he Alamance Gleaner. vol: xxxiv. GKAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1908. NO. 12 HEALTH INSURANCE . The man who insures his life l "rV ' wise for bis family, :;, ; The man who Insures his health Is wise both for bis family and himself. . .. Von may Insure health by guard tag It. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and man! tests Ksetf In Innumerable ways 4 TAKE : V And save your health. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR.: WILLS; LONG, JR. DENTIST . . . Graham . . . . . North Carolina OFFICE is SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMEB LONG. LONQ & LONG, Attorney and Coanaelore at Lbw, GRAHAM, N. " T s- o o o z:, Attorny-at-Law, GRAHAM, - - - - N. C. . Office Patterson Building Seoond Floor. . . . . . C A. HALL, ATTORNEY , AND OODHSELLOB-AT-LAW, V GRAHAM, N. C. Office in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. Up stairs. Iohh Jb r Mrs cm. W. JP. Bum, Jb. BVNUM &BYNUM, Attorney1 itnd Counselor at Law QaSJCNSBOBO, S II, - ' Pnviloe rwfulsrlT Id the courts of Ala .nance county. Aug. 8, W ly ROB'T C. STRUDWICK Attorncy-at-Law, ; GREENSBORO JV. C. Practice in the courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties. To tot Mr saver Mm SeatM IVaedlas iMltM CUew, )w tow eok.leiaklf. ImlliaAiMliMillwlluaMt, seirr mlat. warn tosat. 6m BDm COLLEGE, Iacfln,Qi Grahan Unde writers :ency. SCOTT & ALBRIGHT, Graham, N. C 'V- Office of Scott-Mebakb M'f'g Co. OTBBAIX8. , -"' - QBAHAkt, K. 0,. Apr. U,1M7. HAg. A. SCOTT, Agent Southern Lit. Stock Ins. Co ' Graham, S. C. , DBAS SIB ' f- Wa beg to acknowledge rocelpt of ' roar faror of the 11th, enoJoslug oheok No. I) foi 1150, the asm. being in lull payment of our claim under policy No. 97, coveting nauranoe on onr Iron Gray Dray Uorae, which died on the night of the 8tn inat. W. wish to thank you for the promptneaa In which yonroompany ha. handled tbla loss and will aay, in pasting, that a company of this character hie long bean needed in our Hate, and in new of the small premium asked, no one should be without Insurance oa their lira stock. Ton re very truly, 800CT-MBBAN BM mm rm HaW.BOOtt Correspondence Solicited. V ... : OFTCl AT : . THE BANK OF ALAMANCE ARE YOU UP TO DATE ? If yon axe not the News ait Obkxteb is, Subscribe (or it at once and it wQ keep 70a abreast of the times. . Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the news foreigii; do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily Newt and Obserrer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mot. Weekly North Ciiroliniaa $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO, : 1 Raxkigh, N. C. The North Carolinian and T&. AuuLASca Gixafftt will be sent for one year for Two Dollars, Cash tnadranoa. Apply at THiGixAni cSoa, Gnhim N. C ' KlHililTZYCOrJ SiM Bams Washington Letter. Washington, May 2, 1908. Senator Culberson, Democratic leader of the Senate, is making an earnes' efltfrt in the closing hours of the session to" secure action by the Republican majority on some meas ure which he regards as of vital (m portance to the welfare of the people and, if he can secure the hearty co operation of his party colleagues, the next weeks of Congress may witnesp filibusters at both ends of the Capitol with, possibly a post ponement of the final date of ad journment. The four measures on which the Senator from Texas will take his stand, provided always he finds he can rely on the cooperation of his colleagues, are the Overman anti-injunction bill, which has al ready passed the Senate, the Ful ton bill, which is a Republican measure, and which provides that the Interstate Commerce Commis sion shall pass on the reasonable ness of all proposed increases of rail way freight rates; the campaign pub licity bill, and the Culberson bill which provides that railways must furnish a sufficient number of cars to supply the needs of shippers. Unfortunately there is some question as to how far Mr. Culberson's col ;ues will stand by him in the proposed programme. Many of them are anxious to get away irom Washington and two, at least, have indicated that they will do nothing which would materially prolong the session. In the House, John Sharpe Wil liams, the Democratic leader, is put ting the Republicans in a worse hole than ever and there is reason to believe that as a result of his tac tics some of them will find there re election a most difficult proposition. Recently the Democratic leader caused to be brought into the House a small table, provided with pens and ink, and placed it before the Speaker's desk. On the table he placed the petition signed by all the Democratic members praying the Speakers to permit the bill remov ing the duty on wood pulp to come to a vote. Mr. Williams, in an eloquent speech, besought the Re publicans, at least thirty of them, to sign the petition so that the Speaker would be compelled at least to submit the question to a caucus of the House. He reminded them that this legislation had been rec ommended by President Roosevelt in the most earnest terms, that it was approved of by their prospec tive presidential candidate, Secre tary Taft, and that it had the unan imous support of newspaper pub lishers in all parts of the country. But the Republicans greeted bis elo quence with laughter and jeers and refused to add one signiture to the petition. A peculiar drama is being enacted by Senator Aldrich and Speaker Cannon with regard to the financial legislation recommended by the President. The House has indi cated its great unwillingness to pass the Aldrich bill, but Mr. Cannon has promised that it shall, and he is carefully making his preparations to coerce the majo rity into doing his bidding. He has caused the Public Building bill, popularly known as the '-Pork Bar'l," to be held up and he will not permit its final passage until the majority rotes as he tells them to 00 the financial bill. The Public Building bill contains pro vision for postofiices; custom bouses and si miliar buildings which will reach an aggregate cost oi $20,000,. 000. The passage of this bill is of vital importance to some members and its failure would probably de feat certain members when they stand for reelection. They dare not do ayntbing to defeat the measure and consequently it seems probable that Mr. Cannon will be able to drive them ultimately into accepting the Aldrich bill, whether they like it or not Qf course Mr. Cannon has the advantage of standing with the President on the Aldrich bill, for Mr. Roosevelt realises that it Is the only financial measure which can be passed and he thinks it would be criminal to risk another financial stringency with no provision lor an emergency currency. In the opinion of some prominent Democrats the Bryan boom has re ceived something of a setback re cently and they are anxiously await ing the developments of the next few weeks. ' Frederick B, Lynch, treas urer of the Minnesota Democratic committee, and bead of the John son boom in Chicago, haa been ia Washington this week working like a Trojan for his hero. t Mr Lynch has held a number of conference with Southern and Eastern Demo crats and he declares that "all oi the New England states, New York, 'Pennsyl vania and all of the cost and gulf states with the exception of Alabama,' Mississippi and Texas, will send uninstructed delegates to Denver. Included in his list will be Michigan, Ohio and the West coast states." Mr. Lynch, replying to a question, said. "I am confident that considerably less than half of the delegates will be instructed for Mr. Bryan and while I am not claiming that all who are unin structed will be for Governor John son, I am confident that he will have a majority of the uninstructed delegates." Mr Lynch said be be lieved there would be nearly 500 delegates against Bryan on the first ballot. President Roosevelt is trying hard to figure that he won a victory on the battleship vote in the Senate, when bis recommendation of four battleships was turned down but the leaders did not commit themselves to a programme of two new battle ships a year. The fact is that Sena tor Beveridge made such a foolish, jingo speech in favor of the four battleships amendment that some Senators voted against it who would like to do otherwise. They felt that after the Beveridge speech a vote for four ships would be taken by for eign nations, and especially by Ja pan, as an endorsement of Beve ridge's absurd and frothy declama tion. Chamberlain's ( Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a century in which it has been in use people have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it 19 pleasant to take. For sale by uranam urug jo. An Asset. The financial prospects of Washing ton Lafayette Johnson were decidedly clouded, but he still preserved a san guine spirit, which his friends did not always appreciate. "I'd like to borrow J eg' a little money ob yon," said Mr. Johnson confidential ly td a friend. "I I wouldn't ax you fo" It, but I ain' got a single cent left In de wort'." "What secu'lty can you gib mef asked his friend without any enthusi asm. 'Why, I gib you my note or handl" and Mr. Johnson looked pained and amazed at such a question. "I reckon you don' know what a good, clear hand writing I got In de ebenlng school." xouth's Companion. Belief tor Rknautle Fata. ' I suffered with rheumatism for over two years," says Mr. Rolland Curry, a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. . "Some times it settled In my knees and lamed me so I could hard ly walk, or at other times it would be in my feet and hand so I was in incapacitated for duty One night when I was in severe pain and lame from it my- wife went to the drug store and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheumatism away. 1 have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months." For sale by Graham Drug Co. Tomb of the Builder of BabaC TWm In the year 663 A. D., who work men were engaged In trenching the salt mines to Prussia, they unearthed a triangular building in which was a column of whit marble. At the side of tba column was a tomb of fi east una and over It a slab of agate inajcrlbed with these words: "Hare rest the ashes of Peleg, grand architect of tbo tower of BabeL The Almighty bad ptty on him because be became bambia." tor stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cores have been effected by them. Price, 25 cent. Sam ples free. For sals by Graham Drug Co. An Early One. Jaggshy (3 a. m.y-1 shay, oflUhar, at thiabbJc Black street? Policeman Tee. Jagssby-Wkdi you'd hlc-rrBct ate to 41L Gout' to tend a tittle lecture there. Policeman What! Attend a tsetare at this hoar of the morning! Jaggsby Tea. Thasb's the boose where a-hle-a, an' m aaarried. Sheet CUragoKewa. - Her hand this man could not get, His health was not as It shoaid be, He had not used the "best as yet," HoUistar's Rocky Mountain Tea. Thompson Drug Co. I Blobbs-See that fellow ever there rttng with kls kalft? Blobba-Tcs: be probably sbarpea his appetite. wests te HoUiMer's Rocky Mountain Tea tones the stomach, stimulates the buy liver; strengthens the bowels and makes their actions natural and easy. The beat'tonk for the whets system. 35 eeota, Tea or Tablets. Thompson Drug Co. ROYAL OHAISSp( g CREAM OF TABTAB) BaldngPawideryg X. ABSOLUTClV y i His Nclgbbrs End is e tint. Charlotte Observer, Mar. 89, 1908.1 To the Editor of The Observer. This office was created for the ben efitof the agricultural interests of the State, and the man that fills the ppsition of Commissioner should be a practical farmer. It is a fact that, while the great majority of our peo ple are engaged in cultivating the soil, intelligent and successful farm ing is seldom seen. Our soil, cli mate and natural advantages make it possible for our State to rank with any of her sisters in the production of the great 1 staple products of this country, but for some cause we are not making the progress we should, We should employ every means available to arouse our people in be half of this vital interest. The Commissioner of Agriculture can do a great deal in this behalf, and should himself be a practical farmer. Mr. R. W. Scott, of Alamance county, is a practical farmer. He was reared on a farm and when he crew ud to manhood he began on a farm that had run down and had, in many places, washed into gullies. Now it is a large fertile tract of land, with ao elegant residence, large barns, modern and well arranged. The farm is well slocked with im proved horses, cattle, sheep, etc. This has all been done on this farm by the energy of this man without funds obtained from any other source. He haa a large and interesting family of children and he is educat ing them in the schools and train ing them on the farm: ' Mr. Scott takes great interest in the public welfare. He is now a mem ber of the Board of Agriculture which position he has held for several years and which he has filled most accep tably. The Agricultural Building at the A. & M. College is a monu ment to the success of his efforts in the Legislature, where he has repre sented bis county in both branches. He has been a zealous advocate of education in his community and in the State, has stood for advance ment in all industrial pursuits, is a man, of irreproachable moral charac ter and deserves recognition by the people of the State. W. S. Long, L. Banks Holt, J. W. Somen, Robert 8. Mebene, Mo Bride Holt, J. Edgar Long, James N. Williamson, B.L.Holt, W. 8. Long, Jr., W. H. Carroll, D. F. Morrow, C. D. Story, R. J. Hall, W. K. Holt, J. A. Turren. tine, J. M. McCracken, Geo. T. Williamson. J. 8. Cook. Graham, March 26th, 1908. flaws WawSa Wmr Ctembaslabaw Cawsb BMetjr. People everywhere takes pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay. Md- writes: "I wish to tell you I can recommend Damoeruun a Cough Remedy. My little girl. Catherine, who is two years old, has been taking this remedy-when ever she has had old since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself; bat I took Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well aa aver." This remedy is for sals by Graham Drug Co. Cotton saatorss taptdly. about a asoatb frees ttata C ' tni tba boil bants and the seep ready for picking. To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels; tone and strengthen the digestive organs, pat them in ana taral condition with HoUistar's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most re liable tonic for thirty years, do coots Tea or Tablets. Thompson Drug Co. ----- - - L woman can locate bar figure anywhere between bar knees and her sholdar blades, aocordiog to the stays thai are la style. We are pleased to aaooaaos that Foley a Hooey sod Tar for eooghs. eolds and long troubles is not af fected by the National Pare Food and Drug law as it contains so opiate or other laannfol drags, and wo rscommend U as a safe remedy for r3Jrn and ad all : Grabs -a Drag Oo. Booawvclt Name. Five Great Men. Washington Dispatch to New York Ameri can. Who are the five greatest men in the United States not in public life? According to President Roose velt they are G rover Cleveland, An drew Carnegie, John Mitchell, Wil liam J. Bryan, and James J. Hill. The President has invited these five to attend the big conference at the White House during the week of May 14 to discuss conservation of the natural resources of the coun try. Every governor of a State, cabinet, officers, members of the United States Supreme Court and members of the Inland Waterways Commission are to attend officially, but these five men are singled out from the whole United States as five individuals to be invited. They are all Democrats. Jim Smith Not CuUfy-ScalcaeeS I DlatiUlaa. Greensboro Dispatch, 18th. . After deliberating for 24 hours the United States Court jury this afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty in the case charging Jim Smith with conspiracy in the mur der of Revenue Officer Hendricks,in the Smithtown section of Stokes county, on December 20tb, 1907 Previously Smith had plead guilty to the charge of illicit distilling, and for this offense Judge Boyd sentenc ed the prisoner to serve four years in the Federal prison in Atlanta. Seven other persons were sentenc ed at the same time for violating the revenue laws, five being sent to the penitentiary. Of this number three were from the Smithtown settle ment. Oscar Smith, whose wife testified that she saw Smith shoot Hendricks, was given three years for illicit distilling. rim tUastratea Pewtasj. Stamp. Philadelphia Record. It is not generally known that the idea of printing illustrated post age stamps originated in this olty. The distinction of having suggested the illustrated stamps is claimed by James C. McCurday, a mailing clerk of 911 West Susquehanna ave nue. Mr. McCurdy outlined his ideas to the post office department as early as 1887. A few years later the Columbian series of illustrated stamps was . issued and found such favor that many other series nave followed to commemorate impor tant national events. The origina- ator of the idea treasures a letter from President Cleveland's private secretary, who acknowledge there-. ceipt of a copy of the original de signs lor Illustrated postage stamps and Informed the designer that his suggestions' bd been referred to the postmaster general, who later acted on tbem. Was Wawtfas Away. "I had been troubled with kidney disease for the past five years," writes Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading phys icians and tried all remedies sag meted without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney cure and less tnan two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well." Daring the summer kidney irrega laritties are often caused by exoee- give drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by us ing Foley's Kidney Cure. Graham Drug Co. The aUe Man. Daring the old days of Sweden there were several best men. sad the terra was applies in its ran uurai awm The doty of the best tats In those arose was to defend the groom and bis ptoepectlTe bride from a rival who, ac companied by several retainers, w sore te appear while the wedding pro eeselun was oa Its way to chart, and make a stubborn Bght for poesies! of tbe wotnaa. Tbe Beaadlaavlsn war rior cwnsldsred tt beaeetfe bis Ugnity to court a maiden's favor by gallantry and submlaakiB) and. therefore, general ly preferred to wait satU an was oa her way to be anarried to aaocber ataa, when the attempt was snade to carry her off by saala strength. It was then that tbe best mn If tbey wore Che best sara cam, into good playj bene tbe raatota la etin preserved la "best" aa of today. Any mother who has bad er pa ri eoce with this diatrsssinf ailment will be plaeeed to know that a ears may be effected by applying Cham berlains Salvs as soon as tbe child is done Dareing. Wipe it off with a soft doth before allowing the) babe to nurse. Many trained names ree this salvs with best results. For sals by Graham Drug Co. Drar-How Is M that rTewrira S kS gr brag a boot his aaoaatorsf Brer He baa probe biy foaaal set vrba they wereBcokJya IMm. ASTORXAs - In la ta am aw tssjM The Senate committee on Indian affairs has appointed a sub commit tee to ascertain the nature of the in formation concerning the charges of bribery in connection with the judg es of the Choctaw-Chickasaw Indian Court of the Indian Territory. This is the court over which Judge Spen cer B. Adams, of Greensboro, pre sided. The committee is to r-i rt back to the Senate. Beat tor Women and Cblldraa On account of its mild actions anil pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is especially recommended for women and children. It does not nauseate or gripe like pills and ordinary cathartics. Orino Laxa tive Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels with out irritating them. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes. Graham Drug Co. Most people are so absorbed in trying to save the pennies that they can't see where they waste t tbe pounds. h Spring Jewelry Belt Pins Broaches Dress Pins Bracelets Hat Pins Veil Pins Birth-Month Dress Pins In Gold and Sterling Sil ver Enameled. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER, GRAHAM, NC. First Class Farm Implements at reasonable prices. , You save) Laboa, ITtms and Money wtterti yes bey Implements that wear well and work wall. The kins) that wm soli. We iastie one of the best and most complete of Farm Implement Cat alogue. It gives price, descrip tions and much tnleresttng Infor mation. Mailed fre upon request. Write for. Hie Implement Co, ' PQt Kast Man St. MCHMONOh - VmOINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Penokig. atarb Wkw, Poultry Netting, eta. Write for pries on any supplies or Farm Implements yon require. Take Your Old Har ness to the TURNER HARNESS CO. and have them rc-fl paired, or better buy a new set hand madea and (raaranteed not to tip or break In ont year, 11 they do, made lood free oi cost tt (yon. Try us once. VV11X D. TURNER, GRAHAM, N LAND SALE, M05DAT,MAY18, 1908, alWs'Hna at will Ml for aMBi m Hi ii hkiiv. in Braraa af asaa IPN tm4 il a ta C4ar SfW. Tovi w Osaaa- CMsir. m4 asawe SaaaiBaiy SuariMI aatoi- Ion To wtti Tm S I lam a . Sierltn- Day rraaeef ItrMwails;, aw saMsl I. adVMBlu MM immf ml Manna Ktmmrj. JtaalteS mn el aw a. Stat eoaaaiata- as Trme So. S tM a. JeT S.siiaua tom rrisf as k-tw ikevaaen erf .el Baa. l4)rtiMBSili m CatBmna. Bi'-y. J" roo4 tana Ma. w4 ear aanw ka. Thia k wU a w rw ta kk4 tHe taaaa 'tm' t. C aaA TA X. W AXJTia, Br"r. af SW i. Walker) BMei a. rarmi ia utm. w '. as . . aT I a W i Vt'-Wl I A a .... I WANT TO SHOW GOODS AND I MUST SELL THEM- . I wilt take in exchange Bacon, Corn, Wheat, Chickens, Eggs, etc., and pay the market price in goods at cash prices. 10 New and up-to-date Dress Goocls. all prices. Sea Island Sheeting 7c. Androscoggin , Bleaching 10c Calico 6c and 7c s per yard. Shoes I Mil for Men, Woaen Ghildr I take cash and Holt-Granite MTfj Co.'s checks - in exenange ior guuus, A. M. HADLEY, , One Price Clothier, v GRAHAM, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS : Need a North Carolina Farm . Paper. "i - One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils - and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels--and at the same time ia wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. SSuch a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Kdited by Clarence H. Pok, with Dr. W. C. Burkett,;ector B. A. & M, College, and Director B. W. Kilgore, of the Agrlcutlural Experiment Station (you know them), as assistant editors (tl a year). If you are alieady taking the paper, we can make no redac tion, butifyou are not. Ukiogit YOU CAN SAVE! 50Ci By sending your order to u That Is to ssy, new Progressive r.rm.r subscribers we will send that paper with Thb Cleaves, both one year lor Si r, regniar price 12.00. Addrsesa T THE GLEANER, Graham, N. C KILLthi COUCH mb CURB tmi LUNGS Dr. King'; WITH low Discovery rno ahOUCH3 WBTTS tun fkaydLOS I'M smb. ' S9e (IJ (SO go. TMSOaT SWB tUW TWCUBtFI. OOAaVABf TXiD BATISF AGXOJSXS OA Jtoif avr airusx" at a as s a SB Bayawfat HaaBaMl.a.'w'. ,T.,ri irrTi mi free i est. am. m. , rxxrirfrrrftT?'i wwrirvywwyg Subscribe For The Gleaner. Only $.00 per year. pOfWXwVoeOrXOOfVwVk?k?wwVv aaiBass at ...'.': asr.w. v : Per cent, off oq all carried-over , Clothing; : : : a ... Headaches This time , of the year, are signals of warning. Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may avs you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion.' A good Tonic. ; An honest medicine Co MEBANE. I N. C. Weak Hearts Ar tote ta4gea. Hlnsry'BSwa af Sew. His a eatoanfle fact eke! afl asart slate, as. iato. at est eaky Sscaatbai a, bat as sk attract seaajlt ef kJeh fata) at nrfwt Of walas (tacaack. rtu S aa sfaiaatl aaart. Thas tsUilin wtat Sa Sm IkBsn. aaS bb k aaaeaaa M vatal ra mr. O. Bjatte. Hi ti 0 aw Wi Bulla em ate km aaa ml hat mm a. aata. I an Kami Oramwasa Car. aaaal rSxtwaiWWYM Ka t Xeu Type, Presses, I I o tid the Know Hotel are producing the beet nanlu in Job Work at resulU ia Job Work at t xai.k xieA,arRH qkfxcx; eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee CASTOR I A. Tor Za&ats aad CLnirea. tlirtl Tea l:nlt t::;'.l Bears the FcasrfaTeot' II I neinDer araxaciim araiaaaalaaa aetatef afl i iiiia."" BaBkaieaaa. SIS Saw hmmm J Skaaa Swaaf - etaa. vc mm Sw SO.. - riayaiisti B.& orrrr ooCSMvSk SJateay aa