Gleaner HE voi;. xxxiv. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. NO. 27 T Alamance m. tills OR TORPID LIVER. ytXend produce , .. SICK HEADACHE, , - PSsallowSkiflandPBes. I common I""' 'TJ.'' mvhr PILLS, as a trial wUI prove. Me No SuDStmiro y BRYAN AND THE F ANTHER. PROFESSIONAL CARDS to. WILL S. MJO, JR. ... OENTlfeT ;. Graham. . . - :, Witw Una OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING IlACOB A. LOSO. ii C v BUB M)NO. LONG & XONO, , Lttorneya and CoTXnejelOrsj at tAvf GRAHAM, N. j'CvV I j. s. o oo:, Attorny?'t-twls 1GRAHAM, - ;-;:' - ; C. Office Patterson Building' ' ; Seoond Floor, i C A. HALLi ; ' ATTORNEY AND OOCNSEIXOB-AT-UW, GRAHAM; N; 0 . : Olfice in the Bank ofAlamance Bulding. up stairs. BUN UM & BYNUM, Attorney and Oovaamelorm at Jjw Fraciice reenlarlf J the csorta of Ala ,nance county. ; ' i: 3 -v Au. I, 1J Trick Mjre oa Bit Nebraska Slates - ... nu fcy Gov Bona. From the Baltlmora American. "Texas hasn't grown so effete and supremely civilized yet as to lose the old-time zest for playing pranks on tender-feet," remarked Judge Prank Sebastian, of Waco. ' "In bygone years the newcomer to oar State who got off without be ing carried On a 'snip hunt' or some other equally futile expedition was in luck. The propensity to 'josh' strangers exists to this day. Only a few years ago the late Gov. J. 8. Hogg perpetrated a trick along these lines on William Jennings Bryan that probably the -Nebraskan has never found out. Bryan was spend ing some time in Austin, and he and the big governor were close friends. -'One day Bryan remarked that there no doubt was big game in the Colorado hills near the city, and if so he would greatly enjoy a hunt conspirators that he never knew when he took deliberate aim and brought down from a live oak limb the decrepit old panther that the whole thing wap a put up job and that the victim 6f his Winchester was a "plant." The governor had the panther stuffed and presented it to the slayer, and Bryan all the while imagined that he had gained fame among the Texans as a mighty hunter." Ten Thousand Idle Cars Set In Motion. From the Philadelphia Press. The Pennsylvania railroad system in the past fortnight has put 10,000 idle freight-cars into active service. mi mere could be no more convincing proof that traffic conditions are headed toward a normal state, after the severe depression. The Pennsylvania traverses the fat of the land, and it represent s more accurately than any other sin gle railroad general trade conditions. It hauls coal and steel, Brain and 'Yea,' indeed, there Is big game.Hordinary merchandise, and all in The September 9a rt Set. iROB'T C. STRUDWICK AttornyatLaw, GREENSBORO Y '. U. Pr.intiraM in the ' courts of Ala- Lance and Guilford counties. OABTORIA. Swathe " MM V "I" wags Ugutam tf the governor answered, but added that it was not so plentiful as in his younger days. A few mountian lions, panthers, bears, and antelope could still be had by the skillful hunter. Hogg was laughing fit to kill all the while in his sleeve, for there was no game fiercer than a rabbit within 200 miles. Bryan was immensely . pleased, and nothing would do but to arrange a hunt. It happened that a local saloon keeper did have a poor old tooth less panther in the rear of his es tablishment, and the owner being let in on the plot, readily turned the brute over to Gov. Hogg. The preparations that were made for the affair would be too long to tell, but almost as much fuss was made over it as of Roosevelt's com ing trip to Africa. Of the fifteen or twenty men who rode out of Austin on splendid steeds and armed to the teeth in quest of savage wild ani mals, Bryan was the only innocent soul. So completely was he duped by the wily Hogg and bis band of huge proportions. Hence its traffic reflects activity or the lack of it alo ng its 11,000 miles of roadway. Between April, when the indue trial and trade depression reached its climax, and the middle of July there were no large reductions in the number of idle cars which filled hundreds of miles of railroad tracks throughout America. But the Pennsylvania's figures, which now show a sudden demand for 10,000 more cars in a couple of weeks, re flect th e general awakening, for cars long idle on other roads are doubtless being oiled up and set in motion. Just Exactly Bight. - "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exactly right," says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least discomfort. Best remedy for constipation biliousness andmalaia. 25c at Graham Drug Co.'s OeWitt'a Little Early RUers, Tee laasoa Ultfe Mils. The first part of Gertrude Ather ton's new norvel "The Geogeous Isle" is the initial feature of the September number of The Smart Set. In this the author surpasses her well known style and shows her power of telling a love-story in strange settings the scene is a West Indian isle and in high lights. As a pleasant contrast follows "The Courage of K ittie, " by Lillian Bell, revealing how a society girl, full of grit and humor, cures and ca ptures a difficult person as a father-law-in. "The Better Right" by Johnston Morton is a strong story with a new and fine motil. Other well-known writers are rep resented in this issue such as Mrs. Luther Harris whose "Particular Parmalee" with its gentle satire on the Brahmin caste of Beacon street will be highly appreciated, and no where more so than in Boston. Jo seph C. Clark contributes a delightful poem, "Awakening," which makes one feel at ho me in the cool forest; John Kendrick Bangs, the well-liked humorist, has also a short poem, "Only a Boy." "Wallace and a Lorelei," by Har ry James Smith, deals with afresh situation in a vein of rare humor and Christian Reid, a favorite writ er, is well represented by, "The Woman in the Case." Other notable stories by Grace Lewis Henley, Marion Hill, Ethel Watts Mumford Grant, Vanderhey den Fyles, Marguerite Tracy, Helen Francis Huntington, Elizabeth Daly and Katharine Metoalf Roof makes this a brilliantly varied fiction num ber and the other poems by Clinton Scollard, Allan Updegraff, Archi bald Sullivan, Edward Wilbur Ma son, Henry Graham, Aloysius Coll, ElBa Barker and Beatrix Demarest Lloyd, sustain the reputation as poets they hare established. The French story by Michel Pro ving is one itowerful nathoa in that exquisite style which nas gained for him the laurels of bis countrymen. Altogether, the September Smart Set more than justifies its title. Trylao II oa the. Mead. September Mm irt 3c. Mas. Parkeb (to husband's friend) You can come rig nt into see Mr. Parker. He's ill in bed. Friknd Is it anything catching? "That's just what we're trying to find out." Caret Bay Fever aad ftauasacr CaleU A. J. Nusbaum, Batesville, In diana, writes: "Last year I suffer ed for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medi cines whioh seemed only to aggra vate my case. Fortunately l in sisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar and it quickly cured me. My wile has since used Foley ' Honev and Tar with the mmo bug cess." Graham Drug CV The supposed grave of Eve is vis ited by 40,000 pilgrims e ich year. It is to be seen at Jeddah, in a cem etery outside the city walls. iaatta Saceeaatally. James Donahue, New Britain, Coon., writes: "I tried several kid ney remedies, and was treated by our best physicians for diabetes, bat did not improve until I took Foley's Kidney cure. Atter tne second bottle I showed improvement, and five bottles cured me completely. I have since passed a rigid examin ation for life insurance." Foley's Kidney Cure cures back-ache and all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. Graham Drag Co. A German scientist has proven that a human heair will suspend four ounces without snapping. It is elastic like rubber. Te Oara.a Cold laiOne Oar Take Laxative Bromo Quin'ne Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.' E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 25c From 800,000 to 1,030,000 peo ple visit the public baths ofTokio daily. There are thousands of pri vate baths also. The city has about 2,000,000 inhabitant. rorce Increased la Shape at Spcaccr. Statesville Landmark. The biggest increase made this year in the force of employes at the Spencer shops of the Southern rail way took effect Monday, when a large number of men were called back into the service after being out five months. The machine and erecting shop forces were increased about 50 per cen while a propor tionate number of additional men were called bck into the boiler shop, blacksmith shop, paint Bhcp and other departments. The correspond ing increase in the number of ap prentices was also made. The men will hereafter work six eight hour days per week. The car depart ment, which formerly worked four days in the honw, will hereafter work five I iyj. The round house is working on full time. This in crease in force means that business has increased on the railroads and the increase of railroad business means improve' business conditions generally. Excclleat Health Advice. Mrs. M. M7 Davidson, of No. 379 GiffordAve., San Jose, Cal says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy for headache, biliousness and torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor, for the benefit of those seek ing relief from suoh afflictions. There is more health for the diges tive organs in a bottle of Electric Bitters than in any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at Graham Drug Co. 50c. The proposed canal across Russia to connect the Baltic with the Black Sea is to cost 1180,000,000 and will be 1,486 miles long. Weak women should read my "Book No, 4 for Womon." It telle of.Dr Shoop's Night Cure. Tells how these soothing, healing antisep tic suppositories, bring quick and certain help. The Book is tree. Address Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. Graham Drug Co. As a general rule a man's hair turns gray five years earlier than a woman's. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Tou Miserable Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures maae oy in. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century; discovered after years of scientific research by Or. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Rright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. -Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case tnar. a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried It, may nave a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and bow to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mentionreading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y-, oa every bottle. emeier Boeae o( SwaaavBoot. Raphael's "Ansidel Mandonna" is the most valuable painting in the British museum, It is valued at $575,000. Served as coffee the new coffee substitute known to grocer's every where as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Pure healthful toasted grains, malts, huts, etc. having been so cleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying coffee tasio and flavor. And it is "made in a minute." No tedious 20 or 30 minutes boiling. Blaokmon & Cothran. A web two and one quarter miles long has been drawn from the body of a single spider. In China it is not possible for a father to leave more property to one son than to another. .This time of the year are siernals of warnine. ' Take Taraxacum Com- Dound now. It ma v av9 you a spell of ; fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine Taraxacum n UUI MEBANE. . N. C. Notice of Dissolution. Whereas. It appears to my satlafaetlon, by duly authenticated reoord of proceedings for the voluntary diasotutlon thorenf, by the un animous oonaent of all the stockholders, de posited In my office, thai Piedmont Building Co., a corporation of this Htato, whose piinct- : Gil okee Is situated in the town of Barllne; n, County of Altmanoe, State of North Carolina ( w. B. Hay belnf the agent therein and in ehatwe thereof, upon whom process may beeervedj, has oompued with the require mnnteof ehaptcrfl, Kevlaalof MUS, entitled 'Corporations." preliminary to the Issuing of tblnOertllloateot Dissolution, Now. Therefore, I, J. IlrranOrlmee.Henre- tarrof Htateof thoHtateof North Carolina, do hereby eerUfy that the said corporation did, on the Sth day of August, MUS, tiled In my ofUee a duly executed and attested oonaeuc In writing to the dissolution of aakl oorpora tion.eiecutcd brail the stucknoldera thereor, which said oonsent and the record of the p mooed lugs aforesaid are now on file la my aald oflloe, as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto sot my hand and aOixed my official seal at ttaielf n, ibis ( day of August A. D. lOR. . J, IIUTAN OBIMKM, Seal Beesetaryof Bute. Foley's Honey mad Tar cure void, prevents pncumoalm. TiUO LOTS GIVEN RMRY FREE ALSO $25.00 IN GOLD Aim! a Free Memer WiU toe Scirvcdl on flUie GroiBiKrJs To ai WHio llW3WWraPtts TOE AUT 24 L Of 1 00 Lots and Several Tracts of Land on TUeSDAy, SEPTejrlSeR 1st, 19O8, at 10:30 A. fll., at AlHIAuVi, UNJo . 1 This nronertvis within the corporate b'mits. about 500 yards East of town, known as the Walker property, '':JmSbSitM prorrtyin town, so with this bright prospect in view,, you cannot afford and is the nignest ana ue&i r, for your hom& Remember, your price is purs and that '?. fe. t tbP Wafa Nothina Via Tsafer S Real Estate and nothing surer to bring you large ta the lucky one and get tSe X 8 and 12 months. Inters on deferred payments. A chance of a. lifetime. u TronrYvnATW MnsiP. Will De iurnLSiieu uy mi ui -iv-xixij av,. nTn DoTotTrgctthe date TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST at 1030 and that TWO (2) lots and $25.00 in GOLD will be given away FREE.' . - '.. - - SUTIXiERK. REALTY & AyST0M . ; f t Armmriv. MnnnfTcri Greensboro. N. C w S3 bLMKMMK !3WHrrw5ffW3

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