it, "it is a con dition and not a theory" which confronts them. It is still difficult to foresee the outcome. If they re store the negroes to the army they will be condemned by all honest white men, and if that do not they will lose thousands of negro votes. and they can see no way oat, while Mr, Foraker, in his almost insans desire to injure Secretary Tail keeps fomenting the negro question. The President is thoroughly out of patience with Congress. He and his Postmaster General are Intense ly in ea'rnest in their advocacy of postal savings banks and the Senate committee on PostofSoss and Post Roads baa favorably reported a bill providing for their establishment to the Senate, but the leaders have lis tened to the plea of the bankers who do not want Ibis sort of com petition and have decided sot to allow the measure to come to a vote. What the outcome of this situation will be cannot be foretold, but it probable that no action will be taken at this session. . There has been reported to the Hoass a bQl providing for publicity for campaign contrihutioos, bat the Dernocralio members of the commit tee which reported the b H tell me it is so loosely drawn that it affords Absolutely Pure The only baking powder macro with Royal Grapo Cream of. Tartar No Alum, No Lime Phosphate sll sorts of loopholes for escape and that its enactment will be merely blutt with which to satisfy an in sistent public demand. There are few Republicans who would care to hare an effective law along those lines on the statutes, as is shown by the fact that the most insistent ad vocacy produced no effect with the last Congress. It seems probable that the House will pass this bill and then leave it to the Senate to kill It by non-action. ' 100 Db. E. Detchon's Anti diuretic may be worth to you more than 1100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the tiouble at once. II. Sold by the J. C Simmons Drug Co., Graham, N. C. Norta CaroUaaPateats. Granted this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attor neys, Washington, D. C A. E., Beaohum, ' Polkton, Telephone transmitter. O. A. Robbing, Char lotte, Braiding-machine stop-motion. For copy of any of above pa tents send ten cents in postage stamps with data of this paper to C. A. Snow Co. t has set the whole world a-thinking Upon it all Doctors, as one sgree; The tonioall your friends are taking la Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Thompson Drug Co.- I NOTICE ! To DellnqucnITax-Paycrs IwiUofforat public auction at the court bouse door. In Qraham, N. C on Monday, May 4, 1Mb, the following described real es tate situate lnrthe county of Alamanoe, to satisfy Huts, County, School. Boad and ota. er taxes for the year HO. Hated to the per sons named, in the following townships SOUTH BOBUHOTON. ". White. : 1 Chandler, 1 town lot on Gilmer at, Mrs Lenora Coble. 1 town lot OS Webb tax etc, 001 sb, s arft us iM, cost. ia, tow T U origins, 1 town lut oa FOB, taxiaCeost 1st, SS7 US SSI u,eosilss, . , - , Colored. Tboasa. Cooper. T.tsrsborg, 1 a-M sens, tea 1 n, com s sa. HOBTB BtTBUHOTOR Whits. Bod B Johnson, I lot, Uleaeoe road, tax 41s. eox 1 a Anal. L, Mo Kinney, fsrss,Osrararmi msd, us 41o cost i as Mrs Margaret A Sellara, 1 lotoa tTsioa SB) s st S(4 Is SSI SIS st, tax s us, cost i sb. O Hammers, gleans lead. If B, tax 41c. cost 1 St. M Underwood. 1 sot. Loama St. tax 4 n, ocmt 1 at, A P Walker, 1 lot, O lew-area Kad,Uu Me. eoet i at, Sarah Whits, 1 lot 0 lea rarest road. tax lie, cost 1 sb. Its SSI S 4 Ooeoree. Judy Ootllne. 1 lot, tax 1 S. east I a. Mary B JXeeh, 1 lot, lax 1 SO. enat 1 at. iinuje non ix, i mm i m wwe. Oornetta SeUara, tseerea, tax 1st, ieae!!ua,laenaaMlax Us, eoet Harriett Treilagwr, 1 sere, tax tie. eoet 1 M, Abraaaaa Walker,! lot, Bsahssead St, tax 1 as, eoet I Sll St IB tts SM SB. . OBAHAM TP. White. Alex Clark. 1 acre sear fair Oroead. tax 1 10. aoM I at, . Mrs Seville Xewtta. BS aerea, tax la 4 St SSI Mtrogdos. SK aerea, tax ajtt set K Blaaa, 1 Iowa lot, tax S St, eestl a. ICelarea. MoTTte CroUae Oes. t aerea, tax sc. eoal I St. 1 1 1 s St S 4T M s n ST S Si eery Brertta, 1 tot, sx sa.eaaaiea. re hlnaee rise. 4 aaseaea H B road. Mary Parreer. 1 lot, tax tea, east lV rva V. Tlnaes, lo tax Sae toes I at, Maewt TroUa.ee-, S asm aasat, tax tea. tax Km. eoet 1 SV. Terser, MBBAXB. Bxtxaa Mocrow, I had, atx lal. 1 1 at. SIS AIJJBMKT TP. Betrry Ota. 1 sere Bead, tax tea, eneasi SB) THOMTSJOJC. TP. Aadmna Hxsa. eoet I at. OreIarla,t aarae ser s M SSI SSI S St 1 as Sexwty farle of Plasty, M stXeoae I at, Bextry ftvoera, S saares ka a -a s Urrr kUt II at, B. T. UBjrOOLB. fsseruf of AM smsss exmaty. Spring Jewelry Belt Pins Broaches Dress Pins ' Bracelets Hat Pins Veil Pins Birth-Month Dress Pins In Gold and Sterling Sil ver Enameled. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER, GRAHAM. N. C. First Class at reasonable prices, i You save Labor, ITinte and Monay whan you , buy Implement, that wear wall and work wall. The kind that we aelL We issue one of the nest and most complete of Farm Implement Cat alogues. It grtves prioea, descrip tions and mueb rntaresting infor mation. Mailed free upon request. ,.- Write fort. The fopleinent Co OOB East Main Si, WCHMONO, - VIRGINIA. Westre headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fenolns, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, ate. Write for prices on any supplies or - Farm Implements yon require. Take Your Old Har- ness to the TURNER HARNESS CO. 9 i.tutu aiav iuciu a v-i . a.M.A a S All, BA. 'paired, or, better, buy !a new set handmade and guaranteed not to xId or break in one year, II they do, made jvuu uw ui vwas tv on. Try ns once. VV1IX D. TURNER, GRAIIA&l, Ne'e LAND SALE, MONDAY. MAY 18. 1908, at It o'clock st the eoart ottaata RUIahore. w r, ,l. i n will Mil fn. tm .B to tsValtrbeat bidder, two tracts of kaad iylag aad be log la wotr uror. j ownwip, vmn County, aad store deeaiwly aaaorUMd as lot- H-t r. i w,umm u ha Starila. Dar traet of land, and also tke tract tarmmtly ewujea y MO. BUiey, WW nmuinw www traet, adjoining the landa o Marloa Rawry. l.mlo.11 end ins wis aad aoBtaialaa at Traot Mo. t kaowa aa Jerry S t-Mfcea wistRRf to term Orsac atMiBiir 1U W wall to lOU. (M l-4 mvto9i4j as. aatst-xt Slshat sts i.C.a-UII.WAUfBBx IXECUTOR'8 KOTICK I to Use eaderagawd aadwr th. will a tureat H. 3otwa. See l. a. hrwty aauSw. all p a ladAtM sa aald wavaie te Btak. uaetw- 4BM aayeteat, aad all aeteuae bnldlac clatsxe aeaiaat eatd sautt. a. Sim st ta-wi duly a ItMiusMl, as r before tae tub aay ef Maewh. swa, er tble aottoa wilt h. ,keiad ks bar of tketr lemia I. 1 aUrak Jtt. PACL B. CDBI.a, Bx-r of Hires M.OBblw. fJewsty.lt.r.I.Aw.a rxaOOCOOCXXCa30Ca30JUUXXXXX Subscribe For -The Gleaner. , Only $1.00 per year. rX300Qf3000(XOOOOOOOOOOCOrxTO hi Farm Implements lyinf ftB c-ainff on mm wnen ne w araa t d)o4atuff lb Lfttvla of CtsBs.rlB KileT. Umm I. Htrtaa avtatJ ot-Hfl m raft Amr ar at - - ' Sf-s-tA, tat - Saawa roiEYsr::x Swa Ute toat at aava avale s g a I WANT TO SHOW GOODS AND I MUST SELL THEM I will take in exchange Bacon, Corn, Wheat, Chickens, Eggs, etc., and pay the market price in goods at cash prices, , 10 New and up-to-date Dress Goods, all prices. Sea Island Sheeting 7c. Androscoggin Bleaching 10c. .Calico oc and 7c per yard. Shoes 2 Mori s for I take cash and nolt-Granlte MTg Co.s checks NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. . One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels snd at the same time as wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. 8ucb a paper ie The Progressive x Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Kdiled by Clabe.xcb II. Pox, with Dr. W. C. Burkettector It. A. & M. College, and Director B. V. Kilgore, of the Agricutloral Experiment Station (yon know them), as assistant editors (tl a year). If you are already taking the naner. we can make no reduc tion, but if yon are not taking it YOU CAN SAVE EOC R andinff vour order to ns That is lo say, new ProgTeasire Farmer suiwcnbers we win send that paper with Tbb Gleaxxb, both one year for tl A), regular price 12.00. Addrsesa THE GLEANER. Graham, N. C KILLtm COUCH tat CURB vms LUNGS Dr. M WITH lev Discovery F03 C8s tan ILL tmsjoat asnrSTooBtrt. euaaAMThLEO BATiaracioai OK BtOBTatT waJ-TBIDtrX LAND SALE. BTaaOkerrtTwf aaardw- ef ttav ""- CtowTt w A en (no.iT I ertM evil ea rs - IMewMwIttsMMir, t to4taena SisnlSid htstd la tk. awa ef aaaa.wa TUESDAY, MAY 5th, lm tawtt: alHer ssuvwiweau-t tm saidtawa lt.i1. s at a ror wa ta r.rwtvw- riue reaa: tt" a SS Sia'i-s W. iLM e-ataa fcTi ewTI. ka w-TVrks - th. ro-e. uJ . avwM W. at r--. aa ta. an 4, ACRES, asveaa w aart af ate I Ibaaaeaetesega eat B .wtar The eele te to ea ta yiiesa at B e wter iSwm aa. th eta half eer-S a ant, a i awiatuMaxwtearryiesJ axtsrea bwat day B. a F ABIBB. JB, Oeaat. illul v,si::ia .w,-li i tiii ki a w i 1 s rr, w T e a er w-a. etw ut .n. I 1 1 i. - - --' rj. w r -r ? ua. a a. w , tva m ; if v Per cent off on all carried-over Clothing, : : : Men, Women OMIdiw In exchange lor goods. ; A. M. HADLEY, One Price QoCiIer, GHAUAM,tl.C. a lier This time of the year are sisrnals of warninn. Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may avs you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and euro your indigestion. , A good Tonic. An honest medicine Taraxacum MEBANE. N. C. Weak Hearts asruae; eat agxim t wua at. aw. n, Vim ami is, 4Xssyet iww at ex. was a a hot eaaaesT sol t-ff I , ' ashI i Kaajol Hsxaa. WWatYea Cat aa4taa aaea-tax ail i n i t. , exes, Sieeat.tiiaT-a-txaa4 a. a. sw BeainT a oobjsc 1 " M m n ' ' ' 1 ' !wM n y J) etc J. vpet j.-rcsscc, I und the Know Hoi: I are producing the heist reeulU ia Job oik at no w .........tutiit eeseeee.a ...... CASTCr.I Tor IzlzU ail C . Ep--. tie s - Kernem .eadaches iO. Ara-xeiBB xtsltn.ia Utaati eaaaf aaxt asKwared ssn. ai eyaa has haart fcaai. ,e sxeart aexeaaa, sat eneaSa. are sat wr -kaxxa-aes telaasM geinette acttoa ed IN sei.

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